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A series of linked extensional detachments, transfer faults, and sediment- and volcanic-filled half-grabens that pre-date regional folding are described in the Late Archaean Margaret anticline, Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Coeval structures and rock units include layer-parallel extensional detachments, transfer faults (high-angle rotational faults rooted in the detachments and linking layer-parallel shear zones with varying amounts of extension); felsic intrusions, either as granitoids emplaced in or below the detachments, or as fine-grained intrusive bodies emplaced above the detachments and controlled by the high-angle faults; and half-grabens controlled by the high-angle faults and filled with clastic sedimentary and volcanic rocks. At least 1500 m of section is excised across the detachments. The detachments and high-angle faults are folded by the east-northeast regional compression that formed the Margaret anticline. Extensional deformation in the Margaret anticline is correlated with the regionally recognised felsic magmatism and associated volcanic and volcaniclastic basin fill dated at approximately 2685–2670 Ma across the Eastern Goldfields Province. This suggests the extensional event was province-wide and post-dated initial greenstone deposition (at around 2705 Ma) but pre-dated regional compressive deformation. We suggest the extension is the result of a thermal anomaly in the crust, generated by the insulating effect of a thick pile (of the order of 10 km or greater) of mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks on precursor Archaean felsic crust. The thermal anomaly has generated renewed production of felsic and mafic volcanic rocks, coeval with uplift and extension in the upper crust.  相似文献   

The Bardoc Tectonic Zone (BTZ) of the late Archaean Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, is physically linked along strike to the Boulder-Lefroy Shear Zone (BLSZ), one of the richest orogenic gold shear systems in the world. However, gold production in the BTZ has only been one order of magnitude smaller than that of the BLSZ (∼100 t Au vs >1,500 t Au). The reasons for this difference can be found in the relative timing, distribution and style(s) of deformation that controlled gold deposition in the two shear systems. Deformation within the BTZ was relatively simple and is associated with tight to iso-clinal folding and reverse to transpressive shear zones over a <12-km-wide area of high straining, where lithological contacts have been rotated towards the plane of maximum shortening. These structures control gold mineralisation and also correspond to the second major shortening phase of the province (D2). In contrast, shearing within the BLSZ is concentrated to narrow shear zones (<2 km wide) cutting through rocks at a range of orientations that underwent more complex dip- and strike-slip deformation, possibly developed throughout the different deformation phases recorded in the region (D1–D4). Independent of other physico-chemical factors, these differences provided for effective fluid localisation to host units with greater competency contrasts during a prolonged mineralisation process in the BLSZ as compared to the more simple structural history of the BTZ.  相似文献   

Archaean felsic metavolcanic rocks occur throughout the Yandal belt in the north of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia where they are most abundant in the higher parts of the stratigraphy. With the exception of the Spring Well Sequence at the southern end of the belt, these rocks are typically dacites showing geochemical affinities with Archaean high‐Al trondhjemite‐tonalite‐dacite (TTD) suites. They have high Sr, Al2O3, and (La/Yb)N; low Y, Nb, Zr and heavy rare‐earth elements (HREE); and lack a significant Eu anomaly. In contrast, broadly coeval mafic volcanic rocks have flat REE patterns and trace‐element compositions more typical of modern backarc basin basalts. The Spring Well Sequence is readily distinguished lithologically and geochemically from the remainder of the Yandal belt. Spring Well basaltic andesites are geochemically similar to modern calc‐alkaline arc magmas, i.e. negative Nb–Ta anomalies and enrichment of both large‐ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare‐earth elements (LREE). Andesites and rhyolites, both abundant in the Spring Well Sequence, have elevated LILE relative to high field strength elements, and moderate to strong negative Nb, Ta, Sr and Ti anomalies. Rhyolites have low Sr/Y and relatively flat REE patterns ((La/Yb)N = 4.2–5.0). The chemistry and lithostratigraphic associations of the Yandal belt, with the exception of the Spring Well area, suggest a similarity with the Kalgoorlie Terrane, which is supported by published geochronological data. In contrast, the abundance of rhyolite, distinctive calc‐alkaline chemistry and ca2690 Ma age of the Spring Well Sequence suggests a possible association with ca2692 Ma bimodal calc‐alkaline arc‐rift sequence at Teutonic Bore and similar rocks at Melita and Jeedamya, 150 km south of Spring Well. The abundance of TTD dacite and tholeiitic basalt throughout the Yandal belt suggests magma generation from both decompression partial melting of mantle peridotite to produce backarc tholeiitic magma, and partial melting of subducted oceanic lithosphere to produce high‐Al dacite‐tonalite magma. Based on field relationships of the lithological associations, spatial geochemical patterns and published geochronological data, a shallow, west‐dipping subduction model is postulated for the Yandal belt. In this model, widespread tholeiitic basalt and TTD dacite volcanic sequences are thought to have formed in a backarc basin west of a predominantly submerged continental margin volcanic arc. The dominance of dacite in the upper stratigraphy of the Yandal belt could indicate the development of a secondary volcanic ridge or arc in this basin. The Spring Well Sequence is interpreted to occupy the northern preserved portion of the primary arc, remnants of which now extend south through Teutonic Bore to the Melita and Jeedamya volcanic centres. South of Spring Well, volcanic sequences become distinctly bimodal with basalt and high silica rhyolite suggesting an increasing influence of arc extension toward the south.  相似文献   

