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Banded iron formations of the Iron Ore Group (Archean greenstone belts) of Jharkhand-Orissa region, India host a good number of large iron ore deposits (Fe wt %> 62). Iron ore mineralization of Gandhamardan hill is one of them where iron ores occur in two stratigraphic horizons. One is strictly confined within banded iron formation (stratabound mineralization) with irregular geometry, and show fracture filling and replacement vein-type mineralization along the fringes of hard massive ores of the core. This type of mineralization is exposed along the western slope of the hill. Hard massive and laminated ores dominate this mineralization. The other type occurs as low dipping sheet like body above banded iron formation and covered by laterites forming the top of the hill. Flaky ores dominate this mineralization with formation of hard goethitic crust near the top. Both the mineralizations contain mineralized banded iron formation corestones surrounded by hard massive or flaky iron ores. Hard massive ores are entirely represented by martite-microplaty hematite mineralogy. Hard laminated ores contain microplaty hematite and few martite grains representing early magnetites of the banded iron formation. Flaky ores are high porosity ores produced by leaching of silica, martite and microplaty hematite. Hard goethitic ores are developed due to replacement of martite and microplaty hematite or precipitation of goethite in the pore spaces.  相似文献   

The geological complexities of banded iron formation (BIF) and associated iron ores of Jilling-Langalata iron ore deposits, Singhbhum-North Orissa Craton, belonging to Iron Ore Group (IOG) eastern India have been studied in detail along with the geochemical evaluation of different iron ores. The geochemical and mineralogical characterization suggests that the massive, hard laminated, soft laminated ore and blue dust had a genetic lineage from BIFs aided with certain input from hydrothermal activity. The PAAS normalized REE pattern of Jilling BIF striking positive Eu anomaly, resembling those of modern hydrothermal solutions from mid-oceanic ridge (MOR). Major part of the iron could have been added to the bottom sea water by hydrothermal solutions derived from hydrothermally active anoxic marine environments. The ubiquitous presence of intercalated tuffaceous shales indicates the volcanic signature in BIF. Mineralogical studies reveal that magnetite was the principal iron oxide mineral, whose depositional history is preserved in BHJ, where it remains in the form of martite and the platy hematite is mainly the product of martite. The different types of iron ores are intricately related with the BHJ. Removal of silica from BIF and successive precipitation of iron by hydrothermal fluids of possible meteoric origin resulted in the formation of martite-goethite ore. The hard laminated ore has been formed in the second phase of supergene processes, where the deep burial upgrades the hydrous iron oxides to hematite. The massive ore is syngenetic in origin with BHJ. Soft laminated ores and biscuity ores were formed where further precipitation of iron was partial or absent.  相似文献   

Iron ore deposits are generally described in terms of size, grade and chemical composition rather than the mineralogical and microstructural characteristic of different ore types. It is essential, however, to know the morphology, microstructure and chemical composition of individual minerals for optimum mineral processing. Goethite is reported to occur as a ubiquitous phase in many iron ore types and is particularly abundant in the Precambrian banded iron ore formation of north Orissa, India. Goethite from the Bonai–Keonjhar Belt in Orissa has been examined in terms of its morphology and microstructure in relation to chemical composition. Electron microscopy indicated several goethite morphotypes including botryoidal, nodular, spheroidal, platy, stalactitic and flaky. These different morphotypes display intergranular, intragranular, wedge, reniform, comb, prismatic, cavity-line and bead microstructures. In situ analysis using electron probe microanalyzer indicated a wide compositional variation among the different morphotypes and microstructures. Goethite replacing hematite is generally devoid of deleterious elements while re-precipitated goethite generally contains adsorbed alumina, silica and/or phosphorus. Nodular goethite commonly has a high phosphorus level while botryoidal, spheroidal and platy goethite often contains increased combined alumina and silica. Goethite having a reniform, wedge, intergranular or intragranular microstructure is highly water bearing and cryptocrystalline in nature. During dehydration, bead, comb, cavity-lined or prismatic goethite develop, which are more crystalline and which have a higher iron concentration. Goethite with a wedge, prismatic or bead-type microstructure has a higher adsorption of silica (2–4%), while goethite having an intergranular, bead or prismatic microstructure invariably contains appreciable phosphorus, generally at levels deleterious to processing.  相似文献   

