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Many granites have compositional features that directly reflect the composition of their source rocks. Since most granites come from the deeper parts of the Earth's crust, their study provides information about the nature of parts of that deep crust. Granites and related volcanic rocks are abundant and widely distributed in the Palaeozoic Lachlan Fold Belt of southeastern Australia. These granites show patterns of regional variation in which sharp discontinuities occur between provinces which internally are of a rather constant character. Such a discontinuity has long been recognized at the I‐S line and the extent of that line can now be defined more fully. Breaks of this type are thought to correspond to sharp changes in the composition of the deep crust that correspond to unexposed or basement terranes. Nine such basement terranes can be recognized in the Lachlan Fold Belt. The character of these basement terranes appears to be different from that of the terranes recognized in the Mesozoic‐Cainozoic Cordilleran fold belt, in which the plates accreted during the period of tectonism reflected in the exposed surface rocks. In the Lachlan Fold Belt, it is postulated that fragments of continental crust, or microplates, were assembled in the Late Proterozoic or Early Palaeozoic to form the substrate of the presently exposed Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks; the compositional features of these fragments were later redistributed vertically by magmatic processes. The identification of basement terranes of this type shows that models which involve the lateral growth of the Lachlan Fold Belt during the Palaeozoic, in a manner analogous to the accretion of younger belts, are untenable. These basement terranes have implications for mineral exploration because the content of heavy metals can vary from one to another and this would ultimately affect the probability of concentrating these metals to form a mineral deposit.  相似文献   

Igneous rocks derived from high‐temperature, crystal‐poor magmas of intermediate potassic composition are widespread in the central Lachlan Fold Belt, and have been assigned to the Boggy Plain Supersuite. These rocks range in composition from 45 to 78% SiO2, with a marked paucity of examples in the range 65–70% SiO2, the composition dominant in most other granites of the Lachlan Fold Belt. Evidence is presented from two units of the Boggy Plain Supersuite, the Boggy Plain zoned pluton and the Nallawa complex, to demonstrate that these high‐temperature magmas solidified under a regime of convective fractionation. By this process, a magma body solidified from margin to centre as the zone of solidification moved progressively inwards. High‐temperature near‐liquidus minerals with a certain proportion of trapped interstitial differentiated melt, separated from the buoyant differentiated melt during solidification. In most cases much of this differentiated melt buoyantly rose to the top of the magma chamber to form felsic sheets that overly the solidifying main magma chamber beneath. Some of these felsic tops erupted as volcanic rocks, but they mainly form extensive high‐level intrusive bodies, the largest being the granitic part of the Yeoval complex, with an area of over 200 km2. Back‐mixing of fractionated melt into the main magma chamber progressively changed the composition of the main melt, resulting in highly zoned plutons. In the more felsic part of the Boggy Plain zoned pluton back‐mixing was dominant, if not exclusive, forming an intrusive body cryptically zoned from 63% SiO2 on the margin to 72% SiO2 in the core. It is suggested that tonalitic bodies do not generally crystallise through convective fractionation because the differentiated melt is volumetrically small and totally trapped within the interstitial space: back‐mixing is excluded and homogeneous plutons with essentially the composition of the parental melt are formed.  相似文献   

