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Late Weichselian glacier limits for the Forlandsundet area, western Spitsbergen are reconstructed from the stratigraphic distribution of tills and deglacial deposits, variations in the altitude of the marine limit, distribution of pre-Late Weichselian raised beach deposits, and the rare occurrence of moraines and striated bedrock. The Late Weichselian glaciation was primarily a local event with fjord outlet-glaciers expanding no more than 15 km beyond their present position; cirque glaciers were similar to their neoglacial limits. A previously reconstructed ice sheet centered over the Barents Shelf had little direct influence on the glaciation of the Forlandsundet area. Glacier retreat began at or prior to 10.5 ka ago and possibly as early as 13 ka ago with fjords mostly, and perhaps rapidly deglaciated by 10 to 9 ka ago.  相似文献   

The Late Weichselian ice sheet of western Svalbard was characterized by ice streams and inter‐ice‐stream areas. To reconstruct its geometry and dynamics we investigated the glacial geology of two areas on the island of Prins Karls Forland and the Mitrahalvøya peninsula. Cosmogenic 10Be surface exposure dating of glacial erratics and bedrock was used to constrain past ice thickness, providing minimum estimates in both areas. Contrary to previous studies, we found that Prins Karls Forland experienced a westward ice flux from Spitsbergen. Ice thickness reached >470 m a.s.l., and warm‐based conditions occurred periodically. Local deglaciation took place between 16 and 13 ka. At Mitrahalvøya, glacier ice draining the Krossfjorden basin reached >300 m a.s.l., and local deglaciation occurred at c. 13 ka. We propose the following succession of events for the last deglaciation. After the maximum glacier extent, ice streams in the cross‐shelf troughs and fjords retreated, tributary ice streams formed in Forlandsundet and Krossfjorden, and, finally, local ice caps were isolated over both Prins Karls Forland and Mitrahalvøya and their adjacent shelves.  相似文献   

New marine geological evidence provides a better understanding of ice-sheet dynamics along the western margin of the last Svalbard/Barents Sea Ice Sheet. A suite of glacial sediments in the Kongsfjordrenna cross-shelf trough can be traced southwards to the shelf west of Prins Karls Forland. A prominent moraine system on the shelf shows minimum Late Weichselian ice extent, indicating that glacial ice also covered the coastal lowlands of northwest Svalbard. Our results suggest that the cross-shelf trough was filled by a fast-flowing ice stream, with sharp boundaries to dynamically less active ice on the adjacent shelves and strandflats. The latter glacial mode favoured the preservation of older geological records adjacent to the main pathway of the Kongsfjorden glacial system. We suggest that the same model may apply to the Late Weichselian glacier drainage along other fjords of northwest Svalbard, as well as the western margin of the Barents Ice Sheet. Such differences in glacier regime may explain the apparent contradictions between the marine and land geological record, and may also serve as a model for glaciation dynamics in other fjord regions.  相似文献   

This study presents the Weichselian stratigraphy on Kriegers Flak in the southwestern Baltic Sea, and correlates it to new sections in southernmost Sweden and to previously published stratigraphic sequences from SW Skåne. A total of four Weichselian advances are identified based on our correlations. The oldest till, observed only on Kriegers Flak, is dated to the Early or Middle Weichselian and tentatively correlated to the Ristinge advance, previously identified in Denmark. It is overlain by three interstadial sediment units, starting with brackish clay and followed by terrestrial and lacustrine deposits, which have been dated to 42–36 ka, and finally by glaciolacustrine clay dated to 28.5–26 ka. After 30 ka, the Fennoscandian ice sheet advanced through the Baltic Basin and into the coastal areas of southernmost Sweden where the Allarp Till was deposited, followed by a deglaciation sequence. The uppermost tills, the Dalby Till and the Lund till, were deposited during the LGM advance and the subsequent re‐advances through the Baltic Basin. Based on the new evidence it has been possible to identify and date a Middle and Late Weichselian till succession in southern Sweden and provide a strong correlation to the established glacial stratigraphies in Sweden and Denmark.  相似文献   