The eastern limb of horse shoe shaped “Bonai Synclinorium” in India hosts Banded Iron Formations (BIFs), consisting of major high grade iron deposits. Phosphorus (P) gets adsorbed in the iron ore by way of ion exchange mechanism of clay minerals and hydrated secondary iron oxide minerals. Its concentration is lesser in hard ores and blue dust types of ores, while the highest in case of lateritic ores. P content reduces with increase in iron (Fe) content in individual ore types. Along the eastern limb, phosphorus content gradually reduces from north to south direction. Since phosphorus is mainly associated with secondary lateritization process, its concentration is very high in top weathered profile and along the weaker zones.  相似文献   

Enrichment iron ore of the Hamersley Province, currently estimated at a resource of over 40 billion tonnes (Gt), mainly consists of BIF (banded iron-formation)-hosted bedded iron deposits (BID) and channel iron deposits (CID), with only minor detrital iron deposits (DID). The Hamersley BID comprises two major ore types: the dominant supergene martite–goethite (M-G) ores (Mesozoic–Paleocene) and the premium martite–microplaty hematite ores (M-mplH; ca 2.0 Ga) with their various subtypes. The supergene M-G ores are not common outside Australia, whereas the M-mplH ores are the principal worldwide resource. There are two current dominant genetic models for the Hamersley BID. In the earlier 1980–1985 model, supergene M-G ores formed in the Paleoproterozoic well below normal atmospheric access, driven by seasonal oxidising electrochemical reactions in the vadose zone of the parent BIF (cathode) linked through conducting magnetite horizons to the deep reacting zone (anode). Proterozoic regional metamorphism/diagenesis at ~80–100°C of these M-G ores formed mplH from the matrix goethite in the local hydrothermal environment of its own exhaled water to produce M-mplH ores with residual goethite. Following general exposure by erosion in the Cretaceous–Paleocene when a major second phase of M-G ores formed, ground water leaching of residual goethite from the metamorphosed Proterozoic ores resulted in the mainly goethite-free M-mplH ores of Mt Whaleback and Mt Tom Price. Residual goethite is common in the Paraburdoo M-mplH-goethite ores where erratic remnants of Paleoproterozoic cover indicate more recent exposure.

Deep unweathered BIF alteration residuals in two small areas of the Mt Tom Price M-mplH deposits have been used since 1999 for new hypogene–supergene modelling of the M-mplH ores. These models involve a major Paleoproterozoic hydrothermal stage in which alkaline solutions from the underlying Wittenoom Formation dolomite traversed the Southern Batter Fault to leach matrix silica from the BIF, adding siderite and apatite to produce a magnetite–siderite–apatite ‘protore.’ A later heated meteoric solution stage oxidised siderite to mplH + ankerite and magnetite to martite. Weathering finally removed residual carbonates and apatite leaving the high-grade porous M-mplH ore. Further concepts for the Mt Tom Price North and the Southern Ridge Deposits involving acid solutions followed, but these have been modified to return essentially to the earlier hypogene–supergene model. Textural data from erratic ‘metasomatic BIF’ zones associated with the above deposits are unlike those of the typical martite–microplaty hematite ore bodies. The destiny of the massive volumes of dissolved silica gangue and the absence of massive silica aureoles has not been explained. Petrographic and other evidence indicate the Mt Tom Price metasomatism is a localised post-ore phenomenon. Exothermic oxidation reactions in the associated pyrite-rich black shales during post-ore removal by groundwater of remnant goethite in the ores may have resulted in this very localised and erratic hydrothermal alteration of BIF and its immediately associated pre-existing ore.  相似文献   

The Nkout deposit is part of an emerging iron ore province in West and Central Africa. The deposit is an oxide facies iron formation comprising fresh magnetite banded iron formation (BIF) at depth, which weathers and oxidises towards the surface forming caps of high grade hematite/martite–goethite ores. The mineral species, compositions, mineral associations, and liberation have been studied using automated mineralogy (QEMSCAN®) combined with whole rock geochemistry, mineral chemistry and mineralogical techniques. Drill cores (saprolitic, lateritic, BIF), grab and outcrop samples were studied and divided into 4 main groups based on whole rock Fe content and a weathering index. The groups are; enriched material (EM), weathered magnetite itabirite (WMI), transitional magnetite itabirite (TMI) and magnetite itabirite (MI). The main iron minerals are the iron oxides (magnetite, hematite, and goethite) and chamosite. The iron oxides are closely associated in the high grade cap and liberation of them individually is poor. Liberation increases when they are grouped together as iron oxides. Chamosite significantly lowers the liberation of the iron oxides. Automated mineralogy by QEMSCAN® (or other similar techniques) can distinguish between Fe oxides if set up and calibrated carefully using the backscattered electron signal. Electron beam techniques have the advantage over other quantitative mineralogy techniques of being able to determine mineral chemical variants of ore and gangue minerals, although reflected light optical microscopy remains the most sensitive method of distinguishing closely related iron oxide minerals. Both optical and electron beam automated mineralogical methods have distinct advantages over quantitative XRD in that they can determine mineral associations, liberation, amorphous phases and trace phases.  相似文献   

