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The equation of state and crystal structure of pyrope were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction under hydrostatic conditions to 33 GPa, a pressure that corresponds to a depth of about 900 km in the lower mantle. The bulk modulus K T0 and its pressure derivative K ' T0 were determined simultaneously from an unweighted fit of the volume data at different pressures to a third order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state. They are 171(2) GPa and 4.4(2), respectively. Over the whole pressure range, MgO8 polyhedra showed the largest compression of 18.10(8)%, followed by AlO6 and SiO4 polyhedra, with compression of 11.7(1)% and 4.6(1)%, respectively. The polyhedral bulk moduli for MgO8, AlO6 and SiO4 are 107(1), 211(11) and 580(24) GPa, respectively, with K ' T0 fixed to 4. Significant compression of up to 1.8(1)% in the very rigid Si−O bonding in pyrope could be detected to 33 GPa. Changes in the degree of polyhedral distortion for all three types of polyhedra could also be observed. These changes could be found for the first time for AlO6 and SiO4 in pyrope. It seems that the compression of pyrope crystal structure is governed by the kinking of the Al−O−Si angle between the octahedra and tetrahedra. No phase transition could be detected to 33 GPa. Received: 24 March 1997 / Revised, accepted: 29 July 1997  相似文献   

Despite a large number of studies of iron spin state in silicate perovskite at high pressure and high temperature, there is still disagreement regarding the type and PT conditions of the transition, and whether Fe2+ or Fe3+ or both iron cations are involved. Recently, our group published results of a Mössbauer spectroscopy study of the iron behaviour in (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O3 perovskite at pressures up to 110 GPa (McCammon et al. 2008), where we suggested stabilization of the intermediate spin state for 8- to 12-fold coordinated ferrous iron ([8–12]Fe2+) in silicate perovskite above 30 GPa. In order to explore the behaviour in related systems, we performed a comparative Mössbauer spectroscopic study of silicate perovskite (Fe0.12Mg0.88SiO3) and majorite (with two compositions—Fe0.18Mg0.82SiO3 and Fe0.11Mg0.88SiO3) at pressures up to 81 GPa in the temperature range 296–800 K, which was mainly motivated by the fact that the oxygen environment of ferrous iron in majorite is quite similar to that in silicate perovskite. The [8–12]Fe2+ component, dominating the Mössbauer spectra of majorites, shows high quadrupole splitting (QS) values, about 3.6 mm s?1, in the entire studied PT region (pressures to 58 GPa and 296–800 K). Decrease of the QS of this component with temperature at constant pressure can be described by the Huggins model with the energy splitting between low-energy e g levels of [8–12]Fe2+ equal to 1,500 (50) cm?1 for Fe0.18Mg0.82SiO3 and to 1,680 (70) cm?1 for Fe0.11Mg0.88SiO3. In contrast, for the silicate perovskite dominating Mössbauer component associated with [8–12]Fe2+ suggests the gradual change of the electronic properties. Namely, an additional spectral component with central shift close to that for high-spin [8–12]Fe2+ and QS about 3.7 mm s?1 appeared at ~35 (2) GPa, and the amount of the component increases with both pressure and temperature. The temperature dependence of QS of the component cannot be described in the framework of the Huggins model. Observed differences in the high-pressure high-temperature behaviour of [8–12]Fe2+ in the silicate perovskite and majorite phases provide additional arguments in favour of the gradual high-spin—intermediate-spin crossover in lower mantle perovskite, previously reported by McCammon et al. (2008) and Lin et al. (2008).  相似文献   

Four crystals of synthetic wadsleyite, -(Mg,Fe)2SiO4, were mounted together in one diamond-anvil cell for the determination of unit-cell parameters as a function of pressure. The Fe/(Fe+Mg) are 0.00, 0.08, 0.16, and 0.25 (the most iron-rich stable composition). Unit-cell refinements were made at 12 pressures up to 4.5 GPa. No phase transitions were observed and all crystals remained dimensionally orthorhombic. Of the three axes, c is the most compressible (0.000239(3) GPa-1), whereas compressibilities of a and b are both about 30% less. The Fe content has no systematic effect on volume or linear compressibilities. Bulk moduli, based on a Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (K assumed to be 4.00) are 160(3), 169(3), 164(2), and 165(3) GPa for the four crystals in order of increasing Fe. Substitution of Fe for Mg, therefore, does not appear to have a systematic effect on bulk modulus. Other factors, especially Fe3+/Fe2+ and other deviations from the strict Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 binary, may have a greater influence on compressibility.  相似文献   

