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张晰  张杰  孟俊敏 《海洋科学》2020,44(6):141-147
载有成像雷达的旋翼无人机具有成本低廉、对起降条件要求低、飞行姿态灵活多样等优点,可以在热点区域进行普查、详查或长时间悬停凝视等多模式成像监测,现已成为海上船只目标监测识别的重要手段。本文分别从旋翼无人机雷达硬件系统、无人机载雷达动目标成像、船只目标类型识别和目标三维结构特征提取等四方面开展国内外研究进展综述。总结分析发现当前利用旋翼无人机雷达进行船只目标成像和类型识别,尚存在运动船只成像散焦、三维结构重建难度大、类型识别精度低等问题,迫切需要推动相关技术的发展。  相似文献   

高海况条件下船只目标检测一直是SAR船只检测的难点之一,选用何种分布来精确描述强海杂波对目标检测效果有重要影响.文章将常用于陆地城区SAR图像建模的G0分布应用于高海况条件下杂波建模,分析了G0分布对不同星载SAR数据的建模效果,验证了其用于海面杂波拟合的适应性,得出G0分布对极不均匀区域海杂波建模能力要优于常用分布;...  相似文献   

开展星载合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)船只匹配跟踪研究是海上船只监测的重要内容,对提升海上目标监测管控能力有重要意义.当前利用SAR卫星进行船只目标匹配跟踪时,由于船只目标尺寸小且船只目标的运动会在SAR图像中产生几何畸变,导致船只目标在SAR图像中难以准确实现匹配跟踪.基于此...  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达(SAR)已成为检测海洋表面油膜的重要手段之一。本文应用模式识别领域中的模糊逻辑理论,在SAR海上溢油图像中选择33个图像特征进行分析,根据方差分析方法和模糊理论的特点筛选出其中的4个特征参量,建立区分海面溢油与疑似溢油的检测模型。通过对27个测试样本试验,有效识别率达到83%。说明本论文采用的方法对于区分溢油和疑似溢油可行,对业务化海洋遥感溢油检测具有参考价值。  相似文献   

船只目标SAR、HFSWR和AIS多手段融合探测的点迹关联分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
A space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR), a high frequency surface wave radar (HFSWR), and a ship automatic identification system (AIS) are the main remote sensors for vessel monitoring in a wide range. These three sensors have their own advantages and weaknesses, and they can complement each other in some situations. So it would improve the capability of vessel target detection to use multiple sensors including SAR, HFSWR, and A/S to identify non-cooperative vessel targets from the fusion results. During the fusion process of multiple sensors' detection results, point association is one of the key steps, and it can affect the accuracy of the data fusion and the efficiency of a non-cooperative target's recognition. This study investigated the point association analyses of vessel target detection under different conditions: space- borne SAR paired with AIS, as well as HFSWR, paired with AIS, and the characteristics of the SAR and the HFSWR and their capability of vessel target detection. Then a point association method of multiple sensors was proposed. Finally, the thresholds selection of key parameters in the points association (including range threshold, radial velocity threshold, and azimuth threshold) were investigated, and their influences on final association results were analyzed.  相似文献   

一种新的用于极化SAR图像船只检测的散射相似性测度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种新的用于极化合成孔径雷达(SAR)海上船只目标检测的测度。首先利用散射相似性参数研究船只与海杂波散射机制的差异。基于这些差异,提出了一种新的船只检测测度,该测度能够有效区分船只目标和海杂波。然后提出了利用核密度估计(KDE)方法对该测度进行建模的方法。基于统计模型,实现了自适应恒虚警率(CFAR)的检测方案。本文利用多景C波段RADARSAT-2极化SAR(Pol-SAR)数据上进行实验,系统分析了所提出测度的海杂波拟合性能与船只检测性能,并与两个经典的极化测度进行了比较,实验和比较结果证明了所提的测度的可行性。  相似文献   

船舶自动识别系统(Automatic identification system,AIS)为渔业资源和渔船捕捞活动管理和研究提供了可能.明确船舶作业类型是开展AIS信息渔业研究应用前提,为渔业研究和管理提供渔船捕捞类型基础数据支撑,保障渔船作业安全和监督非法捕捞渔业活动,作者通过搜集整理3000多艘已知类型船舶信息,从...  相似文献   

利用威德尔海区域2016年的Sentinel-1ASAR影像数据,采用"双冒泡法"的sigma-on-mu探测器探测冰山边缘区域,并通过对边缘像元进行交换排序和凸显最大像元的方式识别冰山。以人工识别法为基础,通过与自动识别法的对比,定量地分析了"双冒泡法"的识别偏差。研究结果表明,"双冒泡法"识别的冰山线性尺寸和面积等信息中纵横向最大长度分别为24.52km和11.16km;面积为220.833 6km2;单体识别偏差率为2.87%,低于自动识别法(7.5%);平均偏差率为2.48%,亦低于自动识别法(7.27%)。同时,基于"双冒泡法",提出了较小冰山边界的手动分离法(像元≤100),与自动识别方法相比,该方法的手动分离以具体的像元边界为基准,提高了对较小冰山的识别精度。  相似文献   