Miocene fluvial goethite/hematite channel iron deposits (CID) are part of the Cenozoic Detritals 2 (CzD2), of the Western Australian Pilbara region. They range from gravelly mudstones through granular rocks to intraformational pebble, cobble and rare boulder conglomerates, as infill in numerous meandering palaeochannels in a mature surface that includes Precambrian granitoids, volcanics, metasediments, BIF and ferruginous Palaeogene valley fill. In the Hamersley Province of the Pilbara, the consolidated fine gravels and subordinate interbedded conglomerates, with their leached equivalents, are a major source of export iron ore. This granular ore typically comprises pedogenically derived pelletoids comprising hematite nuclei and goethite cortices (ooids and lesser pisoids), with abundant coarser goethitised wood/charcoal fragments and goethitic peloids, minor clay, and generally minimal porous goethitic matrix, with late-stage episodic solution and partial infill by secondary goethite, silica and siderite (now oxidised) in places. Clay horizons and non-ore polymictic basal and marginal conglomerates are also present. The accretionary pedogenic pelletoids were mostly derived from stripping of a mature ferruginous but apparently well-vegetated surface, developed in the Early to Middle Miocene on a wide variety of susceptible rock types including BIF, basic intrusives and sediments. This deep ferruginisation effectively destroyed most remnants of the original rock textures producing a unique surface, very different to those that produced the underlying CzD1 (Palaeogene) and the overlying CzD3 (Pliocene – Quaternary). The peloids were derived both intraformationally from fragmentation and reworking of desiccated goethite-rich muds, and from the regolith. Tiny wood/charcoal fragments replaced in soil by goethite, and dehydrated to hematite, formed nuclei for many pelletoids. Additionally, abundant small (≤10 mm) fragments of wood/charcoal, now goethite, were probably replaced in situ within the consolidating CID. This profusion of fossil wood, both as pelletoid nuclei and as discrete fragments, suggests major episodic wild fires in heavily vegetated catchments, a point supported by the abundance of kenomagnetite – maghemite developed from goethite in the pelletoids, but less commonly in the peloids. The matrix to the heterogeneous colluvial and intraformational components is essentially goethite, primarily derived from modified chemically precipitated iron hydroxyoxides, resulting from leaching of iron-rich soils in an organic environment, together with goethitic soil-derived alluvial material. Major variations in the granular ore CID after deposition have resulted from intermittent groundwater flow in the channels causing dissolution and reprecipitation of goethite and silica, particularly in the basal CID zones, with surface weathering of eroded exposures playing a role in masking some of these effects. However, significant variations in rock types in both the general CID and the granular ore CID have also resulted from the effects of varied provenance.  相似文献   

Several major iron deposits occur in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF), southeastern region of Brazil, where metamorphosed and heterogeneously deformed banded iron formation (BIF) of the Cauê Formation, regionally called itabirite, was transformed into high- (Fe >64%) and low-grade (30%?2O3, with a higher amount of detrimental impurities, especially MnO, in the soft ore. Both hard and soft ores are depleted in trace elements. The high-grade ores at the Águas Claras Mine have at least a dual origin, involving hypogene and supergene processes. The occurrence of the hard, massive high-grade ore within “fresh” dolomitic itabirite is evidence of its hypogene origin. Despite the contention about the origin of the dolomitic itabirite (if this rock is a carbonate-rich facies of the Cauê Formation or a hematite–carbonate precursor of the soft high-grade ore), mineralogical and geochemical features of the soft high-grade ore indicate that it was formed by leaching of dolomite from the dolomitic itabirite by meteoric water. The comparison of the Águas Claras, Capão Xavier and Tamanduá orebodies shows that the original composition of the itabiritic protore plays a major role in the genesis of high- and low-grade soft ores in the QF. Under the same weathering and structural conditions, the dolomitic itabirite is the more favorable to form high-grade deposits than siliceous itabirite. Field relations at the Águas Claras and Capão Xavier deposits suggest that it is not possible to form huge soft high-grade supergene deposits from siliceous itabirite, unless another control, such as impermeable barriers, had played an important role. The occurrence in the Tamanduá Mine of a large, soft, high-grade orebody formed from siliceous itabirite and closely associated with hypogene hard ore suggests that large, soft, high-grade orebodies of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, which occur within siliceous itabirite, have a hypogene contribution in their formation.  相似文献   