The sound velocities of two aluminum-rich phases in the lower mantle, hexagonal new Al-rich phase (NAL) and its corresponding high-pressure polymorph orthorhombic Ca-ferrite-type phase (CF), were determined with the Brillouin scattering method in a pressure range from 9 to 73 GPa at room temperature. Both NAL and CF samples have identical chemical composition of Na0.4Mg0.6Al1.6Si0.4O4 (40 % NaAlSiO4–60 % MgAl2O4). Infrared laser annealing in the diamond anvil cell was performed to minimize the stress state of the sample and obtain the high-quality Brillouin spectra. The results show shear modulus at zero pressure G 0 = 121.960 ± 0.087 GPa and its pressure derivative G’ = 1.961 ± 0.009 for the NAL phase, and G 0 = 129.653 ± 0.059 GPa and G’ = 2.340 ± 0.004 for the CF phase. The zero-pressure shear velocities of the NAL and CF phases are obtained to be 5.601 ± 0.005 km/sec and 5.741 ± 0.001 km/sec, respectively. We also found that shear velocity increases by 2.5 % upon phase transition from NAL to CF at around 40 GPa.  相似文献   

Thirteen energy-dispersive x-ray diffraction spectra for -Fe2SiO4 (spinel) collected in situ at 400° C and pressures to 24 GPa constitute the basis for an elevated-temperature static compression isotherm for this important high-pressure phase. A Murnaghan regression of these molar volume measurements yields 177.3 (±17.4) GPa and 5.4(±2.5) for the 400° C, room pressure values of the isothermal bulk modulus (K P 0) and its first pressure derivative (K P 0), respectively. When compared to the room-Tdeterminations of K P 0 available in the literature, our 400° C K P 0 yields -4.1 (±6.2)×10-2 GPa/degree for the average value of (K/T) P 0 over the temperature interval 25° C<><400°>A five-parameter V(P, T) equation for -Fe2SiO4 based on simultaneous regression of our data combined with the elevated P-Tdata of Yagi et al. (1987) and the extrapolated thermal expansion values from Suzuki et al. (1979) yields isochores which have very little curvature [(2 T/P 2) v 0], in marked contrast to the isochores for fayalite (Plymate and Stout 1990) which exhibit pronounced negative curvature [(T/P 2) v <0]. along=" the=">-Fe2SiO4 reaction boundary VRvaries from a minimum of approximately 8.3% at approximately 450° C to approximately 8.9% at 1200° C. Extrapolation of the fayalite and -Fe2SiO4 V(P, T) relationships to the temperature and pressure of the 400 km discontinuity suggests a V R of approximately 8.4% at that depth, approximately 10% less than the 9.3% V R at ambient conditions.  相似文献   

Data on the mechanisms of mantle phase transformations have come primarily from studies of analogue systems reacted experimentally at low pressures. In order to study transformation mechanisms in Mg2SiO4 at mantle pressures, forsterite () has been reacted in the stability field of -phase, at 15 GPa and temperatures up to 900° C, using a multianvil split-sphere apparatus. Transmission electron microscope studies of samples reacted for times ranging from 0.25–5.0 h show that forsterite transforms to -phase by an incoherent nucleation and growth mechanism involving nucleation on olivine grain boundaries. This mechanism and the resultant microstructures are very similar to those observed at much lower pressures in analogue systems (Mg2GeO4 and Ni2SiO4) as the result of the olivine to spinel () transformation. Metastable spinel () also forms from Mg2SiO4 olivine at 15 GPa, in addition to -phase, by the incoherent nucleation and growth mechanism. With time, the spinel progressively transforms to the stable -phase. After 1 h, spinels exhibit a highly striated microstructure along {110} and electron diffraction patterns show streaking parallel to [110] which indicates a high degree of structural disorder. High resolution imaging shows that the streaking results from thin lamellae of -phase intergrown with the spinel. The two phases have the orientation relationship [001]//[001] and [010]//[110] so that the quasi cubic-close-packed oxygen sublattices are continuous between both phases. These microstructures are similar to those observed in shocked meteorites and show that spinel transforms to -phase by a martensitic (shear) mechanism. There is also evidence that the mechanism changes to one involving diffusion-controlled growth at conditions close to equilibrium.  相似文献   

