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We review theorems for proving non-integrability of Hamiltonian dynamical systems, which are based on properties of the variational equations in real or complex time or on the destruction of the resonant tori of an integrable system under a perturbation.  相似文献   

We study strongly and weakly integrable 2-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with velocity dependent potentials. We determine the set of conditions which must be satisfied in order to allow the existence of an independent second invariant polynomial in the momenta. We then investigate the linear case for which a complete solution of the problem can be obtained. We recover the classical set of linear strongly integrable systems and provide several new examples of weakly integrable systems whose equations of motion can be explicitly solved at a fixed value of the energy.  相似文献   

We present a technique to control chaos in Hamiltonian systems which are close to integrable. By adding a small and simple control term to the perturbation, the system becomes more regular than the original one. We apply this technique to a forced pendulum model and show numerically that the control is able to drastically reduce chaos.  相似文献   

This paper deals with Hamiltonian perturbation theory for systems which, like Euler-Poinsot (the rigid body with a fixed point and no torques), are degenerate and do not possess a global system of action-angle coordinates. It turns out that the usual methods of perturbation theory, which are essentially local being based on the construction of normal forms within the domain of a local coordinate system, are not immediately usable to study perturbations of these systems, since degeneracy makes impossible to control that the system does not fall into a singularity of the coordinates. To overcome this difficulty, we develop a global formulation of Hamiltonian perturbation theory, in which the normal forms are globally defined on the phase space manifold. The key for this study lies in the geometry of the fibration by the invariant tori of an integrable degenerate Hamiltonian system, which is described by some generalizations of the Liouville-Arnol'd theorem and is reviewed in the paper. As an application, we provide a global formulation of Nekhoroshev's theorem on the stability for exponentially long times.  相似文献   

We show that the spectral stability of Hamiltonian equilibria and periodic orbits may be analyzed by the same method. This is accomplished via the Cayley transform, =(+1)/(–1), which maps the unit circle onto the imaginary -axis. The advantages and disadvantages of the new method over previous techniques are elucidated.  相似文献   

Various sets of periodic solutions of a 3-D Hamiltonian system crossing perpendicularly thez=0 plane are presented. These sets form a main multi-spiral pattern and two secondary ones which have three focal points. The main pattern is inside a stochastic region that surrounds a simple complex unstable periodic orbit, while the two secondary patterns are parts of a stochastic sea. Through these regions the stochastic region communicates with the stochastic sea.  相似文献   

This paper considers the integrability of generalized Yang-Mills system with the HamiltonianH a (p, q)=1/2(p 1 2 +p 2 2 +a 1 q 1 2 +a 2 q 2 2 )+1/4q 1 4 +1/4a 3 q 2 4 + 1/2a 4 q 1 2 q 2 2 . We prove that the system is integrable for the cases: (A)a 1=a 2,a 3=a 4=1; (b)a 1=a 2,a 3=1,a 4=3; (C)a 1=a 2/4,a 3=16,a 4=6. Our main result is the presentation of these integrals. Only for cases A and B does the Yang-Mills Hamiltonian possess the Painlevé property. Therefore the Painlevé test does not take account of the integrability for the case C.  相似文献   

