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We investigated several mineral phases and their replacement products which occur as inclusions in garnets from felsic and mafic granulites of the Gföhl Unit in the Moldanubian Zone. The most important mineral inclusions, Ti-rich muscovite and omphacite, were used for the reconstruction of the metamorphic history of granulites. Some inclusions were transformed during high-temperature granulite facies metamorphism, partial melting and decompression to other phases, and so the original mineral can only be deduced from the inclusion morphology and reaction products. These inclusions have columnar shapes and consist of K-feldspar + kaolinite, albite + Fe-oxide, plagioclase + Fe-oxide, or albite + K-feldspar, respectively. The pseudomorphs with albite/plagioclase occur in a Ca-rich garnet that shows prograde zoning. Pressure–temperature (PT) evolution, derived from mineral assemblages in granulite and based on the inclusions, suggests a prograde metamorphism from amphibolite through eclogite to granulite facies conditions with subsequent amphibolite facies overprint during exhumation. The estimated PT trajectory for the studied granulites, which also host lenses or boudins of eclogites and garnet peridotites, allows reconstruction of the complete clockwise metamorphic path that is consistent with subduction geotherm prior to the tectonic amalgamation within the continental collisional root.  相似文献   

We investigate the inclusions hosted in peritectic garnet from metapelitic migmatites of the Kinzigite Formation (Ivrea Zone, NW Italy) to evaluate the starting composition of the anatectic melt and fluid regime during anatexis throughout the upper amphibolite facies, transition, and granulite facies zones. Inclusions have negative crystal shapes, sizes from 2 to 10 μm and are regularly distributed in the core of the garnet. Microstructural and micro‐Raman investigations indicate the presence of two types of inclusions: crystallized silicate melt inclusions (i.e., nanogranitoids, NI), and fluid inclusions (FI). Microstructural evidence suggests that FI and NI coexist in the same cluster and are primary (i.e., were trapped simultaneously during garnet growth). FI have similar compositions in the three zones and comprise variable proportions of CO2, CH4, and N2, commonly with siderite, pyrophyllite, and kaolinite, suggesting a COHN composition of the trapped fluid. The mineral assemblage in the NI contains K‐feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, biotite, muscovite, chlorite, graphite and, rarely, calcite. Polymorphs such as kumdykolite, cristobalite, tridymite, and less commonly kokchetavite, were also found. Rehomogenized NI from the different zones show that all the melts are leucogranitic but have slightly different compositions. In samples from the upper amphibolite facies, melts are less mafic (FeO + MgO = 2.0–3.4 wt%), contain 860–1700 ppm CO2 and reach the highest H2O contents (6.5–10 wt%). In the transition zone melts have intermediate H2O (4.8–8.5 wt%), CO2 (457–1534 ppm) and maficity (FeO + MgO = 2.3–3.9 wt%). In contrast, melts at granulite facies reach highest CaO, FeO + MgO (3.2–4.7 wt%), and CO2 (up to 2,400 ppm), with H2O contents comparable (5.4–8.3 wt%) to the other two zones. Our results represent the first clear evidence for carbonic fluid‐present melting in the Ivrea Zone. Anatexis of metapelites occurred through muscovite and biotite breakdown melting in the presence of a COH fluid, in a situation of fluid–melt immiscibility. The fluid is assumed to have been internally derived, produced initially by devolatilization of hydrous silicates in the graphitic protolith, then as a result of oxidation of carbon by consumption of Fe3+‐bearing biotite during melting. Variations in the compositions of the melts are interpreted to result from higher T of melting. The H2O contents of the melts throughout the three zones are higher than usually assumed for initial H2O contents of anatectic melts. The CO2 contents are highest at granulite facies, and show that carbon‐contents of crustal magmas are not negligible at high T. The activity of H2O of the fluid dissolved in granitic melts decreases with increasing metamorphic grade. Carbonic fluid‐present melting of the deep continental crust represents, together with hydrate‐breakdown melting reactions, an important process in the origin of crustal anatectic granitoids.  相似文献   

