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The stability of co-orbital motions is investigated in such exoplanetary systems, where the only known giant planet either moves fully in the habitable zone, or leaves it for some part of its orbit. If the regions around the triangular Lagrangian points are stable, they are possible places for smaller Trojan-like planets. We have determined the nonlinear stability regions around the Lagrangian point L4 of nine exoplanetary systems in the model of the elliptic restricted three-body problem by using the method of the relative Lyapunov indicators. According to our results, all systems could possess small Trojan-like planets. Several features of the stability regions are also discussed. Finally, the size of the stability region around L4 in the elliptic restricted three-body problem is determined as a function of the mass parameter and eccentricity.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of the applicability of KAM theorem to a realistic problem of three bodies. In the framework of the averaged dynamics over the fast angles for the Sun–Jupiter–Saturn system we can prove the perpetual stability of the orbit. The proof is based on semi-numerical algorithms requiring both explicit algebraic manipulations of series and analytical estimates. The proof is made rigorous by using interval arithmetics in order to control the numerical errors.  相似文献   

Using a 12th order expansion of the perturbative potential in powers of the eccentricities and the inclinations, we study the secular effects of two non-coplanar planets which are not in mean–motion resonance. By means of Lie transformations (which introduce an action–angle formulation of the Hamiltonian), we find the four fundamental frequencies of the 3-D secular three-body problem and compute the long-term time evolutions of the Keplerian elements. To find the relations between these elements, the main combinations of the fundamental frequencies common to these evolutions are identified by frequency analysis. This study is performed for two different reference frames: a general one and the Laplace plane. We underline the known limitations of the linear Laplace–Lagrange theory and point out the great sensitivity of the 3-D secular three-body problem to its initial values. This analytical approach is applied to the exoplanetary system Andromedae in order to search whether the eccentricities evolutions and the apsidal configuration (libration of ) observed in the coplanar case are maintained for increasing initial values of the mutual inclination of the two orbital planes. Anne-Sophie Libert is FNRS Research Fellow.  相似文献   

We use the global construction which was made in [6, 7] of the secular systems of the planar three-body problem, with regularized double inner collisions. These normal forms describe the slow deformations of the Keplerian ellipses which each of the bodies would describe if it underwent the universal attraction of only one fictitious other body. They are parametrized by the masses and the semi-major axes of the bodies and are completely integrable on a fixed transversally Cantor set of the parameter space. We study this global integrable dynamics reduced by the symmetry of rotation and determine its bifurcation diagram when the semi-major axes ratio is small enough. In particular it is shown that there are some new secular hyperbolic or elliptic singularities, some of which do not belong to the subset of aligned ellipses. The bifurcation diagram may be used to prove the existence of some new families of 2-, 3- or 4-frequency quasiperiodic motions in the planar three-body problem [7], as well as some drift orbits in the planar n-body problem [8].  相似文献   

The famous Laplace problem is the three-body, secular, planetary problem. Its plane version has the great theoretical advantage of being integrable (Ferraz-Mello, private correspondence, 2001) and Ferraz-Mello et al. (Chaotic World: from order to Disorder in Gravitational N-Body Systems, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2004)). Nevertheless it remains a very complex problem with many singularities and many possibilities of collisions. Large eccentricities lead generally to large perturbations especially if the two planets have the same direction of revolution about their star.  相似文献   

Secular Motion in a 2nd Degree and Order-Gravity Field with no Rotation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The motion of a particle about a non-rotating 2nd degree and order-gravity field is investigated. Averaging conditions are applied to the particle motion and a qualitative analysis which reveals the general character of motion in this system is given. It is shown that the orbit plane will either be stationary or precess about the body's axis of minimum or maximum moment of inertia. It is also shown that the secular equations for this system can be integrated in terms of trigonometric, hyperbolic or elliptic functions. The explicit solutions are derived in all cases of interest.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A review is given of modern numerical methods for the analysis of resonant and chaotic dynamics: calculation of the Lyapunov characteristic exponents, the MEGNO method, and the maximum eccentricity method. These methods are used to construct stability diagrams for the planetary systems γ Cep, HD 196885, and HD 41004. The diagrams are analyzed to determine the most probable values taken by the orbital parameters of the exoplanets and obtain estimates for the Lyapunov time of their orbital dynamics. The stability diagrams constructed using the different methods are compared to analyze their effectiveness in the study of secular dynamics of exoplanetary systems.  相似文献   