The synthesis boundaries of the phase transformation; ++ in (Mg0.9, Fe0.1)SiO4, have been clarified at temperatures to 2000° C and pressures up to 20 GPa in order to synthesize single crystals of high quality. A single crystal of (Mg0.9, Fe0.1)2SiO4 was grown successfully to a size of 500 m. The crystal structure has been refined from single-crystal X-ray intensities. The ferrous ions prefer M1 and M3 sites to over the larger M2 site. The volume change of all the occupied polyhedra does not contribute to the decrease of total volume in the transformation; rather it tends to increase the bulk volume through the expansion of occupied tetrahedra. The volume reduction in the phase transformations is accounted for by unoccupied polyhedra, with the octahedra contributory 60% and the tetrahedra 40% to the V of the transition. The volume change in the transformation is caused also partly by the volume decrease of MO 6 (25%), partly the unoccupied tetrahedra (45%) and octahedra (30%).  相似文献   

We have performed a series of interdiffusion experiments on magnesiowüstite samples at room pressure, temperatures from 1,320° to 1,400°C, and oxygen fugacities from 10?1.0 Pa to 10?4.3 Pa, using mixed CO/CO2 or H2/CO2 gases. The interdiffusion couples were composed of a single-crystal of MgO lightly pressed against a single-crystal of (Mg1-x Fe x )1-δO with 0.07<x<0.27. The interdiffusion coefficient was calculated using the Boltzmann–Matano analysis as a function of iron content, oxygen fugacity, temperature, and water fugacity. For the entire range of conditions tested and for compositions with 0.01<x<0.27, the interdiffusion coefficient varies as $$\tilde D\, =\,2.9\times10^{ - 6}\,f_{{\text{O}}_2 }^{0.19}\,x^{0.73}\,{\text{e}}^{ - (209,000\, -\,96,000\,x)/RT}\,\,{\text{m}}^{\text{2}} {\text{s}}^{ -1} $$ These dependencies on oxygen fugacity and composition are reasonably consistent with interdiffusion mediated by unassociated cation vacancies. For the limited range of water activity that could be investigated using mixed gases at room pressure, no effect of water on interdiffusion could be observed. The dependence of the interdiffusion coefficient on iron content decreased with increasing iron concentration at constant oxygen fugacity and temperature. There is a close agreement between our activation energy for interdiffusion extrapolated to zero iron content (x=0) and that of previous researchers who used electrical conductivity experiments to determine vacancy diffusivities in lightly doped MgO.  相似文献   

Experiments on water solubility in forsterite in the systems Mg2SiO4–K2Mg(CO3)2–H2O and Mg2SiO4–H2O–C were conducted at 7.5–14.0 GPa and 1200–1600 °C. The resulting crystals contain 448 to 1480 ppm water, which is 40–70% less than in the forsterite–water system under the same conditions. This can be attributed to lower water activity in the carbonate-bearing melt. The water content of forsterite was found to vary systematically with temperature and pressure. For instance, at 14 GPa in the system forsterite–carbonate–H2O the H2O content of forsterite drops from 1140 ppm at 1200 °C to 450 ppm at 1600 °C, and at 8 GPa it remains constant or increases from 550 to 870 ppm at 1300–1600 °C. Preliminary data for D-H-bearing forsterite are reported. Considerable differences were found between IR spectra of D-H- and H-bearing forsterite. The results suggest that CO2 can significantly affect the width of the olivine-wadsleyite transition, i.e., the 410-km seismic discontinuity, which is a function of the water content of olivine and wadsleyite.  相似文献   

Activity-composition relations in the olivine solid solutions Ni2SiO4 -Mg2SiO4 and Co2SiO4-Mg2SiO4 have been determined at 1200 K and 0.1 MPa and at 1573 K and 0.5 GPa by equilibration with the corresponding oxide solutions. Both olivine solutions show small positive deviations from ideal (two site) mixing, which, within the limits of accuracy of the method, may be described by the simple regular solution model with parameters WNi+Mgol= 0.35 ± 1.0 kJ/g-atom and WCo-Mgol = 1.37 ± 0.9 kJ/g-atom. The requirements of internal consistency between the two systems also show that the recent determination by Brousse et al. (1984) of the enthalpy of formation of Mg2SiO4is to be preferred over earlier work, and that their value is also probably more accurate than the uncertainty in their own measurements indicates; activities in the NiO-MgO system are close to ideal.  相似文献   

