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The Xingshan porphyry Mo deposit is located in the Lesser Xing’an Range–Zhangguangcai Range metallogenic belt, NE China. Mineralization occurred in granodioritic porphyry and monzogranite, which have zircon U–Pb ages of 171.7 ± 2.2 Ma and 170.9 ± 4.6 Ma, respectively. Molybdenite Re–Os dating indicates that Mo mineralization occurred at 167.3 ± 2.5 Ma. These geochronological data suggest that the magmatic and hydrothermal activities of the Xingshan Mo deposit happened during the Middle Jurassic in Mesozoic. Positive εHf values (6.2–11.6) and young TDM2 (473–826 Ma) of the monzogranite (XS-3) and granodioritic porphyry (XS-5) indicate that the source materials of Xingshan ore-bearing rocks are the juvenile crust, which mainly accreted on the Songnen block during the Meso-Neoproterozoic. Xingshan porphyry Mo deposits resulted from the magmatism and tectonism induced by the subduction of Paleo-Pacific Ocean. 相似文献
西藏中冈底斯成矿带查个勒铅锌矿床含矿斑岩年代学及其地质意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
查个勒铅锌矿床是西藏中冈底斯成矿带中段新发现的一个大型斑岩-矽卡岩型矿床,但其成岩成矿时代一直缺乏年代学约束。本文对该矿床含矿斑岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年、辉钼矿Re-Os定年、主量和微量元素分析及Sr-Nd-Hf同位素组成研究,获得中冈底斯成矿带中段铜钼铅锌银矿化时代。含矿斑岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为64.6~62.9 Ma,代表岩浆的结晶年龄;辉钼矿Re-Os等时线年龄为(62.3±1.4)Ma,代表查个勒主成矿年龄,与其构造岩浆事件一致;结合区域林子宗群大规模火山活动(65~45 Ma)以及以亚贵拉铅锌矿床(68.6~ 65.0 Ma)为代表的成矿作用,表明在印度与欧亚大陆主碰撞过程中均可产生不同规模的成矿作用。查个勒含矿斑岩具富硅、富钾,贫钛、贫磷特征,铝饱和指数(A/CNK)为1.12 ~ 1.60,富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Th、U,亏损高场强元素Nb、Zr等,与冈底斯成熟大陆地壳物质相比具相对高的εNd(t)值(-6.64 ~ -5.79)和相对低的(87Sr/86Sr)i值(0.711 813~0.717 307),并具不均一的锆石εHf(t)值(-7.02~-1.27)以及古老的锆石Hf同位素地壳模式年龄(TCDM=1 093~1 419 Ma),属于过铝质S型花岗岩类。本文认为中冈底斯成矿带中段古新世岩浆活动和成矿作用,很可能与雅鲁藏布江洋盆闭合之后的印-亚大陆碰撞诱发幔源岩浆底侵导致的冈底斯地体古老地壳物质部分熔融有关,岩浆在上升过程中有不同程度的分离结晶。 相似文献
华北克拉通北缘白乃庙组变质火山岩锆石定年与岩石地球化学特征 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
白乃庙组绿片岩是白乃庙铜金矿床赋存层位,矿区构造上位于华北克拉通北缘古生代陆缘增生带内。岩石学、岩石地球化学特征指示该绿片岩原岩为中基性火山岩。对白乃庙组变质火山岩的锆石LA-MC-ICP-MS UPb年代学研究表明,该火山岩形成年龄为449±3Ma(n=33,MSWD=4.0),为晚奥陶世岩浆活动的产物。白乃庙组变质火山岩具有低的SiO2(43.47%~54.64%)、TiO2(0.60%~1.31%)和P2O5(0.08%~0.35%),宽的MgO(3.98%~12.99%)含量,属于钙碱性系列岩石,岩石富集大离子亲石元素K、Sr等,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta,Zr、Hf也表现为轻微的亏损。轻重稀土分馏明显,具有不同程度的Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.7~1.2)和轻微负的Ce异常(Ce/Ce*=0.74~1.01)。岩石地球化学特征表明白乃庙变质火山岩经历了一定程度的结晶分异,橄榄石和单斜辉石为主要的结晶相。该变质火山岩具有较低的Ti/Y(2.5~5.0)和Zr/Y(189~355)值、低的176 Hf/177 Hf比值和较宽的εHf(t)值,暗示源区可能为岩石圈地幔,且受到了地壳的混染。Nb和Ta强烈亏损、极低的Nb/Ta值(0.08~1.09)以及Ce的负异常表明与大洋板块的俯冲作用有关,岩浆源区可能已受到俯冲组分的影响。构造环境判别显示白乃庙变质火山岩为与消减作用有关的大陆弧岩浆岩。锆石二阶段Hf模式年龄(tDM2)变化范围为1073~1470Ma,平均值为1285Ma(n=30),暗示华北板块北缘在中—新元古代时期曾发生过一次重要的构造热事件。 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(1):55-75