The Carthage-Colton Zone (CCZ), located in the northwestern portion of the Proterozoic Adirondack terrane, forms the boundary between the Adirondack lowlands and highlands and is characterized by textures indicative of ductile deformation. Samples from three rock types have been collected from this zone: (1) pyroxene bearing syenite gneisses of the Diana igneous complex; (2) paragneiss samples from near the northwestern boundary of the Diana complex; (3) a quartz-rich metasediment. Feldspar geothermometry performed on the Diana metasyenites shows that porphyroclasts are relict igneous grains that formed atT900° C, while dynamic recrystallization occurred at temperatures as low as 470 to 550° C as shown by the compositions of feldspar neoblasts. All samples examined in this study from the CCZ contain a suite of CO2-rich fluid inclusions that are distinctive both texturally and in their microthermometric behavior (Th=-27.7 to-7.1° C) as compared to CO2-rich Adirondack fluid inclusions that do not lie within this zone (Th=-45.9 to +31.0° C). The results from fluid inclusion microthermometry and feldspar geothermometry restrict the conditions of dynamic recrystallization to temperatures and pressures of 400 to 550° C and 3 to 5 kbar. The retrograde pressure-temperature path must pass through these conditions. Similar fluid inclusion results have been obtained from the Parry Sound Shear Zone (PSSZ) which is a Grenvillian shear zone that is located in Southern Ontario (Lamb and Moecher 1992). However, the inferred retrogradeP-T paths for these two areas, the CCZ and the PSSZ, are different and this difference may be a result of late deformation along shear zones that are located between the two areas.  相似文献   

缅甸硬玉岩是世界上最大和最重要的玉石矿床之一,位于印度板块和欧亚板块之间的新特提斯洋缝合带中。研究表明,缅甸硬玉岩是新特提斯洋壳俯冲过程中橄榄岩经高压变质、交代作用形成的。对不同变质程度缅甸硬玉岩样品中的流体包裹体的研究表明,缅甸硬玉岩中含有4种类型的流体包裹体:1不含或含少量甲烷的低盐度水溶液包裹体(Ⅰ型),呈孤立状或小群(簇状)产于硬玉晶体核部,或沿着硬玉晶体的生长环带分布,具有原生生长结构;2含石盐子晶的H2O+Na Cl±CH4三相包裹体(Ⅱ型);3纯甲烷(CH4)包裹体(Ⅲ型),可以细分为高密度(Ⅲa)和低密度(Ⅲb)两种;4气相或空包裹体(Ⅳ型)。研究表明,缅甸硬玉岩及其相关岩石在形成和演化过程中发生了多期次流体交代事件。硬玉形成过程中,交代橄榄岩的流体相可能来自海水。首次在缅甸硬玉岩中识别出高盐度的含水包裹体和高密度的含CH4包裹体。高盐度的含水包裹体可能与硬玉岩重结晶过程相关,而高密度的CH4流体可能为俯冲板片的上地幔楔中超基性岩蛇纹石化过程的副产物。计算的流体包裹体等容线表明,硬玉岩演化过程中这些流体包裹体发生了不同程度的再平衡。  相似文献   