Processing techniques are used to approximate the exact flow of near-integrable Hamiltonian systems depending on a small perturbation parameter. We study the reduction of the number of conditions for the kernel for this type of Hamiltonians and we build third, fourth and fifth order methods which are shown to be more efficient than previous algorithms for the same class of problems. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Many physical systems can be modeled as scattering problems. For example, the motions of stars escaping from a galaxy can be described using a potential with two or more escape routes. Each escape route is crossed by an unstable Lyapunov orbit. The region between the two Lyapunov orbits is where the particle interacts with the system. We study a simple dynamical system with escapes using a suitably selected surface of section. The surface of section is partitioned in different escape regions which are defined by the intersections of the asymptotic manifolds of the Lyapunov orbits with the surface of section. The asymptotic curves of the other unstable periodic orbits form spirals around various escape regions. These manifolds, together with the manifolds of the Lyapunov orbits, govern the transport between different parts of the phase space. We study in detail the form of the asymptotic manifolds of a central unstable periodic orbit, the form of the escape regions and the infinite spirals of the asymptotic manifolds around the escape regions. We compute the escape rate for different values of the energy. In particular, we give the percentage of orbits that escape after a finite number of iterations. In a system with escapes one cannot define a Poincaré recurrence time, because the available phase space is infinite. However, for certain domains inside the lobes of the asymptotic manifolds there is a finite minimum recurrence time. We find the minimum recurrence time as a function of the energy.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A family of symplectic integrators adapted for the integration of perturbed Hamiltonian systems of the form H=A+B was given in (McLachlan, 1995). We give here a constructive proof that for all integer p, such integrator exists, with only positive steps, and with a remainder of order O(p + 22), where is the stepsize of the integrator. Moreover, we compute the analytical expressions of the leading terms of the remainders at all orders. We show also that for a large class of systems, a corrector step can be performed such that the remainder becomes O(p +42). The performances of these integrators are compared for the simple pendulum and the planetary three-body problem of Sun–Jupiter–Saturn.  相似文献   

The D'Alembert model for the spin/orbit problem in celestial mechanics is considered. Using a Hamiltonian formalism, it is shown that in a small neighborhood of a p:q spin/orbit resonance with (p,q) different from (1,1) and (2,1) the 'effective' D'Alembert Hamiltonian is a completely integrable system with phase space foliated by maximal invariant curves; instead, in a small neighborhood of a p:q spin/orbit resonance with (p,q) equal to (1,1) or (2,1) the 'effective' D'Alembert Hamiltonian has a phase portrait similar to that of the standard pendulum (elliptic and hyperbolic equilibria, separatrices, invariant curves of different homotopy). A fast averaging with respect to the 'mean anomaly' is also performed (by means of Nekhoroshev techniques) showing that, up to exponentially small terms, the resonant D'Alembert Hamiltonian is described by a two-degrees-of-freedom, properly degenerate Hamiltonian having the lowest order terms corresponding to the 'effective' Hamiltonian mentioned above.  相似文献   

The normal forms of the Hamiltonian 1:2:ω resonances to degree three for ω = 1, 3, 4 are studied for integrability. We prove that these systems are non-integrable except for the discrete values of the parameters which are well known. We use the Ziglin–Morales–Ramis method based on the differential Galois theory.  相似文献   

The Norma specialized program package, intended for normalization of autonomous Hamiltonian systems by means of computer algebra, is used in studies of small-amplitude periodic motions in the neighbourhood of regular precessions of a dynamically symmetric satellite on a circular orbit. The case of hyperboloidal precession is considered. Analytical expressions for normal forms and generating functions depending on frequencies of the system as on parameters are derived. Possible resonances are considered in particular. The 6th order of normalization is achieved. Though the intermediate analytical expressions occupy megabytes of computer's main memory, final ones are quite compact. Obtained analytical expressions are applied to the analysis of stability of small-amplitude periodic motions in the neighbourhood of hyperboloidal precession.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the dynamics of a rigid body of finite extent moving under the influence of a central gravitational field. A principal motivation behind this paper is to reveal the hamiltonian structure of the n-body problem for masses of finite extent and to understand the approximation inherent to modeling the system as the motion of point masses. To this end, explicit account is taken of effects arising because of the finite extent of the moving body. In the spirit of Arnold and Smale, exact models of spin-orbit coupling are formulated, with particular attention given to the underlying Lie group framework. Hamiltonian structures associated with such models are carefully constructed and shown to benon-canonical. Special motions, namely relative equilibria, are investigated in detail and the notion of anon-great circle relative equilibrium is introduced. Non-great circle motions cannot arise in the point mass model. In our analysis, a variational characterization of relative equilibria is found to be very useful. Thereduced hamiltonian formulation introduced in this paper suggests a systematic approach to approximation of the underlying dynamics based on series expansion of the reduced hamiltonian. The latter part of the paper is concerned with rigorous derivations of nonlinear stability results for certain families of relative equilibria. Here Arnold's energy-Casimir method and Lagrange multiplier methods prove useful. This work was supported in part by the AFOSR University Research Initiative Program under grant AFOSR-87-0073, by AFOSR grant 89-0376, and by the National Science Foundation's Engineering Research Centers Program: NSFD CDR 8803012. The work of P.S. Krishnaprasad was also supported by the Army Research Office through the Mathematical Sciences Institute of Cornell University.  相似文献   