YML铁矿区位于几内亚福雷卡里亚省,富铁矿以条带状赤铁矿和铁角砾岩矿为主。矿区内共发育7条矿体,条带状赤铁矿体6条,铁角砾岩矿体1条。条带状赤铁矿体赋存部位多为向形地段,次级紧密褶皱发育,沿走向和倾向有逐渐变薄和尖灭的趋势;铁角砾岩矿体覆盖于地表,以风化壳的形式出现。矿床类型属复合类型,即海底热液喷气沉积叠加后期构造变质型+风化淋滤型。该区具备铁矿形成和保存的地质条件,且已发现具一定储量、品位较高的条带状赤铁矿和大面积的铁角砾岩分布区,区内铁矿找矿远景较好。  相似文献   

辽宁本溪大台沟铁矿地质特征及找矿标志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁本溪大台沟铁矿为鞍山-本溪铁矿成矿带内发现的首个位于标高-1000 m以下的特大型“鞍山式”铁矿床,含矿岩系为近直立展布的鞍山群樱桃园岩组,包含其内的铁矿体为隐伏的厚板状陡倾斜矿体,矿体埋深1100~1200 m,控制矿体延长2000 m.矿体自上向下可划分3种自然矿石类型,分别为赤铁矿石、赤铁磁铁复合矿石及磁铁矿石.大台沟铁矿床属典型“鞍山式”铁矿床,矿物成分较简单,含铁矿物以磁铁矿和赤铁矿(镜铁矿)为主;矿石结构类型有镶嵌粒状变晶结构、鳞片粒状变晶结构、柱状粒状变晶结构等;矿石构造类型以条带状为主.铁矿石TFe品位平均为29.34%;mFe品位平均为14.63%;矿石中其他元素含量除SiO2较高外,均甚微,SiO2平均含量46.08%.笔者在阐述大台沟铁矿地质特征基础上,总结出大台沟铁矿找矿标志,对于区域内潜在的“大台沟式”(埋藏较深、存在高大磁异常)铁矿床的找寻具有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

河南舞阳铁矿位于华北克拉通南缘.铁山庙式铁矿是舞阳铁矿的一部分,赋存于新太古界太华杂岩铁山庙组表壳岩中.本文根据铁山庙式铁矿中三种不同类型矿石(条带状石英-辉石-磁铁矿、块状辉石-磁铁矿、块状石英-磁铁矿)中磁铁矿的矿物成分、全岩/矿的主量元素及微量元素特征,探讨铁山庙式铁矿床的成因.磁铁矿单矿物成分分析表明,条带状石英-辉石-磁铁矿矿石中磁铁矿的FeOT含量90.6% ~93.1%,平均91.8%;块状辉石-磁铁矿矿石中磁铁矿的FeOT含量90.7%~91.2%,平均91.0%;块状石英-磁铁矿矿石中磁铁矿的FeOT含量92.0%~93.0%,平均92.4%.上述平均值均与磁铁矿FeOT的理论值(93.1%)接近.三种类型矿石的其它元素如TiO2、MgO、MnO、CaO、Al2O3 Cr2O3 NiO等含量均<0.1%,无明显区别,表明该区磁铁矿为含杂质极少的纯磁铁矿,表现出沉积变质成因磁铁矿的特征.矿石中斜方辉石-单斜辉石及近矿围岩紫苏辉石-长石-石英矿物组合,表明铁山庙式矿床经受了高级变质作用,石英、磁铁矿等矿物普遍发生变质重结晶,颗粒粗大,但仍保存原有的地球化学组成.元素地球化学分析显示,三种类型矿石中SiO2 、TiO2 Al2O3、P2O5的含量相近;块状辉石-磁铁矿较其它二者相对贫铁、富钙、镁,这是由于块状辉石-磁铁矿石中富含铁普通辉石和铁次透辉石所致;矿石中TiO2、Al2O3含量都极低,说明该区成岩成矿过程中未受到碎屑物质的混染.三种不同类型矿石的主量元素含量总体上都与世界典型BIF的相近.对于稀土元素,三种类型矿石均具有轻稀土亏损、重稀土富集((La/Yb)PAAS=0.29~0.995<1),La、Eu、Y的正异常(La/La*=1.10~1.89;Eu/Eu* =1.30~2.23;Y/Y* =1.47~1.84),较高的Y/Ho比值(39.7 ~51.3),具有现代海水及高温热液混合特征.因此,我们认为铁山庙式铁矿三种不同类型的矿石是极少受到陆源碎屑混染的化学沉积成因,虽遭受后期变质作用,但仍属BIF型铁矿.  相似文献   

