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华北泥河湾盆地的晚新生代河湖相沉积地层, 产出了十分丰富的旧石器和哺乳动物化石, 记录了早期人类活动以及晚上新世以来哺乳动物群的演化过程.作为广义泥河湾动物群之一, 铺路动物群化石点位于盆地内的壶流河东侧, 含有晚上新世及早更新世哺乳动物化石.本文结合生物地层学和岩石地层学, 对含铺路哺乳动物化石的河湖相沉积物, 进行详细的岩石磁学及高分辨率的磁性地层学研究, 旨在对铺路哺乳动物群进行精确定年.结果表明, 铺路剖面河湖相沉积物的磁性矿物主要为磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿, 平均粒度以准单畴为主.铺路剖面河湖相沉积物记录了布容正极性时(Brunhes normal chron)早期、松山负极性时(Matuyama reverse chron)、高斯正极性时(Gauss normal chron)和吉尔伯特负极性时(Gilbert reverse chron)晚期, 铺路动物群产出在留尼旺(Réunion)地磁漂移之前, 凯纳(Kaena)负极性亚时之后, 年代约为3.0~2.2 Ma.本研究结果将广义泥河湾动物群的年代下限延至约3.0 Ma.此外, 结合泥河湾盆地古气候学及古环境学研究结果, 表明在上新世与更新世过渡期间, 泥河湾动物群的演化受气候环境变化的影响, 更适应干旱寒冷的生存环境.


蓝田盆地新生代时期地层以蕴含丰富的哺乳动物化石而备受关注,尤其是公王岭和陈家窝第四纪黄土地层中曾经分别发掘出了蓝田猿人头骨和下颌骨化石.基于过去对中国北方黄土高原第四纪黄土的深入研究,针对本区沉积物的磁性地层的研究似乎变得相对容易.但由于蓝田盆地毗邻秦岭北麓,区域构造地貌发育,第四纪风成沉积序列发育常常并不完整,这给特...  相似文献   

元谋盆地河湖相沉积物分布广泛,沉积连续性好,富含古人类和哺乳动物化石,是进行磁极性地层学研究和探讨西南季风演化与转型、早期人类迁徙、哺乳动物扩散与交流的理想材料.本文对已有的磁性地层学研究作了较系统的总结与分析,发现造成对元谋人生活年代和盆地形成与演化过程的争议,主要是由于过去的磁性地层学研究所涉及的采样间隔太大和实验室测试条件不足等诸多因素的影响.这是未来元谋盆地研究必须注意的问题.  相似文献   

许家窑泥河湾组高分辨率磁性地层学研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对许家窑泥河湾组两个平行剖面的高分辨率古地磁研究结果发现,在剖面的中下 部存在厚度约 10m(未见底)的巨厚负向极性带.根据正负极性带的相对位置及组合关系并 结合剖面附近相关层位火山豆的K-Ar绝对年龄值进行分析认为,该负向极性带应为松山反 向极性时带.此结果否认了作者关于在遗址剖面底部存在Blake反向极性偏移的结论.由此 推断,分布在许家窑一带的泥河湾组年代应为早更新世晚期至中更新世早中期.  相似文献   

对许家窑泥河湾组两个平行剖面的高分辨率古地磁研究结果发现,在剖面的中下 部存在厚度约 10m(未见底)的巨厚负向极性带.根据正负极性带的相对位置及组合关系并 结合剖面附近相关层位火山豆的K-Ar绝对年龄值进行分析认为,该负向极性带应为松山反 向极性时带.此结果否认了作者关于在遗址剖面底部存在Blake反向极性偏移的结论.由此 推断,分布在许家窑一带的泥河湾组年代应为早更新世晚期至中更新世早中期.  相似文献   

