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讨论了在冲绳海槽伊平屋海岭和南奄西海丘两处海底热液喷出口附近海水中的铀系子体放射性核素2 10 Pb和2 10 Po浓度的垂直分布剖面 .在伊平屋海岭 ,甲烷及2 2 2 Rn的数据表明海底热液活动不强 ,总2 10 Pb和2 10 Po放射性均低于它们各自母体的放射性 ,2 10 Pb和2 10 Po在海水中的平均停留时间分别为 2 0和 2~ 5a ,而在以“黑色烟雾”为特征的海底热液活动强烈的南奄西海丘 ,在”烟雾”中的总2 10 Pb含量 ( 0 1 6 7× 1 0 -3~ 2 50× 1 0 -3Bq/kg)相对其母体2 2 6Ra贫乏 ,而总2 10 Po含量 ( 1 83× 1 0 -3~ 2 83×1 0 -3Bq/kg)则相对其母体2 10 Pb过剩 .该处海水中的2 10 Po的放射性高于东海陆架区及冲绳海槽其他海区 ,并且显示了2 10 Po过剩 .2 10 Pb/ 2 2 6Ra以及2 10 Po/ 2 10 Pb放射性比值的范围分别为 0 1~ 0 4和 1 1~ 7 8.在热液扩散带中2 10 Pb被优先从海水中清除 .控制南奄西海丘海水中2 10 Pb浓度的可能机制涉及到2 10 Pb通过扩散作用的横向输送 .在热液扩散带中高2 10 Po/ 2 10 Pb放射性比值表明2 10 Pb的耗尽及2 10 Po从海底热液喷出口的加入 .  相似文献   

冲绳海槽伊平屋海底热液活动区的生物群   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

冲绳海槽现代海底热液活动研究概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒋富清 《海洋科学》1998,22(6):25-28
1948年,瑞典“信天翁号”调查船在红海发现高温高盐溶液和多金属软泥,至此揭开了海底热液活动研究的序幕。随着全球范围内大洋调查活动的展开,先后在大洋中脊、断裂活动带、岛弧和弧后扩张盆地发现了众多的海底热液活动区以及颇具经济远景的海底热液多金属矿产资源,从而使海底热液活动的调查与研究成为地区中热点领域。冲绳海槽作为一个年轻的弧后扩张盆地,是环太平洋火山、地震带的一个重要组成环节,构造活动和火山作用频繁。其特殊的地理位置、地质现象引起了各国学者的注意,并从1984年开始在冲绳海槽(主要是中部)发现了多处热液活动区。…  相似文献   

冲绳海槽海底热流的研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
李乃胜 《海洋学报》1992,14(4):78-83
冲绳海槽为世界上罕见的高热流区之一.迄今在海槽内已取得189个热流数据.热流分析表明,属于西北太平洋活动边缘的琉球弧后地区具有异常高的热流值,尤其是在冲绳海槽中部,测得大于10 000m·W/m2的异常高热流值,为全球热流调查中所仅见,这暗示着冲绳海槽为一迄今尚在强烈活动的弧后裂谷.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽中部南奄西海丘底热液活动的若干特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

为了进一步理解构造地质过程对弧后盆地热液活动及成矿作用的影响和控制,以实测和收集的多波束资料为基础,对冲绳海槽南部多个海底热液活动区的地形地貌特征进行了精细刻画。结合前人研究成果,从构造地质学的角度分析了热液区地形地貌的成因机制。结果表明,冲绳海槽南部热液区均为海底火山成因地貌,不同热液区的海底地貌分属于不同类型岩浆作用的产物:D海丘受岛弧和弧后盆地岩浆作用的双重影响,A海丘群由岛弧为主的多源岩浆作用产生,C海丘和B海丘群属于琉球火山岛弧,雨花海丘形成于造山期后地壳伸展导致的岩浆上涌。冲绳海槽中央地堑与琉球火山岛弧的交汇处有利于形成大规模岩浆和地热活动。琉球火山岛弧的岩浆活动存在时空迁移,与海槽构造演化过程中由分散式裂陷向中心式裂陷的转换有关。唐印热液区的存在表明台湾北火山带在槽底北缘及陆坡区仍具有较强的岩浆和地热活动性,是未来冲绳海槽南部海底热液调查的重要靶区之一。  相似文献   

