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The Upper Precambrian and Lower Palaeozoic Rocks in the Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia, have been subjected to at least three phases of folding. The first involved the formation of inclined folds and less common reclined folds. These structures are overprinted by usually upright, moderately tight, second and third generation folds which may show a well developed axial plane crenulation cleavage.

The metamorphism commenced prior to the appearance of penetrative structures and continued in many areas until after the third phase of deformation. It appears to have had its greatest effect during the static period following the first phase of folding.

Mineral assemblages of the pelitic rocks indicate that the metamorphism is of the low pressure‐intermediate type and that there are at least four progressive zones of metamorphism, namely, chlorite, biotite, andalusite‐staurolite, and sillimanite. Cordierite occurs in the sillimanite zone and kyanite is sporadically distributed in the andalusite‐staurolite zone. In the Angaston‐Springton region separate andalusite and staurolite zone boundaries may be delineated which cross as they are traced towards Angaston. This relationship is considered to be due to higher pressures operating during metamorphism in the latter area.

The maximum pressure and temperature reached in the metamorphism of these rocks are discussed in the light of recent experimental data.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部地区新生代沉积与构造演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方向 《地质与勘探》2014,50(1):28-36
[摘要]新生代柴西地区南北变形具有很好的对称性,盆地边缘发育高角度逆冲断层,古近纪时期库木库里和苏干湖盆地与柴达木盆地相连,据此认为柴西地区是地壳纵弯褶皱的机制下形成的新生代向斜沉降区。其构造演化经历了古新世~渐新世早期纵弯褶皱形成、晚渐新世~中新世纵弯褶皱发展和晚期盆内断褶构造强烈活动三个阶段,控制了相应时期的沉积边界和沉积相分布。古近纪时期库木库里盆地和苏干湖盆地是柴达木盆地的一部分,新近纪以来,由于盆缘逆冲断层的活动,库木库里和苏干湖盆地逐步与柴达木盆地分割开来。据此认为盆地中部一里坪地区和盆地边缘的油气勘探有较大潜力。  相似文献   


The formation of the Qilian mountains and the evolution of adjacent basins were controlled by the uplift and northeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau. In a field survey conducted on the main Cenozoic basin sediments in the Qilian Mountains and adjacent areas, fission track age data of apatite obtained previously were analyzed. Cenozoic tectonics and landform evolution in the area where the Qilian Mountains now stand and its response to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau were studied. In the Oligocene Epoch, the Tibetan Plateau was initially uplifted and extended northeastward, forming the Guide-Xining-Lanzhou-Linxia foreland basin on the northern margin of the western Qinling Mountains, and the foreland basin in the area where the Qilian Mountains now stand received widespread sediments. In the Miocene, influenced by the enhanced uplift and northeastward thrust of the Tibetan Plateau, a stage of intracontinental squeezing orogeny and foreland basin splitting began in the area where the Qilian Mountains now stand. In the Pliocene Epoch, the Qilian Mountains were continuously uplifted, the basins shrank, large lake basins disappeared gradually, and large-area red-clay-type aeolian sediments appeared. During the Quaternary Period, the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau accelerated, causing a rapid rise in the altitude of the Qilian Mountains. Global climate change occurred and mountain glaciers began to develop. Quaternary moraine deposits appeared for the first time in the area, and very thick loess sediments appeared in the Longzhong area, east of the area where the Qilian Mountains now stand, forming the famous Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

东昆仑南部晚新生代逆冲推覆构造系统   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对东大滩—东温泉地区的路线地质观测与构造填图,在东昆仑南部发现晚新生代大型逆冲推覆构造系统。沿低角度逆冲断层,早二叠世大理岩和早三叠世砂板岩自北向南逆冲推覆于古新统—始新统风火山群紫红色砾岩和渐新世砖红色砂砾岩之上,形成大量不同规模的飞来峰;沿主逆冲断层发育厚层断层角砾岩与断层泥,局部形成碳酸盐质糜棱岩。东昆仑南部逆冲推覆构造的发育时代为渐新世晚期—中新世早期,主要形成、活动时期为26~13.5Ma;估算最小逆冲推覆距离为30~35km,最小逆冲推覆运动速率为2.4~2.8mm/a。东昆仑南部晚新生代逆冲推覆构造运动与现今山脉快速隆升存在着动力学成因联系。  相似文献   

