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Book reviews     
THE IMPACT OF VOLCANIC HAZARDS AT RABAUL, PAPUA NEW GUINEA (Discussion Paper No. 33) by R. J. Blong and C. Aislabie. 17 × 25 cm, xiv and 207 pages. Institute of National Affairs: Port Morseby 1988 (ISBN 9980 77 086 4).

A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO SEDIMENTOLOGY by R. C. Lindholm. 15 × 23 cm, xviii and 279 pages. Allen & Unwin: London 1987 (ISBN 0 04 551132 2) $A45.00 (soft).

THE ATMOSPHERE AND WEATHER OF SOUTHERN AFRICA by R. A. Preston‐Whyte and P. D. Tyson. 18 × 24 cm, xiii and 375 pages. Oxford University Press: Cape Town 1988 (ISBN 0 19 570 514 9) R56.00 (hard); (ISBN 0 19 570 496 7) R39.14 (soft).

QUATERNARY PALEOCLIMATOLOGY: Methods of Paleoclimatic Reconstruction by R. S. Bradley. 15 × 23 cm, xvii and 472 pages. Allen & Unwin: Boston 1985 (ISBN 0 04 551067 9) $A69.95 (hard); (ISBN 0 04 551068 7) $A39.95 (soft).

PROCESSES IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY by R. D. Thompson, A. M. Mannion, C. W. Mitchell, M. Parry and J. R. Townsend. 24 × 19 cm, xii and 380 pages. Longman: London 1986 (ISBN 0 582 30136) $A44.95.

PERSPECTIVES ON A DYNAMIC EARTH by T. R. Paton. 16 × 24 cm, 142 pages. Allen & Unwin: London 1986 (ISBN 0 04 55 0043 6) $A23.95 (soft).

LAND DEGRADATION AND SOCIETY edited by P. Blaikie and H. Brookfield. 15 × 23 cm. xxiv and 296 pages. Methuen: London 1987 (ISBN 0 416 40150 3) $A32.95 (soft).

THE PENGUIN DICTIONARY OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY by B. Goodall. 13 × 20 cm, 509 pages. Penguin: Harmondsworth 1987 (ISBN 0 14 051095 8) $A19.95 (soft).

MAKING SENSE OF DEVELOPMENT: An Introduction to Classical and Contemporary Theories of Development and Their Application to South‐east Asia by P. W. Preston. 14 × 22 cm, xxi and 318 pages. Routledge & Kegan Paul: London 1986 (ISBN 0 7102 0813 8) $A87.95 (hard).

THE DEMOGRAPHIC DIMENSION IN INDONESIAN DEVELOPMENT by G. J. Hugo, T. H. Hull, V. J. Hull and G. W. Jones. 16 × 25 cm, xxv and 417 pages. Oxford University Press: Singapore 1987 (ISBN 0 19 582699 X) $A49.95 (hard).

GLOBAL ISSUES AND OUTLOOK IN PULP AND PAPER edited by G. F. Schreuder, 18 × 26 cm, ix and 302 pages. University of Washington Press: Seattle 1988 (ISBN 0 295 96642 4) $US40.00 (hard).

AN HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY OF MODERN AUSTRALIA: The Restive Fringe (Cambridge Studies in Historical Geography No. 11) by J. M. Powell. 16 × 33 cm, xx and 400 pages. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1988 (ISBN 0 521 25619 4) $A39.95 (hard).

HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY: Progress and Prospect edited by M. Pacione. 14 × 22 cm, 306 pages. Croom Helm: London 1987 (ISBN 0 7099 40467) $A27.50 (hard).

THE ROLE OF THEORY IN URBAN PLANNING: A Study of Metropolitan Planning in Perth, Western Australia (Geowest No. 24) by O. Yiftachel. 21 × 29 cm, 102 pages. Department of Geography, University of Western Australia: Nedlands 1987 (ISBN 0 86422 063 4).

