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Eight dredges from the southern New South Wales continental slope sampled the offshore extension of the Lachlan Orogen. Two rock suites were recovered: (1) lower greenshist facies limestones, felsic volcanics, sandstones, mudstones and Moruya Suite granodiorite correlate with the onshore Silurian to mid-Devonian orogenic phase; and (2) a strongly deformed greenschist to lower amphibolite facies mafic volcanics, cherts, marbles, pelites and serpentinites correlate in part with the Cambro-Ordovician Wagonga Group of the Narooma Terrane. The mafic volcanic rocks have ocean island, tholeiitic and boninitic basalt affinities. The offshore distribution of ocean island basalt that correlates with medial Cambrian basalt breccias at Batemans Bay suggests a large seamount or seamount complex. The boninites, tholeiites and ultramafics could be part of a forearc-generated ophiolite. The Narooma Terrane basement is interpreted as the part of the bonititic arc postulated to have collided with Vandieland in late early Cambrian time. Mid-Cambrian rifting of the oceanward part of this arc remnant, generated the Albury–Bega Terrane oceanic basement exposed in the Howqua Valley in the west and Melville Point in the east. Overlying are upper–mid-Cambrian to lowermost Ordovician black shale and chert, Lower Ordovician to Gisbornian Adaminaby Group quartz turbidites and Gisbornian to lower Bolindian Bendoc Group black shales. Batemans Bay exposures are reinterpreted as a dismembered basin margin succession onlapping the west-facing attenuated flank of the Narooma Terrane. The Narooma Cambro-Ordovician cherts and mudstones were initially deposited outboard on the more elevated seamount flank elevated above the clastic-filled basin to the west. Benambran deformation commenced in latest Ordovician time uplifting the outer Narooma Terrane, shedding debris from the seamount and its flanks, culminating in allochthonous displacement of chert masses to the basin's eastern margin to Narooma, and emplacing them as a succession of thrust sheets. Contemporaneously, silt and mud of the Bogolo Formation, deposited from the west, were mixed with olistostomal basalt and chert debris from the east. Early Silurian westward tectonic transport of the Narooma Terrane ruptured the Albury-Bega basin floor at Batemans Bay, thrusting it and its sedimentary cover over its eastern margin as a series of thrusts each floored by melange (mapped Bogolo Formation), derived from the slope debris and its overpressured sedimentary cover. Offshore, the metamorphosed Benambran phase rocks are unconformably overlain by Tabberabberan cycle sediments and volcanics intruded by granodiorite. Our interpretation of the boundary between the Albury-Bega and Narooma terranes as a thrusted passive margin accumulation is incompatible with models of a Narooma Accretionary Complex formed by the subduction of the Paleopacific Plate.  相似文献   

On the southeast Australian continental margin, mixed siliciclastic and temperate carbonate sediments are presently forming along the narrow 20–35 km‐wide northern New South Wales shelf over an area of 4960 km2. Here, year‐round, highly energetic waves rework inner and mid‐shelf clastic sediments by northward longshore currents or waning storm flows. The strong East Australian Current flows south, sweeping clastic and outer shelf biogenic sands and gravels. Quaternary siliciclastic inner shelf cores consist of fine to medium, lower shoreface sand and graded storm beds of fine to coarse sand. Physically abraded, disarticulated molluscs such as Donacidae and Glycymeridae form isolated gravel lags. Highstand inner shelf clastics accumulate at 0.53 m/103 y in less than 50 m water depth. Clastic mid‐shelf cores contain well‐sorted, winnowed, medium shoreface sands, with a fine sand component. Fine sand and mud in this area is discharged mainly from New South Wales’ largest river, the Clarence. The seaward jutting of Byron Bay results in weakened East Australia Current flows through the mid‐shelf from Ballina to Yamba allowing the fine sediments to accumulate. Quaternary carbonate outer shelf cores have uniform and graded beds forming from the East Australian Current and are also influenced by less frequent storm energy. Modern clastic‐starved outer shelf hardgrounds are cemented by coralline algae and encrusting bryozoans. Clay‐sized particles are dominantly high‐Mg calcite with minor aragonite and smectite/kaolinite. Carbonate sands are rich in bryozoan fragments and sponge spicules. Distinctive (gravel‐sized) molluscs form isolated shells or shell lag deposits comprising Limopsidae and Pectinidae. The upper slope sediments are the only significant accumulation of surficial mud on the margin (18–36 wt%), filling the interstices of poorly sorted, biogenic gravels. Pectinid molluscs form a basal gravel lag. During highstand the outer shelf accumulates sediment at 0.40 m/103 y, with the upper slope accumulating a lower 0.23 m/103 y since transgression. Transgression produced a diachronous (14–10 ka) wave‐ravinement surface in all cores. Relict marine hardgrounds overlie the wave‐ravinement surface and are cemented by inorganic calcite from the shallow and warm East Australian Current. Transgressive estuarine deposits, oxygen isotope Stage 3–5 barriers or shallow bedrock underlie the wave‐ravinement surface on the inner and mid shelf. Northern New South Wales is an example of a low accommodation, wave‐ and oceanic current‐dominated margin that has produced mixed siliciclastic‐carbonate facies. Shelf ridge features that characterise many storm‐dominated margins are absent.  相似文献   

