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Abstract. In the Kamuikotan zone, central Hokkaido, Japan, two distinct types of metamorphic rocks are tectonically mixed up, along with a great quantity of ultramafic rocks; one type consists of high-pressure metamorphic rocks, and the other of low-pressure ones. The high-pressure metamorphic rocks are divided into two categories. (1) Prograde greenschist to glaucophaneschist facies rocks derived from mudstone, sandstone, limestone, a variety of basic rocks such as pillow and massive lavas, hyaloclastite and tuff, and radiolarian (Valanginian to Hauterivian) chert, among which the basic rocks and the chert, and occasionally the sandstone, occur as incoherent blocks (or inclusions) enveloped by mudstone. (2) Retrograde amphibolites with minor metachert and glaucophane-calcite rock, which are tectonic (or exotic) blocks enclosed within prograde mudstone or serpentinite, or separated from these prograde rocks by faults. The K-Ar ages of the prograde metamorphic rocks (72, 107 and 116 Ma on phengitic muscovites) are younger than those of the retrograde rocks (109, 132, 135 and 145 Ma on muscovites, and 120 Ma on hornblende). The low-pressure metamorphic rocks consist of the mafic members of an ophiolite sequence with a capping of radiolarian (Tithonian) chert with the metamorphic grade ranging from the zeolite facies, through the greenschist (partly, actinolite-calcic plagioclase) facies to the amphibolite (partly, hornblende-granulite) facies. The low-pressure metamorphism has a number of similarities with that described for'ocean-floor'metamorphism. The tectonic evolution of such a mixed-up zone is discussed in relation to Mesozoic plate motion.  相似文献   

The Cambro‐Ordovician Glenelg River Complex in the Harrow district, western Victoria, consists of extensive granitic rocks associated with a migmatitic metasedimentary envelope. Metasedimentary rocks comprise amphibolite facies massive‐laminated quartzo‐feldspathic schists and layered gneisses with minor sillimanite‐bearing horizons. Intercalated are stromatic and nebulitic migmatites of granitic and tonalitic character; textural evidence suggests that both varieties developed by in situ partial melting. Ranging from adamellite to leucotonalite, granitic rocks contain abundant magmatic muscovite, commonly with garnet and sillimanite, and exhibit generally unrecrystallised igneous textures. Heterogeneous structurally concordant plutons transitional to migmatites and more uniform intrusive phases are delineated with both types hosting diverse metasedimentary enclaves, micaceous selvages and schlieren; a gneissic foliation of variable intensity is defined by the latter. These petrographic attributes are consistent with derivation of plutons by anatexis of a peraluminous metasedimentary protolith. The schlieric foliation is not tectonically imposed, but rather directly inherited from the migmatitic precursor, compositional variations within which are preserved by the layered Schofield Adamellite. The most mafic granitic body (Tuloona Granodiorite) also has igneous microgranular enclaves indicating a more complex petrogenesis. Metasedimentary rocks experienced five episodes of folding, the latest involving macroscopic open warps. This is analogous to the structural history elucidated elsewhere in the Glenelg River Complex, by inference a coherent tectonic entity whose present metamorphic and stratigraphic configuration might be governed by F5 folding. Structures within migmatites intimate that partial melting proceeded throughout the deformational history and peaked syn‐D4 to pre‐D5, whilst temperatures had waned to sub‐biotite grade in the southwestern Glenelg River Complex. Granitic rocks were generated during this anatectic culmination and were therefore emplaced late in the orogenic history relative to other syntectonic phases of the Glenelg River Complex.  相似文献   

Abstract Regional metamorphism in central Inner Mongolia has occurred during four different periods: the middle Proterozoic, the early Palaeozoic, the middle Palaeozoic and the late Palaeozoic tectonic cycles. The middle Proterozoic and late Palaeozoic metamorphic events are associated with rifting and are characterized by low-pressure facies series. The early Palaeozoic metamorphism occurred in two stages: (1) subduction zone metamorphism resulted in paired metamorphic belts in the Ondor Sum ophiolite and Bainaimiao island arc complex; and (2) orogenic metamorphism occurred during the collision of an island arc with the continent. Two types of middle Palaeozoic metamorphism are represented: (1) subduction zone metamorphism, which affected the melange; and (2) orogenic metamorphism that resulted from continent–continent collision.  相似文献   