热液和冷泉活动是现代深海环境中两个重要的极端系统,它们均是岩石圈与外部圈层之间进行物质、能量转移和交换的重要途径,它们之间既有显著差异,但也存在很多相似点。一系列调查研究表明,在某些特殊构造单元,热液和冷泉活动可能并不是彼此孤立的,而是在构造地质、生物生态和元素循环上存在某种相互作用或耦合关系。冲绳海槽作为西太平洋一个典型的弧后盆地,发育了繁盛的热液和冷泉活动,是研究这两个海底极端系统相互影响机制的天然实验室。在大量文献调研和野外精细探测结果的基础上,分析了冲绳海槽内相互毗邻的冷泉和热液之间的物质扩散过程及生物地球化学作用,初步建立了两个极端系统内两种不同流体相互作用的概念模型,认识到未来如对两个深海极端环境共生区构造发育特征、地层流体演化、生物群落以及矿物元素组成进行系统分析,将有助于建立更加完善的冷泉-热液两个系统在物质和能量上的耦合关系模型,同时也有助于揭示它们在生物生态之间的沟通融合规律,最终可建立盆地尺度上热液-冷泉区相互作用模式,从而加深对西太平洋甚至全球范围内冷泉-热液两个极端环境系统甚至流体-固体耦合的规律性认识。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽Jade热液区海底块状硫化物的Os同位素组成   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
用碱熔法新测得Jade热液区7件海底块状硫化物样品的锇含量及其同位素组成,^187Os/^186Os比值在2.205—6.462之间,均值为4.314,高于地幔端员,而低于海洋沉积物和海水端员,表明该区块状硫化物中锇是深部来源锇与海水和/或沉积物混合的产物。结合该区块状硫化物样品的REE、硫和铅同位素组成特征,进一步揭示出海水、长英质火山岩、沉积物和深部地幔源是形成Jade区块状硫化物的物源。  相似文献   

Vertical profiles for the uranium-series radioisotopes 210Pb and 210Po were obtained at thetwo hydrothermal vent sites, the Iheya Ridge and the Minami-Ensei Knoll, in the Mid-Okinawa Trough in 1993 and 1994, respectively. In 1995, both radioisotopes were measured at the Minami-Ensei Knoll a-gain. At the Iheya Ridge, where the hydrothermal activity is not active as reflected by the CH_4, and 222Rn data, both the total 210Pb and 210Po activities show deficiency relative to their parents, and the mean residence time of 210Pb and 210Po is approximately equal to 20 and 2-5 a, respectively. At the Minami-Ensei Knoll, which is characterized by black smokers, the total 210Pb(0.167 × 10~(-3)-2.5 × 10~(-3)_ Bq/kg) around the plumes is deficient relative to 226Ra but the total 210Po activities (1.83 × 10 ~(-3) - 2.83 × 10~(-3) Bq/kg) are in excess relative to 210Pb. The 210Po activities are higher than those in the East China Sea and the Okinawa Trough and excess 210Po has been found. The 210Pb/226Ra and 210Po/  相似文献   

~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb are increasingly used to constrain particle dynamics in the open oceans, however they are less used in coastal waters. Here, distributions and partitions of ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb were examined in the Taiwan Strait, as well as their application to quantify particle sinking. Activity concentrations of dissolved ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb(0.6 μm)ranged from 1.21 to 7.63 dpm/(100 L) and from 1.07 to 6.33 dpm/(100 L), respectively. Activity concentrations of particulate ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb varied from 1.96 to 36.74 dpm/(100 L) and from 3.11 to 38.06 dpm/(100 L). Overall,particulate ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb accounted for the majority of the bulk ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb. 210 Po either in dissolved or particulate phases showed similar spatial patterns to 210 Pb, indicating similar mechanisms for controlling the distributions of ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb in the Taiwan Strait. The different fractionation coefficients indicated that particles in the Zhemin Coastal Current(ZCC) inclined to absorb 210 Po prior to 210 Pb while they showed an opposite effect in the Taiwan Warm Current(TWC). Based on the disequilibria between ~(210) Po and ~(210) Pb, the sinking fluxes of total particulate matter(TPM) were estimated to range from –0.22 to 3.84 g/(m2·d), showing an overall comparable spatial distribution to previous reported sediment accumulation rates. However, our sinking fluxes were lower than the sedimentation rates, indicating a sediment resuspension in winter and horizontal transport of particulate matter from the Taiwan Strait to the East China Sea.  相似文献   

