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东南亚位于多板块碰撞交汇区,形成过程极其复杂。由于地理和历史的原因,东南亚地区整体研究程度较低,目前仍存在一些尚未解决的科学问题。其中厘清东南亚块体的组成,块体的边界、属性与来源是开展东南亚地学研究的关键。考虑到成因上的密切联系,中国华南、华北、青藏高原以及澳大利亚和印度洋板块向北的俯冲带都可以纳入到东南亚构造区域中,形成一个广义的东南亚构造区;根据地层对比、缝合带追踪、年龄分布和地震特征等,将东南亚划分为东南亚特提斯构造域、东南亚山弧构造域、东南亚挤出逃逸构造域、东南亚巽他古陆构造域、东南亚东部边缘海构造域和东南亚菲律宾弧构造域。其中特提斯块体从冈瓦纳大陆的裂离及拼贴方式、古南海的存在与消亡、新南海的成因机制、菲律宾岛弧活动带和新几内亚岛弧带的属性以及与古南海的关系是今后东南亚地球科学研究中值得关注的科学问题。  相似文献   

H. Uhlig 《GeoJournal》1982,4(1):31-44
Some karst regions of Indonesia (Java, Sulawesi, Bali, Madura), on closer examination geomorphologically and hydro-geologically quite distinct from each other, are checked with regard to land-use, settlement and other economic and cultural significance. Brief comparisons are made to similar regions from the Philippines (Bohol), Thailand etc.An amazingly strong differentiation, especially of the rice-cultivation systems, is determined by the varying access to water. Some densely populated limestone regions are suffering even from critical water supply for human consumption, cattle etc. Proposals for improvement and rural development are given.The comparison of agricultural landscape types under changing geo-ecological conditions yield fine examples of closely interwoven man-earth eco-systems.  相似文献   

东南亚的活动俯冲和碰撞   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
东南亚位于欧亚、印-澳和菲律宾海三大板块汇聚结合带,现代及古代汇聚区域广泛,弧陆碰撞起着重要作用。根据地质、古地磁和浅源地震等地球动力演化的研究建立了一系列构造模式,表明该区地表构造运动的复杂性。尽管规模较小,台湾地区的弧陆碰撞可能是目前全世界的研究热点之一,因为这一碰撞带较年青(数百万年),非常活跃,易于通过地质、地球物理、大地测量和遥感手段进行测定和监控。未来对活动俯冲带和造山带的研究应与地震、海啸、污染、气候变化等这些与自然灾害有关的社会问题紧密联系起来。  相似文献   

The fit and configuration of India and Southeast Asia vis-à-vis Australia—Antarctica are critically analysed together with the evolutionary history of the Himalaya. Peninsular India, Himalaya, Tibet and Southeast Asia appear to be tied up with the development of Paleozoic-Mesozoic peripheral “Gondwanide” and Mesozoic-Cenozoic Alpine-Himalayan-Indonesian orogenic belts. Southeast Asia and Tibet are usually included within Cathaysia-Laurasia. The extent of the Tethys, separating Gondwanaland from the latter, thus appears to be much narrower than commonly believed. An alternative Gondwanaland reconstruction is proposed, placing India amidst a proto-Indian Ocean adjacent to Africa, but separated from Antarctica-Australia.  相似文献   

东南亚大地构造特征与成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
东南亚地区位于全球特提斯成矿域、环太平洋成矿域与印度-澳大利亚成矿域的交汇地带。构造演化独特,先后经历了原-古-中-新特提斯增生造山、印度-欧亚陆陆碰撞造山、太平洋俯冲等多期次构造-岩浆事件,形成了多条火山弧带、蛇绿混杂带以及同碰撞和后碰撞岩浆岩带。本文在总结前人大地构造研究成果基础上,将东南亚地区划分为6个一级构造单元、32个二级构造单元和57个三级构造单元。伴随着原-古-中-新特提斯构造演化、印度-欧亚大陆碰撞、太平洋俯冲等多期次构造域事件,以构造单元划分为基础,将东南亚地区划分为3个一级成矿域,6个二级成矿省,21个三级成矿带,并结合构造演化初步探讨了主要成矿事件。  相似文献   