The published mean δ34S values of ore-related pyrites from orogenic gold deposits of the Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton lie between −4‰ and +4‰. As for orogenic gold deposits worldwide, most deposits have positive means and a restricted range of δ34S values, but some have negative means and wider ranges of δ34S values. Wall-rock carbonation and back-mixing of similar-source fluids with different fluid pathways can explain some of the more negative δ34S signatures. However, structural setting appears to be the most important factor controlling ore-fluid oxidation state and hence the distribution of δ34S values in gold-related pyrites. Shear-hosted deposits appear to have experienced fluid-dominated processes such as phase separation, whereas stockwork, vein-hosted or disseminated deposits formed under conditions of greater rock buffering. At Victory-Defiance, in particular, negative δ34S values are more common in gently dipping dilational structures, compared to more compressional steeply dipping structures. It appears most likely that fluid-pressure fluctuations during fault-valve cycles establish different fluid-flow regimes in structures with different orientations. Rapid fluid-pressure fluctuations in dilational structures during seismic activity can cause partitioning of reduced gas phases from the ore fluid during extreme phase separation and hence are an effective method of ore-fluid oxidation, leading to large, local fluctuations in oxidation state. It is thus not necessary to invoke mixing with oxidised magmatic fluids to explain δ34S signatures indicative of oxidation. In any case, available, robust geochronology in the Eastern Goldfields Province does not support the direct involvement of oxidised magmatic fluids from adjacent granitic intrusions in orogenic gold genesis. Thus, negative mean δ34S values and large variations in δ34S values of ore-related pyrites in world-class orogenic gold deposits are interpreted to result from multiple mechanisms of gold precipitation from a single, ubiquitous ore fluid in varying structural settings, rather than from the involvement of oxidised ore fluids from a different source. Such signatures are indicative, but not diagnostic, of anomalously large orogenic gold systems. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Bardoc Tectonic Zone is an ~80 km-long and up to 12 km wide, intensely sheared corridor of Late Archaean supracrustal rocks that is bounded by pre- to syn-tectonic granites in the Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton. This zone has produced over 100 t of gold from a range of deposits, the largest being Paddington (~40 t Au). This shear system is connected along strike to the Boulder – Lefroy Shear Zone, which hosts considerably larger deposits including the giant Golden Mile Camp (>1500 t produced Au). In contrast to the diverse characteristics of gold deposits associated with the Boulder – Lefroy Shear Zone, mineralogical and geochemical data from five representative localities in the Bardoc Tectonic Zone have relatively uniform features. These are: (i) quartz – carbonate veins in competent mafic units with wall-rock alteration characterised by carbonate + quartz + muscovite + chlorite ± biotite + sulf-arsenide + sulfide + oxide + gold assemblages; (ii) arsenopyrite as the dominant sulfur-bearing mineral; (iii) a unique three-stage paragenetic history, commencing with pyrrhotite, and progressing to arsenopyrite and then to pyrite-dominated alteration; (iv) a lack of minerals indicative of oxidising conditions, such as hematite and sulfates; (v) δ34 sulfur compositions of pre- to syn-gold iron sulfides ranging from 1 to 9 ‰; and (vi) a lack of tellurides. These features characterise a coherent group of moderately sized orogenic-gold deposits, and when compared with the larger gold deposits of the Boulder – Lefroy Shear Zone, potentially highlight the petrological and geochemical differences between high-tonnage and smaller deposits in the Eastern Goldfields Province.  相似文献   