SYDNEY INTO ITS THIRD CENTURY: Metropolitan Strategy for the Sydney Region by NSW Department of Environment and Planning. 21 × 29 cm, 72 pages. NSW department of Environment and Planning: Sydney 1988 (ISBN 0 7305 4312 9).

BUS SERVICES IN WESTERN SYDNEY: Private Bus Operators and Government Transport Departments (Monograph Series No. 3) by P. Tranter. 21 × 29 cm, v and 98 pages. Department of Geography and Oceanography, University College, Australian Defence Force Academy: Campbell, ACT 1988 (ISBN 0 7317 0036 8).

AGEING IN VICTORIA: An Electronic Social Atlas by A. L. Howe, P. Newton and P. Sharwood. 30 × 21 cm, 105 pages. National Research Institute for Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Mt. Royal Hospital and University of Melbourne: Melbourne 1987 (ISBN 0 958326 6 2) $A10.00 (soft).

READINGS IN AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHY: Proceedings of the 21st Institute of Australian Geographers’ Conference, Perth 10–18 May 1986, edited by A. Conacher. 21 × 29 cm, vi and 493 pages. Institute of Australian Geographers (WA Branch) and Department of Geography, University of Western Australia: Perth 1987 (ISBN 0 909678 30 B) $A25.00 (soft).

GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH PROJECTS: A Senior Student's Handbook by H. Binden and H. Williams. 18 × 26 cm, 149 pages. Edward Arnold Australia: Caulfield East 1988 (ISBN 0 7131 8311 X) $A 14.95 (soft).

OUR AMERICAN LAND: 1987 Yearbook of Agriculture, ix and 323 pages. US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC: 1987 $US9.50.

THE ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY edited by A. Goudie et al. 17 × 24 cm, xvi and 528 pages. Basil Black‐well: Oxford 1988 (ISBN 0 631 15581 3) $A34.95 (soft).

THE CONSERVATION OF ECOSYSTEMS AND SPECIES by Gareth E. Jones, 14 × 22 cm, 277 pages. Croom Helm: London 1987 (ISBN 0 7099 1463 6) $A87.95 (hard).

SO CAME THEY SOUTH by R. Clancy and A. Richardson. 35 × 35 cm, 176 pages. Shakespeare Head: Sydney 1988 (ISBN 0 7302 0864 8) $A34.95.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books Reviewed in this article:
Exploring the Earth: progress in geophysics since the 17th century, Wilfried Schröder, Michele Colacino & Giovanni Gregori (eds), Interdivisional Commission on History of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) , 1992, 284 pp, ISBN 0179-5658, DM23.
Weather Cycles. Real or Imaginary? W. J. Burroughs, CUP, Cambridge , 1992, ISBN 0-521-38178-9, £24.95 H/b, $39.95.
The Solar-terrestrial Environment, J. K. Hargreaves, Cambridge University Press, UK , 1992, Atmospheric and Space Science Series, xiv + 42Opp, Hard cover ISBN 0-521-32748-2, £50, Paperback ISBN 0-521- 42737-1, £29.95.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY: Current Developments and Future Prospects edited by R. J. Johnston, J Hauer and G. A. Hoekveld. 14 × 22 cm, xiii and 216 pages. Routledge: London 1990 (ISBN 0 415 05247 5) $A89.95 (hard).

THE MAKING OF THE AMERICAN LANDSCAPE edited by M. P. Conzen. 19 × 25 cm, xvi and 433 pages. Unwin Hyman: Boston 1990 (ISBN 0 04 917010 4) $A59.95 (soft).

EASTERN EUROPE: An Historical Geography 1815–1945 by D. Turnock. 14 × 22 cm, ix and 357 pages. Routledge: London 1989 (ISBN 0 415 01269 4) $A115.00 (hard), distributed by the Law Book Co.

THE HUMAN GEOGRAPHY OF EASTERN EUROPE by D. Turnock. 14 × 22 cm, xii and 345 pages. Routledge: London 1989 (ISBN 0 415 00469 1) $A105.00 (hard), distributed by the Law Book Co.

A HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS by I. C. Campbell. 14 × 21 cm, 239 pages. University of Queensland Press: St Lucia 1990 (ISBN 0 7022 2291 7) $A34.95 (soft).

THE CORPORATE FIRM IN A CHANGING WORLD ECONOMY: Case Studies in the Geography of Enterprise edited by M. de Smidt and E. Wev‐er. 14 × 23 cm, xiv and 247 pages. Routledge: London 1990 (ISBN 0 415 03497 3) $A105.00 (hard).

THE CAPITALIST CITY: Global Restructuring and Community Politics by M. P. Smith and J. R. Feagin. 15 × 23 cm, 393 pages. Basil Black‐well: Oxford 1988 (ISBN 0 631 15182 6) £35 (hard).

CONFLICT AND CHANGE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE: Rural Society, Economy and Planning in the Developed World by G. M. Robinson. 15 × 23 cm, xxvi and 482 pages. Belhaven Press: London 1990 (ISBN 1 85293 043 8) £40.00 (hard); (ISBN 1 85293 044 6) £14.95 (soft).

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (Collins Reference Dictionary) by G. Jones, A. Robertson, J. Forbes and G. Hollier. 13 × 20 cm, vi and 473 pages. Collins: London 1990 (ISBN 0 00 434348 4) £5.95 (soft).

THE HUMAN IMPACT ON THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT (Third Edition) by A. Goudie. 17 × 24 cm, xi and 388 pages. Blackwell: Oxford 1990 (ISBN 0 631 16164 3) $A39.95 (soft).

PATTERNS OF LIFE: Biogeography of a Changing World by H. W. Mielke. 19 × 24 cm, xiv and 370 pages. Unwin Hyman: London 1989 (ISBN 0 04 574032 1).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
Statistics in society: the arithmetic of politics edited by Daniel Dorling and Stephen Simpson
Economics and Utopia: why the learning economy is not the end of history by Geoffrey M Hodgson
The geography of the world economy: an introduction to economic geography. 3rd edition by Paul Knox and John Agnew
Exploring contemporary migration by Paul Boyle, Keith Halfacree and Vaughan Robinson  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books Reviewed in this Article:
Rock Friction and Earthquake Prediction James D. Byerlee, Max Wyss (eds) Birkhauser, Basel, Stuttgart , 1978 (Contributions to Current Research in Geophysics, vol. 6)
Experimental Rock Deformation: The Brittle Field M. S. Paterson Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg and New York , 1978 254 pages DM 48; £12
Mineralogy of the Planets: A Voyage in Space and Time J.V. Smith The Mineralogical Society, London, 1979 Reprinted from the Mineralogical Magazine, March 1979,43, 1-89
Applied Inverse Problems Edited by P. C. Sabatier Springer-Verlag, Berlin , 1978 425 pages, DM 39
Principles of Sedimentology Gerald M. Friedman & John E. Sanders John Wiley and Sons , 1978 792 pages £15.75
Advances in Earth and Planetary Sciences No. 1. Origin of Thermoremanent Magnetization D. J. Dunlop (ed.) Centre for Academic Publications, Japan and Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo , 1977 $24.50, 212 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed in this article.
Timing Global Cities edited by Susan G E Cravesteijn, Stijn van Griensven and Marinda C de Smidt
Stream Reconnaissance Handbook: Geomorphological Investigation and Analysis of River Channels by Colin R Thome
Towards Cosmopolis: Planning for Multicultural Cities by Leonie Sandercock
The Geography of Rural Change edited by Brian llbery
Cities, Enterprises and Society on the Eve of the 21st Century edited by Frank Moulaert and AllenIScott
Cultural Geography by Mike Crang
The Living Land: Agriculture, Food and Community Regeneration in Rural Europe by Jules Pretty  相似文献   

Book reviews     
APPLIED GEOGRAPHY: Issues, Questions and Concerns (Geo Journal Library Vol. 15) edited by M. S. Kenzer. 16 × 24 cm, x and 210 pages. Kluwer: Dordrecht 1989 (ISBN 0 7923 04381).

