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High-velocity features over a velocity range of 180 km s–1 have now been definitely identified on the profiles of the H line from the Hii region M17. A photon-counting image tube on the intermediate grating spectrograph of the 3.9 m Anglo-Australian telescope was employed.Many mechanisms for the formation of these high-velocity phenomena and the co-moving H I, molecular/Hii large-scale sheets, which have lower velocities, are considfered.Flows from ionization fronts moving into (and in one case breaking out from) small globules and large neutral sheets are compared to the large- and small-scale effects of energetic stellar winds.External and internal supernova remnants are also discussed and radiation pressure on embedded dust grains and the ionized gas is not discounted. Motions generated during periods of star formation are also mentioned.  相似文献   

A ring-shaped infrared emission region is recognizable on the IRAS Sky Flux images of a Cepheus region which happens to include the association Cepheus OB 2. The ring is easily visible both at 60 and 100 microns. The approximate galactic coordinates of its centre arel=102°.8 andb=+6°.7, with an outer diameter of 7 deg. IC 1396 and several otherHii regions, such as S 129, S 133, S 134, and S 140 are apparently parts of the ring. If it is assumed that these Hii regions are physically connected to the ring its distance must be about 900 pc and its diameter 120 pc. The existence of several arc-shaped H filaments along the ring, the proper motion of the nearby runaway star Cephei, and the possible presence of the [Fex] 6375 interstellar line in the spectra of two stars of Cep OB 2 combine to suggest that the infrared ring might well be a result of a supernova explosion which occurred in this region about 2–3 million years ago.  相似文献   

Nova Delphini 1967 has been observed in the red and photographic infrared at the Haute-Provence Observatory from September 7 to November 12, 1968. Dispersions range from 230 Å/mm to 4 Å/mm. The slope of the continuous spectrum in the region 1.3–1.7 –1 leads to a gradient of 3.06, which did not appear to vary during the observing period. This gradient is, however, very different from the value 1.71 measured on plates secured in August 1968. Lines ofHi, Hei, Heii, Feii,Oi,Cii and forbidden transitions due toOi,Oii, Fevii, Fex, Fexi,Siii,Aiii,Av,Axi and Nixv have been identified. Their intensities at various dates are given in Table II. Line profiles could be measured for a few lines taken on a 39 Å/mm spectrogram on October 3. Hei 6678 and 7065 are displayed on Figures 2 and 3. Figure 4 gives the [Oii] doublet at 7319–7330, while the H profile, obtained on October 4 can be seen on Figure 5. The line extends over more than 45 Å and narrow absorptions are seen at 6551.05; 6555.75; 6563.15; 6571.49; 6574.45. Due to the absence of published data on radial velocities of absorption lines in the visible spectrum at that time, it is not possible to give a clear identification for these features. Some of them may belong to H, while others are probably due to metals.  相似文献   

Narrow band-pass direct photographs have been secured of the central region of 30 Doradus and of several other nebulosities in the Magellanic Clouds. We have utilized an image tube camera attached to the Yale one-meter telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory. Interference filters whose band passes were selected to allow for the radial velocities of the Magellanic Clouds have been utilized to record monochromatic images of [Nii] 6584, H, Hei 5876, and [Oiii] 5007. In 30 Doradus the main filamentary structures appear to be very similar in H, Hei, [Nii], and [Oiii] at least in the inner regions where most spectroscopic measurements have been made. The features appear to be material bounded rather than radiation bounded and the excitation differences are very small. Likewise, in NGC 346 in the Small Magellanic Cloud the [Oiii] and H images are very similar, but in N44 in the Large Magellanic Cloud excitation differences do appear. The implications of these observations for chemical compositions of nebulosities in the Magellanic Clouds would appear to be that spectroscopic and scanner studies should be supplemented by monochromatic photographs. Some nebulosities can be handled by simple models while for others excitation differences must be taken into account.Guest investigators at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy under contract with the National Science Foundation  相似文献   

