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This study addresses the impact marshes have on the dissolved oxygen content of tidal waters, particularly during summer when respiratory demand for oxygen in adjacent coastal waters is at a maximum and the solubility of oxygen is lowest. The net transports of dissolved oxygen, salt and heat have been measured for 65 tidal cycles during late spring and summer for a small (0·14 km2) salt marsh basin near North Inlet, S.C. The results indicate that export of dissolved oxygen occurs only on tidal cycles that begin between 2:00 am and 10:00 am such that high tide occurs within 4 h of noon. The largest exports of oxygen and heat are produced by spring tides beginning near sunrise. Although the time window for oxygen export is only about 8 h in duration, there is a more or less overall long-term balance between export and import because the magnitude of oxygen export is about 25% greater than import. The magnitude of heat export similarly exceeds heat import but because the time windows for heat export and import are equal, there is an overall export of heat. This study thus suggests that in summer salt marshes of the Atlantic coast export heat and are in balance with respect to the export and import of dissolved oxygen. However, because of the interaction of the diurnal tide with the daily cycle of solar radiation, transient dissolved oxygen concentrations in tidal waters can range from 1.5 to 10.0 ppm. Thus loading of additional oxygen consuming materials to these waters possibly could lead to significant periods of anoxia.  相似文献   

实验室培养条件下,以新近孵化的卤虫(Artemiasalina)为食物,观测中华假磷虾(Pseudeuphau siasinica)雌性成体、仔虾和后期带叉幼体的碳氮收支.实验表明摄食率随食物浓度的升高呈线性提高,成体未出现饱和现象,反映其较高的摄食潜力.呼吸率(碳消耗率)与碳的摄食率及同化率分别呈线性正相关,比动力作用分别为9%~16%(摄入碳)和10%~17%(同化碳)以后期幼体更小.总氮排泄率与氮的摄食率及同化率也分别呈显著正相关,但仔虾例外.排粪率随摄食率升高而提高,从而同化效率与摄食率无关,介于0.84~0.95.食物氮源是中华假磷虾生长的主要限制因子,当摄食率低于10μg/(mg·d)(干重)时,假磷虾呈负生长.同化的氮以排泄消耗为主,体质生长次之,而蜕皮损失最少.同化的碳也以呼吸消耗和体质生长居多,但随摄食率有变化,蜕皮损失最少.在成熟雌体,估算的生殖生长(碳、氮)比蜕皮损失略高.净生长效率随摄食率(及同化率)升高而升高.达一定值后,仔虾和后期带叉幼体净生长效率略有下降.  相似文献   

北太平洋经向翻转环流是北太平洋所有经向翻转环流圈的总称,目前它拥有五个环流圈,即副热带环流圈(the subtropical cell,STC)、热带环流圈(the tropical cell,TC)、副极地环流圈(the subpolar cell,SPC)、深层热带环流圈(the deep tropical cell,DTC)和温跃层环流圈(the thermohaline cell,THC)。这些环流圈是北太平洋经向物质和能量交换的重要通道,它们的变化对海洋上层热盐结构和气候变化皆有重要影响。迄今,人们已对STC、TC和DTC的结构形态、变化特征与机理开展了广泛而深入的研究,并对STC的极向热输送特征也做了一些初步分析。但应指出的是,关于SPC和THC的研究仍较少,迄今尚不清楚这两个环流圈的三维结构和变异机理;而且,对北太平洋经向翻转环流的热盐输送研究尚处于起步阶段,目前对各环流圈的热盐输送特征、变化规律和变异机理仍知之甚少,这些科学问题亟待深入研究。  相似文献   

本文基于南大洋环流研究最新资料,从资料来源、动力模式以及有待解决的问题几个方面较详细地阐述南大洋环流动力学研究动态。  相似文献   

首先依据拉格朗日环流理论与黄、东海的环流物理和几何特征建立一个黄、东海环流的动力学统一模型 ,并按其无因次方程的量阶分析获得其零阶和一阶模型方程。最后依此模型方程的数学、物理特征确立了流速分解方案 ,从而形成完整的黄、东海拉格朗日环流数值模型。该课题组已完成较系统地对黄、东海环流的数值研究。该篇论文为系列报道之首篇。  相似文献   