小尖山金矿床产于东天山康古尔韧性剪切带南缘,对该矿床流体特征和矿床成因类型了解较少。矿区普遍发育低绿片岩相变质,矿床由多条走向为100°~120°的陡倾斜蚀变岩型矿体组成,金平均品位3.11×10-6~24.99×10-6;成矿过程可划分为3个阶段:(1)黄铁矿-磁铁矿-绿泥石-绢云母-石英阶段;(2)黄铁矿-黄铜矿-自然金-石英-绿泥石阶段;(3)石英-方解石-贫硫化物阶段。本文通过对矿床不同成矿阶段石英脉内发育的流体包裹体进行了岩相学、显微测温与氢氧同位素研究分析,发现矿床主要发育H2O-CO2及气液两相流体包裹体,从早至晚成矿过程中流体内CO2包裹体逐渐减少,气液两相包裹体内气液比逐渐减小。各成矿阶段包裹体显微测温结果表明,从早至晚成矿流体均一温度分别为216.9~396.4℃、183.1~319.2℃与145.1~220.8℃;成矿流体盐度分别为1.40%~10.11%NaCleq、1.91%~11.22%NaCleq与1.63%~6.74%NaCleq,成矿流体属于中...  相似文献   

Gold deposits in the Agnew district display markedly different structural styles. The Waroonga and Songvang deposits are hosted in layer-parallel extensional shears formed under highly ductile conditions. In contrast, the New Holland–Genesis deposits are shallow-dipping quartz-filled brittle fractures and breccia zones that cut across the tightly folded bedding and formed during east–west compression. It is difficult to attribute their formation to a single compressive event. The Waroonga and Songvang deposits formed during D1 extension, uplift and exhumation of the Agnew granitic complex and formation of the Scotty Creek Basin at ca 2670–2660?Ma. The New Holland–Genesis deposits formed during east–west D3 compression at about ca 2650–2630?Ma. An S1 foliation wraps around the Agnew granitic complex and L1 stretching lineations form a radial pattern around the granite, consistent with formation during D1 uplift of the composite granite body. Uplift and erosion of granite bodies in the surrounding area provide a source for the granite clasts in the upper parts of the Scotty Creek Basin. As clasts in the basin are undeformed, no significant deformation occurred prior to the uplift and erosion of the source granites in this area. Syn-tectonic emplacement of the Lawlers Tonalite during formation of the Scotty Creek Basin at ca 2665?Ma may have provided a good heat/fluid source for the mineralising systems during the first gold event. The distribution of the large deposits along the western edge of the Agnew granitic complex indicates that the extensional shear along the granite contact is a first-order control on gold deposition by providing a conduit for rising hydrothermal fluids. The northerly trend of high-grade shoots in the Waroonga deposit coincides with early north-trending growth faults, which are also likely fluid conduits.  相似文献   

胶东大柳行金矿田庵口金矿床成矿流体与成矿物质来源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
庵口金矿床是位于大柳行金矿田东北部的石英脉型中型金矿床,矿体呈脉状产于郭家岭岩体内部的北东东向断裂带内。目前,对该矿床的研究相对较少,为探讨其成矿流体性质与成矿物质来源,文章通过井下观察、岩相学、流体包裹体测温、激光拉曼分析和同位素测试,将该矿床热液成矿期划分为黄铁矿石英阶段(Ⅰ)、石英黄铁矿阶段(Ⅱ)、多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅲ)和碳酸盐阶段(Ⅳ)。流体包裹体研究表明,成矿流体含富液相和富气相包裹体,包裹体气相成分以CO2为主,少量N2、CH4,总体为中低温、低盐度CO2-H2O-NaCl体系,成矿早期(Ⅰ阶段)和主成矿期(Ⅱ、Ⅲ阶段)温度变化不大,盐度呈降低趋势,流体演化过程中发生了流体不混溶(沸腾)。H-O同位素测试表明,成矿流体可能主要来源于郭家岭岩体出溶的岩浆水;S、Sr-Nd-Pb同位素示踪显示,成矿物质可能主要来源于重熔活化的下地壳(前寒武纪变质基底),并在向上运移过程中混入了上地壳物质。  相似文献   

