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This review gives an overview of the literature on reference materials of geochemical and environmental interest for the two-year period 2008–2009. Reference materials play an increasingly important role in all fields of geoanalytical research. This is demonstrated by the large number of publications containing data on reference materials. Although many reference materials exist, there is still a great need for certified samples, so-called delta zero materials for stable isotopic work and homogeneous microanalytical reference materials. This review focuses on six topics: developments of certification processes of reference materials mainly postulated in ISO guidelines and the IAG protocol, new developments of the GeoReM database, investigations of powdered rock reference materials, Chinese reference materials published in Chinese journals, microanalytical reference materials and isotopic reference materials.  相似文献   

Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS or ion microprobe) remains one of the most powerful techniques in the analytical geochemist’s toolkit. The key strength of SIMS is its capacity to provide trace element and isotope data at sampling sizes which are not approached by other methods. As compared with the main competing technique of laser ablation-ICP-MS, SIMS commonly provides a total sampling mass some 10 to 500 times smaller; this feature can be the deciding factor as to whether an analytical objective is technically achievable. Additional strengths of SIMS lie in the areas of depth profiling and trace element imaging. Though perhaps not as commonly used in the geosciences, these two operational modes represent unique capabilities of SIMS.  相似文献   

This collection of articles represents the fourth in a series of reviews in which authors have aimed at capturing the key advances in a range of analytical fields ( Hergt et al. 2005, 2006, 2008 ). The publication period under review is 2008–2009 and the intention here is to provide readers with a summary of the most influential developments published during this period, across a broad range of topics appropriate to the Earth and environmental sciences. Most authors comment on the ways in which the emphases of research in their specific fields of examination have changed over time. All note an increase in rigour and focus on data quality. Whether advances have taken place in instrumentation, sample manipulation or data deconvolution, there are a large number of dedicated scientists out there contributing to the high quality of geochemical data employed in geological and environmental research.  相似文献   

This review describes developments major and in trace element determination using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry that were reported in 2008 and 2009. Publication levels were comparable to those of previous years, except for XRF which showed an increase in the number of articles published in the past 2 years. In terms of number of publications and impact, the most active field was AAS, while INAA was the least active. As expected for well-established and mature methods, novel developments for all four analytical techniques were relatively sparse. For AAS, the most notable publications concerned developments in sample introduction, particularly focussing on solid samples, increasing analyte sensitivity, and higher sample throughput. For ICP-AES, publication of developments in sample introduction, remediation of matrix effects and calibration continues. Compared with past years, there was a clear focus on sample preconcentration methods, but very few publications reporting new hyphenated speciation methods. For INAA, there were several publications exploring the accuracy and robustness of the method, as well as the requirements for INAA to meet criteria for a primary method of measurement. Two other related techniques, delayed neutron activation analysis, and prompt gamma activation analysis, were also described. Hyphenated XRF techniques showed interesting developments in enabling XRF and XRD analysis on the same spot, and further work characterising and calibrating three-dimensional micro-XRF shows promising results for investigating sample heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Sponsored by: Chinese Academy of Sciences National Natural Science Foundation of China Published by: Science in China Press Chairman: ZHOU Guangzhao (Zhou Guang Zhao) Editor-in-Chief: SUN Shu Executive Editors: CHEN Yong MA Zongjin OUYANG Ziyuan SU Jilan SUN Honglie WANG Pinxian ZHOU Xiuii  相似文献   

Sponsored by: Chinese Academy of Sciences National Natural Science Foundation of China Published by: Science in China Press Chairman: ZHOU Guangzhao(Zhou Guang Zhao) Editor-in-Chief: SUN Shu Executive Editors: CHEN Yong MA Zongjin OUYANG Ziyuan SU Jilan SUN Honglie WANG Pinxian ZHOU Xiuji  相似文献   

It is shown that presence of the Early Precambrian sial crust in the Indo–Atlantic segment of the Earth and its absence in the Pacific has been caused by geochemical differences in the mantle underlying these segments. These differences were examined on the basis of Nd–Hf and U–Pb isotopes in modern basalts. The U–Pb isotope system is of particular interest, since uranium is a member of a group of heat-generating radioactive elements providing heat for plumes. It is shown that in the Indo–Atlantic segment, a distribution of areas of the modern HIMU type mantle is typical, while it is almost completely absent in the Pacific segment. In the Archean, in the upper HIMU type paleo-mantle areas, plume generation and formation of the primordial basic crust occurred; this was followed by its remelting resulting in the appearance of an early sial crust forming cratons of the Indo–Atlantic segment.  相似文献   

