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皮丝藻Dermonema dichotomum Heydrich采自广东省汕尾市遮浪等地。在研究它的生殖器官发育过程中,发现它为雌雄异体;果胞枝由3-4个细胞组成,少数2个或5个细胞,一般侧生,也有的顶生;有的同化丝顶端细胞或髓丝末端细胞可转化为果胞枝;少数具有分枝状的果胞枝;有的果胞枝上也可以长出同化丝或根样丝。  相似文献   

本种为我国南方常见一种经济红藻。藻体直立,叶片窄带状,单条或叉状,全缘或有小育枝,体下部淅细成柄状。藻体不中空。我们发现它在生殖器官发育过程中也出现三个新特徵:1、少数果胞枝与助细胞可在同一的生殖枝丛中形成,2、少数果胞枝枝丛中可出现2个果胞枝;3、少数助细胞枝丛中可出现2个助细胞。  相似文献   

中空蜈蚣藻(Grateloupiaporracea(Mert.)W.X.LietZ.F.Ding)在幼苗期(0.2cm)已中空,成体的主枝与分枝亦中空。皮层细胞叉状排列或稍背斜形;生枝枝丛(ampullae)只有一条主枝或1分枝;果胞枝由1~3个细胞组成,有的果胞亦产生由1~4个细胞组成的侧枝。其特征与蜈蚣藻属(GrateloupiaC.Ag)不同。建议将其从蜈蚣藻属中移出另成立一个新属管形藻属SinotubimorphaW.X.LietZ.F.Dinggen,nov.该属模式种为管形藻S,porracea(Mert.)W.X.LietZ.F.Dingcomb.nov,采于青岛1984年。  相似文献   

隐丝藻科一新属—管形藻属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中空蜈蚣藻(Grateloupia porracea (Mert.)W.X.Li et Z.F.Ding)在幼苗期(0.2dm)已中空,成体的主枝与分枝亦中空,皮层细胞叉状排列或稍背斜形;生枝枝丛(ampullae)只有一条主枝或1分枝;果胞枝由1-3个细胞组成,有的果胞亦产生由1-4个细胞组成的侧枝。其特征与蜈紧藻属(Grateloupia C.Ag)不同。建议将其从蜈蚣藻属中移出另成立一个新属  相似文献   

两广沿海潮间带或浅水中已发现十七种江蓠(GraciLaria)这些江蓠在利用时、所含琼胶的多少、质量的优劣与其组成都有密切的关系,显然,对江蓠进行定量分析实属必要。一、试料 1、江蓠(G. Verrucosa),藻体呈软骨质,圆柱状或线状,丛生,囊果球形,顶端无啄状突起,干品为紫色或浅棕色。 2.细基江蓠(G. tenuistiPitata)藻体呈线状,基部渐细,囊果球形,顶端有啄状突起,干后部分呈灰暗色。 3.芋根江蓠(G. bLodgettii)藻体软骨质圆柱状,分枝基部骤然缢缩,常形成极小的柄,枝端渐细,浅紫色或肉色。  相似文献   

我刊2019年第4期文章《中国短毛藻属Elachista的分类学II——包括1个新种》第3页2.3节的第2与第3行间漏缺以下内容:“特征描述:藻体暗褐色,半球形。基部由薄壁细胞组成垫状假膜体。着生于假膜组织细胞上的同化丝可分成长同化丝和侧丝(短同化丝)。无毛。单室囊和多室囊同体。习性和产地:在中潮带附着于Sargassum confusum藻体上,与Halothrix gracilis等混生。产于大连。地理分布:中国渤海。模式标本产地:中国大连。2.4细枝短毛藻(新种)(图2)Elachista tenuissima Luan et Ding sp.nov.”。谨向作者和读者致歉。  相似文献   

【目的】研究采自我国沿海岸的褐藻门短毛藻科Elachistaceae短毛藻属Elachista的分类。【方法】对采自我国沿海岸的短毛藻进行形态学鉴定,描述新种的形态特征以及其他分类学信息,并与相似种进行比较。【结果】鉴定出长海短毛藻E. changhaiensis Luan et Ding、短毛藻E. fucidola (Velley) Areschoug、暗色短毛藻E. fusca Luan et Ding和细枝短毛藻E. tenuissima Luan et Ding sp. nov.等4个种,含新种1个。细枝短毛藻藻体暗褐色,半球形,直径4~5 mm;基部由薄壁细胞组成基垫;同化丝可分成长同化丝和短同化丝,长同化丝较短,长1~2 mm,由63~128个细胞组成,直径6.0~9.5μm;短同化丝较长70~225μm,直径3.5~6.0μm。单室囊囊状,多室囊线状。模式标本存在中国科学院海洋研究所海洋生物标本馆(AST)。  相似文献   

