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The Lefroy Goldfield in eastern Tasmania is anomalous in southeastern Australia because mineralised fault reefs (i.e. reefs that are also faults) strike in an easterly direction at a high angle to the predominantly northwest strike of bedding and folds. Gold mineralisation is of Early to Middle Devonian age, with reef formation coinciding with a third regionally compressive deformation event (D3), and a second phase of Tabberabberan orogenesis. Mineralised reefs are hosted by Mathinna Supergroup turbidites of Cambrian to Ordovician age and extend for up to 2 km across the boundary between the sandstone‐dominated Stony Head Sandstone and the shale‐dominated Turquoise Bluff Slate. Ore shoots in the reefs plunge moderately west and, in the Volunteer Mine, coincide with the intersection of the reef and a D1/D2 thrust contact. The subvertical orientation and discordant relationship of the mineralised reefs to bedding, as well as the lack of gold mineralisation along bedding and pre‐D3 structures, indicate that the reefs formed during a period of wrench faulting. In contrast to lode‐style deposits in Victoria, the far‐field minimum compressive stress at Lefroy during reef formation was not vertical but, rather, occupied a subhorizontal orientation.  相似文献   

As the boundary thrust between India and Asia in southern Tibet, the Zhongba–Gyangze Thrust (ZGT) emplaced the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (YZSZ) units in the hanging wall southward onto Tethyan Himalaya sequences (THS) of the northern Indian continental margin in the footwall. Detailed field investigation, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis, detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology and 40Ar–39Ar thermochronology were conducted to understand the evolution of the ZGT in Sangsang area, central southern Tibet. The shear zone of ZGT is located within the sedimentary-matrix mélange of YZSZ that is mainly composed of matrix of blueschist with meta pelagic–hemipelagic siliceous and siliciclastic rocks and blocks of basalt, limestone and sandstone. Penetrative F1 foliation and kink band structure were recorded within the matrix both on outcrop and under microscope. Strong lattice preferred orientation (LPO) fabric initiated by the low-temperature (350−450 °C) (010)[001] slip system was detected by EBSD in the sodic amphiboles of the blueschist. The 40Ar–39Ar ages of the phengites from blueschist and sericites from the phyllite in the shear zone indicate that the activity of ZGT occurred between 71 and 60 Ma. In the THS, a newly documented younger unit preserving detrital zircons from the southern Asian margin lies above the Triassic–Cretaceous sequences that carries only detrital zircons from the Indian continent. This unit is dated to be ~ 61 Ma by the detrital zircon ages, similar to the Sangdanlin Formation and representing the Yarlung Zangbo Foreland Basin (YZFB) system. The ZGT had probably been active due to the initial India–Asia collision and acted as the frontal thrust controlling the development of YZFB.  相似文献   

Biotite igneous ages and well‐defined isochron ages of plutons from the composite Blue Tier Batholith and the Coles Bay area in northeastern Tasmania range from 395 to 370 Ma. The older limit of this range, for the George River granodiorite, is considerably older than any age previously recorded for NE Tasmania. The ages of the youngest plutons (Mt Paris and Anchor granites), which host cassiterite ores, record pervasive hydrothermal alteration events. The initial 87Sr/80Sr ratios of the granitoids range from 0.7061 to 0.7136 and suggest different protolith compositions, consistent with mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of each pluton. The S‐type garnetbiotite granites (Ansons Bay and Booby alia granites) have initial ratios greater than 0.7119, indicative of enriched, high Rb/Sr ratio, crustal source‐rocks of Proterozoic age (1700–800 Ma). The S‐type biotite granites (Poimena and Pearson granites) have relatively high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7070, 0.7105) but overlap with those of the I‐type granodiorites (George River, Scamander Tier, Pyengana and Coles Bay granodiorites) which are in the range of 0.7061 to 0.7073. The initial ratios of the enriched altered plutons are poorly constrained, and on both hand‐specimen and thin‐section scales, reveal open‐system Sr isotopic patterns.

