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This review documents developments and applications in the field of isotope ratio determination, as reflected in the literature for the Earth and environmental sciences for the years 2008 and 2009. The emphasis is predominantly on applications, reflecting the enormous diversity of problems to which isotopic analysis can now be applied, but viewed in the context of rapid development of new analytical methodologies as significant new drivers of research output.  相似文献   

This review describes developments major and in trace element determination using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry that were reported in 2008 and 2009. Publication levels were comparable to those of previous years, except for XRF which showed an increase in the number of articles published in the past 2 years. In terms of number of publications and impact, the most active field was AAS, while INAA was the least active. As expected for well-established and mature methods, novel developments for all four analytical techniques were relatively sparse. For AAS, the most notable publications concerned developments in sample introduction, particularly focussing on solid samples, increasing analyte sensitivity, and higher sample throughput. For ICP-AES, publication of developments in sample introduction, remediation of matrix effects and calibration continues. Compared with past years, there was a clear focus on sample preconcentration methods, but very few publications reporting new hyphenated speciation methods. For INAA, there were several publications exploring the accuracy and robustness of the method, as well as the requirements for INAA to meet criteria for a primary method of measurement. Two other related techniques, delayed neutron activation analysis, and prompt gamma activation analysis, were also described. Hyphenated XRF techniques showed interesting developments in enabling XRF and XRD analysis on the same spot, and further work characterising and calibrating three-dimensional micro-XRF shows promising results for investigating sample heterogeneity.  相似文献   

This review gives an overview of the literature on reference materials of geochemical and environmental interest for the two-year period 2008–2009. Reference materials play an increasingly important role in all fields of geoanalytical research. This is demonstrated by the large number of publications containing data on reference materials. Although many reference materials exist, there is still a great need for certified samples, so-called delta zero materials for stable isotopic work and homogeneous microanalytical reference materials. This review focuses on six topics: developments of certification processes of reference materials mainly postulated in ISO guidelines and the IAG protocol, new developments of the GeoReM database, investigations of powdered rock reference materials, Chinese reference materials published in Chinese journals, microanalytical reference materials and isotopic reference materials.  相似文献   

This collection of articles represents the fourth in a series of reviews in which authors have aimed at capturing the key advances in a range of analytical fields ( Hergt et al. 2005, 2006, 2008 ). The publication period under review is 2008–2009 and the intention here is to provide readers with a summary of the most influential developments published during this period, across a broad range of topics appropriate to the Earth and environmental sciences. Most authors comment on the ways in which the emphases of research in their specific fields of examination have changed over time. All note an increase in rigour and focus on data quality. Whether advances have taken place in instrumentation, sample manipulation or data deconvolution, there are a large number of dedicated scientists out there contributing to the high quality of geochemical data employed in geological and environmental research.  相似文献   

The first chromatography–mass spectroscopy data on volatiles in diamonds synthesized in the Fe–S–C system with 5 wt % S at 1400–1450°C and 5.0–5.5 GPa indicate the evolution of volatile composition during the diamond growth and, correspondingly, the variation in redox conditions of the reaction cell. A significant role is played by various hydrocarbons (HCs) and their derivatives, the content of which can reach 87%. Our data on possible abiogenic synthesis of HCs (components of natural gas and oil) can result in global recalculations (including climate) related to the global C cycle.  相似文献   


The primary data are presented on gas chromatography–mass spectrometry of volatile material in diamonds from the placers in the northeast of the Siberian Platform. The new data obtained testify to the crucial role of hydrocarbons and their derivates in the processes of diamond formation within the Earth’s mantle. It was shown that the registered variations in the composition of volatile components in the treated diamonds were caused by a combination of processes including the transformation of redox conditions of the crystallization of diamonds.


