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地球的节律与大陆动力学的思考   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
地球的节律可能是地质作用在地球发展中普遍存在的规律,即有不同的类别,即有不同的类别,又有时限不同的级别。节律具有突发性和旋回性或周期性,总的构成不同的发展阶段。地球节街可能最终受到天文因素背景的控制。  相似文献   

地球内部物质在动力作用下重新分异、调整,深部和浅部物质与能量进行着强烈的交换和运动,并导致成山、成盆、成岩、成矿和地震与火山等灾害的形成。地球动力学受到地球科学界的高度重视,并相继产生了诸多假说,如地球的收缩说、膨胀说、脉动说、自转说、涌流说、地幔对流说、地壳均衡说等,而问题是何为其力源?因为力源确是驱动地球内部物质运动的核心所在。本文通过对各种动力假说的分析和理解,讨论了1地球内部物质运动和动力学响应;2对历史上诸多动力学假说的分析和理解;3地球内部物质运动的深层动力学过程;4地球动力学研究中的几个重要科学问题的思考;5地球内部物质运动和动力学响应与力源及机制问题的探索。地球科学研究中的核心问题不仅涉及到地球内部的物质组成、空间特异结构与变异,而更为重要的却是如何深化认识地球本体,并厘定物质运动的动力学响应和力源机制。  相似文献   

杨文采 《地质论评》2014,60(6):1181-1198
20世纪大地构造物理学取得引人瞩目的进展。本文详细评述了探测地球大陆圈层的属性、相态与物质运动取得的进展和技术路线。并且指出,大陆地壳和海洋地壳结构上的最基本区别是后者是相对均匀和整体刚性的,内部不存在明显的物质运动。前者的下地壳部分区域是不均匀和流变的,其中的物质运动使大陆板内的地壳产生比较强烈的变形和岩浆活动。因此,当前发展板块构造学说的最焦点就是对地壳不均匀性和流变岩石进行三维成像,从下到上找出大陆地壳物质运动规律。同时,一定要坚持深层油气和地震预测方面的应用基础研究,为人类社会可持续发展作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

关于大陆构造的思考   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
李德威 《地球科学》1995,20(1):10-18
大陆动力学与全球动力学是当代地学的重在前沿领域。本文在研究青藏高原与周缘盆地的同步演化规律和综合前人最新研究成果的基础上,分析了大陆构造的10个基本问题,并进一步阐述了层流构造模式,其内容包括:(1)深部层流导致浅部隆陷;(2)层流隆陷构造系统的物质循环过程;(3)大陆层块结构与地温场,应力场的关系;(4)层流构造的阶段发展与复合叠加;(5)层流构造的深部过程及动力学源,特别强调指出应当区大分陆隆  相似文献   

再论大陆构造与动力学   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
李德威 《地球科学》1995,20(1):19-26
采用大陆构造时空动态相关分析法,对大陆构造进行系统的分层,分块,分阶段域构造解析,认为包括隆块,陷块和旋块等基本类型的断块构造具有不同的物质成分,变形强度,流变状态的层状构造是大陆构造的基本型式。在构造活动期间层流隆陷构造系统发生大规模的物质行,构成动态的循环体系,大陆地壳下部层圈以热动力作用为主,造成粘性热流物质和韧性固流物质沿着壳内流层从幔隆区流向拗区;上部层圈以应力作用为主,与下地壳层流相关  相似文献   

锂矿资源已经成为全球战略性金属矿产,实施新能源锂矿战略是国家和民生的重大需求。解析和对比国内外典型LCT伟晶岩型矿床的分布规律、构造背景、组成特征、成因类型以及成矿机制,找出关键科学难题是实施新能源锂矿战略的基础。为明确我国新能源矿产战略构思和突破之关键,构建新能源锂矿战略的思路,强调运用大陆动力学理论、进行多学科的整合和交叉研究以及新技术探索,以查明中国大陆典型伟晶岩型锂矿床的深部状态、锂元素的富集规律、以及锂矿"源-运-聚"的成矿机制,为实现锂矿资源的增储、矿集区的合理布阵、扩大上游开发前景,以及建立我国大型-超大型锂矿基地,提供科学依据。  相似文献   