Isochron ages for the arenite‐lutite and lutite sedimentary associations of the Mathinna Beds, which are intruded by the granitoids, reflect an approach to Sr isotopic equilibrium during regional metamorphism. The metamorphic age (401 ± 7 Ma) of the early Pragian arenite‐lutite association indicates a relatively small time interval between deposition, regional metamorphism and granitoid intrusion. The isotopic age for the lutite sedimentary association (423 ± 22 Ma) is tentatively correlated with a Benambran‐age burial metamorphic event that has not previously been recorded in Tasmania.  相似文献   

Despite extensive geochemical study and their importance to granite studies, the geochronology of Silurian to early-Devonian granitic rocks of southeastern Australia is poorly understood. In order to provide an improved temporal framework, new ion microprobe U–Pb zircon ages are presented from these rocks, and previous work is critically reviewed. Geochronological control is best in the Berridale Batholith, where S- and I-type granites have a close spatial relationship. In this region, there is a small volume of I-type granite that crystallised at 436 Ma, followed closely by a large volume of S-type granite at 432 Ma. I-type granite is abundant in a second peak at ca 417 Ma, although the Jindabyne pluton from the Kosciuszko Batholith is slightly older, at 424 Ma. A broader survey of S-type granite throughout the eastern Lachlan Orogen shows that the 432 Ma event is ubiquitous. There is no temporal overlap between S- and I-type granites in the Kosciuszko and Berridale Batholiths, which suggests that factors other than variations in degree of crustal contamination (which may include variation in tectonic setting, heat-flow, mass transfer across the crust–mantle boundary and/or availability in source materials) contribute to the diversity in granite types. The S-type granitic rocks occupy an aerial extent of greater than 28 000 km2, and geochronological constraints suggest that the crystallisation of these granites took place over a relatively small interval, probably less than 10 m.y. This implies a magmatic flux of over 64 km3/Ma per km strike length, comparable to other high-flux granitic belts. Previous work has linked the Benambran Orogeny to the generation of the S-type granites, and so the age of these granites constrains the age of Benambran Orogenesis  相似文献   

In the Himalayan chain the collision of India into Eurasia has produced some of the most complex crustal interactions along the Himalayan–Alpine Orogen. In NW Bhutan, middle to late Miocene deformation has been partitioned between conjugate strike-slip faulting, E–W extension along the Yadong-Gulu graben and kilometre-scale folding. To better understand the late deformation stages and their implications for the evolution of the eastern Himalayas, the palaeomagnetism in the erosional remnant of the Tethyan Himalayan rocks outcropping in NW Bhutan has been studied. Their position to the south of the trace of the inner South Tibetan Detachment, to the south of the Tibetan Plateau offers a unique possibility to study the Tertiary rotation of the Himalayas. Pyrrhotite is the carrier of the characteristic magnetisation based on 270–325 °C unblocking temperatures. The age of the remanence is ca. 13 Ma indicated by illite 40K/40Ar cooling ages and a negative fold test. Small circle intersection method applied to the pyrrhotite components shows a ca. 32° clockwise rotation with respect to stable India since 13 Ma. We suggest that this clockwise rotation is related to strain partitioning between NE-directed shortening, sinistral-slip along the Lingshi fault, and east–west extension. This represents a field-based explanation and a minimum onset age for present-day eastward motion of the upper-crust of SE-Tibet and NE-Himalayas.  相似文献   

The Havran-Bal?kesir Fault Zone (HBFZ) is one of the major active structures of the Southern Marmara Region, which has been shaped by the southern branch of North Anatolian fault since the Pliocene. HBFZ is a 10–12 km wide, 120 km long, right-lateral strike-slip fault zone that consists of two ENE-striking main faults, namely, the Havran-Balya and Bal?kesir faults. The 90-km-long Havran-Balya fault exhibits right-stepping en echelon geometry and is made up of (1) Havran, (2) Osmanlar, (3) Turplu and (4) Ovac?k fault segments. On the eastern part, the 70-km-long Bal?kesir fault is divided into two fault segments; (1) Gökçeyaz? and (2) Kepsut. We estimated the long-term slip rate between 3.59 and 3.78 mm/yr using river offset. The Kepsut, Gökçeyaz? and Ovac?k fault segments are capable of generating an earthquake with a moment magnitude of up to 7.2. Detailed palaeoseismological studies show that the HBFZ is responsible for some surface faulting earthquakes with an average recurrence interval of 1000–2000 years during the late Holocene. Considering the fact that there was no evidence of a surface-ruptured earthquake for 2000 years, it can be stated that there is a seismic gap on the Gökçeyaz? fault segment.  相似文献   

