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Shallow marine sediments of the Broughton Formation are dominated by immature volcanic debris of intermediate to basic composition, generated in an adjacent subaerial environment by volcanism responsible for the nine shoshonite units intercalated within sediments of the Kiama region. Sediment was supplied to the offshore environment via periodic storm‐generated, expanded high density turbidity currents. Initial deposition, represented by the Westley Park Sandstone Member, was below storm wave base, during which time the depositional surface was subjected to post‐depositional tractional reworking by northerly directed, tidally influenced bottom currents. The resulting positive‐relief sand bodies on the seafloor contain tractional sedimentary structures (the ‘tractional facies association'). Areas of the substrate between these sand bodies retained their turbidite bedding structure (the ‘rhythmically bedded facies association') but were extensively bioturbated by a diverse deposit‐feeding biomass.

Upon emplacement of the lowest of the nine shoshonite units as a tri‐composite, locally intrusive lava flow, the depositional surface was elevated, transgressing storm wave base. The body of the shoshonite flow also shielded the substrate from the northerly directed tractional currents, allowing the development and preservation of the hummocky cross‐stratified sandstone facies in the Kiama Sandstone Member. Following burial of the shoshonite flow by continued deposition, this local shielding effect was overcome and tractional currents again reworked the entire depositional surface.  相似文献   

悉尼盆地位于澳大利亚东部,Lachlan褶皱带和New England褶皱带之间。悉尼盆地从晚石炭世末到中三叠世经历了弧后扩张到前陆盆地的不同阶段:弧后扩张阶段(石炭纪)、被动热沉降阶段(早、中二叠世Berry组)和挤压挠曲负载阶段(中二叠世Broughton组—三叠纪)。此时位于悉尼盆地东侧的New England褶皱带为岛弧背景。因此,二叠纪处于弧后盆地的南悉尼盆地受弧后扩张和东侧弧前海沟俯冲的影响地震活动强烈,发育一系列与地震有关的震积岩,形成多种类型的与地震活动有关的软沉积物变形构造。南悉尼盆地二叠系的软沉积物变形包括地裂缝、震褶层、液化脉、沙火山、负荷构造、火焰构造、枕状构造、球状构造、枕状层、滑塌构造、角砾岩化等。其中地裂缝、震褶层是地震颤动直接引起的断裂和褶皱;枕状层是地震颤动引起的砂层脱水、下沉形成的;液化脉、沙火山为液化的砂层穿入地震形成的裂隙形成的;负荷构造、火焰构造、枕状构造、球状构造是受地震颤动在砂、泥岩界面上由于砂层下沉、泥层上穿形成的;滑塌构造和角砾岩化是地震引起的重力滑塌或泥石流形成的。地裂缝、震褶层、液化脉、沙火山、负荷构造、火焰构造、枕状构造、球状构造、枕状层相当于原地震积岩,而滑塌构造和角砾岩化属于异地震积岩。  相似文献   

The flow pattern within a slump in Permian marine rocks of the southern Sydney Basin, Australia, is recorded by folds and deformed fossils. Abundant brachiopod and bryzoan fossils in the slumped rocks are relatively undeformed, but fossil crinoid stems have been deformed by relative rotation of individual ossicles. Measurement of the strain indicates that the deformation of the crinoids is consistent with flexural flow folding within the slump. Previous models assume that curved slump fold axes remain parallel to the enveloping bedding surface of a slump sheet. Detailed measurements of the orientation of slump folds in this study found fold axes to be oblique to bedding, which is interpreted as a result of folds plunging downward towards the flanks of the slump or slump lobes. In the present model, fold axes are not generally parallel to the strike of the fold axial surface, and this can explain differences between the orientations of slump fold axes and axial surfaces when these are used as directional indicators of slump movement.  相似文献   


