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《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2008-2015
Growing geologic evidence documents incremental Mesozoic and early Cenozoic shortening and thickening of the Tibetan crust prior to the onset of the main Cenozoic orogenic event. The Tibetan crust shows spatial and temporal variability in thickness, style, and timing of thickening, and in plateau-forming processes. The Songpan–Ganzi area of northeastern Tibet provides evidence for shortening and thickening of the crust in Late Triassic time. An oil exploratory well (HC-1) of 7012.4 m located in the area shows at least six tectonic repetitions, resulting in more than ~46% thickening of the Triassic sequence. It indicates that the true thickness of the Songpan–Ganzi Triassic flysch is not 10–15 km as previously assumed, but not more than 3–5 km. Based on this evidence, combined with prior tectonostratigraphic studies, we propose that substantial crustal shortening and thickening, leading to initial plateau formation in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, had already occurred during the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

Jurassic to Cretaceous red sandstones were sampled at 33 sites from the Khlong Min and Lam Thap formations of the Trang Syncline (7.6°N, 99.6°E), the Peninsular Thailand. Rock magnetic experiments generally revealed hematite as a carrier of natural remanent magnetization. Stepwise thermal demagnetization isolates remanent components with unblocking temperatures of 620–690 °C. An easterly deflected declination (D = 31.1°, I = 12.2°, α95 = 13.9°, N = 9, in stratigraphic coordinates) is observed as pre-folding remanent magnetization from North Trang Syncline, whereas westerly deflected declination (D = 342.8°, I = 22.3°, α95 = 12.7°, N = 13 in geographic coordinates) appears in the post-folding remanent magnetization from West Trang Syncline. These observations suggest an occurrence of two opposite tectonic rotations in the Trang area, which as a part of Thai–Malay Peninsula received clockwise rotation after Jurassic together with Shan-Thai and Indochina blocks. Between the Late Cretaceous and Middle Miocene, this area as a part of southern Sundaland Block experienced up to 24.5° ± 11.5° counter-clockwise rotation with respect to South China Block. This post-Cretaceous tectonic rotation in Trang area is considered as a part of large scale counter-clockwise rotation experienced by the southern Sundaland Block (including the Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo and south Sulawesi areas) as a result of Australian Plate collision with southeast Asia. Within the framework of Sundaland Block, the northern boundary of counter-clockwise rotated zone lies between the Trang area and the Khorat Basin.  相似文献   

With many years residence in Kunming and from several geological trips to different parts in Yunnan, we have obtained some information of the Triassic stratigraphy and its distribution. As a whole the Triassic formations are well developed and widely distributed in this province. They consist of both continental and marine  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1363-1381

The mechanism of deformation associated with the Cenozoic collision of India with Asia along the eastern boundary remains a poorly understood aspect of the tectonic evolution of the southwestern South China Block (SCB). Consequently, we carried out a palaeomagnetic investigation of Palaeogene red beds of the Dayao area of Yunnan Province in order to contribute to understanding the Palaeogene evolution of the SCB. A characteristic higher temperature magnetic component (HTC), with an unblocking temperature from 660°C to 680°C, was determined by principal component analysis (PCA), and positive fold tests indicated that the remanence was a primary magnetization. The mean direction of the HTC from the Dayao area is Ds = 27.8° Is = 33.1° κ = 64.8, α95 = 4.3° after tilt correction. Compared with other palaeomagnetic results from the SCB, our data suggest that the central part of the Chuan–Dian Fragment (CDF) experienced approximately 16.3 ± 4.7° clockwise rotation with respect to East Asia. Rotation of the CDF occurred along the left-lateral Xianshuihe–Xiaojiang Fault Systems (XSF-XJF), which exhibit an arc-shaped curve centred on the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. The XSF-XJF was approximated by a circle centred on a Euler pole at Lat. = 26.5° N, Lon. = 97.2° E (α95 = 0.2°), based on 11 reference points selected from the fault system. The clockwise rotation of the CDF resulted in left-lateral shearing along the XSF-XJF system, with a left-lateral displacement of ~200 km. The nature of diverse intense local deformation along the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang left-lateral strike-slip fault systems is also discussed.  相似文献   

With U-Pb zircon dating, the ages of the Ul'degit (228 ± 1 Ma) and Chek-Chikan (203 ± 1 Ma) mafic massifs were determined. These massifs were earlier considered to form at the Early Precambrian stage of the geologic evolution of the Dzhugdzhur–Stanovoi superterrane. In geochemical features the igneous rocks of the massifs show relation with a within-plate source, on the one hand, and are similar to igneous rocks of subduction zones, on the other. They might have formed after subduction, which caused the intrusion of gabbroids of the Lucha massif (248 ± 1 Ma) and diorites of the Tok-Algoma complex (238 ± 2 Ma), followed by the fracturing of the subducted plate.  相似文献   