南海与邻近海洋的水通量交换   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
利用一个局地加密的全球海洋环流模式,给出位于细网格海域的南中国海与其邻近海洋之间水交换的年平均和月变化的定量结果。结果表明,南海与周围海洋交换的水通量受南海季风的影响较大,其中吕宋海峡的交换量最大,其次为南海南部边界的断面,再者依次为台湾海峡,民都洛海峡和巴拉巴克海峡,另外还对南海各个海峡的热通量,盐通量进行了估算。  相似文献   

采用二维的全球高分辨率(1/4°×1/4°)的自由表面诊断模型结合动力计算估算全球大洋环流,模拟结果与其他模拟结果非常相似。流函数的分布表明,全球大洋中的主要流系均得到体现,包括大洋环流的西向强化的现象(黑潮、湾流等)。黑潮主轴的流量约54Sv(1Sv=106m3/s),非常接近实测值;各层水平流场分布情况显示,各大洋的一些基本流系都能得到很好的再现。如黑潮和南极绕极流可深达底层。湾流不能到达深层,大约在1000~2000m之间海流即已转向。  相似文献   

采用二维的全球高分辨率(1/4°×1/4°)的自由表面诊断模型结合动力计算估算全球大洋环流,模拟结果与其他模拟结果非常相似。流函数的分布表明,全球大洋中的主要流系均得到体现,包括大洋环流的西向强化的现象(黑潮、湾流等)。黑潮主轴的流量约54Sv(1Sv=10^6m^3/s),非常接近实测值:各层水平流场分布情况显示,各大洋的一些基本流系都能得到很好的再现。如黑潮和南极绕极流可深达底层。湾流不能到达深层,大约在1000~2000m之间海流即已转向。  相似文献   

Abstract-The carbon and nitrogen budgets were estimated on the adult females, juveniles and post-furcilia larvae of Pseudeuphausia sinica fed on newly hatching nauplii of Artemia salina in the laborato-ry. It was found that the ingestion rate was linearly related to the food concentration, suggesting highfeeding potential. The linear correlation could be established between the respirating rate (carbon con-sumption rate) and carbon ingestion rate, as well as carbon assimilation rate. The regression coefficients(i.e.specific dynamic action coefficients) were in the range from 9% to 16% (ingested C) or 10% to17% (assimilated C) respectively, with lower in the post-furcilia larvae. There also existed a linearcorrelation equation between estimated total nitrogen excretion rate and the rates of nitrogen ingestionand assimilation separately, except for the juveniles. The defecation rates increased with the increase ofthe ingestion rate; as a result, assimilation efficiency was not related to the ingestion rat  相似文献   

Numerical Study of the Upper-Layer Circulation in the South China Sea   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Upper-layer circulation in the South China Sea has been investigated using a three-dimensional primitive equation eddy-resolving model. The model domain covers the region from 99° to 122°E and from 3° to 23°N. The model is forced by the monthly averaged European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model winds and the climatological monthly sea surface temperature data from National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). Inflow and outflow through the Taiwan Strait and the Sunda shelf are prescribed monthly from the Wyrtki estimates. Inflow of the Kuroshio branch current in the Luzon Strait is assumed to have a constant volume transport of 12 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3/s), and the outflow from the open boundary to the east of Taiwan is adjusted to ensure the net volume transport through all open boundaries is zero at any instant. The model reveals that a cyclonic circulation exists all year round in the northern South China Sea. During the winter time this cyclonic eddy is located off the northwest of Luzon, coinciding with the region of positive wind stress curl in this season. This cyclonic eddy moves northward in spring due to the weakening of the northeast winds. The cyclonic circulation becomes weak and stays in the continental slope region in the northern South China Sea in the summer period. The southwest wind can raise the water level along the west coast of Luzon, but there is no anticyclonic circulation in the northern South China Sea. After the onset of the northeast monsoon winds in fall, the cyclonic eddy moves back to the region off the west coast of Luzon. In the southern South China Sea and off the Vietnam coast, the model predicts a similar flow structure as in the previous related studies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