The upper deck of the East Athabasca mylonite triangle (EAmt), northern Saskatchewan, Canada, contains mafic granulites that have undergone high P–T metamorphism at conditions ranging from 1.3 to 1.9 GPa, 890–960 °C. Coronitic textures in these mafic granulites indicate a near‐isothermal decompression path to 0.9 GPa, 800 °C. The Godfrey granite occurs to the north adjacent to the upper deck high P–T domain. Well‐preserved corona textures in the Godfrey granite constrain igneous crystallization and early metamorphism in the intermediate‐pressure granulite field (Opx + Pl) at 1.0 GPa, 775 °C followed by metamorphism in the high pressure granulite field (Grt + Cpx + Pl) at 1.2 GPa, 860 °C. U–Pb geochronology of zircon in upper deck mafic granulite yields evidence for events at both c. 2.5 Ga and c. 1.9 Ga. The oldest zircon dates are interpreted to constrain a minimum age for crystallization or early metamorphism of the protolith. A population of 1.9 Ga zircon in one mafic granulite is interpreted to constrain the timing of high P–T metamorphism. Titanite from the mafic granulites yields dates ranging from 1900 to 1894 Ma, and is interpreted to have grown along the decompression path, but still above its closure temperature, indicating cooling following the high P–T metamorphism from c. 960–650 °C in 4–10 Myr. Zircon dates from the Godfrey granite indicate a minimum crystallization age of 2.61 Ga, without any evidence for 1.9 Ga overgrowths. The data indicate that an early granulite facies event occurred at c. 2.55–2.52 Ga in the lower crust (c. 1.0 GPa), but at 1.9 Ga the upper deck underwent high P–T metamorphism, then decompressed to 0.9–1.0 GPa. Juxtaposition of the upper deck and Godfrey granite would have occurred after or been related to this decompression. In this model, the high P–T rocks are exhumed quickly following the high pressure metamorphism. This type of metamorphism is typically associated with collisional orogenesis, which has important implications for the Snowbird tectonic zone as a fundamental boundary in the Canadian Shield.  相似文献   

The Rathjen Gneiss is the oldest and structurally most complex of the granitic intrusives in the southern Adelaide Fold‐Thrust Belt and therefore provides an important constraint on the timing of the Delamerian Orogen. Zircons in the Rathjen Gneiss show a complex growth history, reflecting inheritance, magmatic crystallisation and metamorphism. Both single zircon evaporation (‘Kober’ technique) and SHRIMP analysis yield best estimates of igneous crystallisation of 514 ± 5 Ma, substantially older than other known felsic intrusive ages in the southern Adelaide Fold‐Thrust Belt. This age places an older limit on the start of the Delamerian metamorphism and is compatible with known stratigraphic constraints suggesting the Early Cambrian Kanmantoo Group was deposited, buried and heated in less than 20 million years. High‐U overgrowths on zircons were formed during subsequent metamorphism and yield a 206Pb/238U age of 503 ± 7 Ma. The Delamerian Orogeny lasted no more than 35 million years. The emplacement of the Rathjen Gneiss as a pre‐ or early syntectonic granite is emphasised by its geochemical characteristics, which show affiliations with within‐plate or anorogenic granites. In contrast, younger syntectonic granites in the southern Adelaide Fold‐Thrust Belt have geochemical characteristics more typical of granites in convergent orogens. The Early Ordovician post‐tectonic granites then mark a return to anorogenic compositions. The sensitivity of granite chemistry to changes in tectonic processes is remarkable and clearly reflects changes in the contribution of crust and mantle sources.  相似文献   