Lithofacies in the mid‐Permian Nowra Sandstone indicate a middle/upper shoreface to foreshore environment of deposition under the influence of storm‐generated waves and north‐northeasterly directed longshore currents. Palaeogeographic reconstruction for the Nowra Sandstone portrays a sand‐dominated high energy shelf and offshore shoal forming a sequence thickening seaward away from the western shore of the Sydney Basin. The shoal‐crest at the outer edge of the shelf trends north‐northeast. It is characterized by fine‐ to medium‐grained sandstone with upper flow regime structures and a high proportion of conglomerate, whereas coarser sandstone with lower energy bedforms occurs along the seaward side of the shoal. In the deeper water to the east, the lower Nowra Sandstone becomes rapidly thinner as it passes seaward, via bioturbated storm redeposited sandstone beds, into the shelf deposits of the Wandrawandian Siltstone. This sequence accumulated during a regressive event and the base of the formation becomes progressively younger eastward. The sand may have been supplied by rivers along the western coast but the major source was south of the study area. The lower Nowra Sandstone is separated from the upper part of the formation by an extensive ravinement surface overlain by the Purnoo Conglomerate Member. In contrast to the lower unit, the upper Nowra Sandstone forms a westward thickening wedge that represents a backstepping nearshore sand facies that accumulated during a transgression. The upper Nowra Sandstone passes vertically and laterally eastward into the Berry Siltstone. Thus both boundaries of the Nowra Sandstone are diachronous, first younging eastward and then westward as a response to a regressive‐transgressive episode.  相似文献   

Nine different types of cross‐stratified packages from the coal‐bearing, deltaic succession of the Barakar Formation (Permian) of the Satpura Gondwana Basin, central India, are described. The deposits are characterized by periodic mudstone drapes, reactivation surfaces including all other features suggestive of deposition from periodically unsteady, tidally‐influenced flows. The inferred flow patterns varied from purely bidirectional to pulsating unidirectional. The different types of cross‐stratified packages are interpreted to have resulted from superimposition of ebb‐oriented, steady, unidirectional fluvial currents of variable strength on the tidal flow in a deltaic setting. The study helps to distinguish cross‐strata that may develop in settings where fluvial and tidal currents interact. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nanoscale pore characteristics of the Upper Permian Longtan transitional mudrocks and their equivalent strata Wujiaping Formation marine mudrocks in and around the eastern Sichuan Basin was investigated using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and low-pressure N2 adsorption experiments. The results indicate that the Upper Permian mudrock is at a mature stage with total organic carbon (TOC) values ranging between 0.47% and 12.3%. The Longtan mudrocks mainly contain vitrinite, and their mineral composition is primarily clay. In contrast, the Wujiaping mudrocks are dominated by sapropelinite and solid bitumen, and their mineral compositions are mainly quartz and a notably high amount of pyrite. The FE-SEM reveals that clay mineral pores and microcracks are the common pore types in the Longtan mudrocks. The specific surface area and pore volume depend on the clay content but are negatively correlated with the TOC. The generation of nanometer pores in the Longtan mudrocks is caused by high clay mineral contents. Meanwhile, the Wujiaping mudrock mainly contains OM pores, and the pore parameters are positively correlated with the TOC. The OM pore development exhibits remarkable differences in the Longtan and Wujiaping mudrocks, which might be related to their sedimentary facies and maceral fractions. Vitrinite and inertinite appear as discrete particles in these mudrocks and cannot generate pores during thermal maturation. Sapropelinite often contains many secondary pores, and solid bitumen with large particles, usually with several pores, is not the major contributor to the pore system of the investigated mudrock.  相似文献   

对松辽盆地北部地区黑富地l井钻遇的上二叠统林西组碎屑岩样品进行微体化石以及主量元素、微量元素和稀土元素测试分析,进而探讨该区林西组时代、地球化学特征、沉积环境及构造背景.获得的Protohaploxypinus fertilis-Piceaepollenites opimus-Alisporites communis孢...  相似文献   