WINE AND THE VINE: An Historical Geography of Viticulture and the Wine Trade by T. Unwin. 16 × 24 cm, xvi and 409 pages. Routledge: London 1991 (ISBN 0 415 13120 6) $A155.00 (hard); distributed by The Law Book Co.

WATERFRONT SYDNEY 1860–1920 by G. Aplin and J. Storey. 26 × 18 cm. 144 pages. Allen & Unwin: Sydney 1991 (first published 1984) (ISBN 1 86373 098 2) $A24.95 (soft).

Australian Geographer 23 (2), November 1992

INDUSTRIAL LOCATION: Principles and Policies (Second Edition) by K. Chapman and D. F. Walker. 15 × 23 cm, xiii and 322 pages. Basil Black‐well: Oxford 1991 (ISBN 0 631 16789 7) $A39.95 (soft).

INTERNATIONALISATION OF AUSTRALIA'S SERVICE INDUSTRIES by J. V. Langdale. 17 × 25 cm, iv and 373 pages. Australian Government Publishing Service, for Department of Industry, Technology and Commerce: Canberra 1991 (ISBN 0 644 13841 6).

TOURISM AND GOLD IN KAKADU: The Impact of Current and Potential Natural Resource Use on the Northern Territory Economy by B. Knapman, O. Stanley and J. Lea. 21 × 29 cm, vi and 49 pages. North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University: Darwin 1991 (ISBN 0 7315 1179 4).

ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIA AND THE ‘NEW FEDERALISM’ INITIATIVE (Discussion Paper No. 2) by G. J. Crough. 14 × 21 cm, 42 pages. North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University: Darwin 1991 (ISBN 0 7315 1325 8).

AUSTRALIAN NATIONHOOD AND OUTBACK INDIGENOUS PEOPLES (Discussion Paper No. 1) by P. Jull. 14 × 21 cm, 38 pages. North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University: Darwin 1991 (ISBN 0 7315 1309 6).

MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC (Pacific Research Monograph No. 24) edited by J. Connell. 17 × 25 cm, xii and 199 pages. National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National University: Canberra 1990 (ISBN 0 07315 0668 5) $A25.00 (soft).

POPIULESIN BLONG HONIARA: Olketa Popiulesin Map Blong 1986 Sensis. HONIARA: 1986 Census Atlas (Statistics Office Occasional Paper No. 4 / Board of Development Studies Monograph No. 1) by A.C. Walsh. 21 × 29 cm, vii and 95 pages. Department of Statistics: Honiara and Board of Development Studies, Massey University: Palmerston North 1990 (ISSN 0114 8834) $NZ34.00 in New Zealand, $NZ38.00 elsewhere (soft).

DOI MOI: Vietnam's Renovation Policy and Performance (Political and Social Change Monograph No. 14) edited by D. K. Forbes, T. H. Hull, D. G. Marr and B. Brogan. 15 × 22 cm, xiv and 263 pages. Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University: Canberra 1991 (ISBN 0 7315 1303 7).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
AN INTRODUCTION TO URBAN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS by W.E. Huxhold. 16 x 23 cm, xxiii and 337 pages. Oxford University Press, New York, 1991. (ISBN 0 19 506535 2) $44.95 (soft).

INDONESIA: resources, ecology and environment (Natural Resources of South‐East Asia Series) edited by J. Hardjono. 14 × 22 cm, xvi and 262 pages. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991. (ISBN 0 19 588992 4) $39.95 (hard).

THE UNIQUE CONTINENT: an introductory reader in Australian environmental studies edited by J. Smith. 13 × 20 cm, vi and 282 pages. University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1992. (ISBN 0 7022 2475 8) $14.95 (soft).

SPECIAL INTEREST TOURISM edited by B. Weiler and C.M. Hall. 15 × 23 cm, xi and 214 pages. Belhaven, London, 1992. (ISBN 1 85293 072 1) £35.00 (hard).