陈修芳  于慧  龚自正 《地球学报》2009,30(2):210-214
在69~100 GPa冲击压力(估算温度为2600~4300 K)范围内进行了初始样品为(Mg0.92,Fe0.08)SiO3顽火辉石和MgO+SiO2的冲击压缩回收实验.对回收样品进行的X射线衍射(XRD)分析结果表明:两发顽火辉石回收样品的主相均是单链状结构硅酸盐,而非钙钛矿结构;另外,回收样品中均未观察到氧化物SiO2和(Mg0.92,Fe0.08)O的XRD特征谱线;两发MgO+SiO2回收样品中均观察到SiO2和镁橄榄石(Mg2SiO4)而没有氧化物MgO.实验结果表明:在冲击压缩过程中样品处于钙钛矿结构,在冲击卸载过程中样品发生了由钙钛矿结构向单链状结构的逆转相变;在实验的温压范围内,不可能发生由(Mg0.92,Fe0.08)SiO3向SiO2和(Mg0.92,Fe0.08)O的化学分解相变,顽火辉石的高压相--钙钛矿结构是稳定的.高压加载或卸载过程引起的晶格畸变导致回收样品和原始样品的谱线差异,而高压加载导致钙钛矿型(Mg0.92,Fe0.08)SiO3晶格畸变的可能性更大.  相似文献   

Friedrichbeckeite is a new milarite-type mineral. It was found in a single silicate-rich xenolith from a quarry at the Bellerberg volcano near Ettringen, eastern Eifel volcanic area, Germany. It forms thin tabular crystals flattened on {0001}, with a maximum diameter of 0.6 mm and a maximum thickness of 0.1 mm. It is associated with quartz, tridymite, augite, sanidine, magnesiohornblende, enstatite, pyrope, fluorapatite, hematite, braunite and roedderite. Friedrichbeckeite is light yellow, with white to light cream streak and vitreous lustre. It is brittle with irregular fracture and no cleavage, Mohs hardness of 6, calculated density is 2.686 gcm?3. Optically, it is uniaxial positive with nω = 1.552(2) and nε = 1.561(2) at 589.3 nm and a distinct pleochroism from yellow (//ω) to light blue (//ε). Electron microprobe analyses yielded (wt.%): Na2O 2.73, K2O 4.16, BeO 4.67, MgO 11.24, MnO 2.05, FeO 1.76, Al2O3 0.15, SiO2 73.51, (Σ CaO, TiO2 = 0.06) sum 100.33 (BeO determined by LA-ICP-MS). The empirical formula based on Si = 12 is K0.87 Na0.86 (Mg1.57Mn0.28Fe0.24)Σ2.09 (Be1.83?Mg1.17)Σ3.00 [Si12O30], and the simplified formula can be given as K (□0.5Na0.5)2 (Mg0.8Mn0.1Fe0.1)2 (Be0.6?Mg0.4)3 [Si12O30]. Friedrichbeckeite is hexagonal, space-group P6/mcc, with a = 9.970(1), c = 14.130(3) Å, V = 1216.4(3) Å3, and Z = 2. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are (d in Å / I obs / hkl): 3.180 / 100 / 121, 2.885 / 70 / 114, 4.993 / 30 / 110, 4.081 / 30 / 112, 3.690 / 30 / 022. A single-crystal structure refinement (R1 = 3.62 %) confirmed that the structure is isotypic with milarite and related [12] C [9] B 2 [6] A 2 [4] T23 [[4] T112O30] compounds. The C-site is dominated by potassium, the B-site is almost half occupied by sodium, and the A-site is dominated by Mg. The site-scattering at the T2-site can be refined to a Be/(Be?+?Mg) value close to 0.61; the T1-site is occupied by Si. Micro-Raman spectroscopy reveals an increasing splitting of scattering bands around 550 cm?1 for friedrichbeckeite. The mineral can be classified as an unbranched ring silicate or as a beryllo-magnesiosilicate. With respect to the end-member formula K (□0.5Na0.5)2 Mg2 Be3 [Si12O30] friedrichbeckeite represents the Mg-dominant analogue of almarudite, milarite or oftedalite. The mineral and its paragenesis were formed during pyrometamorphic modifications of the silicate-rich xenoliths enclosed in Quaternary leucite-tephritic lava of the Bellerberg volcano. Holotype material of friedrichbeckeite has been deposited at the mineral collection of the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria. The mineral is named friedrichbeckeite in honour of the Austrian mineralogist and petrographer Friedrich Johann Karl Becke (1855–1931).  相似文献   