This contribution addresses contact metamorphism and fluid flow in calcareous rocks of the Neoproterozoic Shaler Supergroup on Victoria Island, Arctic Canada. These processes occurred due to intrusion of gabbroic sills and dykes at c. 720 Ma during the Franklin magmatic event, which was associated with the break‐up of Rodinia. The intrusive sheets (sills and dykes) are a few metres to ~50 m thick. Metasedimentary rocks were examined in three locations with very good exposures of vertical dykes feeding horizontal sills, the Northern Feeder Dyke (NFD) complex, the Southern Feeder Dyke (SFD) complex and the Uhuk Massif. In the NFD and SFD complexes, protoliths were limestones and dolostones with minor silicates, and at the Uhuk Massif, the protoliths were silty dolostones. At the time of magma emplacement, these locations were at depths of 1–4 km. The widths of contact aureoles are only several decametres wide, commensurate with thicknesses of the dykes and sills. Splays of tremolite mark incipient metamorphism. Highest grade rocks in the NFD and SFD complexes contain the prograde assemblage diopside + phlogopite whereas at Uhuk they contain the assemblage vesuvianite + garnet + diopside. The assemblages are successfully modelled with TX(CO2)fluid pseudosections that suggest achievement of CO2‐rich fluid compositions due to early decarbonation reactions, followed by influx of aqueous fluids after peak metamorphism. Rapid heating of host rocks and short near‐peak temperature intervals are demonstrated by the prevalent morphology of diopside as radial splays of acicular crystals that appear to pseudomorph tremolite and by incomplete recrystallization of calcite in marbles. Calcsilicates in the roof of one sill at Uhuk experienced metasomatic influx of Fe that is evidenced by nearly pure andradite rims on grossular garnet. Vesuvianite, which overgrew the grossular portions of garnet, also contains ferric iron. Vesuvianite was partially consumed during retrograde growth of serpentine and andradite. The occurrence of serpentine in high‐grade portions of aureoles is consistent with eventual levelling‐off of temperatures between 350 and 400 °C, an inference that is supported by modelled conductive heat transfer from the cooling magma sheets. Focused fluid flow near intrusion‐wall rock contacts is demonstrated by narrow zones of anomalously low δ13C and δ18O values of carbonate minerals. Although the up to 5‰ decrease of both δ13C and δ18O values from sedimentary values is much smaller than is typical for calcsilicate aureoles around large plutons, it is greater than what could have been achieved by decarbonation alone. The decrease in δ13C is attributed to fluid‐mediated exchange with organic low‐13C carbon that is dispersed through the unmetamorphosed rocks and the decrease in δ18O is attributed to fluid‐mediated isotopic exchange with the gabbroic intrusive sheets. This study shows that when gabbroic sills and dykes intrude a sedimentary basin, (i) contact aureoles are likely to be narrow, only on the scale of several decametres; (ii) short high‐temperature regimes prevent achievement of equilibrium metamorphic textures; and (iii) TX(CO2)fluid paths in calcareous contact aureoles are likely to be complex, reflecting a transition from prograde decarbonation reactions to influx of aqueous fluids during cooling.  相似文献   

The magnetotelluric (MT) method was used to image the crust and upper mantle beneath the Delamerian and Lachlan orogens in western Victoria, Australia. During the Cambrian time period, this region changed from being the extended passive margin of Proterozoic Australia into an Andean-style convergent margin that progressively began to accrete younger oceanic terranes. Several broadband MT transects, which were collected in stages along coincident deep (full crust imaging) seismic reflection lines, have now been combined to create a continuous 500 km east–west transect over the Delamerian–Lachlan transition region in the Stawell Zone. We present the electrical resistivity structure of the lithosphere using both 3D and 2D inversion methods. Additionally, 1D inversions of long-period AusLAMP (Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project) MT data on a 55 km regionally spaced grid were used to provide starting constraints for the 3D inversion of the 2D profile. The Delamerian to Lachlan Orogen transition region coincides with the Mortlake Discontinuity, which marks an isotopic discontinuity in Cenozoic basalts, with higher strontium isotope enrichment ratios in the Lachlan Orogen relative to the Delamerian Orogen. Phase tensor ellipses of the MT data reveal a distinct change in electrical resistivity structure near the location of the Mortlake Discontinuity, and results of 3D and 2D inversions along the MT profile image a more conductive lower crust and upper mantle beneath the Lachlan Orogen than the Delamerian Orogen. Increased conductivity is commonly ascribed to mantle enrichment and thus supports the notion that the isotope enrichment of the Cenozoic basalts at least partially reflects an enriched mantle source rather than crustal contamination. Fault slivers of the lower crust from the more conductive Lachlan region expose Cambrian boninites and island arc andesites indicative of subduction, a process that can enrich the mantle isotopically, and also electrically, by introducing carbon (graphite) and water (hydrogen).  相似文献   