东昆仑东段新生代高原隆升重大事件的沉积响应   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
根据新生代沉积盆地的地层序列、环境演变及地貌和水系变迁分析将研究区新生代高原隆升过程划分为5个重大事件.首次在研究区内海拔5400m的主夷平面上发现古土壤、岩溶角砾岩及钟乳石等, 认为沱沱河组上段细碎屑沉积及五道梁组石膏沉积(中新世) 是主夷平面形成期的沉积响应, 提出了主夷平面的高程具有东西向排列的盆岭地貌特点, 这种高程差异反映了后期构造隆升的不均衡, 应该是上新世以来差异断块抬升的结果; 早更新世中期(1525.5ka后) 一套河流砂砾卵石沉积是青藏运动C幕的沉积响应, 体现在布尔汗布达山的强烈上升和成山; 早更新世晚期(1113.9~836.3ka) 先湖滨砾石沉积, 后转为河流砂砾卵石沉积, 是昆黄运动在研究区的沉积响应, 并体现在马尔争-布青山的强烈上升和成山, 中更新世早期冰碛物的发育说明昆黄运动后研究区已隆升达到"水汽冻结高度"; 研究区T5阶地沉积前的强烈下蚀, 柴达木盆地内陆水系溯源侵蚀切过布尔汗布达山主分水岭, 袭夺了昆南断裂带原由西向东流向共和古湖的东西向水系并到达阿拉克湖一带, 晚更新世洪冲积角度不整合于中更新世洪冲积之上等是共和运动的具体表现.   相似文献   

One of the most significant, but poorly understood, tectonic events in the east Lachlan Fold Belt is that which caused the shift from mafic, mantle‐derived calc‐alkaline/shoshonitic volcanism in the Late Ordovician to silicic (S‐type) plutonism and volcanism in the late Early Silurian. We suggest that this chemical/isotopic shift required major changes in crustal architecture, but not tectonic setting, and simply involved ongoing subduction‐related magmatism following burial of the pre‐existing, active intraoceanic arc by overthrusting Ordovician sediments during Late Ordovician — Early Silurian (pre‐Benambran) deformation, associated with regional northeast‐southwest shortening. A review of ‘type’ Benambran deformation from the type area (central Lachlan Fold Belt) shows that it is constrained to a north‐northwest‐trending belt at ca 430 Ma (late Early Silurian), associated with high‐grade metamorphism and S‐type granite generation. Similar features were associated with ca 430 Ma deformation in east Lachlan Fold Belt, highlighted by the Cooma Complex, and formed within a separate north‐trending belt that included the S‐type Kosciuszko, Murrumbidgee, Young and Wyangala Batholiths. As Ordovician turbidites were partially melted at ca 430 Ma, they must have been buried already to ~20 km before the ‘type’ Benambran deformation. We suggest that this burial occurred during earlier northeast‐southwest shortening associated with regional oblique folds and thrusts, loosely referred to previously as latitudinal or east‐west structures. This event also caused the earliest Silurian uplift in the central Lachlan Fold Belt (Benambran highlands), which pre‐dated the ‘type’ Benambran deformation and is constrained as latest Ordovician — earliest Silurian (ca 450–440 Ma) in age. The south‐ to southwest‐verging, earliest Silurian folds and thrusts in the Tabberabbera Zone are considered to be associated with these early oblique structures, although similar deformation in that zone probably continued into the Devonian. We term these ‘pre’‐ and ‘type’‐Benambran events as ‘early’ and ‘late’ for historical reasons, although we do not consider that they are necessarily related. Heat‐flow modelling suggests that burial of ‘average’ Ordovician turbidites during early Benambran deformation at 450–440 Ma, to form a 30 km‐thick crustal pile, cannot provide sufficient heat to induce mid‐crustal melting at ca 430 Ma by internal heat generation alone. An external, mantle heat source is required, best illustrated by the mafic ca 430 Ma, Micalong Swamp Igneous Complex in the S‐type Young Batholith. Modern heat‐flow constraints also indicate that the lower crust cannot be felsic and, along with petrological evidence, appears to preclude older continental ‘basement terranes’ as sources for the S‐type granites. Restriction of the S‐type batholiths into two discrete, oblique, linear belts in the central and east Lachlan Fold Belt supports a model of separate magmatic arc/subduction zone complexes, consistent with the existence of adjacent, structurally imbricated turbidite zones with opposite tectonic vergence, inferred by other workers to be independent accretionary prisms. Arc magmas associated with this ‘double convergent’ subduction system in the east Lachlan Fold Belt were heavily contaminated by Ordovician sediment, recently buried during the early Benambran deformation, causing the shift from mafic to silicic (S‐type) magmatism. In contrast, the central Lachlan Fold Belt magmatic arc, represented by the Wagga‐Omeo Zone, only began in the Early Silurian in response to subduction associated with the early Benambran northeast‐southwest shortening. The model requires that the S‐type and subsequent I‐type (Late Silurian — Devonian) granites of the Lachlan Fold Belt were associated with ongoing, subduction‐related tectonic activity.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(4):151-165
Two magnetostratigraphic profiles (450 samples) have been carried out to constrain the age of synorogenic formations in the southern foreland of the High Atlas of Morocco. The Amekchoud profile covers the Aït Ouglif and Aït Kandoula alluvial formations that form the bulk of the Ouarzazate basin fill, indicating an age between the upper Langhian and the Messinian (Miocene). Data obtained in the previously unexplored Hadida formation profile covers the oldest terms of the foreland basin succession, but the low quality of the magnetic record only allows proposing a tentative age between the middle Lutetian and an undetermined middle to late Eocene. The correlation of the Amekchoud profile is based on the recognition of the long C5n chron (Tortonian) in the middle part of the section studied and a new vertebrate locality of upper Tortonian age found in the upper part. These results indicate a discontinuous record of foreland basin development in the southern Atlas domain from mid Eocene to late Miocene times, punctuated by an intermediate large hiatus of 20-25 ma (late Eocene to mid Miocene). Thrusting in the Sub-Atlas frontal thrust belt began before the Aït Ouglif and Kandoula formations, probably during the Oligocene, and extends up to recent times. The alternation of periods of deposition with others of no sedimentary record, which does not coincide with specific tectonic events, results probably from the interference of orogenic deformation and the mantle-related thermal uplift events that have been described for the Moroccan Atlas.  相似文献   