正Objective It is still controversial about when,where and how the East Paleotethys Ocean closed due to the lack of reliable paleomagnetic data from the blocks or terranes located in both sides of the suture,which prohibits our better understanding of a series of key scientific issues such as how major blocks of East Asia collided together,and the  相似文献   

The Triassic?Jurassic (Tr?J) boundary marks a major extinction event, which (~200 Ma) resulted in global extinctions of fauna and flora both in the marine and terrestrial realms. There prevail great challenges in determining the exact location of the terrestrial Tr?J boundary, because of endemism of taxa and the scarcity of fossils in terrestrial settings leading to difficulties in linking marine and terrestrial sedimentary successions. Investigation based on palynology and bivalves has been carried out over a 1113 m thick section, which is subdivided into 132 beds, along the Haojiagou valley on the southern margin of the Junggar Basin of the northern Xinjiang, northwestern China. The terrestrial Lower Jurassic is conformably resting on the Upper Triassic strata. The Upper Triassic covers the Huangshanjie Formation overlaid by the Haojiagou Formation, while the Lower Jurassic comprises the Badaowan Formation followed by the Sangonghe Formation. Fifty six pollen and spore taxa and one algal taxon were identified from the sediments. Based on the key-species and abundance of spores and pollen, three zones were erected: the Late Triassic (Rhaetian) Aratrisporites?Alisporites Assemblage, the Early Jurassic (Hettangian) Perinopollenites?Pinuspollenites Assemblage, and the Sinemurian Perinopollenites?Cycadopites Assemblage. The Tr?J boundary is placed between bed 44 and 45 coincident with the boundary between the Haojiagou and Badaowan formations. Beds with Ferganoconcha (?), Unio?Ferganoconcha and Waagenoperna?Yananoconcha bivalve assemblages are recognized. The Ferganoconcha (?) bed is limited to the upper Haojiagou Formation, Unio?Ferganoconcha and Waagenoperna?Yananoconcha assemblages are present in the middle and upper members of the Badaowan Formation. The sedimentary succession is interpreted as terrestrial with two mainly lake deposit intervals within Haojiagou and Badaowan formations, yielding fresh water algae and bivalves. However, the presence of brackish water algae Tasmanites and the marine?littoral facies bivalve Waagenoperna from the Badaowan Formation indicate that the Junggar Basin was influenced by sea water caused by transgressions from the northern Tethys, during the Sinemurian.  相似文献   

With the densification of population and the deterioration of urban ecological cycle, the airborne disease virus is becoming a new crisis for human. It is well known that airborne disease virus such as smallpox, hives, mumps and SARS can cause respiratory disease by the aerosol of sneezes or cough of infected person. The pathogens release virus aerosol to the environment. If the virus can live some time in the air, it can go with air flowing far away. The aim of the present research is to simulate the transportation of airborne disease virus in a group of buildings by taking into account the time-dependent virus aerosol source. A commonly used virus-host dynamical model is introduced to simulate the time-dependent development of virus aerosol releasing process. The wind velocity field is described by the continuity equation, momentum equation and turbulence model to enclose the Reynolds stress in the momentum equation. The RNG model is used in all simulations. The aerosol of microbial pollutant is assumed flowing at the same velocity as the air. The computation time is one life cycle of virus T. We assume that the pathogens release virus aerosol at the upper wall of building A. The conclusions are: (1) The microbial pollutant begins to be discharged after its delitescence 1/12 T. As the virus goes into logarithmic growth period, the concentration of virus and the pathogenic area increase very fast. After entering the virus decay period (1/3 T), the pathogenic area decreases. It should be noticed that no secondary infection is considered in present simulation. Generally, as the virus concentration is above the pathogenic concentration, new pathogens will be infected and release virus aerosol to the environment. With the increase of new pathogens, the pathogenic area would increase very fast and finally result in the outbreak of infection.  相似文献   

