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Results from coal‐exploration drilling in the onshore part of the Port Phillip Basin, Victoria, have established stratigraphic and age correlations of the Lower Miocene Werribee Formation brown coal deposits at Bacchus Marsh to similar brown coals at Altona. The coal deposits occur in a northwest‐southeast structural depression (the Parwan Trough) that appears to be a southeast continuation of the Ballan Graben. Recent drilling for potential coal‐bed methane in the trough has provided new data on the deeper stratigraphy not penetrated by earlier drilling, including recognition of an Upper Cretaceous to Eocene Yaloak Formation coal‐bearing interval, similar to the Anglesea area, Ballan Graben and Lal Lal Basin. Up to 200 m of coal‐bearing sediment and minor volcanics underlie the Miocene coal measures. A marine facies transition takes place between the Miocene coal swamps of the Parwan Trough, through barrier sands west of Werribee, to carbonate facies near Geelong. To the south beneath Port Phillip Bay, a similar transition probably occurs between coal swamps of the Parwan Trough and fully marine carbonate environments of the contiguous Sorrento Graben. The palaeogeographical reconstructions suggest a similar coal‐to‐carbonate facies transition as in the adjacent onshore Gippsland Basin.  相似文献   

北京平原地区第四纪地质研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
北京平原地处山前冲洪积扇分布区,区内湖泊密布,河流纵横,沉积环境多样。由于第四系三维结构的复杂性,对第四系进行地层划分有一定的难度。前人根据不同的资料对北京平原第四系进行过地层划分,建立了泥河湾组、周口店组、马兰组等多个岩石地层单位。这些地层单位主要是依据沉积凹陷钻孔岩心中的孢粉、有孔虫、介形虫等化石和少量的古地磁数据划分的,实际上仍是年代地层单位。由于这些地层单位划分依据不统一,识别标志不清晰,因此难以得到广泛的共识。近十余年来,随着资料的积累和对第四系三维结构的认识提高,特别是古地磁测年技术的普及,为北京平原第四纪地层的划分奠定了基础。本文依据40余个钻孔的古地磁测试数据,初步厘定了下更新统底界、中更新统底界、上更新统底界3个等时面。依据工程地质勘察、水文地质钻孔、考古发掘和泥炭调查等资料编绘了平原区全新统等厚度图。  相似文献   

Sydney Harbour is surrounded by a large capital city of about four million people and its highly urbanised (86%) catchment supports a substantial industrial base and an extensive transport infrastructure. Large commercial and naval ports occupy the waterway and the harbour is an important recreational area. Surficial sediment in Sydney Harbour contains high concentrations of PCBs, HCB, total chlordane, total DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor and heptachlor‐epoxide, but low concentrations of lindane. PCBs, total chlordane, and to a lesser extent dieldrin, are most elevated in sediment in creeks on the southern shores of the harbour suggesting sources within older, highly urbanised/industrialised catchments of western‐central Sydney. There are high concentrations of total DDT and HCB in sediments of the upper harbour and Homebush Bay suggesting that chemical industries on the shores of the estuary in this area are sources of these contaminants. Although no sediment quality guidelines apply in Australia, empirically derived biological effects criteria suggest that sediment over extensive areas of Sydney Harbour may have an adverse impact on biota. Especially of concern are sediments containing high concentrations of chlordane and DDT.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea, particularly its southeastern part, is discussed in the paper. Investigations of regional character as well as specialized studies in the area are reviewed. General historical works are mentioned briefly. Previous surveys since the 1950s are presented by the subject studied. The compilation of geological structure of the SE Baltic Sea bottom and adjacent land of Balticum (Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) is based on considerable amounts of summarized materials. The crystalline basement, sedimentary cover and Quaternary deposits are characterized in the comprehensive survey of geological structure. From a stratigraphical point of view, geological sequence of the platformal cover is comparatively complete: deposits of all geological systems (from the Archean to Cenozoic) are present in the Baltic Syneclise. Considering geotectonical cycles, the sedimentary cover of the syneclise is subdivided into four structural complexes. The thickness and distribution of Quaternary deposits are closely related to the recent bottom relief of the Baltic Sea that in turn is inherited from the Pre-Quaternary surface. Buried palaeo-valleys are characteristic of the Pre-Quaternary surface in the Baltic region and the Baltic Sea bottom. The Quaternary is characterized by layers of various geneses and by sharp changes of their thicknesses.  相似文献   

