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CT对隐性骨折的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨CT对隐性骨折的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析84例隐性骨折患者,其中男64例,女20例,年龄7 ̄73岁,平均42.6岁。所有患者均行轴位或冠状位CT扫描。结果:扫描发现脊柱骨折28例,髋臼骨折8例,胫骨平台骨折11例,眶骨骨折12例,颞骨骨折13例。肩胛骨骨折12例。结论:CT对隐性骨折的诊断具有极大价值,对于高度怀疑骨折而X线片未显示骨折征象的患者应进一步给予CT扫描检查。  相似文献   

笔者报道应用CT扫描对261例围产期窒息儿进行头部扫描,发现有二种颅内病变;颅内出血和脑缺氧缺血性脑病共230例,其阳性率为88.1%,就其CT表现,病理基础及脑损伤程度与预后关系进行论述。  相似文献   

目的是分析垂体腺瘤CT表现,探讨其与肿瘤分类的关系,材料与方法为本组21例垂体腺瘤中肢端肥大8例,闭经伴泌乳8例,多饮多尿1例,无特异性明显临床表现4例,经冠状位CT扫描增细并局部放大,结果得到本组CT所见实性肿瘤7例,囊实混杂13例,囊性1例,手术病理结果为色性细胞腺瘤13例,嗜酸性细胞腺瘤7例,垂体腺瘤恶变1例,结论明确CT是诊断垂体腺瘤的重要方法之一,根据CT改变,再结合临床表现对肿瘤分类有  相似文献   

本文从三个方面探讨了副鼻窦直接冠状扫描影像:(1)检查前病人的准备;(2)CT 技术;(3)数据显示。最佳 CT 技术主要包括采用俯卧位对副鼻窦前部以3mm 层厚薄层扫描,它可使得窦口鼻道综合体得以最佳显示,余部采用5mm 层厚扫描。扫描角度无意义。  相似文献   

CT在岩土实验中的数值分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文利用CT对岩石、土壤、水体多种成分的冻结过程进行了实验研究。阐述了X射线与物质的相互作用,CT检查实验样品的数学原理。对图像的分辨率和伪影进行了讨论,对实验样品的最佳扫描条件进行了分析。为了定量分析岩土CT图像,以便深人地动态研究在不同实验过程中土样内部组织结构的变化,物质成份的迁移,需要针对扫描样品建立数值方程。通过对各种形状、尺寸、密度和组分的标准样品进行大量的CT扫描,对理论方程进行了验证。对扫描数据的统计分析说明,CT值随物质密度增加而线性增加,其斜率与物质成份有关;对于高密度的物质,CT值随着样品直径的减小而增加。为了以统一的数学模型描述实验样品的CT值,对理论公式进行调整、建立了半经验数值方程。利用数值方程可以定量分析岩土样品在冻结过程中的水份迁移,冻结澎胀变形;在外力作用下组织结构的变化;在温度变化过程中在冻结层面及未冻水的含量;在自然状态中材料的孔隙度等等工程科学研究中的问题。实验证明,CT用于岩土及其它材料科研中具有较高的价值。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腰椎峡部CT反向扫描技术的价值。方法 CT扫描架向头侧倾斜,定位线与腰椎峡部平面平行,扫描角度与间盘层面相反。结果 反向扫描技术图像可清晰显示腰椎峡部裂隙宽度及关节错乱情况,防止漏诊。结论 反向扫描技术应在腰椎间盘扫描中常规使用。  相似文献   

本文通过对20例小于1cm的肺内微小结节病灶的分析,比较了螺旋CT扫描,常规CT扫描,及胸部平片在临床应用的价值,认为螺旋CT扫描高分辨薄层重建可以提高肺内微小结节的检出率,并有利于研究结节的内部,边缘和结节的周围情况,从而对早期肺癌的定性诊断和鉴别诊断有重要价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨CT多平面重组(MPR)技术在眼眶骨折法医鉴定中的价值。方法:对87例需要法医鉴定的眼眶外伤患者,行多层螺旋CT容积扫描后,用多平面重组技术重建出标准的轴位、冠状位、斜矢状位(与视神经长轴平行)图像及病情需要的任意角度的平行范围重组(MPR)图像,并对其观察分析。结果:87例眼眶外伤患者中,CT平扫显示眼眶骨折68例,可疑骨折14例,误诊5例。MPR图像多方位结合,明确显示或明确诊断85例,可疑骨折2例,误诊0例。轴位、冠状位、斜矢状位及任意角度的重组图像对眼眶外伤的诊断各有优势。结论:眼眶骨折CT单一方位图像均不利于法医鉴定,多方位结合的重组技术可为法医鉴定提供可靠的诊断依据。  相似文献   

