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通信节点之间相对移动产生的多普勒频率变化将会造成正交频分复用(Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,OFDM)系统子载波干扰,影响OFDM通信系统性能.针对由收发端相对运动引起的子信道干扰,提出了PEMD-WFFT(Pilot Empirical Mode Decompo...  相似文献   

何秋银  王世练  张炜  许涛 《海洋工程》2018,36(1):138-144
水声信道的多径时延扩展和时变特性对信道估计和均衡技术的研究带来了很大的挑战,同时也决定了水声信道是一种时频双扩展信道,提出一种水声OFDM通信系统中基于软信息的迭代信道估计技术,利用基于复指数基扩展模型(CE-BEM)进行信道估计。OFDM系统本身可以消除由于多径引起的符号间干扰(ISI)。基于导频的BEM信道估计,可以实现对时变信道的估计,结合基于软信息迭代的迭代均衡模块,将每次迭代生成的符号软判决信息作为辅助导频用于信道估计。同时,为了防止由于信道时变引起的信道子载波间干扰(ICI)对导频符号的影响,采用基于保护间隔的导频插入法插入导频。仿真结果显示基于BEM的软信息迭代信道估计性能较非迭代信道估计时明显提升。  相似文献   

高速水声通信中正交频分复用技术试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王明华  桑恩方  乔钢 《海洋工程》2006,24(4):100-104115
设计了基于正交频分复用的高速水声通信系统,并进行了湖上和海上试验研究。湖试中,在6 000 m距离下,传输速率达到7.6 kbps,误码率低于10-4;海试中,在12 km距离下,传输速率达到8.3 kbps,误码率低于10-3。试验结果表明,正交频分复用技术可以较好地克服码间干扰,有效地利用水声信道带宽,达到高速水声通信的目的。  相似文献   

深海远程水声信道具有多径时延长、信道非最小相位等特点,当扩频增益不足以抑制多径干扰时,信道均衡是必要的。将双向判决反馈均衡技术应用于M元扩频水声通信系统,减小判决反馈均衡错误传播概率,提高常规符号判决反馈均衡器输出信噪比。通过正交M元扩频解扩结果比较正向和反向信道特性,调整分集合并权重因子。和等增益合并正反向均衡输出结果的传统双向判决反馈均衡方法相比,该算法可进一步提高接收处理增益。通过仿真深海远程水声信道获得的试验结果证实了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

水声信道中一种抗多途跳频通信的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水声通道系统是当代海洋开发和海洋环境立体监测中的重要技术组成部分,广泛应用于海洋监测、海洋资源勘探和开发等方面。然而,水声信道的随机起伏、时-空-频变的多途特征使水声通信技术成为当代最为复杂的通信技术之一。本文介绍近年来在高速水声通信方面的一些研究进展,讨论了一种利用高速数字信号处理器(DSP)实现水声信道跳频通信的方案,并探讨了该方案在调制信号设计及信号处理实现上所采用的关键技术。  相似文献   

OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Divided Multiplication,正交频分复用)技术具有很高的频谱利用率和较好的抗多径衰落,在WLAN 802.11a/g,Wimax,高清数字电视广播和3Gpp-LTE等通信中都采用OFDM技术。OFDM通过循环前缀来抑制符号间干扰。基于802.11a无线帧结构,提出1种基于相关累加的OFDM符号起始位置估计算法,最大程度抑制OFDM符号间干扰(ISI,Inter Symbol Interfernce)。  相似文献   

OFDM传输技术能够克服水声信道中的多径传播并获得高的频谱效率,不需要复杂的自适应均衡器,但其对同步误差非常敏感.在分析OFDM同步误差原理的基础上,设计实现了一个宽带OFDM水声通信接收机,并着重讨论了接收机中基于训练数据的定时和频率同步方法,以及多普勒频偏的估计和补偿算法.水下实验证明了方案的有效性.  相似文献   

正交时频空调制是近年来提出的一种用于高速移动无线通信场景的调制技术,通过将时变多径信道转换到时延–多普勒域,使得所有符号都经历几乎相同且变化缓慢的稀疏信道。与正交频分复用系统相比,正交时频空技术具有较低的峰均功率比,且能够有效抵抗多普勒效应,在高时延、高多普勒的信道条件下具备性能优势。简要介绍了正交时频空技术的基本原理,以及目前无线电及水声通信领域正交时频空技术研究与应用现状,梳理了正交时频空技术在工程应用中亟待解决的关键问题,如波形设计、信道估计和均衡以及接收机结构设计等。最后对正交时频空技术在水声通信系统中面临的挑战和应用前景进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

一种适用于水声通信的Doppler估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水下声通信中,收发双方相对运动产生的Doppler效应会导致信号的伸缩,引起信噪比的降级,需要采用Doppler补偿措施。在补偿前需要得到Doppler估计。文中提出了一种利用DFT进行Doppler估计的有效算法,该算法通过估计频率偏移来计算Doppler率。仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