在利用改进的POM模式的基础上,嵌套西北太平洋区域模式HAMSOM结果,建立1个日本海对马海峡海域斜压准预报模式.通过与已有的观测和研究进行对比,得到较为可信的模拟结果.以温度场和盐度场为参考,系统分析讨论该海域的环流结构及其季节变化.对于温度锋和盐度锋的位置,以及对马暖流的流核等存在争议的问题给出了相应的解释.对马海峡作为日本海的上层水体主要输入区域,对马暖流携带的高温高盐水经过该区域时,在温盐等方面呈现出自南向北的递减变化趋势.对马暖流被对马岛分为东西两支,流核深度随季节变化,并且明显存在双核结构.  相似文献   

The comprehensive three-dimensional structures of an anti-cyclonic mesoscale eddy(AE) in the subtropical northwestern Pacific Ocean were investigated by combining the Argo floats profiles with enhanced vertical and temporal sampling and satellite altimetry data. The AE originated near the Kuroshio Extension and then propagated westward with mean velocity of 8.9 cm/s. Significant changes and evolutions during the AE's growing stage(T1) and further growing stage(T2) were revealed through composite analysis. In the composite eddy core,maximum temperature(T) and salinity(S) anomalies were of 1.7(1.9)°C and 0.04(0.07) psu in T1(T2) period,respectively. The composite T anomalies showed positive in almost whole depth, but the S anomalies exhibited a sandwich-like pattern. The eddy's intensification and its influence on the intermediate ocean became more significant during its growth. The trapping depth increased from 400×10~4 Pa to 580×10~4 Pa while it was growing up, which means more water volume, heat and salt content in deeper layers can be transported. The AE was strongly nonlinear in upper oceans and can yield a typical mean volume transport of 0.17×10~6 m~3/s and a mean heat and salt transport anomaly of 3.6×10~(11) W and –2.1×10~3 kg/s during the observation period. The Energy analysis showed that eddy potential and kinetic energy increased notably as it propagated westward and the baroclinic instability is the major energy source of the eddy growth. The variation of the remained Argo float trapped within the eddy indicated significant water advection during the eddy's propagation.  相似文献   

Based on the 50-year Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) reanalysis data, we investigated the basic characteristics and seasonal changes of the meridional heat transport carried by the North Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation. And we also examined the dynamical and thermodynamic mechanisms responsible for these heat transport variability at the seasonal time scale. Among four cells, the tropical cell (TC) is strongest with a northward heat transport (NHT) of (1.75±0.30) PW (1 PW=1.0×10^15 W) and a southward heat transport (SHT) of (-1.69±0.55) PW, the subtropical cell (STC) is second with a NHT of (0.71±0.65) PW and SHT of (-0.63±0.53) PW, the deep tropical cell (DTC) is third with a NHT of (0.18±0.03) PW and SHT of (-0.18±0.11) PW, while the subpolar cell (SPC) is weakest with a NHT of (0.09±0.05) PW and SHT of (-0.07±0.09) PW. These four cells all have diff erent seasonal changes in their NHT and SHT. Of all, the TC has stronger change in its SHT than in its NHT, so do both the DTC and SPC, but the seasonal change in the STC SHT is weaker than that in its NHT. Therefore, their dynamical and thermodynamic mechanisms are diff erent each other. The local zonal wind stress and net surface heat flux are mainly responsible for the seasonal changes in the TC and STC NHTs and SPC SHT, while the local thermocline circulations and sea temperature are primarily responsible for the seasonal changes of the TC, STC and DTC SHTs and SPC NHT.  相似文献   