Fluvial sediments, here assigned to the Bergalia Formation, adjacent to the middle reaches of the Clyde River near Batemans Bay on the New South Wales south coast were deposited prior to a basalt valley flow with K–Ar ages averaging 27.7 ± 0.3 Ma. Similar Bergalia Formation sediments are preserved near Mogo, south of Batemans Bay, and suggest that the Clyde River flowed south through the Mogo area prior to diversion to the east. The diversion resulted from local‐scale neotectonic movements or sea‐level changes after the mid‐Oligocene. The previously undescribed deposits at these two locations provide evidence that relief comparable to or greater than the present existed in the Clyde River valley by this time. The basalt and sediments in the Clyde River valley indicate that the coastal lowlands in southeast New South Wales were developed prior to the mid‐Tertiary period.  相似文献   

西昆仑山前晚新生代地貌与沉积特征记录了西昆仑山及青藏高原西北缘的隆升过程。利用沉积学、地貌学、古地磁研究结果,对西昆仑晚新生代构造活动进行了探讨。约25Ma,西昆仑山前沉积面貌发生显著变化,反映西昆仑山整体开始隆升;约5Ma时,西昆仑山前磨拉石发育,表明西昆仑山开始快速隆升。古地磁结果表明:始新世—中新世西昆仑有显著的旋转运动,而第四纪以来水平挤压造成的垂直运动为主,没有明显的旋转运动。河流阶地发育显示,西昆仑地区约在1.2Ma时河流下切开始形成阶地,第四纪中晚期以来西昆仑地区构造抬升幅度与频率加快,全新世中期(约5kaB.P.)有一次快速隆升过程。  相似文献   