溢油事件的发生会给海洋环境的保护和经济发展带来巨大的影响。运用现代化的监测手段和技术进行监测,及时发现溢油现象和违规行为,保护海洋环境是非常重要的。合成孔径雷达(SAR)技术是溢油检测的有效工具,在SAR图像中溢油表现为黑色的区域,但是黑色区域也可能会由其他的因素引起。本文提出了一种基于二维经验模态分解(BEMD)的方法来识别溢油和疑似溢油。首先通过BEMD方法将感兴趣的区域分解为局部窄带的各分量—内蕴模函数(BIMF)之和,并对分解后得到的各分量IMF进行Hilbert变换,通过Hibert谱分析得到64维的特征空间,然后使用Relief方法得到5个特征向量,最后利用马氏距离分类器进行分类。通过实验结果表明,该方法能够有效、准确地检测出溢油,准确率超过90%。  相似文献   

郭越  王晓峰 《海洋学报》2014,36(5):61-67
针对海上溢油SAR图像中油膜与类油膜的识别问题,提出了一种结合傅立叶分形与特征提取的检测算法。由于分形特征可以具有无穷多的细节,并在不同的研究尺度存在自仿射特性。这与油膜及类油膜表面的几何形貌特征非常吻合。该算法通过计算样本的傅立叶分形特征,组成油膜与类油膜的特征空间。然后,应用基于差分进化的特征选取方法将利于分类的重要特征值筛选出来。再利用重要特征值对原有样本进行分类。实验表明,经特征选取的分形特征向量能够以100%的准确率将两类样本区分开。该算法在选取重要特征的同时实现了对高维特征空间降维的目的,该思想可以应用于其他的基于高维特征的识别系统中,具有普遍的适用性。  相似文献   

Kelvin尾迹SAR多视向的成像仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用船只Kelvin航迹模型、海面波模型和二尺度微波散射模型,提出了船尾迹多视向的成像仿真技术,并首次在二维空间中从不同视向仿真船尾迹的SAR图像。结果表明,当雷达视向与船只航向平行时,横波成像明显;当雷达视向与船只航向垂直时,扩散波成像明显;当雷达视向与船只航向有个夹角时,会出现一臂亮一臂暗的现象,这一现象取决于两臂尖波的传播方向与雷达视向的夹角,传播方向与雷达视向越接近平行的波越容易被雷达观测到,从而形成亮臂。仿真结果还得出另外一个结论:船只航向与雷达视向越接近垂直,两臂张角越小。仿真结果和实际的多幅ERS-SAR图像所观测到的结果是一致的。该模型可以有效地模拟Kelvin尾迹SAR多视向成像。  相似文献   

A new CFAR ship target detection method in SAR imagery   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
Many ship target detection methods have been developed since it was verified that ship could be imaged with the space-based SAR systems. Most developed detection methods mostly emphasized ship detection rate but not computation time. By making use of the advantages of the K-distribution CFAR method and two-parameter CFAR method, a new CFAR ship target detection algorithm was proposed. In that new method, we use the K-distribution CFAR method to calculate a global threshold with a certain false-alarm rate. Then the threshold is applied to the whole SAR imagery to determine the possible ship target pixels, and a binary image is given as the preliminary result. Mathematical morphological filter are used to filter the binary image. After that step, we use the two-parameter CFAR method to detect the ship targets. In the step, the local sliding window only works in the possible ship target pixels of the SAR imagery. That step avoids the statistical calculation of the background pixels, so the method proposed can much improve the processing speed. In order to test the new method, two SAR imagery with different background were used, and the detection result shows that that method can work well in different background circumstances with high detection rate. Moreover, a synchronous ship detection experiment was carried out in Qingdao port in October 28, 2005 to verify the new method and one ENVISAT ASAR imagery was acquired to detect ship targets. It can be concluded from the experiment that the new method not only has high detection rate, but also is time-consuming, and is suitable for the operational ship detection system.  相似文献   

以覆盖黄河口湿地区域的Radarsat-2 SAR全极化影像和Landsat-5 TM影像为例,将4种极化方式的SAR影像与TM影像分别进行融合,采用支持向量机对融合结果进行滨海湿地典型地物土地覆盖分类,并对分类结果进行比较评价,分析不同极化方式的SAR影像与TM影像融合结果在滨海湿地地区的分类能力。实验结果表明:采用与SAR影像融合的方法能够提高TM影像的分类精度,其中HV极化方式的SAR影像与TM影像的融合结果分类精度最高,最适用于滨海湿地土地覆盖分类研究。  相似文献   

基于GLCM的SAR溢油纹理特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
溢油对海洋生态环境造成巨大的危害,溢油遥感监测已成为海洋遥感监测的主要内容,但由于在SAR图像上溢油的表现和其它海洋现象类似,难以区分油膜与类油膜,给遥感监测带来困难。本文以Envisat-ASAR为数据源,选择南海为例,采用GLCM方法对溢油的SAR纹理进行分析,计算海水与溢油的GLCM特征值,结果表明:采用变化、均值等特征对溢油的SAR纹理有很好的表现,从而为溢油信息的提取提供基础。  相似文献   