A Box Model of Glacial-Interglacial Variability in the Japan Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Japan Sea has experienced drastic changes in the last 60 ka: the surface water was colder than the present value by five degrees and extremely freshened (24 ppt) in the last glacial maximum (15 ka), and then it contained Oyashio water for a few thousand years. It is an open question whether the inflow-outflow pattern was entirely reversed, opposite to the present exchange with an inflow through Tsushima Strait and an outflow through Tsugaru Strait. A box model is employed with two boxes representing the northern and the southern half domains in the upper (300-m-thick) layer. The model is driven by atmospheric forcing and inflow through Tsushima Strait and/or Tsugaru Strait. Here, the net transport through Tsushima to Tsugaru is given in the model. A baroclinic component is added to the net transport through each strait. It is the baroclinic components that allow the upper and the lower portions to flow to the opposite directions in the straits, and hence a reversal flow becomes possible against the net transport, under the condition of an extremely freshened Japan Sea. The fresh surface layer in 1814 ka is attributable to a near-shutoff of the inflow due to the low sea level. Shortly after the near-shutoff, the baroclinic transport through Tsugaru Strait yields intrusion of the Oyashio water into the Japan Sea. Thus, it is implied that Oyashio water existed in the Japan Sea a few thousand years after the reopening of Tsugaru Strait, even though the net transport was one-way, similar to the present state.  相似文献   

The European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM) has been coupled with a two-dimensional depth-averaged transport model of the Humber plume region and run to simulate 1988–1989. Simulations of the spatial and temporal variations in chlorophyll-a, nitrate, phosphate and suspended particulate matter distributions in winter, spring and summer show how the development of the spring bloom and subsequent maintenance of primary production is controlled by the physicochemical environment of the plume zone. Results are also shown for two stations, one characterised by the high nutrient and suspended matter concentrations of the plume and the other by the relatively low nutrient and sediment concentrations of the offshore waters. The modelled net primary production at the plume site was 105 g C m−2 a−1 and 127 g C m−2 a−1 offshore. Primary production was controlled by light limitation between October and March and by the availability of nutrients during the rest of the year. The phytoplankton nutrient demand is met by in-situ recycling processes during the summer. The likely effect of increasing and decreasing anthropogenic riverine inputs of nitrate and phosphate upon ecosystem function was also investigated. Modelling experiments indicate that increasing the nitrogen to silicate ratio in freshwater inputs increased the production of non-siliceous phytoplankton in the plume. The results of this model have been used to calculate the annual and quarterly mass balances describing the usage of inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and silicate within the plume zone for the period of the NERC North Sea survey (September 1988 to October 1989). The modelled Humber plume retains 3.9% of the freshwater dissolved inorganic nitrogen, 2.2% of the freshwater phosphate and 1.3% of the freshwater silicate input over the simulated seasonal cycle. The remainder is transported into the southern North Sea in either dissolved or particulate form. The reliability of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

田川  王树新  徐霄阳 《海洋科学》2015,39(1):110-115
利用在台湾海峡附近的下放式声学多普勒流速剖面仪(Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler,LADCP)观测资料和温盐观测资料,通过对连续站的两个季节观测进行正压和斜压潮流分析从而去除潮流得到准定常流,并在此基础上计算了南海和东海之间通过台湾海峡输运的水体及热盐通量。结果表明:台湾海峡大部分海域是半日潮海区(正规半日潮及不正规半日潮海区),半日潮主要分量为太阴半日分潮M2;台湾海峡的水体输运及热盐通量呈现明显的季节变化:夏季台湾海峡内表现为一支东北流向的海流,即台湾海峡暖流,存在3.3 Sv(1Sv=106 m3/s)的东北向水体输运,冬季东北季风较强,西南方向的海流加强,混合层可达到底部,存在1.8 Sv的东北向水体输运。与此对应的热盐通量分别为:夏季热通量为0.34×1015 W,盐通量为118.6×109 g/s;冬季热通量为0.14×1015 W,盐通量为72.9×109 g/s。该结果对台湾海峡通量的研究给出了一个直接观测的准确值,并为相关的数值研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