The fluid flow history during diagenesis of sandstones in the Upper Permian Black Jack Formation of the Gunnedah Basin has been investigated through integrated petrographic observations, fluid inclusion investigations and stable isotope analyses. The early precipitation of mixed-layer illite/smectite, siderite, calcite, ankerite and kaolin proceeded at the presence of Late Permian connate meteoric waters at temperatures of up to 60℃. These evolved connate pore waters were also parental to quartz, which formed at temperatures of up to 87℃. The phase of maximum burial was characterized by development of filamentous illite and late calcite at temperatures of up to -90℃. Subsequent uplifting and cooling led to deep meteoric influx from surface, which in turn resulted in dissolution of labile grains and carbonate cements, and formation of second generation of kaolin. Dawsonite was the last diagenetic mineral precipitated and its formation is genetically related to deep-seated mamagtic sourced CO2.  相似文献   


为进一步厘清羌塘盆地古生界烃源岩条件及油气勘探前景,以羌地18井钻遇的古生界上二叠统那益雄组黑色泥页岩为研究对象,通过岩石热解、元素分析、干酪根镜鉴,结合饱和烃色谱-质谱分析,评价那益雄组烃源品质,研究烃源岩的发育环境和演化过程,探讨羌塘盆地古生界油气勘探前景。结果表明:(1) 羌地18井那益雄组黑色页岩的TOC介于0.58%~6.74%之间,平均值为1.5%;有机质组成以镜质组为主,部分样品以腐泥组为主,H/C原子比介于0.42~0.81之间,O/C原子比介于0.08~0.28之间,干酪根类型指数TI介于-75.25~38.50之间,干酪根类型属于II2-Ⅲ型,以Ⅲ型为主;RO介于1.44%~2.01%之间,Tmax值介于455~544℃之间,主体进入高成熟演化阶段,部分达到过成熟阶段,以生凝析油、湿气为主;(2) 生物标志物揭示那益雄组沉积时水体为还原环境,具有混合物源特征。(3) 羌塘盆地二叠系发育有效烃源岩,盆地东部的有机质丰度明显高于盆地西部,羌地18井中有效烃源岩厚度最大,达到212 m,以中等烃源岩为主,部分达到优质烃源岩标准,优质烃源岩共发育4段,累计厚度达51.9 m,具有良好的生烃潜力及勘探前景,可以作为后续羌塘油气勘探的目标层系。


四川盆地二叠系和三叠系的接触关系以及长兴组岩溶成因的认识,地质界一直存在较大分歧。通过野外露头、钻井、岩心、成像测井、C-O同位素等资料研究发现,普光气田长兴组发育大规模溶沟、溶洞、囊状溶洞、岩溶角砾岩;P/T界线附近长兴组溶蚀灰岩碳同位素发生严重负偏移;长兴组顶见不整合面,成像测井岩溶相带划分明显;长兴组顶部存在地层缺失。综合分析认为,普光气田长兴组发生过表生岩溶作用,长兴阶晚期重大海退事件是引起表生岩溶的主要因素。长兴组长期接受表生岩溶作用的改造,除形成台地边缘礁滩相储集层外,在礁滩欠发育的台地内部和台地前缘上斜坡等区带,是寻找不整合岩溶储集层的有利地区。  相似文献   

本文对羌塘盆地二叠系展金组烃源岩的岩心样品进行了烃源岩基本特征及生物标志化合物特征研究,重点探讨了烃源岩生烃母质来源、沉积环境特征及成熟度特征。研究显示,展金组烃源岩富含正构烷烃、类异戊二烯烷烃、萜类化合物和甾类化合物。其中,正构烷烃多为前高后低的单峰型,具有低碳数优势,nC15、nC16或nC17为主峰碳;规则甾烷中C27-C28-C29呈"V"字型分布,C27占优势;萜烷具有三环萜烷>五环三萜烷>四环萜烷的相对丰度,三环萜烷/五环三萜烷值在1.1~1.96之间;生烃母质主要来源于海相低等水生生物。Pr/Ph分布范围在0.53~1.16,平均值为0.85,植烷优势较明显;五环三萜烷的Ts/(Tm+Ts)值表明烃源岩形成于还原环境。而伽马蜡烷的含量以及伽马蜡烷/αβ-C30藿烷比值,证明烃源岩沉积时水体盐度为正常盐度。甾烷的C29 ααα20S/(20S+20R)和C29 αββ/(αββ+ααα)、萜烷的C31αβ22S/(22S+22R)、Ts/(Tm+Ts)值等反映烃源岩成熟度的参数显示,烃源岩处于成熟阶段。  相似文献   