The maximum palaeotemperature of oil-bearing sandstones in the UpperTriassic in the eastern Ordos basin has been determined by using many methods including thevitrinite reflectance, fluid inclusion, apatite fission track, illite crystallinity, chlorite polytypeand diagenetic change of authigenic minerals. The thermal gradient in the Late Mesozoic wasabout 2.9-3.0℃/100m. The Upper Triassic was in a mature stage of organic matter andhydrocarbon began to be generated and migrated during this period. The palaeotemperatures ofoil-bearing sandstones were in the range of 88-110℃; those for the generation and migrationof oil ranged from 112 to 122℃. The thickness of the denuded strata overlying the UpperTriassic was 2465-2750m. The present burial depth of oil-bearing sandstones is generally from400 to 1200m. At a depth of ca. 1900m, the temperature may reach 140℃. Below this depth,organic matter was supermature and mainly generated gas.  相似文献   

Many of the controversies that arise in global reconstructions for Permian–Triassic time could be resolved by taking into account the large latitudinal and counter-clockwise movement of Gondwana during that interval of time. The proper trace of the apparent polar wander curve should differentiate one position for the Early Permian, another position for the Late Permian and yet another for the Triassic. By doing so and comparing the Apparent Polar Wander Paths (APWP) of South America and Africa it is easy to see that both curves have the same shape, therefore it is possible to arrive at a good fit between them, which previous analyses were unable to achieve. This new proposed Permian–Triassic track of the APWP reveals a hook not hitherto recognized that should be accounted for in global reconstructions.  相似文献   

In ternary feldspars of essentially one phase, calcium content has a dominant influence on the optic axial angle. In such feldspars and also in binary feldspars from solvsbergite rocks, variations of cooling histories do not significantly affect the optic axial angle. In ternary feldspars which are unmixed into two or three prominent phases, Al/Si ordering has an important effect on the 2V value. A recent suggestion of several writers that in feldspars the alkali structural site may be partially occupied by (H3O)+ ions is applied as a possible way to explain a correlation observed between petrographical features of the rocks and the optic axial angles of their feldspar phenocrysts.  相似文献   

K‐Ar ages of biotite and hornblende from undeformed granodiorite plutons and of slaty and phyllitic rocks, ranging from prehnite‐pumpellyite metagreywacke to greenschist fades, have been determined in an attempt to define the age of orogenesis in the eastern part of the Nambucca Slate Belt. The plutons have K‐Ar ages of 226–227 m.y. (biotite) and 228–231 m.y. (hornblende) that provide a younger age limit for deformation. The lower grade metamorphic rocks yield a range of ages including some comparable with the depositional age of the rocks as indicated by fossils. Rocks of pumpellyite‐actinolite and greenschist facies give a more coherent group of ages which suggest orogenesis at about 250–255 m.y. Specimens of these latter rocks that have been affected by a later structural episode than that during which slaty cleavage formed, yield slightly older ages, which may result from the inclusion of minor amounts of environmental excess 40Ar.

Support for the 250–255 m.y. age comes from previously determined radiometric ages from the western part of the Slate Belt, although the presence of granitic bodies perhaps as old as 289 m.y., some closely associated with high‐grade regional metamorphic rocks, may indicate the presence of additional earlier orogenic movements in this region.  相似文献   

Three new genera and species of perleidid fishes from the Middle Triassic strata of Yunnan Province, i.e., Fuyuanperleidus dengi gen. et sp. nov., Luopingperleidus sui gen. et sp. nov., and Diandongperleidus denticulatus gen. et sp. nov., are described in this paper. Fuyuanperleidus dengi is distinguishable from other perleidids by the shape of the maxilla, the big teeth, the ornamentation of the skull bones, maxilla fused with the first infraorbital and the deepened flank scales. Luopingperleidus sui is distinguishable from other perleidids by the following features: the triangular main branchiostegal rays, four horizontal rows of deepened flank scales anterior to the pelvic fin, and three anal scales. Diandongperleidus denticulatus is distinguishable from other perleidids by the following features: the anterior border of some anterior fin rays of both the paired fins and the dorsal and anal fins bearing denticles, and posterior strongly serrated scales. The new discoveries not only add to the diversity of perleidid fishes in South China, but also shed new light on the radiation of Triassic perleidid fishes in the world.  相似文献   

The Early and Middle Triassic primary lower Yangtze sea basin was formed before the Yangtze and Sino. Korean blocks collided and were assembled. showing the characteristics of an open continental shelf.continental margin sea. In order to provide evidence useful for oil and gas exploration in the studied region, this paper centres on the features of the sediments and their facies framework in the basin and the sedimentation parameters such as the deposition rate, palaeotemperature, palaeosatinity, palaeodepth of water and palaeocurrents of the basin.  相似文献   

A new general model describing the extended evolution of fore‐arc terrains is used to analyse the evolution of the southern Tasman Geosyncline and the concomitant growth and kratonisation of the continental crust of southeast Australia during the Palaeozoic. The southern Tasman Geosyncline comprises ten arc terrains (here defined), most of which are east‐facing, and several features formed by crustal extension. Each arc terrain consists of several strato‐tectonic units: a volcanic arc, subduction complex and fore‐arc sequence formed during subduction; and an overlying post‐arc sequence which post‐dates subduction and is composed of flysch, neritic sediments or subaerial volcanics.