Iron and phosphorite ores are very common in the geological record of Egypt and exploitable for economic purposes. In some cases these deposits belong together to the same geographic and geologic setting. The most common deposits include phosphorites, glauconites, and iron ores. Phosphorites are widely distributed as a belt in the central and southern part of Egypt. Sedimentary iron ores include oolitic ironstone of Aswan area and karstified iron ore of Bahria Oasis. Glauconites occur in the Western Desert associated with phosphorites and iron ores. As these ores are exploitable and phosphorus in iron ores and iron in phosphorites are considered as gangue elements, the iron–phosphorus relationship is examined in these deposits to clarify their modes of occurrences and genetic relationship based on previously published results.Phosphorus occurs mainly as carbonate fluorapatite (francolite). Iron, on the other hand, occurs in different mineralogical forms such as glauconites, hematite, limonite and goethite.In P-rich rocks (phosphorites) no relationship is observed between iron and phosphorus, which in turn indicates that the FeP model is unlikely to interpret the origin of the late Cretaceous phosphorites and the association of phosphorites and glauconites in Egypt. In Fe-rich rocks (iron ores and glauconites) also no relationship between iron and phosphorus is observed. The present work, therefore, does not support the hypothesis that there is a genetic relationship between phosphorus and iron in sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

The BIF-hosted iron ore system represents the world's largest and highest grade iron ore districts and deposits. BIF, the precursor to low- and high-grade BIF hosted iron ore, consists of Archean and Paleoproterozoic Algoma-type BIF (e.g., Serra Norte iron ore district in the Carajás Mineral Province), Proterozoic Lake Superior-type BIF (e.g., deposits in the Hamersley Province and craton), and Neoproterozoic Rapitan-type BIF (e.g., the Urucum iron ore district).The BIF-hosted iron ore system is structurally controlled, mostly via km-scale normal and strike-slips fault systems, which allow large volumes of ascending and descending hydrothermal fluids to circulate during Archean or Proterozoic deformation or early extensional events. Structures are also (passively) accessed via downward flowing supergene fluids during Cenozoic times.At the depositional site the transformation of BIF to low- and high-grade iron ore is controlled by: (1) structural permeability, (2) hypogene alteration caused by ascending deep fluids (largely magmatic or basinal brines), and descending ancient meteoric water, and (3) supergene enrichment via weathering processes. Hematite- and magnetite-based iron ores include a combination of microplaty hematite–martite, microplaty hematite with little or no goethite, martite–goethite, granoblastic hematite, specular hematite and magnetite, magnetite–martite, magnetite-specular hematite and magnetite–amphibole, respectively. Goethite ores with variable amounts of hematite and magnetite are mainly encountered in the weathering zone.In most large deposits, three major hypogene and one supergene ore stages are observed: (1) silica leaching and formation of magnetite and locally carbonate, (2) oxidation of magnetite to hematite (martitisation), further dissolution of quartz and formation of carbonate, (3) further martitisation, replacement of Fe silicates by hematite, new microplaty hematite and specular hematite formation and dissolution of carbonates, and (4) replacement of magnetite and any remaining carbonate by goethite and magnetite and formation of fibrous quartz and clay minerals.Hypogene alteration of BIF and surrounding country rocks is characterised by: (1) changes in the oxide mineralogy and textures, (2) development of distinct vertical and lateral distal, intermediate and proximal alteration zones defined by distinct oxide–silicate–carbonate assemblages, and (3) mass negative reactions such as de-silicification and de-carbonatisation, which significantly increase