Studies of Cenozoic lavas and associated sediments in the Kiandra‐Cabramurra and Adaminaby‐Cooma areas identify and date tectonic deformations responsible for differential uplift and drainage development of the region. Volcanic activity on the northern Monaro was mainly Eocene‐Oligocene but in the extreme north there are Early Miocene sediments and lavas. Volcanic activity and folding began to rearrange the drainage in the Eocene‐Oligocene. The headwaters of the Murrumbidgee River originally flowed south into the Eucumbene River but Early Miocene folding and faulting uplifted the Monaro Range and created a large lake near Adaminaby. Lake overtopping rerouted the drainage east and then south along the basalt‐filled valley of an old north‐flowing tributary, the ‘Adaminaby River’, forming the present‐day Murrumbidgee River. The folding also produced a 300 m height difference between the Berridale and Adaminaby Plateaus and formed a section of the Great Divide. This fold displacement ranks with the largest Cenozoic fault displacements. In the Kiandra area tectonism associated with Early Miocene volcanism rearranged the drainage and tilted the Kiandra area and Kosciuszko Block to the north.  相似文献   

Two graptolite faunas are described from outcrops of the Wagonga Beds near Batemans Bay on the south coast of N.S.W. They are of late Eastonian and early Bolindian age. The faunas have been found in two geographically separate localities and, in spite of structural complexities, it is now suggested that the greater part of the Wagonga Beds was deposited in the Late Ordovician. The chert and volcanicrich Wagonga Beds were accumulated prior to, or as contemporaneous lateral facies equivalents of, the thick undifferentiated Upper Ordovician ‘slates and grey‐wackes unit’ that crops out in the same general region.  相似文献   

晚石炭世末期-三叠纪东澳大利亚的鲍恩-冈尼达-悉尼(Bowen- Gunnedah-Sydney)盆地系是位于拉克伦(Lachlan)褶皱带和新英格兰(New England)褶皱带之间的一个长条形的构造盆地。从北部的冈尼达(Gunnedah)到南部的巴特曼斯(Batemans)湾,悉尼盆地是鲍恩-冈尼达-悉尼盆地系南端的一个次级盆地。悉尼盆地的二叠系包括河流、三角洲、滨浅海沉积岩和火山岩地层。南悉尼盆地的西南部二叠系不整合覆盖于变形变质的拉克伦(Lachlan)褶皱带之上。二叠系由下部的塔拉特郎(Tallaterang)群、中部的肖尔黑文群(Shoalhaven Group)和上部的伊勒瓦拉煤系(Illawarra Coal Measures)组成。从晚石炭世末到中三叠世悉尼盆地经历了弧后扩张到典型的前陆盆地的不同阶段:弧后扩张阶段、被动热沉降阶段和挤压挠曲负载阶段。  相似文献   