本文报导了一例CT难于诊断的颅咽管瘤。患者:男性,47岁,因间歇性头痛一年多,双眼视力减退年以上,于1992-06月入院诊治。一年前患者出现前额部隐痛,进行性加剧,半年后出现双眼视力减退的症状,曾作两次CT扫描,均未发现异常,诊断为球后视神经炎,予激素治疗40天后,双眼视力复原,头痛缓解,以后症状反复发作三次,均用激素治疗缓解,1992年丙次头颅CT冠状扫描诊为鞍区病变,检查、视力右1.0左0.4  相似文献   

目的是观察杨氏中国尖齿兽有无筛板骨,探讨X线CT在古生物学研究中的应用价值。方法:选择扫描参数用传统CT、高档CT及工业CT分别对杨氏中国尖齿兽头骨化石标本进行扫描。结果:杨氏中国尖齿兽脑腔、鼻腔之间存在筛板骨,高档及工业CS能清晰显示筛板结构。结论:X线CT是无创性观察化石内部结构的方法,在古生物学研究方法中占据重要位置。  相似文献   

为研究纤维增强混凝土(FRC)框架结构体系预期损伤部位的损伤程度控制和性能评估方法,采用ABAQUS有限元软件对该框架结构模型进行动力时程分析。针对该结构体系,研究其各种性能水准极限状态的定性描述和量化方法,并进行结构抗震性能评估。研究结果显示,预期损伤部位采用FRC材料,可以减小RC框架结构的层间残余侧移角、柱端截面最大转角和柱截面最大残余转角,可以控制整体结构和构件的损伤程度。给出FRC框架结构在不同性能水准下分别以柱截面转角、层间侧移角和层间残余侧移角为性能指标的限值。综合考虑FRC材料的特性和仿真结果的分析,建议选用层间残余侧移角进行性能评估更为合理。考虑8倍板厚翼缘宽度,柱梁抗弯承载力比达到1.2,FRC框架结构在8度设防烈度对应的地震作用下可达到性能等级D。  相似文献   

环枢椎冠状CT扫描因其受到人体结构及设备的制约,技术难度较大,故很少有单位开展此项检查。我院影像科与北医三院脊柱外科协作,为了临床的需要,解决环枢椎外伤及术前术后的诊断问题,我们对环枢椎的直接冠状CT扫描进行了尝试。结果令人满意,达到了临床的诊断要求。  相似文献   

Earthquakes commonly occur in the sliding surface of the fault zone. The morphology of the sliding surface is the result of fault activities, and also it evolves with the activities. The irregular geometry of the fault plane affects the sliding resistance, the concentration and anisotropy of the stress distribution within the fault plane and the fault shear strength. So, the acquisition of high-precision morphological features is of great significance for studying the correlation between fault surface morphology and seismic nucleation, fracture propagation and termination. Due to the lack of reliable micron-scale morphological measurement apparatus, the study of the coherence of the fault surface morphology from large scale(unit: m-cm)to small scale(unit: μm)is subject to restrictions, as well as the study of the relationship between the micro-morphology of the experimental frictional surface and the rupture process. In order to improve the measurement accuracy of the fault plane and overcome the shortcomings of existing measurement methods, we have invented a morphology measurement system with independent intellectual property rights.
The measuring principle of this morphology measurement system is based on the laser rangefinder theory. The frame of this system consists of four parts: Braced Frame, Moving Scanner Unit, System-Controlling Unit and Data Collection Unit. Braced Frame is made up of high-adjustable frame, loading stage, dust-proof box and isolation platform, which is used to provide a vibration isolation, light proof and dust-proof measuring environment. Moving Scanner Unit contains a laser head and a two-dimensional translation stag, the laser head is used to measure vertical distance and a two-dimensional translation stage carrying a laser head moving in X-axis and Y-axis orientation to provide X, Y coordinate values. System-Controlling Unit includes two-dimensional translation stage controller, laser head controller and signal convertor. The function of this part is mainly to control operation of other parts. The Data Collection Unit is composed of computer system and software module. This part connects other parts for receiving and storing data. In order to improve the scan efficiency, we developed new software by which we can precisely control the measuring process and efficiently process the acquired data. The software is comprised of five modules: 1)Move Module, this module is used to control the original moving of the laser head relative to the two-dimension translation stage and display the 3-dimensional coordinate information in real time; 2)Set Parameters of Scan Area, the function of this module is to obtain the XY coordinate values of four corner points of the target area to scan; 3)Scan Method Module, though this part, we can control the point spacing in the X-axis orientation by inputting velocity of laser header, as well as the point spacing in X-axis orientation by inputting the Y-step parameter; 4)Pre-Scan Module, there are three functions in this module to inspect whether the z-value of the target area is beyond the range of the laser head or not, estimate consuming time for scanning the object area under the predefined parameters and to estimate the size of the result file; and 5)Scan Module, the function of this module is to store the scanning data.
We scanned the camera lens and the standard plate whose standard deviations are lower than 5μm to acquire the precision of the measurement system, and the results show that the precision of the plane positioning (X-axis and Y-axis direction)is better than 3.5μm; the vertical measurement precision is better than 4.5μm. The highest resolution of the measurement system is constrained by the performance of the laser head and two-dimension translation stage, and the horizontal resolution can reach 0.62μm, vertical resolution 0.25μm. When the needed resolution is lower than the highest, we can achieve it through adjusting the parameter of the velocity in the X-axis orientation and steps in the Y-axis orientation. To test the practical effect of the measurement system, we scanned an area of frictional surface of experimental rock using this system and obtained a high-resolution topography data. From the DEM interpolated from the cloud data, we can observe the striation on the fault plane and the variation of the roughness distribution. The roughness and slope distribution results show that the topography measurement system can meet our requirements for analyzing the microscopic morphology on the micrometer scale.
Compared with traditional measurement devices, the morphology measurement system has the following advantages: 1)The measurement system can obtain the data even in a valley region with a large dip angle on the surface because the vertically emitted beam by the laser head is practically perpendicular to the surface. So compared with other means, it can avoid producing a blank area of measurements and get a complete area; 2)the measurement system has a larger measurement range of 30cm×30cm. When the high-resolution measurement is performed on a large scale, the error caused by the registration of multiple measurement results can also be avoided.  相似文献   