The Qinling Orogen, a majestic high mountain, is located in the center of China mainland. Qinling Mountains is nearly 2 500 km from the west to the east. It holds a very prominent role not only in the geological but also in the geographical study. In geology, it was built through collision between the North China and South China Blocks. It became the backbone of the tectonic framework of China mainland. In the other way, Qinling is the geographical boundaries in ecological and cultural environment between the northern and the southern China. Many previous studies have dealt with the tectonic system dynamics and structural evolution of Qinling, but most work has focused on the tectonic evolution of the Qinling from the Paleozoic to the Mesozoic. However, the Cenozoic tectonic uplift evolution of Qinling has caused less attention, and little research has been done on the environmental effect of Qinling. And there are still debates about these two questions. The purpose of this paper was to provide an overview of the current studies about the Cenozoic tectonic uplift and its environmental effects of the Qinling Mountains. Finally, this paper pointed out the existing research achievements and the problems to be solved in future research.  相似文献   

通过磷灰石裂变径迹热年代学研究,揭示了新生代时期大兴安岭东南坡平均隆升速率为29.68m/Ma,大约隆升了1 944 m,平均降温103.50℃,平均地温梯度为53.24℃/km。在时间上,其隆升剥蚀具有明显的幕式特点,5次低速和4次高速隆升相间分布。其中,4个高速隆升期分别是距今56.44~49.65Ma、40.40~31.80 Ma2、5.00~17.91 Ma1、1.72~4.45 Ma。在空间上,隆升存在差异,根据其隆升剥蚀情况,可将新生代大兴安岭东南坡的地貌演化分为4个阶段:(1)距今65.50~56.44 Ma为以FT4为分隔点的定点分隔型地貌;(2)56.44~40.40 Ma为挠曲下降型地貌;(3)40.40~8.00 Ma为以FT1为分隔点的定点分隔型地貌;(4)8.00~0.00 Ma为以FT7为分隔点的定点分隔型地貌。在总体隆升的高速期,地貌类型发生转换。  相似文献   

西昆仑山前冲断带晚新生代构造地貌特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在卫片解译、DEM数据处理、地形图分析与剖面制作的基础上,结合野外构造地貌考察与观测,对西昆仑山前冲断带的构造地貌特征进行了定量、半定量的研究。沿山前发育系统的水系变化、冲积扇变化、不对称背斜、大规模正断裂、不对称河流阶地等典型的构造地貌,表明这条由南向北逆冲的冲断带在扩展过程中存在着由西向东迁移的特征。冲断带的东西分段以桑株河为界,以西发育固满背斜,其构造样式为向北的逆冲伴随向南的反冲;以东发育一系列不对称的背斜,表现出明显的由南向北逆冲的特征,地表无明显的反冲构造出现。利用生长地层和河流阶地估算了西昆仑山的隆升速率:晚上新世—早更新世以来的最低隆升速率为0.21~0.25mm/a,100ka以来的隆升速率为1.5mm/a。  相似文献   

Mining and processing of arsenopyrite ore at the Mole River mine in the 1920–1930s resulted in abandoned mine workings, waste dumps and an arsenic oxide treatment plant. Weathering of waste material (2.6–26.6 wt% As) leads to the formation of water soluble, As‐bearing mineral salts (pharmacolite, arsenolite, krautite) and sulfates which affect surface waters after rainfall events. Highly contaminated soils, covering about 12 ha at the mine, have extreme As (mean 0.93 wt%) and elevated Fe, Ag, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn values compared with background soils (mean 8 ppm As). Regionally contaminated soils have a mean As content of 55 ppm and the contaminated area is estimated to be 60 km2. The soils have acquired their metal enrichments by hydromorphic dispersion from the dissolution of As‐rich particulates, erosion of As‐rich particulates from the dumps, and atmospheric fall‐out from processing plant emissions. Stream sediments within a radius of 2 km of the mine display metal enrichments (62 ppm to 27.5 wt% As) compared with the mean background of 23 ppm As. This enrichment has been caused by erosion and collapse of waste‐dump material into local creeks, seepages and ephemeral surface runoff, and erosion and transportation of contaminated soil into the local drainage system. Water samples from a mine shaft and waste‐dump seepages have the lowest pH (4.1) and highest As values (up to 13.9 mg/L), and contain algal blooms of Klebsormidium sp. The variable flow regime of the Mole River causes dilution of As‐rich drainage waters to background values (mean 0.0086 mg/L As) within 2.5 km downstream. Bioaccumulation of As and phytotoxicity to lower plants has been observed in the mine area, but several metal‐tolerant plant species (Angophora floribunda, Cassinia laevis, Chrysocephalum apiculatum, Cymbopogon refractus, Cynodon dactylon, Juncus subsecundus and Poa sieberiana) colonise the periphery of the contaminated site.  相似文献   