In recent years, the modern methods of multi-element analysis of precious metals have attracted wide attention in scientific research and industry. The application and development in the decomposition of samples, separation and enrichment, and modern instrumental analysis of the platinum-group elements (PGEs) and gold in geological and environmental samples have been reviewed. Finally, the tendency of analysis of precious metals is also prospected.  相似文献   

Many decision-making processes in the Earth sciences require the combination of multiple data originating from diverse sources. These data are often indirect and uncertain, and their combination would call for a probabilistic approach. These data are also partially redundant with each other or with all others taken jointly. This overlap in information arises due to a variety of reasons—because the data arises from the same geology, because they originate from the same location or the same measurement device, etc. The proposed tau model combines partially redundant data, each taking the form of a prior probability for the event being assessed to occur given that single datum. The parameters of that tau model measure the additional contribution brought by any single datum over that of all previously considered data; they are data sequence-dependent and also data value-dependent. Data redundancy depends on the sequence in which the data is considered and also on the data values themselves. However, for a given sequence, averaging the tau model parameters over all possible data values leads to exact analytical expressions and corresponding approximations and inference avenues. Information on multiple-point connectivity of permeability arrives from core data, well-test data and seismic data which are defined over varying supports with complex redundancy between these information sources. In order to compute these tau weights for determining connectivity, one needs a model of data redundancy, here expressed as a vectorial training image (Ti) constructed using a prior conceptual knowledge of geology and the physics of data measurement. From such a vectorial Ti, the tau weights can be computed exactly. Neglecting data redundancy leads to an over-compounding of individual data information and the possible risk of making extreme decisions.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This paper reports on the first U–Pb dating of zircons from dacites of the volcanic paleo-edifice of the andesite–dacite complex of the Eastern Zone of the...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONMany experi mental results have indicated thatthe deterioration process of concrete can be dividedinto two stages—the nondestructive stage (stage 1)and the destructive stage (stage 2) ,as shownin Fig.1 ( Wu, 2002 ; Rostam, 1993) . When concrete issubjected to environmental actions ,the inner energyit gains is al most balanced by the released energywhen crackingin stage 1 , while in stage 2 the innerenergy is greater than that released. There are fewremarkable degradation phe…  相似文献   

The global Hangenberg Crisis or Hangenberg Extinction is a mass extinction near the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary. Comprehensive research of petrology and geochemistry on the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary, as exposed in the Nanbiancun auxiliary stratotype section, South China, elucidates paleoenvironmental changes and controls on marine strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and carbonate carbon (δ13Ccarb) isotopes during the Hangenberg Crisis. The new 87Sr/86Sr data reveal a regression in the Middle Siphonodella praesulcata Zone, while the Hangenberg Extinction was occurring in South China. Moreover, the δ13Ccarb data records a negative excursion near the base of the Middle Siphonodella praesulcata Zone that may have been connected with the Hangenberg Extinction. A positive δ13Ccarb excursion, corresponding with the Upper Siphonodella praesulcata Zone, may reflect the effects of a vigorous biological pump. The magnitude of the Hangenberg Carbon Isotopic Excursion in peak δ13carb values and δ13Ccarb gradient in carbonate Devonian–Carboniferous boundary sections of the South China Craton during the Hangenberg Crisis, are a function of depositional water depth and distance from the shore. The carbon cycling during the Hangenberg Carbon Isotopic Excursion had a much stronger impact on oceanic surface waters than on the deep ocean and the δ13Ccarb gradient of local seawater was likely caused by enhanced marine productivity, associated with biological recovery in platform sediments during the Hangenberg Crisis.  相似文献   

Growth lines in the mineralized tissues of living and fossil organisms often exhibit regular patterns that record daily, monthly, or annual cycles. Growth laminations in fossil corals and other marine invertebrates indicate long-term deceleration of the Earth’s rotation, probably largely due to tidal friction, resulting in a decline in the number of days per year over the Earth’s history. Fossils suggest the rate of decline has not been uniform, with the trend between the late Carboniferous and Cretaceous in particular departing from preceding and subsequent periods. However, insufficient data have obscured the nature and cause of the apparent halt in despinning within this time interval. Here we present new fossil geochronometer data that reveal a sustained acceleration in the Earth’s rotation in the early Mesozoic Era, lasting about 90 million years and producing a decrease in the length of day (LOD) at an average rate of about 3 ms/cy. The coincidence of this acceleration with certain geophysical events including the final assembly of Pangaea and a change in the intensity and stability of the geomagnetic field strongly suggests that its cause is rooted in the deep interior of the Earth. A similar explanation has been proposed for observed decadal variations in the Earth’s rotation. Our results suggest large-scale linkage of rotational variation, tectonics, and the geomagnetic field to core–mantle boundary (CMB) dynamics. Furthermore the newly identified acceleration in the Earth’s rotation which began at the end of the Paleozoic, and the geophysical factors that are associated with it, can ultimately bear on the causal mechanisms behind the Permo-Triassic mass extinction.  相似文献   