采用煤质化验、XRD、SEM等测试手段,分析煤的化学组分、结构特征、显微构造等特征,结合古应力估算值、古温度和应变速率等结果,探讨了湖南新化地区煤变形变质特征与构造环境的关系。结果表明:煤样的d002值为3.36~3.39 nm,受天龙山构造挤压的局部应力场及叠加岩浆构造热的作用,煤逐渐转变为隐晶质石墨,结晶颗粒是由细小的鳞片组成的集合体,粒径集中在50~250 nm;石墨3R型含量随着煤化程度升高,石墨晶体开始增加,Rh相的数量减少;构造变形环境属于低温低围压高应变速率的浅层脆性-韧脆性构造域;天龙山岩体提供了构造热源,侧向挤压应力使寒婆坳向斜煤大分子结构有序化,层面间距减小,形成隐晶质石墨。  相似文献   

The basement of the North China Craton can be divided into the eastern, central and western zones, based on lithological, structural, metamorphic and geochronological data. The western zone comprises two different petrotectonic units: Archaean tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioritic (TTG) grey gneisses and metamorphic mafic rocks, and Palaeoproterozoic khondalite series. The former is characterized by isobaric cooling (IBC)-type anticlockwise PT paths in the north-northwestern part of the zone and near-isothermal decompression (ITD)-type clockwise PT paths in the eastern part, adjacent to the central zone. On the other hand, the tectonothermal evolution of Palaeoproterozoic khondalite series rocks is characterized exclusively by nearly isothermal decompression following the peak of metamorphism and then cooling, defining clockwise PT paths. The Archaean TTG gneisses and associated mafic rocks with anticlockwise metamorphic PT paths reflects an origin related to underplating and intrusion of mantle-derived magmas which may be derived from mantle plumes. They represent a late Archaean continental block in the western part of the North China Craton. The Palaeoproterozoic khondalite series rocks represent passive continental margin deposits. They were metamorphosed and deformed in the late Palaeoproterozoic during the amalgamation of the western continental block with another continental block in the east part of the North China Craton. The ITD-type clockwise PTt paths of the Palaeoproterozoic khondalite series rocks record the tectonothermal histories of the collision of the western and eastern continental blocks which resulted in the final assembly of the North China Craton at c. 1800 Ma.  相似文献   

One‐dimensional thermal (1DT) modelling of an Acadian (Devonian) tectonothermal regime in southern Vermont, USA, used measured metamorphic pressures and temperatures and estimated metamorphic cooling ages based on published thermobarometric and geochronological studies to constrain thermal and tectonic input parameters. The area modelled lies within the Vermont Sequence of the Acadian orogen and includes: (i) a western domain containing garnet‐grade pre‐Silurian metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks from the eastern flank of an Acadian composite dome structure (Rayponda–Sadawga Dome); and (ii) an eastern domain containing similar, but staurolite‐ or kyanite‐grade, rocks from the western flank of a second dome structure (Athens Dome), approximately 10 km farther east. Using reasonable input parameters based on regional geological, petrological and geochronological constraints, the thermal modelling produced plausible PT paths, and temperature–time (T t) and pressure–time (Pt) curves. Information extracted from PT t modelling includes values of maximum temperature and pressure on the PT paths, pressure at maximum temperature, predicted Ar closure ages for hornblende, muscovite and K‐feldspar, and integrated exhumation and cooling rates for segments of the cooling history. The results from thermal modelling are consistent with independently obtained pressure, temperature and Ar cooling age data on regional metamorphism in southern Vermont. Modelling results provide some important bounding limits on the physical conditions during regional metamorphism, and indicate that the pressure contemporaneous with the attainment of peak temperature was probably as much as 2.5 kbar lower than the actual maximum pressure experienced by rocks along various particle paths. In addition, differences in peak metamorphic grade (garnet‐grade versus staurolite‐grade or kyanite‐grade) and peak temperature for rocks initially loaded to similar crustal depths, differences in calculated exhumation rates, and differences in 40Ar/39Ar closure ages are likely to have been consequences of variations in the duration of isobaric heating (or ‘crustal residence periods’) and tectonic unroofing rates. Modelling results are consistent with a regional structural model that suggests west to east younging of specific Acadian deformational events, and therefore diachroneity of attainment of peak metamorphic conditions and subsequent 40Ar/39Ar closure during cooling. Modelling is consistent with the proposition that regional variations in timing and peak conditions of metamorphism are the result of the variable depths to which rocks were loaded by an eastward‐thickening thrust‐nappe pile rooted to the east (New Hampshire Sequence), as well as by diachronous structural processes within the lower plate rocks of the Vermont Sequence.  相似文献   