Dawsonite as a daughter mineral in hydrothermal fluid inclusions   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Traces of dawsonite (NaAlCO3(OH)2) are extremely common as a daughter product in fluid inclusions in gold-quartz veins and altered wallrock of the Oriental mine, Alleghany district, California. A very similar daughter salt occurs in hydrothermal inclusions in quartz from 19 other mining localities of worldwide distribution.Vein fluids of the Oriental mine were probably CO2-rich sodium bicarbonate brines that contained at least 1 weight percent dissolved aluminum. These fluids precipitated quartz and oligoclase in the veins and adjacent altered rocks. The precipitation of dawsonite rather than albite or oligoclase in the cooled inclusion brines suggests either that sodic plagioclase gives way to dawsonite plus quartz as the stable pair at low temperatures or that the dawsonite is a metastable daughter mineral. The rarity of dawsonite as a separate vein mineral or alteration product at the Oriental mine and elsewhere is attributed to its high solubility under normal conditions of mineralization.Dawsonite contributes 190 ppm or more to the aluminum content of some Oriental mine quartz. Large errors would result if the dawsonite were overlooked and the aluminum geothermometer of Dennen et al. (1970) were applied to this quartz. The combination of high primary inclusion filling temperatures and very low aluminum contents of optically clear quartz indicate that major revisions are needed in the published thermometer curve.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Fluid inclusions in olivine and pyroxene in mantle-derived ultramafic xenoliths in volcanic rocks contain abundant CO2-rich fluid inclusions, as well as inclusions of silicate glass, solidified metal sulphide melt and carbonates. Such inclusions represent accidentally trapped samples of fluid- and melt phases present in the upper mantle, and are as such of unique importance for the understanding of mineral–fluid–melt interaction processes in the mantle. Minor volatile species in CO2-rich fluid inclusions include N2, CO, SO2, H2O and noble gases. In some xenoliths sampled from hydrated mantle-wedges above active subduction zones, water may actually be a dominant fluid species. The distribution of minor volatile species in inclusion fluids can provide information on the oxidation state of the upper mantle, on mantle degassing processes and on recycling of subducted material to the mantle. Melt inclusions in ultramafic xenoliths give information on silicate–sulphide–carbonatite immiscibility relationships within the upper mantle. Recent melt-inclusion studies have indicated that highly silicic melts can coexist with mantle peridotite mineral assemblages. Although trapping-pressures up to 1.4 GPa can be derived from fluid inclusion data, few CO2-rich fluid inclusions preserve a density representing their initial trapping in the upper mantle, because of leakage or stretching during transport to the surface. However, the distribution of fluid density in populations of modified inclusions may preserve information on volcanic plumbing systems not easily available from their host minerals. As fluid and melt inclusions are integral parts of the phase assemblages of their host xenoliths, and thus of the upper mantle itself, the authors of this review strongly recommend that their study is included in any research project relating to mantle xenoliths.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore deposits   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
J. J. Wilkinson   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):229-272
The principal aim of this paper is to consider some of the special problems involved in the study of fluid inclusions in ore deposits and review the methodologies and tools developed to address these issues. The general properties of fluid inclusions in hydrothermal ore-forming systems are considered and the interpretation of these data in terms of fluid evolution processes is discussed. A summary of fluid inclusion data from a variety of hydrothermal deposit types is presented to illustrate some of the methodologies described and to emphasise the important role which fluid inclusion investigations can play, both with respect to understanding deposit genesis and in mineral exploration. The paper concludes with a look to the future and addresses the question of where fluid inclusion studies of hydrothermal ore deposits may be heading in the new millenium.  相似文献   

地幔岩中流体包裹体研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
卢焕章 《岩石学报》2008,24(9):1954-1960
地幔岩石中的流体包裹体代表地幔流体的样品。地幔流体包裹体可以存在从地幔来的金刚石,地幔捕虏体和岩浆碳酸岩中。研究这些岩石和矿物中的流体包裹体可以得出其所代表的地幔流体的温度、压力、成分和同位素。我们目前见到的这三类地幔岩石的包裹体主要可在橄榄石、辉石、金刚石、方解石和磷灰石中见到。这些包裹体可以粗略地分为CO2包襄体和硅酸盐熔融体包裹体。又可细分为四类包裹体:(1)富碳酸盐的硅酸盐熔融包裹体。这种包裹体在金刚石、地幔岩捕虏体和岩浆碳酸盐岩中见到,它又可分为结晶质熔融包裹体和玻璃包裹体。(2)CO2包裹体。这种包裹体大多见于地幔捕虏体中,在金刚石和岩浆碳酸岩中也可见到。(3)含硫化物的包裹体。这种包裹体见于地幔捕虏体中,与纯CO2包裹体和含CO2的熔融包裹体共存。(4)高密度的流体包裹体。这种包裹体见于金刚石中,是一种高盐度、高密度的含K、Cl和H2O的流体包裹体,又可分为高卤水包裹体和含卤水的富硅的碳酸盐岩浆包裹体。从对金刚石、地幔捕虏体和岩浆碳酸盐岩中流体包裹体的研究表明,地幔流体存在不均匀性和不混溶性。  相似文献   

Radiogenic isotopes in fluid inclusions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Igor M. Villa   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):115-124
Radiogenic isotopes studied in fluid inclusions are still a limited field, with great potential for expansion as analytical techniques improve. The main limitation for Sr, Ar and He isotope work is the very small number of radiogenic atoms produced in a typical fluid inclusion. The requirements to analysts are correspondingly high. Examples show that isotopic tracing on fluid inclusion fluids can be a decisive tool in solving geological problems.  相似文献   

During regional metamorphism of the Malenco serpentinized peridotite (Sondrio, northern Italy), the mineral assemblage pentlandite-awaruite-magnetite-native copper-antigorite-brucite-olivine-diopside is formed. The opaque assemblage indicates very reduced fluids with fO2 values 4 log units below QFM. Primary fluid inclusions were trapped in diopside overgrowth, contemporaneous with the opaque assemblage. These metamorphic fluids are saline aqueous solutions (about 10.4 mol% NaCl equivalent) and contain molecular H2 of approximately 1 mol%, as shown by micro-Raman analysis and microthermometry. The fluids are interpreted to have been formed during deserpentinization at the olivine-in isograd under strong reducing conditions.  相似文献   