The Devonian Old Red Sandstone Ridgeway Conglomerate Formation crops out in Pembrokeshire, SW Wales. It was deposited as part of a dryland alluvial fan, axial fluvial valley deposystem. It conformably overlies the mid Lochkovian Freshwater West Formation and probably predates deposition of the Lower Cosheston Group Mill Bay Formation indicating an Early Devonian (latest Lochkovian to earliest Pragian) age, rather than a Middle Devonian age as suggested by previous workers. It therefore represents the youngest preserved formation of the Milford Haven Group south of the Ritec Fault. The Formation thickens drastically into the Ritec Fault, indicating its control on sedimentation. The half‐graben topography initiated deposition of a hangingwall alluvial fan that was sourced from a southerly Lower Palaeozoic/Precambrian provenance within the present‐day Bristol Channel. The Formation is heterolithic in nature, with deposits on the fan reflecting a mixture of processes. Conglomerates were deposited primarily by laterally extensive sheetfloods, and as bars in low‐relief, laterally accreted channels. Sandstones were also predominantly deposited by sheetfloods. Gritty mudrocks in comparison demonstrate deposition by cohesive debris flows. The fan prograded northward and interfingered with a low‐gradient, high‐sinuosity fluvial channel system dominated by inclined and non‐inclined heterolithic stratification. Thinly laminated mudstone and sandstone interbeds were deposited in ephemeral fan‐toe and axial valley lakes that may have developed during sub‐humid climatic episodes. The lacustrine heterolithic association has associated matgrounds and possible ‘algal roll‐up’ structures. Calcretized peetee structures and root traces comprise a lake margin calcrete association. Fan gravels prograded into the axial fluvial valley during periods of increased sediment flux that may represent semi‐arid conditions and/or episodes of tectonic activity. Calcretes of varying development were established in both the fan and axial valley zones. Calcretes with lower stages of development are more proximal to the Ritec Fault reflecting decreased soil residence times and high deposition rates within the axial valley. More strongly developed soil profiles on the fan may indicate sequence boundaries associated with low sediment flux, or increased soil residence time due to active fan‐channel migration (the pedofacies concept). Groundwater calcretes have sharp‐based and layer‐bound calcrete profiles. Gully‐bed cements are locally developed within the fan gravels. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文主要描述和讨论了四川省攀枝花市沿金沙江分布、并以炳草岗地龙箐剖面为代表的昔格达组湖相沉积下伏的砾石层的沉积特征及其河流相成因.根据前人对昔格达组湖相沉积的磁性地层学研究结果,为4.2/3.28~2.6/2.12/1.78 MaBP的上新世中、晚期或至早更新世早期,表明其下伏厚达50 m的砾石层的形成时代约为4.2~4.5/5 MaBP的上新世早期.早上新世金沙江河流相砾石层在接近金沙江谷底位置的发现,表明金沙江很早就已经从青藏高原主夷平面下切了2000 m以上、已在接近其现今谷底的位置上存在.这对于探讨古金沙江的河谷发育及其与青藏高原隆升的关系,具有重要的指示意义.  相似文献   

It is a long-debated issue whether the Upper Yangtze River once flowed southward from its First Bend as a major tributary of the Red River. The Yangbi valley was assumed as a trough carved by the paleo-Upper Yangtze River. This argument, however, has not been substantiated because of the uncertainty of what is beneath the Quaternary sediments of the valley. We conducted a drilling project in an attempt of resolving this outstanding puzzle. We also studied the Upper Eocene–Lower Oligocene Baoxiangsi and Jinsichang Formations distributed widely to the west of the Yangbi valley because sandstone of the Baoxiangsi Formation were previously regarded as remnants of the south-flowing paleo-Upper Yangtze River. Two drilled holes reveal that the Yangbi valley is entirely filled with Quaternary alluvial-fan and bog deposits and contains no typical fluvial sandstone. The base of the valley is the well-consolidated breccia of the Baoxiangsi Formation. The sedimentary analysis shows that the Baoxiangsi and Jinsichang successions are composed mostly of alluvial-fan, lacustrine, fan-delta and braided-stream facies, and interpreted to have formed in an intermontane rift basin. Facies analysis in conjunction with paleocurrent restoration further shows that the bulk of the Baoxiangsi and Jinsichang sediments were shed from local highlands and debouched to the basin mainly from the south and west. Collectively, our sedimentary investigations of both boreholes and outcrops lend no support of the long-held view that the paleo-Upper Yangtze River flowed to the south through the region south of the First Bend. It, however, remains an unresolved problem how the ancestral Upper Yangtze River evolved during the Tertiary.  相似文献   

