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To investigate inhomogeneous and porous structures in nature, the concept of fractal dimension was established. This paper briefly introduces the definition and measurement methods of fractal dimension. Three different methods including mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and nitrogen adsorption (BET) were applied to determine the fractal dimensions of the pore space of eight carbonate rock samples taken from West Tushka area, Egypt. In the case of fractal behavior, the capillary pressure P c and cumulative fraction V c resulting from MICP are linearly related with a slope of D-3 in a double logarithmic plot with D being the value of fractal dimension. For NMR, the cumulative intensity fraction V c and relaxation time T 2 show a linear relation with a slope of 3-D in a double logarithmic plot. Fractal dimension can also be determined by the specific surface area S por derived from nitrogen adsorption measurements and the effective hydraulic radius. The fractal dimension D shows a linear relation with the logarithm of S por . The fractal dimension is also used in models of permeability prediction. To consider a more comprehensive data set, another 34 carbonate samples taken from the same study area were integrated in the discussion on BET method and permeability prediction. Most of the 42 rock samples show a good agreement between measured permeability and predicted permeability if the mean surface fractal dimension for each facies is used.  相似文献   

Petrophysical evaluation and rock physics analysis are the important tools to relate the reservoir properties like porosity, permeability, pore fluids with seismic parameters. Nevertheless, the uncertainties always exist in the quantification of elastic and seismic parameters estimated through wireline logs and rock physics analysis. A workflow based on statistical relationships of rock physics and logs derived elastic and seismic parameters with porosity and the percentage error exist between them is given. The statistical linear regressions are developed for early Eocene Chorgali Formation between various petrophysically factors determined from borehole logging of well Ratana–03 drilled in tectonically disturbed zone and the seismic and elastic parameters estimated through rock physics modeling. The rock physics constraints such as seismic velocities, effective density and elastic moduli calculated from Gassmann fluid substation analysis are in harmony and close agreement to those estimated from borehole logs. The percentage errors between well logs and rock physics computed saturated bulk modulus (K sat ), effective density (ρ eff ), compressional and shear wave velocities (V P and V S) are 1.31%, 4.23 %, 5.25% and 4.01% respectively. The permeability of reservoir intervals show fairly strong linear relationship with the porosity, indicating that the reservoir interval of the Chorgali Formation is permeable and porous thus having large potential of hydrocarbon accumulation and production.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to quantify the magnitudes of surface conduction and pore water conduction from the measured electrical conductivity of kaolinite, with the ultimate goal of estimating the electrical conductivity of kaolinite with a wide range of pore water conductivities (σ w = 0.013–3.356 S/m) and porosities (n = 0.368–1.0). Therefore, the theoretical background of the electrical conductivity in soils was reviewed, and electrical conductivity measurements on kaolinite were performed using both slurry and consolidation tests in this study. The results of this study demonstrate that the variations of measured electrical conductivity (σ mix) with n are debatable according to the values of σ w, because a decrease in n results in both an increase in surface conduction (K s) and a decrease in pore water conduction (K w); this causes the relative magnitude of K s compared to that of K w to vary with σ w and n. Consequently, this study develops the relation between the porosity-normalized K s/K w and 1/σ w. Additionally, the surface conductivity of the tested kaolinite is back-calculated and compared with the previous relationship between K s and zeta potential of kaolinite. The measured and estimated σ mix values are compared with the varying pore water conductivity and porosity values.  相似文献   

Novel cell-centred finite-volume formulations are presented for incompressible and immiscible two-phase flow with both gravity and capillary pressure effects on structured and unstructured grids. The Darcy-flux is approximated by a control-volume distributed multipoint flux approximation (CVD-MPFA) coupled with a higher resolution approximation for convective transport. The CVD-MPFA method is used for Darcy-flux approximation involving pressure, gravity, and capillary pressure flux operators. Two IMPES formulations for coupling the pressure equation with fluid transport are presented. The first is based on the classical total velocity Vt fractional flow (Buckley Leverett) formulation, and the second is based on a more recent Va formulation. The CVD-MPFA method is employed for both Vt and Va formulations. The advantages of both coupled formulations are contrasted. The methods are tested on a range of structured and unstructured quadrilateral and triangular grids. The tests show that the resulting methods are found to be comparable for a number of classical cases, including channel flow problems. However, when gravity is present, flow regimes are identified where the Va formulation becomes locally unstable, in contrast to the total velocity formulation. The test cases also show the advantages of the higher resolution method compared to standard first-order single-point upstream weighting.  相似文献   