The Laojiagou Mo deposit is a newly discovered porphyry Mo deposit located in the Xilamulun Mo metallogenic belt, Northeast China. Mo mineralization mainly occurred within the monzogranite and monzogranite porphyry. Re–Os isochron dating of molybdenites indicate a mineralization age of 234.9 ± 3.1 Ma. Zircon LA–ICP–MS U–Pb analysis for monzogranite porphyry and monzogranite yield 206Pb/238U ages of 238.6 ± 1.8 and 241.3 ± 1.5 Ma, respectively, indicating that Laojiagou Mo mineralization is related to Middle Triassic magmatism. Hf isotopic compositions of zircons from both monzogranite porphyry and monzogranite are characterized by positive εHf(t) values [εHf(t) = 2.9–7.3 and 1.5–7.9, respectively] and young TDM2 model ages, which implies that the magma was derived from juvenile crust created during accretion of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Identification of the Laojiagou Mo deposit adds another important example of Triassic Mo mineralization in the Xilamulun Mo metallogenic belt where most Triassic Mo deposits in northeast China cluster around the northern margin of North China Craton. Based on the regional geological setting and geochronological and Hf isotope characteristics, we propose that Triassic Mo deposits and related magmatic rocks in northeast China formed during the last stages of evolution of the CAOB. These deposits formed during post-collisional extension after the closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean and amalgamation of the North China–Mongolian Block with the Siberian Craton. 相似文献
华北克拉通北缘及邻区印支期岩浆活动与钼和金成矿作用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对华北克拉通北缘及邻区19处钼矿床和5处金矿床的产出环境、形成时代和成矿机理及其与印支期侵入岩的关系进行了讨论。尽管各个矿床所处的地理位置不同,但是它们大都在前寒武纪或早古生代地层中产出,并且与印支期侵入岩具有密切的时空分布关系。印支期钼矿床的形成作用可以从早三叠世一直持续到晚三叠世,大规模成矿作用高峰期为230~220 Ma。相比之下,金矿床的形成时间明显早于钼矿床,同位素年龄数据集中分布在245~239 Ma。研究结果表明,自早三叠世开始,华北克拉通北缘及邻区曾发生过多期大规模伸展构造作用,并且形成若干条近东西向展布的裂陷带。张裂构造作用所诱发的富碱性岩浆作用及相关流体活动为钼或金矿床的形成提供了动力和物质来源,因此,印支期侵入岩发育区是寻找隐伏钼或金矿床的有利地区。 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(2):155-170
ABSTRACTThe Zhongtiao Mountain region is endowed with some of the largest Cu deposits in northern China, among which the Tongkuangyu Cu deposit contains 70% of the total reserves of copper. The orebodies in this deposit are confined to metamorphosed volcanic tuff and monzogranitic porphyry which are enclosed within metasediments. Metamorphism and deformation resulted in intense modification of the deposit, leading to debates surrounding its genesis. In this study, we investigate the lithology, hydrothermal alteration, and mineralization in the deposit. Secondary ion mass spectrometer and laser ablation ICPMS zircon U–Pb dating show that the meta-monzogranitic porphyry was emplaced contemporaneous with the surrounding lithologies at 2180–2190 Ma as a sill, and that the basic volcanic rocks erupted slightly earlier at ~2220 Ma. The Re–Os geochronological data on molybdenite from the deposit constrain the timing of copper mineralization to 2122 ± 12 Ma. Together with published information from previous studies on this region, we infer that during ~2100–2200 Ma the Zhongtiao Mountain region experienced continental or back-arc rifting. We exclude a porphyry copper model for the deposit and favour sediment-hosted stratiform explanation for this deposit. 相似文献
Lifeng Zhong Liwen Liu Bin Xia Jie Li Xiuguang Lin Lifeng Xu Liangzhuang Lin 《Resource Geology》2010,60(4):389-396