The precision of height measurements derived from laser scanning a weathered rock surface was analysed. Different registration methods for comparing surfaces to deduce weathering were assessed and the most precise was found to be the method that used registration shapes as control, located in different planes relative to the scanned surface. In addition, the different sources of error in scanning precision were assessed by varying factors such as scan distance, lens configuration, scan angle and the nature of the topography being scanned. From this analysis it was possible to suggest what the optimal scanning conditions were for this particular experimental set‐up. The procedures outlined for assessing errors in the precision of height measurements are transferable to other scanning studies. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于平板探测器的口腔锥形束计算机断层成像(CBCT)具有X射线Z方向(本文中指平行于CT旋转轴的方向)宽准直、180°至360°投影角度范围可选、扫描视野尺寸可调节、全扇束或半扇束偏置模式可选等特点。受检者头部的吸收剂量分布与传统多排探测器CT (MDCT)和其他临床CBCT (例如放射治疗图像引导的CBCT、介入手术的CBCT等)的吸收剂量分布相比更加复杂。因此,至今还没有有效的、取得国际共识的口腔CBCT剂量评估模式。本文调研了CT剂量评估的相关研究,将口腔CBCT剂量评估模式总结为由相互联系的剂量表征量和受检者医疗照射剂量(本文中指基于人群平均数据的有效剂量和受检者特异的组织器官吸收剂量)两个层面构成。同时指出,口腔CBCT剂量表征量研究的关键问题是如何准确地描述口腔CBCT扫描一个均匀圆柱体模时,体模的垂直于Z方向的中间平面的吸收剂量分布规律,目前,面平均吸收剂量是最有潜力解决该问题的剂量表征量;口腔CBCT可以直接采用MDCT的受检者医疗照射剂量评估原理,但还需要解决的关键问题是如何提供准确的受检者对X射线的衰减情况;同时,口腔CBCT的剂量评估模式研究还应该探讨锥形束X射线阳极效应、锥角效应的影响。   相似文献   

目的:探讨CT扫描图像联合多平面重建(MPR)及容积重建(VR)技术在评判小肠袢聚集对预测腹膜假黏液瘤(PMP)患者小肠系膜挛缩中的临床应用价值.方法:回顾性分析2018年1月至2019年12月我院黏液瘤科179例经手术病理证实为腹膜假黏液瘤的患者,其中31例术中证实存在小肠系膜挛缩,148例无小肠系膜挛缩,通过CT轴...  相似文献   

Statistical studies of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and coronal holes (CHs) are reviewed. The work summarizes the historical and current results of statistical studies of CMEs and CHs and their parameters that have been obtained by various authors who considered these phenomena as independent manifestations of solar activity, as well as their mutual effect on geomagnetic activity, based on both ground and space observations.  相似文献   

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