Eppelbaum  L. V.  Ben-Avraham  Z.  Katz  Yu. I.  Cloetingh  S.  Kaban  M. K. 《Geotectonics》2021,55(1):58-82
Geotectonics - The tectonic–geodynamic characteristics of the North African–Arabian region are complicated by the interaction of numerous factors. To study this interaction, we...  相似文献   

New magnetotelluric data were obtained for the Karabuk profile crossing the Naryn basin–Baibichetoo Ridge–Atbashi basin geodynamic system (Central Tien-Shan). The complex geological–geophysical cross section along the profile provides a good agreement between the surface tectonic structures and the deep geoelectric model. The electric conductivity anomalies revealed as subvertical conductors striking along the flanks of basins may be explained by the zones of dynamic influence of faults and cataclasis of granite.  相似文献   

Late Alpine fissures and fractures in amphibolite-facies basement gneisses at Arvigo (Val Calanca, Swiss Alps) show distinct cm-sized reaction selvages parallel to the fracture walls that composed of subgreenschist facies assemblages produced by the interaction of water present in the fracture porosity with the old high-grade gneiss assemblages. The process of selvage or reaction-vein formation occurred in the brittle deformation regime and at temperatures characteristic of, first the prehnite-pumpellyite facies and then later of the zeolite facies. The vein formation occurred during uplift and cooling at very late stages of the Alpine orogeny. The reaction veins are composed of a selvage of altered gneiss on both sides of the central fracture and a central zone with fissure minerals that have been growing in the open fracture pore space. The central zone of the Arvigo veins contains an early assemblage with epidote, prehnite and chlorite and a late succession sequence of various species of zeolite. The veins of the Arvigo quarry are convincing evidence that fracture fluids in gneiss and granite have the potential to precipitate Ca–zeolite. This is an important find because many fluids recovered from deep continental drill holes and from geothermal energy exploration are found to be oversaturated in respect to a number of Ca–zeolite species. Vein formation during late uplift and cooling of the Alps occurred at continuously decreasing T and at hydrostatic pressure: (1) coexisting prehnite/epidote records temperatures of 330–380°C, (2) chlorite formation at temperature of 333 ± 32°C and (3) formation of zeolites <250°C. In the selvages the prime reaction is the replacement of plagioclase by albite along a sharp reaction front that separates the selvage from unaltered gneiss. In addition to albitisation, chloritisation of biotite is the second important reaction in the alteration process. The reactions release components for the formation of Ca–Al silicates. The water–rock interaction is associated with a depletion of Al, Si, Ca, Fe and K in the altered wall rock. The overall reaction is associated with an increase in porosity of up to 14.2 ± 2.2% in the selvage zone (altered wall rock), caused by the volume decrease during albitisation and the removal of biotite. The propagation of the sharp reaction front through the gneiss matrix occurred via a dissolution-reprecipitation mechanism. Zeolite formation is tied to the plagioclase alteration reaction in the rock matrix, which releases components for zeolite formation to a CO2-poor aqueous liquid.  相似文献   

The Eastern Qinling Molybdenum Belt (EQMB) in central China represents the largest Mo province in the world. Located at the southern margin of the North China Craton, this Mo province is largely associated with Mesozoic granitoids. Here we report Re–Os isochron age of 1761 ± 33 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 2.9) from molybdenite in the recently discovered Zhaiwa porphyry Mo–Cu system within the EQMB. This age coincides with the peak eruption period (1.78−1.75 Ga) of the Xiong'er Group volcanic rocks which unconformably overlie the Taihua Supergroup and are interpreted to have developed on a continental arc. The Re concentrations (1 to 43 ppm) of the Zhaiwa molybdenites are similar to those of typical porphyry Cu–Mo–Au systems developed on continental arcs. The δ34S values of the Zhaiwa ores (2.7–7.3‰, average 5.2‰) suggest that the sulfur was mainly sourced from a magmatic system. The sulfides from the ores yield Sri average of 0.70533, similar to that of the Xiong'er Group (0.70547), albeit higher than that of the Kuanping Group (0.70334) and lower than the Taihua Supergroup (0.70763), suggesting a mixed source. The average εNd(1.76 Ga) of the sulfides from the ores (0.9) falls between the averages of the Taihua Supergroup (ca. − 6.8) and the Kuanping Group (ca. 7.4). The Pb isotope ratios of the ores are similar to, but slightly higher than those of the Taihua Supergroup, reflecting preferential leaching of radiogenic Pb from the Taihua Supergroup by magmatic fluids. Integrated data and interpretations constrain the Zhaiwa Mo–Cu deposit to be a porphyry mineral system developed within a ca. 1.76 Ga continental arc related to oceanic plate subduction beneath the southern margin of the North China Craton. A correlation between tectonic settings and metallogenic types clearly indicate that the Xiong'er Group was formed in a volcanic arc, confirming Paleo-Mesoproterozoic continental outgrowth along the margins of the Columbia supercontinent. The isotopic characterization of the Zhaiwa deposit provides new insights into the enigma of the widespread distribution of large and super-large Mo deposits of EQMB along the southern margin of the North China Craton.  相似文献   

