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Abstract. The Re-Os isotopic compositions of sulfide ores were analyzed for the Gacun, a volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit in southwestern China, to constrain the timing of mineralization. Sulfide ores from the deposit have a wide range of Re and Os concentrations, varying from 80.2 to 1543.2 ppb and from 0.307 to 8.83 ppb, respectively, and yielded a limited field of high 187Re/188Os and high 187Os/188Os ratios, ranging from 1452 to 3309 and from 5.77 to 13.24, respectively. All sulfide samples yielded an isochron with an age of 217±28 Ma and an initial 187Os/188Os ratio of around 0.52±0.73. The Re-Os isochron age agrees with ages previously constrained by the other isotopic dating of the host rocks and fossil strata for the deposit. The rhythmic variation in 187Os/188Os and 187Re/188Os ratios within massive sulfide zone records a complicated process for ore-forming fluids episodically vented into the brine pool on the Mesozoic seafloor.  相似文献   

Chemical analysis of 60 samples from the Jusa and Barsuchi Log volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry shows that, on average, the Jusa deposit is more enriched in the chalcophilic elements than the Barsuchi Log deposit, whereas the Barsuchi Log deposit is more enriched in the lithogenous elements and Te. In addition, the yellow ores in these deposits are more enriched on average in Cu, As and Mo and the black ores more enriched in Zn, Ga, Cd, Sb, Ba , Hg and Pb relative to each other. Both these deposits are similar in composition to the Kuroko deposits of NE Honshu and may be considered to be analogs of these deposits. The Kuroko deposits, however, contain much higher concentrations of As, Ag, Sb, Ba, Hg and lower contents of Te on average than the Jusa and Barsuchi Log deposits. Based on the higher contents of Te in the Barsuchi Log deposit compared to the Jusa deposit, as well as on textural considerations, it is concluded that the Barsuchi Log deposit is intermediate between the Urals- and Kuroko-type deposits, whereas the Jusa deposit is more analogous to the Kuroko-type deposits. Based on the compositional data presented here, the Jusa and Barsuchi Log deposits may be described as Zn-Pb-Cu-Ba deposits rather than as Zn-Cu-Ba deposits, as the Baimak-type deposits of the west Magnitogrosk zone have previously been described.  相似文献   

The Jusa and Barsuchi Log volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits formed along a paleo island arc in the east Magnitogrosk zone of the Southern Urals between ca 398 and 390 Ma. By analogy with the VMS deposits of the west Magnitogrosk zone, they are considered to be Baimak type deposits, which are Zn‐Cu‐Ba deposits containing Au, Ag and minor Pb. Detailed mapping and textural analysis of the two deposits shows that they formed as submarine hydrothermal mounds which were subsequently destroyed on the sea floor under the influence of ocean bottom currents and slumping. Both deposits display a ratio of the length to the maximum width of the deposit >15 and are characterized by ribbon‐like layers composed mainly of bedded ore and consisting principally of altered fine clastic ore facies. The Jusa deposit appears to have formed in two stages: deposition of colloform pyrite followed by deposition of copper–zinc–lead sulfides characterized by the close association of pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, tennantite, arsenopyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, bornite, native gold and electrum and high concentrations of gold and silver. The low metamorphic grade of the east Magnitogorsk zone accounts for the exceptional degree of preservation of these deposits.  相似文献   

西北地区铝土矿均为碳酸盐岩古风化壳沉积型,其主要矿床式有:新疆阿依里式,分布于塔里木地块北缘西段,形成于晚石炭世;陕西天桥则式,分布于鄂尔多斯地块的东缘北段、南缘东段,形成于晚石炭世;甘肃大台子式,分布于鄂尔多斯地块的西缘南段,形成于早二叠世;陕西关坪式,分布于扬子地块北缘,形成于中二叠世。对比分析表明,西北已知有铝土...  相似文献   

郑志强  林东燕 《福建地质》2007,26(4):222-228
通过对闽西南地区石炭纪—早二叠世主要块状硫化物矿床的区域成矿背景、贮矿层位特征以及矿石矿物成分、结构构造,硫同位素地球化学特征、成矿温度等分析研究,指出该地区石炭纪—早二叠世块状硫化物矿床的形成多与海底火山活动有关,贮矿层中伴有典型的喷流沉积岩—硅质岩,并提出闽西南地区块状硫化物矿床存在海底喷流-沉积成矿作用的新认识。  相似文献   