Deformation of granulite-facies rocks in the Moldanubian Zone of the southern Bohemian Massif is expressed in two intersecting planar fabrics - steeply disposed (S1) and flat-laying (S2) - which correspond to two deformation stages (D1) and (D2). The existing Sm-Nd garnet ages from banded granulite gneisses, new U-Pb zircon data from deformed granite intrusions within the granulite gneisses, and the P-T and field structural relations constrain the ages and P-T conditions of the two deformation phases. The early deformation (D1) was associated with a HP-HT metamorphic stage with a minimum age of ca. 354 Ma which was followed by a near-isothermal decompression. A concordant U-Pb zircon age of 318ǃ Ma dates the emplacement of intrusions of deformed granite into the granulite gneisses and constrains deformation phase (D2). This phase was associated with an LP-HT metamorphism dated in the region at ca. 340-330 Ma. The available structural and isotopic data indicate that granulites in the southern Bohemian Massif were exhumed from lower to middle crust during compression. The structural relations and P-T-t data for the studied granulites are consistent with their exhumation by near-vertical extrusion of the softened orogenic root.  相似文献   

中国西南部云南兰坪盆地因金顶Zn-Pn矿床和新发现的白秧坪超大型Cu-Co-Ag矿床而驰名。金顶矿床以白垩系和第三系陆相碎屑岩为主岩,拥有2亿吨矿石,平均品位Zn6.08%、Pb1.29%(1500万吨金属),是目前中国最大的Zn-Pb矿床,也是世界上形成时代最新且唯一产于陆相沉积岩容矿的超大型Zn-Pb矿床。不同于世界上人们公认的沉积岩容矿基本类型,即SST、MVT和Sedex型,金顶矿床也许代表了Zn-Pb矿床的一个新类型。通常认为兰坪盆地大规模成矿流体起源于盆地卤水,流体流动以重力驱动为主,压力体系接近静水压力。但基于矿田内水压破裂观察、流体包裹体研究和盆地流体动力学模拟,我们认为深部超压流体的注入对整个成矿系统起着重要作用。闪锌矿及相关脉石矿物(石英、天青石、方解石、石膏)中流体包裹体观测的均一温度主体在110~150℃,盐度(质量分数)在1.6%~18.0%NaCl;在时间上,大规模成矿主要阶段伴随着流体温度的不断升高和盐度的逐渐降低;在空间上,金顶矿区空间上从东到西,成矿流体温度明显降低,盐度系统性升高。富CO2流体包裹体揭示成矿流体曾高达(513~1364)×105Pa,大大高于静水压力。数值模拟表明,盆地沉积和压实产生的流体超压可以忽略,区域构造推覆也不足以产生如此高的流体压力。我们认为成矿流体超压很可能是幔源流体注入引起的;幔源含矿的相对高温低盐度流体沿导矿构造注入金顶穹隆构造-岩性圈闭并与其中富H2S的相对低温高盐度卤水混合是兰坪盆地大规模成矿的关键动力学过程。这个特殊的流体动力学过程和成矿系统,使兰坪盆地的成矿有别于世界其他沉积盆地已知的成矿作用。  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in sedimentary and diagenetic systems   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Robert H. Goldstein   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):159-193
Some of the major problems in sedimentary geology can be solved by using fluid inclusions in sedimentary and diagenetic minerals. Important fluids in the sedimentary realm include atmospheric gases, fresh water of meteoric origin, lake water, seawater, mixed water, evaporated water, formation waters deep in basins, oil, and natural gas. Preserving a record of the distribution and composition of these fluids from the past should contribute significantly to studies of paleoclimate and global-change research, is essential for improving understanding of diagenetic systems, and provides useful information in petroleum geology. Applications of fluid inclusions to sedimentary systems are not without their complexities. Some fluid inclusions exposed to natural conditions of increasing temperature may be altered by thermal reequilibration, which results in stretching, or leakage and refilling, of some fluid inclusions. Similarly, overheating in the laboratory can also cause reequilibration of fluid inclusions, so fluid inclusions from the sedimentary realm must be handled carefully and protected from overheating. Natural overheating of fluid inclusions must be evaluated through analysis of the most finely discriminated events of fluid inclusion entrapment, fluid inclusion assemblages (FIA). Consistency in homogenization temperatures within a fluid inclusion assemblage, consisting of variably sized and shaped inclusions, is the hallmark of a data set that has not been altered through thermal reequilibration. In contrast, fluid inclusion assemblages yielding variable data may have been altered through thermal reequilibration. If a fluid inclusion assemblage has not been altered by thermal reequilibration, its fluid inclusions may be useful as geothermometers for low- and high-temperature systems, or useful as geobarometers applicable throughout the sedimentary realm. If a fluid inclusion assemblage has been altered partially by thermal reequilibration, techniques for distinguishing between altered and unaltered fluid inclusions may be applied.