Su Yun  Yin Jun  Shen Hong 《Natural Hazards》2012,64(1):839-851
Studies carried out on the drought process, which can be classed as a gradual disaster, can help us to understand the disaster mechanism and offer strategies for disaster prevention. This paper uses the example of the drought in the Qianxi??nan Prefecture of Guizhou Province from July 2009 to May 2010. Data have been collected from government gazetteers, meteorological monitoring data, and field surveys to build up a sequence of meteorological drought indices. The categorization of the victims?? perception of drought impact, and the stages of drought responses of different subjects (government, social organizations, and the public), has also been examined by the same way. By contrasting the differences between the metrological drought indices, and victims?? perception of drought impact, researchers explored the drought cognition features of victims, social response features, and dynamic relationships between drought development and social responses. The results were as follows: The drought evolution process could be divided into 6 phases, and victims?? perception of drought impact could be divided into 7 phases. They were consistent in time period, and the victims?? perception of drought was subjective and based on their direct experiences. Their response has the characteristics of long term and concentration on a time. The responses of government and social organizations obviously fell behind those of victims, but they were effective and intensive in both timescale and effort. As the drought developed, responses shifted from individual to social responses and from practical to economic, political, and technological responses. On the basis of the results, the author has suggested methods of preparing stakeholders against possible drought risks.  相似文献   

The rhyolitic Plinian eruption of the Chilean Chaitén Volcano, initiated on May 2, 2008, suddenly introduced abundant pyroclastic sediments in the Blanco River catchment area, which experienced important modifications. Before May 2, the river was characterised by gravelly and moderate to low-sinuosity channels crossing a vegetated and locally urbanised (Chaitén City) floodplain. This river, limited by steep and densely forested highlands, was connected with the Pacific Ocean via a tidally-influenced delta plain. After heavy rains in May 11–20, the river discharge increased and triggered several responses including logjam formation and breakage, crevassing, avulsion (and channel abandonment), changes in the pattern and dimensions of channels, and construction of a new delta plain area. In this context, the goals of this contribution were: i) to document the sedimentological processes within a detailed geomorphic framework and ii) to understand the influence of logjams on fluvial dynamics. Upstream of the logjam zone, the deposits are mostly composed of ash and lapilli with abundant palaeovolcanic (epiclastic) sediments, which were produced by dilute currents and debris flows. Downstream of the logjam zone, deposits are composed by ash and lapilli, both pumice-rich and lacking important participation of older (epiclastic) sediments. The abandoned and filled palaeochannel, and the proximal part of crevasse splays experienced transient dilute flows with variable sediment concentration and, subordinately, hyperconcentrated flows. The distal sectors of crevasse splays mostly record settling from suspension. At the delta plain, tephra transported by the Blanco River was mixed with older sediments by tide and wave action (dilute flows). We conclude that immediately after eruption, both geomorphic and sedimentary processes of the river were mainly controlled by a combination of high availability of incoherent pyroclastic sediments on steep slopes, abundant rains, large logs that jammed the river and huge areas of devastated forest. Logjams played an important role in the river response to the volcanic eruption; they were responsible of the marked compositional change recorded upstream and downstream of the logjam zone and its breakage resulted in downstream flooding and avulsion. The likelihood of formation of logjams in rivers draining forested volcanic areas should be considered in the evaluation of volcanic hazards related to Plinian eruptions.  相似文献   