Synthetic ringwoodite γ-(Mg1?x Fe x )2SiO4 of 0.4 ≤ x ≤ 1.0 compositions and variously colored micro-grains of natural ringwoodite in shock metamorphism veins of thin sections of two S6-type chondrites were studied by means of microprobe analysis, TEM and optical absorption spectroscopy. Three synthetic samples were studied in addition with Mössbauer spectroscopy. The Mössbauer spectra consist of two doublets caused by VIFe2+ and VIFe3+, with IS and QS parameters close to those established elsewhere (e.g., O’Neill et al. in Am Mineral 78:456–460, 1993). The Fe3+/Fetotal ratio evaluated by curve resolution of the spectra, ranges from 0.04 to 0.1. Optical absorption spectra of all synthetic samples studied are qualitatively very similar as they are directly related to the iron content. They differ mostly in the intensity of the observed absorption features. The spectra consist of a very strong high-energy absorption edge and a series of absorption bands of different width and intensity. The three strongest and broadest absorptions of them are attributed to splitting of electronic spin-allowed 5 T 2g → 5 E g transitions of VIFe2+ and intervalence charge-transfer (IVCT) transition between ferrous and ferric ions in adjacent octahedral sites of the ringwoodite structure. The spin-allowed bands at ca. 8,000 and 11,500 cm?1 weakly depend on temperature, whilst the Fe2+/Fe3+ IVCT band at ~16,400 cm?1 displays very strong temperature dependence: i.e., with increasing temperature it decreases and practically disappears at about 497 K, a behavior typical for bands of this type. With increasing pressure the absorption edge shifts to lower energies while the spin-allowed bands shift to higher energy and strongly decreases in intensity. The IVCT band also strongly weakens and vanishes at about 9 GPa. We assigned this effect to pressure-induced reduction of Fe3+ in ringwoodite. By analogy with synthetic samples three broad bands in spectra of natural (meteoritic) blue ringwoodite are assigned to electronic spin-allowed transitions of VIFe2+ (the bands at ~8,600 and ~12,700 cm?1) and Fe2+/Fe3+ IVCT transition (~18,100 cm?1), respectively. Spectra of colorless ringwoodite of the same composition consist of a single broad band at ca. 12,000 cm?1. It is assumed that such ringwoodite grains are inverse (Fe, Mg)2SiO4-spinels and that the single band is caused by the split spin-allowed 5 E → 5 T 2 transition of IVFe2+. Ringwoodite of intermediate color variations between dark-blue and colorless are assumed to be partly inversed ringwoodite. No glassy material between the grain boundaries in the natural colored ringwoodite aggregates was found in our samples and disprove the cause of the coloration to be due to light scattering effect (Lingemann and Stöffler in Lunar Planet Sci 29(1308), 1998).  相似文献   

The compression behavior of a synthetic Ca4La6(SiO4)6(OH)2 has been investigated to about 9.33 GPa at 300 K using in situ angle-dispersive X-ray diffraction and a diamond anvil cell. No phase transition has been observed within the pressure range investigated. The values of zero-pressure volume V 0, K 0, and $K_{0}^{'}$ refined with a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state are V 0 = 579.2 ± 0.1 Å3, K 0 = 89 ± 2 GPa, and $K_{0}^{'} = 10.9 \pm 0.8$ . If $K_{0}^{'}$ is fixed at 4, K 0 is obtained as 110 ± 2 GPa. Analysis of axial compressible modulus shows that the a-axis (K a0 = 79 ± 2 GPa) is more compressible than the c-axis (K c0 = 121 ± 7 GPa). A comparison between the high-pressure elastic response of Ca4La6(SiO4)6(OH)2 and the iso-structural calcium apatites is made. The possible reasons of the different elastic behavior between Ca4La6(SiO4)6(OH)2 and calcium apatites are discussed.  相似文献   