In this work, we model the biofilm growth at the microscale using a rectangular pore network model in 2D and a cubic network in 3D. For the 2D network, we study the effects of bioclogging on porosity and permeability when we change parameters like the number of nodes in the network, the network size, and the concentration of nutrients at the inlet. We use a 3D cubic network to study the influence of the number of nodes in the z direction on the biofilm growth and on upscalability. We show that the biofilm can grow uniformly or heterogeneously through the network. Using these results, we determine the conditions for upscalability of bioclogging for rectangular and cubic networks. If there is uniform biofilm growth, there is a unique relation between permeability and porosity, K?2, this relation does not depend on the volume of the network, therefore the system is upscalable. However, if there is preferential biofilm growth, the porosity-permeability relation is not uniquely defined, hence upscalability is not possible. The Damköhler number is used to determine when upscalability is possible. If the Damköhler number is less than 101, the biofilm grows uniformly and therefore the system is upscalable. However, if the Damköhler number is greater than 103, the biofilm growth exhibits a deviation from uniform biofilm growth and heterogeneous growth is observed, therefore upscalability is not possible. There is a transition from uniform growth to preferential growth if the Damköhler number is between 101 and 103.  相似文献   

Multi-phase flow in porous media in the presence of viscous, gravitational, and capillary forces is described by advection diffusion equations with nonlinear parameters of relative permeability and capillary pressures. The conventional numerical method employs a fully implicit finite volume formulation. The phase-potential-based upwind direction is commonly used in computing the transport terms between two adjacent cells. The numerical method, however, often experiences non-convergence in a nonlinear iterative solution due to the discontinuity of transmissibilities, especially in transition between co-current and counter-current flows. Recently, Lee et al. (Adv. Wat. Res. 82, 27–38, 2015) proposed a hybrid upwinding method for the two-phase transport equation that comprises viscous and gravitational fluxes. The viscous part is a co-current flow with a one-point upwinding based on the total velocity and the buoyancy part is modeled by a counter-current flow with zero total velocity. The hybrid scheme yields C1-continuous discretization for the transport equation and improves numerical convergence in the Newton nonlinear solver. Lee and Efendiev (Adv. Wat. Res. 96, 209–224, 2016) extended the hybrid upwind method to three-phase flow in the presence of gravity. In this paper, we present the hybrid-upwind formula in a generalized form that describes two- and three-phase flows with viscous, gravity, and capillary forces. In the derivation of the hybrid scheme for capillarity, we note that there is a strong similarity in mathematical formulation between gravity and capillarity. We thus greatly utilize the previous derivation of the hybrid upwind scheme for gravitational force in deriving that for capillary force. Furthermore, we also discuss some mathematical issues related to heterogeneous capillary domains and propose a simple discretization model by adapting multi-valued capillary pressures at the end points of capillary pressure curves. We demonstrate this new model always admits a consistent solution that is within the discretization error. This new generalized hybrid scheme yields a discretization method that improves numerical stability in reservoir simulation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of porous media deformation on water-table wave dispersion in an unconfined aquifer using a numerical model which couples Richards’ equation to the poro-elastic model. The study was motivated by the findings of Shoushtari et al. (J Hydrol 533:412–440, 2016) who were unable to reproduce the observed wave dispersion in their sand flume data with either numerical Richards’ equation models (assuming rigid porous media) or existing analytic solutions. The water-table wave dispersion is quantified via the complex wave number extracted from the predicted amplitude and phase profiles. A sensitivity analysis was performed to establish the influence of the main parameters in the poro-elastic model, namely Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (ν). For a short oscillation period (T?=?16.4 s), the phase lag increase rate (k i) is sensitive to the chosen values of E and ν, demonstrating an inverse relationship with both parameters. Changes in the amplitude decay rate (k r), however, were negligible. For a longer oscillation period (T?=?908.6 s), variations in the values of E and ν resulted in only small changes in both k r and k i. In both the short and long period cases, the poro-elastic model is unable to reproduce the observed wave dispersion in the existing laboratory data. Hence porous media deformation cannot explain the additional energy dissipation in the laboratory data. Shoushtari SMH, Cartwright N, Perrochet P, Nielsen P (2016) The effects of oscillation period on groundwater wave dispersion in a sandy unconfined aquifer: sand flume experiments and modelling. J Hydrol 533:412–440.  相似文献   