The Cooma Complex of the Lachlan Fold Belt, south‐eastern Australia, is characterised by a large (c. 10 km wide) low‐P, high‐T metamorphic aureole surrounding a small (3 × 6 km) granite pluton. The aureole extends northward to envelop the eastern lobe of the Murrumbidgee Batholith and progressively narrows to a kilometre wide hornfelsic aureole some 50 km north of Cooma. At its northern extremity, the batholith has intruded its own volcanic cover. These regional relations suggest that the Murrumbidgee Batholith is gently tilted to the north, with the Cooma Complex representing the aureole beneath the batholith. Two main deformation events, D3 and D5, affected the aureole. The inner, high‐grade migmatitic domain contains upright F5 folds defined by a composite, transposed S3/S0 fabric and S3/S0 concordant leucosomes. The folded stromatic migmatites define the western limb of a F5 synform, with its axis located in the batholith. Lenses and sheets of the Murrumbidgee Batholith intruded along S3 but also preserve S3 as a strong, solid‐state foliation. S3 and the granite sheets but are also folded by F5, outlining a fanning positive flower structure. These relations indicate that most of the batholith was emplaced before and during D3, but intrusion persisted until early syn‐D5. Formation of the Cooma Granodiorite occurred post‐D3 to early syn‐D5, after formation of the wide metamorphic aureole during early syn‐D3 to early syn‐D5. The Murrumbidgee Batholith was emplaced between pre‐D3 to early syn‐D5, synchronous with the formation of the Cooma Complex. The structural and metamorphic relations indicate that the Murrumbidgee Batholith was the ultimate heat source responsible for the Cooma Metamorphic Complex. D3 structures and metamorphic isograds are subparallel to the batholith margin for over 50 km. This concordance probably extends vertically, suggesting that the isograds also fan outward from the batholith margin. This implies an inverted metamorphic sequence focused on the Murrumbidgee Batholith, although the base has been almost completely removed by erosion in the Cooma Complex. The field evidence at Cooma, combined with previous thermal modelling results, suggest that extensive LPHT metamorphic terranes may represent regional metamorphic aureoles developed beneath high‐level granitic batholiths.  相似文献   

New Sr and Nd isotopic data are presented for several large feldspar crystals occurring in microgranular enclaves in the Swifts Creek and Bridle Track plutons, along with analyses of their host enclave groundmass and adjacent granitoid. In the Swifts Creek Pluton several previous studies have concluded that the microgranular enclaves represent admixed, more mafic and more primitive magmas, and new data presented here confirm that. Feldspar megacrysts in the microgranular enclaves have Sr and Nd isotopic signatures that are distinct from the surrounding enclave groundmass and from other enclaves in the pluton and therefore cannot have crystallised in situ. Isotopic compositions of these feldspars are more consistent with their having crystallised in a reservoir similar in composition to the most primitive granitoid analyses. The crystals were then physically transferred from the granitoid magma into the enclave while the latter was still partially liquid, thus invalidating arguments for a porphyroblastic origin. Field, petrographic and geochemical data are consistent with microgranular enclaves in the Bridle Track pluton also originating as admixed, more mafic magmas. However, Sr isotopic compositions of the enclaves are identical, within error, to the host granite and indicate that significant Sr isotopic equilibration has occurred. Nd isotopic compositions of the enclaves extend to slightly higher 143Nd/144Nd(i) and are consistent with a mingled magma origin followed by major isotopic equilibration. Feldspar phenocrysts in the studied enclave have isotopic compositions indistinguishable from both the enclave groundmass and host granite, preventing an interpretation of their origin using isotopic evidence alone.  相似文献   


Three suites of alkaline granite can be recognised in the Narraburra Complex at the triple junction of the Tumut, Giralambone‐Goonumbla and Wagga Zones, central southern New South Wales. On the basis of K2O/Na2O ratios, biotite and hornblende‐biotite potassic I‐type granites have been assigned to the Gilmore Hill (K2O/Na2O 1.00) and Barmedman Suites (K2O/Na2O > 1.2). These are metaluminous to weakly peraluminous suites that crystallised from high‐temperature,reduced magmas with the least fractionated members of each suite having high Ba and low Rb abundances compared to other Lachlan Fold Belt granites. Fractionated members of these suites have high abundances of high‐field‐strength elements, similar to those observed in A‐type granites. Arfvedsonite and aegirine‐arfvedsonite granites have been assigned to the peralkaline Narraburra Suite. Granites from this suite have chemistry consistent with them being the intrusive equivalents of comendites and they are also similar in some respects to A‐type granites: they have, for example, particularly high abundances of Zr. The A‐type signature is, however, at least in part the result of strong fractionation. Total‐rock Rb–Sr isotopic analyses from both I‐type suites plot on the same isochron, giving an age of 365 ± 4 Ma (Srl = 0.70388 ± 53). A total‐rock isochron for the peralkaline Narraburra Suite gives a less well‐defined age of 358 ± 9 Ma (Srl = 0.7013 ± 80). The Late Devonian Rb–Sr ages may be emplacement ages or a result of resetting during fluid‐rock interaction. Although granites of the Narraburra Complex have geochemical affinities with alkaline granites formed late in orogenic cycles, they post‐date arc magmatism by at least 75 million years and they formed in a within‐plate setting. Magmatism was related to localised reactivation of major faults (Gilmore Fault and the Parkes Thrust) in the region, and to partial melting involving both enriched mantle and Ordovician shoshonitic crustal components. Emplacement of the Narraburra Complex was contemporaneous with magmatism in the Central Victorian Magmatic Province and A‐type magmatism in eastern New South Wales. Collectively, all these magmatic events were related to extension post‐dating amalgamation of the western and central/eastern subprovinces of the Lachlan Fold Belt.  相似文献   