基于对现有调查研究成果资料的分析和认识,本文探讨了海洋灾害地质区划的原则,首次提出了我国全海域的海洋灾害地质区划方案,按大型构造地貌界线作为一级灾害地质分区,划分为海岸带、陆架、陆坡(岛坡)、海盆与海槽4个灾害地质区,然后根据地理位置及灾害地质环境特征划分出24个灾害地质亚区。此外,从灾害致灾因子和孕灾环境角度出发,定性的将中国海域的地质灾害风险(危险性)划分为4级,在24个灾害地质亚区中,较高风险区11个,约占近总数的一半;其次是较低风险区7个,占近三分之一;高风险区、低风险区分别仅4个、2个。  相似文献   

The Holocene and pre-Holocene sediments and stratigraphy of the Yarra Delta have been examined using nearly 600 geotechnical bores. The oldest Holocene unit is the Coode Island Silt that has two depocentres, each up to 20.0–25.0 m thick, separated by a NW–SE belt of older pre-Holocene units. The northern depocentre represents estuarine infill to the Yarra and Maribyrnong, a river system, whereas the southern depocentre appears to be an offshore bay facies. The youngest unit is the Port Melbourne Sand, which is largely restricted to the area south of the present Yarra River. It is between 5.0 and 28.0 m thick, and is diachronous with the underlying Coode Island Silt. New 14C shell dates from the Coode Island Silt and Port Melbourne Sand have shown an age range between 8341 and 2760 yrs BP. These sediments infill former swamplands covering low-stand river valleys of the Yarra and Maribyrnong rivers across West Melbourne, Fishermans Bend and South Melbourne. After ca 2760 yrs BP active sedimentation in the delta ceased as base-levels fell, and Yarra and Maribyrnong river sediments bypassed the delta because of falling bay levels. The Yarra and Maribyrnong river courses also shifted progressively westwards behind growing beach barriers of the Port Melbourne Sand. A comparable stratigraphy exists between the Yarra Delta and the adjacent Port Phillip Bay, i.e. marine and lagoonal shelly sediments of the Coode Island Silt and barrier sands of the Port Melbourne Sand infill last-glacial channels cut into the middle Pleistocene Fishermans Bend Silt.  相似文献   

为了解国际海洋地质领域研究的总体状况和研究热点,根据国际重要战略规划、行动及海洋地质领域发表的科技论文,采用战略规划解读及文献计量学的方法对海洋地质领域发展态势进行分析,基于研究结果得出中国海洋地质领域的研究与布局启示。分析结果表明,从20世纪90年代以来海洋地质领域发表科技论文数量看,保持了波动式增长趋势变化,海洋发达国家美、法、英等国的研究实力较强。近年来,海洋地质领域研究呈现明显的跨学科特征,其中大洋中脊、海底沉积物及矿物地球化学特征研究是海洋地质领域研究的核心,深海采矿、板块俯冲过程、地震引发的海啸备受关注,海底热液及采矿相关的环境、生物多样性、新物种等的跨学科研究成为深海地质研究的新兴趋势。  相似文献   

汪正江  谢渊  杨平  卓皆文  何江林  谢尚克 《地质通报》2012,31(11):1795-1811
对古地理格架的重新认识和台缘礁滩相的识别是油气勘探突破的关键环节之一。在前人研究的基础上,综合最新的调查研究成果,对雪峰山西侧震旦系—早古生代的重点层系开展了较大比例尺的古地理研究与编图。研究表明,中上扬子海相盆地经历了裂谷盆地(820~720Ma)、被动大陆边缘碎屑岩陆架建设与初始碳酸盐台地(720~540Ma)、被动大陆边缘统一碳酸盐台地的形成与发展(540~490Ma)、淹没台地与前陆盆地充填(490~420Ma)4个大的演化阶段。除第一阶段因热演化程度过高(Ro>3%)外,后3个阶段在雪峰山西侧地区都具有很好的油气地质条件:灯影期、清虚洞期和红花园期台边缘相带发育,陡山沱期、牛蹄塘期、五峰—龙马溪期发育区域性优质烃源岩,黔东世、武陵世和早志留世分别发育区域性厚层泥页岩、含膏岩系和沙泥岩封盖层,生储盖组合完整,油气地质条件优越。系列图件编制和重要认识的提出为深入开展雪峰山西侧地区有利勘探区块优选和评价提供了依据。  相似文献   

对古地理格架的重新认识和台缘礁滩相的识别是油气勘探突破的关键环节之一。在前人研究的基础上。综合最新的调查研究成果,对雪峰山西侧震旦系-早古生代的重点层系开展了较大比例尺的古地理研究与编图。研究表明,中上扬子海相盆地经历了裂谷盆地(820-720Ma)、被动大陆边缘碎屑岩陆架建设与初始碳酸盐台地(720—540Ma)、被动大陆边缘统一碳酸盐台地的形成与发展(540-490Ma)、淹没台地与前陆盆地充填(490-420Ma)4个大的演化阶段。除第一阶段因热演化程度过高(R0〉3%)外,后3个阶段在雪峰山西侧地区都具有很好的油气地质条件:灯影期、清虚洞期和红花园期台边缘相带发育。陡山沱期、牛蹄塘期、五峰-龙马溪期发育区域性优质烃源岩,黔东世、武陵世和早志留世分别发育区域性厚层泥页岩、含膏岩系和沙泥岩封盖层。生储盖组合完整,油气地质条件优越。系列图件编制和重要认识的提出为深入开展雪峰山西侧地区有利勘探区块优选和评价提供了依据。  相似文献   

