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Currents in the northern Bay of La Paz were examined using an 8-month Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) record collected in the upper 185 m of the water column during 2007. Flow variability was dominated by tidal motions, which accounted for 43% (33% diurnal, 10% semidiurnal) of the total kinetic energy. The tidal motions had a pronounced vertical structure dominated within a shallow (∼30 m thick) surface layer by intense counterclockwise (CCW) rotary S1 diurnal radiational currents that were highly coherent with the counterclockwise seabreeze. Motions within the semidiurnal frequency band were primarily associated with significant counterclockwise S2 radiational tidal currents, which were also coherent with the seabreeze. Both S1 and S2 tidal ellipses in the upper layer were aligned perpendicular to the bay entrance with mean semi-major axes of 55 and 20 cm/s, respectively. Below the surface layer, tidal currents decayed rapidly to relatively weak, clockwise rotary barotropic motions. In contrast to those for radiational harmonics, tidal ellipses of the gravitational constituents (M2, K1 and O1) were oriented cross-bay. Energy within the diurnal frequency band in the surface layer was dominated by a coherent component (barotropic, phase-locked baroclinic and radiational), which accounted for roughly 65% (59% from S1 alone) of the total diurnal kinetic energy. Of the remaining diurnal band energy, 18% was associated with an incoherent baroclinic component and 17% with a background noise component. Below 30 m depth, the corresponding estimates are 40%, 32% and 28%, respectively. The persistent, surface-intensified CCW rotary currents observed at the mooring site are assumed to be forced by strong CCW seabreeze winds in the presence of a “slippery” low-density surface layer. This response may be further augmented by topographic narrowing at the bay entrance and by the close proximity of the diurnal and inertial frequency bands in the region.  相似文献   

Semidiurnal tidal currents on the outer shelf of the Mackenzie Shelf in the Beaufort Sea were found to be strongly influenced by the locally generated baroclinic tide. Two primary factors are involved in this process: (1) the sharp shelf break along the northeastern Mackenzie Shelf, promoting the generation of vigorous internal tidal waves; and (2) the proximity to critical latitudes for M2 and N2 motions locking these waves and preventing them from leaving the source region. As a result, internal tides are resonantly trapped between the shelf and critical latitudes. The physical properties and temporal variations of tidal motions were examined using current meter measurements obtained from 1987–1988 at four sites (SS1, SS2, SS3, and SS4) offshore of the shelf break at depths of ∼200 m. Each mooring had Aanderaa RCM4s positioned at ∼35 m below the surface and ∼50 m above the bottom. Complex demodulation was used to compute the envelopes (amplitude modulation) of these components. A striking difference in the variability of clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) tidal currents was found. The CW tides are highly variable, have greater amplitude, exhibit a burst-like character associated with wind events and contain about 80% of the total energy of the semidiurnal tidal currents. In contrast, the CCW components have a more regular temporal regime with distinct monthly, fortnightly and 10-day modulation at astronomical periodicities associated with frequency differences M2–N2 (0.03629 cpd), S2–M2 (0.06773 cpd), and S2–N2 (0.10402 cpd). Significant horizontal correlation of the CW current envelopes was found only between stations near the northeast Mackenzie Shelf, indicating this to be the main area of baroclinic internal wave generation.  相似文献   

The Alaskar pipeline is a highly conducting anomaly extending 800 miles (1300 km) from about 62° to 69° geomagnetic latitude beneath the most active regions of the ionospheric electrojet current. The spectral behavior of the magnetic field from this current was analyzed using data from standard geomagnetic observatories to establish the predictable patterns of temporal and spatial changes for field pulsation periods between 5 min and 4 hr. Such behavior is presented in a series of tables, graphs and formulae. Using 2- and 3-layer models of the conducting earth, the induced electric fields associated with the geomagnetic changes were established. From the direct relationship of the current to the geomagnetic field variation patterns one can infer counterpart temporal and spatial characteristics of the pipeline current. The relationship of the field amplitudes to geomagnetic activity indices,A p, and the established occurrence of various levels ofA p over several solar cycles were employed to show that about half of the time the induced currents in the pipe would be under 1 A for the maximum response oscillatory periods near 1 hr. Such currents should be of minimal consequence in corrosion effects for even a section of the pipeline unprotected by sacrificial electrodes. Of greater interest was the result that the extreme surges of current should reach over one-hundred amperes in the pipeline during high activity.  相似文献   