The northern part of the central India tectonic zone (CITZ) is occupied by the Proterozoic Mahakoshal Belt, which is mainly comprised of granitoids and volcano-sedimentary lithounits. The granitoids (ca. 1880–1710 Ma) are exposed as small circular to elliptical-shaped, stock-like intrusive bodies, such as Nerueadamar granitoids (NG), Tumiya granitoids (TG), Jhirgadandi granitoids (JG), Dudhi granite gneiss (DG), Raspahari granitoids (RG), Katoli granitoids (KG), and Harnakachar granitoids (HG), collectively forming the granite gneissic complex (GGC). The geochemistry of biotites, host granitoids, and enclaves from these plutons has been investigated in order to understand the redox condition and likely tectonic affinity of host granitoids. The Al2O3–MgO–FeOt contents and operated elemental substitution in biotites strongly suggest the diverse nature of host magmas such as calc-alkaline, metaluminous (I-type), peraluminous (S-type), and transitional between I- and S-types, which appear to have formed in subduction zone and syn-collisional tectonic settings. The transitional (I-S)-type granitoids inferred based on biotite compositions, however, represent both metaluminous (HG) and peraluminous (DG and KG) granitoids in terms of whole-rock molar A/CNK (Al2O3/CaO + Na2O + K2O) ratios. Ages of granitoid magmatism and its field association with contemporaneous volcano-sedimentary lithounits clearly mark the post-collisional tectonic setting, which contradicts the subduction-related tectonic setting inferred from biotites of JG and microgranular enclave (JE) hosted in JG. Whole-rock major and trace elements broadly suggest the existence of collision tectonics during the formation of granitoid plutons. The JG, KG, and DG contain a bt-Kf-mag-qtz assemblage, and their parental magmas evolved under moderate oxidizing environments (?O2 = ?12.03 to ?13.27 bars). On the other hand, RG (bt-gt-Kf-pl-qtz), NG (bt-ms-Kf-pl-qtz), and TG (bt-ms-Kf-pl-qtz) represent pure crustal-derived magmas evolved in strongly reducing conditions formed under a syn-collisional tectonic setting as evident from their mineral assemblages and biotite and whole-rock compositions. Granitoid plutons of the Mahakoshal Belt were most likely formed during amalgamation of the Columbian supercontinent.  相似文献   


Quartz diorite intrusions in the Jiefangyingzi area associated with deformed Palaeozoic rocks of the Palaeozoic Bainaimiao arc magmatic belt on the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) were studied to determine their age, chemical composition, and isotopic characteristics. U–Pb dating of magmatic zircons indicates that the quartz diorites formed in Neoarchaean time between 2502.6 ± 9.1 Ma and 2551 ± 7.3 Ma. The quartz diorites have high Al2O3 and low K2O contents, A/CNK = 0.75–0.97, and belong to the low-K tholeiitic series. The quartz diorites are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREEs) with high (La/Yb)N ratios and exhibit weak positive or no Eu anomalies, characteristics of high-alumina tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) igneous rocks. Zircon εHf(t) value for the quartz diorites ranges from +1.6 to +8.7, and the two-stage Hf-depleted mantle model age (TDM) ranges from 2705 to 2744 Ma, suggesting that the quartz diorite was derived from melting juvenile Neoarchaean crust formed from partial melting of the mantle at 2.7 Ga. Amphibolite xenoliths have low REE concentrations and are moderately depleted in LREE with (La/Yb)N ratios of 0.46–1.09. The trace element characteristics of the amphibolites are consistent with a mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB)-like protolith. This is the first time that Archaean rocks have been identified in the Bainaimiao arc magmatic belt and the age and nature of Jiefangyingzi quartz diorites suggest that they belonged to the NCC. The Early Palaeozoic Bainaimiao arc thus appears to represent an Andean-type continental arc on the northern margin of the NCC.  相似文献   