An analysis of joint patterns in the Grampians Group rocks o£ Western Victoria has established that the dominant directions are north‐north‐west, east‐north‐east, west‐north‐west, north‐north‐east and north. The master joints are steeply‐dipping structures which formed after the sediments were lithified and folded. The joint‐formation is not genetically related to the folding and post‐dates the emplacement of the igneous intrusions. Joint orientation is independent of lithology and the sediments have reacted as a uniform mass to an applied stress.

The joint pattern conforms with the regional tectonic pattern of faults and lineaments which includes directions of the regmatic shear pattern of Sonder (1947). The jointing and major faulting took place during the Kanimblan Orogeny. The faulting and joint‐formation may have been contemporaneous, the faults being directions along which displacement occurred; conversely the actual movements along faults may have induced the jointing into the sediments.  相似文献   

为了更好地与生态环境及灾害地质紧密结合,第二代全国区域地质志编制项目规定第四纪地质及地貌图为必编图件之一。图件内容包括第四纪地质体的时代、成因类型、岩性和地貌成因形态组合类型、活动断裂及海侵范围等重要地质内容,同时,附第四纪地质-地貌典型剖面和重要的地貌景点。图件特点:(1)图件的地理底图是首次用数字高程模型(DEM)数据灰度图作背景;(2)第四纪地质内容与地貌成因形态类型同编为一幅图;(3)第四纪地质体的面色用成因类型色表示;(4)地貌部分划分了不同级别成因形态类型和有特色的微地貌景点。总之,图面有立体感,地形高差明显,层次分明,色彩鲜艳,是一幅崭新的图件,可供防灾治理和地质旅游参考应用。  相似文献   

采用古生态学及沉积学方法, 对南海北部深水区BY7-1-1井及L29井特定层段进行细致研究.通过有孔虫、孢粉藻类分析及沉积学分析, 证实南海北部白云深水区在晚始新世即出现滨浅海相沉积环境, 确定了南海北部最早接受海相沉积的时间.始新世海相地层在南海北部主要分布在台西及台西南盆地中, 并在晚始新世扩展到珠江口盆地白云凹陷.在南部分布较广, 曾母盆地、北康盆地、礼乐盆地及巴拉望盆地中均有始新世海相地层分布.南海始新世海相地层的分布受制于新南海扩张及古南海的消退, 以晚始新世为时间节点发生显著变化, 总体上分布范围增大, 反映该时期南海拉张和断裂活动的加剧.南海始新世海相地层具有良好的油气潜力, 在部分盆地中形成了优质的烃源岩与储层, 珠江口盆地白云深水区晚始新世海相地层的发现, 对南海深水海相油气勘探具有积极的参考作用.   相似文献   

High-resolution seismic reflection profiles (3·5 kHz) have revealed the presence of extensive interstitial gas accumulation within the sedimentary sequences of Loch Tay, Scotland, as identified by acoustic turbidity masking the seismic stratigraphy. Within the central section of the loch, in the deepest water area directly above the zone of the seismically active Loch Tay Fault, focused flows of gas through the sediment pile to the loch bed via chimneys and pockmarks, together with gas seeps within the water column, have been identified. Microbiological observations indicate that the gas is biogenic CH4, produced by both chemoautotrophic (which use CO2 as a source of carbon and H2 as a source of energy) and aceticlastic species (which use acetate as a source of carbon and energy) of methanogens in the fine-grained, organic rich deposits that have been focused into the zone of accumulation in the deep central part of the loch. The spatial distribution of the gas escape features suggests that earthquake movements along the Loch Tay Fault are responsible for facilitating focused gas escape in this part of the loch, by the creation of new pathways and conduits through the sediment pile, along which gas can migrate upwards and exit into the water column. Relict pockmarks and associated chimneys identified in the seismic records indicate that gas escape has been taking place since Pleistocene times though the precise timings cannot be ascertained. This is the first time that such features have been reported from a lake in the UK.  相似文献   