The NNW-trending tectonic grain of the eastern Yilgarn Craton (EYC) was established as a result of predominantly ENE–WSW directed extension (D1 and D3) and E(ENE)–W(WSW) (D2, D4) to NE–SW directed (D5) contraction. The result has been a succession of NNW-striking temporally discrete fabric elements, which can be difficult to interpret reliably at any single location. Despite this, many past workers interpreted the NNW-striking fabric as the result of only one regional contractional event, and used it as a marker for correlating structural events across the region. In order to unravel the complexity, this paper presents a new sixfold (D1–D6) deformation nomenclature based on >10,000 new mesoscale structural observations, including their kinematic analysis and cross-cutting relationships. These mesoscale data were referenced with regional 3D map patterns, stratigraphic-magmatic-metallogenic considerations, and deep seismic reflection images. This integrated geodynamic-architectural approach is applicable to solving structural-event histories in other polydeformed terrains. Gold mineralisation occurred during the first five events, but was particularly concentrated from D3 onwards. The D3 event marked the most profound change in the tectonic evolution of the EYC, with changes in greenstones, granites and tectonic mode (lithospheric extension and core complexes), with the first significant gold deposited within extensional shear zones that dissect the crust. Later contraction (D4) was imposed at a high angle to the previously established anisotropic architecture. The outcome was the creation of a new dynamic permeability framework, which resulted in gold mineralisation during NNW-striking sinistral strike-slip faulting and associated thrusting. A further stress switch (D5) further modified the architecture resulting in N- to NNE-striking dextral strike-slip faulting, and the final period of gold mineralisation, before late-stage extension (D6).  相似文献   

杨世文  丰成友  楼法生  许德如 《地质学报》2022,96(11):3886-3900
赣南兴国县隆坪大型萤石矿床位于大余 南城深大断裂西侧兴国 宁都萤石成矿带内,呈板状、似层状、脉状产于永丰复式岩体外接触带北东向硅化破碎带中。本文划分了兴国县隆坪萤石矿床的成矿阶段,通过流体包裹体岩相学、显微测温、激光拉曼成分分析和H O同位素研究,讨论了该矿床成矿流体性质、来源、演化与成矿模式。根据矿物穿插关系和矿相学特征,将隆坪萤石矿床划分为3个成矿阶段,即成矿早阶段(萤石 石英阶段)、成矿主阶段(石英 萤石阶段)和成矿晚阶段(萤石 方解石阶段)。流体包裹体类型主要为富液相两相包裹体,均一温度变化范围在111~374℃之间,盐度变化于0. 53%~3. 55%NaCleq之间 ,密度变化于0. 58~1. 02 g/cm3之间。包裹体成分以H2O为主。总体而言,成矿流体属于中低温、中低盐度、中低密度的NaCl H2O体系,但成矿早阶段存在高温、相对高盐度的流体端元(温度大于300℃,盐度为2. 0%~2. 7%NaCleq),推断永丰复式岩体晚阶段岩浆热液参与早阶段萤石成矿作用,提供F的来源和热源。隆坪萤石矿床流体包裹体中的δDV SMOW和δ18OV SMOW值均较低,分别为-66. 8‰~-53. 1‰(平均值为-59. 5‰)和-5. 9‰~-3. 3‰ (平均值为-4. 6‰),成矿流体主要来源于大气降水和地热水。成矿早阶段萤石沉淀机制主要为岩浆热液和大气降水混合与水 岩反应,而流体冷却作用是成矿主阶段和晚阶段萤石沉淀的主要机制。隆坪萤石矿床属断裂控矿、中低温热液裂隙充填型萤石矿床。  相似文献   