叶锡芳 《西北地质》2014,47(1):208-220
对浙江萤石矿床类型、空间分布及其与大地构造关系、成矿温度、成矿时代、成矿流体等特征进行了总结,并对其形成机制进行了探讨。指出浙江萤石矿的形成可能与深部年龄为80 Ma的岩体有关,成矿作用发生在太平洋板块快速扩张俯冲之后的减速松弛阶段;成矿流体为幔源流体、变质水、岩浆水及大气降水的混合流体;萤石矿的富化经历了多次溶解与沉淀的反复过程。提出了流体-地层-岩体-断裂控制的“四位一体”的成矿模式。  相似文献   

The Hongtoushan copper–zinc deposit is the only large Archean volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit in China. This paper presents new information on the timing of metallogenesis and metamorphism of the deposit, including new cathodoluminescence (CL) images, and Th U?1 and LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dating on zircons of the biotite–plagioclase gneiss and plagioclase–amphibole gneiss that host the deposit. The CL images and Th U?1 ratios indicate that the zircons within the gneiss are of metamorphic origin. LA–ICP–MS dating of the plagioclase–amphibole gneiss yielded the upper intercept ages of 2549 Ma, and the biotite–plagioclase gneiss yielded the upper intercept ages of 2552 Ma and 2550 Ma correspondingly, indicating that the mineralization of the deposit occurred at around 2550 Ma. The rims of zircons within these host rocks yielded younger U–Pb ages at 2529, 2520 and 2515 Ma, identical to the age of felsic intrusive rocks in the study area. This suggests that the Hongtoushan VMS deposit underwent initial metamorphism and deformation at around 2520 Ma by the intrusion of granite magmas.  相似文献   

A Preliminary Review of Metallogenic Regularity of Silver Deposits in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China has widely distributed silver deposits,and is rich in silver resources.Although silver deposits are mainly associated with Pb-Zn deposits,a number of independent silver deposits have also been discovered in recent years.Silver deposits include different types,such as submarine volcanism and continental volcanism related type,intrusion related type,and sedimentary related type.This study summarized the metallogenic regularity of China’s silver deposits systematically based mainly on the data from 490 silver deposits.It is shown that submarine volcanic sedimentary type,continental volcanic or sub-volcanic type,skarn type,hydrothermal type(including vein type and stratabound type),sedimentary metamorphic type,sedimentary type and regolith type should be regarded as the most important prediction types of silver deposit.A total of 32 silver mineralization belts and 111 silver concentration areas have been delineated.The map of "Spatial distribution of silver mineralization belts in China" and other series of maps finished in this study may provide a theoretical basis for the evaluation and prognosis of silver resources potential in China.  相似文献   

中国银矿的资源特征及成矿规律概要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国银矿资源丰富,成矿地质条件优越,主要以共伴生为主,近年来独立银矿找矿也取得一些进展。本文系统搜集了国内外银矿数量与规模、储量和分布等内容,梳理了中国银矿资源分布及储量分布规律,总结了中国银矿资源特点。在对全国490处银矿矿产地资料系统梳理的基础上,深入总结了中国银矿的成矿规律,划分了海相火山沉积型、陆相火山次火山岩型、矽卡岩型、热液型(脉型和层控型)、沉积变质型、沉积型和新生风化淋积型等7个银矿预测类型,其中前4个应该作为重点预测类型,并划分出32个成银带,编制了"中国成银带分布图",为中国银矿资源潜力评价和勘查部署提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