Nearshore currents of the southern Namaqua shelf were investigated using data from a mooring situated three and a half kilometres offshore of Lambert's Bay, downstream of the Cape Columbine upwelling cell, on the west coast of South Africa. This area is susceptible to harmful algal blooms (HABs) and wind-forced variations in currents and water column structure are critical in determining the development, transport and dissipation of blooms. Time series of local wind data, and current and temperature profile data are described for three periods, considered to be representative of the latter part of the upwelling season (27 January–22 February), winter conditions (5–29 May) and the early part of the upwelling season (10 November–12 December) in 2005. Differences observed in mean wind strength and direction between data sets are indicative of seasonal changes in synoptic meteorological conditions. These quasi-seasonal variations in wind forcing affect nearshore current flow, leading to mean northward flow in surface waters early in the upwelling season when equatorward, upwelling-favourable winds are persistent. Mean near-surface currents are southward during the latter part of the upwelling season, consistent with more prolonged periods of relaxation from equatorward winds, and under winter conditions when winds were predominantly poleward. Within these seasonal variations in mean near-surface current direction, two scales of current variability were evident within all data sets: strong inertial oscillations were driven by diurnal winds and introduced vertical shear into the water column enhancing mixing across the thermocline, while sub-inertial current variability was driven by north–south wind reversals at periods of 2–5 days. Sub-inertial currents were found to lag wind reversals by approximately 12 h, with a tendency for near-surface currents to flow poleward in the absence of wind forcing. Consistent with similar sites along the Californian and Iberian coasts, the headland at Cape Columbine is considered to influence currents and circulation patterns during periods of relaxation from upwelling-favourable winds, favouring the development of a nearshore poleward current, leading to poleward advection of warm water, the development of stratification, and the creation of potentially favourable conditions for HAB development.  相似文献   

In South China, the Wuqiangxi Formation of the Banxi Group and its equivalents underlie the early Cryogenian (Sturtian) glacial deposits but their thickness varies from <200 m to >2000 m. In the Guzhang section of western Hunan, the Wuqiangxi Formation is only 152 m thick, and an ash bed 58 m below the glacial diamictite yielded a SHRIMP U-Pb age of 809.3±8.4 Ma. In contrast, 90 km south of the Guzhang section towards the basin in Zhijiang area where the Wuqiangxi Formation is ~2200 m thick, an age of 725±10 Ma has been reported from the top of this unit, 300 m below the glacial diamictite. These ages provide new evidence for the regional stratigraphic correlation across the Nanhua basin, and suggest unusually large (>2 km) stratigraphic erosion potentially associated with the Sturtian glaciation in South China. The magnitude of erosion may imply significant uplifting and tectonotopography at the onset of the Sturtian glaciation.  相似文献   

A new circulation model of the western North Pacific Ocean based on the parallelized version of the Princeton Ocean Model and incorporating the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) data assimilation scheme has been developed. The new model assimilates satellite data and is tested for the period January 1 to April 3, 2012 initialized from a 24-year simulation to estimate the ocean state focusing in the South China Sea (SCS). Model results are compared against estimates based on the optimum interpolation (OI) assimilation scheme and are validated against independent Argo float and transport data to assess model skills. LETKF provides improved estimates of the western North Pacific Ocean state including transports through various straits in the SCS. In the Luzon Strait, the model confirms, for the first time, the three-layer transport structure previously deduced in the literature from sparse observations: westward in the upper and lower layers and eastward in the middle layer. This structure is shown to be robust, and the related dynamics are analyzed using the results of a long-term (18 years) unassimilated North Pacific Ocean model. Potential vorticity and mass conservations suggest a basin-wide cyclonic circulation in the upper layer of the SCS (z?>??570 m), an anticyclonic circulation in the middle layer (?570 m?≥?z?>??2,000 m), and, in the abyssal basin (<?2,000 m), the circulation is cyclonic in the north and anticyclonic in the south. The cyclone–anticyclone abyssal circulation is confirmed and explained using a deep-layer reduced-gravity model as being caused by overflow over the deep sill of the Luzon Strait, coupled with intense, localized upwelling west of the strait.  相似文献   