The Yuanzhuding porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, discovered in 2008, is located within the southern segment of the Chenzhou-Huaiji fault belt, South China. The deposit is hosted within the Upper Cambrian neritic facies sandstone and shale formation that is the strata of the axis and wings of within the Yuanzhuding anticline. Both of the porphyry and exo-contact zone contain Cu-Mo mineralization. Economic orebodies occur mainly in the exo-contact zone around the porphyry. We dated 11 molybdenite samples obtained from two borehole cores of the deposit, using the Re-Os method. Analyses of eight molybdenite samples from borehole ZK12-112 yield a Re-Os isochron age of 157.3 ± 4.3 Ma (2σ), and analyses of 11 samples from boreholes ZK12-112 and ZK16-104 yield a Re-Os isochron age of 155.6 ± 3.4 Ma (2σ). These isochron ages are within the error of the Re-Os model ages, demonstrating that the age results are reliable and that the Yuanzhuding porphyry Cu-Mo deposit formed during the late Middle Jurassic. The formation age of the Yuanzhuding Cu-Mo deposit is similar to the age of intermediate-acid rocks and W-Sn polymetallic deposits along the Chenzhou-Huaiji fault belt. This concordance suggests the same geodynamic process to the igneous activity and related mineralization, raising the potentiality of the porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization in the belt. 相似文献
The Yanjiagou deposit, located in the central North China Craton (NCC), is a newly found porphyry‐type Mo deposit. The Mo mineralization here is spatially associated with the Mapeng batholith. In this study, we identify four stages of ore formation in this deposit: pyrite phyllic stage (I), quartz–pyrite stage (II), quartz–pyrite–molybdenite stage (III), which is the main mineralization stage, and quartz–carbonate stage (IV). We present sulphur and lead isotope data on pyrite, and rhenium and osmium isotopes of molybdenite from the porphyry deposit and evaluate the timing and origin of ore formation. The δ34S values of the pyrite range from ‐1.1‰ to −0.6‰, with an average of −0.875‰, suggesting origin from a mixture of magmatic/mantle sources and the basement rocks. The Pb isotope compositions of the pyrite show a range of 16.369 to 17.079 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.201 to 15.355 for 207Pb/204Pb, and 36.696 to 37.380 for 208Pb/204Pb, indicating that the ore‐forming materials were derived from a mixture of lower crust (or basement rocks) and mantle. Rhenium contents in molybdenite samples from the main ore stage are between 74.73 to 254.43 ppm, with an average of 147.9 ppm, indicating a mixed crustal‐mantle source for the metal. Eight molybdenite separates yield model ages ranging from 124.17 to 130.80 Ma and a mean model age of 128.46 Ma. An isochron age of 126.7 ± 1.1 Ma (MSWD = 2.1, initial 187Os = 0.0032 ± 0.0012 ppb) is computed, which reveals a close link between the Mo mineralization and the magmatism that generated the Mapeng batholith. The age is close to the zircon U–Pb age of ca. 130 Ma from the batholith reported in a recent study. The age is also consistent with the timing of mineralization in the Fuping ore cluster in the central NCC, as well as the peak time of lithosphere