Numerical orbit integrations have been conducted to characterize the types of trajectories in the one-dimensional Newtonian three-body problem with equal masses and positive energy. At positive energies the basic types of motions are binary + single particle and ionization, and when time goes from – to + all possible transitions between these states can take place. Properties of individual orbits have been summarized in the form of graphical maps in a two-dimensional grid of initial values. The basic motion types exist at all positive energies, but the binary + single particle configuration is obtained only in a narrow region of initial values if the total energy is large. At very large energies the equations of motion can be solved approximately, and this asymptotic result, exact in the limit of infinite energy, is presented.  相似文献   

The one-dimensional Newtonian three-body problem is known to have stable (quasi-)periodic orbits when the masses are equal. The existence and size of the stable region is discussed here in the case where the three masses are arbitrary. We consider only the stability of the periodic (generalized) Schubart's (1956) orbit. If this orbit is linearly stable it is almost always surrounded by a region of stable quasi-periodic orbits and the size and shape of this stable region depends on the masses. The three-dimensional linear stability of the periodic orbits is also determined. Final results show that the region of stability has a complicated shape and some of the stable regions in the mass-plane are quite narrow. The non-linear three-dimensional stability is studied independently by extensive numerical integrations and the results are found to be in agreement with the linear stability analysis. The boundaries of stable region in the mass-plane are given in terms of polynomial approximations. The results are compared with a similar work by Héenon (1977).We thank the referee for pointing out this reference to us.  相似文献   

In papers (Godziewski and Maciejewski, 1998a, b, 1999), we investigate unrestricted, planar problem of a dynamically symmetric rigid body and a sphere. Following the original statement of the problem by Kokoriev and Kirpichnikov (1988), we assume that the potential of the rigid body is approximated by the gravitational field of a dumb-bell. The model is described in terms of a 2D Hamiltonian depending on three parameters.In this paper, we investigate the stability of triangular equilibria permissible by the dynamics of the model, under the assumption of low-order resonances. We analyze all resonances of order smaller than four, and we examine the stability with application of theorems by Markeev and Sokolsky. These are the possible following cases: the non-diagonal resonance of the first order with two null characteristic frequencies (unstable); resonances of the first order with one nonzero frequency (diagonal and non-diagonal, stable and unstable); the second-order resonance, which is non-diagonal and stable, and the third-order resonance which is generically unstable, except for three points in the parameters' space, corresponding to stable equilibria.We discuss a perturbed version of Kokoriev and Kirpichnikov model, and we find that if the perturbation is small and depends on the coordinates only, the triangular equilibria persist, except if for the unperturbed equilibria the first-order resonance occurs. We show that the resonances of the order higher than two are also preserved if the perturbation acts.  相似文献   

对一类具非零角动量的平面三体系统研究其三体构形对系统演化的影响.根据Agekian和Anosova提出的构形图(homology map),三体系统按其构形特点分属于4个不同的区域.通过数值计算,考察了初始位置位于不同区域中的构形颗粒(homolgydrop)的演化,并就有关性质与Heinamaki等人研究的角动量为零的三体系统作了比较指出,构形颗粒的组成系统全部发生解体的时间在L区域最早,H区域最晚,这与零角动量系统不同.还对4个区域的三体系统的寿命进行了统计分析,得到了各区域中末解体的系统数随时间指数衰减的函数关系.  相似文献   

We studied the stability of the restricted circular three-body problem. We introduced a model Hamiltonian in action-angle Delaunay variables. which is nearly-integrable with the perturbing parameter representing the mass ratio of the primaries. We performed a normal form reduction to remove the perturbation in the initial Hamiltonian to higher orders in the perturbing parameter. Next we applied a result on the Nekhoroshev theorem proved by Pöschel [13] to obtain the confinement in phase space of the action variables (related to the elliptic elements of the minor body) for an exponentially long time. As a concrete application. we selected the Sun-Ceres-Jupiter case, obtaining (after the proper normal form reduction) a stability result for a time comparable to the age of the solar system (i.e., 4.9 · 109 years) and for a mass ratio of the primaries less or equal than 10–6.  相似文献   

共轨运动天体与摄动天体的半长径相同,处于1:1平运动共振中.太阳系内多个行星的特洛伊天体即为处于蝌蚪形轨道的共轨运动天体,其中一些高轨道倾角特洛伊天体的轨道运动与来源仍未被完全理解.利用一个新发展的适用于处理1:1平运动共振的摄动函数展开方式,对三维空间中的共轨运动进行考察,计算不同初始轨道根数情况下共轨轨道的共振中心、共振宽度,分析轨道类型与初始轨道根数的关系.并将分析方法所得结果与数值方法的结果相互比较验证,得到了广阔初始轨道根数空间内共轨运动的全局图景.  相似文献   