When these materials attained a thickness of c. 20 km their internal heat‐balance caused partial melting of the subduction complex and the hydrated oceanic lithosphere trapped beneath it, to yield S‐ and I‐type granitic magma. The magma rose, inducing pervasive deformation of each arc terrain and emplacement of granitoid plutons at high levels in the evolving crust. Transitional basins then developed in many terrains on top of their volcanic arcs or the thinner parts of the buried accretionary prisms. After deformation of the transitional sequences, platform cover accumulated, marking the completion of kratonisation.

Analysis of each arc terrain in terms of the above units leads to a predicted ‘stratigraphy’ for the continental crust of southeast Australia. The crust is complexly layered, with lateral discontinuities reflecting the boundaries of arc terrains which were successively accreted, principally back‐arc to fore‐arc, during crustal development.  相似文献   

The study of ammonites from the upper part of the upper Bajocian and lower part of the lower Bathonian in the sections of the basin of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk (Karachay-Cherkessia) allowed the recognition of Beds with Parkinsonia djanelidzei (approximate equivalent of the middle part of the Parkinsonia parkinsoni Chronozone) and Beds with Oraniceras scythicum (lower part of the Zigzagiceras zigzag Chronozone). The taxonomic composition and distribution of foraminifers, ostracodes, dinoflagellate cysts, and miospores were studied in the samples from these deposits (upper part of the upper member of Djangura Formation). The recognized characteristic assemblages of microfauna and palynomorphs allowed ostracode and dinocyst subdivisions to be proposed for the Bajocian–Bathonian boundary beds of the Northern Caucasus for the first time. The most important taxa, including ammonites, foraminifers, ostracodes, and dinocysts, are illustrated.  相似文献   

Thegeologicdataistheinformationonthelandandresources,whichisanimportantfoundationforunder standingandstudyingtheEarth ,protectingandrationallyusingresourcesintheEarth.Thegeologicdataareex tensivelyusedtostudygeoscience,mineraldevelopment,engineeringconstruction,Earth‘senvironmentalpro tection,preventionandreductionofdisaster.Thecollectionandusingofgeologicdataplayanimportantroleinavoidingandreducingtheinvestmentriskandrepetitiveinvestmentongeologicwork,andpromotingsustainabledevelopmentofthe…  相似文献   

The early stage of Sichuan Basin formation was controlled by the convergence of three major Chinese continental blocks during the Indosinian orogeny that include South China,North China,and Qiangtang blocks.Although the Late Triassic Xujiahe Formation is assumed to represent the commencement of continental deposition in the Sichuan Basin,little research is available on the details of this particular stratum.Sequence stratigraphic analysis reveals that the Xujiahe Formation comprises four third-order depositional sequences.Moreover,two tectono-sedimentary evolution stages,deposition and denudation,have been identified.Typical wedge-shaped geometry revealed in a cross section of the southern Sichuan Basin normal to the Longmen Shan fold-thrust belt is displayed for the entire Xujiahe Formation.The depositional extent did not cover the Luzhou paleohigh during the LST1 to LST2 (LST,TST and HST mean Iowstand,transgressive and highstand systems tracts,1,2,3 and 4 represent depositional sequence 1,2,3 and 4),deltaic and fluvial systems fed sediments from the Longmen Shan belt,Luzhou paleohigh,Hannan dome,and Daba Shan paleohigh into a foreland basin with a centrally located lake.The forebulge of the western Sichuan foreland basin was located southeast of the Luzhou paleohigh after LST2.According to the principle of nonmarine sequence stratigraphy and the lithology of the Xujiahe Formation,four thrusting events in the Longmen Shan fold-thrust belt were distinguished,corresponding to the basal boundaries of sequences 1,2,3,and 4.The northern Sichuan Basin was tilted after the deposition of sequence 3,inducing intensive erosion of sequences 3 and 4,and formation of wedge-shaped deposition geometry in sequence 4 from south to north.The tilting probably resulted from small-scale subduction and exhumation of the western South China block during the South and North China block collision.  相似文献   

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