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The Schmidt method for constructing the luminosity function of galaxies is generalized to include the dependence of the density of galaxies on distance in the near universe. The logarithmic luminosity function (LLF) of the field galaxies as a function of morphological type is constructed. It is found that the LLF for all the galaxies, as well as separately for elliptical and lenticular galaxies, can be represented as a Schechter function within a narrow range of absolute magnitudes. The LLF for spiral galaxies is a Schechter function over a rather wide range of absolute magnitudes, −21.0 ≤ M ≤ −14 . The parameter M* varies little over the spiral galaxies. The parameter α in the Schechter function decreases on going from early to later spirals. On going from elliptical to lenticular galaxies, from early spiral galaxies and onward to later spiral galaxies, a decrease in the average luminosity of the galaxies is observed in the bright end, −23 ≤ M ≤ −17.8 . The completeness and average density of the samples are estimated for galaxies of different morphological types. The average number density of all the galaxies within the range −23 ≤ M ≤ −13 is 0.126 Mpc-3.  相似文献   

Formulae for two classical cosmological tests,N(z) andN(m) are obtained with the luminosity function taken into account. From the testN(m) and Jarvis and Tyson observational data, characteristic absolute magnitude of galaxiesM *=–20.05 and mean extragalactic absorptionA=4×10–4 mag Mpc–1 have been found.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnitudes of Seyfert galaxies, determined from two-dimensional photometric data, are used to make an estimate of the luminosity function (LF) of Seyfert nuclei. This provides a direct observational check of two indirect determinations of this LF, one of which is favoured by the present result. Comparisons with the Seyfert LF for integrated magnitudes, the local quasar LF, and the LF of field galaxies, are discussed.  相似文献   

The optical luminosities of extragalactic objects with broad emission lines, i.e. quasi-stellar radio sources, radio quiet quasi-stellar objects and Seyfert galaxies are compared. At high luminosities (M < - 23) we find no difference in the form of the optical luminosity function for radio quiet and radio emitting objects; at low luminosities this function is growing steeply only for radio quiet objects, whereas for objects with higher radio indices it remains nearly constant below M = - 22. This may possibly be interpreted as indicating a division between the optically bright “quasars” and the less luminous objects. The quasars with the highest radio index show only a small scatter in optical luminosities and thus yield a well defined Hubble relation.  相似文献   

A sample of nearby galaxies (Schmidt and Boller 1992, paper I) has been analysed with regard to the luminosity function and the spatial distribution. The main results are as follows: (i) a relation between the slope of the luminosity function of the members of a group of galaxies and the earliest morphological type in this group has been detected which possibly is a new kind of environmental effects; (ii) the virial masses of the groups of galaxies are, on the average, by a factor 3 to 4 greater, only, than the luminous masses derived from the individual galaxy masses; (iii) the nearby galaxies are concentrated in a thin disk-like layer around the supergalactic plane the thickness of which is a few hundred kiloparsecs, only; (iv) a population of field galaxies with nearly constant density (about 3 per cent of the number density in the supergalactic plane) is extended into the voids on both the supergalactic hemispheres.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the soft X-ray properties of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1). NLS1 have generally steeper soft X-ray continuum slopes than Seyfert 1s with broader lines, and there exists an anticorrelation between 0.1–2.4 keV continuum slope and the FWHM of the Hβ line. Objects with steep 0.1–2.4 keV continuum slopes and Hβ FWHM > 3000 km s−1 are clearly discriminated against by nature. When simple power-law models are fit to the data, photon indices reach values up to about 5, much higher than is usually seen in Seyfert 1s. Models with smaller mass black holes and/or higher Eddington fractions show some promise to explain the relation between the FWHM of the Hβ line and the X-ray continuum slope. We further report evidence for persistent gaint and rapid variability in the ultrasoft narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 13224–3809. We have examined possible explanations for the gaint variability. Unusually strong relativistic effects provide a plausible explanation of the X-ray data. Relativistic boosting effects may be relevant to understanding the strong X-ray variability of some steep spectrum Seyferts more generally.  相似文献   