中国锑矿成矿规律概要   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王永磊  徐珏  张长青  王成辉  陈郑辉  黄凡 《地质学报》2014,88(12):2208-2215
锑是中国的优势矿种之一.本文对中国锑矿床的成矿地质背景、赋矿围岩、控矿构造和成矿时代等进行了综合分析,简要总结了中国锑床的分布特征与成矿规律,同时提出了一些科学问题.中国锑矿床类型多,在时间上主要形成于中生代和新生代,且目前尚未发生有锑矿床形成于显生宙前,在空间上集中分布在西南天山、小兴安岭-张广才岭、昆仑-秦岭、长江中下游、藏北、藏南、西南三江、滇黔桂、江南隆起、湘中-桂中北、南岭、东南沿海等12个成锑带.当前需要从区域尺度来探讨锑矿床的形成机制,加强成矿规律和成矿系列的研究,从而实现锑矿资源的再发现.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Ashele Cu-Zn deposit is a recently discovered volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit in Xinjiang, Northwestern China. It is the largest Cu-Zn deposit in this type of deposits in China, which were formed in the early period of later Palaeozoic Era. This deposit is hosted within a suit of bimodal submarine volcanic rocks of the Ashele Formation of Lower-Middle Devonian System formed in an environment of paleocontinental margin rift setting. Lensoid orebodies occur between spilitic rocks developed at footwall and quartz-keratophyric tuff at hanging wall. Zonation of metal elements in the Ashele mine is one of typical volcanic-related exhalative Cu-Zn sulfide deposits in the world. Black ores enriched in Pb, Zn and Ag occurs on the top of the No. 1 orebody in the Ashele deposit, yellow ores enriched in Cu in the middle part, and the chalcopyritization stringer below the massive sulfide ores. Zonation of ore-structure in the No. 1 orebody is also apparent and corresponds to the zoning of elements, i. e. lamellar and/or banded sulfide-sulfate ores on the top, massive sulfide ores in the middle, and stockwork veinlets associated with altered breccia pipe on the bottom. Four epochs of mineralization in the Ashele deposit has been recognized. The first period of syngenetic-exhalative deposition of sulfides is the main epoch of mineralization, and the ores deposited subsequently subjected to thermo-metamorphism at the second epoch, superimposed by hydrothermal mineralization at the third epoch, and weathered or oxidized at the fourth epoch.
More than 100 categories of minerals have been recognized in the Ashele mine, but only pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, galena, barite, quartz, chlorite, sericite, and calcite are dominant, making up various types of ores, and alteration pipes or horizons. Studies of ore petrology suggest that the massive ores were volcanogenic and deposited by exhalative process.  相似文献   

寿立永 《西北地质》2018,51(3):185-191
石墨矿是具有重要发展前景的原材料矿产。笔者对陕西省石墨矿床类型、成矿时代、矿床成因进行了分析归纳,认为陕西省石墨矿产资源具有类型齐全、矿石质量有明显差异的特点。对陕西省石墨矿典型矿床进行了分析,对成矿规律进行了总结,认为区域变质型为晶质石墨矿重要成因类型,岩浆作用、混合岩化作用对石墨矿物片度增大有促进作用;接触变质型为隐晶质石墨重要成因类型,矿体分布在岩体外接触带,规模较小。根据成矿条件对陕西省石墨矿成矿区带进行了划分,指出了陕西省石墨矿进一步找矿方向。  相似文献   

通过2009年西安Ni-Cu(Pt)岩浆矿床国际学术研讨会和近10年来的勘查研究现状,可以看出岩浆硫化物矿床勘查领域的发展趋势为:与大型层状岩体有关的铂族矿床仍然受到关注;Sudbury矿床的特殊性和不可参照性取得了共识;小岩体矿床是勘查研究的主流;通道成矿作用受到重视。以大型层状岩体Bushveld为例,介绍了其中的Merensky矿层、UG-2矿层和北翼接触带的Platreef矿床。由于中国没有发现这种大型层状岩体,因此应当重视那些中小型层状岩体中可能赋存的铂族矿床。迄今为止,除了Sudbury矿床这个特殊的实例之外,国内外所有具有经济意义的Ni-Cu矿床都寄生于小岩体中并自成一个成矿系统。这个小岩体成矿系统包含成矿背景、邻近深大断裂、原始岩浆、先导性岩浆成岩作用、继发性岩浆成矿作用以及深部熔离-分期贯入-终端岩浆房聚集成矿等。近10年的勘查实践进一步说明,这类小岩体矿床仍是中国今后的主要勘查研究方向。最后,介绍了Noril sk-Talnakh和Voisey s Bay矿床的深部熔离-通道成矿机制,这种机制增添了小岩体成矿作用的多样性;但是,其现存空间是开放性岩浆通道还是封闭性终端岩浆房,还有待更多的研究和实践。  相似文献   

刘兵 《西北地质》2014,(4):264-268
阿尔金山北缘喀腊达坂地区位于红柳沟-拉配泉弧后盆地(裂谷)内,中酸性火山岩及近东西向断裂构造十分发育,在喀腊达坂断裂分布的褐铁矿化、黄钾铁矾蚀变带内已发现多处地质特征相似的铅锌矿床;通过分析喀腊达坂铅锌矿床地质特征,认为该区铅锌矿床均属火山成因块状硫化物型;。分析了该区的控矿因素,总结了找矿标志,认为该区硫化物型铅锌矿具有优越的成矿条件和巨大的找矿前景。  相似文献   