为揭示中国东南沿海地区210Po和210Pb的大气沉降时空变化特征,探讨该地区气溶胶的停留时间,于2013年1月至2014年12月对厦门地区210Po和210Pb的大气沉降通量进行了时间序列研究。结果发现,210Po和210Pb的平均日沉降通量分别为(65.38±4.79) mBq/(m2·d)(n=54)和(0.78±0.09) Bq/(m2·d)(n=54),表现出明显的周年变化。东北季风期间,210Po和210Pb的沉降通量较高,而西南季风期间其通量较低。2013年和2014年,210Po的年沉降通量分别为19.29 Bq/(m2·a)和9.25 Bq/(m2·a),210Pb的年沉降通量分别为159.2 Bq/(m2·a)和189.6 Bq/(m2·a)。两核素的年沉降通量表现出不同程度的年际差异。210Po与210Pb沉降通量之间存在显著的线性正相关关系,揭示了大气中210Po和210Pb具有相同的迁出机制,降雨和大气中核素含量是影响210Po和210Pb沉降通量的主要因素。该研究结果可以为探求台湾海峡海水中210Po与210Pb的收支平衡提供大气来源项。  相似文献   

210Po, 210Pb, and 234Th were determined in water columns of the East China Sea (ECS) to investigate their biogeochemical behaviors during a severe red tide event. Dissolved 210Po, 210Pb, and 234Th accounted for large fractions of the total phases. The abnormally high concentrations of dissolved 210Pb were observed. Partition behaviors of these radionuclides were influenced by particle content effect and particle composition based on distribution coefficient (Kd) vs. total suspended matter (TSM) content and Kd vs. ratios of particulate organic carbon and total suspended matter contents (POC/TSM content ratios). The peaks of mass specific activities of 210Po, 210Pb, and 234Th indicated that degraded particles could have an intensified enrichment ability for radionuclides compared with the surficial suspended matters. Fractionation factor of 210Po and 210Pb (FPo/Pb) (>1) and fractionation factor of 210Po and 234Th (FPo/Th) (>1) were much higher at algal blooming regions than that at non-blooming stations, indicating that algal blooms promoted the fractionation of 210Po against 210Pb and 234Th, and proving that 210Po exhibited a stronger affinity for biogenic particles than 210Pb and 234Th when POC content increased in the sea. POC/210Po, POC/210Pb and POC/234Th ratios (content/activity ratios) sharply decreased with depth in both algal bloom and non-bloom stations. The outbreak of algal bloom promoted the complexity of suspended particles and increased the variability of POC/tracer ratios (content/activity ratios) in the different depth of the shallow seas. More considerations should be taken to the difficulty of the selection of export interface and the suitable tracers when algal blooming occurs.  相似文献   

青岛市7Be, 210Pb 和210Po大气沉降通量的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用本实验室建立的大气沉降中7Be,210Pb的γ谱分析方法和210Po的α谱分析方法,测定了青岛大气沉降通量.结果表明,青岛市2002年4~11月大气沉降的7Be和210Pb通量平均为1.67和0.32 Bq/(m2·d);2004年5~9月7Be,210Pb和210Po通量平均值为2.15,0.51和0.083 Bq/(m2·d).  相似文献   

210Pb was measured during the 3rd Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition cruise to investigate its spatial pattern in the western Arctic Ocean, as well as its relation with the thermocline in the Canadian Basin. The specific activities varied from 0.04 to 2.72, 0.013 to 4.37, and 0.1 to 4.85 Bq/m3 for dissolved, particulate, and bulk 210Pb, respectively, corresponding to respective averages of 0.65, 0.43, and 1.08 Bq/m3. In the Canadian Basin, the minimum 210Pb activities occurred in the thermocline, which was characterized by low temperature of-1.52°C and salinity of 33.1. Combining the spatial distribution of 210Pb and hydrographical characteristics in the western Arctic Ocean, this scenario was ascribed to the effective scavenging of 210Pb when the Pacific water flowed across the Chukchi Shelf. Quantitatively, this interpretation was supported by both the shorter residence times and higher scavenging efficiencies(SE) of dissolved 210Pb over the Chukchi Shelf. The highest SE values were observed in the Herald Shoal and bottom waters over the slope.  相似文献   