极低级变质作用对年轻造山带构造演化和油气勘探有重要意义,近年来成为地质学家探讨的热点领域。文章以中国东北地区南缘石炭—二叠系为研究对象,探讨了其极低级变质作用的特征。通过对兴蒙造山带东段林西—乌兰浩特地区二叠纪地层的伊利石结晶度、b0值和多型等参数进行测试分析发现,伊利石结晶度Kübler指数在0.175~0.47之间,大多数集中于0.25~0.35,平均值为0.30;样品b0值主要在9.0155~9.0316 ?之间,平均值为9.0249 ?;伊利石多型主要为2M1。以上结果表明研究区二叠系林西组和哲斯组主要经历了葡萄石-绿纤石相的极低级变质作用,变质温度200~370 ℃,压力为中压,同时表明其具有较高的生烃潜力。结合二叠系生烃期研究和区内广泛发育的白垩纪侵入体推测,二叠系极低级变质作用可能发生在早白垩世,且与岩体侵入导致的地温梯度升高有关。   相似文献   

北大别经历了三叠纪高温超高压变质作用和多阶段折返历史,因而榴辉岩中广泛发育多期减压结构,极少保留早期的超高压变质记录,这为它们不同变质阶段的温度条件估算带来了巨大困难。然而,目前流行的微量元素温度计为北大别榴辉岩的峰期及之后的退变质阶段温度的确定提供了可能性。根据锆石中Ti和金红石中Zr温度计,结合传统矿物对温度计的计算数据,获得了北大别榴辉岩中多阶段高温(>900 ℃)条件的数据,证明研究区经历了从超高压榴辉岩相→石英榴辉岩相→高压麻粒岩相阶段的高温变质过程。并且,北大别经历了折返初期(207±4 Ma)的减压熔融和碰撞后燕山期(约130 Ma)的加热熔融作用。长时间的高温变质作用与多期部分熔融也许正是北大别长期难以发现柯石英和有关超高压变质证据等的重要原因。因此,这些成果有助于甄别北大别的岩石成因和演化过程以及大别山多岩片差异折返模型的建立和完善。  相似文献   

麦堆构造混杂岩带位于班公湖-怒江结合带南侧、措勤盆地的北缘,由性质不同的各种构造岩片组成,岩片呈近东西向展布,之间多为构造接触,多期变形明显。其中的变质超基性岩岩片宽数米—数十米不等,经历了强烈的蛇纹石化、硅化及碳酸盐化。变质超基性岩虽然化学成分变化很大,但仍具较高的MgO、Cr、Co、Ni含量和m/f比值,属阿尔卑斯型超镁铁质岩,是残余地幔的组成部分。该带变质超基性岩及其伴生硅质岩应属蛇绿岩构造残片,是麦堆构造混杂岩的一部分,其形成与班公湖-怒江特提斯洋向南的俯冲有关,是早中侏罗世弧后或弧间小洋盆环境的产物。  相似文献   

哀牢山缝合带中两类火山岩地球化学特征及其构造意义   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
在哀牢山构造带的哀牢山断裂与花山-雅邑断裂之间出路大量不同构造环境的岩浆岩。除双沟蛇绿岩外,尚发现有景东火山岩和墨江火山岩。地球化学研究表明,景东火山岩具有类似于富集型洋中脊玄武岩(P-MORB)地球化学特征,形成于以双沟蛇绿岩为代表的哀牢山洋盆先期的陆内裂谷构造环境;墨江火山岩具有岛弧火山岩地球化学特征,形成于哀牢山洋盆向西俯冲消减作用下的岛弧构造环境。景东裂谷型火山岩和墨江岛弧火山岩分别代表了  相似文献   