The problem of the development of the ancient continental crust in the Primorye Region is discussed. It is substantiated by geological and isotope-geochemical criteria: a granite–metamorphic mineral composition of different-aged terrigenous deposits and pelagic cherts, occurrence of arkoses, as well as Proterozoic model age datings of sedimentary complexes and the occurrence of early Proterozoic zircons and monazites. The manifestation of potassium, high-Ba, LREE- and Nb-rich basite–ultrabasite magmatism, typical of Sino-Korean and Okhotsk Ba-bearing nuclears, of lengthy age intervals (Jurassic–Paleogene) in Primorye and the Amur Region is an important criterion.  相似文献   

The Triassic–Jurassic boundary is characterized by strong perturbations of the global carbon cycle, triggered by massive volcanic eruptions related to the onset of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province. These perturbations are recorded by negative carbon isotope excursions (CIEs) which have been reported worldwide. In this study, Triassic–Jurassic boundary sections from the southern margin of the Central European Basin (CEB) located in northern Switzerland are analyzed for organic carbon and nitrogen isotopes in combination with particulate organic matter (POM) analyses. We reconstruct the evolution of the depositional environment from Late Triassic to Early Jurassic in northern Switzerland and show that observed negative shifts in δ13C of the total organic carbon (δ13CTOC) in the sediment are only subordinately influenced by varying organic matter (OM) composition and primarily reflect global changes in the carbon cycle. Based on palynology and the stratigraphic positions of isotopic shifts, the δ13CTOC record of the studied sections is correlated with the GSSP section at Kuhjoch (Tethyan realm) in Austria and with the St. Audrie’s Bay section (CEB realm) in southwest England. We also show that in contrast to POM analyses the applicability of organic carbon/total nitrogen (OC/TN) atomic ratios and stable isotopes of total nitrogen (δ15NTN) for detecting changes in source of OM is limited in marginal depositional environments with frequent changes in lithology and OM contents.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The isotope and geochemical characteristics of Eocene–Oligocene igneous rocks of Western Kamchatka were studied. It was shown that igneous rocks of the Eocene Kinkil...  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(11):1855-1864
The Coquimbo region has been one of the richest producers of Cu, Au and Hg in Chile, and some of the deposits have been mined almost continuously since the 16th century. To assess the potential environmental contamination in this region, the authors measured the concentration of Cu, As, Cd, Zn and Hg in samples of stream and mine waters, stream sediments, soils, flotation tailings, and mine wastes in the Andacollo (Cu, Au, Hg) and Punitaqui (Cu–Au, Hg) districts. The concentration of Hg in the atmosphere in these districts were also measured. Although contamination is strongly controlled by the ore in each district, metal dispersion is modified by the degree of metallurgical processing efficiency as shown by the outdated Cu flotation system at Andacollo (stream sediments Cu 75–2200 μg/g). Conversely, more efficient procedures at Punitaqui resulted in less stream contamination, where stream sediments contained Cu ranging from 110–260 μg/g. However, efficient concentration by flotation of a given metal (e.g. Cu) may lead to the loss of another (e.g. Hg up to 190 μg/g in the tailings at Punitaqui), and therefore, to contamination via erosion of the tailings (downstream sediments Hg concentrations up to 5.3 μg/g). Continued use of Hg for Au amalgamation at Andacollo has led to significant contamination in stream sediments (0.2–3.8 μg/g Hg) and soils (2.4–47 μg/g Hg). Communities in this region are underdeveloped, and decades of inefficient treatment of flotation tailings and waste-rock stock piles has resulted in significant contamination of the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

The geochemical behaviors of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in the hydrothermal system and their inher-ent relationship with the water / rock exchange are discussed in this paper In addition to the temperature con-ditions, the effective W / R ratio is another factor controlling the changes in H and O isotope compositions ofthe altered rock and hydrothermal water. Besides, the application and geological significance of the water-rockexchange theory are also discussed in the light of the H and O isotope compositions and their variation charac-teristics of the mineralizing hydrothermal water and altered rocks from several mineral deposits. Finally, abrief evolutional model of H and O istotope compositions of meteoric and magmatic hydrothermal waters in ahydrothermal system is given.  相似文献   

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