针对面状监测的D-InSAR技术在沉降最大值附近精度较低,而高精度水准测量只能得到有限个监测点变形值的缺陷,利用集合卡尔曼滤波方法对D-InSAR和水准监测结果进行同化,从而对目标进行高精度面状沉降变形监测。结果表明,基于集合卡尔曼滤波同化结果相比于反演值和D-InSAR监测结果有了很大改善。将该方法应用于济宁邹济公路,经同化值的总均方根误差为17.7 mm,满足高等级公路变形监测的精度要求。  相似文献   

矿床位于秦岭海西褶皱带的东端、荆紫关—师岗复向斜北翼,区内出露地层为震旦系上统,寒武系及奥陶系中、下统的一套碳酸盐岩系。地层走向北西西。米黄玉大理石主要赋存在奥陶系中的北东(30—50°)走向的张扭性断裂内。矿体呈脉状,其走向为北东30—50°,倾向北西或南东,倾角70—85°间,其规模一般长400—1500米,最长2400米,宽一般5—10米,最宽可达20余米。矿脉(体)系由若干单层大理石组成,单层厚一般30—80厘米,最厚可达120厘米。大理石呈米黄色或松香黄色,平行纤维状结构,栉状构造。矿物成分几乎全由方解石组成,含微量的铁质及锰质。方解石大多为柱状,少数为粒状和隐晶质粒状,柱状方解石粒径一般为10—20毫米,最大可达30—40毫米,平行排列,晶体的长轴方向与脉壁垂直。矿石的化学成分百分含量:CaO:53.93—55.29,MgO:0.39—1.04,SiO_2:0.06—1.05,Al_2O_3:0.10—0.57,Fe_2O_3:0.05—0.25,烧失量43.02—43.46。矿石加工成板材后,磨光面上的花纹依其形象划分,主要为图案形平行栉状花纹,少数为同心圆状或放射状花纹。磨光性能良好,其光泽度为95—104°,抗压强度为217—414kg/cm~2,抗折强度133—279kg/cm~2,溶重和吸水率均符合国家规定的标准。矿体理论成荒率为36.41%。锯板效率平均可达4厘米/小时,板材净出材率为18—80平方米/立方米。矿床成因探讨,属侧分泌矿床。  相似文献   

砷酸盐矿物在世界上已发现达160余种之多,但在我国对其发现和研究得较少。该类矿物的化学组成十分复杂,并具有较独特的矿物学特征和地质产状,常以其绿色、黄绿色或褐红色等较鲜艳的颜色及主要呈纤维状、针柱状、柱状、板状、立方体状和葡萄状、肾状等结晶特征而在氧化带次生矿物中较易引人注目。砷酸盐矿物一般只形成于湿热多雨的热带—亚热带气候条件地区和介质pH值为6—8的含砷的硫化物矿床氧化带中。加强开展对该类矿物的研究,将可大大丰富我国的矿物学内容,并在氧化矿石综合利用及作为地质找矿的矿物学标志等方面也具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The first published records of genus Batra-chospermum Roth in China are from Jao (1941), when eleven taxa were reported. Since then, Shi, Hu and Kumano (1993), Shi (1994a, 1994b), Hua and Shi (1996), Xie et al. (1999, 2003), Xie and Shi (2003) have described in more detail the species from China. To date, 23 taxa of Batrachospermum Roth in China have been reported, of which, B. yunnanense, B. nothocladoideum and B. transito-rium are new species of this genus, and are…  相似文献   

Eucheuma gelatinae (esper)J.Agardh has vegetative and reproductive features distinguishing it fromother species of Eucheuma.The occurrence of reproductive nemathecia containing carpogonial branches,auxiliary cells and post-fertilization stages including gonimoblast and pericarp initiation,fusion cell foram-tion stages and carposporophyte development are described and ilustrated for the first time for this species.  相似文献   

Three new species of Batrachospermum Roth (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) from China are described in this paper. B. yunnanense sp. nov. has long-cylindrical trichogynes with long stalks and is diagnostic of section Virescentia. Within this section, B. yunnanense is similar to B. helminthosum Bory emend. Sheath et al., but it is dioecious and has curved carpogonial branches, while the latter is monoecious and has straight carpogonial branches. It is also similar to B. transtaganum Reis, but it differs from the latter in long carpogonia,big carposporophytes and carposporangia. It is considered that B. nothocladoideum sp. nov. is assigned to section Contorta, subsection Kushiroense, because its carpogonial branches are twisted and gonimoblast filaments are loosely agglomerated. This new species similar to B. iriomotense Kumano, but with short fascicles, long-ovoid or subpyriform cells, numerous terminal hairs, long-ellipsoid trichogynes, big carposporophytes and small carposporangia. The plant is quite tough and cartilaginous and similar to Nothocladus in gross morphology, but its carposporophytes are compact instead of diffuse. This shows that it may be a transitional species between section Contorta and genus Nothocladus. So, B. transitorium sp. nov. should belong to section Contorta, subsection Kushiroense, because of its curved or twisted carpogonial branches and loosely agglomerated gonimoblast filaments, with globose or subglobose cells in fascicles similar to B. spermatiophorum Vis et Sheath, but no colourless spermatiophores. In terms of small and numerous carposporophytes, B. transitorium sp. nov. is similar to some species of section Batrachospermum. However, their other features are unique, indicating its transitional nature between section Contorta and Batrachospermum.  相似文献   