We report results from long term numerical integrations and analytical studies of particular orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem. These are mostly high-inclination trajectories in 1 : 1 resonance starting at or near the triangular Lagrangian L5 point. In some intervals of inclination these orbits have short Lyapunov times, from 100 to a few hundred periods, yet the osculating semi-major axis shows only relatively small fluctuations and there are no escapes from the 1 : 1 resonance. The eccentricity of these chaotic orbits varies in an erratic manner, some of the orbits becoming temporarily almost rectilinear. Similarly the inclination experiences large variations due to the conservation of the Jacobi constant. We studied such orbits for up to 109 periods in two cases and for 106 periods in all others, for inclinations varying from 0° to 180°. Thus our integrations extend from thousands to 10 million Lyapunov times without escapes of the massless particle. Since there are no zero-velocity curves restricting the motion this opens questions concerning the reason for the persistence of the 1 : 1 resonant motion. In the theory sections we consider the mechanism responsible for the observed behavior. We derive the averaged 1 : 1 resonance disturbing function, to second order in eccentricity, to calculate a critical inclination found in the numerical experiment, and examine motion close to this inclination. The cause of the chaos observed in the numerical experiments appears to be the emergence of saddle points in the averaged disturbing potential. We determine the location of several such saddle points in the (, ) plane, with being the mean longitude difference and the argument of pericentre. Some of the saddle points are illustrated with the aid of contour plots of the disturbing function. Motion close to these saddles is sensitive to initial conditions, thus causing chaos.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A new analytical method for calculating satellite orbital perturbations due to different disturbing forces is developed. It is based on the Poincaré method of small parameter but takes advantages of modern high-performance computers and of the tools of computer algebra. All perturbations proportional up to and including the 5th-order of small parameters are obtained. The method can precisely calculate the effects of all geodynamical forces on satellite motion given by the most up-to-date IAU and IERS models, such as non-central Earth gravity potential, precession and nutation of the geoequator, polar motion and irregularities in the Earth's rotation, effect of ocean and solid Earth tides, pole tide, and secular variations of gravity coefficients.Numerical tests prove the method's accuracy to be equivalent to 1–2 cm when calculating positions of high altitude geodetic satellites (like ETALON), and/or of GLONASS navigational spacecraft. The accuracy is stable over 1 year at least and comparable to that of the best tracking measurements of satellites.Positions of low altitude geodynamical satellites (like STARLETTE) by the analytical method are calculated to an accuracy of about 70cm over a month's interval. The method is developed for future use in GLONASS/GPS on-board ephemeris computation where it can improve the current scheme of their flight control.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

研究了太阳质量损失对地球轨道改变的长期影响。太阳质量损失包括太阳因光于辐射和太阳风流失两方面产生的质量损失。利用二体问题的中心体变质量的Jeans理论估计了太阳目前在主序阶段和将来后主序 (红巨星 )阶段由于上述两种机制造成的质量损失对地球轨道改变的长期效应。计算结果表明 :太阳质量损失在主序阶段对地球轨道改变的影响较小 ,但在后主序阶段对地球轨道改变的影响甚大 ,且此估计只是一种理论预测。  相似文献   

The global regularizing transformations of the planar, circular restricted problem of three bodies are studied. It is shown that all these transformations can be written in the same general form which is the solution of a first order ordinary differential equation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

将作者在变质量天体力学所得理论结果应用于太阳质量损失对流星群轨道根数变化的长期效应上。太阳质量损失包括光子辐射和太阳风造成的质量损失。利用G—M型变质量天体轨道根数变化方程的一阶和二阶解对15个流星群轨道半长轴、近日点距离、轨道周期和近日点经度因太阳质量损失造成的每世纪的长期改变效应做了数值计算,并得出计算结果。其计算结果表明,太阳质量损失使流星群轨道半长轴每世纪的改变效应较明显,它们同太阳距离的扩大影响值得关注,但对轨道周期的拉长每世纪的影响甚小,对近日点经度只有量级变化小到可以略而不计。  相似文献   

In this paper, the expansion of the Earth's zonal potential is established analytically in terms of KS regular elements whatever the power of the eccentricity e(e < l) and the number of the zonal harmonics may be.  相似文献   

A symplectic mapping for Trojan-type motion has been developed in the secularly changing elliptic restricted three-body problem. The mapping describes well the characteristics of Trojan-type dynamics at small eccentricities. By using this mapping the boundary of the stability region has been studied for different values of the initial eccentricities of hypothetical Jupiter's Trojans. It has been found that in the secularly changing elliptic case the chaotic diffusion at the border of the stability region is stronger than simply in the elliptic case. An explanation of this observation might be the destruction of the chain of islands of the 13:1 secondary resonance between the short and long period component of the Trojan-like motion, caused possibly by the indirect perturbations of Saturn.  相似文献   

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