A series of VLA maps at 6 cm wavelength have been generated from observations of a solar active region (NOAA 2363) on 29 and 30 March, 1980. During the same period, X-ray spectroheliograms were acquired for this region in the lines of O viii, Ne ix, Mg xi, Si xiii, S xv, and Fe xxv, with X-rayn Polychromator (XRP) aboard the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM). Intervals of relative quiescence (i.e., when X-ray flares and centimeter wave bursts were not evident) were selected for microwave mapping. The resulting VLA maps have spatial resolution of 4 × 4, and generally show two or more sources whose slowly evolving substructures have spatial scales of 10–30. These maps were co-registered with H photographs (courtesy of AF/AWS SOON, Holloman and Ramey AFB) to an accuracy of ± 8. Similarly, the X-ray spectroheliograms have been co-registered with white light photographs to about the same accuracy. Magnetograms from KPNO and MSFC have also been co-aligned, and the magnetic X-ray, and microwave features compared. In general we have found that (a) the peaks of X-ray and 6 cm emission do not coincide, although (b) the sources in the two wavelength domains tend to overlap. These facts in themselves are evidence for the existence of opacity mechanisms other than thermal bremsstrahlung. In order to quantify this assertion, we have computed differential emission measures to derive densities and temperatures. Using these and calculated force-free magnetic fields from Kitt Peak magnetograms, we present an assessment of the mechanism of gyroresonance absorption at low harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency as the source of opacity responsible for the microwave features. We conclude that large-scale currents must be present in the active region loops to account for the bright 6 cm sources far from sunspots.Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Palo Alto: currently at GSFC.Currently at NASA/MSFC.  相似文献   

A solar flare with both H and Fe i 5324 emissions was observed in AR 7529 (S13, E65) on 24 June, 1993 at the Bejing Astronomical Observatory. Our calculations show that the Fe i 5324 emission region of the flare was located in the low photosphere at a height of about 180 km above 5000 = 1, which is lower than many previous studies of white-light flares. To study a Fe i 5324 flare, which represents a kind of extreme case in solar flares, would be useful for clarifying some arguments in the researches of white-light flares as well as for understanding the mechanism of solar flares.The synthetic analyses from vairous features of the flare lead to the following possible exciting mechanism of the Fe i 5324 flare: owing to the flow of energetic electrons from the corona and probably also the thermal conduction downward into the lower atmosphere, a condensation with a temperature higher than that below it was formed near the transition region. Then the low photosphere was heated through backwarming. The Fe i 5324 flare occurred as an indicator of the excitation in the low photosphere.  相似文献   

We present the spectrum of the supernova 1985F over the wavelength range 4600 to 10000 Å as recorded in one 200 s exposure on 16 May, 1985, when its age was estimated to bet240 days. This wideband measurement with a resolution of 20 Å was made with the new Faint Object Spectrograph on the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos. Broad line features were observed for the ionsOi,Oii, andOiii, Caii, and Nai although broad H was noteably absent. This suggests type I rather than type II properties but Filippenko and Sargent (1985c) have concluded this object to be of neither type and of a new peculiar class. We have observed the Caii infra-red triplet at 8600 Å which has not been previously reported in the spectrum of SN1985F and alsoCi] at 9800 Å.  相似文献   

Observations of the Be star HD 50138 have been extended to the photographic infrared region up to 9500 Å. The main features noted in this wavelength range are strong lines of Oi (8446 Å), Hi (from P 9 to P 20), the Caii infrared triplet and the 8629 line attributed to Ni. The 7772 multiplet of Oi is shown to undergo important changes during the period of observations (1959–1971). Higher Balmer lines do not exhibit any emission component, but their profiles are variable and indicate the presence of satellite absorption, as already mentioned by some authors.Les observations ont été obtenues aux télescopes de 120 et 193 cm de l'observatoire de Haute-Provence (CNRS).  相似文献   

Sets of theoretical models of spherically symmetrical gaseous nebulae are calculated for a fixed chemical composition and with central star, energy distributions given by Cassinelli (1971) and by Kunasz, Mihalas and Hummer (1975). A central region of constant densityN H=100 cm–3 is surrounded by a broken shell consisting of zones of different density and optical thickness. It is found that for a fixed chemical composition and central star flux, a considerable range can be found in the emitted fluxes of certain lines such as 4686 which are often used to fix the level of excitation of a nebula. Although it is possible to produce models yielding a variety of nebular line ratios in this way, these truncated inhomogeneous shell models have not reproduced the integrated spectra of nebulae that simultaneously show extreme features of high and low excitation with great strength-e.g. [Nii], [Oii] and 4686 Heii.  相似文献   