The Junction gold deposit, in Western Australia, is an orogenic gold deposit hosted by a differentiated, iron‐rich, tholeiitic dolerite sill. Petrographic, microthermometric and laser Raman microprobe analyses of fluid inclusions from the Junction deposit indicate that three different vein systems formed at three distinct periods of geological time, and host four fluid‐inclusion populations with a wide range of compositions in the H2O–CO2–CH4–NaCl ± CaCl2 system. Pre‐shearing, pre‐gold, molybdenite‐bearing quartz veins host fluid inclusions that are characterised by relatively consistent phase ratios comprising H2O–CO2–CH4 ± halite. Microthermometry suggests that these veins precipitated when a highly saline, >340°C fluid mixed with a less saline ≥150°C fluid. The syn‐gold mineralisation event is hosted within the Junction shear zone and is associated with extensive quartz‐calcite ± albite ± chlorite ± pyrrhotite veining. Fluid‐inclusion analyses indicate that gold deposition occurred during the unmixing of a 400°C, moderately saline, H2O–CO2 ± CH4 fluid at pressures between 70 MPa and 440 MPa. Post‐gold quartz‐calcite‐biotite‐pyrrhotite veins occupy normal fault sets that slightly offset the Junction shear zone. Fluid inclusions in these veins are predominantly vapour rich, with CO2?CH4. Homogenisation temperatures indicate that the post‐gold quartz veins precipitated from a 310 ± 30°C fluid. Finally, late secondary fluid inclusions show that a <200°C, highly saline, H2O–CaCl2–NaCl–bearing fluid percolated along microfractures late in the deposit's history, but did not form any notable vein type. Raman spectroscopy supports the microthermometric data and reveals that CH4–bearing fluid inclusions occur in syn‐gold quartz grains found almost exclusively at the vein margin, whereas CO2–bearing fluid inclusions occur in quartz grains that are found toward the centre of the veins. The zonation of CO2:CH4 ratios, with respect to the location of fluid inclusions within the syn‐gold quartz veins, suggest that the CH4 did not travel as part of the auriferous fluid. Fluid unmixing and post‐entrapment alteration of the syn‐gold fluid inclusions are known to have occurred, but cannot adequately account for the relatively ordered zonation of CO2:CH4 ratios. Instead, the late introduction of a CH4–rich fluid into the Junction shear zone appears more likely. Alternatively, the process of CO2 reduction to CH4 is a viable and plausible explanation that fits the available data. The CH4–bearing fluid inclusions occur almost exclusively at the margin of the syn‐gold quartz veins within the zone of high‐grade gold mineralisation because this is where all the criteria needed to reduce CO2 to CH4 were satisfied in the Junction deposit.  相似文献   

白乃庙金矿位于中亚造山带南缘白乃庙岛弧区域,是华北地台北缘中段金成矿远景区的重要组成部分.本文通过白乃庙金矿床流体包裹体和C-H-O-S稳定同位素的系统工作,揭示其成矿物质来源、成矿流体性质以及矿床成因.流体包裹体测试均一温度(126.5~283.4℃)和盐度(0.88% ~7.59%NaCl equiv)显示成矿流体...  相似文献   

胶东邓格庄金矿成矿流体、成矿物质来源与矿床成因   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
邓格庄金矿是胶东牟平-乳山成矿带第二大石英脉型金矿床,其空间产出受断裂构造、荆山群变质地层和岩浆活动联合制约。对不同类型蚀变岩和不同阶段金脉体流体包裹体研究表明:包裹体可划分为液相包裹体(Ⅰ)、气相包裹体(Ⅱ)、含液体CO_2包裹体(Ⅲ)和含子矿物包裹体(Ⅳ)四类。从热液蚀变期到主成矿期,包裹体的种类增多,数量增多,主成矿期可见Ⅲ和Ⅳ型包裹体。激光拉曼探针分析结果显示成矿流体的气相成分类型包括CO_2-CH_4-H_2O、CO_2-H_2O、CO_2-CO_2和CO_2-CH_4四种,以CO_2为主,H_2O次之,主成矿期出现了少量的CH_4,成矿流体总体属CO_2-H_2O-NaCl体系。成矿流体完全均一温度变化范围为177~361℃,峰值240~280℃;盐度为1.7%~16.3%NaCleqv,密度变化范围为0.65~0.97g/cm~3;表明该矿床属于中低温、中低盐度、中低密度热液脉型矿床,成矿流体为酸性、弱酸性,且富含CO_2、CH_4等还原性质的热液体系。从热液蚀变期到成矿期各个阶段成矿温度、盐度、密度总体显示降低趋势。邓格庄金矿石英的δD值为-87.6‰~-80.7‰,δ18O_(H_2 O)值为5.87‰~7.49‰;δ13C_(V-PDB)值为-3.6‰~0.7‰,δ18O_(V-SMOW)值为1.3‰~9.1‰;δ34S值的变化范围在8.4‰~10.8‰之间;表明成矿流体来源于深部流体,以岩浆水为主,少量的大气降水参与了成矿过程。流体包裹体及C-H-O-S同位素研究,并结合地质特征,表明邓格庄金矿是与白垩系岩浆岩有关的,受断裂构造控制,并以大面积钾长石化为特征标志的中温岩浆热液型矿床,充填作用和混合作用可能是金矿成矿物质大规模沉淀的机制。  相似文献   