由于水声通信媒介(声波)速度远远小于陆地通信媒介(无线电波)速度,水声通信多普勒频移比陆地无线通信多普勒频移要大几个数量级,因此多普勒频移估计是水声通信的一个重要问题。文中提出了一种水声通信系统中基于训练序列的多普勒频移估计方法。在接收端先由已知训练符号构造无噪声干扰下的理论接收信号;再根据理论接收信号与实际接收信号之间的误差平方和最小,得到含有信道衰减因子A和多普勒因子Δ的双变量目标函数,根据此目标函数的曲面图以及对其的分析,发现A的不同取值基本不影响Δ的寻优,从而可将双变量目标函数变成单变量目标函数;然后利用全局优化理论中求解有限区间内多峰值函数最值的区间斜率算法,求解多普勒因子的最小二乘估计值,从而得到多普勒频移的估计值。文中还分析了区间斜率算法的收敛性,且仿真结果显示所提算法优于现有算法。  相似文献   

Underwater acoustic (UWA) channels are wideband in nature due to the small ratio of the carrier frequency to the signal bandwidth, which introduces frequency-dependent Doppler shifts. In this paper, we treat the channel as having a common Doppler scaling factor on all propagation paths, and propose a two-step approach to mitigating the Doppler effect: 1) nonuniform Doppler compensation via resampling that converts a “wideband” problem into a “narrowband” problem and 2) high-resolution uniform compensation of the residual Doppler. We focus on zero-padded orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) to minimize the transmission power. Null subcarriers are used to facilitate Doppler compensation, and pilot subcarriers are used for channel estimation. The receiver is based on block-by-block processing, and does not rely on channel dependence across OFDM blocks; thus, it is suitable for fast-varying UWA channels. The data from two shallow-water experiments near Woods Hole, MA, are used to demonstrate the receiver performance. Excellent performance results are obtained even when the transmitter and the receiver are moving at a relative speed of up to 10 kn, at which the Doppler shifts are greater than the OFDM subcarrier spacing. These results suggest that OFDM is a viable option for high-rate communications over wideband UWA channels with nonuniform Doppler shifts.   相似文献   

The life duration of underwater cooperative network has been the hot topic in recent years. And the problem of node energy consuming is the key technology to maintain the energy balance among all nodes. To ensure energy efficiency of some special nodes and obtain a longer lifetime of the underwater cooperative network, this paper focuses on adopting precoding strategy to preprocess the signal at the transmitter and simplify the receiver structure. Meanwhile, it takes into account the presence of Doppler shifts and long feedback transmission delay in an underwater acoustic communication system. Precoding technique is applied based on channel prediction to realize energy saving and improve system performance. Different precoding methods are compared. Simulated results and experimental results show that the proposed scheme has a better performance, and it can provide a simple receiver and realize energy saving for some special nodes in a cooperative communication.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种水声扩谱通讯中,应用子波对多普勒效应进行补偿的方法。针对多普勒效应本身是否会随时间变化,分别应用直接估计、自适应估计的方法。其中自适应多普勒补偿方法同自适应信道均衡算法结合在一起,对多普勒漂移、信道参数进行联合估计。两种方法都应用了子波变换对多普勒展宽程度进行估计并用线性插值进行补偿。计算机仿真结果令人满意。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the use of multiple antennas and space-time coding for high data rate underwater acoustic (UWA) communications. Recent advances in information theory have shown that significant capacity gains can be achieved by using multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems and space-time coding techniques for rich scattering environments. This is especially significant for the UWA channel where the usable bandwidth is severely limited due to frequency-dependent attenuation. In this paper, we propose to use space-time coding and iterative decoding techniques to obtain high data rates and reliability over shallow-water, medium-range UWA channels. In particular, we propose to use space-time trellis codes (STTCs), layered space-time codes (LSTCs) and their combinations along with three low-complexity adaptive equalizer structures at the receiver. We consider multiband transmissions where the available bandwidth is divided into several subbands with guard bands in between them. We describe the theoretical basis of the proposed receivers along with a comprehensive set of experimental results obtained by processing data collected from real UWA communications experiments carried out in the Pacific Ocean. We demonstrate that by using space-time coding at the transmitter and sophisticated iterative processing at the receiver, we can obtain data rates and spectral efficiencies that are not possible with single transmitter systems at similar ranges and depths. In particular, we have demonstrated reliable transmission at a data rate of 48 kb/s in 23 kHz of bandwidth, and 12 kb/s in 3 kHz of bandwidth (a spectral efficiency of 4 bs-1Hz-1) at a 2-km range.  相似文献   

郭继杰  程恩  王清池 《台湾海峡》2001,20(3):287-291
本文在确定了水声信道的数学描述后,提出了在信道自适应过程中,可以应用子波对信号进行多分辨率分解,逐尺度地对信道进行均衡,这样,不但减少了运算数据量,也减少了均衡所需的权系数个数,计算机仿真结果令人满意。  相似文献   

Volkov  M. V.  Lunkov  A. A.  Petnikov  V. G.  Shatravin  A. V. 《Oceanology》2021,61(4):569-580
Oceanology - The feasibility of underwater acoustic communications in an ice-covered shallow-water area is demonstrated in a field experiment and by computer modeling. The advantages of vertical...  相似文献   

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