Flux variability is one of the defining characteristics of Seyfert galaxies, a class of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Although these variations are observed over a wide range of wavelengths, results on their flux variability characteristics in the ultraviolet (UV) band are very limited. We present here the long-term UV flux variability characteristics of a sample of fourteen Seyfert galaxies using data from the International Ultraviolet Explorer acquired between 1978 and 1995. We found that all the sources showed flux variations with no statistically significant differences in the amplitude of UV flux variation between shorter and longer wavelengths. Also, the flux variations between different near-UV (NUV, \(1850{-}3300\) Å) and far-UV (FUV, \(1150{-}2000\) Å) passbands in the rest frames of the objects are correlated with no time lag. The data show indications of (i) a mild negative correlation of UV variability with bolometric luminosity and (ii) weak positive correlation between UV variability and black hole mass. At FUV, about 50% of the sources show a strong correlation between spectral indices and flux variations with a hardening when brightening behaviour, while for the remaining sources the correlation is moderate. In NUV, the sources do show a harder spectrum when brighter, but the correlation is either weak or moderate.  相似文献   

Erevan State University. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 353–361, July–September, 1993.  相似文献   

Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) are intriguing owing to their continuum as well as emission-line properties. The observed peculiar properties of the NLS1s are believed to be as a result of an accretion rate close to the Eddington limit. As a consequence of this, for a given luminosity, NLS1s have smaller black hole (BH) masses compared with normal Seyfert galaxies. Here we argue that NLS1s might be Seyfert galaxies in their early stage of evolution and as such may be low-redshift, low-luminosity analogues of high-redshift quasars. We propose that NLS1s may reside in rejuvenated, gas-rich galaxies. We also argue in favour of collisional ionization for production of Fe  ii in active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of a programme aimed at investigating the presence of Hii regions around Seyfert nuclei are presented. We have detected extended zones of ionized gas around some classical Seyfert galaxies. We think that the ionizing mechanism in these extended regions is UV radiation from young stars formed in a recent burst of star formation. In many instances the objects studied show morphological disturbances arising from the interaction with nearby companion galaxies.  相似文献   

We have produced radio maps, using the Australia Telescope Compact Array, of the central regions of six southern type 2 Seyfert galaxies (NGC 1365, 4945, 6221, 6810, 7582 and Circinus) with circumnuclear star formation, to estimate the relative contribution of star formation activity compared to activity from the active galactic nucleus (AGN). The radio morphologies range from extended diffuse structures to compact nuclear emission, with no evidence, even in the relatively compact sources, for synchrotron self-absorption. In each case the radio to far-infrared (FIR) ratio has a value consistent with star formation, and in all but one case the radio to [Fe  II ] ratio is also consistent with star formation. We derive supernova rates and conclude that, despite the presence of a Seyfert nucleus in these galaxies, the radio, FIR and [Fe  II ] line emissions are dominated by processes associated with the circumnuclear star formation (i.e. supernova remnants and H  II regions) rather than with the AGN.  相似文献   

We have studied the correlation among X-ray absorption, optical reddening and nuclear dust morphology in Seyfert 2 galaxies. Two main conclusions emerge: (i) the Balmer decrement and the amount of X-ray absorption are anticorrelated over a wide range of column density,     – the correlation no longer applies to Compton-thick objects     , although they span a comparable range in Balmer decrement; (ii) Compton-thin Seyfert 2s seem to prefer nuclear environments, which are rich in dust on scales of hundreds of parsecs. On the other hand, Compton-thick Seyferts indifferently exhibit 'dust-poor' and 'dust-rich' environments. These results support an extension of the Seyfert unification scenario (as recently proposed by Matt ), where Compton-thick Seyfert 2s are observed through compact 'torii', whereas Compton-thin ones are obscured by dust on much larger scales.  相似文献   

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