the porosity of high-grade iron ore, or lead to volume reduction by textural collapse or layer-compaction. Supergene alteration, up to depths of 200 m, is characterised by leaching of hypogene silica and carbonates, and dissolution precipitation of the iron oxyhydroxides.Carbonates in ore stages 2 and 3 are sourced from external fluids with respect to BIF. In the case of basin-related deposits, carbon is interpreted to be derived from deposits underlying carbonate sequences, whereas in the case of greenstone belt deposits carbonate is interpreted to be of magmatic origin. There is only limited mass balance analyses conducted, but those provide evidence for variable mobilization of Fe and depletion of SiO2. In the high-grade ore zone a volume reduction of up to 25% is observed.Mass balance calculations for proximal alteration zones in mafic wall rocks relative to least altered examples at Beebyn display enrichment in LOI, F, MgO, Ni, Fe2O3total, C, Zn, Cr and P2O5 and depletions of CaO, S, K2O, Rb, Ba, Sr and Na2O. The Y/Ho and Sm/Yb ratios of mineralised BIF at Windarling and Koolyanobbing reflect distinct carbonate generations derived from substantial fluid–rock reactions between hydrothermal fluids and igneous country rocks, and a chemical carbonate-inheritance preserved in supergene goethite.Hypogene and supergene fluids are paramount for the formation of high-grade BIF-hosted iron ore because of the enormous amount of: (1) warm (100–200 °C) silica-undersaturated alkaline fluids necessary to dissolve quartz in BIF, (2) oxidized fluids that cause the oxidation of magnetite to hematite, (3) weakly acid (with moderate CO2 content) to alkaline fluids that are necessary to form widespread metasomatic carbonate, (4) carbonate-undersaturated fluids that dissolve the diagenetic and metasomatic carbonates, and (5) oxidized fluids to form hematite species in the hypogene- and supergene-enriched zone and hydroxides in the supergene zone.Four discrete end-member models for Archean and Proterozoic hypogene and supergene-only BIF hosted iron ore are proposed: (1) granite–greenstone belt hosted, strike-slip fault zone controlled Carajás-type model, sourced by early magmatic (± metamorphic) fluids and ancient “warm” meteoric water; (2) sedimentary basin, normal fault zone controlled Hamersley-type model, sourced by early basinal (± evaporitic) brines and ancient “warm” meteoric water. A variation of the latter is the metamorphosed basin model, where BIF (ore) is significantly metamorphosed and deformed during distinct orogenic events (e.g., deposits in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero and Simandou Range). It is during the orogenic event that the upgrade of BIF to medium- and high-grade hypogene iron took place; (3) sedimentary basin hosted, early graben structure controlled Urucum-type model, where glaciomarine BIF and subsequent diagenesis to very low-grade metamorphism is responsible for variable gangue leaching and hematite mineralisation. All of these hypogene iron ore models do not preclude a stage of supergene modification, including iron hydroxide mineralisation, phosphorous, and additional gangue leaching during substantial weathering in ancient or Recent times; and (4) supergene enriched BIF Capanema-type model, which comprises goethitic iron ore deposits with no evidence for deep hypogene roots. A variation of this model is ancient supergene iron ores of the Sishen-type, where blocks of BIF slumped into underlying karstic carbonate units and subsequently experienced Fe upgrade during deep lateritic weathering.  相似文献   

智博铁矿床位于新疆西天山阿吾拉勒成矿带东段,主要赋矿围岩为石炭系大哈拉军山组安山岩、玄武质安山岩和火山碎屑岩.该矿床主要有东、中、西3个矿区,其中以东矿区为主矿区.矿体主要呈层状、似层状、厚板状和透镜状.金属矿物以磁铁矿为主,含有少量黄铁矿、赤铁矿和黄铜矿.矿石构造以块状和浸染状构造为主,此外还有角砾状构造、条带状构造...  相似文献   

鞍钢弓长岭三矿区三种矿石类型的工艺矿物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 矿石的物质组成1-1 矿石的化学成分及矿物组成三矿区矿石的化学成分较简单,碱性系数很低,在0-03%以下;矿石为高硅、贫铁,低CaO、MgO、Al2O3,且有害杂质SO2、P2O5含量低于工业允许值(0-5%)的酸性矿石。随着矿石中FeO含量的降低,CaO、MgO、K2O含量有依次降低的趋势,P2O5及CO2也随FeO降低而逐渐降低。矿石的矿物成分以赤铁矿、磁铁矿和石英为主,其它矿物成分很少,矿石类型不同,主要矿物含量也有差异。根据矿石的化学全分析及电子探针分析结果计算的矿石定量组成见表1。…  相似文献   