thinning and destruction of the NCC. We evaluate the spatio‐temporal distribution of the Mo deposits in the NCC and identify three important molybdenum provinces along the northern and southern margins of the craton formed during three distinct episodes: Middle to Late Triassic (240–220 Ma), Early Jurassic (190–175 Ma), and Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (150–125 Ma). The third period is considered to mark the most important metallogenic event, coinciding with the peak of lithosphere thinning and craton destruction in the NCC. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(2):229-256
The recently discovered Taolaituo porphyry Mo deposit and Aobaotu hydrothermal vein Pb–Zn deposit are both located in the Great Xing’an Range, Northeast China. Here we present new zircon U–Pb ages, whole-rock geochemical and Pb isotopic data, and molybdenite Re–Os ages for these two deposits. The Mo mineralization in the Taolaituo area occurred in quartz porphyry, which yields zircon U–Pb ages ranging from 138.5 ± 0.8 to 139.1 ± 0.5 Ma. Fine-grained granite representing pre-mineralization magmatic activity was formed at 145.2 ± 0.5 Ma. Molybdenite Re–Os dating indicates that Mo mineralization occurred at 133.8 ± 1.2 Ma. In the Aobaotu deposit, the ore-related granodioritic porphyry has a zircon U–Pb age of 140.0 ± 0.4 Ma. These geochronological data indicate that these magmatic and hydrothermal activities occurred during the Early Cretaceous. The mineralogical and geochemical features of the Taolaituo and Aobaotu granitoids suggest they can be classified as A1-type within-plate anorogenic granites and I-type granites, respectively. The Pb isotopic compositions suggest a mixed crust–mantle origin of the granitoids in these two deposits. The Taolaituo granitoids were formed by the partial melting of lower crust and crust–mantle interaction, with subsequent fractionation of apatite, feldspar, Ti-bearing phases and allanite or monazite. In contrast, the Aobaotu granites were derived primarily from lithospheric mantle that had been transformed or affected by the addition of subduction-related components. Combined with the regional geology, tectonic evolution and available age data from the literature, our results suggest that the Early Cretaceous (140–100 Ma) was likely to be the most important peak period for metallogenic mineralization in Northeast China. The Taolaituo and Aobaotu deposits formed under an extensional environment at an active continental margin in response to subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific oceanic plate. 相似文献
Xinlu Hu Shuzhen Yao Mouchun He Zhenju Ding Yubao Cui Jun Shen Bin Chen Bopeng Zhu 《Resource Geology》2014,64(2):102-116