全球变化与海洋地质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球变化研究需要多学科的综合集成,涉及自然科学和社会科学诸多领域,国际海洋科学全球变化研究方面已经开展许多研究项目,诸如“海洋全球变化合作研究计划(IMAGES)”,“过去全球变化研究(PAGES)”,“海岸带陆海相互作用(LOICZ)”等,旨在通过对海洋表面和深部变化及与陆地的相互关系作用来研究全球气候及气候变化的历史,海洋地质在研究古气候,古水温,海洋与陆地气候联系,环境重建,陆海相互作用等方面举足轻重,同时地质学在参与全球变化研究中发挥着不可或缺的作用。  相似文献   

区域工程地质,环境工程地质论文综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本次大会收入本专题论文70篇,约占大会论文1/3,反映了当今工程地质学的一个非常重要的研究主题。可将之分为下面几个方面进行讨论:地质灾害研究(29篇),区域地壳稳定性评价与地震工程地质(22篇),城市与区域环境地质研究及质量评价(16篇),近海区域工程地质调查和环境地质编图(3篇)。本文对该专题的发展方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The Middle Shoalhaven Plain is a large, tray‐like depression bounded in the west by the Mulwaree fault and in the east by cliffed Permian sediments. The plain is probably Mesozoic in origin and was partially alluviated during the Early to mid‐Eocene. Much of the plain and sediments were covered by basalts during the Late Eocene. This was followed by an episode of deep weathering, which culminated in the formation of widespread bauxitic and lateritic crusts and manganocrete and silcrete during the mid‐Tertiary. A second minor weathering event is recorded during the latest Tertiary to Early Pleistocene. Two new basalt dates are consistent with earlier ones at about 43 Ma. Palaeomagnetism shows bauxites and ferricretes to be mid‐Tertiary.  相似文献   

以西科1井第四系乐东组生物礁-碳酸盐岩地层为研究对象, 通过偏光显微镜观察、茜素红-S和铁氰化钾混合溶液染色、扫描电镜和矿物阴极发光性观察等分析方法研究了生物礁-碳酸盐岩的岩石学和成岩作用特征.西科1井生物礁-碳酸盐岩成岩作用包括较弱的压实作用、新生变形作用、微生物泥晶化作用、溶解作用、胶结作用.以典型胶结物岩相学产状为标志, 结合矿物阴极发光性特征识别出了大气水和海水成岩环境.其中, 大气水成岩环境以典型的新月形或悬垂形方解石胶结物为识别标志, 海水成岩环境以纤维状-针状文石为识别标志.成岩环境的垂向分布表现为: 0~27 m深度内为显著的大气水成岩环境; 27~42 m深度内以大气水成岩环境为主, 其次为海水成岩环境; 42~105 m深度内以大气水成岩环境为主, 海水成岩环境的影响弱; 105~172 m深度内大气水和海水成岩环境均出现; 172.00~214.89 m深度内为海水成岩环境.   相似文献   

本文介绍了泰国矿产资源部在环境地质学领域的活动和目标。环境地质学的研究对于泰国来说仍然是新问题。目前的规划包括:区划中的环境地质、地震灾害、洪水/滑坡、海岸带管理和地质遗迹保护。该部的环境地质处是相关行政管理单位。技术工作和有关文件资料均集中研究公众关心的各种与环境有关的问题,以及将地质资料与土地使用规划和土地开发相结合。  相似文献   

农业地质主攻方向初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文对农业地质的学科属性,国内外农业地质的发展历史作了简要的介绍,并对农业地质的主攻方向,从四个方面作了具体的、初步的探讨。建议建立农业地质信息系统空间数据库,旨在推动对农业地质的重视和研究。  相似文献   

In the Triassic marine sediments, an obvious enrichment of lithium has been found. The source and enrichment mechanism of lithium is unknown. Here, we report trace and rare earth element and isotope analyses for Triassic sedimentary samples from core ZK601, recovered from the Huangjinkou anticline in the Xuanhan basin. Lithium concentrations from the Leikoupo and Jialingjiang formations are much higher than the average concentrations in the crust of eastern China and in other marine sediments. Lithium concentrations are highest at depths of 3300–3360 m (in argillaceous marine sediments), and Li is positively correlated with Rb, Ga, Zr, Nb and other trace elements. The range of δ7Li values in our samples is consistent with that in other Triassic marine carbonate rocks. Lithium concentrations and isotope ratios are negatively correlated in the argillaceous dolomite samples at depths of 3300–3360 m. We compared the results in this study with trace and rare earth elements in the clay from Sichuan and Chongqing, and propose that the clay in the argillaceous marine evaporites from Huangjinkou formed via the hydrolysis of volcanic ash during Early–Middle Triassic volcanic eruptions into brine basins, during which clay adsorbed Li from the brine and formed Li-rich argillaceous dolomites. The addition and hydrolysis of volcanic ash in the evaporative brine is also related to the formation of a new type of polyhalite.  相似文献   

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