秦燕  王成辉  王登红  王岩  黄凡 《地球学报》2023,44(4):581-598
成矿年代研究对于金矿成矿规律总结和找矿勘查工作具有重要意义。本文系统整理了全国610个大、中、小型金矿的近4000个成岩、成矿年代学数据(数据来源为截至2021年12月公开发表的相关文献资料)。在此基础上, 划分了我国金矿7个主要成矿期, 即新太古代—古元古代成金期(五台期)、中元古代—新元古代成金期(晋宁—雪峰期)、早古生代成金期(加里东期)、晚古生代成金期(海西期)、早中生代成金期(印支期)、晚中生代成金期(燕山期)和新生代成金期(喜马拉雅期); 文章探讨了我国不同地质时期金矿的分布特征、矿床类型和成矿环境。研究结果表明, 中国金矿床在各个地质时期都有产出, 最早的金矿形成于太古宙, 燕山期是我国金矿成矿的高峰期(主要集中于105~145 Ma), 其次为印支期。同时, 近年来的同位素年代学资料表明, 喜马拉雅期金矿不断被发现, 也是我国金矿重要的成矿期之一。总结出中国不同时代金矿的特点为: 成矿强度老弱新强、叠加成矿时间跨度大、新生代金矿资源潜力大。  相似文献   

Abstract: The Antique ophiolite, located in Panay island (west‐central Philippines), corresponds to several tectonic slices within the suture zone between the Philippine Mobile Belt (PMB) and the North Palawan Block (NPB). It includes dismembered fragments of a basaltic sequence, dominantly pillow‐lavas with minor sheet flows, rare exposures of sheeted dikes, isotropic gabbros, subordinate layered mafic and ultramafic rock sequences and serpentinites. Most of the ophiolite units commonly occur as clasts and blocks within the serpentinites, which intrude the whole ophiolitic body, as well as, the basal conglomerate of the overlying Middle Miocene sedimentary formation. The volcanic rock sequence is characterized by chemical compositions ranging from transitional (T)‐MORB, normal (N)‐MORB and to chemistry intermediate between those of MORB and island arc basalt (IAB). The residual upper mantle sequence is harzburgitic and generally more depleted than the upper mantle underlying modern mid‐oceanic ridges. Calculations using whole‐rock and mineral compositions show that they can represent the residue of a fertile mantle source, which have undergone degrees of partial melting ranging from 9‐22.5 %. Some of the mantle samples display chondrite‐nor‐malized REE and extended multi‐element patterns suggesting enrichments in LREE, Rb, Sr and Zr, which are comparable to those found in fore‐arc peridotites from the Izu‐Bonin‐Mariana (IBM) arc system. The Antique ultramafic rocks also record relatively oxidizing mantle conditions (Δlog fO2 (FMQ)=0.9‐3.5). As a whole, the ophiolite probably represents an agglomeration of oceanic ridge and fore‐arc crust fragments, which were juxtaposed during the Miocene collision of the PMB and the NPB. The intrusion of the serpentinites might be either coeval or subsequent to the accretion of the oceanic crust onto the fore‐arc. Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits occur either in or near the contact between the pillow basalts and the overlying sediments or interbedded with the sediments. The morphology of the deposits, type of metals, ore texture and the nature of the host rocks suggest that the formation of the VMS bodies was similar to the accumulation of metals around and in the subsurface of hydrothermal vents observed in modern mid‐oceanic ridge and back‐arc basin rift settings. The podiform chromitites occur as pods and subordinate layers within totally serpentinized dunite in the residual upper mantle sequence. No large coherent chromitite deposit was found since the host dunitic rocks often occur as blocks within the serpentinites. It is difficult to evaluate the original geodynamic setting of the mineralized bodies since the chemistry of the host rocks were considerably modified by alteration during their tectonic emplacement. A preliminary conclusion for Antique is that the VMS is apparently associated with a primitive tholeiitic intermediate MORB‐IAB volcanic suite, the chemistry of which is close to the calculated composition of the liquid that coexisted with the podiform chromitites.  相似文献   