The surface photometry of S254–S257 has been carried out by means of a wide range image processing technique in the reduction system. The photographic plates in the H+[NII] andV-bands are taken with the Schmidt telescope. Especially, we have obtained the calibrated map of theHii region, superposing two or more plates with different exposure times, and removing the star images. Three kinds of calibrated maps of theHii regions are drawn: (1)E-map in the (H+[NII]+continuum) (2)V-map in the continuum atV-band, (3)(E-V)-map in the (H+[NII]) line emission. The intensity profiles across the nebular centers were also obtained. Based on calibrated maps, the morphological structure and mass distribution of S255 and S257 are discussed. The location of observed nebulae on the (m Hm v) diagram, wherem H andm v denote the surface brightness, expressed in the magnitude per square arcmin, is shown together with that of some other nebulae. Some arguements on the age sequence of observedHii regions are presented.  相似文献   

155 H emission stars not catalogued earlier have been detected with the 60/90/180 cm Schmidt telescope of Konkoly Observatory in a field of 19.5 square degrees centred on theHii region IC 1396.UBVR photohraphic magnitudes were obtained for most of them. Equatorial coordinates for the epoch 1950.0 as well as identification charts are given. Space distribution of the emission stars and their connection with the association Cepheus OB 2 are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We have compared the structures seen on X-ray images obtained by a flight of the NIXT sounding rocket payload on July 11, 1991 with near-simultaneous photospheric and chromospheric structures and magnetic fields observed at Big Bear. The X-ray images reflect emission of both Mgx and Fexvi, formed at 1 × 106 K and 3 × 106 K, respectively. The brightest H sources correspond to a dying sub-flare and other active region components, all of which reveal coronal enhancements situated spatially well above the H emission. The largest set of X-ray arches connected plages of opposite polarity in a large bipolar active region. The arches appear to lie in a small range of angle in the meridian plane connecting their footpoints. Sunspots are dark on the surface and in the corona. For the first time we see an emerging flux region in X-rays and find the emission extends twice as high as the H arches. Many features which we believe to correspond to X-ray bright points (XBPs) were observed. Whether by resolution or spectral band, the number detected greatly exceeds that from previous work. All of the brighter XBPs correspond to bipolar H features, while unipolar H bright points are the base of more diffuse comet-like coronal arches, generally vertical. These diverge from individual features by less than 30°, and give a good measure of what the canopies must do. The H data shows that all the H features were present the entire day, so they are not clearly disappearing or reappearing. We find a new class of XBPs which we call satellite points, elements of opposite polarity linked to nearby umbrae by invisible field lines. The satellite points change rapidly in X-ray brightness during the flight. An M1.9 flare occurred four hours after the flight; examination of the pre-flare structures reveals nothing unusual.  相似文献   

Six spectrograms of the solar spectrum were obtained in the region from 1970 to 1800 at a resolution of approximately 2 × 105 with a rocket-borne spectrograph using an echelle as the principal dispersing element. Reduction of data obtained has been completed in the region from 1946.5 to 1963.5 , in which 79 absorption features are measured and 33 identified. Most of the identified stronger lines are due to Fei. A significant feature of the solar spectrum in this region coincides with the raie ultime of Sei.  相似文献   

Integrated photoelectric measurements of the equivalent widthW H, the [Oiii]/H ratio and the H emission line flux were obtained for 30Hii regions in the SMC. Physical properties of theHii regions and their ionizing stellar associations were derived. Some aspects of the recent star formation in the SMC and the evolution ofHii regions are discussed.  相似文献   

A photoelectric Fabry-Pérot spectrometer is used to record the line profiles of H and [Nii] at 22 points in the nebula. The ratio of intensity H/[Nii] is used to derive an electron temperature distribution with values between 5700° and 9100° showing a peak at the centre of density. These temperatures are compared with the H Doppler temperatures to estimate excess velocities of mass motion. Together with the shifts of the H line centres, these lead to an evaluation of the velocity field in the nebula.It is suggested that the nebula consists of a core expanding at about ±10 km/sec–1 surrounded by a thick peripheral shell in which large scale mass motions are small. Non-thermal broadening suggesting turbulent velocities at about the speed of sound is observed in this shell and is attributed to small scale dynamic effects in a non-smooth density distribution. The effect of such expanding cores on heliocentric velocities of galacticHii regions is discussed.  相似文献   