The frequency–magnitude distributions of earthquakes are used in this study to estimate the earthquake hazard parameters for individual earthquake source zones within the Mainland Southeast Asia. For this purpose, 13 earthquake source zones are newly defined based on the most recent geological, tectonic, and seismicity data. A homogeneous and complete seismicity database covering the period from 1964 to 2010 is prepared for this region and then used for the estimation of the constants, a and b, of the frequency–magnitude distributions. These constants are then applied to evaluate the most probable largest magnitude, the mean return period, and the probability of earthquake of different magnitudes in different time spans. The results clearly show that zones A, B, and E have the high probability for the earthquake occurrence comparing with the other seismic zones. All seismic source zones have 100 % probability that the earthquake with magnitude ≤6.0 generates in the next 25 years. For the Sagaing Fault Zone (zones C), the next Mw 7.2–7.5 earthquake may generate in this zone within the next two decades and should be aware of the prospective Mw 8.0 earthquake. Meanwhile, in Sumatra-Andaman Interplate (zone A), an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw 9.0 can possibly occur in every 50 years. Since an earthquake of magnitude Mw 9.0 was recorded in this region in 2004, there is a possibility of another Mw 9.0 earthquake within the next 50 years.  相似文献   

Ocean Plate Stratigraphy in East and Southeast Asia   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
Ancient accretionary wedges have been recognised by the presence of glaucophane schist, radiolarian chert and mélange. Recent techniques for the reconstruction of disrupted fragments of such wedges by means of radiolarian biostratigraphy, provide a more comprehensive history of ocean plate subduction and successive accretion of ocean floor materials from the oceanic plate through offscraping and underplating.Reconstructed ocean floor sequences found in ancient accretionary complexes in Japan comprise, from oldest to youngest, pillow basalt, limestone, radiolarian chert, siliceous shale, and shale and sandstone. Similar lithologies also occur in the mélange complexes of the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and other regions. This succession is called ‘Ocean Plate Stratigraphy’ (OPS), and it represents the following sequence of processes: birth of the oceanic plate at the oceanic ridge; formation of volcanic islands near the ridge, covered by calcareous reefs; sedimentation of calcilutite on the flanks of the volcanic islands where radiolarian chert is also deposited; deposition of radiolarian skeletons on the oceanic plate in a pelagic setting, and sedimentary mixing of radiolarian remains and detrital grains to form siliceous shale in a hemipelagic setting; and sedimentation of coarse-grained sandstone and shale at or near the trench of the convergent margin.Radiolarian biostratigraphy of detrital sedimentary rocks provides information on the time and duration of ocean plate subduction. The ages of detrital sediments becomes younger oceanward as younger packages of OPS are scraped off the downgoing plate.OPS reconstructed from ancient accretionary complexes give us the age of subduction and accretion, direction of subduction, and ancient tectonic environments and is an important key to understanding the paleoenvironment and history of the paleo-oceans now represented only in suture zones and orogenic belts.  相似文献   

Kolonodale矿床是东南亚红土镍矿带上一处典型矿床,位于印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛东部。矿床产自富镁超基性岩红土风化壳,矿化剖面自上而下出现红土层→腐岩层→基岩层垂向分带。红土镍矿石产在红土剖面上部,载镍矿物是铁质氧化物。硅镁镍矿石产在红土剖面中下部,载镍矿物为镍蛇纹石、镍滑石等含水层状硅酸盐矿物。地球化学分析显示,沿矿化剖面元素地球化学分异非常显著,Ni次生富集效应明显。超基性岩红土化过程的元素地球化学行为具有多样性,Fe、Al、Ti、Cr属残留富集组分,Si、Mg属淋滤缺失组分,Mn、Ca、Co、Ni属次生富集组分。通过典型矿床对比,Kolonodale矿床属原地自生硅酸盐型红土镍矿床,其发育受地质背景和地表环境条件的综合制约。富镁超基性岩、良好的构造组合、稳定的大地构造环境、湿热热带雨林气候、有利地形地貌等均是成矿有利条件。综合分析认为,Kolonodale矿床的成矿过程可划分为腐岩化、红土化和次生富集3个成矿阶段。  相似文献   

东南亚地区是“21世纪海上丝绸之路”(以下简称“海洋丝路”)的重要组成部分,该区历史上曾发生十余次巨大地震,地震及其次生地质灾害是威胁东南亚地区经济社会发展和国际合作的主要自然灾害。系统梳理该区地震活动的时空分布特征及评估未来灾害风险格局,对于推进“一带一路”倡议实施及区域经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义。文章基于东南亚地区1900年以来M≥5地震的时空分布统计分析和地震b值计算,揭示出该区的地震活动在时间上表现出活跃期与平静期交替变化的特征;空间上表现出明显的聚集效应,成丛性强且主要集中在5个地震统计区内,其中印尼—马来多岛弧盆系地震区和菲律宾群岛地震区的地震活动最为活跃。总体而言,东南亚5个地震区的b值偏低,在0.42~0.91之间。该区内的地震b值也存在时空差异,受大地震事件、俯冲带年龄、活动断裂带和震源深度等众多因素影响,但主控因素在不同区域有所不同。地震b值时空变化特征对区域地震活动预测具有启示作用。上述认识为推进“海洋丝路”工程建设和“一带一路”防灾减灾对策提供了科学支撑。  相似文献   