It is usually believed that we know everything to be known for any separable Hamiltonian system, i.e. an integrable system in which we can separate the variables in some coordinate system (e.g. see Lichtenberg and Lieberman 1992, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Springer). However this is not always true, since through the separation the solutions may be found only up to quadratures, a form that might not be particularly useful. A good example is the two-fixed-centers problem. Although its integrability was discovered by Euler in the 18th century, the problem was far from being considered as completely understood. This apparent contradiction stems from the fact that the solutions of the equations of motion in the confocal ellipsoidal coordinates, in which the variables separate, are written in terms of elliptic integrals, so that their properties are not obvious at first sight. In this paper we classify the trajectories according to an exhaustive scheme, comprising both periodic and quasi-periodic ones. We identify the collision orbits (both direct and asymptotic) and find that collision orbits are of complete measure in a 3-D submanifold of the phase space while asymptotically collision orbits are of complete measure in the 4-D phase space. We use a transformation, which regularizes the close approaches and, therefore, enables the numerical integration of collision trajectories (both direct and asymptotic). Finally we give the ratio of oscillation period along the two axes (the ‘rotation number’) as a function of the two integrals of motion. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present a map for the study of resonant motion in a potential made up of two harmonic oscillators with quartic perturbing terms. This potential can be considered to describe motion in the central parts of non-rotating elliptical galaxies. The map is based on the averaged Hamiltonian. Adding on a semi-empirical basis suitable terms in the unperturbed averaged Hamiltonian, corresponding to the 1:1 resonant case, we are able to construct a map describing motion in several resonant cases. The map is used in order to find thex − p x Poincare phase plane for each resonance. Comparing the results of the map, with those obtained by numerical integration of the equation of motion, we observe, that the map describes satisfactorily the broad features of orbits in all studied cases for regular motion. There are cases where the map describes satisfactorily the properties of the chaotic orbits as well.  相似文献   

When the problem of the rotation of a non-rigid body is studied, the usual procedure consists of adding perturbations to the Hamiltonian of the rigid solid. In some cases, as occurs with the centrifugal deformation, the new perturbations contains potentials which depend on the velocity, but usually one alter neither the definition of the canonical variables nor the method for obtaining the Hamiltonian. Although this procedure gives good estimates and its formulation is simpler, it is incorrect from a theoretical point of view.In this paper we rigorously develop a Hamiltonian formulation of the problem, considering potentials that depend on the velocity. Thus the differences between the two procedures are clearly shown, giving special emphasis to the case of the elastic Earth, for which we show that the differences obtained cannot be ignored within the accuracy limits at present required.  相似文献   

We obtain thex - p xPoincare phase plane for a two dimensional, resonant, galactic type Hamiltonian using conventional numerical integration, a second order symplectic integrator and a map based on the averaged Hamiltonian. It is found that all three methods give good results, for small values of the perturbation parameter, while the symplectic integrator does a better job than the mapping, for large perturbations. The dynamical spectra are used to distinguish between regular and chaotic motion.  相似文献   

The second-order solution of the Ideal Resonance Problem, obtained by Henrard and Wauthier (1988), is developed further to fourth order applying the same method. The solutions for the critical argument and the momentum are expressed in terms of elementary functions depending on the time variable of the pendulum as independent variable. This variable is related to the original time variable through a Kepler-equation. An explicit solution is given for this equation in terms of elliptic integrals and functions. The fourth-order formal solution is compared with numerical solutions obtained from direct numerical integrations of the equations of motion for two specific Hamiltonians.  相似文献   

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