通过对水峪贯三叠系下统刘家沟组及和尚沟组的古地磁学研究,建立了该地层段的极性地层柱,极性柱具有混合极性的特点.其中刘家沟组正反极性的组合格式与前人在鄂尔多斯盆地的结果基本一致,但和尚沟组差别较大.根据特征剩磁确定的早三叠世刘家沟组的古地磁极位置经纬度分别为347.5°和6.5°,这与前人在太原西山三叠系下统的研究成果,古地磁极位置经纬度348.3°,61.°大体一致.  相似文献   

山西交城水峪贯三叠系下统磁性地层学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对水峪贯三叠系下统刘家沟组及和尚沟组的古地磁学研究 ,建立了该地层段的极性地层柱 ,极性柱具有混合极性的特点 .其中刘家沟组正反极性的组合格式与前人在鄂尔多斯盆地的结果基本一致 ,但和尚沟组差别较大 .根据特征剩磁确定的早三叠世刘家沟组的古地磁极位置经纬度分别为 347.5°和 69.5° ,这与前人在太原西山三叠系下统的研究成果 ,古地磁极位置经纬度 348.3° ,61 .9°大体一致  相似文献   

钱塘江河口周边钻孔磁性地层学研究及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
长江三角洲地区的沉积历史和特征,是揭示我国东部沿海区域新生代以来构造演化与地理格局形成过程的重要窗口.本文基于磁性地层学方法,结合AMS14C和光释光测年数据以及该地区硬质黏土标志层,对分布于钱塘江河口两侧的五个钻孔建立年代地层框架.结果表明,除河口北部一个钻孔底部年龄至高斯正极性期外,其余钻孔显示南部地区约200 ka BP以来才开始沉积,最南端晚至约60 ka BP.与该地区已有钻孔磁性地层学资料进行对比,认为长江三角洲部分区域沉积年龄超过百万年和"北厚南薄、东厚西薄"的特征,主要是受早期区域构造背景的影响,而长江三角洲大范围的沉积发生自约200 ka BP以来,受构造缓慢沉降和海平面变化控制的细颗粒(黏土-粉砂粒级)从晚更新世才开始沉积,约60 ka BP以后扩大至整个三角洲区域.  相似文献   

通过对河南南阳西峡盆地含恐龙蛋化石的阳域—丹水剖面的岩石磁学与古地磁学研究表明,该陆相沉积地层的特征剩磁载体以赤铁矿与磁铁矿为主,特征剩磁通过了倒转检验,表明其很可能为岩石形成时期获得的原生剩磁.结合该剖面古生物资料,磁性地层学结果表明,剖面上部2973~3023 m处年代为83~79 Ma;该剖面蛋化石所在最高层位年龄不晚于83 Ma,暗示该地区大型爬行动物的绝灭可能与西峡地区当时的气候、环境变化有关.此外,自晚白垩世以来,该剖面所处位置相对华北和华南地块发生了约18°的顺时针旋转,可能由该地区的局部构造活动引起.  相似文献   

泥河湾层内易溶盐沉积及其环境意义   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过泥河湾古湖盆区4个地层剖面中易溶盐类沉积物的观察与实验分析,对泥河湾古湖的性质、演化阶段及其在地层划分和古环境复原上的意义有了新认识.泥河湾古湖至少是微咸水-半咸水湖,属于半干旱区的内陆湖泊.湖相层下段夹石膏层和石膏微薄层,易溶盐以 SO_2~(2-)和Ca~(2+)离子为主,代表古湖向硫酸盐湖阶段演化的趋向;上段易溶盐中Cl~-和K~+,Na~+离子占优势,证明古湖已向氯化物湖方向发展,虽未出现盐岩沉积,却代表本地区向更干旱的方向发展.  相似文献   