新疆赞坎铁矿床位于西昆仑塔什库尔干地块西段,是近年新发现的一个大型沉积变质型磁铁矿床。赋矿岩系布伦阔勒群主要由黑云母石英片岩、斜长角闪片岩、变粒岩、硅质岩及磁铁石英岩等组成。目前探明工业矿体4条,单个矿体长度大于2.5km,矿体厚10~70m;局部见高品位铁矿段(mFe50%),长度达900m,厚度40m左右。矿石类型主要为2种,一种为原生的条纹-条带状磁铁矿(为主);另一种为热液改造形成的块状(高品位铁矿石)及浸染状磁铁矿。矿石稀土元素配分(PAAS)表明,原生条纹-条带状铁矿石Ce和Y元素异常不明显(~1.15、~0.94),Eu具正异常(~1.69),Y/Ho平均值为25,稀土配分模式与沉积变质型铁矿相似。而受改造的矿石中,浸染状矿石具有较高的稀土总量,明显富集轻稀土,La和Ce显示正异常(~1.46、~1.17),Y显示负异常(=0.66~0.72),Eu表现为强烈的正异常(~4.37),稀土配分模式明显不同于原生条纹-条带状铁矿石。矿体围岩斜长角闪片岩(变沉积岩)中的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄为591±1Ma,结合前人对矿区内侵入体的年代学研究(霏细斑岩,533Ma),大致反映沉积铁矿的形成时代为新元古代至早寒武世。电子探针显示,条带状磁铁矿中的TiO_2、AL_2O_3、MgO、MnO含量较低,标型组分含量与沉积变质型磁铁矿颇为接近,在磁铁矿单矿物成因图解中,条带状磁铁矿整体显示磁铁矿为沉积变质型铁矿;浸染状矿石和块状矿石的组成与典型沉积变质型铁矿的偏离反映了后期岩浆-构造热事件对条带状铁矿石的改造;上述结果显示赞坎铁矿整体属于沉积变质型铁矿(BIF)。调查发现赞坎高品位铁矿体与早寒武世侵入的霏细斑岩联系密切,高品位矿石及其围岩发育一定程度的矽卡岩化,如阳起石化、碳酸盐化和黄铁矿化。本文推测高品位铁矿石的成因可能为霏细斑岩的岩浆热液溶解并运移早期沉积变质铁矿中的含铁物质,在构造发育处充填交代形成块状磁铁富矿石。在早寒武世侵入到矿区中部的霏细斑岩体中,同时发育有角砾状磁铁矿和脉状磁铁矿,因此,岩浆热液改造原生条带状铁矿石形成高品位铁矿石的时代应为早寒武世。  相似文献   

西澳大利亚州铁矿分布规律及矿床成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西澳大利亚州铁矿资源主要分布在北部皮尔巴拉和南部的伊尔岗两个太古宙克拉通。皮尔巴拉克拉通BIF型铁矿在汤姆普赖斯山、恰那和布鲁克曼的矿石矿物组合为假象赤铁矿一微板状赤铁矿,马拉曼巴的为赤铁矿一针铁矿,CID型铁矿在罗布河和杨迪矿石类型主要为褐铁矿;伊尔岗克拉通BIF型铁矿在库里阿诺的矿石矿物组合为针铁矿一假象赤铁,比温和曼迪尕的为磁铁矿±假象赤铁矿和针铁矿±赤铁矿。BIF型铁矿为浅生一变质成矿,而CID型铁矿则是先前形成的BIF经侵蚀、搬运、沉积和埋藏作用形成。  相似文献   