Late Palaeozoic glaciation in Australia, discovered over a century ago, is now known to have covered a large part of the continent. In South Australia, tillite and outwash debris lie upon clearly striated pavements within glacial valleys, and show that ice sheets with valley tongues moved northward from sources now occupied by deep ocean south of the continent. These glaciers reached into the Cooper, Arckaringa, and Pedirka Basins at the end of the Carboniferous and laid down patches of till in the Early Permian, now preserved largely in the subsurface. In Tasmania, an ice sheet waxed in the latest Carboniferous from sources to the west of the island, and deposited till and “drop‐stones” into fossiliferous marine strata until well into the Late Permian. In Victoria, the ice cap laid down till on a striated floor, and here and there sequences of outwash, including boulder pavements. In New South Wales, continental glaciation expanded eastward to the sea early in the Permian, and left a record intercalated with volcanics and coal beds into the Late Permian. Bordering the Tamworth Trough of northern New South Wales, and occurring also in the highlands of New England, alpine glaciers left a record in the form of striated stones and dropstones, in very thick sequences of fluviatile, lacustrine, and marine clastic sediments. The mountains existed in Middle and early Late Carboniferous times, and were largely worn down to gentle relief when continental glaciers expanded northward in the Early Permian. A non‐glacial interval at the end of the Carboniferous therefore probably occurred in New South Wales. In Queensland, alpine glaciers occupied mountains at the western rim of the Bowen Basin at the end of the Carboniferous. Large blocks carried by icebergs from glaciers of unknown locations were dropped into Lower and Upper Permian strata of the Bowen Basin as well. In Western Australia Early Permian ice centres were located on the Yilgarn Block, east of the Perth Basin, on the Pilbara Block southwest of the Canning Basin, and on the Kimberley Block. Evidence for this glaciation consists mostly of ice‐rafted debris and fluvial‐glacial and glacial‐marine strata that reached as far north as the Bonaparte Gulf Basin.

The rapid growth northward of continental glaciers in Australia near the end of the Carboniferous corresponds with a rapid shift of palaeolatitude as judged from Irving's palaeomagnetic studies. The ice sheet grew quickly upon upland areas when Gondwanaland moved to a near polar position and the unfrozen Palaeo‐Pacific lay near at hand to provide an abundant source of moisture.  相似文献   