Progressive Early Silurian low‐pressure greenschist to granulite facies regional metamorphism of Ordovician flysch at Cooma, southeastern Australia, had different effects on detrital zircon and monazite and their U–Pb isotopic systems. Monazite began to dissolve at lower amphibolite facies, virtually disappearing by upper amphibolite facies, above which it began to regrow, becoming most coarsely grained in migmatite leucosome and the anatectic Cooma Granodiorite. Detrital monazite U–Pb ages survived through mid‐amphibolite facies, but not to higher grade. Monazite in the migmatite and granodiorite records only metamorphism and granite genesis at 432.8 ± 3.5 Ma. Detrital zircon was unaffected by metamorphism until the inception of partial melting, when platelets of new zircon precipitated in preferred orientations on the surface of the grains. These amalgamated to wholly enclose the grains in new growth, characterised by the development of {211} crystal faces, in the migmatite and granodiorite. New growth, although maximum in the leucosome, was best dated in the granodiorite at 435.2 ± 6.3 Ma. The combined best estimate for the age of metamorphism and granite genesis is 433.4 ± 3.1 Ma. Detrital zircon U–Pb ages were preserved unmodified throughout metamorphism and magma genesis and indicate derivation of the Cooma Granodiorite from Lower Palaeozoic source rocks with the same protolith as the Ordovician sediments, not Precambrian basement. Cooling of the metamorphic complex was relatively slow (average ~12°C/106y from ~730 to ~170°C), more consistent with the unroofing of a regional thermal high than cooling of an igneous intrusion. The ages of detrital zircon and monazite from the Ordovician flysch (dominantly composite populations 600–500 Ma and 1.2–0.9 Ga old) indicate its derivation from a source remote from the Australian craton.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar age data from the boundary between the Delamerian and Lachlan Fold Belts identify the Moornambool Metamorphic Complex as a Cambrian metamorphic belt in the western Stawell Zone of the Palaeozoic Tasmanide System of southeastern Australia. A reworked orogenic zone exists between the Lachlan and Delamerian Fold Belts that contains the eastern section of the Cambrian Delamerian Fold Belt and the western limit of orogenesis associated with the formation of an Ordovician to Silurian accretionary wedge (Lachlan Fold Belt). Delamerian thrusting is craton-verging and occurred at the same time as the final consolidation of Gondwana. 40Ar/39Ar age data indicate rapid cooling of the Moornambool Metamorphic Complex at about 500 Ma at a rate of 20 – 30°C per million years, temporally associated with calc-alkaline volcanism followed by clastic sedimentation. Extension in the overriding plate of a subduction zone is interpreted to have exhumed the metamorphic rocks within the Moornambool Metamorphic Complex. The Delamerian system varies from a high geothermal gradient with syntectonic plutonism in the west to lower geothermal gradients in the east (no syntectonic plutonism). This metamorphic zonation is consistent with a west-dipping subduction zone. Contrary to some previous models involving a reversal in subduction polarity, the Ross and Delamerian systems of Antarctica and Australia are inferred to reflect deformation processes associated with a Cambrian subduction zone that dipped towards the Gondwana supercontinent. Western Lachlan Fold Belt orogenesis occurred about 40 million years after the Delamerian Orogeny and deformed older, colder, and denser oceanic crust, with metamorphism indicative of a low geothermal gradient. This orogenesis closed a marginal ocean basin by west-directed underthrusting of oceanic crust that produced an accretionary wedge with west-dipping faults that verge away from the major craton. The western Lachlan Fold Belt was not associated with arc-related volcanism and plutonism occurred 40 – 60 million years after initial deformation. The revised orogenic boundaries have implications for the location of world-class 440 Ma orogenic gold deposits. The structural complexity of the 440 Ma Stawell gold deposit reflects its location in a reworked part of the Cambrian Delamerian Fold Belt, while the structurally simpler 440 Ma Bendigo deposit is hosted by younger Ordovician turbidites solely deformed by Lachlan orogenesis.  相似文献   