The Xayacatlán area (eastern Mixteca terrane, southern Mexico) was previously inferred to preserve the Ordovician‐Silurian thrust contact between vestiges of the Iapetus Ocean and the para‐autochthon bordering Oaxaquia. Detailed remapping indicates that the rocks occur in four vertically‐bounded, NS fault blocks. The latter record the following tectonothermal events that post‐date Iapetus and occurred along the margins of the Rheic (1) and Pacific (2 and 3) oceans: (1) dextral transtension accompanying intrusion of an NS, tholeiitic dike swarm at ~442 Ma; (2) penetrative, greenschist‐facies deformation during the Mississippian related to extrusion of high‐pressure rocks; and (3) subgreenschist‐facies dextral transtension on NS faults during the generation of Middle Permian fabrics.  相似文献   

The southern São Francisco Craton, northeastern Brazil, consists of an Archean block surrounded by a Paleoproterozoic belt related to the Transamazonian Orogeny (ca. 2.0 Ga). A calc-alkaline plutonic arc developed within the belt and the granitoid plutons comprise two distinct groups. One group displays Archean TDM ages (3.07–2.62 Ga), εNd(t) values between −11.0 and −3.8 and high initial 87Sr/86Sr values, and it consists mainly of peraluminous granites. TDM ages for the other group are Paleoproterozoic (2.43–2.27 Ga), and εNd(t) values range between −2.8 and +1.3; the plutons are metaluminous tonalites (trondhjemites) to granodiorites. The Transamazonian granitoids can be related to contrasting source-regions, from mantle- to crust-derived ones. A number of them are probably derived from mixing of Paleoproterozoic juvenile material and variable proportions of Archean crust material. Magmatism related to deep faulting, during the compressional stages of the Transamazonian Orogeny, is a plausible model for granitoid generation. The contribution of mantle-derived material to the granitoid sources supports the idea that a significant episode of new crust formation occurred during the Transamazonian Orogeny.  相似文献   

精确限定多期次岩浆-热液活动的时间尺度一直是剖析斑岩矿床形成过程的热点和难点。借助矿物的高精度同位素定年、热力学数值模拟以及石英的钛扩散模型等方法,斑岩矿床中岩浆-热液活动的时间尺度已经被限定在几万年之内。本文以三江特提斯超大型玉龙斑岩铜(钼)矿床为例,重点识别含矿热液脉中普遍存在的石英,利用钛元素的扩散年代学方法,精确限定斑岩矿床中多期岩浆-热液流体活动的时间尺度。扩散模型表明玉龙斑岩矿床热液活动的时间尺度为32000~870000年,有力支持了超大型斑岩矿床可以在几万至几十万年甚至更短时间内形成的观点。此外,为避免钛扩散模型产生较大的误差,需要在精确测定石英中钛含量的基础上,结合矿床地质背景或其他实验方法合理地估测温度和压力条件。研究认为,将矿物的高精度同位素定年与元素的扩散年代学相结合,可以在更为精细的尺度上完善斑岩矿床岩浆-热液活动的时间框架。  相似文献   