REMOTE POSSIBILITIES: the Aboriginal domain and the administrative imagination by T. Rowse. 18 × 25 cm, viii and 117 pages. North Australian Research Unit, Australian National University, Darwin, 1992. (ISBN 0 7315 1345 2) $15.00 (soft).

ANTARCTICA: an economic history of the last continent by M. Wilder. 21 × 29 cm, viii and 155 pages. Department of Economic History, University of Sydney, Sydney, 1992. (ISBN 0 86758 616 8) $20.00 (soft).

AUSTRALIAN RAINFORESTS (Oxford Monographs on Biogeography No. 6) by P. Adam. 19 × 25 cm, xiv and 308 pages. Oxford Science Publications/Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992. (ISBN 0 19 854223) $170.00 (hard).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
A WORLD IN CRISIS? Geographical Perspectives (second edition) edited by R. J. Johnston and P. J. Taylor. 15 x 23 cm, x and 371 pages. Basil Blackwell: Oxford 1989 (ISBN 0 631 16271 2) $A34.95 (soft).

INTEGRATED RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA: External Aid and Provincial Planning (IASER Monograph No 28) by R. Crittenden and D. A. M. Lea, 17 x 24 cm, xv and 132 pages. Papua New Guinea Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research and Department of Geography and Planning, University of New England: Armidale 1989 (ISBN 9980 75 018 9).

ACCOMMODATING INEQUALITY: Gender and Housing by Sophie Watson. 14 x 21 cm, x and 157 pages. Allen & Unwin: Sydney 1988 (ISBN 0 04 320209 2) $A 14.95 (soft).

A SHORT HISTORY OF GEOMORPHOLOGY by K. J. Tinkler. 14 x 22 cm, xviii and 317 pages, Croom Helm: London 1985 (ISBN 0 7099 2441 0) $A49.95 (hard).

PATHWAYS IN GEOLOGY: Essays in Honour of

Edwin Sherbon Hills edited by R. W. Le Mai‐

tre. 25 x 19 cm, viii and 463 pages. Basil

Blackwell: Melbourne 1989 (ISBN

0731682416) $A110.00 (hard).

CHANGING THE FACE OF THE EARTH: Culture, Environment, History by I. G. Simmons. 17 x 24 cm, xiii and 487 pages. Basil Blackwell: Oxford 1989 (ISBN 0 631 16351 4) $A49.95 (soft).

PLANNED TO DEATH: The Annihilation of a Place Called Howdendyke by J. D. Porteous. 16 x 24 cm, xiii and 254 pages. Manchester University Press: Manchester 1989 (ISBN 0 7190 2831 0) £35.00 (hard).

A SOCIAL ATLAS OF DARWIN: 1986. Census of Population and Housing by J. Taylor and D.

Jaensch. 21 x 29 cm, and 66 pages. Australian Bureau of Statistics and North Australia Research Unit: Darwin 1989 (ISBN 0 642 143322 6).

ATLAS OF DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE IN THE SOUTH EAST REGION OF NEW SOUTH WALES 1861–1991 by Terry G. Birtles and Jane E. Gordon. 21 x 29 cm, v and 141 pages. Canberra College of Advanced Education: Belconnen 1989 (ISBN 0 85889 355 5 $A40.00 (soft).

LABOUR ADJUSTMENT IN METROPOLITAN REGIONS by P. S. Morrison 15 x 21 cm, ix and 254 pages. Victoria University Press: Wellington 1989 (ISBN 0 86473 190 6) SA25.00 (soft).

AUSTRALIAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTS: Readings in Regional Experiences, Policies and Prospects (Australian Regional Developments No. 10) edited by B. Higgins and K. Zagorski. 17 x 25 cm. xi and 260 pages. AGPS Press: Canberra 1989 (ISBN 0 644 0935).

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MANUFACTURING IN TRANSITION edited by T. J. Mules. 15 x 21 cm, vii and 188 pages. Wakefield Press (for Centre of South Australian Economic Studies): Adelaide 1989 (ISBN 909591 74 1) $A24.95 (soft).