57Fe-Mössbauer spectra of eleven Fe-Mg-bearing staurolite samples, synthesized at 5, 20 and 25 kbar and 680°C, ranging in composition from xFe?=1.00 to xFe?=0.15, and of two Zn-Fe-bearing staurolite samples, synthesized at 20 kbar and 700°C with xFe?=0.10 and xFe?=0.32 were collected at room temperature. The spectra reveal that about 80% of Fetot (in case of Fe-Mg-bearing staurolite) and about 70% of Fetot (in case of Fe-Zn-bearing staurolite) are located as Fe2+ at the three subsites Fe1, Fe2 and Fe3 of the tetrahedral T2-site. The refinement of the spectra results in almost identical values for the isomer shift (IS) (±1.0 mm/s) but significantly different values for the quadropole splitting (QS) for the three subsites which is in accordance with the different distortions of these sites. About 8% of Fetot (in case of Fe-Mg-bearing staurolite) and 13% of Fetot (in case of Fe-Zn-bearing staurolite) are located as Fe2+ at the octahedral M4 site, while the remainder percents of Fetot indistinguishably occur as Fe2+ at the octahedral M1 and M2 sites of the kyanite-like part of the structure. Within the whole Fe-Mg-staurolite solid solution series the Mössbauer parameters QS of the sites M4 and (M1, M2) vary systematically with composition whereas IS remains constant. There is a high negative correlation of the total Mg-content with Fe-occupation of all the Fe-bearing sites indicating a continuous substitution of Fe2+ by Mg on all these sites. Synthetic Fe-staurolites show no increasing occupation of the octahedral sites by two-valent cations with pressure, as was assumed by several authors.  相似文献   

Pressure dependence of Néel temperature (T N) in (Mg0.20Fe0.80)O, (Mg0.25Fe0.75)O, and (Mg0.30Fe0.70)O was newly measured up to 1.14 GPa, using superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer and piston–cylinder-type pressure cell under hydrostatic condition. The dT N/dP values of (Mg0.20Fe0.80)O, (Mg0.25Fe0.75)O, and (Mg0.30Fe0.70)O were determined as 4.0 ± 0.3, 2.7 ± 0.3, and 4.4 ± 0.4 K/GPa, respectively, in linear approximation; however, the T N deviated from the linearity under nonhydrostatic conditions. The compositional dependence of dT N/dP in (Mg1?X Fe X )O showed a rapid decay with increasing Mg components at X ≥ 0.75 and the trend ended at X = 0.70. The estimated Néel transition pressure at room temperature by extrapolating these linearities are very similar to the rhombohedral distortion determined by previous X-ray diffraction studies for X ≥ 0.75, which suggests that the rhombohedral phase of (Mg1?X Fe X )O (X ≥ 0.75) at room temperature is antiferromagnetic under hydrostatic conditions.  相似文献   

We provide new insights into the prograde evolution of HP/LT metasedimentary rocks on the basis of detailed petrologic examination, element-partitioning analysis, and thermodynamic modelling of well-preserved Fe–Mg–carpholite- and Fe–Mg–chloritoid-bearing rocks from the Afyon Zone (Anatolia). We document continuous and discontinuous compositional (ferromagnesian substitution) zoning of carpholite (overall X Mg = 0.27–0.73) and chloritoid (overall X Mg = 0.07–0.30), as well as clear equilibrium and disequilibrium (i.e., reaction-related) textures involving carpholite and chloritoid, which consistently account for the consistent enrichment in Mg of both minerals through time, and the progressive replacement of carpholite by chloritoid. Mg/Fe distribution coefficients calculated between carpholite and chloritoid vary widely within samples (2.2–20.0). Among this range, only values of 7–11 correlate with equilibrium textures, in agreement with data from the literature. Equilibrium phase diagrams for metapelitic compositions are calculated using a newly modified thermodynamic dataset, including most recent data for carpholite, chloritoid, chlorite, and white mica, as well as further refinements for Fe–carpholite, and both chloritoid end-members, as required to reproduce accurately petrologic observations (phase relations, experimental constraints, Mg/Fe partitioning). Modelling reveals that Mg/Fe partitioning between carpholite and chloritoid is greatly sensitive to temperature and calls for a future evaluation of possible use as a thermometer. In addition, calculations show significant effective bulk composition changes during prograde metamorphism due to the fractionation of chloritoid formed at the expense of carpholite. We retrieve PT conditions for several carpholite and chloritoid growth stages (1) during prograde stages using unfractionated, bulk-rock XRF analyses, and (2) at peak conditions using compositions fractionated for chloritoid. The PT paths reconstructed for the Kütahya and Afyon areas shed light on contrasting temperature conditions for these areas during prograde and peak stages.  相似文献   