Digital echo sounding, SeaBeam swath bathymetry data and sediment cores were collected on the continental slope (1500–3700 m water depth) off southeastern Tasmania in order to study sedimentary processes in the vicinity of an ocean disposal site. The new bathymetry data show that the shallower limits of the disposal site are positioned on the seaward edge of a gently dipping (3°) mid‐slope shoulder, between 1200 and 2100 m water depth. The slope below the disposal site is relatively steep (6.5°) and is cut by submarine canyons which lead into the adjacent East Tasman Saddle. The SeaBeam bathymetry data show a small submarine canyon traversing the slope in 2400 m water depth directly downslope from the disposal site, with local slopes of up to 22°. The canyon feeds into a perched basin at 2450 m, which could be acting as a local sediment trap. Short (<90 cm) gravity cores indicate that indurated erosional surfaces characterise the slope environment. The cores contain Upper Cretaceous (upper Campanian) sandstones and siltstones, which in places crop out on the sea floor where they are locally draped by a thin (0–30 cm), modern layer of hemipelagic calcareous ooze. Five cores collected from the vicinity of the disposal site had lead and zinc concentrations in the surface 1 cm of 10.3 ± 5.0 and 39.5 ± 19.6 mg/kg, respectively, significantly greater than the background values (2.9 ± 1.4 for lead and 21.2 ± 5.4 for zinc) which characterise the underlying unit that is composed of the same hemipelagic calcareous ooze. Lead and zinc are constituents of the dumped material, jarosite, which, after mixing with slope sediments, can be used as sediment tracers. One core contains a fining‐upwards bed which is also elevated in lead and zinc. This is interpreted as evidence for dispersal of the jarosite from the disposal site downslope to depths >3000 m via turbidity flows sometime during the past 24 years. Current meter data collected from 30 m above the sea floor over one year at the disposal site show that bottom currents attain speeds of up to 0.46 m/s. The current events are attributed to eddies shed by the East Australia Current. The measured bottom currents are capable of transporting fine‐grained hemipelagic muds and could provide a trigger mechanism for turbidity flows.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic foreland basin at the southwestern Tarim basin was inflicted by both N-S compression of the west Kunlun orogen and northward indentation of the Pamir, which led to significant variations in structural architecture and deformation style. New results from interpretations of seismic profiles in the east segment of the basin are presented here to discuss such spatial variation in structural deformation and temporal variation in structural evolution. The results suggest that the segment commonly exhibits significant northward thrusting, coupled with flexural basin subsidence. Broad fold-and-thrust belt (FTB) is evidenced in the profiles with its front reaching Jiede anticline, resulting in a structural architecture of superposition of the FTB and foredeep of the flexural basin. In the vertical view, the segment is featured by basement-involved deformation belt overlain by detachment deformation belt. The first row of the deformation belt presents spatial variation in structure. The west Kedong portion exhibits anticlines controlled by thrust wedge that has been reworked by dextrally strike-slipping. In contrast, the east Keliyang portion is featured by mainly thrust deformation. Combined with the results from growth strata and magnetostratigraphy, we suggest that the segment presents a northwardly forward breaking pattern, with the deformation occurring along the Kedong belt during the early Pliocene, within the Kekeya belt at early- to mid-Pliocene and in the Guman-Heshitage belt during early- to mid-Pleistocene. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

The Hatugou-Qingshuiquan-Gouli ductile shear zone recorded multiple cycles of orogeny in the eastern section of East Kunlun. The quartz c-axis fabric and microstructure of samples from the ductile shear zone were analyzed. We discussed the formation mechanism of subducted and crust extension-thinning of continental blocks in the eastern section of East Kunlun. Analysis results show that the deformation temperature of the ductile shear zone was between 380℃ and 650℃, which can be analogue with metamorphisms of middle-high greenschist facies to lower amphibolite facies. The differential stress and strain rate of the ductile shear zone are estimated at 173-509 MPa, 6.93×10-14-1.43×10-8 s-1, respectively, which suggest a possible origin of rapid subduction. Moreover, the deformation temperature, differential stress and strain increase toward the middle of East Kunlun fault zone, which is consistent with the fact that the middle part of the East Kunlun experienced the most intensive ductile shear deformation. The calculations of the kinematic vorticity values of the ductile shear belt show that the early transient kinematic vorticity (0.56-1.00) of ductile shear zone corresponds to the initial stage of the northward subducted southern parts of East Kunlun. In the middle to later stage, the kinematic vorticity (0.25-0.91) should correspond to the collision between southern and northern parts of East Kunlun. The latest C' instantaneous kinematic vorticity (0.19-0.51) corresponds to extensional stage in the post-orogenic setting. The quartz c-axis fabric and the structural characteristics show that the middle part of East Kunlun tectonic belt experienced at least 3 stages of tectonic movements, including the late Caledonian thrusting and left lateral strike slip shearing, the late Hercynian Indosinian thrusting and dextral strike slip shearing and the brittle ductile brittle-left lateral strike slip shearing in the early and later Yanshanian. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