Measurement of clay mineralogy at ODP Site 1146 in the northern South China Sea (SCS) indicates that illite, chlorite, and kaolinite contents increased during glacials and smectite content increased during interglacials. The smectite/(illite+chlorite) ratio and the smectite abundance were determined as mineralogical indicators for the East Asian monsoon evolution. At a 10 ka timescale, prevailing southeasterly surface oceanic currents during interglacials transported more smectite from the south and east areas to the north, showing a strengthened summer monsoon circulation, whereas dominated counter-clockwise surface currents during glacials carried more illite and chlorite from Taiwan as well as from the Yangtze River via the Luzon Strait to the northern SCS, indicating a strongly intensified winter monsoon. Based on a 100 ka timescale, a linear correlation between the smectite/(illite+chlorite) ratio and the sedimentation rate reflects that the winter monsoon has prevailed in the northern SCS in the intervals 2000–1200 ka and 400–0 ka and the summer monsoon did the same in the interval 1200–400 ka. The evolution of the summer monsoon provides an almost linear response to the summer insolation of Northern Hemisphere, implying an astronomical forcing of the East Asian monsoon evolution.  相似文献   

High-time resolution CUTLASS observations and ground-based magnetometers have been employed to study the occurrence of vortical flow structures propagating through the high-latitude ionosphere during magnetospheric substorms. Fast-moving flow vortices (800 m s–1) associated with Hall currents flowing around upward directed field-aligned currents are frequently observed propagating at high speed (1 km s–1) azimuthally away from the region of the ionosphere associated with the location of the substorm expansion phase onset. Furthermore, a statistical analysis drawn from over 1000 h of high-time resolution, nightside radar data has enabled the characterisation of the bulk properties of these vortical flow systems. Their occurrence with respect to substorm phase has been investigated and a possible generation mechanism has been suggested.  相似文献   

Velocity measurements with vertical resolution 0.02 m were conducted in the lowest 0.5 m of the water column using acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) at a test site in the western part of the East China Sea. The friction velocity u * and the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate ε wl(ζ) profiles were calculated using log-layer fits; ζ is the height above the bottom. During a semidiurnal tidal cycle, u * was found to vary in the range (1–7) × 10−3 m/s. The law-of-the-wall dissipation profiles ε wl(ζ) were consistent with the dissipation profiles ε mc(ζ) evaluated using independent microstructure measurements of small-scale shear, except in the presence of westward currents. It was hypothesized that an isolated bathymetric rise (25 m height at a 50-m seafloor) located to the east of the measurement site is responsible for the latter. Calculation of the depth integrated internal tide generating body force in the region showed that the flanks of the rise are hotspots of internal wave energy that may locally produce a significant turbulent zone while emitting tidal and shorter nonlinear internal waves. This distant topographic source of turbulence may enhance the microstructure-based dissipation levels ε mc(ζ) in the bottom boundary layer (BBL) beyond the dissipation ε wl(ζ) associated with purely locally generated turbulence by skin currents. Semi-empirical estimates for dissipation at a distance from the bathymetric rise agree well with the BBL values of ε mc measured 15 km upslope.  相似文献   