In studies of global change, fluid inclusions can be used as sensitive indicators of paleotemperature of surface environments. Fluid inclusions also preserve microsamples of ancient seawater and atmosphere, the analysis of which could figure prominently into discussions of past changes in chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans. In petroleum geology, fluid inclusions have proven to be useful indicators of migration pathways of hydrocarbons; they can delineate the evolution of the chemistry of hydrocarbons; and they remain important in understanding the thermal history of basins and relating fluid migration events to evolution of reservoir systems. In studies of diagenesis, fluid inclusions can be the most definitive record. Most diagenetic systems are closely linked to temperature and salinity of the fluid. Thus, fluid inclusions are sensitive indicators of diagenetic environments.  相似文献   

New data suggest syn-convergent extrusion and polyphase tectonics followed by late Variscan extension in the Strudengau area of the southern Moldanubian zone in Austria. The tectonic history can be summarized as follows: (1) The oldest ductile event is observed in HT/LP metamorphic pelitic gneisses, which preserve E-dipping foliation planes (D1-fabric) with NW–SE-trending lineations. (2) The overlying gneisses record HT/HP conditions with decompression-induced anatexis in the central part of the domain. These gneisses exhibit N–S trending, horizontal lineations along steep-dipping foliation planes (D2-fabric) crosscutting the D1-fabric of the pelitic gneisses. Along the margin, these rocks have been strongly mylonitized under amphibolite facies conditions (D2). D2 is interpreted as a significant vertical shear zone, which juxtaposes the HT/LP rocks against the orogenic lower crust. (3) Lastly, the whole area is overprinted by localized shear zones (D3-fabric) with top-to-the-NW kinematics. This newly discovered Strudengau shearing event is associated with isoclinal folding that possesses axial planes parallel to the mylonitic foliation and fold axes parallel to the stretching lineations. Initial mylonitization occurred under greenschist facies, representing the latest ductile event of the Strudengau area. The new geochronological data presented here indicate a narrow time frame (c. 323–318 Ma) for the D3 deformation. Therefore, this event is contemporaneous with the intrusion of the granites of the South Bohemian Batholith (330–310 Ma). The nearby South Bohemian Batholith and generally steep dyke swarms in the Strudengau area and to the north trend in a NE–SW preferred orientation, interpreted to be D3-synkinematic magmatism. In a regional context, the NW–SE stretching during D3 together with the synkinematic intrusion of dykes is associated with late orogenic extension in the Austrian Moldanubian Zone. Kinematic data of brittle normal faults and tension gashes are consistent with NW–SE-oriented extension under cooler conditions.  相似文献   