Interdiffusion of Fe and Mg in (Mg,Fe)O has been investigated experimentally under hydrous conditions. Single crystals of MgO in contact with (Mg0.73Fe0.27)O were annealed hydrothermally at 300 MPa between 1,000 and 1,250°C and using a Ni–NiO buffer. After electron microprobe analyses, the dependence of the interdiffusivity on Fe concentration was determined using a Boltzmann–Matano analysis. For a water fugacity of ∼300 MPa, the Fe–Mg interdiffusion coefficient in Fe x Mg1−x O with 0.01 ≤ x ≤ 0.25 can be described by with and C = −80 ± 10 kJ mol−1. For x = 0.1 and at 1,000°C, Fe–Mg interdiffusion is a factor of ∼4 faster under hydrous than under anhydrous conditions. This enhanced rate of interdiffusion is attributed to an increased concentration of metal vacancies resulting from the incorporation of hydrogen. Such water-induced enhancement of kinetics may have important implications for the rheological properties of the lower mantle.
Sylvie DemouchyEmail:

The heat capacity of åkermanite solid solutions was measured by a small scale adiabatic calorimeter near the incommensurate-normal (I-N) transition. The heat capacity anomalies caused by the I-N transition show the type characteristic behavior implying the presence of dynamical fluctuations. The heat capacity anomalies were observed over the whole range of the åkermanite solid solutions Ca2Mg1-xCoxSi2O7 and Ca2Mg1-x-ZnxSi2O2. With increase of Co or Zn atoms, the transition temperature, Ti, rises linearly from ca. 83° C to 220° C and to 130° C, respectively. In the system Ca2CoSi2O7-Ca2FeSi2O7 and Ca2MgSi2O7-Ca2-FeSi2O7 electronic microscopy revealed that the temperature of the heat capacity anomaly decreases with increasing Fe content, whereas the Ti rises. This unusual behavior is ascribed to the microdomains observed in high resolution lattice images.  相似文献   

The evolution of nephelinitic melts in equilibrium with mica-bearing liquidus assemblages and melting relations have been studied on two silica-undersaturated joins of the KAlSiO4– Mg2SiO4– Ca2SiO4– SiO2– F system at atmospheric pressure by quench runs in sealed platinum capsules. Fluorine has been added to the batch compositions by the direct exchange of fluorine for oxygen (2F = O2−). The first join is the pseudo-ternary Forsterite – Diopside – KAlSiO3F2 system. Forsterite, diopside, F-phlogopite and leucite crystallisation fields and a fluoride-silicate liquid immiscibility solvus are present on the liquidus surface of the join. Sub-liquidus and sub-solidus phases include akermanite, cuspidine, spinel, fluorite and some other minor fluorine phases. The second system is the pseudo-binary Akermanite – F-phlogopite join that intersects the Forsterite – Diopside – KAlSiO3F2 join. Akermanite, forsterite, diopside, F-phlogopite, leucite and cuspidine are found to crystallise on the join. Forsterite (fo) and leucite (lc) are related to F-phlogopite (phl) by a reaction with the fluorine-bearing liquid: fo + lc + l = phl, and the reaction proceeds until forsterite or leucite are completely consumed. The reaction temperature and resulting phase association depend on batch composition. Thus, leucite is not stable in the sub-solidus of the Akermanite – F-phlogopite join, but is preserved in a part of the Forsterite – Diopside – KAlSiO3F2 system where forsterite reacts out, or does not crystallise at all. The phlogopite-in reaction has an important effect on the composition of the coexisting liquid. The liquids initially saturated in forsterite evolve to extremely Ca rich, larnite-normative residuals. The experimental data show that larnite-normative melilitolites can crystallise from evolved melilititic melts generated from “normal” melanephelinitic parental magmas with no normative larnite. The evolution towards melilitites requires fractionation of phlogopite-bearing assemblages under volatile pressure. Received: 3 June 1997 / Accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

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