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Absorption of radio emission through normal cyclotron resonance within pulsar magnetospheres is considered. The optical depth for cyclotron damping is calculated using a plasma distribution with an intrinsically relativistic spread. We argue that such a broad distribution is plausible for pulsar plasmas and that it implies that a class of pulsars that should have cyclotron damping extends to include young pulsars with shorter periods and stronger magnetic fields. There is no obvious observational evidence for disruption of radio pulses, which implies that the optical depth cannot be too large. We propose that cyclotron resonance may cause marginal absorption of radio emission. It is shown that such marginal absorption produces potentially observable asymmetric features for double-peak pulse profiles with wide separation, with one peak tending to be suppressed.  相似文献   

The viability of polar cap models for high-energy emission from millisecond pulsars is discussed. It is shown that in millisecond pulsars, polar gap acceleration along the last open field lines is radiation-reaction limited, that is, the maximum energy to which particles can be accelerated is determined by balancing the energy-loss rate (due to curvature radiation) with the gap-acceleration rate. The maximum Lorentz factor is limited by curvature radiation and is not sensitive to the specific acceleration model. However, the distance (from the polar cap) at which the Lorentz factor achieves the limit is model dependent, and can be between one-hundredth (for the vacuum gap) and above one-tenth (for the space-charge limited gap) of a stellar radius distant from the polar cap for a pulsar period P =2 ms and a surface magnetic field B =7.5104 T. Because of the radiation reaction constraint and the relatively weak magnetic field, both the expected multiplicity (number of pairs per primary particle) and the Lorentz factor of the outflowing one-dimensional magnetospheric e± plasma from the polar gap are considerably lower than those for normal pulsars. Assuming space-charge limited flow, the location of the pair production front (PPF) is estimated to occur at about one stellar radius above the polar cap, which is significantly higher than that for normal pulsars. If the observed X-ray emission originates in the region near or above the PPF, the wide hollow-cone can reproduce the observed wide double-peaked feature of the light curves without using the aligned rotator assumption.  相似文献   

An analytical model for oscillating pair creation above the pulsar polar cap is presented in which the parallel electric field is treated as a large amplitude, superluminal, electrostatic wave. An exact formalism for such wave is derived in one dimension and applied to both the low-density regime in which the pair plasma density is much lower than the corotating charge density and the high-density regime in which the pair plasma density is much higher than the corotating charge density. In the low-density regime, which is relevant during the phase leading to a pair cascade, a parallel electric field develops resulting in a rapid acceleration of particles. The rapid acceleration leads to bursts of pair production and the system switches to the oscillatory phase, corresponding to the high-density regime, in which pairs oscillate with net drift motion in the direction of wave propagation. Oscillating pairs lead to a current that oscillates with large amplitude about the Goldreich–Julian current. The drift motion can be highly relativistic if the phase speed of large amplitude waves is moderately higher than the speed of light. Thus, the model predicts a relativistic outflow of pairs, a feature that is required for avoiding overheating of the pulsar polar cap and is also needed for the pulsar wind.  相似文献   

研究了高斯辐射成分在可视点所画出轨迹上的分布,这个可视点因脉冲星的转动而作非匀速度运动.通过假设辐射区域围绕磁轴均匀分布,一个高斯辐射成分便对应于可视轨迹划过的一个辐射区域.因为演示辐射区域在可视轨迹上是不均匀的分布,因此高斯成分沿轨迹也是不均匀的,而高斯成分的密度在磁轴与视线距离最近时为最大.高斯成分的分布取决于脉冲星的两个角度:旋转轴和视线之间的夹角,以及磁轴和旋转轴之间的倾角.基于此模型,一个脉冲星平均轮廓中观察到的多个高斯成分便对应于可视轨迹在特定的转动相位范围内的辐射区域.演示了脉冲星旋转的近侧和远侧的相位,分别对应的主脉冲和中间脉冲,两者高斯成分的数量和分布是不同的.而且还发现,沿可视轨迹上的辐射区域总数与围绕磁轴的辐射区域的总数是不同,并且预测的辐射区域数目会因忽略可见点的运动而明显不同.拟合表明脉冲星轮廓的高斯成分的形状和数量可能与实际构成轮廓的成分的形状和数量不同.以PSR B0826–34的辐射为例,并假设辐射来自单一磁极.  相似文献   