The Daheishan porphyry Mo deposit was recently discovered in the northern segment of the Great Xing'an Range, NE China. Three main types of granitoids are identified in this deposit: granodiorite, fine‐grained granite, and porphyritic granite. The orebodies are dominantly hosted within the granodiorite and in the contact zone between the granodiorite and tuff or hornfels, while no mineralization has been found in the fine‐grained granite or the porphyritic granite. We present in situ LA‐ICP‐MS zircon U‐Pb dates for the granodiorite, fine‐grained granite, and porphyritic granite, which yielded 146.9 ± 1.1 Ma (2σ), 146.6 ± 1.7 Ma (2σ), and 149.7 ± 4.2 Ma (2σ), respectively. Their εHf(t) values range from 3.9 to 12.2, associated with young crustal model ages (TDM2) ranging from 524 Ma to 849 Ma, indicating that their parental magmas may have been generated by partial melting of the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian crustal components. The formation of the Daheishan deposit was genetically related to the subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific Plate. 相似文献
内蒙古小东沟斑岩型钼矿床的成矿时代及成矿物质来源 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
小东沟斑岩型钼矿床位于大兴安岭南段,距北部的西拉木伦河大断裂仅25 km。对小东沟岩体进行了Sr-Nd同位素和铅同位素分析,87Sr/86Sr(t)为0.705 0~0.705 5,εNd(t)为-2.4~-2.8;对主要钼矿体的6件辉钼矿样品进行了铼-锇同位素分析,所获同位素等时线年龄为(138.1±2.8)M a,表明小东沟钼矿床形成于早白垩世。铅同位素分析结果表明小东沟斑岩型钼矿床的成岩成矿物质具有不同来源,成岩物质来自俯冲洋壳衍生的新生地壳物质,而成矿物质来自地幔分异的产物(流体),属于壳源岩浆+幔源流体的组合。结合区域构造演化历史,对小东沟斑岩型钼矿的成因做出如下解释:在早白垩世,大兴安岭开始隆升,岩石圈拆沉,软流圈(层)物质上涌、基性岩浆的底侵以及地幔流体的加入,引起下地壳岩石的熔融,随后更多的地幔含矿流体进入到岩浆房。岩浆携带来自地幔的含矿流体,沿着区域性的EW、NE向深大断裂上侵定位,并在此过程中演化形成富硅、富钾质的花岗岩,最后沿近NS向的断裂侵位到二叠纪地层中,沉淀形成矿床。 相似文献
东秦岭东沟超大型斑岩钼矿SHRIMP锆石U-Pb和辉钼矿Re-Os年龄及其地质意义 总被引:64,自引:9,他引:64
东沟钼矿是在东秦岭钼矿带中于近年新发现的超大型斑岩钼矿床。对其含矿斑岩和矿石进行了成岩成矿年龄精测。采用SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年技术,对东沟含矿铝质A型花岗斑岩体进行了年代学研究,获得成岩年龄为112±1Ma;采用ICP-MS法测定东沟钼矿中辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄,获得模式年龄为116.5±1.7~115.5±1.7Ma;两种方法获得的年龄相近,表明成岩与成矿大致同时形成。东沟斑岩钼矿与东秦岭金堆城、南泥湖、上房沟、雷门沟等斑岩钼矿具有20Ma以上的时差,反映它们形成于不同的地球动力学背景。 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(4):446-462
The geodynamic setting of Mesozoic magmatic rocks and associated mineralization in eastern Tianshan, Northwest China, are attracting increasing attention. The newly discovered giant Donggebi molybdenum deposit (0.508 Mt at 0.115% Mo) is located in the central part of eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang. The molybdenum mineralization was genetically associated with the Donggebi stock, comprised of porphyritic granite and granite porphyry. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) zircon U–Pb dating constrains that the porphyritic granite and granite porphyry emplacement occurred at 233.8 ± 2.5 Ma and 231.7 ± 2.6 Ma, respectively. The Re–Os model ages of six molybdenite samples range from 235.2 to 237.0 Ma, with a weighted mean age of 236.1 ± 1.4 Ma, which is roughly consistent within errors with the zircon U–Pb ages, suggesting a Middle Triassic magmatic–mineralization event at Donggebi. Geochemically, the Donggebi granitoids are characterized by high SiO2 and K2O contents, with low MgO contents, belonging to high-K calc-alkaline granites. These rocks show pronounced enrichment in K, Rb, U, and Pb, and depletion in Sr, Ba, P, and Ti, with negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.20–0.38). In situ Hf isotopic analyses of zircon from the porphyritic granite and granite porphyry yielded εHf(t) values ranging from +6.6 to +10.5, and from +5.5 to +10.1, respectively. The geochemical and isotopic data imply that the primary magmas of the Donggebi granitoids could have originated by partial melting of a juvenile lower crust that involved some mantle components. Combined with the regional geological history, geochemistry of the Donggebi granitoids, and new isotopic age data, we thus propose that the Donggebi molybdenum deposit was formed in the Middle Triassic, and occurred in an intracontinental extension setting in eastern Tianshan. 相似文献