COUNTERURBANIZATION: The Changing Pace’ and Nature of Population Deconcentration edited by A. G. Champion. 16 x 24 cm, xxii and 266 pages. Edward Arnold: London 1989 (ISBN 0 7131 6614 2) £27.00 (hard).

THE HUMANE CITY: Cities as if People Matter by J. R. Short. 15 x 22 cm, 167 pages. Basil Blackwell: Oxford 1989 (ISBN 0 631 15824 3) $A27.95 (soft).

THE TORRES STRAIT: People and History (revised edition) by J. Singe. 13 x 19 cm, xviii and 261 pages. University of Queensland Press: St Lucia 1989 (first published in 1979) (ISBN 0 7022 2232 1) $A19.95 (soft).

HAWKE'S LAW: The Politics of Mining and Aboriginal Land Rights in Australia by R. T. Libby. xxvii and 175 pages. University of Western Australia Press: Nedlands 1989 (ISBN 085564 301 1) $A25.00.

THE THIRD WORLD: States of Mind and Being edited by J. Norwine and A. Gonzales. 15 x 23 cm, xi and 275 pages. Unwin Hyman: Boston 1989 (ISBN 0 04 910121 8) $A39.95 (soft).

IRELAND: A Contemporary Geographical Perspective edited by R. W. G. Carter and A. J. Parker. 14 x 22 cm, xiv and 486 pages. Routledge: London 1989 (ISBN 0 415 00486 3) $A 120.00 (hard).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books reviewed in this article.
The dynamics of industrial location: the factory, the firm and the production system by Roger Hayter
Tourism geography by Stephen Williams
Places through the body edited by Heidi J Nast and Steve Pile
Elemental geosystems. Second edition by Robert W Christopherson
Methods and techniques in human geography by Guy M Robinson
The geopolitics reader edited by Gearóid ÓTuathail, Simon Dalby and Paul Routledge
Winners and losers: home ownership in modern Britain by Chris Hamnett
Geographies of economies edited by Roger Lee and Jane Wills
Introduction to geomorphology by Frank Ahnert
Illegal cities: law and urban change in developing countries edited by Edesio Fernandas and Ann Varley
Social exclusion in European cities: processes, experiences and responses edited by Ali Madanipour, Göran Cars and Judith Allen
Yearbook of international co-operation on environment and development 1998/99 edited by Helge Ole Bergesen, Georg Parmann and Oystein B Thommessen
Images of the street: planning, identity and control in public space edited by Nicholas R Fyfe
Three generations, two genders, one world: women and men in a changing century compiled by Sylvia Chant and Cathy M c llwaine
Remaking reality: nature at the millennium edited by Bruce Braun and Noel Castree  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
A Guide to Local Environmental Auditing by Hugh Barton and Noel Bruder
Soils: a New Global View by T R Paton, G S Humphreys and P B Mitchell
Health and societies: changing perspectives by Sarah Curtis and Ann Taket
The global commons: a regime analysis by John Vogler
New Uncertainty Concepts in Hydrology and Water Resources by Zbigniew W Kundzewicz
Ethnicity and development: geographical perspectives edited by Denis Dwyer and David Drakakis-Smith
An enlarged Europe: regions in competition? edited by Sally Hardy, Mark Hart, Louis Albrechts and Anastasios Katos
From the margins to the centre: cultural production and consumption in the post-industrial city edited by Justin O'Connor and Derek Wynne
Plans, Pragmatism and People: the legacy of Soviet planning for today's cities by R Anthony French
Politics, Geography and 'Political Geography': A Critical Perspective by Joe Painter
GIS and Organisations: How effective are GIS in practice? by Heather Campbell and Ian Masser
Biology of Freshwater Pollution by C F Mason  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reveiwed in this article:
The Archean (Search for the beginning) G. J. H. McCall.
Physics of the Earth F. D. Stacey.  相似文献   

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