Deep-seated magmatic liquation-injection deposits form a major type of magmatic sulfide deposit in China. The reserves of nickel and copper in this type of deposit may attain several hundred thousand tons (e.g.Hongqi 7 and Karatunggu) to nearly ten million tons (e.g.Jinchuan). Those deposits can be classified as large or superlarge deposits. The ore grade is relatively high, commonly with w(Ni)>1 %.The mineralized intrusions are small in size, generally only 0.0n km2 to 0.n km2, with the largest one not exceeding a few km2. Before intruding, the primary magmas have undergone liquation and partial crystallization at depth; as a result, the magmas have partitioned into barren magma, ore-bearing magma, ore-rich magma and ore magma, which then ascended and injected into the present locations once or multiple times, to form ore deposits. The above-mentioned mineralizing process is known as deep-seated magmatic liquation-injection mineralization. The volume of the barren magma is generally much larger than those of the ore-bearing magma, ore-rich magma and ore magma. In the ascending process, most of the barren magma intruded into different locations or outpoured onto the ground surface, forming intrusions or lava flows. The rest barren magma, ore-bearing magma, ore-rich magmaand ore magma may either multiple times inject into the same place in which rocks and ores are formed or separately inject into different spaces to form rocks and ores. Such deep-seated magmatic liquation-injection deposits have a much smaller volume, greater ore potential and higher ore grade than those of in-situ magmatic liquation deposits. Consequently, this mineralizing process leads to the formation of large deposits in small intrusions.  相似文献   

华北陆块是我国最重要的铁矿资源分布区之一, 在目前铁矿资源对外依存度居高不下的背景下, 深化铁矿成矿规律研究和找矿勘查工作迫在眉睫。本文以矿床成矿系列理论为指导, 以地质年代为界线, 结合对华北陆块构造演化的研究进展, 厘定出6个铁矿床成矿系列: ①华北陆块与太古宙海相火山-沉积变质作用有关的Fe矿床成矿系列(组); ②华北陆块东部与古元古代岩浆、火山-沉积变质作用有关的Fe矿床成矿系列(组); ③华北陆块北部与中元古代构造旋回岩浆-沉积作用有关的Fe、Ti、V矿床成矿系列(组); ④华北陆块东部与新元古代岩浆-沉积作用有关的Fe矿床成矿系列(组); ⑤华北陆块与古生代火山-沉积、沉积作用有关的Fe矿床成矿系列(组); ⑥华北陆块中东部与燕山期岩浆作用有关的Fe矿床成矿系列(组)。六个矿床成矿系列构成了较为完整的铁矿成矿谱系, 通过对华北铁矿成矿系列系统的研究总结, 认为找矿工作应聚焦于地质单元、时间、地质作用、有用组分、矿床类型组合五个维度, 而矿床式作为典型矿床深入研究后高度概括的成果, 对找矿工作也有很大启发意义, 对于白云鄂博、陈台沟、司家营、杏山等重点矿山构造的重新认识, 有助于实现进一步找矿突破。  相似文献   

Epithermal Gold Mineralization in Chinese Tianshan Province   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTIONTheTianshanrange ,locatedwithintheXinjiangUygurAutonomousRegionofNorthwestChina ,extendsforabout2 5 0 0kminanE Wdirectionandhasawidthof 5 0 0km .AsoneofthemajorPaleozoicorogensintheworld ,Tianshanhasagreatpotentialforgoldmineralizationwithmineralizi…  相似文献   

块状硫化物矿床成矿构造环境研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对VHMS型、SEDEX型和VSHMS型3种块状硫化物矿床近年来成矿构造环境研究进展进行了较全面的回顾.其中,VHMS型块状硫化物矿床重点对弧间裂谷及弧后盆地构造环境下矿床时空演化及分布规律、古代VHMS型块状硫化物矿床全球对比认识及沟-弧-盆体系下现代海底块状硫化物研究热点地区的岩石类型、组合及岩浆演化规律进行了总结;SEDEX型块状硫化物矿床重点对澳大利亚北部元古代SEDEX型块状硫化物矿床集中区近年来成矿动力学背景研究进展进行了介绍.指出该区巨大的SEDEX型矿床成矿构造环境不是以往认为的被动大陆边缘裂谷,而是汇聚板块地球动力学背景之下远离弧后的大陆拉张盆地.尤其值得关注的是不仅元古界SEDEX型矿床如此,而且那些古生代的典型SEDEX型矿床(如沙利文,红狗矿床)同样被认为具有相同的产出构造背景.同时认为此种构造背景形成的SEDEX型矿床具有更大的找矿价值;VSHMS型矿床是近十年来逐渐得到重视的一类块状硫化物矿床,矿化特征及成矿作用与以上两类矿床相似,但其成矿构造环境应当位于上述两类矿床的过渡部位,对构造环境判断具有重要的指示意义.因此,在汇聚板块动力学背景下,上述3种块状硫化物矿床,自板块边缘岛弧一侧向远离板块边缘的大陆内部,构成了一个很好的矿床分带或成矿序列,即从VHMS型→VSHMS型→SEDEX型.   相似文献   

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