Two very high-frequency radars (VHFR) operating on the Opal coast of eastern English Channel provided a nearly continuous 35-day long dataset of surface currents over a 500 km2 area at 0.6–1.8 km resolution. Argo drifter tracking and CTD soundings complemented the VHFR observations, which extended approximately 25 km offshore. The radar data resolve three basic modes of the surface velocity variation in the area, that are driven by tides, winds and freshwater fluxes associated with seasonal river discharge. The first mode, accounting for 90% of variability, is characterized by an along-shore flow pattern, whereas the second and third modes exhibit cross-shore, and eddy-like structures in the current velocity field. All the three modes show the dominant semi-diurnal variability and low-frequency modulation by the neap-spring tidal cycle. Although tidal forcing provides the major contribution to variability of local currents, baroclinicity plays an important role in shaping the 3D velocity field averaged over the tidal cycle and may strongly affect tracer dynamics on larger time scales. An empirical orthogonal function (EOF) decomposition and a spectral rotary analysis of the VHFR data reveal a discontinuity in the velocity field occurring approximately 10 km offshore which was caused by the reversal in the sign of rotation of the current vector. This feature of local circulation is responsible for surface current convergence on ebb, divergence on flood and strong oscillatory vertical motion. Spectral analysis of the observed currents and the results of the Agro drifter tracking indicate that the line of convergence approximately follows the 30-m isobath. The most pronounced feature of the radar-derived residual circulation is the along-coast intensification of surface currents with velocity magnitude of 0.25 m/s typical for the Regions of Freshwater Influence (ROFI). The analysis has provided a useful, exploratory examination of surface currents, suggesting that the circulation off the Opal coast is governed by ROFI dynamics on the hypertidal background.  相似文献   

The authors firstly evaluate the strain accumulation rate of the Xianshuihe fault zone based on earth- quake activity. We calculated the stress and seismic moment accumulation rate for each subsection of the Xianshuihe fault zone based on the distribution of geological slip rate and GPS survey results. According to the results, we get the recurrence intervals of characterized earthquakes on each sub- section respectively. A three-dimensional finite element model for western Sichuan is constructed to discuss the earthquakes triggering among major earthquakes (M>6.7) that occurred along the Xianshuihe fault zone since 1893. The calculated Coulomb failure stress changes (ΔCFS) show that 5 of the 6 earthquakes with Ms>6.7 were triggered by positive ΔCFS. The interactions between major earthquakes not only influence recurrence intervals of characterized earthquakes on each subsection, but also change recurrence behavior of major earthquakes along the whole fault zone.  相似文献   

The geogas collectors showing a geogas anomaly in field geogas prospecting and in simulation tests were selected for the observation under high resolution microscopy. The result demonstrates that the geogas matter is transported in the form of nano-scale particles with a size of aboutN nm to N-10 nm, and accumulated into aggregations of 1-2 μm to N.10 μm, with globular and film shape, and the component of Cu, Zn, Cr, Au, Al, V, Si, Br, C1, S, Ca, etc. Based on the knowledge of nano science and technique, the mechanism of the geogas prospecting and its significance in geology and mineral prospecting are discussed. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49673202) and the Department of Science and Technology of MGMR, PRC (Grant No. 9505201-1)  相似文献   

In southwest Western Australia, strong and persistent sea breezes are common between September and February. We hypothesized that on the inner continental shelf, in the absence of tidal forcing, the depth, magnitude, and lag times of the current speed and direction responses to sea breezes would vary though the water column as a function of the sea breeze intensity. To test this hypothesis, field data were used from four sites were that were in water depths of up to 13 m. Sites were located on the inner continental shelf and were on the open coast and in a semi-enclosed coastal embayment. The dominant spectral peak in currents at all sites indicated that the majority of the spectral energy contained in the currents was due to forcing by sea breezes. Currents were aligned with the local orientation of the shoreline. On a daily basis, the sea breezes resulted in increased current speeds and also changed the current directions through the water column. The correlation between wind–current speeds and directions with depth, and the lag time between the onset of the sea breeze and the response of currents, were dependent on the intensity of the sea breezes. A higher correlation between wind and current speeds occurred during strong sea breezes and was associated with shorter lag times for the response of the bottom currents. The lag times were validated with estimates of the vertical eddy viscosity. Solar heating caused the water column to stratify in summer and the sea breezes overcame this stratification. Sea breezes caused the mixed layer to deepen and the intensity of the stratification was correlated to the strength of the sea breezes. Weak sea breezes of <5 m s−1 were associated with the strongest thermal stratification of the water column, up to 1°C between the surface and bottom layers (6 and 10 m below the surface). In comparison, strong sea breezes of >14 m s−1 caused only slight thermal stratification up to 0.5°C. Apart from these effects on the vertical structure of water column, the sea breezes also influenced transport and mixing in the horizontal dimension. The sea breezes in southwest Western Australia rotated in an anticlockwise direction each day and this rotation was translated into the currents. This current rotation was more prominent in surface currents and in the coastal embayment compared to the open coast.  相似文献   