The depositional processes associated with late Devensian ice in areas bordering the Irish Sea basin have been the subject of considerable debate. Among the key areas around the Irish Sea, southwest Wales occupies a particularly crucial position because it is here that ice flowing from the north impinged upon the coast orthogonally and encroached inland. Two main hypotheses have emerged concerning deglaciation of the Irish Sea basin. The traditional hypothesis holds that sedimentation was ice‐marginal or subglacial, whereas an alternative hypothesis that emerged in the 1980s argued that sedimentation was glaciomarine. Southwest Wales is well‐placed to contribute to this debate. However, few detailed sedimentological studies, linked to topography, have been made previously in order to reconstruct glacial environments in this area. In this paper, evidence is presented from four boreholes drilled recently in the Cardigan area, combined with data from coastal and inland exposures in the lower Teifi valley and adjacent areas. A complex history of glaciation has emerged: (i) subglacial drainage channel formation in pre‐Devensian time, (ii) deposition of iron‐cemented breccias and conglomerates possibly during the last interglacial (or in the early/mid‐Devensian interstadial), (iii) late Devensian ice advance across the region, during which a glaciolacustrine sequence over 75 m thick accumulated, within a glacial lake known as Llyn Teifi, (iv) a second high‐level glaciolacustrine succession formed near Llandudoch, (v) outside the Teifi valley, ice‐marginal, subglacial and glaciofluvial sediments were also laid down, providing a near‐continuous cover of drift throughout the area. Glacial advance was characterized by reworking, deformation and sometimes erosion of the underlying sediments. The glaciomarine hypothesis is thus rejected for southwest Wales. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multiple sedimentary units from floodplain reaches at Welshpool on the upper River Severn and at the confluence of the Afon Tanat and Afon Vyrnwy (mid‐Wales, UK) were examined to ascertain if they have distinctive particle size characteristics. Changes in particle size characteristics and their possible relationship to known human and climatic impacts are also discussed. Ellipse plots of particle size characteristics from the River Severn floodplain at Welshpool show that coarse‐grained outwash deposits can be clearly discriminated from channel margin or palaeochannel sediments. In contrast, at the Afon Tanat–Vyrnwy study reach, this discrimination is not seen so clearly. The relationships between age and particle size characteristics from the most sampled sedimentary environment, palaeochannel infills, were also examined. The data from the River Severn floodplain at Welshpool show that palaeochannel sediments reveal a gradual but clear increase in particle size from the mid‐ to late Holocene towards the present day. Sediments deposited in the period 90–160 years BP are markedly coarser. It is suggested that these changes may be related to the combined effect of land‐use changes, metal mining impacts and changes in flood frequency and magnitude that occurred at this time within the upper Severn basin. In contrast, the particle size characteristics of post Late Devensian/Early Holocene units from Tanat–Vyrnwy palaeochannels were random with no discernible age–size patterns. It is suggested that the non‐systematic grain size distribution may be due to the steeper valley gradients of the Tanat–Vyrnwy system (and by inference higher stream powers) and its relatively narrow valley form enabling more effective coupling between coarser outwash deposits found on and at the edges of hillslopes and the valley floor. Although the two study reaches have undergone comparable environmental change during the Holocene and lie in the piedmont zone of their catchments, palaeochannel units of the same age possess distinctly different characteristics. Intrinsic reach‐scale geomorphic factors would appear to preclude the uniform application of particle size characteristics to determine alluvial response to environmental change. Consequently, care needs to be applied to the use of such data for environmental discrimination because the phenomenon of equifinality means that a specific set of sediment characteristics is not necessarily exclusive to specific fluvial environments in either space or time. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The southeastern Lachlan Fold Belt at Batemans Bay on the New South Wales south coast is an accretionary complex with a prolonged deformation history. Early features include synsedimentary folds, mélange, disaggregated bedding and faults. Fabrics within the clast-in-matrix mélange and mudstone match those found in cores from the lower slopes of modern accretionary prisms. At the toe of the accretionary prism, the contact between the craton-derived Adaminaby Group and ocean floor deposits of the Wagonga Group is conformable. As subduction continued, the early structures were overprinted by (D1) deformation that produced meridional north – south-trending, tight to isoclinal folds (F1) and associated axial-plane cleavage (S1). This west-dipping subduction occurred in the Late Ordovician/Early Silurian but probably began much earlier. A younger regional deformation (D2) resulted in north – south-trending, open to tight folds (F2), slightly oblique to F1, and an axial-surface cleavage (S2).  相似文献   

In this initial systematic study of Carboniferous spores from New South Wales, Australia, fifteen species (all but one of them new) are formally described and are distributed among eight established genera and two new genera (Rattiganispora, a distally annulate trilete form, and Psomospora, an inaperturate or proximally hilate form). The species were selected as being the most characteristic and distinctive forms found in the Italia Road Formation at its well‐exposed type section in the Hunter Valley, east‐central New South Wales. The formation is a cyclical non‐marine unit, over 300 metres (1,000 ft) thick, consisting of lithic arenites together with carbonaceous shales, claystones, and siltstones; its age is regarded as West‐phalian‐Stephanian. The microfiora is compared with those known from sediments of similar age elsewhere and its place in the Australian Palaeozoic palynostratigraphic record is discussed.

New specific institutions are as follows: Punctatisporites lucidulus, P. sub‐tritus, Verrucosisporites aspratilis, V. italiaensis, Raistrickia accincta, R. radiosa, Reticulatisporites asperidictyus, R. magnidictyus, Foveosporites pellucidus, Rattiganispora apiculata (type species), Kraeuselisporites kuttungensis, Grandispora maculosa, Psomospora detecta (type species), and Wilsonites australiensis.  相似文献   

The pre‐Devonian sedimentary and volcanic sequence exposed along the south coast of New South Wales has previously been divided into three stratigraphic groups: (1) Upper Ordovician graptolite‐bearing slate which is conformable with (2) interlayered thinly‐bedded greywacke and pelite of undifferentiated Ordovician age and (3) Cambrian successions of interlayered chert, pelite and volcanic rock at Bate‐mans Bay and Narooma. The main bases for this subdivision are a change in rock types between (1) and (2), and the unconformity between (2) and (3) formerly proposed on the basis of changes in rock type and fold style across the boundary. New structural data are presented which refute the presence of the unconformity, and conformity of (2) and (3) with the fossiliferous slates is established.  相似文献   