The ENE–WSW Autun Shear Zone in the northeastern part of the French Massif Central has been interpreted previously as a dextral wrench fault. New field observations and microstructural analyses document a NE–SW stretching lineation that indicates normal dextral motions along this shear zone. Further east, similar structures are observed along the La Serre Shear Zone. In both areas, a strain gradient from leucogranites with a weak preferred orientation to highly sheared mylonites supports a continuous Autun–La Serre fault system. Microstructural observations, and shape and lattice-preferred orientation document high-temperature deformation and magmatic fabrics in the Autun and La Serre granites, whereas low- to intermediate-temperature fabrics characterize the mylonitic granite. Electron microprobe monazite geochronology of the Autun and La Serre granites yields a ca. 320 Ma age for pluton emplacement, while mica 40Ar-39Ar datings of the Autun granite yield plateau ages from 305 to 300 Ma. The ca. 300 Ma 40Ar-39Ar ages, obtained on micas from Autun and La Serre mylonites, indicate the time of the mylonitization. The ca. 15-Ma time gap between pluton emplacement and deformation along the Autun–La Serre fault system argue against a synkinematic pluton emplacement during late orogenic to postorogenic extension of the Variscan Belt. A ductile to brittle continuum of deformation is observed along the shear zone, with Lower Permian brittle faults controlling the development of sedimentary basins. These results suggest a two-stage Late Carboniferous extension in the northeastern French Massif Central, with regional crustal melting and emplacement of the Autun and La Serre leucogranites around 320 Ma, followed, at 305–295 Ma, by ductile shearing, normal brittle faulting, and subsequent exhumation along the Autun–La Serre transtensional fault system.  相似文献   

Important mineral assemblages of metapelite and quartzite of the Strathgordon area are phengite + chlorite + tourmaline + quartz and phengite + garnet + chlorite + tourmaline + quartz. Over a limited area the Si4+‐content of phengite does not vary significantly and is considered to depend only on the PT regime. The Si4+‐content of phengite coexisting with almandine‐grossular‐spessartine garnet and tourmaline indicate that the maximum metamorphism of the area occurred at 400 ± 50°C and 3 ± 1 kb.  相似文献   

The southernmost outcrops of the Río de la Plata cratonic region are exposed in the Tandilia System in eastern Argentina. The geological evolution comprises mainly an igneous-metamorphic Paleoproterozoic basement named Buenos Aires Complex, which is covered by Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic sedimentary units which display subhorizontal bedding. The basement of calc-alkaline signature consists mainly of granitic-tonalitic gneisses, migmatites, amphibolites, some ultramafic rocks, and granitoid plutons. Subordinate rock-types include schists, marbles, and dykes of acid and mafic composition. Tandilia was recognized as an important shear belt district with mylonite rocks derived mainly from granitoids. The tectonic scenario seems related to juvenile accretion event (2.25?C2.12?Ga) along an active continental margin, followed by continental collision (2.1?C2.08?Ga) after U?CPb zircon data. The collisional tectonic setting caused thrusting and transcurrent faulting favouring the anatexis of the crustal rocks. The tholeiitic dykes constrain the time of crustal extension associated with the last stages of the belt evolution. The basement was preserved from younger orogenies such as those of the Brasiliano cycle. After a long paleoweathering process, the Sierras Bayas Group (c. 185?m thick) represents a record of the first Neoproterozoic sedimentary unit (siliciclastic, dolostones, shales, limestones), superposed by Cerro Negro Formation (c. 150?C400?m thick, siliciclastics) assigned to Upper Neoproterozoic age. The final sedimentary transgression during Early Paleozoic was the Balcarce Formation (c. 90?C450?m thick) deposited over all the mentioned Precambrian units. Based on all the geological background, a tectonic evolution is offered.  相似文献   

K‐Ar ages of biotite and hornblende from undeformed granodiorite plutons and of slaty and phyllitic rocks, ranging from prehnite‐pumpellyite metagreywacke to greenschist fades, have been determined in an attempt to define the age of orogenesis in the eastern part of the Nambucca Slate Belt. The plutons have K‐Ar ages of 226–227 m.y. (biotite) and 228–231 m.y. (hornblende) that provide a younger age limit for deformation. The lower grade metamorphic rocks yield a range of ages including some comparable with the depositional age of the rocks as indicated by fossils. Rocks of pumpellyite‐actinolite and greenschist facies give a more coherent group of ages which suggest orogenesis at about 250–255 m.y. Specimens of these latter rocks that have been affected by a later structural episode than that during which slaty cleavage formed, yield slightly older ages, which may result from the inclusion of minor amounts of environmental excess 40Ar.