We analyze three-phase flow of immiscible fluids taking place within an elementary capillary tube with circular cross-section under water- and oil-wet conditions. We account explicitly for momentum transfer between the moving phases, which leads to the phenomenon of viscous coupling, by imposing continuity of velocity and shear stress at fluid-fluid interfaces. The macroscopic flow model which describes the system at the Darcy scale includes three-phase effective relative permeabilities, K i j,r , accounting for the flux of the ith phase due to the presence of the jth phase. These effective parameters strongly depend on phase saturations, fluid viscosities, and wettability of the solid matrix. In the considered flow setting, K i j,r reduce to a set of nine scalar quantities, K i j,r . Our results show that K i j,r of the wetting phase is a function only of the fluid phase own saturation. Otherwise, K i j,r of the non-wetting phase depends on the saturation of all fluids in the system and on oil and water viscosities. Viscous coupling effects (encapsulated in K i j,r with ij) can be significantly relevant in both water- and oil-wet systems. Wettability conditions influence oil flow at a rate that increases linearly with viscosity ratio between oil and water phases.  相似文献   

A single fracture is usually idealized theoretically as smooth parallel plates, but the real fractures are rough-walled with points of contact. Though relative roughness is considered in quantifying the flow through a single rough fracture (SRF) previously, additional factors such as the distribution of rough elements and bending degree of streamlines should be considered in order to obtain more accurate results. Semiempirical friction factor (f) and discharge per unit width (q) equations are first deduced taking relative roughness, roughness elements distribution and streamline reattachment length into consideration. A horizontal SRF model was then set up and a series of experiments and simulations were performed. Main conclusions are drawn: Recirculation of streamlines arises in the rough element and the intensity of the recirculation increases with the angle from which the streamlines enter into the rough elements and Reynolds number (Re); streamlines are discontinuously distributed when asperity height is large and nonlinear flow occurs; the nonlinearity of the flow increases with the increasing the asperity height and Re; the critical value of related roughness used to judge whether the influence of roughness on water flow through a SRF can be ignored or not should be much lower than 0.033; the revised f and q equations under laminar flow through a SRF are proved to be better when calculating the f and q values.  相似文献   

Textural variational pattern of economic and accessible Quaternary aquifer repositories and its conductivity in the south-eastern Nigeria have been assessed through the integration of vertical electrical sounding and laboratory measurements. The results have shown the lithological attributes, pore-water and amount of residual clay minerals in the assumed clean sand; mechanism of charge fixation at the fluid - surface interface; intricate geometry of pores and pore channels; formation’s ability to transmit pore-water and cation exchange capacity.The connections of electrical and hydraulic properties and their distributions have been established. The average interface conductivity contributed by residual clay minerals in assumed clean sands of the aquifer repositories in the study area have been estimated as 30µS/m. Intrinsic average porosity and formation factor have been respectively deduced as 12% and 14.75. Comparing the simulated aquifer formation factor obtained from the observed porosity data with the observed aquifer formation factor, indicates the that study area has 0.5 ≤ a ≤ 0.8 pore geometry factor and 1.5 ≤ m ≤ 2.0 cementation factor as the best fitting values. The interrelations between aquifer parameters have been established through different plots and the aquifer have been empirically proved to be associated with residual clay minerals as the interface conductivity Cq is not equal to zero. The wide ranges of parameters estimated are an indication of variations in grain size. The estimated intrinsic average porosity, formation factor and the average BQv are viable in characterizing the aquifer flow dynamics and contaminant modelling in the associated aquifer sands For low pore geometry factors a (0.2) and low cementation factor m (0.5) the formation factor remains fairly constant. However, marked variability is noticed at higher a (1.0) and m (2.5). Despite the observed variability in formation factors at the indicated porosities, the spatial or geometrical spread of the formation factor remains unchanged in the aquifer units. The Tables for geoelectric and petrophysical parameters and the associated mathematical models generated in this study can be used for groundwater contaminant modelling and simulation of pore space parameters with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