As China and Southeast Asian countries have accelerated and globalized their economic development, karst environmental problems have become increasingly prominent and studying on and compiling maps of karst geology is quite important. Therefore, based on a wide collection of data in Southeast Asian countries, a cooperative map compilation has been carried out internationally. Through comprehensive research and analysis, a unified understanding has been achieved in terms of compiling principles, contents and representing methods, Distribution of Karst in Southern China and Southeast Asia (1/5 000 000) has been compiled, which provides foundations for environmental protection and scientific studies of karst geology.  相似文献   

Parts of Southeast Asia show evidence of having Paleozoic or older continental crust. These include small fragments in the Philippine and Indonesian archipelagoes, New Guinea and adjoining shelves, and (the main area) a large mass consisting of nearly all of mainland Southeast Asia, most of Sumatra, southwestern Borneo, and parts of the bordering and intervening seas. Ophiolite belts, probable sutures, and contrasting geology across them indicate that this main mass is a mosaic of different fragments or blocks.Since a comprehensive review of the origins and histories of these blocks a decade ago, new information has appeared. Some inferred sutures have been reinterpreted, though the main area of old continental crust is still seen as consisting of at least two and possibly three separate blocks. Recent paleomagnetic determinations for the Paleozoic suggest a position in moderately high (probably southern) latitudes (43 for NW Malaya) for part of Southeast Asia in early Paleozoic, and the possibility of a southern temperate position (24 for central Thailand) in Late Paleozoic. New data on Late Paleozoic floras establish more firmly that Cathaysian floras were widespread on the edge of the Gondwana continent in the Arabian shield region, and the floral data can be seen now as supporting former attachment of part of Southeast Asia to Gondwana. A prominent zone of Carboniferous pebbly mudstones, now recognized to extend over 2000 km from Sumatra to Burma, has been reinterpreted to be of probable glacial marine, rather than slump, origin. The interpretation of these rocks is of critical significance: if the pebbly mudstones are submarine slump deposits, western Southeast Asia probably rifted off some unknown continent during Late Paleozoic; if they are glacial marine sediments, then western Southeast Asia was almost certainly attached to Gondwana and the rifting and separation took place later, probably during the later Mesozoic.
Zusammenfassung Teile Südost-Asiens besitzen offenbar paläozoische oder ältere kontinentale Erdkruste. Diese umfassen kleine Fragmente in den Archipelen der Philippinen und Indonesiens, Neuguinea mit anliegenden Schelfen, und (das Hauptgebiet) eine große Masse, die fast das ganze Festland Südost-Asiens, den Hauptteil Sumatras, das südwestliche Borneo und Teile des angrenzenden und dazwischenliegenden Meeres einschließt. Ophiolitgürtel, die wahrscheinlich Suturlinien darstellen und darüberhinweg sehr gegensätzliche Geologie deuten an, daß diese Hauptmasse ein Mosaik aus verschiedenen Fragmenten oder Blöcken ist.Nachdem seit einem Jahrzehnt eine umfassende Durchsicht der Herkunft und Geschichte dieser Blöcke erfolgt ist, liegen neue Kenntnisse vor. Einige herausgearbeitete Suturlinien wurden zwar neu interpretiert, doch wird das Hauptgebiet der alten kontinentalen Erdkruste immer noch als aus mindestens zwei und vielleicht drei verschiedenen Blöcken bestehend verstanden. Neue paläomagnetische Messungen für das Paläozoikum deuten auf eine Lage in mittelhohen (wahrscheinlich südlichen) Breitengraden (43 für NW-Malaya) für einen Teil Südost-Asiens im früheren Paläozoikum hin und für das spätere Paläozoikum auf die Möglichkeit einer mittleren südlichen Lage (24 für Zentral-Thailand). Neue Daten aus spätpaläozoischen Floren bestätigen mehr, daß Kathaysischen Floren auf dem Rand des Gondwanakontinents auf dem Arabischen Schild weit verbreitet waren und die floristischen Daten können jetzt verstanden werden im Sinne einer früheren Anbindung von Teilen Südost-Asiens an Gondwana. Eine auffallende Zone von geröllführenden Schlammsteinen des Karbons, die jetzt in einer Verbreitung von 2000 km von Sumatra bis Burma bekannt ist, wurde neu interpretiert als wahrscheinlich glaziomariner Herkunft und nicht als Rutschungsmassen. Die Deutung dieser Gesteine ist von kritischer Bedeutung: falls die geröllführenden Schlammsteine von submarinen Rutschungen stammen, wurde das westliche Südost-Asien wahrscheinlich im späteren Paläozoikum von einem unbekannten Kontinent abgespalten; jedoch, wenn sie glaziomarinen Ursprungs sind, dann war das westliche Südost-Asien nahezu zweifellos an Gondwana angebunden und die Abspaltung und Loslösung geschah später, wahrscheinlich während des späteren Mesozoikums.