The first major Weichselian ice advance in Scoresby Sund, during the Aucellaelv stage, deposited thick till beds along the coast of Jameson Land between > 107 ka and 140 ka. and is correlated with isotope substage 5d in the marine record. This is shown by stream-cut sections at the mouth of the Aucellaelv. Jameson Land, which contain a scquence of shallow marine, fluvial and glacigene sediments extending from the Scoresby Sund glaciation (≅Saalian) to the Flakkerhuk stade (Late Weichselian). The sequence is dated by palaeoceanographic correlation with the deep-sea record, U/Th and luminescence dating, and correlated with the record in adjacent areas by mapping of marker horizons, and by mollusc fauna assemblages and amino acid analyses.  相似文献   

At Kap Herschell, in the outer fjord zone of central northeast Greenland, exposed sections in a Late Pleistocene ice-cored moraine revealed four major stratigraphic units deposited during the complex Kap Herschell Stade . All contain fragmented and redeposited marine shells that most likely belong to an Eemian or Early Weichselian marine episode. The oldest unit consists of buried ground ice with folded and sheared debris bands. Isotopic analyses show that the slope of the regression line for δ2H vs. δ18O of the ice is about 8.5. which suggests correlation with the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL). Data strongly suggest that the ground ice at Kap Herschell is a remnant of a Late Pleistocene glacier. It was probably generated at low altitudes (< 1000 m) in the inner fjord region or in the nunatak zone. The ground ice is unconformably overlain by all younger stratigraphic units, the oldest of which is a diamicton probably deposited as ablation till from the ice. A complex unit composed of mainly glaciolacustrine deposits and subordinate beds of fluvial and deltaic origin overlies the till and ground ice. Luminescence dating of the lacustrine sediments indicates maximum ages younger than 43 ka BP, suggesting deposition during isotope stages 3 or 2. The glaciolacustrine deposits suffered strongly from glaciotectonic deformation, caused by renewed glacier advance through the fjord. It reached the inner shelf and led to deposition of a discordant till at Kap Herschell, most probably during the Late Weichselian.  相似文献   

Deposits of Late Pleistocene age were investigated near the Fynselv river on the southwestern coast of Jameson Land. East Greenland. The deposits are of fluvial, deltaic shallow marine and glacigenic origin. Four stratigraphic units are recorded. Unit I consists of deltaic and shallow marine deposits reflecting a relative sea level of at least 20 m above the present. Elevated fluvial deposits represent the subaerial part of the depositional system. The system existed during full interglacial and subarctic conditions as indicated by remains or flora and Fauna and unit I is correlated with the Langelandselv interglaciation (isotopic substage 5e). Unit II consists of a till deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the beginning of the Early Weichselian referred to as the Aucellaelv stade. The glacier probably melted in a marine environment. Unit III represents a marine delta system during the Hugin Sø interstade. and reveals a relative sea level of at least 62 m above the present. Unit IV consists of till and kame deposits assumed to be deposited by a glacier in the Scoresby Sund Fjord during the Flakkerhuk stade. probably a Late Weichselian glacier advance.  相似文献   