Spinel–sapphirine reaction structures are studied in detail in the sapphirine gedritites which form a small segregation in one of the garnet metaultramafic bodies framing the Aulandzha charnockitic dome (the pre-Riphean basement of the Omolon Massif). It is established that the sapphirine gedritites resulted from the retrograde evolution of the garnet–spinel metaultramafic rocks, the formation temperature of which may have exceeded 900°C at a probable pressure no more than 7 kbar. It is shown that the spinel–sapphirine reaction structures were formed under conditions of elevated O2 potential close to the magnetite–hematite buffer. Subsequent diaphthoresis of the metaultramafic rocks was accompanied by an increase in the H2O potential and decrease in temperature to at least 760°C. This explains the formation of another group of diaphthorites, garnet gedritites, the index minerals of which are sodium gedrite and calcic plagioclase with strong inverse zoning. A comprehensive analysis of the new petrological data and published materials on the isotope–geochronological study of the pre-Riphean basement of the Omolon Massif makes it possible to attribute the formation of the sapphirine gedritites to 1.9 Ga (middle of the second half of the Early Proterozoic, according to the General Stratigraphic Scale of Russia). The unusually high value of the O2 potential calculated for the spinel–sapphirine reaction structures; the unique magnesian–alumina composition of the gedritites; and the extremely high contents of Zr, Ba, Rb, and Hf allow O.V. Avchenko to hypothesize that the protoliths of these scarce rocks were products of weathering crust after orthomagmatic ultramafic rocks. In this case, the calculated parameters for the formation of the spinel–sapphirine reaction structures may indicate that the value of the O2 potential on the Earth’s surface in the Paleoproterozoic corresponded to the magnetite–hematite buffer.  相似文献   


The process of gas exchange of CO2 in the atmosphere–water system and its relation to the daily course of variable fluorescence of phytoplankton is studied on the basis of long-term (2004–2014) measurements during the open water period for Lake Baikal. It is found that the decrease in photosynthetic activity of plankton is almost synchronous to the increase in the CO2 flux from atmosphere to water. It follows from comparison of the spring and summer data with December measurements that the daily decrease in variable fluorescence of phytoplankton is caused by the internal daily rhythm of the photosynthetic activity of plankton.


The paper studies CO2 degassing and controlling factors under the condition of contact metamorphism in the Shuangshan area, southern Tan-Lu fault belt and the method of calculating the amount of CO2 degassing. The results show that the amount of CO2 degassing is controlled by the characteristics of the country rocks, including the thermal conductivity, penetrability, porosity and connectivity. Compositions, size and depth of intrusive rock also have an important influence on CO2 degassing, i.e., they generated numerous cracks in the country rocks, and thus allowed the easy flow and accumulation of fluids. The amount of CO2 flux in contact metamorphism is calculated quantitatively based on the metamorphic reaction and time-integrated fluid flux. The value (0.729- 2.446×10^4 mol/cm^2) of CO2 flux suggests that CO2 was provided mainly by the contact metamorphic reaction. The generation and releasing of CO2 are positively correlated with the degree of metamorphism, and XCO2 in fluids gradually increases from dolomite zone to calcite zone, but in the zone of grossular, fluid flux is the largest and XCO2 sharply decreases due to involvement of magmatic water. This study presents evidence that a large amount of industrial-scale CO2 can be produced during contact metamorphism. On the basis of theoretical and practical studies, a cone model has been proposed to response CO2 degassing for the contact metamorphism, and it can be used to explore CO2 accumulations beyond the oil-gas basins. This model can also be applied to the study of inorganic genesis of CO2 accumulations.  相似文献   

The results of scientific and educational activities of the Chair of Engineering and Ecological Geology in the 2008—2017 period, its structure, scientific and organizing activities, as well as information about state and public recognition of the Chair’s staff works are characterized.  相似文献   