Résumé Plusieurs régions d'Asie du sud-est attestent l'existence d'une croûte continentale paléozoïque ou plus ancienne. On trouve ainsi de petits fragments dans les archipels philippin et indonésien, en Nouvelle Guinée, et surtout une vaste masse qui comprend presque toute l'Asie du sud-est continentale, la majeure partie de Sumatra, le sudouest de Bornéo et des régions côtières ou entre les mers. Des ceintures d'ophiolithe, des sutures probables et une géologie contrastante montrent que cette masse principale se compose d'une mosaïque faite de différents fragments ou blocs.Depuis une étude compréhensive de l'origine et de l'histoire de ces blocs datant d'une dizaine d'années, de nouvelle informations sont apparues. Certaines de ces sutures ont fait l'objet d'une nouvelle interprétation, bien que la zone principale de l'ancienne croûte continentale soit encore considérée comme se composant d'au moins deux et peut-être de trois blocs séparés. De récentes déterminations paléomagnétiques pour le Paléozoïque suggèrent une situation (probablement australe) de latitude modérément élevée (43 pour le Nord Ouest de la péninsule de Malaisie) en ce qui concerne des régions d'Asie du sud-est au Paléozoique Inférieur, et la possibilité d'une situation australe tempérée (24 pour la Thailande centrale) au Paléozoique Supérieur. De nouvelles données sur la flore du Paléozoïque Supérieur montrent plus clairement que la flore cathaysienne s'étendait largement à la limite du continent de Gondwana dans la région du bouclier de l'Arabie; les données sur la flore peuvent maintenant confirmer l'attachement d'une partie de l'Asie du sud-est au Gondwana. Une longue zone d'argile à blocaux carbonifére, maitenant reconnue comme s'étendant sur plus de 2000 km de Sumatra à la Birmanie, a fait l'objet d'une nouvelle interprétation; elle est à présent considérée comme étant d'origine glaciomarine plutôt que de glissement. L'interprétation de ces roches comporte une signification particulière: si l'argile è blocaux est un dépôt dû à des glissements sous-marins, la partie occidentale de l'Asie du sud-est s'est détachée probablement d'un continent inconnu au cours du Paléozoïque Supérieur; si, en revanche, ce sont des sédiments glaciomarins, cette partie occidentale était alors presque certainement attenante au Gondwana, et la dérive ainsi que la séparation ont eu lieu plus tard, probablement au Mésozoique supérieur.

- , . : , , , , - , . . , , , . , , , , — -, , . , . , , , , , . , (43°) - , -, , 24° ( ). , Cathaysian - . , 2000 , , - , , . : , , , - , , ; , - , , , , , .

东南亚及哀牢山红河构造带构造演化的讨论   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
张进江  钟大赉 《地质论评》1999,45(4):337-344
通过对东南亚和哀牢山红河构造带演化已有模式的分析,在近年来本区海上研究资料的了,结合滇西地质情况,认为东南亚的构造格局是由印度洋、太平洋和欧亚三大构造体系共同作用形成的。60 ̄15MaBP,欧亚构造体系分别与太平洋和印度洋构造体系作用在东南亚东、西部形成两个弧后盆地扩张体系。两体系扩张强度和方向的不同,形成转换调节构造带-哀牢山红河构造带。东部较强的扩张作用使扬子板块向北运动,形成哀牢山以东的逆冲  相似文献   