大陆动力学是国际地学界最重要的研究领域之一,国内外大批地质与地球物理学家已在这方面开展了卓有成效的研究工作,取得了显著进展。  相似文献   

大陆下地壳物质组成和同位素组成及其指示意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用统计方法对20组世界各地大陆下地壳组成的估计值进行分析,其结果表明大陆下地壳组成具双峰式分布特征,峰值代表了A、B两种元组分。组分A为幔源垫托岩浆的结晶分凝产物,组分B为古老的大陆壳物质。大陆下地壳物质组成和同位素成分确定和探讨对建立恰当大陆动力学模型具有深元的指示意义。  相似文献   

板块构造学说解释了全球构造的许多现象,但尚未满意地解释大陆构造中的一些问题,例如陆内造山带的形成、造山带和盆地形成的复杂历史和旋回性问题、大陆构造圈的不均一性等。新近提出的一些构造模式,都不约而同地指出了软流圈在大陆构造发展中的重要作用,但尚未成功解决软流圈运动的驱动力问题。本文认为,大陆岩石圈与软流圈之间相互作用关系的深入研究,是阐明大陆动力学过程的关键之一。此外,本文还对“软流体振荡作用”工作假说作了初步讨论。  相似文献   

大陆地质与大陆构造和大陆动力学   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
当代地球科学发展的新需求与板块构造对大陆地质的深化研究,使大陆问题成为21世纪地学发展的前沿研究领域、热点和关键。文中在提出“大陆动力学”研究20多年后的今天,进行关于大陆研究的新思考,从讨论厘定大陆研究的有关争议概念、大陆的基本问题、中国大陆构造的典型实例以及与世界同类范例的简要对比出发,综合概括了大陆地质与大陆构造和大陆动力学研究的关键科学问题与进一步探索研究的思考课题。提出了在大陆研究中,在进一步精确深化板块构造对大陆的研究的同时,应突出加强大陆构造中有无非板块构造动力及其远程效应的大陆内的、在深部动力学与陆块间差异非均衡背景下由陆内陆块间相互作用导致的真正陆内构造及其动力学问题的研究,以便为深化发展板块构造、认知大陆、探索大陆动力学、构建包括板块构造在内新的行星地球构造观作出努力与探索。  相似文献   

A. Moreno 《Tectonophysics》1986,130(1-4):159-165
The Earth surface slide movement at Soledad is a mountain-slide type of movement. Estimations of the thickness of the layer which is moving range between 10 and 100 m. There is no proof that the movement is water induced, but it could be influenced by the water household. The slope of the slide area is H: D = 1: 2.

The height difference in the moving area studied, according to this paper, is 1 km. The actual rate of movement is about 12 cm/yr.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Earth's climate over geological time is now relatively well known. Conversely, the causes and feedback mechanisms involved in these climatic changes are still not well determined. At geological timescales, two factors play a prevailing role: plate tectonics and the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Their climatic effects will be examined using palaeoclimatic indicators as well as results of climate models. I focus primarily on the influence of continental drift on warm and cold climatic episodes. The consequences of peculiar land sea distributions (amalgamation/dispersal of continental blocks) are discussed. Plate tectonics also drive sea level changes as well as mountain uplift. Marine transgressions during the Mid-Cretaceous favoured warmth within the interiors of continents, although their effect could be very different according to the season. Mountain uplift is also an important factor, which is able to alter climate at large spatial scales. Experiments relative to climatic sensitivity to the elevation of the Appalachians during the Late Permian are discussed. To affect the whole Earth, the chemical composition of the atmosphere appears to be a more efficient forcing factor. The carbon dioxide driven by the long-term carbon cycle has influenced the global climate. Geochemical modelling simulates more or less accurately the long-term evolution of pCO2, which corresponds roughly to the icehouse/greenhouse climatic oscillations. However, the uncertainties on pCO2 are still important because different parameters involved in the long-term carbon cycle (degassing rate, chemical weathering of silicates, burial of organic matter) are not well constrained throughout the past. The chemical composition of the atmosphere is also altered by the emissions of modern volcanic eruptions leading to weak global cooling. The influence of large flood basalt provinces on climate is not yet known well enough; this volcanism may have released huge amounts of SO2 as well as CO2. At last, the chemical composition of the atmosphere may have been altered by the release of methane in response to the dissociation of gas hydrates. This scenario has been proposed to explain the abrupt warming during the Late Palaeocene.  相似文献   

