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基于潮白河流域再生水的场地回灌,为提高抗生素甲氧苄氨嘧啶(TMP)的去除率,降低其进入地下水的风险,选用价格低廉对TMP有高效去除性能的黏土陶粒作为吸附剂,构建去除TMP的人工复合土柱。吸附实验研究结果显示黏土陶粒对TMP吸附容量达到151.824μg/g,具有去除再生水中TMP能力;TMP在黏土陶粒解吸过程中存在解吸滞后性的现象。柱实验研究结果表明此人工复合土柱能够有效地去除再生水中TMP,去除率高于95%,其去除机制主要是吸附与生物降解协同作用。本研究建立的人工复合土层系统能有效地去除再生水中TMP,对实际场地回灌工程具有指导性作用。  相似文献   

人工快速渗滤复合系统处理洗浴污水的试验研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
针对传统污水快速渗滤土地处理系统水力负荷低,占地面积大的弱点,提出了采用人工砂和天然砂作为渗滤介质建立复合系统的试验方案,并以洗浴污水为研究对象进行了5个月的室内试验研究.结果表明,复合系统具有较高的水力负荷和较好的去污效果,其对COD、BOD5、SS和阴离子洗涤剂(以MBAS代表)的平均去除率分别为86.25%、86.75%、98.95%和90.86%;处理出水中COD、BOD5、SS和阴离子洗涤剂的平均浓度分别为17.30、5.84、0.3和0.18mg/l.  相似文献   

西北黑河下游额济纳盆地地下水系统研究(上)   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:34  
本文从额济纳盆地含水系统结构及埋藏分布、地下水补给与排泄、地下水流场、水化学特征、水环境同位素等方面的综合分析入手,将全盆地划分为潜水和承压水2大子系统,并进一步区分出5个亚系统及次亚地下水流系统.  相似文献   

西北黑河下游额济纳盆地地下水系统研究(下)   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
4 水化学特征根据实测的水化学资料 ,得出盆地内地下水的水化学类型、矿化度具有以下明显的水平分带性 :(1)从盆地南部地湾东梁—北部的额济纳县城—东西居延海 ,地下水的水化学类型由SO4 ·HCO3 Na·Mg型渐变为SO4 ·Cl Na型和Cl Na型 ,地下水的矿化度由小于 1 0g l的淡水渐变成 1 5g l左右的微咸水和大于3 0g l的咸水。(2 )从盆地南部地湾东梁—古日乃—进素土海子 ,地下水的水化学类型由SO4 ·HCO3 Na·Mg型渐变为SO4 ·Cl Na型、Cl·SO4 Na型和Cl Na型 ,对应的矿化度由小于 1 0…  相似文献   

Drainage basin morphometry is a quantitative way of describing the characteristics of the surface form of a drainage basin and provides important information about the region’s topography and underlying geological structures. It plays an important role in hydrogeological investigations for delineating zones of adequate groundwater potential and selecting sites for construction of artificial recharge structures.  相似文献   

Levels of heavy metals are found in soils and waters of the major tributary valleys of the Jordan Valley. Heavy metal content in soils irrigated by treated waste water were measured for a 40 km reach of Zarqa River. Soil samples from eight different sites along the upper course of this river were analyzed to determine the concentration of selected heavy metals (CO, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn). Silt forms the major component of the soils with an average of 54%. Clay fractions show an increase with depth from 17 to 41%. Trends in particle size distribution and metal contents were compared across sample sites. Samples contained moderate to considerable levels of Pb and Ni. Concentrations of Cu and Cr ranged between 33–59 and 65–90 ppm, respectively. These values represent a slight to moderate class of pollution. The concentration of Cr shows a decrease with depth and distance from the waste water plant. Cu, Zn, and Ni show increasing concentrations with depth but Pb and CO do not. The concentrations of the measured heavy metals increases near the waste water treatment plant but decreases with distance from the plant due to precipitation in the stream bed and dilution with stream water. This decline in metal content with distance from the treatment plant suggests that most metals reaching floodplain soils may derive from the same source. Although current metal concentrations are low to moderate, floodplain surface soils in this area should be regarded as a potential source for future heavy metal pollution downstream.  相似文献   

针对黏性土淋洗效率低下问题,提出了人工冻结法协同竖井淋洗原位修复污染土壤的方法.通过垂直布设冻结板,水平冻结土体的竖井淋洗模型试验,研究冻结过程中土中温度场、水分场分布及融解期的排水方式,探讨了人工冻结法协同竖井淋洗原位修复污染黏性土的可行性.研究表明:利用人工冻结法,使未冻土侧水分或淋洗液在"冻吸力"作用下向冻结锋面迁移,然后利用塑料排水板完成融化水(淋出液)与土壤分离的方案可行,能够解决抽液过程中抽液井和注液井之间土体容易形成渗流通道出现优先流,导致淋洗效率低下的问题.在分步冻结模式下,未冻土侧水分在"冻吸力"作用下向冻土侧迁移,冻结-吸水量为22.78 L,融化-排水量为24.60 L;经历一次冻融循环后,相同冻结模式下冻结-吸水量达到30.40 L,在负压抽吸模式下排水量达到44.21 L.该研究结果为今后原位修复污染黏性土提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