The MECO hydrodynamic model (MECO Technical Report No. OMR-118/120, CSIRO Marine Research, 1998) was adapted for the Torres Strait–Gulf of Papua region at 0.05° resolution. Validation of the hydrodynamic model was carried out against observed current meter data and calculated tidal sea levels. Dispersal pathways of sediments derived from the Fly River, and from a resuspension event along the northern Great Barrier Reef were investigated using an Eulerian approach. Sediment input into Torres Strait is found to be greater during the Trade season by approximately 10%. Wave data were also obtained, and together with hydrodynamic model output, sediment mobility due to currents, waves and wave–current interactions was considered for both the Trade and Monsoon seasons. Sediment mobility in the Gulf of Papua is dominated by wave motion, whereas Torres Strait is a mixed environment of waves and tidal currents.  相似文献   

A global 1/4° resolution product of surface currents has been developed by the Centre de Topographie des Océans et de l’Hydrosphère. The surface current is calculated from a combination of Ekman currents derived from wind estimates from QuikSCAT satellite, geostrophic current anomalies derived from altimetry, and a mean geostrophic current derived from climatology. In the equatorial band, the currents are adjusted following the methodology proposed by Lagerloef et al. (J Geophys Res, 104(C10):22313–22326, 1999). These satellite-derived currents have been compared to different types of in situ current observations. A global validation is performed using Lagrangian surface drifting buoys and acoustic Doppler current profiler current observations along ship tracks. The comparison shows a very good agreement in the subtropical and mid-latitude bands. The correlation between the satellite-derived currents and the drifter currents in zonal mean bands is around 0.7 for most of the world oceans, both for the zonal and the meridional components. This correlation rises up to 0.8 in the regions of strong boundary currents. In the equatorial band, the correlation with the surface drifting buoys is reduced. A direct comparison with the TOGA/TAO moored current meter data at the equator shows that the low frequency currents are captured by the satellite current product, but there is a substantial high-frequency signal (<20 days), which is not reproduced. This is especially the case for the meridional component and is mainly related to the tropical instability waves. We also show that using daily QuikSCAT wind forcing improves the satellite current product, particularly in the high-latitude westerly wind belt and in the tropical Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a 1-year campaign to measure the seasonal variability of some key physical and biological properties of intertidal mudflats over a section of the central Tamar Estuary and to relate these to the physical environment. Seasonal variations in physical mudflat properties, such as grain size, density and moisture content were relatively small. With the exception of the particulate organic carbon content in the upper 0.002 m of surface sediment, biological variations were large. Redox potential exhibited considerable seasonal variation and showed that the sediments were less reduced in winter and more reduced in summer. Chlorophyll a and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) within the surface 0.002 m of sediment (due to the presence of benthic diatoms) were strongly correlated and exhibited a pronounced seasonal pattern, with smallest values during winter and greatest values during late summer and early autumn. EPS had a dominating influence on sediment erosion, as determined from annular flume measurements. Velocity measurements and velocity modelling indicated that during the flood, and for much of the time during benthic diatom bloom conditions of high chlorophyll a and EPS sediment contents, the stresses exerted by tidal currents were too small to cause significant suspension of sediments over much of the middle and upper mudflats. Suspended fine sediment in the turbidity maximum zone was transported down-estuary and deposited in the main channel at low-water (LW) slack. Some of this sediment, in the form of relatively large aggregates, was subsequently transported onto the mudflats during the flooding tide, where slack currents and fast settling velocities may have enhanced sediment deposition there.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   