The major and minor element contents in the sediment core H9 from the hydrothermal fields of the Okinawa Trough show a sharp change at the depth of 80 cm. The elements enriched in the upper 80 cm core are those enriched in the hydrothermal deposits and in the surface sediments recovered from the hydrothermal fields in the trough, which indicates the input of hydrothermal materials. Comparing with other hydrothermal sediments from Mid-ocean Ridges or the Lau Basin, the degree of the enrichment of elements iron, copper,cobalt, and nickel is relatively low. However, the enrichment of elements manganese, lead, arsenic, antimony and mercury is remarkable. The average contents of these elements in the upper 80 cm core sediments are three to six times those in the lower section, and 3~12 times those in the surface sediments which are not influenced by hydrothermal activities. Hydrothermal activities have contributed significant manganese, lead, arsenic, antimony and mercury to the sediments, and these elements are distinct indicators for the hydrothermal activity in the Okinawa Trough. The significant enrichment of these elements in Core H9 upward from the depth 80 cm indicates the start or the significant enhancing of the hydrothermal activity in this area at about 5 740 aB.P. The average accumulation rate of manganese during this period is about 40 461 μg/(cm2·ka), which is similar to the hydrothermal sediments in the Lau Basin or the East Pacific Rise.  相似文献   

对采自冲绳海槽中部现代海底热液活动区的H9岩心沉积物进行了常量、微量元素分析,结果表明大部分元素含量在岩心75~80 cm处有一个明显的突变,上段中明显富集多种微量元素,这些元素正好对应于海槽中非热液活动区沉积物中相对亏损的元素,是热液活动区沉积物中的富集特征元素.75~80 cm处岩心沉积物中元素含量突变标志着冲绳海槽中部现代海底热液活动的开始或显著加强.除锰外,在其他热液活动区(如洋中脊等)显著富集的铁、铜、钴、镍在该区富集程度不高,但铅、鉮、锑、汞在上段岩心沉积物中的平均含量较下段高3~6倍,较非热液活动区沉积物中含量高3~12倍.这些富集元素与冲绳海槽热液活动成因硫化物中富集元素非常一致,表明该区热液活动对沉积物中锰、铅、鉮、锑、汞具有重要贡献,锰、铅、鉮、锑、汞是海槽中部现代海底热液活动的特征性示踪元素组合.岩心沉积物中很好地记录了热液活动的发展演化,该区海底热液活动从距今5740a开始发生或显著增强,并且一直持续到现在,只是其间活动程度经历了强弱变化,岩心上段锰的平均堆积速率约为40.461μg/(cm2·ka),与其他热液活动区的相当.  相似文献   

对新近(2014年)采自冲绳海槽南部Yonaguni Knoll IV热液活动区和中部伊平屋热液活动区的金属硫化物样品分别进行了X射线荧光光谱(XRF)和等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)分析,旨在通过对比分析两个热液活动区金属硫化物的元素地球化学特征,探讨两个不同热液活动区成矿元素的富集规律、热液成矿的作用过程及其区域差异。研究结果表明:在冲绳海槽中部和南部热液区分布有两种金属硫化物,分别为富Fe-Zn型硫化物和Ba-Zn-Pb型硫化物(+硫酸盐);相较于大洋中脊和其它弧后盆地的热液硫化物,研究区硫化物中Pb的含量明显较高,而Cu和Fe的含量相对较低,这与冲绳海槽存在较厚的沉积盖层有关;无论是常量元素、微量元素、还是稀土元素(REE),其含量和相关的特征值都变化较大,表明研究区热液硫化物形成于不同的热液成矿阶段;富Fe-Zn型硫化物是在高温热液活动阶段形成的,而Ba-Zn-Pb型硫化物(+硫酸盐)则形成于热液喷出海底与海水混合的过程中,成矿温度较低;即使在同一热液活动区,成矿环境也有较大变化,主要表现在成矿温度的波动上;研究区热液硫化物中REE的配分模式特征表明硫化物中REE的物源相同,但经历的过程(REE的迁移和富集)有所不同,反映了热液硫化物形成于不同的热液成矿阶段;热液成矿作用存在区域性差异,海槽南部的成矿温度较中部低,成矿物质来源方面,南部热液区硫化物的Pb含量较中部高,表明其成矿物质可能部分来源于沉积物。  相似文献   

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