Recently, a tuffaceous tight oil reservoir with considerable reserves has been found in the Santanghu Basin, northwestern China. The physical properties of the tuff are characterised by high porosity (5–25%) and low permeability (0.01–0.50 mD). This reservoir has the peculiar property of being a sedimentary organic-matter-bearing tuff formed by air-fall volcanic ash in a lake. Its discovery offered an excellent opportunity to further our knowledge of the formation and evolution of tuffaceous tight-reservoir micropores. This study integrates analyses of organic geochemistry, thin-sections, scanning electron microscopy, CT scanning, mineral and element compositions, mercury injections and measurements of porosity and permeability to determine the characteristics of the formation and evolution of the tuff micropores. (1) The tuff reservoir comprises vitric, crystal-vitric, pelitic and silicified tuffs, which are characterised by high porosity and big throat, moderate porosity and thin throat, low porosity and thin throat, and very low porosity and moderate throat pore structures, respectively. (2) Of the four types, vitric tuff has the properties best suited to a reservoir, and devitrification of volcanic glasses is the principal mechanism of reservoir micropore formation. (3) The tuff of the Permian Tiaohu Formation contains sedimentary organic matter, and organic acids produced during kerogen maturation facilitate the process of devitrification. (4) Evolution of tuff porosity depends mainly on the original composition and burial depth. The porosity of vitric tuff is higher than crystal-vitric tuff at the same depth, but both their porosities initially decrease and then increase with depth. At depths >3000 m, vitric tuff retains the trend towards higher porosity, whereas the porosity of crystal-vitric tuff remains largely unchanged or even decreases. The results of this investigation could be considered a reference regarding the distribution and prediction of tuffaceous reservoirs in similar situations in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

在西藏申扎县的格仁错北,在原划于中、上泥盆统查果罗玛组的灰岩地层中,获得了中、晚二叠世的珊瑚化石,经鉴定,共有5属6种及1个未定种:Iranophyllum?sp.,Iranophyllum tunicatum Igo,Neokueichowpora haydeni(Cowper Reed),Praewentzelella irregularis Wu et Zhao,Praewentzelella tibetica(Reed),Waagenophyllum indicum(Waagen et Wentzel),Wentzelella zhongbaensis WuZhao等。根据珊瑚化石的时代及地层岩性特点对研究区以往认为的中、上泥盆统查果罗玛组进行了修订:剖面1—11层修订为中二叠统下拉组,11层之上修订为上二叠统—下三叠统木纠错组。该区木纠错组岩性主要以白云岩、白云质灰岩、灰岩、砂屑灰岩、砾屑灰岩为主,属于蒸发岩台地-开阔台地过渡相沉积。  相似文献   

Three genera, known by dorsal finspine, are reported from conglomeratic sandstone at the base of the Lower Permian (Kungurian) Irati Formation (Paraná Basin) near Rio Claro, São Paulo State, Brazil, noteworthy for the great richness of vertebrate fossils. The fossils include: (1) the previously known Sphenacanthus with the species Sphenacanthus sanpauloensis and an indeterminate species; (2) the Permian – Carboniferous genus Amelacanthus; (3) a new indeterminate Chondrichthyes. These fossils are found together with: continental, fresh-water and salt-water vertebrates. The analysis of this assemblage allows inference about the origin of Paraná Basin Chondrichthyes as well as reconstruction of the paleoenvironment and the possible geographic isolation of these fishes during the Permian in Brazil.  相似文献   