Eucheuma gelatinae (Esper) J. Agardh has vegetative and reproductive features distinguishing it from other species ofEucheuma. The occurrence of reproductive nemathecia containing carpogonial branches, auxiliary cells and post-fertilization stages including gonimoblast and pericarp initiation, fusion cell formation stages and carposporophyte development are described and ilustrated for the first time for this species. Contribution No. 2380 of the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

A filamentous clone of Polysiphonia urceolata was regenerated from segments cut from the fronds of gametophytes. Unlike wild thalli with short virgate branchlets, the clone was filamentous with few branches. Many transparent trichoblasts arose from pericentral cells during the induction culture, but these were seldom observed during normal growth. The trichoblasts were uniseriate, often colorless, and formed lobed rhizoids rapidly when they came into contact with solid substrates. In addition to morphological characteristics, the photosynthetic properties and growth conditions of the clone differed from those of the mother plant. Cross-gradient light and temperature culture experiments revealed that the most favorable conditions for culture of the filamentous clone were 22°C and 95-120 μE/(m2-s) light intensity. The photosynthetic light saturation value for filaments was approx. 100 μE/(m2-s), which is far lower than that of wild thalli. These results could be used to develop techniques for mass cultures of P. urceolata in photobioreactors for production of seed stock or bioactive products.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genusTinocladia Kylin (1940)T. eudesmoides Ding et Lu sp. nov. andTinocladia zhangii Ding et Lu sp. nov., are described.T. eudesmoides is mainly characterized by its longitudinally and transversely produced sub-cortical filaments from the medulla, its short uniseriate assimilating filaments, usually composed of 6–10 cells with slightly swollen and narrow ultimate cells, and its unilocular sporangia (60–115)×55–70μm, variable in size.T. zhangii is mainly characterized by its very solid frond, not rip apart by hands, its evident longer primary branches, its short and slender secondary branches, with very evident sub-cortical layer, and filaments divided repeatedly, and its large and small unilocular sporangia, with the latter borne on an evidently swollen pedicel. Project B80981816 supported by the NSFC. Contribution No. 4443 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China.  相似文献   

Porphyra haitanensis andP. yezoensis are two mainPorphyra species cultured in China. Their life histories are slightly different. So far we have not observed thatP. haitanensis naturally produces monospores developing into thalli.P. yezoensis produces monospores which directly germinate into young thalli used in cultivation (Zeng, et al., 1985). Some somatic cells inP. yezoensis develop in vitro into monospore-like cells which later grow into young thalli (Lu, 1983). Studies on whether or not somatic cells inP. haitanensis can produce in vitro monospore-like cells that later grow into young thalli is important for understanding its life history and for culturing new varieties.  相似文献   

Grateloupia ramosa Wang & Luan sp. nov. (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) is newly described from Hainan Province, southern China. The organism has the following morphological features: (1) purplish red, cartilaginous and lubricous thalli 5–10 cm in height; (2) compressed percurrent axes bearing abundant branches with opposite arrangement; (3) claw-like apices on top, constricted to 2–4 cm at the base; (4) cortex consisting of 3–6 layers of elliptical or anomalous cells and a medulla covered by compact medullary filaments; (5) reproductive structures distributed throughout the thallus, especially centralized at the bottom of the end portion of the branches; and (6) 4-celled Carpogonial branches and 3-celled auxiliary-cell branches, both of the Grateloupia-type. The morphological diff erences were supported by molecular phylogenetics based on ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) gene sequence analysis. There was only a 1 bp divergence between specimens collected from Wenchang and Lingshui of Hainan province. The new species was embedded in the large Grateloupia clade of the Halymeniaceae. The pairwise distances between G. ramosa and other species within Grateloupia ranged from 26 to 105 bp, within pairwise distances of 13–111 bp between species of the large genus Grateloupia in Halymeniaceae. Thus, we propose this new species as G. ramosa Wang & Luan sp. nov.  相似文献   

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