山东蓬家夼金矿床成矿流体地球化学特征   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
胶东地区存在3种类型的金矿床,蚀变岩型(焦家式)和石英脉型(玲珑式)已经广为重视。最近在胶莱盆地的东北缘发现了一种新型金矿床-层探型金矿床,以蓬家夼金矿床和宋家沟金矿床为代表。蓬家夼金矿床赋存在胶莱盆地东北缘拆离断层带中,产于莱阳组砾岩与荆山群地层的构造接触部位,是在燕山期火山-岩浆活动期间在大气水和岩浆水的参与下形成的。围岩遭受了强烈的硅化、绢云母化、碳酸经和黄铁矿化等蚀变作用。单个矿体最大长度  相似文献   

高家店金矿床位于华北克拉通北缘冀东矿集区中部,为典型的蚀变岩型金矿床,少部分为石英脉型,赋存于高家店岩体的花岗岩和闪长岩内,受断裂构造控制。为了探讨高家店金矿床的成因,文章对其开展了详细的矿床地质特征、金及载金黄铁矿化学成分、流体包裹体和氢氧硫同位素研究。结果表明,高家店金矿床热液成矿期包括4个阶段,其中Ⅱ和Ⅲ阶段为金的主要成矿阶段。黄铁矿是金的主要载体矿物,金矿物为自然金和银金矿,以独立的金矿物的形式赋存于黄铁矿中。主成矿阶段黄铁矿Fe和S含量及Fe/S元素比值揭示金矿床具有岩浆热液型的特征。主成矿阶段流体包裹体类型以富液相的两相H2O溶液包裹体为主,其次为含CO2三相包裹体,属中温、中低盐度流体。不同成矿阶段的流体δ18OH2O值为1.82‰~5.60‰,δD值为-83.3‰~-55.3‰,指示流体主要来自岩浆水,并有少量大气降水混入。主成矿阶段黄铁矿δ34S值为2.40‰~5.61‰,显示地幔硫或岩浆硫特征,揭示成矿物质硫主要来自于深部岩浆。综合研究认为,高家店岩体的多期次岩浆侵入活动为金成矿提供了充足的热源及成矿流体,因而高家店金矿床成因类型为岩浆热液型。  相似文献   

崤山金矿床位于华北克拉通南缘的豫西地区,矿体大多呈脉状产于断裂带内。成矿期可以划分为3个阶段:(1)石英-黄铁矿阶段;(2)石英-多金属硫化物阶段;(3)石英-碳酸盐阶段。成矿期石英中发育气液两相水溶液包裹体(WL型)和H_2O-CO_2包裹体(C型)。石英-黄铁矿阶段发育WL型和C型包裹体,它们的均一温度为300~393℃,盐度w(NaCl_(eq))为1.6%~11.0%,密度介于0.57~0.82 g/cm~3;石英-多金属硫化物阶段亦发育WL型和C型包裹体,它们的均一温度为261~298℃,盐度w(NaCl_(eq))为1.1%~11.8%,密度介于0.74~0.89 g/cm~3;石英-碳酸盐阶段仅见WL型包裹体,其均一温度为193~258℃,盐度w(NaCl_(eq))介于2.2%~12.7%,密度为0.87~0.97g/cm~3。成矿流体具有中高温、中低盐度、低密度等特征,属于H_2O-NaCl±CO_2体系。崤山金矿石英的δ~(18)OH_2O值介于0.7‰~4.5‰之间,δDV-SMOW值介于-47.8‰~-69.5‰之间。H-O同位素结果表明成矿流体主要来源于岩浆水。矿石硫化物的δ_(34)SV-CDT值为0.7‰~3.9‰,206Pb/204Pb值为17.391~17.728,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb值为15.420~15.577,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb值为37.420~37.923。S-Pb同位素结果表明成矿物质主要来源于花岗质岩浆。崤山金矿为中温热液脉型金矿,流体相分离和温度的降低是导致矿质沉淀的主要机制。  相似文献   

