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A static spherically-symmetric model, based on an exact solution of Einstein's equation, gives the permissible matter density ~2 × 1014 g cm–3. By use of the change in radius density (i.e., central density per unit radius) minimum, Parui and Sarma (1991) have estimated the upper limit of the density variation parameter = 0.68 for a superdense star such as a neutron star withK = –2. In this paper we have verified this upper limit using the Reissner-Nordström interior solution of the Einstein-Maxwell's field equations withK = - 3.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic field in a magnetized neutron star and the underlying volume charges and currents are found. A general case of a rigidly rotating neutron star with infinite conductivity, arbitrary distribution of the internal magnetic field, arbitrarily changing angular velocity, and arbitrary surface velocity less than the velocity of light is considered. Quaternions are used to describe rotation and determine the magnetic field. It is shown that the charge density is not equal to and can exceed significantly the common Goldreich–Julian density. Moreover, corrections to the magnetic field due to stellar rotation are zero. For a rotating neutron star, twisting magnetic field lines causes charge accumulation and current flows. This fact shows a possible link between changing internal magnetic field topology and observed activity of neutron stars.  相似文献   

Several X-ray-dim isolated neutron stars(XDINSs), also known as the Magnificent Seven,exhibit a Planck-like soft X-ray spectrum. In the optical/ultraviolet(UV) band, there is an excess of radiation compared to an extrapolation from the X-ray spectrum. However, the majority exhibits "spectral deviations": the fact that there is more flux at longer wavelengths makes spectra deviate from the Rayleigh-Jeans law. A model of bremsstrahlung emission from a nonuniform plasma atmosphere is proposed in the regime of a strangeon star to explain the optical/UV excess and its spectral deviation as well as X-ray pulsation. The atmosphere is on the surface of strangeon matter, which has negligible emission, and is formed by the accretion of ISM-fed debris disk matter moving along the magnetic field lines to near the polar caps. These particles may spread out of the polar regions which makes the atmosphere non-uniform. The modeled electron temperatures are ~100-200 eV with radiation radii R_(opt)~∞~5-14 km. The spectra of five sources(RX J0720.4–3125, RX J0806.4–4123, RX J1308.6+2127, RX J1605.3+3249, RX J1856.5–3754) from optical/UV to X-ray bands can be fitted well by the radiative model, and exhibit Gaussian absorption lines at ~100-500 eV as would be expected.Furthermore, the surroundings(i.e., fallback disks or dusty belts) of XDINSs could be tested by future infrared/submillimeter observations.  相似文献   

The connection between the radio emission from “lightnings” produced by the absorption of high-energy photons from the cosmic gamma-ray background in a neutron star magnetosphere and radio bursts from rotating ratio transients (RRATs) is investigated. The lightning length reaches 1000 km; the lightning radius is 100 m and is comparable to the polar cap radius. If a closed magnetosphere is filled with a dense plasma, then lightnings are efficiently formed only in the region of open magnetic field lines. For the radio emission from a separate lightning to be observed, the polar cap of the neutron star must be directed toward the observer and, at the same time, the lightning must be formed. The maximum burst rate is related to the time of the plasma outflow from the polar cap region. The typical interval between two consecutive bursts is ∼100 s. The width of a single radio burst can be determined both by the width of the emission cone formed by the lightning emitting regions at some height above the neutron star surface and by a finite lightning lifetime. The width of the phase distribution for radio bursts from RRATs, along with the integrated pulse width, is determined by the width of the bundle of open magnetic field lines at the formation height of the radio emission. The results obtained are consistent with the currently available data and are indicative of a close connection between RRATs, intermittent pulsars, and extreme nullers.  相似文献   

The effect of the Σ-meson well depth on the gravitational redshift is examined within the framework of relativistic mean field theory for the baryon octet system. It is found that, for a stable neutron star, the gravitational redshift increases with the central energy density increase or with the mass increase but decreases as the radius increases. Considering a change of US(N)U_{\Sigma}^{(N)} from −30 MeV to 30 MeV, for a stable neutron star the gravitational redshift near to the maximum mass increases. In addition, it is also found that the growth of the US(N)U_{\Sigma}^{(N)} makes the gravitational redshift as a function of M max /R increase, the higher the US(N)U_{\Sigma}^{(N)} the less the change in the gravitational redshift.  相似文献   