The Late Ordovician Abercrombie Beds, south of Reids Flat, New South Wales, and adjacent to the Wyangala Batholith, show evidence of three successive fold episodes. First generation folds are tight to isoclinal, with fold axes ranging from vertical to horizontal and north‐trending, and steep axial‐plane slaty cleavage. Second generation folds are steeply plunging, tight to open with north‐striking axial planes. In pelitic rocks the axial plane structure is a crenulation cleavage which overprints the slaty cleavage. The first two fold episodes were accompanied by greenschist‐facies metamorphism. Granite emplacement occurred prior to the second fold episode. A third deformation was of relatively mild intensity and produced open, north‐trending folds with axial planes dipping moderately to the east, and crenulation cleavage as the axial plane structure in pelitic rocks. These latest folds are correlated with the latest folds in the Abercrombie Beds north of the Abercrombie River. The mapped area has no apparent macroscopic structure and may be considered as a single domain.  相似文献   

Stanford, S. D. 2009: Onshore record of Hudson River drainage to the continental shelf from the late Miocene through the late Wisconsinan deglaciation, USA: synthesis and revision. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00106.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Fluvial and glacial deposits in New Jersey, Long Island, and the Hudson valley provide a record of Hudson River drainage since the late Miocene. Late Miocene fluvial deposits record southerly flow across the emerged inner New Jersey shelf. In the late Miocene–early Pliocene this drainage incised, shifted southwesterly, and discharged to the shelf south of New Jersey. During late Pliocene or Early Pleistocene glaciation, discharge to the shelf in the New York City area was established. This drainage incised and stabilized in the Early and Middle Pleistocene and remained open during pre‐Wisconsinan (Oxygen Isotope Stage 6? (OIS‐6?)) and late Wisconsinan (OIS‐2) glacial advances. During late Wisconsinan retreat, moraine deposits dammed the valley at the Narrows to form Lake Albany. From 19 to 15.5 kyr BP (all dates in 14C yr), Hudson drainage was directed eastward into the Long Island Sound lowland. Drainage of Lake Wallkill into Lake Albany at 15.5 kyr BP breached the Narrows dam and initiated the unstable phase of Lake Albany, which was controlled by eroding spillways, first on the moraine dam, then on emerged lake‐bottom in the mid‐Hudson valley. Marine incursion between 12 and 11 kyr BP limited fluvial incision of the lake bottom, stabilizing the Quaker Springs, Coveville, and upper Fort Ann spillways. Lowering sea level between 11 and 10 kyr BP allowed incision from the upper to lower Fort Ann threshold. Sediment eroded by lake outflows between 15 and 10.5 kyr BP was trapped in the glacially deepened lower valley. Little inland sediment reached the shelf after 20 kyr BP.  相似文献   

A study of detrital zircon age populations in Namurian–Westphalian (Carboniferous) sandstones in the southern Central Pennine Basin of the UK has revealed considerable complexity in their provenance history. The Pendleian–Marsdenian Morridge Formation, which is known to have been derived from the Wales‐Brabant Massif to the south on the basis of palaeocurrent and petrographic information, is dominated by zircons ultimately derived from the Caledonian belt to the north. These zircons were recycled from sandstones of northern origin that had been previously deposited over the massif during Middle to Late Devonian times. The Morridge Formation also includes Late Neoproterozoic zircons of local Wales‐Brabant Massif origin. The south lobe of the Yeadonian Rough Rock has been previously interpreted as having a complex provenance including sediment of northern origin interbedded with sediment ascribed to a Wales‐Brabant Massif source. However, the zircon spectrum lacks a Late Neoproterozoic component that would have been diagnostic of input from the Wales‐Brabant Massif, and the provenance history of the Rough Rock south lobe therefore remains enigmatic. The Langsettian Ludgbridge Conglomerate is dominated by Late Neoproterozoic zircons of Wales‐Brabant Massif origin, but even in this evidently proximal deposit, the provenance is complex since the main zircon group (ca. 640 Ma) cannot be matched with known local Neoproterozoic basement sources. The data either indicate the presence of hitherto‐unknown magmatic rocks of this age adjacent to the South Staffordshire coalfield or indicate that the zircons were recycled from sediment with a more distal origin. Finally, the Duckmantian Top Hard Rock contains zircons that can be reconciled with a source in the Irish Caledonides, consistent with the palaeocurrent evidence, supplemented by zircons derived from the Wales‐Brabant Massif, possibly including the Monian Composite Terrane of Anglesey. The study reinforces the important message that failure to recognize the presence of recycled zircon could lead to erroneous reconstructions of sediment provenance and transport history. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fine‐grained and coarsely oolitic kaolinite clayrocks that closely resemble in composition, texture, and structure those of the Garie Formation in the southern part of the Sydney Basin are described from the Western Blue Mountains of New South Wales. The kaolinite clayrocks form part of a fine‐grained unit, here designated the Docker Head Claystone Member. It is concluded that the kaolinite clayrocks are the equivalent of the Garie Formation and represent fluviatile accumulations of detritus derived from the same highly weathered source rocks that gave rise to the Garie Formation.  相似文献   