At the end of the Middle Weichselian (30–25 ka BP) a glacier advance from southern Norway, termed the Kattegat Ice Stream, covered northern Denmark, the Kattegat Sea floor and the Swedish West Coast during onset of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) at the southwest margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet. The lithostratigraphic unit deposited by the ice stream is the till of the Kattegat Formation (Kattegat till). Because morphological features have been erased by later glacial events, stratigraphic control and timing are decisive. The former ice stream is identified by the dispersal of Oslo indicator erratics from southern Norway and by glaciodynamic structures combined with glaciotectonic deformation of subtill sediments. Ice movement was generally from northerly directions and the flow pattern is fan-shaped in marginal areas. To the east, the Kattegat Ice Stream was flanked by passive glaciers in southern Sweden and its distribution was probably governed by the presence of low permeability and highly deformable marine and lacustrine deposits. When glaciers from southern Norway blocked the Norwegian Channel, former marine basins in the Skagerrak and Kattegat experienced glaciolacustrine conditions around 31–29 ka BP. The Kattegat Ice Stream became active some time between 29 ka BP and 26 ka BP, when glaciers from the Oslo region penetrated deep into the shallow depression occupied by the Kattegat Ice Lake. Deglaciation and an interlude with periglacial and glaciolacustrine sedimentation lasted until c. 24–22 ka BP and were succeeded by the Main Glacier Advance from central Sweden reaching the limit of Late Weichselian glaciations in Denmark around 22–20 ka BP, the peak of the LGM. This was followed by deglaciation and marine inundation in the Kattegat and Skagerrak around 17 ka BP.  相似文献   

The Vastiansky Kon' is the largest exposure of Quaternary deposits in the Pechora lowland, northern Russia. Morphologically the site belongs to the so-called Markhida Moraine; a complex, east–west trending zone of ice-marginal landforms deposited by the Kara Sea Ice Sheet during the last glaciation. The site exhibits a succession of sediments more than 100 m thick that, according to previous studies, covers the interval from the end of the Elsterian to the beginning of the Holocene. Unfortunately both the strong glaciotectonic deformation of the sedimentary succession and few absolute dates have made the chronological interpretation of the section difficult. The present paper reviews previous studies of the site published in Russian, and presents the results of a reinvestigation focusing on the post-Eemian stratigraphy. A marine Eemian clay more than 8 m thick is overlain erosionally by 20 m of fluvial deposits of Late Eemain or Early Weichselian age. The fluvial succession is overlain by a till and a marine clay, which, according to one interpretation, may represent an Early or Middle Weichselian advance of the Kara Ice Sheet followed by a transgression. The clay shows a transition into 15 m of estuarine and fluvial sediments overlain by more than 12 m of tundra–floodplain deposits. The whole succession has been upthrusted glaciotectonically by the last ice advance, which deposited a more than 12 m thick till on top of the section. Based on a number of subtill radiocarbon age-estimates from the site, in the range 25–32 ka BP, the youngest ice advance is considered to be of late Weichselian age, although a Middle Weichselian age cannot be excluded. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The occurrence of till beds alternating with glaciomarine sediment spanning oxygen isotope stages 6 to 2, combined with morphological evidence, shows that the southwestern fringe of Norway was inundated by an ice stream flowing through the Norwegian Channel on at least four occasions, the last time being during the Late Weichselian maximum. All marine units are deglacial successions composed of muds with dropstones and diamictic intrabeds and a foraminiferal fauna characteristic of extreme glaciomarine environments. Land‐based ice, flowing at right angles to the flow direction of the ice stream, fed into the ice stream along an escarpment formed by erosion of the ice stream. Each time the ice stream wasted back, land‐based ice advanced into the area formerly occupied by the ice stream. During the last deglaciation of the ice stream (c. 15 ka BP), the advance of the land‐based ice occurred immediately upon ice stream retreat. As a result, the sea was prevented from inundating the upland areas, allowing most of the glacioisostatic readjustment to occur before the land‐based ice melted back at about 13 ka BP. This explains the low Late Weichselian sea levels in the area (10–20 m) compared with those of the Middle Weichselian and older sea‐level high stands (~200 m). Regional tectonic movements cannot explain the location of the observed marine successions. The highest sea level recorded (>200 m) is represented by glaciomarine sediments from the Sandnes interstadial (30–34 ka BP). Older interstadial marine sediments are found at somewhat lower levels, possibly as a result of subsequent glacial erosion in these deposits. Ice streams developed in the Norwegian Channel during three Weichselian time intervals. This seems to correspond to glacial episodes both to the south in Denmark and to the north on the coast of Norway, although correlations are somewhat hampered by insufficient dating control.  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary ( c . 130,000–10,000 BP) glacial history of the central west coast of Jameson Land, East Greenland, is reconstructed through glacial stratigraphical studies. Seven major sedimentary units are described and defined. They represent two interglacial events (where one is the Holocene). one interstadial event and two glacial events. The older interglacial event comprises marine and fluvial sediments, and is correlated to the Langelandselv interglacial, corresponding to oxygen isotope sub-stage 5e. It is followed by an Early Weichselian major glaciation during the Aucellaelv stade, and subsequently by an Early Weichselian interstadial marine and deltaic event (the Hugin Sø interstade). Sediments relating to the Middle Weichselian have not been recognized in the area. The Hugin Sø interstade deposits have been overrun by a Late Weichselian ice advance, during the Flakkerhuk stade, when the glacier, which probably was a thin, low gradient fjord glacier in Scoresby Sund, draped older sediments and landforms with a thin till. Subsequent to the final deglaciation, some time before 10,000BP, the sea reached the marine limit around 70 m a.s.l., and early Holocene marine, fluvial and littoral sediments were deposited in the coastal areas.  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphy of pre‐Late Weichselian sediments and OSL‐dating results from four localities in the Suupohja area of western Finland, adjacent to the centre of the former Scandinavian glaciations, are presented. The studied sections expose glacifluvial, quiet‐water, littoral and aeolian deposits overlain by Middle and/or Late Weichselian tills. Litho‐ and biostratigraphical results together with seven OSL age determinations on buried glacifluvial sediment at Rävåsen (94±15 ka) and on till‐covered littoral and aeolian sediments at Risåsen, Rävåsen, Jätinmäki and Kiviharju (79±10 to 54±8 ka), accompanied by previous datings and interpretations, suggest that the glacifluvial sediments at Risåsen were deposited at the end of the Saalian Stage (MIS 6) and those at Risåsen were deposited possibly in the Early Weichselian Substage (MIS 5d?). Palaeosol horizons and ice‐wedge casts together with the dated littoral and aeolian sediments between the Harrinkangas Formation (Saalian) and the overlying till(s) indicate that western Finland was ice‐free during most of the Weichselian time. Littoral deposits, dated to the Middle Weichselian (MIS 4–3), occur at altitudes of 50–90 m a.s.l., which indicates significant glacio‐isostatic depression. The depression resulted from expansion of the ice sheet in the west of Finland at that time.  相似文献   