Sediment‐hosted gold (SHG) deposits are becoming more widely recognized in the Southeast Asian region. They are characterized by very fine‐grained gold, typically occurring in stratabound jasperoid replacement and structurally controlled orebodies in calcareous or carbonaceous sedimentary rocks, which are commonly distal to porphyry copper–gold deposits. Gold mineralization is associated with anomalous As‐Sb‐Hg‐Tl and is normally concentrated in the arsenic‐rich rims of pyrite and arsenopyrite grains (commonly refractory). The examples discussed in this paper are located in Southeast Asian countries, and all occur in island or continental arc terrains. SHG deposits have many features comparable to the Carlin deposits in Nevada; however, they differ in tectonic setting, their shallow level of emplacement, fluid composition, and probable metal source. As such, the Southeast Asian examples described in this compilation may be classified as “Carlin‐like” but not “Carlin‐type.” Furthermore, they appear to represent a subclass of low‐temperature epithermal deposits, with most occurrences showing late‐stage colloform quartz vein events. Indeed, they are better described as sediment‐hosted epithermal gold deposits. Several examples are multimillion ounce deposits, such as Sepon, Laos, with its endowment of more than 4 million ounces of gold. Mesel, Sulawesi, and Bau (Jugan and Tai Parit), Sarawak, also possessed multimillion ounce resources prior to mining. Two centuries of Chinese alluvial and eluvial mining at Buduk in northwest Kalimantan has produced a significant unrecorded amount of gold. Structurally controlled feeder zones frequently contain higher‐grade gold mineralization (e.g. Mesel), and constitute valid exploration targets. More recently discovered deposits, such as those in Myanmar (Gegalaw, Taungzaw, and Katsena) and the Philippines (Hijo and Las Cogon), remain to be thoroughly explored. Most of the deposits (Sepon, Mesel, Abong, Sihayo, Jugan, Tai Parit, Hijo, and Lascogon) can be directly linked spatially and genetically to gold–copper porphyry intrusive centers. It is postulated that localities with no obvious connection to known porphyry deposits (Buduk, Ban Bak, Kyaukpahto, Gegalaw, Taungzaw, and Katsena) may represent district‐scale exploration targets for porphyry copper–gold deposits. In terms of discovery techniques, of the 13 SHG deposits discussed here, several were sites of historical mining (Mesel, Bau, and Kyaukpahto). The majority, however, are virgin deposits discovered in the past 25 years by intuitive area selection followed by systematic regional geochemical exploration programs and routine geological inspections. At the project scale, electrical resistivity techniques, such as controlled‐source audio frequency magnetotellurics (CSAMT) and induced polarization (IP), have proven to be useful for mapping blind jasperoid bodies and associated feeder zones and silicified structures. Traditional field mapping and stream float sampling in tropical regions are also effective exploration tools. Deposits that have significant jasperoid development may have conspicuous positive topographic relief, depending on erosion level.  相似文献   

Feng  Chen-Chieh  Wang  Yi-Chen 《Natural Hazards》2011,59(1):597-616
Natural Hazards - The study examines the current application of geospatial information technologies and highlights the challenges of and constraints on GIScience research for emergency management...  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction The Southeast Asia is endowed with a diversity of mineral resources(Khin Zaw et al.,2014).Tin,copper,nickel,bauxite,chromium and potash resources are widely distributed in the Southeast Asia,show considerable economic significance,have obvious complementarity to China,and is paid wide attention by Chinese geologists and mining industry in recent years.  相似文献   

Chang Jen-hu 《GeoJournal》1980,4(5):437-445
Several aspects of energy budget and water balance problems in SE Asia and New Guinea are discussed and a new map showing the distribution of global radiation in SE Asia and New Guinea is presented. Potential evapotranspiration rates are calculated by the Penman equation and are compared with monthly rainfall to determine the length of the hydrological growing season. Potential rice yields are estimated based on a formula developed by the International Rice Research Institute. The extremely low maize yields of Asian humid tropics are explained by unfavorable climatic conditions, particularly high night temperature.The editor recommends to look in GeoJournal 3.2, 3.6, and 4.1 for further articles related to the present paper.  相似文献   

陈喜峰  陈秀法  叶锦华 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):274-276
正东南亚地区存在多个时代的花岗岩类侵入活动,以中生代最为强烈、规模最大。中生代花岗岩类主要分布在中南半岛地区,形成了闻名于世、规模巨大的东南亚钨锡矿化花岗岩带,具有明显的锡钨矿化专属性(陈永清等,2010;陈喜峰等,2014,2015,2017)。此外,还形成了铜、铅、锌、金、锑等色金属矿产和萤石等非金属矿产。  相似文献   

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