Granulite xenoliths within alkali olivine basalts of the Pali-Aike volcanic field, southern Chile, contain the mineral assemblage orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + olivine + green spinel. These granulites are thought to be accidental inclusions of the lower crust incorporated in the mantle-derived basalt during its rise to the surface. Symplectic intergrowths of pyroxene and spinel developed between olivine and plagioclase imply that the reaction olivine+plagioclase = Al-orthopyroxene + Al-clinopyroxene + spinel (1) occurred during subsolidus cooling and recrystallization of a gabbroic protolith of the granulites.Examination of fluid inclusions in the granulites indicates the ubiquitous presence of an essentially pure CO2 fluid phase. Inclusions of three different parageneses have been recognized: Type I inclusions occur along exsolution lamellae in clinopyroxene and are thought to represent precipitation of structurally-bound C or CO2 during cooling of the gabbro. These are considered the most primary inclusions present. Type II inclusions occur as evenly distributed clusters not associated with any fractures. These inclusions probably represent entrapment of a free fluid phase during recrystallization of the host grains. IIa inclusions are found in granoblastic grains and have densities of 0.68–0.88 g/cm3. Higher density (=0.90–1.02 g/cm3) IIb inclusions occur only in symplectite phases. Secondary Type III CO2+glass inclusions with =0.47–0.78 g/cm3 occur along healed fractures where basalt has penetrated the xenoliths. Type III inclusions appear related to exsolution of CO2 from the host basalt during its ascent to the surface. These data suggest that CO2 is an important constituent of the lower crust under conditions of granulite facies metamorphism, indicated by Type I and II fluid inclusions, and of the mantle, as indicated by Type III inclusions.Correlation of fluid inclusion densities with P-T conditions calculated from both two-pyroxene geothermometry and reation (1) indicate emplacement of a gabbroic pluton at 1,200–1,300° C, 4–6 kb; cooling was accompanied by a slight increase in pressure due to crustal thickening, and symplectite formation occurred at 850±35° C, 5–7 kb. Capture of the xenoliths by the basalt resulted in heating of the granulites, and CO2 from the basalt was continuously entrapped by the xenoliths over the range 1,000–1,200° C, 4–6 kb. Examination of fluid inclusions of different generations can thus be used in conjunction with other petrologic data to place tight constraints on the specific P-T path followed by the granulite suite, in addition to indicating the nature of the fluid phase present at depth.  相似文献   

河南省大方山-葫芦峪金矿床流体包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大方山-葫芦峪金矿区位于华北地台南缘与北秦岭造山带的衔接过渡带,矿脉赋存于构造蚀变破碎带中。矿床各成矿阶段流体包裹体主要为气液两相包裹体,通过对各阶段包裹体分析得知,主成矿阶段流体包裹体均一温度范围在197℃-305℃之间,流体包裹体盐度范围在10.98-0.88wt%NaCl 之间,包裹体气相成分中富含 H2 O 和 CO2,少量 O2和 N2,液相成分中相对富含 K+、Na+、Ca2+、SO2-4、Cl-离子。流体包裹体研究表明,金矿床成矿流体为多来源的中低温流体。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(1):13-25
The carboxylate (formate, acetate, propionate and oxalate) and common inorganic anions (F, Cl and SO2−4) compositions for aqueous fluid inclusion leachates from 17 mineral samples collected from various deposits have been determined using ion chromatography in conjunction with microthermometric measurements on the fluid inclusions of their host minerals. The minerals, quartz, fluorite, barite, beryl and a few `ore' minerals (wolframite, pyrite and galena), came from hydrothermal vein-type deposits in felsic igneous rocks or Archean metamorphic rocks. The results indicate that short-chain carboxylates are common components in hydrothermal fluids and can be present in considerable amounts. Formic acid (as formate) is the dominant species over other carboxylic acids. The present study raises new questions about the origin and geochemical significance of carboxylates in hydrothermal ore-forming processes.  相似文献   

Zechun Liu 《Geoarchaeology》1988,3(2):103-115
This paper describes the paleoclimatic changes reflected by karstic cave deposits during the Quaternary Period in China. the study was based on comprehensive analyses of the spore and pollen, paleontological, and paleoanthropological fossils as well as various kinds of sedimentological features preserved in those cave deposits. the caves studied include those containing fossils of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens in the Zhoukoudian area some 50 km southwest of Beijing and Shenxiandong (the Immortal Cave) in Leishui County, Jiangsu Province, about 120 km southeast of Nanjing. These deposits, which range in thickness from two to 40 meters, have been carefully investigated and have been shown to be representative of portions of the Quaternary. the paleoclimatic fluctuations as recorded in these cave deposits have been well correlated with glacial cycles within the Brunhes Normal Epoch based on the oxygen isotope scale determined from deep ocean cores.  相似文献   

西藏尤卡朗铅银矿床流体包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西藏尤卡朗铅银矿床位于班公湖-怒江结合带以南、雅鲁藏布江结合带以北的冈底斯-念青唐古拉山中生代岩浆弧.矿区的含矿地层为上侏罗统拉贡塘组顶部的石英岩层,矿体受到裂隙构造控制.含矿脉体的石英中发现两类流体包裹体,即Ⅰ型水溶液包裹体和Ⅱ型H2O-CO2包裹体,均-温度为160℃~250℃,推测成矿温度为中温.流体盐度范围为1...  相似文献   

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