黄星  李东庆  明锋  邴慧  彭万巍 《冰川冻土》2016,38(5):1346-1352
在寒区工程建筑物设计中,冻土的抗压、抗拉强度是两个重要的力学指标.在负温条件下,对粉质黏土、黄土和砂土进行单轴抗压和劈裂抗拉试验,研究冻土破坏时的破坏形态、破坏机理、应力-应变曲线和拉应力与径向位移关系曲线的形式,分析单轴抗压强度和劈裂抗拉强度的差异以及这两种强度随土质特性和温度的变化规律.试验结果表明:单轴载荷作用下试样破坏后呈鼓状,且表现为应变软化型塑性破坏特征;劈裂作用下产生沿直径向试样两侧延伸的裂缝,不同土质破坏后裂缝扩展的宽度和深度不同;冻土的抗压强度与抗拉强度均与负温存在很好的线性相关性,随温度的降低而增大;在相同温度条件下,冻土的抗压强度大于其抗拉强度;对于同一种冻土,其抗压强度的温度效应比抗拉强度的温度效应显著.本试验分析结果可为寒区工程的实际应用提供参考.  相似文献   

对地源热泵空调系统的运行工况及换热工区岩土体温度变化进行监测,依据对2008~2009年度监测数据的研究分析,对地源热泵空调系统运行所造成的岩土体温度变化趋势、幅度、影响范围以及地下水对岩土体温度变化的影响进行评价,揭示了岩土体温度的自然恢复特性。  相似文献   

Monitoring of soil-water physiochemistry (pH, total salt content, ion types, and ion ratios) across the lower Heihe River basin of northwestern China indicated that the distribution of different soil hydrochemical types typically correlated with that of different levels of soil desertification, specifically: 1) lands with the potential for desertification showed a Cl-SO42−-Na+-Mg2+ soil-water ion complement, 2) those under on-going desertification a SO42−-Cl-Mg2+-Na+ ion complement, 3) those under severe desertification a HCO3-Cl-Ca2+-Na+ ion complement, and 4) those under very severe desertification a Cl-SO42−-Mg2+-Na+ ion complement. The total soil N, P, and K, pH and organic matter of desertified lands tend to be relatively spatially concentrated, whereas available N, P and K are scattered. Based on an analysis of the main nutrients, the cumulative percent contribution of total N, total P, organic matter, and available N reached 76.24% of ecosystem needs and basically reflect the level of soil fertility. According to a low-dimensional cluster analysis of principal components and the differentiation and alikeness of integrated nutrient gradients, the soils in the study region were classified into four types, which coincided spatially with the four desertification land types. With a decrease in the quantity of water exiting the upper and middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, the salinity of surface waters and shallow water table depth (WTD) in the lower reaches have significantly increased through evaporation. The changes in the hydrological process have caused an imbalance in water distribution across the basin, and altered the state of oasis-supporting water resources. The deterioration of soil water and expansion of desertification progress from non-salinized soils in the oasis, to soils slightly salinized through periodic salt accumulation, salinized Chao soils, and salinized forest shrub meadow soils along the riverbanks and on lake shores. These can then evolve into moderately to heavily salinized soils and eventually into alkali lands. All together, these degradative processes constitute the complex dynamics of oasis desertification, whereby the natural oases’ surface biotic productivity system is degraded, leading to oasis shrinkage, ecosystem deterioration, and land desertification. Consequently, there is an urgent need to extend the study of soil and surface water chemistry in the region.  相似文献   

Nowadays, in parts of Iran, rivers and flood plains are being used as sand and silt mines, and the removal of river bed materials is performed without studying its effects on hydraulic behavior. On the other hand, the flood plain lands are in danger of floods and bank erosion. Zaremrood River in Tajan watershed due to removal of river bed material, two planes of before and after removal with scale of 1:1,000, has been used as basic data. The field investigation was emphasized on the end part of Zaremrood with a length of 5 km and starts from Ghandikola village to Ahoodasht Bridge. Using total station and field observations, the characteristics of reaches and cross sections of right bank, left bank, and main bed of river are written separately. Using software of HEC-RAS, ArcView 3.2, and extension HEC-GeoRAS, the flood zoning with different return periods to investigate water velocity and its changes, geometrical simulation of the bed, sides and flood way of rivers, and then by entering the results of HEC-GeoRAS into hydraulic software HEC-RAS for two before and after planes have been performed, and flow velocity was analyzed for three return periods of 10, 50, and 100 years. The results of this research showed that the velocities due to removal for floods with different return periods have increased, whereas water height and level during removal period have decreased.  相似文献   

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