Amphibolites in the Shuixiakou area of the southern Dunhuang Orogenic Belt, southernmost Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), occur as lenses within hornblende-biotite-plagioclase gneiss or pelitic schist, exhibiting block-in-matrix feature of tectonic mélange. Three generations of metamorphic mineral assemblages (M1, M2, and M3) have been recognized in the garnet-bearing amphibolite lenses. The metamorphic prograde assemblage (M1) is documented with inclusion trails (hornblende + plagioclase + quartz) within garnet porphyroblasts, and are estimated to be formed under 610–690 °C and 6.5–10.2 kbar. The metamorphic peak assemblage (M2) consists of garnet + hornblende + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + quartz in the matrix and records metamorphic peak P-T conditions of 720–750 °C and 13.4–14.7 kbar. The retrograde assemblage (M3) is represented by the symplectic assemblage (hornblende + plagioclase + quartz ± biotite ± magnetite) rimming the garnet porphyroblast, formed in the decompression stage under P-T conditions of 630–730 °C and 3.8–7.2 kbar. The derived metamorphic P-T paths show similar tight clockwise loops including nearly isothermal decompression processes, typical of orogenic metamorphism. SIMS dating of metamorphic zircons from the amphibolites confirm that the high-pressure metamorphism (M2) occurred at ca. 438–398 Ma.  相似文献   

张晋瑞  魏春景  初航 《岩石学报》2018,34(10):2857-2872
有关中亚造山带东段即兴蒙造山带早古生代以来的构造演化一直倍受关注,其中争议最大的问题是古亚洲洋最终闭合的时间究竟是在泥盆纪还是早中生代?晚古生代的大地构造背景究竟是持续的大洋俯冲还是经历了造山后的伸展裂解过程?以往对内蒙中部地区的研究多数局限于区域内广泛分布的蛇绿岩和各类型岩浆岩的年代学和地球化学,但是通过地球化学的方法来确定一个地区的构造环境往往具有多解性。为建立研究区的构造框架并查明兴蒙造山带构造演化过程,本文详细总结了内蒙古中部地区变质作用的最新研究进展,对兴蒙造山带的演化提出了新的认识。确定了该区域在古生代以来的变质作用可分为四期:第一期为志留纪的高压低温型(430~410Ma),以南、北带的温都尔庙群蛇绿混杂带为代表,发育典型的低温高压型蓝片岩相岩石,记录了洋壳的双向俯冲过程;第二期为早-中泥盆世的中压型(~400Ma),以宝音图群为代表,发育典型的巴罗型变质带,经历以升温升压为特征的前进变质、峰期变质、峰后近等温降压以及随后降温降压的顺时针型P-T演化,指示与地壳加厚有关的碰撞造山过程;第三期为石炭纪的低压高温型(345~309Ma),以锡林郭勒杂岩低压变质岩为代表,发育广泛的混合岩化和基性岩脉的侵入,经历早期升温伴随微弱减压,直至温度峰期后近等压冷却的顺时针P-T演化,指示造山后的陆内伸展过程;第四期为早三叠世(~240Ma)的中-低压低温型,以早三叠世区域低级变质岩系为代表,经历中-低压相系的顺时针P-T演化,指示与有限海盆闭合有关的陆内造山过程。结合已有的研究,内蒙古中部地区晚古生代的火山岩和侵入岩更可能形成于伸展的构造环境,超基性岩和沉积岩系的时空配置与典型大洋的蛇绿混杂岩明显不同,更可能形成于有限海盆的环境。因此,从四期变质作用来看,兴蒙造山带的构造演化可能更符合复合造山的模式:(1)早古生代古亚洲洋发育沟弧盆体系(500~410Ma);(2)早-中泥盆世古亚洲洋闭合引发陆陆碰撞造山(~400Ma);(3)石炭-二叠纪陆内伸展并形成有限海盆(350~250Ma)和(4)早-中三叠世有限海盆被动闭合引起板内造山(~240Ma)。  相似文献   