HAO Baiwu 《《地质学报》英文版》2010,84(6):1500-1513
<正>The Hadamiao granodiorite,located on the northern margin of the North China platform and acting as the country rock of gold deposits in the Hadamiao region,was formed in the same age and similar tectonic settings with the Hadamiao gold deposit and the large-scale Bilihe gold deposit in the same area.By using the LA-ICP-MS method,the U-Pb age obtained is 267±1.3 Ma,which represents the crystallized age of the granodiorite,and that of the xenolithic zircon is 442.8±5 Ma. Base on the main elements,it exhibits the features of calc-alkaline to high-potassium calc-alkaline series,low silicon,and quasi-aluminous I-type granites,and with high magnesium(Mg~#=0.45-0.57) and high sodium contents(Na_2O/K_2O=0.98-2.29).The SREE values(81.6-110.15 ppm) are relatively low,the fractionations between LREE and HREE are obvious,showing a right-inclined dispersion in the REE distribution diagram.Compared with the primitive mantle,the rock is relatively rich in LREE(La and Ce),LILE(K,Sr,and Th),and intensively depleted in HFSE(Ti,P,Nb and Ta).The ratios of Sr/Y and(La/Yb)_N and the contents of Rb,Nb and Y are relatively low,the Sr values are high (436.35-567.26 ppm),and the Yb contents of most samples are low(1.25-1.8),which indicate the features of typical continental margin arc and adakitic rocks.According to the values ofε_(Nd)(t)(-2.4 to +0.2) and I_(Sr)(0.7028-0.7083),and variations of the La/Sm ratios,the Hadamiao granodiorite was formed from mixing of the thickened molten lower crust and the mantle wedge substances.The rock was related to the southward subduction and accretion of the Paleo-Asia Ocean in the Late Paleozoic, being Late Paleozoic magma of the continental margin arc formed on the basement of the Early Paleozoic accretion complexes,and showing a trend of turning into adakitic rocks,which indicates their great metallogenic(Au) potential. 相似文献
小赛什腾山斑岩铜(钼)矿床根部带的特征 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
小赛什腾山斑岩型铜矿床产于柴北缘造山带之西端 ,NW向柴北缘深断裂和NEE向阿尔金深断裂分别从其旁侧通过 ,这两条深断裂的交汇部位是该矿床含铜斑岩的控岩构造。印支期花岗闪长斑岩呈岩墙状侵位于晚加里东期层状杂岩体的闪长岩相中 ,环绕该斑岩体发育有斑岩型Cu(Mo)矿化及钾硅酸盐化 绢英岩化 青磐岩化蚀变 ,这些蚀变以斑岩为中心 ,由内向外依次形成相应的面型蚀变分带。流体包裹体以液相包裹体为主要类型及高温 高盐度为基本特征 ,其中 ,在钾硅酸盐化蚀变岩内分布有含盐度达 4 8%的含NaCl子晶多相包裹体 ,均一温度变化于 5 0 0~ 6 0 0℃之间 ,测压显示其成矿深度约在 1~1.8km ,表明该含铜斑岩成矿系统形成于典型的高位、浅成环境。同位素测年结果确认 ,斑岩铜矿化形成于 2 18.5± 3.5 9Ma。详细的研究与对比认为 ,小赛什腾山铜矿床具有国内斑岩铜 (钼 )矿体系根部带的特征。 相似文献
华北地台北缘中段是我国重要的金矿化集中区。文中采用石英的4 0 Ar - 39Ar法和单颗粒锆石的U -Pb测年法 ,结合前人资料 ,提出本区绿岩带初生型金矿床的成矿时代为古元古代—新太古代 ,其中辽西排山楼金矿的成矿时代为 (2 10 5 .2± 10 .4)Ma ,金厂峪金矿的成矿时代为 (2 5 39± 2 3)Ma ,小营盘金矿的成矿时代为180 0Ma左右。构造期后再生型金矿床的成矿时代为燕山晚期—华力西中期 ,其中东坪金矿床的成矿时代为(35 0 .9± 0 .9)Ma ,冀东头道门子沟金矿的成矿时代为 (2 17.32± 2 .0 4)Ma ,峪耳崖金矿床的成矿时代为燕山早期 ,金厂沟梁和二道沟金矿的成矿时代为燕山晚期。 相似文献