We present a model for microstructure in pulsar radio emission. We propose that micropulses result from alteration of the radio wave generation region by nearly transverse drift waves propagating across the pulsar magnetic field and encircling the bundle of the open magnetic field lines. It is demonstrated that such waves can modify the curvature of the field lines significantly. This, in turn, affects strongly fulfilment of the resonance conditions necessary for the excitation of radio waves. The time-scale of micropulses is therefore determined by the wavelength of the drift waves. The main features of the microstructure are naturally explained within the framework of this model.  相似文献   

The radio spectral index map of the Coma halo shows a progressive steepening of the spectral index with increasing radius. Such a steepening cannot be simply justified by models involving continuous injection of fresh particles in the Coma halo or by models involving diffusion of fresh electrons from the central regions.
We propose a two-phase model in which the relativistic electrons injected in the Coma cluster by some processes (starbursts, AGNs, shocks, turbulence) during a first phase in the past are systematically reaccelerated during a second phase for a relatively long time (∼1 Gyr) up to the present time. We show that for reacceleration time-scales of ∼0.1 Gyr this hypothesis can well account for the radio properties of Coma C. For the same range of parameters which explain Coma C we have calculated the expected fluxes from the inverse Compton scattering of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photons, finding that the hard X-ray tail discovered by BeppoSAX may be accounted for by the stronger reacceleration allowed by the model.
The possibility of extending the main model assumptions and findings to the case of the other radio haloes is also discussed, the basic predictions being consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

A luminosity law for radio pulsars was proposed by Stollman, based on features of the RudermanSutherland model. We analyse that proposition in the light of the most recent data (the catalogue of Taylor, Manchester & Lyne), and perform a set of statistical tests to verify the reliability of the results. We find little evidence favouring Stollman's law, and point out a possible incompleteness of the data sets, without conclusive evidence for or against the RudermanSutherland model.  相似文献   

The linear polarization of the Crab pulsar and its close environment was derived from observations with the high-speed photopolarimeter Optical Pulsar TIMing Analyser at the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope in the optical spectral range (400–750 nm). Time resolution as short as 11 μs, which corresponds to a phase interval of 1/3000 of the pulsar rotation, and high statistics allow the derivation of polarization details never achieved before. The degree of optical polarization and the position angle correlate in surprising details with the light curves at optical wavelengths and at radio frequencies of 610 and 1400 MHz. Our observations show that there exists a subtle connection between presumed non-coherent (optical) and coherent (radio) emissions. This finding supports previously detected correlations between the optical intensity of the Crab and the occurrence of giant radio pulses. Interpretation of our observations requires more elaborate theoretical models than those currently available in the literature.  相似文献   

The induced Compton scattering of radio emission off the particles of the ultrarelativistic electron–positron plasma in the open field line tube of a pulsar is considered. We examine the scattering of a bright narrow radio beam into the background over a wide solid angle and specifically study the scattering in the transverse regime, which holds in a moderately strong magnetic field and gives rise to the scattered component nearly antiparallel to the streaming velocity of the scattering particles. Making use of the angular distribution of the scattered intensity and taking into account the effect of rotational aberration in the scattering region, we simulate the profiles of the backscattered components as applied to the Crab pulsar. It is suggested that the interpulse (IP), the high-frequency interpulse (IP') and the pair of so-called high-frequency components (HFC1 and HFC2) result from the backward scattering of the main pulse (MP), precursor (PR) and low-frequency component (LFC), respectively. The components of the high-frequency profiles, the IP' and HFCs, are interpreted for the first time. The HFC1 and HFC2 are argued to be a single component split by the rotational aberration close to the light cylinder. It is demonstrated that the observed spectral and polarization properties of the profile components of the Crab pulsar as well as the giant pulse phenomenon outside the MP can be explained in terms of our model.  相似文献   

The dominant emission from bare strange stars is thought to be electron–positron pairs, produced through spontaneous pair creation (SPC) in a surface layer of electrons tied to the star by a superstrong electric field. The positrons escape freely, but the electrons are directed towards the star and quickly fill all available states, such that their degeneracy suppresses further SPC. An electron must be reflected and gain energy in order to escape, along with the positron. Each escaping electron leaves a hole that is immediately filled by another electron through SPC. We discuss the collisional processes that produce escaping electrons. When the Landau quantization of the motion perpendicular to the magnetic field is taken into account, electron–electron collisions can lead to an escaping electron only through a multistage process involving higher Landau levels. Although the available estimates of the collision rate are deficient in several ways, it appears that the rate is too low for electron–electron collisions to be effective. A simple kinetic model for electron–quark collisions leads to an estimate of the rate of pair production that is analogous to thermionic emission, but the work function is poorly determined.  相似文献   

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