CCD narrow band imagery of the southern barred spiral NGC 613 has been obtained in the light of H, H, [Oiii] 5007 Å, [Oii] (3726+29) Å and continua at 3765, 5230, and 6500 Å. Absolute fluxes have been obtained for the lines H and [Oiii] 5007 Å and continua at 5230 and 6500 Å. Distribution of ages, monochromatic colour vs absolute brightness and [Oiii]/H are discussed.  相似文献   

We have attempted to detect linear polarization in carbon and hydrogen 76 radio recombination lines from the Hii region NGC 2024. The upper limits set by these measurements are briefly discussed.On leave of absence from Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.A.  相似文献   

Hei 10830 Å spectroheliograms of a major 3N two-ribbon flare occurring in Boulder Region 3885/3886 early on 4 September, 1982 are discussed and compared with H and soft X-ray observations of the event. This flare, observed for more than 60 hr in Hei 10830, was associated with the eruption of a large filament in the active region complex, the formation of coronal holes, a long-duration soft X-ray event, and was the probable source of a earthward coronal mass ejection and the largest geomagnetic storm of this solar cycle. The results of this study suggest the Hei flare is a chromospheric manifestation of the X-ray coronal loop structures associated with flares.Visitor, National Solar Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Evidence for the accretion of cold gas in galaxies has been rapidly accumulating in the past years. HI observations of galaxies and their environment have brought to light new facts and phenomena which are evidence of ongoing or recent accretion: (1) A large number of galaxies are accompanied by gas-rich dwarfs or are surrounded by HI cloud complexes, tails and filaments. This suggests ongoing minor mergers and recent arrival of external gas. It may be regarded, therefore, as direct evidence of cold gas accretion in the local universe. It is probably the same kind of phenomenon of material infall as the stellar streams observed in the halos of our galaxy and M 31. (2) Considerable amounts of extra-planar HI have been found in nearby spiral galaxies. While a large fraction of this gas is undoubtedly produced by galactic fountains, it is likely that a part of it is of extragalactic origin. Also the Milky Way has extra-planar gas complexes: the Intermediate- and High-Velocity Clouds (IVCs and HVCs). (3) Spirals are known to have extended and warped outer layers of HI. It is not clear how these have formed, and how and for how long the warps can be sustained. Gas infall has been proposed as the origin. (4) The majority of galactic disks are lopsided in their morphology as well as in their kinematics. Also here recent accretion has been advocated as a possible cause. In our view, accretion takes place both through the arrival and merging of gas-rich satellites and through gas infall from the intergalactic medium (IGM). The new gas could be added to the halo or be deposited in the outer parts of galaxies and form reservoirs for replenishing the inner parts and feeding star formation. The infall may have observable effects on the disk such as bursts of star formation and lopsidedness. We infer a mean “visible” accretion rate of cold gas in galaxies of at least . In order to reach the accretion rates needed to sustain the observed star formation (), additional infall of large amounts of gas from the IGM seems to be required.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional evolutions of two flares of October 18, 1990 have been well observed in the Caii K line with a CCD camera at Norikura station of National Astronomical Observatory in Japan. There are two common characteristics for the flares: 3 - 5 min before the impulsive phase, the heating already begins at the footpoints of the flares, but no asymmetry in line emission has been detected. After the onset of the impulsive phase, Caii K line emission at the footpoints shows strong red asymmetry, with the maximum asymmetry occurring at the same time as the peak of the radio bursts. The maximum downward velocity is about 30 50 km s–1. For flare 1, blue and red asymmetries were observed in two sides of the footpoint area. They developed and attained a maximum nearly at the same time and the inferred Doppler velocities are comparable (30 40 km s–1). This implies that two mass jets started from a small region and ejected along a loop but in opposite directions with roughly equivalent momentum. A possible mechanism has been discussed.  相似文献   

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