The youngest ice marginal zone between the White Sea and the Ural mountains is the W-E trending belt of moraines called the Varsh-Indiga-Markhida-Harbei-Halmer-Sopkay, here called the Markhida line. Glacial elements show that it was deposited by the Kara Ice Sheet, and in the west, by the Barents Ice Sheet. The Markhida moraine overlies Eemian marine sediments, and is therefore of Weichselian age. Distal to the moraine are Eemian marine sediments and three Palaeolithic sites with many C-14 dates in the range 16-37 ka not covered by till, proving that it represents the maximum ice sheet extension during the Weichselian. The Late Weichselian ice limit of M. G. Grosswald is about 400 km (near the Urals more than 700 km) too far south. Shorelines of ice dammed Lake Komi, probably dammed by the ice sheet ending at the Markhida line, predate 37 ka. We conclude that the Markhida line is of Middle/Early Weichselian age, implying that no ice sheet reached this part of Northern Russia during the Late Weichselian. This age is supported by a series of C-14 and OSL dates inside the Markhida line all of >45 ka. Two moraine loops protrude south of the Markhida line; the Laya-Adzva and Rogavaya moraines. These moraines are covered by Lake Komi sediments, and many C-14 dates on mammoth bones inside the moraines are 26-37 ka. The morphology indicates that the moraines are of Weichselian age, but a Saalian age cannot be excluded. No post-glacial emerged marine shorelines are found along the Barents Sea coast north of the Markhida line.  相似文献   