魏铼  胡卓玮 《海洋学报》2013,35(1):94-103
溢油已是当前海洋生态环境破坏的主要因素之一,因此对海洋溢油的检测分析是当前海洋环境保护的一个重要课题。传统的溢油提取仅仅是单独依靠光学影像的光谱信息或者合成孔径雷达(SAR)影像的后向散射系数信息进行提取,这会造成很多同谱异物或者粗糙度相近似的地物错分,因此除了利用传统的影像信息以外,还需结合影像的纹理信息,从而提高溢油提取的精度,减少错分地物的数量。选用2006年渤海地区的三景同轨SAR影像作为数据基础,应用基于灰度共生矩阵的方法对其进行纹理分析。该方法可以很好地对图像区域和表面进行感知并能够从像元的灰度相关性上对纹理特征进行详细描述,因此适合于SAR影像的海洋溢油检测。在纹理分析的过程中有很多的参数需要选择,参数选择的好坏将直接影响最终提取结果的精度。通过对纹理分析过程中的参数进行讨论、实验、选择与验证,最终确定了基于灰度共生矩阵纹理分析中各参数的值,并选择了局部平稳、非相似性、对比度、变化量4个特征量作为溢油提取的纹理特征统计量。将纹理特征与SAR自身的后向散射系数相结合,通过神经网络分类法对其进行分类,并计算出分类精度为80.65%,分类效果良好。由此说明了将影像的传统信息与纹理信息相结合进行溢油提取是一种可行而有效的方法,同时也为后续的海洋溢油检测工作奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

近年来,海战场成为现代战争的主要作战区域之一,舰船目标逐渐成为海上重点监测对象,能否快速准确地识别海战场舰船目标的战术意图,给指挥员的决策提供必要的支持,这关系到一场海上战役的成败.随着合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)成像技术的不断发展,大量SAR图像可用于舰船目标检测与识别.利...  相似文献   

星载合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)具有全天时、全天候的工作能力,已被众多学者认为是非常适合探测海面溢油污染的遥感器。然而在SAR影像中经常出现"类油膜"现象,这严重干扰了SAR溢油检测的精度。因此,如何有效区分SAR影像中的油膜和类油膜,对提升溢油检测精度具有重要意义。本文利用面向对象图像分析的方法,从20景ENVISAT ASAR影像中提取了较多的溢油和类油膜样本,对其基于对象的形状、物理和纹理特征进行了综合分析,找出了适合区分溢油和类油膜的特征量。利用特征分析的结论,本文建立了一种基于模糊逻辑的溢油检测算法。该算法可以有效区分SAR影像中的溢油和类油膜,还可以给出暗斑被判定为溢油的概率。溢油检测实验说明,本文方法能够得到令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

This paper proposes two simple models, look-up table(LUT) model and empirical model, to directly retrieve significant wave height(Hs) using synthetic aperture radar(SAR) azimuth cutoff(λc). Both models aim at C-band VV, HH, VH, and HV single-polarization SAR images. The LUT model relates Hs to λc, while the empirical model relates Hs to both λc and SAR range-to-velocity(β). The LUT model coefficients are derived by simulation under different sea states and observation conditions, which depend on incidence angle(θ), wave direction(dw), and βbut are independent of polarization. The empirical model coefficients are obtained by fitting the collocated data,which only depend on polarization. To fit empirical model coefficients and validate the two models, C-band RADARSAT-2 fine quad-polarization(VV+HH+VH+HV) single-look complex(SLC) SAR images and collocated buoy data are collected. Retrieved Hs, using Yang model and the two models proposed in this paper from four kinds of polarization SAR data, are compared with buoy Hs. Results show that both LUT and empirical models have the capacity of retrieving Hs from C-band RADARSAT-2 co-polarization SAR data, while Yang model is not suitable for these kinds of SAR data. Moreover, the empirical model is also valid for cross-polarization SAR data showing clear ocean wave stripes.  相似文献   

This work examines ERS-1 (the first European Remote Sensing Satellite) SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) water surface wave images over Hualien of Taiwan, indicating that the variation of SAR signals in space domain is similar to in situ wave data's in time domain. Some statistical properties of SAR data are investigated. The Rayleigh distribution function closely corresponds with the histogram of wave heights, but the Gaussian one cannot for water surface displacements. Evidence reveals that SAR wave signals do not respond well to actual ocean waves effectively. As wave spectral analysis of available SAR data reveals, the appropriate sample size of SAR wave image, sampling average, and moving average should be taken carefully to accurately confirm directional power spectra. Moreover, SAR spectra are compared with in situ ones, confirming that peak frequencies correlate well and wave directions approximately agree with each other. Some differences between both spectral shapes remain somewhat unclear and require further study. Nevertheless, in this study, ERS-1 SAR power spectra verified the feasibility of deriving an appropriate dominant wave direction and peak frequency.  相似文献   

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