Although Mn is one of the major impurities in the economic iron ores from the Bahariya Oasis, information on its modes of occurrence and origin is lacking in previous studies. High-Mn iron ores from El Gedida and Ghorabi–Nasser iron mines were subjected to detailed mineralogical, geochemical, and petrographic investigations using X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared absorption spectrometry (IR), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) to clarify the modes of occurrence of Mn in these deposits and its origin. The results showed that the MnO2 contents range between 0.03 and 13.9 wt.%. Three mineralogical types have been identified for the Mn in the high-Mn iron ores, including: (1) inclusions within the hematite and goethite and/or Mn accumulated on their active surfaces, (2) coarse-grained and crystalline pyrolusite, and (3) fine-grained cement-like Mn oxide and hydroxide minerals (bixbyite, cryptomelane, aurorite, romanechite, manjiroite, and pyrochroite) between the Fe-bearing minerals. The Mn carbonate mineral (rhodochrosite) was detected only in the Ghorabi–Nasser high-Mn iron ores. Since IR patterns of low-Mn and high-Mn samples are almost the same, a combination of XRD analysis using non-filtered Fe-Kα radiations and Raman spectroscopy could be the best way to identify and distinguish between different Mn minerals.Assuming that both Fe and Mn were derived from the same source, the occurrence of high-Mn iron ores at the base of the stratigraphic section of the deposits overlain by the low-Mn iron ores indicated a supergene origin of the studied ores by descending solutions. The predominance of Mn oxide and hydroxide minerals in botryoidal shapes supports this interpretation. The small grain size of Mn-bearing minerals as well as the features of microbial fossils such as spherical, elliptical, and filamentous shapes of the Fe-bearing minerals suggested a microbial origin of studied iron ores.Variations in the distribution and mineralogy types of Mn in the iron ores of the Bahariya Oasis demanded detailed mineralogical and petrographic characterizations of the deposits before the beneficiation of high-Mn iron ores from the Bahariya Oasis as feedstock for the ironmaking industries in Egypt by magnetizing reduction. High Mn contents, especially in the Ghorabi–Nasser iron ore and occurrence of Mn as inclusions and/or accumulated on the surface of the Fe-bearing minerals would suggest a possible utilization of the high-Mn iron ores to produce ferromanganese alloys.  相似文献   

赤铁矿和针铁矿是自然界中最稳定的两种铁氧化物,广泛存在于地球的各个圈层。很多沉积物的颜色都是由它们引 起的,它们的形成和保存具有重要的环境指示意义。实验室中赤铁矿和针铁矿的表征和鉴定手段很多,但受其含量低、结 晶差、颗粒细小难分离等因素的困扰以及某些测试方法自身的限制,能用于铁氧化物定量分析的方法很少。文中就常用的 基于X射线衍射(XRD) 和漫反射光谱(DRS) 的铁氧化物定量方法进行了系统评价。在定性分析的基础上,采用基于 XRD的K值法获得西藏床得剖面红色页岩中赤铁矿的含量为3.81%~8.11%,采用DRS与多元线性回归相结合的方法获得北 大西洋ODP1049C孔12X岩芯段棕色层中赤铁矿和针铁矿的含量分别为0.13%~0.82%和0.22%~0.81%,橙色层中赤铁矿和 针铁矿的含量分别为0.19%~0.46%和0.29%~0.67%。与其它分析结果的比较表明,这两种定量方法在白垩纪大洋红层中的 应用是可行的。但在实际应用时,首先要通过XRD和DRS相结合来提高定性分析的准确性,然后通过综合分析铁氧化物的 预判含量范围和结晶程度来选择合适的定量方法。  相似文献   

The major Gushan iron oxide deposit, typical of the Middle‐Lower Yangtze River Valley, is located in the eastern Yangtze craton. Such deposits are generally considered to be genetically related to Yanshanian subvolcanic‐volcanic rocks and are temporally‐spatially associated with ca. 129.3–137.5 Ma dioritic porphyries. The latter have a very narrow 87Sr/86Sr range of 0.7064 to 0.7066 and low ?Nd(t) values of ?5.8 to ?5.7, suggesting that the porphyries were produced by mantle‐derived magmas that were crustally contaminated during magma ascent. The ore bodies occur mainly along the contact zone between dioritic porphyries and the sedimentary country rocks. The most important ore types are massive and brecciated ores which together make up 90 vol.‐% of the deposit. The massive type generally occurs as large veins consisting predominantly of magnetite (hematite) with minor apatite. The brecciated type is characterized by angular fragments of wall‐rocks that are cemented by fine‐grained magnetite. Stockwork iron ores occur as irregular veins and networks, especially with pectinate structure; they are composed of low‐temperature minerals (e.g. calcite), which indicate a hydrothermal process. The similar rare earth element patterns of apatite from the massive ores, brecciated ores and the porphyries, coupled with high‐temperature fluids (1000°C) suggest that they are magmatic in origin. Furthermore, melt flow structure commonly developed in massive ores and the absence of silicate minerals and cumulate textures suggest that the iron ores formed by the separation of an immiscible oxide melt from the silicate melt rather than by crystal fractionation. Combined with theoretical and experimental studies, we propose that the introduction of phosphorus due to crustal contamination during mantle‐derived magma ascent could have been a crucial factor that led to the formation of an immiscible oxide melt from the silicate magma.  相似文献   

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