Four Middle Devonian (381 Ma) granodiorite samples have been recovered from two dredge sites approximately 65 km east of Green Cape, New South Wales. The granodiorite samples are similar in age and composition to members of the Moruya Suite and probably form an along‐strike extension of that suite. The location of granodiorite on the southeastern margin requires that a piece of continental lithosphere was located to the present east of the study area in the Devonian. This piece of lithosphere may now be located somewhere on the western Lord Howe Rise.

A sample of Early Cretaceous leuco‐quartz monzodiorite was also recovered from a dredge site approximately 45 km north‐northeast of Dalmeny, New South Wales. It represents a body that was intruded at essentially the same time as, and is inferred to be of similar origin to, the syenite rocks of the nearby Mt Dromedary and Montague Island complexes.  相似文献   

也谈大兴安岭南段前进场岩体成因类型和形成环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
前进场岩体在岩石地球化学方面以过铝、富集LREE、具中等负Eu异常为特征,∑REE介于107.81-143.24μg/g之间,结合其野外地质特征和区域构造分析,本文认为该岩体为板块碰撞期间于晚石炭世由沉积物质部分熔融而形成的S型花岗岩。  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar data for muscovite separates and hydrothermally altered whole‐rock samples from the Ballarat West and the Ballarat East goldfields indicate that mesothermal gold mineralisation at Ballarat occurred during several episodic pulses, ranging in age from the Late Ordovician to the Early Devonian. Initial formation of auriferous structures in the Ballarat goldfields coincided with folding and thrusting associated with the development of the western Lachlan Fold Belt between 460 and 440 Ma. Subsequent fault reactivation and magmatism resulted in remobilisation and additional mineralisation between 410 and 380 Ma, and around 370 Ma. The results presented herein are in agreement with findings for other major gold deposits in central Victoria and further constrain the history of deformation, metamorphism and mineralisation in the western subprovince of the Lachlan Fold Belt.  相似文献   

Devonian basaltic to andesitic dykes and compositionally similar plutons of the southern Lachlan Fold Belt are often temporally and spatially closely associated with large granitic complexes. Mafic intrusions play a major role in the transfer of heat into the continental crust, providing a thermal ‘engine’ which leads to crustal melting, and geochemical/isotopic evidence indicates that they contribute chemical constituents to the products of this melting. Studied mafic‐intermediate dykes in the southern Lachlan Fold Belt have tholeiitic to alkaline affinities and include groups with both high and low Ti and K. Several dyke generations may be associated with a single felsic complex. Primitive mantle‐normalised trace‐element abundance patterns with negative Nb and Ti anomalies for basaltic/andesitic and gabbroic/dioritic rocks as young as Early Devonian most resemble those of modern island arcs and suggest an influence of subduction on mantle magma sources. However, some Middle and Late Devonian mafic rocks are enriched in light rare‐earth elements and other incompatible elements, lack significant Nb anomalies, and confirm the change to continental‐rift extensional settings clearly indicated by Lachlan Fold Belt geology.  相似文献   