大陆褶皱造山运动的星地碰撞成因   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
大陆褶皱造山运动具有突发性、全球同步性,以水平运动为主,主要表现在地壳上部且具有上强下弱等特征,除水平运动一项外,与基于地幔对流的板块构造理论缺少共同之处.想用板块构造理论解释遍布大陆地块内部的褶皱构造,在形位特征与动力机制上都有难以解决的矛盾.基于地球自转速度变化的地质力学理论,对之所做的定性解释颇为合理,但因其只靠地球收缩及潮汐引力等缓变力作为引起地球自转速度变化的动力来源,力量强度太小,不足以引发强大的褶皱造山运动,且有被海水运动取代的难题.揭示了星地碰撞可以为大陆造山运动提供足够强大的突发性动力来源,并简要阐明了其作用机制,可以解决地质力学所遇到的力源不足和被海水运动取代的两大难题,从而为大陆构造研究开辟了一个新境界.   相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(2):173-186
The Songke No.2 well (eastern hole) (referred to as Well SK-2), one of the “two wells and four holes” of the Deep Continental Scientific Drilling Engineering Project in the Songliao Basin, is in Anda City, Heilongjiang Province, and was officially completed on May 26, 2018. The scientific goals of Well SK-2 cover four aspects: paleoclimate research, resource and energy exploration, primary geological research, and development of deep earth exploration techniques. Since the official commencement of drilling in 2014, the Well SK-2 scientific drilling engineering team has organized and implemented drilling for coring, in situ logging, chemical analysis of core elements, and deep structural exploration around the well. Currently, the following preliminary scientific research progress has been made: 4334.81 m in situ core data has been obtained; the centimeter-level high-resolution characterization of the most complete and continuous Cretaceous continental strata ever unearthed has been completed, and the standard profile of continental strata has been initially established; the unconventional natural gas resources and basin-type hot dry rocks in the deep Songliao Basin were found to have good prospects for exploration and development; the climatic evolutionary history of the Cretaceous continental strata was rebuilt for the first time, covering hundreds of thousands to millions of years, and the major events of Cretaceous climate fluctuations have been discovered; all these reveal strong evidence for the subduction and aggregation of paleo-ocean plates, providing a theoretical basis for the re-recognition of the genesis of the Songliao Basin and for deep earth oil and gas exploration. The implementation of the Deep Continental Scientific Drilling Engineering Project in the Songliao Basin is of great significance for exploring the mysteries of the Earth and solving major problems such as those related to the deep energy environment. It is a solid step along the road of “going deep into the Earth”.  相似文献   

通过CCSD-MH、卫星孔的岩性-构造剖面和苏鲁造山带中榴辉岩-超镁铁质岩的产出、深俯冲/折返过程的岩石的塑性流变特征和变形序次的分析、俯冲-折返过程中流体作用及变质化学地球动力学对流变学行为的制约,以及韧性剪切作用形成的折返年代学时限,提出苏鲁超高压变质地体为面型深俯冲/折返杂岩带组成的穹形挤出推覆岩片、叠置在扬子陆块之上; 根据岩石变形微构造及组构的分析,重塑超高压变质岩石深俯冲阶段、折返早期、折返主期和折返后期的塑性流变;提出深俯冲的物质沿板块汇聚边界的多层隧道呈多重/分片样式“挤出”的折返模式,并认为在折返初期开始(230~220Ma)和折返主期(220~200Ma)形成的透入性韧性剪切是俯冲岩片挤出的重要机制;提出郯庐走滑断裂的形成对苏鲁高压/超高压变质地体演化的影响。  相似文献   