The superfluid core (“npe” phase) of a neutron star, consisting of superfluid neutrons, superconducting protons, and normal electrons, is considered. The Gibbs thermodynamic potential of a superconducting proton vortex in a proton superconductor of the second kind, interacting with the normal core of a neutron vortex of radius r ≪ λ parallel to it (λ is the depth of penetration), is calculated. It is shown that under this assumption, the capture by the core of only one vortex turns out to be energetically favored. The force exerted on the proton vortex by the entrainment current, always directed toward the core, is found. The corresponding force for a proton antivortex is directed outward toward the outer boundary of the neutron vortex. It is shown that the fluctuational formation of a vortex-antivortex pair is possible at a large distance from the core under the action of the entrainment current. Under the action of the entrainment current, the antivortex travels outward, while the vortex remains inside the neutron vortex. It is shown that the formation of new proton vortices is possible only in the region in which the entrainment magnetic field strength is H(ρ) > Hcl (Hcl is the first critical field). Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 225–234, April–June, 1999  相似文献   

Plasma magnetosphere surrounding rotating magnetized neutron star in the braneworld has been studied. For the simplicity of calculations Goldreich-Julian charge density is analyzed for the aligned neutron star with zero inclination between magnetic field and rotation axis. From the system of Maxwell equations in spacetime of slowly rotating star in braneworld, second-order differential equation for electrostatic potential is derived. Analytical solution of this equation indicates the general relativistic modification of an accelerating electric field and charge density along the open field lines by brane tension. The implication of this effect to the magnetospheric energy loss problem is underlined. It was found that for initially zero potential and field on the surface of a neutron star, the amplitude of the plasma mode created by Goldreich-Julian charge density will increase in the presence of the negative brane charge. Finally we derive the equations of motion of test particles in magnetosphere of slowly rotating star in the braneworld. Then we analyze particle motion in the polar cap and show that brane tension can significantly change conditions for particle acceleration in the polar cap region of the neutron star.  相似文献   

The applicability of the properties of central configurations proceeding from the many-body problem to study of gaseous sphere cloud evolution during its gravitational contraction is justified. It is shown that the product runs to a constant value in the asymptotic time limit of simultaneous collision of all the particles of the cloud where is a form-factor of the potential energy and is a form-factor of the moment of inertia.The spherical bodies as well as ellipsoids of rotation and general ellipsoids with a one-dimensional mass distribution (k),k[0, 1] are found to possess the property =const.
. , - , , ., , - =const., , (k),k[0, 1].

Low noise photoelectric measurements of the line profile of the g = 0 Fe line gl 5576.097 combined with determinations of the wavelength shift of its centre calibrated by use of an I 2 absorption tube are reported. Measurements taken at various limb distances (1.0 cos 0.2) and along 4 different diameters of the Sun are used to investigate the behaviour of the line asymmetry (C-shape) and wavelength shift of the line centre as functions of cos and of latitude and to search for possible pole-equator differences.An accuracy of approx. 0.8 mÅ r.m.s. is achieved for the determination of the centre of the solar line relative to the iodine lines and of 0.3 mÅ to 1 mÅ r.m.s. for the relative variations of the C-shape. The analysis shows a significant difference between the limb-effect curves along polar and equatorial diameters for cos 0.4 and changes of the C-shape for 0.9 cos 0.6 with a rather strong indication of a latitude dependence of the C-shape. This latitude dependence may account for the so-called ears observed by Howard et al. (1980) who used the well-known Doppler compensator method which integrates the line asymmetry from the line wings to the core.Mitteilungen aus dem Kiepenheuer-Institut Nr. 207.  相似文献   

The implications of the intrinsic luminosity evolution with cosmological epoch on the value of the density parameter () and evolution of radio sizes of extragalactic radio sources have been considered. It is shown that a power law evolution model of the sortP (1 +z) can be used to contrain the value of . In the presence of a strong luminosity evolution, the model yields an upper limit of 0.5.It is also shown that the angular diameter redshift ( – z) relation for quasars can be interpreted in terms of the assumed luminosity evolution combined with a luminosity-linear size correlation with little or no linear size evolution required. On the other hand, strong linear size evolution is needed to explain the – z data for radio galaxies independent of luminosity.  相似文献   