The Algerian margin is a seismically active region, where during the last century, several large magnitude earthquakes took place. This study combines geotechnical and sedimentological data with numerical modelling to quantitatively assess the present-day slope stability of the Algerian margin. Geotechnical laboratory tests, such as cyclic triaxial tests, oedometric tests and vane shear tests were carried out on sediment cores collected on the study area. The liquefaction potential of a sediment column located about 30 km from the Boumerdès earthquake epicentre of 21st May 2003 was evaluated theoretically for an earthquake of M w  = 6.8. We show that thin sand and silt beds such as those described on recovered sediment cores are the main cause of sediment deformation and liquefaction during earthquakes. Numerical calculations showed that the slope failure may occur during an earthquake characterised by a PGA in excess of 0.1g, and also that, under a PGA of 0.2g liquefaction could be triggered in shallow silty–sandy deposits. Moreover, comparison of the predicted slope failure with failure geometries inferred from seafloor morphology showed that earthquakes and subsequent mass movements could explain the present-day morphology of the study area.  相似文献   

Middle–Lower Jurassic terrigenous shales constitute a set of significant hydrocarbon source rocks in the Kuqa Depression of the Tarim Basin. Until recently, however, most investigations regarding this set of hydrocarbon source rocks have mainly focused on conventional oil and gas reservoirs, and little research has been conducted on the formation conditions of shale gases. This research, which is based on core samples from nine wells in the Kuqa Depression, investigated the geological, geochemical, mineralogical and porosity characteristics of the shales, analysed the geological and geochemical conditions for the formation of shale gases, and evaluated the shale gas resource potential. The results show that the distribution of the Middle–Lower Jurassic shales is broad, with thicknesses reaching up to 300–500 km. The total organic carbon (TOC) content is relatively high, ranging from 0.2 to 13.5 wt% with a mean of 2.7 wt%. The remaining hydrocarbon generative potential is between 0.1 and 22.34 mg/g, with a large range of variation and a mean value of 3.98 mg/g. It is dominated by type III kerogen with the presence of minor type II1 kerogen. The vitrinite reflectance values range from 0.517 to 1.572%, indicating the shales are in a mature or highly mature stage. The shales are mainly composed of quartz (19–76%), clay (18–68%) and plagioclase (1–10%) with mean contents of 50.36 wt%, 41.42 wt%, and 3.37 wt%, respectively. The pore spaces are completely dominated by primary porosity, secondary porosity and microfractures. The porosity is less than 10% and is mainly between 0.5 and 4%, and the permeability is generally less than 0.1 mD. These results classify the shale as a low-porosity and ultra-low-permeability reservoir. The porosity has no obvious correlation with the brittle or clay mineral contents, but it is significantly positively correlated with the TOC content. The maximum adsorbed gas content is between 0.82 and 8.52 m3/t with a mean of 3.37 m3/t. In general, the shale gas adsorption content increases with increasing the TOC content, especially when the TOC content is greater than 1.0%. The volumetric method, used to calculate the geological resources of the Middle–Lower Jurassic shales in the Kuqa Depression, shows that the geological resources of the Middle and Lower Jurassic shales reach 667.681 and 988.115 × 109 m3, respectively with good conditions for the formation of shale gas and good prospects for shale gas exploration.  相似文献   

The Sirstan granitoid (SG), comprising diorite and granodiorite, is located in the Shalair Valley area, in the northeastern part of Iraq within the Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone (SSZ) of the Zagros Orogenic Belt. The U–Pb zircon dating of the SG rocks has revealed a concordia age of 110 Ma, which is interpreted as the age of crystallization of this granitoid body during the Middle Cretaceous. The whole-rock Rb–Sr isochron data shows an age of 52.4 ± 9.4 Ma (MSWD = 1.7), which implies the reactivation of the granitoid body in the Early Eocene due to the collision between the Arabian and Iranian plates. These rocks show metaluminous affinity with low values of Nb, Ta and Ti compared to chondrite, suggesting the generation of these rocks over the subduction zone in an active continental margin regime. The SG rocks are hornblende-bearing I-type granitoids with microgranular mafic enclaves. The positive values of ?Nd (t = 110 Ma) (+0.1 to +2.7) and the low (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios (0.7044 to 0.7057) indicate that the magma source of the SG granitoids is a depleted subcontinental mantle. The chemical and isotope compositions show that the SG body originated from the metasomatic mantle without a major role for continental contamination. Our findings show that the granitoid bodies distributed in the SSZ were derived from the continuous Neo-Tethys subduction beneath the SSZ in Mesozoic times and that the SSZ was an active margin in the Middle Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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