The continental climatic evolution of Anatolia has been reconstructed quantitatively for the last 45 million years using the coexistence approach. Although there were some regional effects, the Anatolian Cenozoic continental climate record correlated with the European climatic condition and the global oxygen isotope record from marine environments. From middle Eocene to late Miocene, continental warming in Anatolia was pronounced for inferred winter temperature and mean annual temperature as in Europe. Generally, the palaeoclimatic property of Anatolia resembles the European climatic changing and marine temperature changing based on the oxygen isotope record; however, climatic values of the terrestrial area in Anatolia are higher from Lutetian to Aquitanian and these values are lower than European values from Aquitanian to Tortonian. Correspondingly, Cenozoic climatic cooling in Anatolia is directly associated with an increase of seasonality, palaeogeographic position and terrestrial condition. Furthermore, mean annual precipitation values of Anatolia remained relatively stable during the Eocene–Oligocene; however, these values indicated changing throughout middle–late Miocene. Moreover, in this study, decline of abundance and variables for the mangrove and back mangrove palaeocommunities during the last 45 million years is recorded because of the decreasing of humidity, temperature and increasing of terrestrial condition.  相似文献   

阿尔金北缘EW向山脉新生代隆升剥露的裂变径迹证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要利用磷灰石裂变径迹测年技术探讨了阿尔金北缘EW向山脉隆升的时空差异特征。22个岩体分别采自阿尔金北缘EW向山体中的卓尔布拉克、大平沟和喀腊大湾地区。裂变径迹测试结果显示,样品的径迹年龄介于(62.6±3.5)~(28.3±1.7)Ma,平均径迹长度均介于(13.25±0.15)~(14.29±0.1)μm之间。进一步根据裂变径迹长度和温度数据,开展了磷灰石温度-时间的反演模拟。结果表明,阿尔金北缘山体的隆升呈现一定的规律:在南北方向上,南部率先隆升并向北部扩展,东西方向上,山脉中段大平沟样品径迹年龄较其他样品年龄大且时间局限在古新世和始新世,呈现中间向两侧隆升趋势。所有样品热史模拟曲线形态相对一致,径迹长度分布呈单峰式,表明阿尔金北缘地区可能仅仅新生代经历了古新世—渐新世(65—28 Ma)的快速隆升-剥露事件,中新世及后期的构造隆升-剥露事件在本区不发育。对比分析阿尔金地区的隆升剥露热事件可知,阿尔金山脉新生代的隆升-剥露整体性和差异性共存:古近纪阿尔金山脉隆升具有普遍性和区域性,而中新世至今的隆升和剥露仅仅存在于NEE走向阿尔金主断裂带旁侧的山体和NE向的山体,推测中新世以来阿尔金主断裂带的快速走滑并没有影响阿尔金北缘EW向山体的隆升和剥露。  相似文献   

海南岛是南海地块的重要组成部分,其构造演化很大程度上能够反映整个南海的构造活动特征。新生代,海南岛在新构造运动作用下,断块差异升降比较明显,形成了大致以王五 文教断裂为界,北为沉降区,南为断隆区的构造格局。对断隆区隆升过程的研究能够帮助揭示海南岛新构造活动历史,但至今为止,琼中南山地隆升的原因和时限仍存在争议。为了厘清海南岛中部的剥露隆升事件,本文选择琼中南地区海拔最高、高差最大的五指山为研究区,采集8组高程岩石样品,高程范围为203. 55~1153. 52 m。对采集的样品进行了磷灰石裂变径迹测试和热历史模拟分析,结果表明海南岛五指山地区新生代主要经历了两期快速隆升剥露。第一期为渐新世—中新世(32~17 Ma):隆升速率较快,此时期太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲后撤,南海正经历第二次扩张,使得海南岛拉张,活动强烈,造成琼中山地区快速隆升,直到中中新世转为缓慢隆升。第二期为中新世末期(5 Ma)的快速剥蚀隆升阶段:南海扩张已经结束,随着菲律宾板块俯冲亚洲板块,南海北部陆缘整体处于加速热沉降阶段,且全球气候变化加快,造成了海南岛广泛的隆起和加速剥蚀。  相似文献   