As one of the most important regions for early human occupation in East Asia, Nihewan Basin in North China is well-known for an abundance of archaeological sites with ages spanning the last 2 Ma. In recent 10 years, more than 27 new archaeological localities have been discovered from the Yuxian (sub-basin of Nihewan), and all of them are with no age control. The lack of reliable ages for these localities affects our understanding for the evolution of the stone-tool technology in the Nihewan Basin. As many localities were founded in the river terrace, the fluvial terrace sequence of the Huliu River (main river of the Yuxian) was investigated. Based on single-grain post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) procedure on potassium (K-) feldspar, our results reveal that the formation ages of three Huliu River terraces are 139.6–115.7, 19.7–5.5, and <0.9 ka, respectively. On the basis of these pIRIR ages, the formation of the fluvial terrace sequence may provide informative constraints on the human occupation in the Huliu River terrace in the Nihewan Basin, if a clear stratigraphic correlation is established between the archaeological sites and the dated terrace deposits.  相似文献   

The Nihewan (Nihowan) Basin is well known in the world for producing abundant mammal fossils and paleoliths. As one issue of the program 搕he early hominid evolution and environmental background in East Asia?a biostratigraphic survey was made in July 2001, and a large number of mammal fossils were un-earthed and 5 lithic artifacts were recognized from the Majuangou gully in the Nihewan Basin, Hebei Prov-ince, North China. 1 Stratigraphic section The new site is located on the south bank…  相似文献   

Rock magnetic measurements of Nihewan sediments from Xujiayao section demonstrate that magnetite, hematite and maghemite are dominant remanent magnetization carriers. Monitoring the variations of magnetic susceptibility (MS) and saturating isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) at low temperature are the attractive ways of detecting the presence of magnetite, maghemitization and superparamagnetic grain sizes. Low-temperature MS investigations suggest that susceptibility enhancement for Xujiayao samples is mainly due to the remarkable presence of SD/MD magnetite to some degree though some magnetite grains have been partially oxidized at some depths. It is tentatively concluded that both SD/MD magnetite and hematite are of detrital origin and carry a characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM), whereas maghemite can be attributed to be chemical origin, overprinting a reversed polarity component of Matuyama age.  相似文献   

The fluvio-lacustrine sequences in the Nihewan Basin of North China (known as the Nihewan Formation) are rich sources of Early Pleistocene Paleolithic sites and mammalian fossils (known as the Nihewan Fauna sensu lato), which offer an excellent opportunity to investigate the evolution of early humans and land mammals in East Asia. Also abundant mammalian fossils provide clues about the general environmental and climatic setting of early humans. Among the Nihewan Fauna (sensu lato), the Daodi Fauna is one of the most complete and oldest in the eastern Nihewan Basin: seven mammalian fossil-bearing layers in the Nihewan Formation have been described. Except for a biostratigraphy, however, precise age control on the Daodi Fauna has remained unavailable. Here we report a new magnetostratigraphic record that stringently constrains its age. The seven fossil-rich layers span an age range of ca 2.5–1.8 Ma between the Gauss–Matuyama boundary and the termination of the Olduvai polarity subchron. Combining our new and recently published paleomagnetic data, we further establish a Pleistocene magnetochronology of the fauna and Paleolithic sites in the Nihewan Basin. Age ranges of about 2.5–0.5 Ma for the faunas and 1.7–0.3 Ma for the Paleolithic sites are deduced, which span most of the Pleistocene. The chronological framework and calculated proportions of mammals that were adapted to different environments indicate that mixed settings of dominant grasslands and subordinate forests continued at least from 2.5 to 0.5 Ma for early human occupation in the basin, similar to the mixed open savannah and woodland habitats of early humans in Africa. The Nihewan hominins consistently adopted a simple Oldowan-like technology (i.e., Mode 1 core and flake technologies) from at least ca 1.7 to 0.3 Ma. A more advanced Acheulean technology (Mode 2) has not been found in the Nihewan Basin, although it started to emerge in the Bose Basin of South China at ca 0.8 Ma. This implies that multiple groups of hominins distinguished by differential stone-tool-making capabilities may have coexisted in China after 0.8 Ma.  相似文献   