A simple cutoff approach based on the capillary bundle model has become an industrial standard method to quickly obtain the irreducible water saturation from NMR T2 distribution. However this approach is not always valid. To overcome the shortcoming of the capillary bundle model that ignores pore-pore connectivity, we have conducted a two-phase flow simulation in a CT-based pore network. The CT -based pore network is a representation of a real rock pore structure that is described by a binary X-ray tomographic data set. Simulation on such network mimics a process of the porous plate measurement. The generated capillary curve is quite reasonable. The oil accession distributions at different water saturations plotted as a function of pore size provide an insight for the immiscible displacement process in the real rock pore structure. Water is trapped not only in dead ends but also in the well-connected pores due to a pore level by-pass mechanism. At the capillary end point pressure, a plot of the trapped water distribution as a function of pore size has the same lognormal distribution as the pore size distribution, which is much different from what the simple capillary bundle model suggests.  相似文献   

Permeability variation in reservoir rocks results from the combined effects of various factors, and makes porosity–permeability (?k) relationships more complex, or, in some cases, non-existent. In this work, the ?k relationship of macroscopically homogeneous glass-bead packs is deduced based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurement and Kozeny-Carman (K-C) model analysis; these are used as a frame of reference to study permeability of reservoir rocks. The results indicate: (1) most of the commonly used simplified K-C models (e.g. the simplified traditional (omitting specific surface area), high-order, threshold, and fractal models) are suitable for estimating permeability of glass-bead packs. The simplified traditional model does not present obvious dependence on rock samples. Whether for the glass-bead packs or clean natural sandstones, the sample coefficients almost remain invariant. Comparably, the high-order, the fractal, and the threshold models are strongly sample-specific and cannot be extrapolated from the glass-bead packs to natural sandstones; (2) the ?k relationships of quartz sands and silty sandstones resemble those of the glass-bead packs, but they significantly deviate from the K-C models at low porosities due to small pore entry radius; (3) a small amount of intergranular cements (<10%v) does not affect the general variation trend of permeability with porosity but can potentially increase predictive errors of the K-C models, whereas in the case of more cements, the ?k relationships of sandstones become uncertain and cannot be described by any of these K-C models.  相似文献   

Rainfall infiltration is the main factor that causes slope instability. To study the effect of hydraulic parameters on the final saturation line and stability of slopes, a numerical slope model is established with a saturated–unsaturated seepage analysis method. Analysis results show the following, (1) When parameter a increases, the effective rainfall duration decreases linearly, and the ultimate safety factor increases gradually; when parameter m increases, the effective rainfall duration increases linearly, and the ultimate safety factor decreases linearly; when parameter n increases, both the effective rainfall duration and the ultimate safety factor decrease first and then remain stable. (2) When the saturated permeability coefficient decreases, the effective rainfall duration presents a crescent trend, and the ultimate safety factor decreases first and then remains the same after rainfall intensity exceeds the saturated permeability coefficient of soil. (3) When rainfall intensity is less than the saturated permeability coefficient of soil, the location of the final saturation line rises as the saturated permeability coefficient decreases and is thus independent of parameters a, m, and n.  相似文献   