A quantitative spatial analysis of mineral deposit distributions in relation to their proximity to a variety of structural elements is used to define parameters that can influence metal endowment, deposit location and the resource potential of a region. Using orogenic gold deposits as an example, geostatistical techniques are applied in a geographic-information-systems-based regional-scale analysis in the high-data-density Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. Metal endowment (gold production and gold ‘rank’ per square kilometer) is measured in incremental buffer regions created in relation to vector lines, such as faults. The greatest metal tonnages are related to intersections of major faults with regional anticlines and to fault jogs, particularly those of dilatant geometry. Using fault length in parameter search, there is a strong association between crustal-scale shear zones/faults and deposits. Nonetheless, it is the small-scale faults that are marginal or peripheral to the larger-scale features that are more prospective. Gravity gradients (depicted as multiscale edges or gravity ‘worms’) show a clear association to faults that host gold deposits. Long wavelength/long strikelength edges, interpreted as dominantly fault-related, have greater metal endowment and provide a first-order area selection filter for exploration, particularly in areas of poor exposure. Statistical analysis of fault, fold and gravity gradient patterns mainly affirms empirical exploration criteria for orogenic gold deposits, such as associations with crustal-scale faults, anticlinal hinge zones, dilational jogs, elevated fault roughness, strong rheological contrasts and medium metamorphic grade rocks. The presence and concurrence of these parameters determine the metallogenic endowment of a given fault system and segments within the system. By quantifying such parameters, the search area for exploration can be significantly reduced by an order of magnitude, while increasing the chance of discovery.  相似文献   

阿尔泰山南缘赛都金矿床的构造-成矿流体及其演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赛都金矿床位于新疆额尔齐斯构造带北西段,矿体受韧性剪切构造带的控制,赋存于玛尔卡库里巨型剪切带内的蚀变糜棱岩带内.构造-成矿流体早期以中高温、富CO2-N2等挥发分为特征,包裹体均一温度252.0~408.0℃;中期以CO2-H2O流体为主,包裹体均一温度203.0~325.8℃,反映了中温热液特征;中晚期演化为中低温、中低盐度的盐水溶液体系,包裹体均一温度120.0~221.0℃.矿石中黄铁矿的δ34S变化范围在3.53‰~5.88‰之间;铅同位素组成的206Pb/204Pb变化于18.099 7~18.358 5,207Pb/204Pb变化于15.487 7~15.579 0,208Pb/204Pb变化于38.111 6~38.355 1.硫铅同位素研究表明成矿物质是从深部富集的,在造山作用过程中从深部岩石通过热液萃取获得.主要的金矿化与后碰撞造山的伸展构造环境有关,构造-成矿流体的演化特征与剪切带演化过程相吻合.  相似文献   

黑龙江乌拉嘎大型金矿床流体包裹体特征及矿床成因研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
乌拉嘎金矿床是受断裂构造和中酸性侵入体联合控制的浅成低温热液型矿床,区内黑龙江群变质岩为成矿提供物源.燕山期花岗斑岩是主要的容矿围岩.深部岩浆源为成矿提供了热动力。矿体受构造引张部位和构造交汇部位控制.在空间上侧伏斜列。矿石矿物主要有自然金、黄铁矿、白铁矿、辉锑矿、自然银等,脉石矿物有玉髓状石英、胶状蛋白石、碳酸盐、冰长石、绢云母、高岭土等;矿石结构主要为胶状结构、细粒状结构和碎裂结构,矿石构造为脉状、网脉状和角砾状构造.矿石的矿物组合和组构均显示典型的低温矿物组合和组构特点。流体包裹体研究表明,石英中主要发育气液两相及少量单液相包裹体.成矿流体属H2O—NaCl体系类型。成矿流体具有低盐度(1.22%-5.4%NaCl)、低密度(0.88--0.96g/cm^3)的特征,成矿温度为140~220℃,成矿平均压力为23.24MPa,形成深度为2.32km。通过氢、氧同位素分析认为,成矿流体δDSMOW,值为-78.25‰-132.64‰,6moHp值为-3.7‰~6.23‰,表明成矿流体主要来自大气降水。综合研究表明.乌拉嘎金矿属于由中性、近还原和低温流体形成的低硫化型浅成低温热液金矿床。  相似文献   

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