Metamorphosed turbidites from the Omeo Metamorphic Complex show only minor changes in δ18O values with increasing metamorphic grade from 13.4 ± 1.7% in the chlorite and biotite zones to 12.3 ± 1.0% in the sillimanite + K‐feldspar zone. Rocks within 5 km of the S‐type granite at Hume Dam have δ18O values of 6.8–8.1% that probably reflect interaction with heated meteoric‐igneous fluids. Interaction with igneous fluids has also occurred close to other I‐ and S‐type granites in this region. However, pervasive metamorphic fluid‐rock interaction in this terrain did not occur, which limits the region's potential for hydrothermal mineralisation. Anatexis at high grades was probably via dehydration‐melting reactions that consumed muscovite and biotite, which is consistent with there being little fluid present during metamorphism. Small (kilometre scale or less) S‐type granites in the sillimanite + K‐feldspar zone have δ18O values similar to those of the surrounding metasediments and probably formed by melting of those rocks. By contrast, larger (tens of kilometres scale) Ca‐rich, peraluminous, S‐type granites have lower δ18O values than the surrounding metasediments, and may represent melts of underlying middle to lower crust.  相似文献   

The Heathcote Greenstone Belt is composed mainly of Lower Cambrian metavolcanic rocks and is one of three outcropping belts of the apparent basement to the Lachlan Fold Belt in SE Australia. The greenstones may be assigned to two broad magma series. A younger tholeiitic series with mid‐ocean ridge basalt (MORB) affinities has intruded through, and been erupted upon low‐Ti, intermediate SiO2 lavas. The latter were originally boninites (both clinoenstatite‐phyric and more fractionated orthopyroxene‐phyric varieties) and plagioclase‐phyric, low‐Ti andesites. They have partially re‐equilibrated to the lower greenschist facies and outcrop mainly in the central segment of the Heathcote Greenstone Belt, where deeper stratigraphic levels are exposed. Tholeiitic lavas and sills metamorphosed to the prehnite‐pumpellyite facies dominate the northern and southern segments. As the association boninite/low‐Ti lavas/MORB is known only from modern West Pacific‐type settings involving island arcs and backarc basins, the early history of the Lachlan Fold Belt is inferred to have taken place in a similar setting.  相似文献   

Interpretation and 2‐D forward modelling of aeromagnetic datasets from the Olary Domain to the north of the outcropping Kalabity Inlier, South Australia, is consistent with a buried structural architecture characterised by isolated anticlines (also referred to as growth anticlines) bounded by steeply dipping reverse faults. The isolated anticlines are interpreted to have formed by half‐graben inversion during crustal shortening associated with the ca 1600–1580 Ma Olarian Orogeny. We interpret the bounding reverse faults as reactivated high‐angle normal faults, originating from a listric extensional fault architecture. As shortening increased, ‘break‐back bypass’ and ‘short‐cut‘ thrusts developed because of buttressing of the hangingwall successions against the footwall. The resulting architecture resembles a combination of a thrust‐related imbricate fan and an accumulation of inverted basins. Using this structural architecture, synrift sediments proximal to interpreted normal faults were identified as prospective for sediment‐hosted massive sulfide Pb–Zn–Ag mineralisation.  相似文献   

A fossil fish assemblage associated with marine invertebrates from the Coonardoo Sandstone (Wallingalair Group) at Boor Hill (eastern limb of Tullamore Syncline) contains phyllolepid and bothriolepid placoderms of probable Late Devonian age. An angular unconformity with the overlying Hervey Group indicates erosion and folding during the Middle – Late Devonian, and evidently younger than the main Tabberabberan orogenic event. Invertebrate remains demonstrate a Late Devonian marine interval, not previously recognised as far west as the Tullamore Syncline, and assumed to represent the global maximum sea-level in the late Frasnian immediately preceding the Frasnian – Famennian extinction event. A phyllolepid placoderm plate from a sedimentary interbed of the Dulladerry Volcanics in the Hervey Syncline compares with abundant phyllolepid material from the Merriganowry Shale Member of the Dulladerry Volcanics near Cowra, and similar occurrences in the Comerong Volcanics and Boyd Volcanic Complex in southeastern New South Wales. Biostratigraphic data suggest a late Middle Devonian (Givetian) age for the Merriganowry Shale Member of the Dulladerry Volcanics, which appears conformable beneath the Upper Devonian Hervey Group.  相似文献   