The Jæren area in southwestern Norway has experienced great changes in sea‐levels and sedimentary environments during the Weichselian, and some of these changes are recorded at Foss‐Eikeland. Four diamictons interbedded with glaciomarine and glaciofluvial sediments are exposed in a large gravel pit situated above the post‐glacial marine limit. The interpretation of these sediments has implications for the history of both the inland ice and the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream. During a Middle Weichselian interstadial, a large glaciofluvial delta prograded into a shallow marine environment along the coast of Jæren. A minor glacial advance deposited a gravelly diamicton, and a glaciomarine diamicton was deposited during a following marine transgression. This subsequently was reworked by grounded ice, forming a well‐defined boulder pavement. The boulder pavement is followed by glaciomarine clay with a lower, laminated part and an upper part of sandy clay. The laminated clay probably was deposited under sea‐ice, whereas more open glaciomarine conditions prevailed during deposition of the upper part. The clay is intersected by clastic dykes protruding from the overlying, late Weichselian till. Preconsolidation values from the marine clay suggest an ice thickness of at least 500 m during the last glacial phase. The large variations in sea‐level probably are a combined effect of eustasy and glacio‐isostatic changes caused by an inland ice sheet and an ice stream in the Norwegian Channel. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A section, almost 20 km long and up to 80 m high, through alternating layers of diamict and sorted sediments is superbly exposed on the north coast of the Kanin Peninsula, northwestern Russia. The diamicts represent multiple glacial advances by the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea ice sheets during the Weichselian. The diamicts and stratigraphically older lacustrine, fluvial and shallow marine sediments have been thrust as nappes by the Barents Sea and Kara Sea ice sheets. Based on stratigraphic position, OSL dating, sea level information and pollen, it is evident that the sorted sediments were deposited in the Late Eemian-Early Weichselian. Sedimentation started in lake basins and continued in shallow marine embayments when the lakes opened to the sea. The observed transition from lacustrine to shallow marine sedimentation could represent coastal retreat during stable or rising sea level.  相似文献   

Based on detailed stratigraphic investigations on a 200.6m long core (BGS borehole No. 81/26) from the Fladen Ground area (British sector), core material from the Sleipner field (Norwegian sector) and shallow seismic profiles between the core-sites, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) The North Sea was glaciated sometime during th elaterpart of Matuyama reversed period. A complete glacial-interglacial-glacial cycle is recorded in these sediments. (2) In a period of marine sedimentation in the Middle Pleistocene, a transgression-regression cycle under boreal-arctic regime is recorded. (3) The Fladen area has subsided between 0.9 and 0.6 m/ka through the later parts of the Quaternary (4) A major glacial event dated at between 130 and 200 ka is recorded as a thick till unit in 81/26. This till, which was deposited by ice moving from the southwest (Scotland), probably represents a period when the Scandinavian and British ice sheets coalesced in the North Sea. (5) Based on the seismic data and the stratigraphy of the Sleipner core, an ice-free, open embayment/dry land is favoured for the central North Sea during the Late Weichselian. (6) From the amino-acid data, it is shown that there has been an episodic style of sedimentation through the Quaternary. (7) of the investigated sediments (which span the last 1 mill. year) ca 98% have been deposited under arctic to boreal-arctic conditions.  相似文献   