The middle to late Oligocene Polonez Cove Formation, exposed on south‐eastern King George Island, South Shetland Islands, provides rare evidence of mid‐Cenozoic West Antarctic cryosphere evolution. A revised lithostratigraphy and facies analysis and a review of the palaeoenvironmental significance of the formation are presented here. The diamictite‐dominated basal member of the formation (Krakowiak Glacier Member) records the presence and retreat of marine‐based ice on a shallow continental shelf. Five overlying members are recognized. These consist of basaltic‐sourced sedimentary rocks and lavas and represent a variety of shoreface and shallow continental shelf environments in an active volcanic setting. These units contain diverse reworked and ice‐rafted exotic clasts that become sparse towards the top of the formation, suggesting a continuing but waning glacial influence. New 40Ar/39Ar dates from interbedded lava flows indicate a late Oligocene age (25·6–27·2 Ma) for the Polonez Cove Formation, but are slightly younger than skeletal carbonate Sr‐isotope ages obtained previously (28·5–29·8 Ma). There is evidence for wet‐based subice conditions at the base of the Polonez Cove Formation, but no sedimentary facies to suggest substantial meltwater. This may reflect a subpolar setting or may result from lack of preservation or a high‐energy depositional environment. A northern Antarctic Peninsula/South Shetland Islands provenance is probable for most non‐basaltic clasts, but certain lithologies with possible origins in the Transantarctic and Ellsworth Mountains also occur sparsely throughout the formation. There is evidence to suggest that the presence of such far‐travelled clasts within subglacially deposited facies at the base of the formation reflects the advance of a local ice cap across marine sediments containing the clasts as ice‐rafted material. The presence of these clasts suggests that extensive marine‐based ice drained into the southern Weddell Sea region and that a strong Weddell Sea surface current operated both before and during deposition of the Polonez Cove Formation.  相似文献   

The base of an upper Palaeozoic graben‐fill in eastern Canada was affected by mafic dyke intrusions shortly after deposition, resulting in the formation of peperite. Complex magma–sediment interactions occurred as the melts mingled with the wet and poorly consolidated clastic material of this sedimentary basin, which is separated from underlying rocks by the Acadian unconformity (Middle Devonian). As a result of these interactions, the mafic rocks are strongly oxidized, albitized and autobrecciated near and above the unconformity, where blocky juvenile clasts of mafic glass and porphyritic basalt have mingled with molten or fluidized sediments of the upper Palaeozoic Saint‐Jules Formation, forming a peperite zone several metres thick. In contrast to most peperite occurrences, the New‐Carlisle peperites are associated with the tip of dykes rather than with the sides of sills or dykes. We argue that more heat can be concentrated above a dyke than above a sill, as the former provides a more efficient and focused pathway for heated waters to invade the poorly consolidated host sediments. Superheated groundwaters that issued from the sides of the dykes appear to have promoted melting of carbonate components in calcareous sedimentary rock clasts of the Saint‐Jules Formation, locally generating carbonate melts that contributed to the mingling of juvenile and sedimentary clasts in the peperite. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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