许志琴 《岩石学报》2007,23(12):3041-3053
中国大陆科学钻探工程和苏鲁高压-超高压变质带为大陆岩石圈的深俯冲与折返动力学的研究提供了以下制约(1)苏鲁高压/超高压变质地体迭置于南、北苏鲁两个不同时代及属性的基底之上;(2)苏鲁巨量表壳岩石深俯冲至200km以下的上地幔深度,并经历超高压变质作用;(3)根据不同类型超高压变质岩石锆石的SHRIMP-U/Pb原位精确定年,获得超高压变质岩石的深俯冲-折返全过程(240~252Ma→230~237Ma→207~218Ma)时限.并建立了新的深俯冲-折返全过程的P-T-t轨迹;(4)富钛铁的辉长岩在大陆地壳的深俯冲过程中,经历了超高压变质作用并转变成了富含金红石的榴辉岩,形成了超高压变质的钛矿床;(5)通过榴辉岩和石榴石橄榄岩的显微构造分析及石榴石、绿辉石和橄榄石EBSD测量,确定深俯冲过程中绿辉石和橄榄石的组构运动学和流变学特征;(6)在大陆的深俯冲过程中,强烈水化的陆壳岩石经历了进变质脱水过程,巨量的地表水带入到>100~200Km的地幔深处,在超高压变质峰期的极端条件下,通过含水超高压变质矿物的分解形成超临界的含水熔体,导致有效的壳-幔物质交换和岩石圈物质分异;(7)苏鲁超高压变质地体在折返阶段形成挤出纳布构造,与岩石圈深俯冲管道流的折返挤出机制有关;(8)提出新的深俯冲-折返动力学模式陆.陆碰撞的深俯冲剥蚀模式及大陆地壳多重性、分层型和穿时性的俯冲和折返模式.  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探现场分析与地下流体异常识别   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
对中国大陆科学钻探深孔中泥浆进行脱气,采用质谱仪、气相色谱仪和测氡仪在线测定He、CO2、CH4、H2、N2、O2、Ar、C2H6、C3H8、n-C4H10、H2S、CO、Rn等多种气体。在排除钻井过程、钻具磨损、泥浆性能、仪器波动、气路设计等对气体分析的严重干扰后,可以发现气体异常与岩心和地层裂隙、破裂面及构造破碎带等具有相关性。同时采用高效液相色谱分析泥浆清液,也发现了来源于地下的流体。  相似文献   

Comparison of five deep-water coral (DWC)/mound ecosystems along the European Continental Margin shows that suspended particulate organic matter (sPOM), a potential food source, is lipid rich and of high quality. However, there are differences between the sites. The Darwin and Pelagia Mounds (N. Rockall Trough and N. Porcupine Bank, respectively) have higher proportions of labile particulate lipids (including high proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids) in the benthic boundary layer than Logachev, Hovland and Belgica Mounds (Rockall Bank, S. Porcupine Bank and Porcupine Seabight, respectively). The high quality sPOM could be transported downslope from the euphotic zone. There is some evidence for inter-annual variability at some sites (e.g. Hovland and Logachev Mounds) as large differences in suspended lipid and particulate organic carbon concentrations were observed over the sampling period. Elevated total organic carbon contents of sediments at mound sites, relative to control sites in some cases (particularly Darwin Mounds), probably reflect local hydrodynamic control and the trapping of sPOM by the DWC. Fresh POM can be relatively rapidly transferred to significant depth (up to 8 cm) through bioturbation that is evident at all sites. There is no clear evidence of present day hydrocarbon seepage at any of the sites.  相似文献   

Derek Hall 《GeoJournal》2000,50(2-3):249-253
This paper attempts to provide an evaluation of cross-border movement - short-term, long-term and permanent - in southeastern Europe, identifying the functions of such movement in relation to ongoing restructuring processes. It also suggests a range of theoretical frameworks appropriate for further research in this area. While refugee flight and permanent displacement have resulted from some of the more pernicious and explicit processes of reinvigorated nationalism in the region, patterns of petty and larger scale trading, labour and education migration, leisure mobility and tourism, better reflect the differential impact of local, regional and global push and pull factors and the new configurations of national boundaries and neighbourly relations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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