Quaternary sediments along a profile crossing the southern part of the Jæren escarpment, southwestern Norway, have been investigated with regard to their glacial history and sea-level variations. Deposits from at least three glaciations and two ice-free periods between Oxygen Isotope Stage 6 and the Late Weichselian have been identified. Subglacial till directly overlain by a glaciomarine regressional succession indicates a deglaciation, and amino acid ratios in Elphidium excavatum between 0.083 and 0.118 date this event to Oxygen Isotope Stage 6. Sea-level dropped from 130 to below 110 m a.s.l. Subsequently, a short-lived ice advance deposited a marginal moraine and a sandur locally on the escarpment. Stratigraphical position and luminescence dates around 148 ka BP suggest deposition during the final stage 6 deglaciation. A Late Weichselian till covers most of the surface of Jæren. In addition to a well documented westerly ice flow, glaciotectonic indications of ice flow towards the north have been found. Ice flow directions and a hiatus between Oxygen Isotope Stage 6 and the Weichselian indicate enhanced erosion along the escarpment and the influence of a Norwegian Channel ice-stream. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The coast-parallel Flakkerhuk ridge on southern Jameson Land revealed a succession of four marine formations separated by tills and glaciotectonic deformation zones representing glacier advances. Paleontological evidence. supported by 32 luminescence datings, indicates that deposition took place during the Eemian and Early Weichselian. A pronounced rise in sea-level due to glacio-isostatic depression is evidenced within the Late Eemian part of the sequence, indicating buildup of ice commencing while interglacial conditions still prevailed. A diamicton interpreted as a till deposited by a glacier moving from the interior of Jameson Land and overlying the interglacial deposits would seem to suggest the presence of a local ice cap on Jameson Land at the last interglacial/glacial transition. Three ice advances from the fjord onto the coast were identified following the last interglacial. The glaciers at no time advanced beyond 2–3 km inland from the coast in the investigated area. This demonstrates that the glaciers advancing through the Scoresby Sund fjord during the Weichselian were relatively thin, with a low longitudinal gradient. Glacier advances onto the coast were apparently strongly influenced by local topography and relative sea-level. The Flakkerhuk ridge is mainly an erosional landform originating from continued fluvial downcutting of former drainage channels from along the Early Weichselian ice margin. Only the very top of the ridge is considered to he a constructional ice marginal ridge, related to the Flakkerhuk glaciation.  相似文献   

Core material obtained from three boreholes was studied from the Ruunaa area, Finnish northern Karelia, in order to reveal the Late Pleistocene environmental history of eastern Finland. Conventional litho- and biostratigraphical methods were used and suitable sediment samples were dated using quartz optically stimulated luminescence. The results indicate that two till units were deposited by two separate Weichselian ice advances into the area. The first advance took place prior to 52 kyr ago, most likely during the early Middle Weichselian, while the second is thought to have taken place during the Late Weichselian after 25 kyr ago. The sediment succession at Ruunaa therefore indicates a Middle Weichselian ice-free period around 50–25 kyr ago in the eastern part of Fennoscandia.  相似文献   

The Hitura open pit exposes a sedimentary sequence up to 50 m thick representing Late Saalian to Holocene glacial and non-glacial sediments. The sequence was investigated using sedimentological methods, OSL-dating and pollen and diatom analyses to reconstruct the Middle Weichselian (MWG) glacial event in the central part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS). The results indicate that the sediment succession represents two entire glacial advance and retreat cycles. The lowermost deposits are Late Saalian esker and delta sediments overlain by sediments that correlate with the early Eemian lacustrine phase. Remnants of the Eemian soil post-dating the lacustrine phase were also observed. The area was ice-free during the entire Early Weichselian (EWG). The first glacial advance recorded in the sediments is related to the MWG. It started 79 kyr ago, deformed underlying sediments and deposited an immature till, including large detached sediment pods containing remains of organic material, soils and fluvial sediments representing allochthonous material from EWG ice-free stadials and interstadials. The glacial deposits are conformably overlain by glaciolacustrine and littoral accumulations, indicating MWG deglaciation between 62 and 55 kyr ago. Based on the fabric measurements from the till unit overlying the MWG sediments, ice advance during the Late Weichselian (LWG) was initially from the west and later from a north-northwesterly direction. The Hitura strata provide the first dating of the MWG deglaciation (55 to 62 kyr ago) from central parts of the SIS. It can be considered as a key site for studying the growth and decay of SIS during the poorly known early parts of the glaciation.  相似文献   

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