Support for the 250–255 m.y. age comes from previously determined radiometric ages from the western part of the Slate Belt, although the presence of granitic bodies perhaps as old as 289 m.y., some closely associated with high‐grade regional metamorphic rocks, may indicate the presence of additional earlier orogenic movements in this region.  相似文献   


Abundant late Mesozoic granitic rocks are widespread in the southern Great Xing’an Range (GXAR), which have attracted much attention due to its significance for the Mesozoic tectonic evolution in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. However, controversy has still surrounded the late Mesozoic geodynamic switching in the continental margin of east China, especially the spatial and temporal extent of the influence of the Mongol-Okhotsk and Palaeo-Pacific tectonic regimes. In order to better understand the Late Mesozoic evolutionary history of the southern GXAR, a number of geochemical, geochronological, and isotopic data of the granitoids in this region are collected. Magmatism in the southern GXAR can be divided into six phases: Late Carboniferous (325–303 Ma), Early-Middle Permian (287–260 Ma), Triassic (252–220 Ma), Early Jurassic (182–176 Ma), Late Jurassic (154–146 Ma), and Early Cretaceous (145–111 Ma). Mesozoic magmatic activities in the southern GXAR peaked during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, accompanied by large-scale mineralization. Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic evidence of these granitic rocks suggested they were likely originated from a mixed source composed of lower crust and newly underplated basaltic crust. Assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) or crustal contamination possibly occurred in the magma evolution, and a much more addition of juvenile component to the source of the Early Cretaceous granitoids than that of Late Jurassic. The closure of Mongol-Okhotsk ocean and the break-off of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic slab at depth in the Jurassic triggered extensive magmatism and related mineralization in this region. The Jurassic intrusive activities was affected by both the subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate and the closure of Mongol-Okhotsk ocean. Less influence of the Mongol-Okhotsk tectonic regime on the Early Cretaceous magmatism, whereas, in contrast the Palaeo-Pacific tectonic regime possibly continued into the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Lower to upper Middle Ordovician quartz-rich turbidites form the bedrock of the Lachlan Orogen in the southern Tasmanides of eastern Australia and occupy a present-day deformed volume of ~2–3 million km3. We have used U–Pb and Hf-isotope analyses of detrital zircons in biostratigraphically constrained turbiditic sandstones from three separate terranes of the Lachlan Orogen to investigate possible source regions and to compare similarities and differences in zircon populations. Comparison with shallow-water Lower Ordovician sandstones deposited on the subsiding margin of the Gondwana craton suggests different source regions, with Grenvillian zircons in shelf sandstones derived from the Musgrave Province in central Australia, and Panafrican sources in shelf sandstones possibly locally derived. All Ordovician turbiditic sandstone samples in the Lachlan Orogen are dominated by ca 490–620 Ma (late Panafrican) and ca 950–1120 Ma (late Grenvillian) zircons that are sourced mainly from East Antarctica. Subtle differences between samples point to different sources. In particular, the age consistency of late Panafrican zircon data from the most inboard of our terranes (Castlemaine Group, Bendigo Terrane) suggests they may have emanated directly from late Grenvillian East Antarctic belts, such as in Dronning Maud Land and subglacial extensions that were reworked in the late Panafrican. Changes in zircon data in the more outboard Hermidale and Albury-Bega terranes are more consistent with derivation from the youngest of four sedimentary sequences of the Ross Orogen of Antarctica (Cambrian–Ordovician upper Byrd Group, Liv Group and correlatives referred to here as sequence 4) and/or from the same mixture of sources that supplied that sequence. These sources include uncommon ca 650 Ma rift volcanics, late Panafrican Ross arc volcanics, now largely eroded, and some <545 Ma Granite Harbour Intrusives, representing the roots of the Ross Orogen continental-margin arc. Unlike farther north, Granite Harbour Intrusives between the Queen Maud and Pensacola mountains of the southern Ross Orogen contain late Grenvillian zircon xenocrysts (derived from underlying relatively juvenile basement), as well as late Panafrican magmatic zircons, and are thus able to supply sequence 4 and the Lachlan Ordovician turbidites with both these populations. Other zircons and detrital muscovites in the Lachlan Ordovician turbidites were derived from relatively juvenile inland Antarctic sources external to the orogen (e.g. Dronning Maud Land, Sør Rondane and a possible extension of the Pinjarra Orogen) either directly or recycled through older sedimentary sequences 2 (Beardmore and Skelton groups) and 3 (e.g. Hannah Ridge Formation) in the Ross Orogen. Shallow-water, forearc basin sequence 4 sediments (or their sources) fed turbidity currents into outboard, deeper-water parts of the forearc basin and led to deposition of the Ordovician turbidites ~2500–3400 km to the north in backarc-basin settings of the Lachlan Orogen.  相似文献   

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