刘旭峰  任玉峰  韦诚  戚学祥 《岩石学报》2019,35(6):1757-1772
高黎贡构造带东南缘的混杂岩带形成的构造背景复杂。产于混杂岩带以东的中侏罗世玄武岩地球化学特征可能为该岩石形成的构造背景提供依据。滇西中侏罗世玄武岩分布于高黎贡构造带东缘的凤平镇-畹町(南带)和怒江(北带)一带。其中怒江一带玄武岩具有块状构造,气孔杏仁发育,间粒结构,发生了绿片岩相变质。岩石属于亚碱性拉斑系列,具有中等的MgO(5.09%~6.20%)、较高的钛(Ti O_21.64%~2.14%)、铁(Fe O~T9.19%~12.80%),且Na_2OK_2O。岩石Mg~#值(Mg~#=Mg~(2+)/(Mg~(2+)+Fe~(2+)))为0.51~0.59,反映了源区岩浆经历了明显的辉石和橄榄石分离结晶,同时存在低氧逸度下分离结晶。岩石富含稀土元素(78.52×10~(-6)~99.41×10~(-6)),具明显的轻、重稀土分馏((La/Yb)_N=4.06~5.54),无明显Eu异常(δEu=0.91~1.00),斜长石分离结晶不明显。同时,富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、Th、U)和高场强元素(Nb、Zr、Ti),具有弱的Nb、Zr、Ti负异常。较高的Zr/Y(3.58~5.88)、Ta/Yb(0.29~0.51)、Th/Yb(1.15~1.45)和(La/Nb)_N(1.03~1.41)比值,说明怒江一带玄武岩具有裂谷特征。相对高Nb含量(8.83×10~(-6)~15.60×10~(-6))和富集稀土元素不同于岛弧,周边及下部缺少洋壳和Nb负异常有别于OIB。岩浆源自富集的石榴石地幔橄榄岩部分熔融,在上涌过程中受到了地壳污染,显示Nb负异常。有限的岩浆作用规模和较短的喷发时间反映了高黎贡构造带东缘怒江一带具有被动拉张的裂谷性质,可能与古特提斯洋闭合引起的拉张作用有关。  相似文献   

张聪  刘晓瑜  杨经绥  李鹏  张立飞 《岩石学报》2016,32(12):3715-3728
同一造山带中所包含的多期造山作用信息是研究不同时代区域构造演化的重要依据,对理解不同时期造山过程中岩石组合及其地球化学演化有重要的指示意义。但由于晚期造山作用往往会部分或者完全抹除岩石中保存的早期造山作用信息,使得对记录多期造山作用的岩石中早期造山带变质作用及年代学信息的研究变得十分困难。独居石为一种副变质岩中的常见副矿物,由于其具有很高的U-Th-Pb体系封闭温度和对流体及变质温压条件的敏感性,使其可以记录多期造山过程中丰富的年代学信息。电子探针独居石原位化学定年方法使得年代学信息与岩石中矿物学信息及变质反应相联系,从而得到不同时期岩石记录的P-T-t轨迹。我们利用独居石电子探针原位U-Th-Pb定年手段与岩石学研究相结合的方法,在柴北缘早古生代加里东期超高压变质带锡铁山地区的含石榴石蓝晶石/夕线石黑云斜长片麻岩基质矿物及石榴石变斑晶的独居石中获得886±18Ma格林威尔期的年龄等时线。独居石稀土元素配分特征与新元古代变质独居石相吻合。通过传统矿物对温压计计算得到格林威尔期现存矿物组合记录了高角闪岩相变质温压条件607~727℃,6.5~10.0kbar,略高于区内记录古生代变质作用的副片麻岩。与记录古生代加里东期变质年龄的副片麻岩相比,格林威尔期副片麻岩在微量元素地球化学上具有高的稀土总量和明显的Eu的负异常特点(Eu/Eu*=0.50),并相应的亏损Ba、Sr元素,表现出活动大陆边缘沉积岩的地球化学特征。结合全球格林威尔期造山事件及罗迪尼亚超大陆的形成及裂解过程,我们认为柴北缘地区在新元古代时期应为与罗迪尼亚超大陆形成有关的活动大陆边缘地区。  相似文献   

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