Evolutionary sequences are computed from the main sequence to central helium exhaustion for a 15M star, with an initial composition ofX=0.70,Y=0.27,Z=0.03. Parallel sequences are computed to investigate the effects of different mass loss rates on the evolution of the star. These rates are chosen to reflect the physical causes of the mass loss, and occur at all phases of evolution. One sequence without, and one with, mass loss are recomputed, allowing for semiconvection and full convection in intermediate mass zones, using the Schwarzschild and Härm criterion for convective neutrality.Low to moderate rates of mass loss in the early evolutionary phases shift the evolution to lower luminosities and effective temperatures, but do not radically alter the form of evolution. However, the resulting evolutionary sequences can be up to 25% undermassive for their luminosity as they enter the red giant branch (RGB). Most sequences evolve through a subsequent stable blue phase (the blue loop), which is shifted to lower luminosities and effective temperatures by the previous mass loss and is also widened. This blue loop is suppressed if approximately 10% of the stellar mass is lost in the RGB. Mass loss delays the evolution of the central region of the star relative to that of the outer region, so that central helium ignition and exhaustion are displaced to later points on the evolutionary tracks. Mass loss also reduces the size of the helium core, although its mass fraction is larger.If semiconvective and intermediate fully convective zones are included, then in a sequence without mass loss these zones greatly alter the chemical profile of the model. The sequence evolves at a higher luminosity, with a stable blue supergiant phase occurring prior to the RGB. Central helium exhaustion occurs during the ascent of the RGB. However, if mass loss is included, the extent of these zones is drastically reduced, and the evolutionary pattern is similar to that without such zones. No blue loop is found.Observations indicate that the blue supergiant region is wider and bluer than predicted by previous evolutionary calculations. The present results show that mass loss widens and reddens this phase. Hence, the inclusion of other factors will be necessary to reconcile theory and observations.  相似文献   

We investigate the spatially resolved specific star formation rate(SSFR)in the inner ~40 pc for a nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy, M51(NGC 5194) by analyzing spectra obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope(HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph(STIS). We present 24 radial spectra measured along the STIS long slit in M51, extending ~ 1′′from the nucleus(i.e., –41.5 pc to 39.4 pc). By simple stellar population synthesis, the stellar contributions in these radial optical spectra are modeled. It is found that the mean flux fraction of young stellar populations(younger than24.5 Myr) is about 9%. Excluding some regions with zero young flux fraction near the center(from –6 pc to 2 pc), the mean mass fraction is about 0.09%. The young stellar populations are not required in the center inner ~8 pc in M51, suggesting a possible SSFR suppression in the circumnuclear region(~ 10 pc) from the feedback of active galactic nuclei(AGNs). The radial distribution of SSFR in M51 is not symmetrical with respect to the long slit in STIS. This unsymmetrical SSFR distribution is possibly due to the unsymmetrical AGN feedback in M51, which is related to its jet.  相似文献   

We compute the characteristic parameters of the magneto-dipole radiation of a neutron star undergoing torsional seismic vibrations under the action of Lorentz restoring force about an axis of a dipolar magnetic field experiencing decay.After a brief outline of the general theoretical background of the model of a vibration-powered neutron star,we present numerical estimates of basic vibration and radiation characteristics,such as frequency,lifetime and luminosity,and investigate their time dependence on magn...  相似文献   

It is shown that photoionization of vibrationally excited H2 and photodissociation of the H 2 + ions produced thereby constitute a significant electron production route in high UV flux situations. A significant fraction of the electron density in the direction of ζ Oph (?15 km s?1 cloud) deduced from observations may be expected to arise in this way.  相似文献   

The T Tauri variable V1331 Cyg is characterized by an intensive emission spectrum, by signatures of a high rate of mass loss, and also by presence of a circular reflection nebula. According to these characteristics, the star can be considered as a possible pre-FUor star. Up to the present the photospheric spectrum of the star has not been recorded. In this work we analyze the high-resolution spectra of V1331 Cyg that were obtained by G.H. Herbig with the HIRES spectrograph at the Keck-1 telescope in 2004 and 2007. For the first time the numerous photospheric lines of the star have been detected and the spectral class has been estimated, viz., G7-K0 IV. It is revealed that the projection of the rotation velocity is lower than the width of instrumental profile (vsini < 6 km/s); this means that the angle between the stellar axis of rotation and the line of sight is small. The radial velocity of the star derived from the photospheric lines is RV = ?15.0 ± 0.3 km/s. The difference in radial velocities for 2004 and 2007 is lower than the measurement error. The photospheric spectrum is veiled considerably, but the amount of veiling is not the same in different lines. This depends on the line strength in the template spectrum of the G7 IV star: in the weakest lines (EW = 5–10 mÅ in the template spectrum) VF ≈ 1 and it increases up to 4–5 in stronger lines. The Hα and Hβ lines demonstrate classical P Cyg profiles, which testifies to an intensive wind with a maximal velocity of about 400 km/s. In addition, the emission lines of Fe II, Mg I and K I and of several other elements are accompanied by a narrow blue-shifted absorption at ?150...?250 km/s. The emission spectrum of V1331 Cyg is rich in the narrow (FWHM = 30–50 km/s) lines of neutral and ionized metals showing the excitation temperature T exc = 3800 ± 300 K. The stellar mass M* ≈ 2.8M and radius R* ≈ 5R are estimated.  相似文献   