Debris flow density determined by grain composition   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Density is one of the most important parameters of debris flows. Because observing an active debris flow is very difficult, finding a method to estimate debris flow density is urgently needed for disaster mitigation engineering. This paper proposes an effective empirical equation in terms of grain size distribution (GSD) parameters based on observations in Jiangjia Gully, Yunnan Province, China. We found that the GSD follows P(D) = KD exp(? D/Dc), with μ and Dc representing the fine and coarse grains, respectively. In particular, μ is associated with some characteristic porosity of soil in the natural state and increases with increased porosity. Dc characterizes the grain size range of the flow and increases with the grain concentration. Studies show that flow density is related to both parameters in power law. Here, we propose an empirical equation for estimating flow density: ρ = 1.26μ -0.132 + 0.049Dc0.443, which provides not only an estimation of the density for a flow, but also describes the variation in density with the GSD of material composition; this provides important information related to the design of debris flow engineering structures.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study two different model reduction strategies for solving problems involving single phase flow in a porous medium containing faults or fractures whose location and properties are known. These faults are represented as interfaces of dimension N ? 1 immersed in an N dimensional domain. Both approaches can handle various configurations of position and permeability of the faults, and one can handle different fracture permeabilities on the two inner sides of the fracture. For the numerical discretization, we use the hybrid finite volume scheme as it is known to be well suited to simulating subsurface flow. Some results, which may be of use in the implementation of the proposed methods in industrial codes, are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Severe land subsidence due to groundwater extraction may occur in multiaquifer systems where highly compressible aquitards are present. The highly compressible nature of the aquitards leads to nonlinear consolidation where the groundwater flow parameters are stress-dependent. The case is further complicated by the heterogeneity of the hydrogeologic and geotechnical properties of the aquitards. The effect of realistic vertical heterogeneity of hydrogeologic and geotechnical parameters on the consolidation of highly compressible aquitards is investigated by means of one-dimensional Monte Carlo numerical simulations where the lower boundary represents the effect of an instant drop in hydraulic head due to groundwater pumping. Two thousand realizations are generated for each of the following parameters: hydraulic conductivity (K), compression index (C c), void ratio (e) and m (an empirical parameter relating hydraulic conductivity and void ratio). The correlation structure, the mean and the variance for each parameter were obtained from a literature review about field studies in the lacustrine sediments of Mexico City. The results indicate that among the parameters considered, random K has the largest effect on the ensemble average behavior of the system when compared to a nonlinear consolidation model with deterministic initial parameters. The deterministic solution underestimates the ensemble average of total settlement when initial K is random. In addition, random K leads to the largest variance (and therefore largest uncertainty) of total settlement, groundwater flux and time to reach steady-state conditions.  相似文献   

Impact of river network type on the time of concentration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Time of concentration (T c) is one of the frequently used parameters to characterize the response of a drainage basin to a rainfall event. Conceptually, it is the time runoff travels from the hydraulically most distant location in a basin to its outlet. T c was found to vary depending on river basin characteristics such as slope, soil infiltration, and flow path. In this study, we investigate if the drainage network type information can be used as an input to hydrological models, by estimating the time of concentration separately for different network types. Sixty-eight basins which have areas ranging from 24 to 965 km2 in arid and non-arid regions of the USA are compared and the effect of climate is also analyzed. It is found that the slope of the linear relationship between T c and the maximum hydraulic length of flow path shows different correlation coefficients ranging from 0.80 to 0.98 for different network types. It is observed that the slope of the regression line between T c and the maximum hydraulic length of flow path is the lowest for dendritic networks (slope of 0.26), while pinnate networks have the steepest slope of the regression line (slope of 0.59). This indicates that the drainage network type has a direct impact on the hydrological behavior of the basin and can represent a direct input in hydrological modeling.  相似文献   

This paper presents the experimental study conducted on a clayey soil originating from the region of Béja, north-west of Tunisia. The evaporation, shrinkage and permeability behaviours were studied. The Soil Water Retention Curve (SWRC) was determined from the slurry state to dry state, under the desiccation path (called initial drying curve). The Crack Intensity Factor (CIF), settlement and void ratio were also studied to characterise the shrinkage phenomenon during desiccation. Moisture content (ω), saturation degree (Sr) and evaporation rate (Re) evolutions during desiccation path were also presented. This type of slurry clay presents three stages during the desiccation process (pendular, funicular and capillary regimes). During desiccation process, the evaporation rate presents a linear relationship as a saturation degree function. Furthermore, the evaporation rate versus suction presents two phases: quasi-saturated and unsaturated states. This paper introduces a study of the hygroscopic and mechanical parameters naturally modified during a desiccation process and proposes some analytical models to describe clay behaviour. Using these parameters, we can determine the intrinsic permeability during the desiccation process.  相似文献   