基于MOM模式的物理框架,妥善考虑了开边界的物理过程,改造和发展了一个区域海洋数值模式。本模式不仅可以方便地调整开边界条件,使之满足边界的特定物理条件,而且可以方便地做针对性修改,使模式更加可靠。改进后的模式具有MOM模式物理概念明确、公式便于理解、结果便于表达的全部特点,同时克服了MOM模式边界条件不完整、程序不易调整、参数难以改变的缺点。区域性模式比全球模式的计算速度快很多倍,可以成为区域性研究的有效工具。将此模式应用于南海,利用Hellerman&Rosenstein气候态风应力驱动模式10a,得到与全球模式效果相当的结果。模式模拟结果展现了南海流场的季节特征,在模式分辨率下表现出了多涡结构。根据模拟的流场计算了南海与其它海域的水交换通量。在年平均意义下,外海水通过吕宋海峡进入南海,南海水通过台湾海峡、民都洛海峡和卡里马塔海峡流出南海。各海峡水通量具有明显的季节变化。  相似文献   

改进环流模式中的Boussinesq近似与静压近似是当前海洋环流模式的主要研究方向之一。虽然目前已提出一些在模式中包含非Boussinesq效应和静压效应的方法,但是仍有很多关键问题亟待解决。系统地回顾了改进这2个基本近似的理论分析和数值模式的研究进展,介绍了不同方法的理论基础及其数值分析结果,并分析了这些方法中所存在的缺陷和问题,指出了开展进一步研究需要首先分析的几个关键问题。  相似文献   

The fluxes of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus through an off-shore long-line Mytilus galloprovincialis farm during a typical rearing cycle were estimated by combining a simple population dynamic model, based on a new individual model, and a set of field data, concerning the composition of the seston, as well as that of mussel meat and faeces. The individual model, based on an energy budget, was validated against a set of original field data, which were purposely collected from July 2006 to May 2007 in the North-Western Adriatic Sea (Italy) and was further tested using historical data. The model was upscaled to the population level by means of a set of Monte Carlo simulations, which were used for estimating the size structure of the population. The daily fluxes of C, N and P associated with mussel filtration, excretion and faeces and pseudo-faeces production were integrated over the 10-month-long rearing cycle and compared with the total amount of C, N and P removed by harvesting. The results indicate that the individual model compares well with an existing literature model and provides reliable estimations of the growth of mussel specimen over a range of trophic conditions which are typical of the Northern Adriatic Sea coastal area. The results of the budget calculation indicate that, even though the harvest represents a net removal of phosphorus and nitrogen from the ecosystem, the mussel farm increases the retention time of both nutrients in the coastal area, via the deposition of faeces and pseudo-faeces on the sea-bed. In fact, the amount of nitrogen associated with deposition is approximately twice the harvested one and the amount of phosphorus is approximately five times higher. These findings are in qualitative agreement with the results of literature budget and model calculations carried out in a temperate coastal embayment. This agreement suggests that the proper assessment of the overall effect of long-line mussel farming on both the benthic and pelagic ecosystem asks for an integrated modelling approach, which should include the dynamic of early diagenesis processes, as well as of that of nutrients released from the surface sediment.  相似文献   

基于黄、东海Lagrange环流数值模型 ,对黄、东海Lagrange斜压环流进行了诊断计算。采用流速分解法将La grange流速分解为梯度流、风海流、潮致余流、热盐环流、零阶环流耦合流 5种分量 ,实现三维计算的准二维化。计算结果较成功地模拟了冬夏两季黄、东海Lagrange环流 ,表明密度环流在冬、夏季均是东海环流的重要分量 ,可显著增强了东海黑潮、东海黑潮、台湾暖流和对马暖流 ;在夏季还是黄海环流的主要分量。  相似文献   

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