Data accumulated by the Solar Maximum Mission Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) have been searched for evidence of the 2.223 MeV neutron capture line from the Sun, outside the times of -ray-emitting solar flares. Background-corrected spectra accumulated over 3-day intervals between 1980 and 1989 show no evidence of the line. Upper limits are reported separately for periods of high and low solar activity.A conservative 3 upper limit of 5.7 × 10–5 (cm2 s)–1 is placed on the steady flux in the 2.223 MeV line during inactive periods, which is nearly two orders of magnitude lower than previously published results. After correction for limb darkening of the line emission from off-center positions, this upper limit becomes 7.1 × 10–5 (cm2s)–1. Our 3 upper limit on the steady flux in the line during periods of high solar activity is 6.9 × 10–5 (cm2 s)–1, or 8.6 × 10–5 (cm2 s)–1 after correction for limb darkening. Our results imply that the quiescent solar corona cannot be heated by ions accelerated above 1 MeV in microflares (or a continuous acceleration process), so long as the ion energy spectrum is similar to that measured in large flares. We also use our results to derive the rate of tritium production at the solar surface; our upper limit of 9 nuclei (cm2 s)–1 is about a factor of 9 below the upper limit from searches for 3H in the solar wind. We place upper limits of the order 1033 on the number of energetic (> 30 MeV) protons which can be stored in active regions prior to being released in solar flares, which imply that the strongest observed flares cannot be produced by such a mechanism.  相似文献   

We analytically generalize the well-known solution of steady supersonic spherically symmetric gas accretion onto a star (Bondi 1952) for an iron atmosphere with completely degenerate electrons with an arbitrary degree of relativity. This solution is used for typical physical conditions in the vicinity of protoneutron stars produced by gravitational collapse with masses M 0=(1.4?1.8)M and over a wide range of nonzero “iron gas” densities at infinity, ρ=(104?5×106)g cm?3. Under these conditions, we determine all accretion parameters, including the accretion rate, whose value is ~(10?50)M s?1 at M 0=1.8M (it is a factor of 1.7 lower for M 0=1.4M , because the accretion rate is exactly ∝M 0 2 ). We take into account the effect of accreting-gas rotation in a quasi-one-dimensional approximation, which has generally proved to be marginal with respect to the accretion rate.  相似文献   

We discuss a collection of archival multi-colour photometric data of the variable WC9-type Wolf-Rayet star WR?103?=?HD?164270 observed over a time interval of eleven years. The photometric systems used are Walraven VBLUW, Bessel UBV and Strömgren uvby. The purpose is to search for periodicity and to disentangle continuum and line emission variations. The star turns out to be stochastically variable in all time intervals under consideration. The time scale of the variations hovers between a few hours to a few days. The continuum light amplitude varies from ~ 0.m1 in the visual to ~ 0.m2 in the UV. Emission-line variations at the level of 1–5 % percent are detectable in all pass bands, but are largest in the Strömgren b and Walraven V filters, due to the prominent presence of the Ciii emission lines (blended with a much weaker Oii line) at 4650 and 5696?Å?emission lines, respectively. The relative large light amplitude of WR?103 resembles that of WN8-type stars; a possible link between the two is discussed. Stellar (multi-mode) pulsations are likely the cause of the photometric variability. We also discuss the exceptional status of WR?103 within the class of WC9-type stars which are almost photometrically stable. A striking phenomenon observed for the first time in WR?103: a three days lasting flux enhancement of the Ciii line by at least 10 % was observed in August 1998. Such strong spectroscopic flare-like events are very seldom observed in WR stars. So far, the one of WR?103 had the longest duration ever observed.  相似文献   

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