在羌塘盆地中央隆起带附近角木茶卡南发现一套下二叠统展金组含凝灰质烃源岩。依据露头样品和测试数据,从有机质丰度、有机质类型及成熟度方面对这套烃源岩特征进行了研究。研究结果表明,展金组烃源岩有机碳含量在0.35%~0.98%之间,达到了烃源岩标准,且大部分接近中等烃源岩标准;通过干酪根镜鉴、干酪根元素分析、干酪根碳同位素等结果分析,其有机质类型主要为Ⅱ2-Ⅲ型;有机质镜质组反射率Ro为1.54%~1.59%,岩石热解峰温Tmax介于467~530℃之间,干酪根腐泥组颜色为棕黄色,显示有机质热演化处在高成熟阶段。研究结果显示该套烃源岩具有较好生烃潜力,在以后的勘探中要予以重视。  相似文献   

本文以四川盆地西北部钻井岩心及露头剖面样品的镜下岩石学特征为基础,以微区多参数实验分析数据为依据,对四川盆地西北部中二叠统栖霞组白云岩储层进行了研究。认为栖霞组白云岩储层类型主要为结晶型白云岩及残余颗粒型白云岩。储集空间主要为晶间孔、晶间溶孔、粒间孔、溶蚀孔洞以及裂缝。白云岩储层的发育主要受到沉积微相、早期白云石化作用、晚期白云石化作用、溶蚀作用以及构造作用等因素控制。其中浅滩沉积微相是储层形成的环境基础;早期白云石化作用是储层保存的重要条件;溶蚀作用及构造裂缝是储层改善的关键因素;而晚期白云石的生成则对储集空间有一定的破坏作用。  相似文献   

The Radicofani Volcano is characterised by few lava flows, a cinder cone and a denudated neck, and is part of the Tuscan Magmatic Province, the northernmost volcanic region of the Italian peninsula. In spite of the short time span of activity, a large time-dependant chemical and isotopic variability is observed. Most of the rocks of the Radicofani volcano are ultrapotassic shoshonites associated to younger basaltic andesites, found at the bottom of the neck. K2O contents are positively correlated with trace element and isotopic variations. Shoshonitic and high-K calc-alkaline rocks of the Radicofani volcano are significantly different from shoshonites occurring in association with leucite-bearing ultrapotassic rocks in the southernmost portion of the Roman Magmatic Province. The studied rocks are characterised by high, but variable, levels of incompatible trace elements with a subduction-related signature, with troughs at Ba, Ta, Nb, and Ti, and peaks at Cs, K, Th, U, and Pb. Initial values of 87Sr/86Sr range from 0.71333 to 0.71588, 143Nd/144Nd ranges from 0.512050 to 0.512183, while the lead isotope ratios vary between 18.672 and 18.716 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.665 to 15.696 for 207Pb/204Pb, and 39.981 to 39.081 for 208Pb/204Pb. Ultrapotassic shoshonites show the highest incompatible trace element contents coupled with the highest 87Sr/86Sr and the lowest 143Nd/144Nd. On the basis of geochemical and isotopic signatures it is argued that magmas were generated in a modified lithospheric peridotitic source containing metasomatic veins generated by K-rich melts from recycled sediments within the mantle via subduction. A further metasomatic event generated by slab-derived fluids pervasively enriched the peridotitic source. Partial melting of the veins produced leucite-free ultrapotassic magmas (i.e. lamproite), and was triggered by rising of the isotherms after the orogenic front migrated eastward in the Italian Peninsula. Further rise of the isotherms induced larger degrees of partial melting inducing melting of the surrounding wall peridotite. The variation of the degree of partial melting of such a heterogeneous peridotitic source produced a wide spectrum of magma compositions, which mimic a mixing line between two components: ultrapotassic magma from partial melting of the metasomatic vein and a basaltic andesitic magma from partial melting of the surrounding peridotite.  相似文献   