Advances in pore-scale imaging (e.g., μ-CT scanning), increasing availability of computational resources, and recent developments in numerical algorithms have started rendering direct pore-scale numerical simulations of multi-phase flow on pore structures feasible. Quasi-static methods, where the viscous and the capillary limit are iterated sequentially, fall short in rigorously capturing crucial flow phenomena at the pore scale. Direct simulation techniques are needed that account for the full coupling between capillary and viscous flow phenomena. Consequently, there is a strong demand for robust and effective numerical methods that can deliver high-accuracy, high-resolution solutions of pore-scale flow in a computationally efficient manner. Direct simulations of pore-scale flow on imaged volumes can yield important insights about physical phenomena taking place during multi-phase, multi-component displacements. Such simulations can be utilized for optimizing various enhanced oil recovery (EOR) schemes and permit the computation of effective properties for Darcy-scale multi-phase flows.We implement a phase-field model for the direct pore-scale simulation of incompressible flow of two immiscible fluids. The model naturally lends itself to the transport of fluids with large density and viscosity ratios. In the phase-field approach, the fluid-phase interfaces are expressed in terms of thin transition regions, the so-called diffuse interfaces, for increased computational efficiency. The conservation law of mass for binary mixtures leads to the advective Cahn–Hilliard equation and the condition that the velocity field is divergence free. Momentum balance, on the other hand, leads to the Navier–Stokes equations for Newtonian fluids modified for two-phase flow and coupled to the advective Cahn–Hilliard equation. Unlike the volume of fluid (VoF) and level-set methods, which rely on regularization techniques to describe the phase interfaces, the phase-field method facilitates a thermodynamic treatment of the phase interfaces, rendering it more physically consistent for the direct simulations of two-phase pore-scale flow. A novel geometric wetting (wall) boundary condition is implemented as part of the phase-field method for the simulation of two-fluid flows with moving contact lines. The geometric boundary condition accurately replicates the prescribed equilibrium contact angle and is extended to account for dynamic (non-equilibrium) effects. The coupled advective Cahn–Hilliard and modified Navier–Stokes (phase-field) system is solved by using a robust and accurate semi-implicit finite volume method. An extension of the momentum balance equations is also implemented for Herschel–Bulkley (non-Newtonian) fluids. Non-equilibrium-induced two-phase flow problems and dynamic two-phase flows in simple two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) geometries are investigated to validate the model and its numerical implementation. Quantitative comparisons are made for cases with analytical solutions. Two-phase flow in an idealized 2-D pore-scale conduit is simulated to demonstrate the viability of the proposed direct numerical simulation approach.  相似文献   

Understanding the changes in permeability of soil, when soil is subjected to high confining pressure and flow pressure, which may alter the textural and geomechanical characteristics of soil, is of great importance to many geo-engineering activities such as, construction of high-rise buildings near the coast or the water bodies, earthen dams, pavement subgrades, reservoir, and shallow repositories. It is now possible to evaluate the changes in permeability of soil samples under varying conditions of confining pressure and flow pressure using flexible wall permeameter (FWP). In the present study, investigation was carried out on a cylindrical sample of granular soil employing FWP under varied conditions of confining pressure (σ3)—50–300 kPa, which can simulate the stress conditions equivalent to depth of about 20 m under the earth’s crust, and a flow pressure (fp)—20–120 kPa, which is mainly present near the small earthen embankment dams, landfill liners, and slurry walls near the soft granular soil with high groundwater table. The obtained results indicate a linear relationship between hydraulic conductivity (k) with effective confining pressure (σeff.), k, decreasing linearly with an incremental change in σeff.. Further, k increases significantly with an increase in fp corresponding to each σeff., and q increases significantly with increase in the fp corresponding to each (σ3). It was also observed that corresponding to the low fp of 20 kPa, the reduction in k is nonlinear with σ3. The percentage reduction in k is observed to be 9, 13, and 27% corresponding to σ3 of 50–100, 100–200, and 200-300 kPa, respectively.  相似文献   

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