北祁连东部两类Ⅰ型花岗岩定年及其地质意义   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:21  
北祁连东部早古生代地层中产出两种特征不同的I型花岗岩类,其一以井子川岩体为代表,暗色矿物以角闪石为主,稀土总量为90×10~(-6)~106×10~(-6),轻重稀土比值小于8,锆石的SHRIMP年龄为464±15Ma,岩体形成的构造环境类似于岛弧;其二是以黄羊河岩体为代表,暗色矿物以黑云母为主,稀土总量为214×10~(-6)~250×10~(-6),轻重稀土比值大于8,锆石的LA-ICP-MS年龄为383±6 Ma,岩体形成于碰撞后环境。  相似文献   

磐石西部地区三叠纪印支期花岗岩的基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛继辉  罗琛  孟凡丽 《吉林地质》2004,23(4):19-22,33
以往本区花岗岩多被确定为华力西晚期花岗岩或燕山期花岗岩、印支期花岗岩比较少见。本文以同位素年龄为依据。将本区以往确定的华力西晚期的板石花岗岩确定为晚印支期花岗岩,并详述了其基本特征和侵入期次。初步探讨了成因类型。  相似文献   

The Rathjen Gneiss is the oldest and structurally most complex of the granitic intrusives in the southern Adelaide Fold‐Thrust Belt and therefore provides an important constraint on the timing of the Delamerian Orogen. Zircons in the Rathjen Gneiss show a complex growth history, reflecting inheritance, magmatic crystallisation and metamorphism. Both single zircon evaporation (‘Kober’ technique) and SHRIMP analysis yield best estimates of igneous crystallisation of 514 ± 5 Ma, substantially older than other known felsic intrusive ages in the southern Adelaide Fold‐Thrust Belt. This age places an older limit on the start of the Delamerian metamorphism and is compatible with known stratigraphic constraints suggesting the Early Cambrian Kanmantoo Group was deposited, buried and heated in less than 20 million years. High‐U overgrowths on zircons were formed during subsequent metamorphism and yield a 206Pb/238U age of 503 ± 7 Ma. The Delamerian Orogeny lasted no more than 35 million years. The emplacement of the Rathjen Gneiss as a pre‐ or early syntectonic granite is emphasised by its geochemical characteristics, which show affiliations with within‐plate or anorogenic granites. In contrast, younger syntectonic granites in the southern Adelaide Fold‐Thrust Belt have geochemical characteristics more typical of granites in convergent orogens. The Early Ordovician post‐tectonic granites then mark a return to anorogenic compositions. The sensitivity of granite chemistry to changes in tectonic processes is remarkable and clearly reflects changes in the contribution of crust and mantle sources.  相似文献   

In this initial systematic study of Carboniferous spores from New South Wales, Australia, fifteen species (all but one of them new) are formally described and are distributed among eight established genera and two new genera (Rattiganispora, a distally annulate trilete form, and Psomospora, an inaperturate or proximally hilate form). The species were selected as being the most characteristic and distinctive forms found in the Italia Road Formation at its well‐exposed type section in the Hunter Valley, east‐central New South Wales. The formation is a cyclical non‐marine unit, over 300 metres (1,000 ft) thick, consisting of lithic arenites together with carbonaceous shales, claystones, and siltstones; its age is regarded as West‐phalian‐Stephanian. The microfiora is compared with those known from sediments of similar age elsewhere and its place in the Australian Palaeozoic palynostratigraphic record is discussed.

New specific institutions are as follows: Punctatisporites lucidulus, P. sub‐tritus, Verrucosisporites aspratilis, V. italiaensis, Raistrickia accincta, R. radiosa, Reticulatisporites asperidictyus, R. magnidictyus, Foveosporites pellucidus, Rattiganispora apiculata (type species), Kraeuselisporites kuttungensis, Grandispora maculosa, Psomospora detecta (type species), and Wilsonites australiensis.  相似文献   

辽宁省清源县放牛沟发现一含榴白云母花岗岩岩体,其锆石(U Pb)年龄为261±20M a,时代中二叠世,其岩石化学以富S iO2、富碱为特征,具Ⅰ型花岗岩特征,属晚华力两期同碰撞造山花岗岩晚期分异产物。  相似文献   

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