Soluble salt deposit in the Nihewan beds and its environmental significance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observation and experimental analysis of soluble salt deposit along four profiles across the strata deposited in Nihewan paleolake basin enabled us to recognize the nature and evolution stages of the Nihewan paleolake and its significance in stratigraphical division and pa-leo-environmental reconstruction. The Nihewan paleolake was at least a weak-saline to semi-saline lake and represents an intracontinental lake in the semi-arid region. The lower member of sedimentary strata in the paleolake contains gypsum layer and gypsum lamellae. Soluble salt is mainly composed of SO 4 2- and Ca2+ ions, representing a trend of the paleolake evolving into a stage of sulfate lake. The upper member of the strata has predominantly Cl-, K+, and Na+ ions in soluble salt, indicating a starting development of the paleolake to chlorite lake, but no salt rock was deposited, indicating a drying trend of the area.  相似文献   

Saburo  Sakai  Mayumi  Jige 《Island Arc》2006,15(4):468-475
Abstract   Characterization of magnetic particles, and magnetostratigraphic dating, of Holocene and Pleistocene shallow-water carbonates (the Ryukyu Group) in the Ryukyu Islands was carried out to infer the age of reef formation. Magnetic particles from these strata are dominated by fine-grained, single-domain magnetite/maghemite (40–140 nm in length). The magnetite crystals exhibit the size and morphologies characteristic of the magnetite formed by magnetotactic bacteria. No large multidomain grains were seen in transmission electron microscopy observations. The widespread presence of single-domain magnetite in the Ryukyu Islands suggests that bacterial magnetites carry depositional remanent magnetization, which is stable enough for magnetostratigraphic dating and thereby for elucidating the evolution of shallow-water carbonates. The polarity-reversal sequence seen in a core taken from the Ryukyu Group correlates with the timescale of the Matuyama chron, including the Jaramillo subchron, Kamikatsura or Santa Rosa Excursions, through the Brunhes chron. These magnetostratigraphic results imply that the time of reef initiation in the Ryukyu Islands of the northwestern Pacific was earlier than in the Great Barrier Reef of the southwestern Pacific, where it started after the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary.  相似文献   

It draws much attention of scientists how early hu- mans occupy and adapt to the rigorous climate and environment at high northern latitudes in East Asia after they stepped out of Africa, passed West Asia and finally arrived in East Asia[1-4]. Reliable age determi- nations of Paleolithic sites from northeastern Asia not only help to find out the earliest occupation of early humans in this region, but also relate to the founda- tion of the overall framework of human origin and migration[1-8]…  相似文献   

敖红 《地球物理学报》2008,51(4):1029-1039
以热磁分析为主,对中国北方泥河湾盆地更新世河湖相地层中灰绿色粉砂和灰黄色粉砂/细砂两种典型沉积物进行了详细的岩石磁学研究,有效确定了这两类沉积物中磁性矿物的种类、粒度特征以及加热过程中磁性矿物的变化过程和产物,并对其包含的古环境意义进行了初步探讨.灰绿色粉砂样品主要含有磁铁矿和赤铁矿两种磁性矿物,磁性相对较弱,颗粒相对较细;灰黄色粉砂/细砂主要含有磁铁矿和磁赤铁矿,磁性相对较强,颗粒相对较粗.在氩气环境中经700℃加热处理后,这两种沉积物中的绿泥石都分解,并生成超细粒(处于超顺磁和单畴颗粒区间)的磁铁矿,导致磁化率大幅升高.因此泥河湾盆地沉积物的热磁特征可以用来检测样品中绿泥石的相对含量,进而反映该地区化学风化作用强度的变化.此外,灰绿色粉砂样品中绿泥石含量比灰黄色粉砂/细砂样品的含量高,在氩气中加热后,磁化率升高幅度也较高,可能反映了化学风化相对较弱的沉积环境.  相似文献   

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