新生代构造与羌塘盆地油气保存   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
羌塘盆地为我国陆上油气资源潜力巨大的一个中生代海相残留盆地,地处青藏高原腹地,但高原的强烈隆升、新构造运动的频繁作用和中上侏罗统的大片裸露,以侏罗系为目的层的油气,能否保存至今令人怀疑。羌塘盆地油气保存条件的问题已成为石油地质条件评价中一个十分突出的焦点问题。笔者就已有的资料,通过对新生代构造活动、断裂活动影响和高原隆升等方面的初步分析,对羌塘盆地油气的保存条件进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

LATE CENOZOIC TECTONICS ALONG THE NORTHWESTERN MARGIN OF THE TARIM BASIN: INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE TARIM BASIN AND THE SOUTHERN TIAN SHAN, WEST CHINAgrants 4 98340 50and 4 9732 0 90fromtheNSFofChina;;andproject96 913 0 7 0 1fromtheMinistryofSci enceandTechnology ,China…  相似文献   

艾可可  季军良 《地球科学》2015,40(3):535-547
通过对准噶尔西北缘和什托洛盖盆地新近系白杨河剖面详细的沉积学和磁组构的研究, 探讨了准噶尔西北部山地约7 Ma以来的构造变化.白杨河剖面由下至上可划分为塔西河组、独山子组和西域组, 分别对应于浅湖相、扇三角洲相和砾质辫状河相.古流向和砾石成分分析表明, 剖面物源来自和什托洛盖盆地北侧山地.根据沉积学和磁化率与磁组构参数(Pj、T、L和F)的变化, 准噶尔西北部地区约7 Ma以来的构造-环境演变可划分为3个阶段: 阶段Ⅰ(6.80~3.50 Ma): 浅湖相, 磁化率和磁组构参数值为剖面最低, 且变化幅度很小, 代表了构造环境比较稳定, 地势高差较小或物源区较远; 阶段Ⅱ(3.50~2.58 Ma): 扇三角洲相, 沉积速率、磁化率和磁组构参数值显著增大, 表明准噶尔西北部山地强烈隆升; 阶段Ⅲ(<2.58 Ma): 砾质辫状河相, 磁化率和磁组构参数值进一步增大, 可能是构造隆升与气候变化共同作用的结果.3.50 Ma准噶尔西北部山地强烈的构造隆升与天山地区和青藏高原周缘约3.00~4.00 Ma的构造隆升具有准同时性, 是印度-欧亚板块陆内俯冲挤压远程效应表现.   相似文献   

渤海湾盆地黄骅坳陷中北区新生代幕式沉降过程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄骅坳陷中北区是位于渤海湾盆地中部的一个重要新生代构造单元.构造层序界面分析、同生断裂活动和盆地沉降史回剥分析表明该区经历了幕式沉降过程,沉降中心显示出规律性的迁移演化特征.馆陶组底界面为区域性裂后不整合界面,将研究区的演化划分为裂陷期和裂后期.在裂陷期的充填序列中,沙一段底界面为整个研究区都可以识别的显著的角度不整合界面,以此界面为界,盆地的裂陷期进一步划分为裂陷Ⅰ幕和裂陷Ⅱ幕.裂陷Ⅰ幕发育了Es3-Es2地层,断裂几何学和断裂的性质表明该幕构造活动为北西南东向伸展作用所致,而裂陷Ⅱ幕发育了Es1-Ed地层,为近南北向拉伸作用的结果.裂后期,从早到晚则表现为由稳定热沉降到加速沉降的过程.分析认为上述盆地的幕式沉降过程与区域应力场的转变密切相关,受控于周缘板块的动力学事件,尤其是晚始新世之后,太平洋板块对欧亚大陆向西的加速俯冲,促使了郯庐断裂右旋活动向南延伸和穿过黄骅坳陷的兰聊断裂北段的活化,形成了位于渤海海域的南北向伸展叠加区,从根本上改变了黄骅坳陷中北区应力场的分布,由此导致了盆地同裂陷阶段的幕式演化.   相似文献   

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