Dozens of >M5, hundreds of >M4, and much more >M3 aftershocks occurred after the 2008/05/12 Wenchuan earthquake, which were well recorded by permanent and portable seismic stations. After relocated with P arrival, the >M3 aftershocks show two trends of distribution, with most of the aftershocks located along the north-east strike consistent with Longmenshan fault system, yet there is a north-west trend around the epicenter. It seems that substantially more aftershocks occur in regions with crystalline bedrocks. Then we collected waveform data from National Digital Seismograph Network and regional seismograph network of China, and employed “Cut and Paste” method to obtain focal mechanisms and depths of the big aftershocks (M⩾5.6). While most of those aftershocks show thrust mechanism, there are some strike slip earthquakes in the northern-most end of the rupture. Focal mechanisms show that the events located on the southern part of central Beichuan-Yingxiu Fault (BY) are mainly thrust earthquakes, which is consistent with initial mechanism of the main shock rupture. In the north part the aftershocks along the BY are also dominated by thrust slip, which is quite different from the right slip rupture of the main shock. Around Qingchuan-Pingwu Fault, the focal mechanisms are dominated by right-slip rupture with large depths (∼18 km). So we suspected that in the north part the main shock might rupture on two faults: Beichuan Fault and Qingchuan-Pingwu Fault. The complex pattern of aftershock mechanisms argues for presence of a complicated fault system in the Longmenshan area. Supported by Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. KZCX3-SW-153, KZCX2-YW-116-1), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40604004), and National Basic Technology R & D Program (Grant No. 2006BAC01B02-01-02).  相似文献   

Late Early Paleozoic mafic-ultramafic dykes and volcanic rocks from the South Qinling belt are char- acterized by εNd( t ) = 3.28― 5.02, (87Sr/86Sr)i= 0.70341― 0.70555, (206Pb/204Pb)i = 17.256― 18.993, (207Pb/204Pb)i= 15.505―15.642, (208Pb/204Pb)i=37.125―38.968, ?8/4=21.18―774.43, ?7/4=8.11―18.82. These charac- teristics suggest that they derived from a Middle Neoproterozoic mantle with isotopic compositions of mixed HIMU, EMII and minor EMI components. We interpret that these rocks were melting products of depleted mantle modified by subducted ancient oceanic crust and continental margin sediments along the northern margin of Yangtze block during Early Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Near-inertial currents in the DeSoto Canyon region are described using current and wind observations taken between April 1997 and March 1998 for the “DeSoto Canyon Eddy Intrusion Study”. Distinct energy peaks are present at near-inertial frequencies for the clockwise spectrum and there is little energy at the same frequencies for the counterclockwise current spectrum. In this region, amplitudes of the near-inertial currents can be as high as 40 cm s−1. These currents are surface-intensified and display an increase in amplitude from the shelf break to offshore. Between November 1997 and March 1998, they were effectively generated by shifting winds accompanying passages of cold fronts. For this time period, near-inertial currents are reasonably well-simulated by a mixed-layer model forced by observed winds. During summer 1997, however, enhanced near-inertial motions often resulted from resonance between winds and existing currents.  相似文献   

Tidal and residual currents in the Bransfield Strait,Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the 1992–1993 oceanographic cruise of the Spanish R/V Hespérides, recording equipment was deployed in the Bransfield Strait. Six Aanderaa RCM7 current meters and three Aanderaa WLR7 tide gauges were successfully recovered after an operation period of 2.5 months. Relevant features of the time series obtained are presented and discussed in this paper. The emphasis is placed on the tidal character of the currents and the relative importance of tidal flow in the general hydrodynamics of the strait. For these purposes a dense grid of hydrographic stations, completed during the BIOANTAR 93 cruise, is used. Preliminary geostrophic calculations relative to a 400 m depth, yield current velocities of around 0.20 m s−1 in the study area, whereas the magnitude of tidal currents is seen to be 0.30-0.40 m s−1.  相似文献   

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