Xuanwei Formation is composed of mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone, with local conglomerate. However, its provenance and tectonic setting have been scarcely studied. In this paper, we use sedimentology, electron probe microanalysis(EPMA), and detrital zircon dating to investigate its source area and depositional tectonic setting. The facies assemblages indicate that it formed in alluvial fan and fluvial river sedimentary environments. The strata thicknesses and facies distribution indicate that the sediment supply was from the west. The results of EPMA show that chromian spinels within the sediments are characterized by high Cr# and varying Mg#. Discrimination plots suggest that these spinels were sourced from large igneous province(LIP) magmatic rocks. The laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb chronology of detrital zircons suggests that the sediments were derived from intermediate–acid igneous rocks dating back to 251–260? Ma. We could, therefore, conclude that the provenance of the Xuanwei Formation is from Emeishan basalt and synchronous felsic igneous rocks, which is consistent with the composition of the detrital framework. The detrital zircon dates also suggest that felsic magmatism occurred during the Late Permian, not after the eruption of the Emeishan basalt. Based on the sedimentary successions and provenance analysis, the tectonic setting for Xuanwei Formation deposition was a volcanic rifted margin.  相似文献   

沉积岩物源分析对揭示盆地物质组成、储集岩性质及古环境恢复等研究具有重要指示意义。文中对藏北羌塘盆地角木日地区中二叠统龙格组的钙质泥岩样品进行了微量元素地球化学测试分析,系统地研究了微量元素含量、特征比值及稀土元素配分方式。结果表明研究区龙格组钙质泥岩样品具有中等轻稀土元素分异((La/Sm)N=2.50~5.41),重稀土元素比较平坦((Gd/Yb)N=1.32~2.47),具有微弱的Eu负异常;Sr/Ba,V/Cr,Ni/Co,Ceanom及δEu等相关参数综合显示,研究区中二叠纪时期整体表现为海相氧化环境;样品Rb/Sr比值及La/Th-Hf,La/Sc-Co/Th,Th/Sc-Zr/Sc关系图解综合说明龙格组钙质泥岩物源区风化作用较弱,源岩主要为安山岩;通过对沉积岩La/Sc-Ti/Zr,La-Th-Sc和Th-Sc-Zr/10等构造环境判别图解分析,综合表明区钙质泥岩物源区的构造背景主要为大洋岛弧型。  相似文献   

An apatite fission track (AFT) study of crystalline basement in the central Gawler Craton reveals apparent ages in the range of ca 430–58 Ma. The majority of samples underwent protracted monotonic cooling related to regional Paleozoic exhumation, consistent with long-term crustal stability as expected for cratonic interiors. However, multiple samples show evidence of Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene reheating, indicating a more dynamic low-temperature history. Inverse time–temperature modelling of AFT data indicates varying degrees of thermal overprinting between ~60 and 110°C, with substantially overprinted and negligibly overprinted samples in close proximity (<1 km). Time–temperature histories for samples that experienced thermal overprinting reveal localised Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene (ca 100–50 Ma) heating that is significantly younger than the Paleozoic–early Mesozoic exhumation recorded regionally. The highly localised nature and non-systematic patterns of overprinting combined with the lack of major Mesozoic or Cenozoic fault structures are not consistent with a regional thermal event associated with substantial reburial and later exhumation. Rather, localised reheating was most likely caused by heated groundwater from the once-overlying Mesozoic Eromanga Basin aquifer system, whose modern discharge margin (~400 km north of the study area) is marked by thermal mound springs that produce fluids with temperatures up to 100°C. Only basement rocks in close proximity to fluid pathways in the overlying aquifer would have recorded reheating, resulting in the observed sporadic distribution of partially overprinted samples. Thermal history modelling indicates rejuvenated apatite grains cooled to near-surface temperatures in the latest Cretaceous–Paleogene. This was likely in response to local removal of the overlying Eromanga Basin aquifer unit due to a relatively minor degree of exhumation (≤1 km) recorded regionally, which consequently disrupted the anomalous heating mechanism. These results show that the flow of heated groundwater is a feasible reheating mechanism for low-temperature thermochronometers, resulting in cooling patterns that may become decoupled from exhumation in cratonic interiors.  相似文献   

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