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The microfacies assemblages and their distribution within the Middle Devonian Timor Limestone, exposed in the Timor Valley of northeastern New South Wales, Australia are described, and a depositional model for the carbonate buildup presented.Two broad lithological divisions are clearly recognizable within this thick (345 m) but lensoidal mass. Lime wackestones/packstones dominate the lower 200–215 m of the buildup while lime grainstones characterize the upper 130 m. Using cluster-sorting techniques on 697 modally analysed limestone samples, five microfacies and several subgroups each characterized by a unique combination of allochems have been recognized within this gross subdivision.The microfacies data and field observations suggest that carbonate sedimentation was initiated in an open marine shelf environment. It began simply because local conditions were favourable for calcareous organisms to become established. The benthos flourished ultimately spreading out over an area of 25 km2. Although reefal in outline, the limestone is a bedded deposit containing chiefly comminuted skeletal debris and never had the ecologic potential to form a wave-resistant mass.Lime mud sedimentation began in a sublittoral environment. Abundant calcareous algae throughout most of the lower two-thirds of the buildup suggest that deposition occurred within the photic zone. In succeeding horizons, pellet and intraclast lime grainstones gradually replace the lime mud dominated microfacies, indicating that carbonate deposition slowly outpaced basin subsidence and shoal-water conditions developed over the buildup. During the buildup's final stage, a transgression occurred resulting in quieter marine conditions and the deposition of coral lime wackestones in the former shoal area.Carbonate sedimentation was terminated by an extensive marine tuff killing the calcareous benthos. No further extensive carbonate sedimentation during the Middle Devonian is recorded in the Timor Valley.  相似文献   

The Upper Ludlow Douro Formation contains the first reported Silurian sponge reefs. These relatively small (5–35 m diameter), mound-shaped structures contain, on average, 35% lithistid demosponges. Reefs are surrounded by irregular haloes of crinoid debris; abundance and diversity of all fossil groups decreases away from the reefs. Each reef is underlain by a lens of crinoid wackestone to grainstone rich in crinoid holdfasts; trepostomate bryozoans, solenoporacean algae and rhynchonellid brachiopods are locally common. The bulk of each reef consists of lime mudstone with abundant lithistid sponges. This is capped by a thin layer of wackestone with abundant tabulate and rugose corals and fewer lithistid sponges, calcareous algae, trepostomate bryozoans and stromatoporoids. This zonation, in which a sponge colonization community was replaced by a coral diversification community, is similar to that reported from some Middle Ordovician, Upper Jurassic and Holocene sponge reefs. The Douro sponge reefs were relatively low structures, with about 3 m maximum topographic relief. They grew on a broad carbonate platform, probably in warm, tranquil, turbid waters of normal or near-normal marine salinity. Periodic influxes of terrigenous mud adversely affected reef size, and caused biotic changes. Some of the reef lime mud was derived from non-reef sources, but significant quantities were also produced on the reefs. Reefs underwent synsedimentary lithification, bioerosion and minor storm erosion. Fabrics and compositions of sparry calcite in cavities record three generations of meteoric cementation. Originally siliceous spicules of the lithistid sponges were dissolved and the moulds later filled with sparry calcite. Early dissolution of siliceous spicules is common in reef environments, and may have caused fossil sponges to be under-represented in ancient reefs.  相似文献   

The sedimentology and cyclic stratigraphy of palaeokarst structures in Aptian peritidal carbonate successions are interpreted using field and laboratory microfacies analyses of closely spaced samples from measured outcrop stratigraphic sections in southwest Turkey. Cycles displaying shallowing-upward metre-scale cyclicity are generally composed of lime mudstones/wackestones/packestones at the bottom and stromatolites or lime mudstones with charophytes and ostracods at the top. Subaerial exposure structures such as in situ karst breccias, dissolution vugs/pipes, mud cracks and sheet cracks are encountered at the top of the cycles. The presence of limestone layers between the successive karst breccia levels indicates that they are in situ palaeokarst structures, not recent karstifications or deep penetration from the upper palaeokarst surface down to the older strata. Palaeokarst breccia deposits are interpreted as mantling breccia formed as a result of epikarstification. Three main palaeokarst levels are recorded in nearly all sections. The sedimentology of the palaeokarst breccias, their position in cyclic peritidal carbonates and the biostratigraphic framework are used to trace the record of the global mid-Aptian sea-level fall in the southwest Taurides. The successive occurrences of three karst breccia levels close to the mid-Aptian sea-level fall correspond to falling periods of high-amplitude sea-level fluctuation within a late high-stand or early fall condition of a third-order sea level.  相似文献   

Holocene inner-shelf storm deposits preserved beneath the Sendai coastal plain facing the Pacific coast of north-eastern Japan were formed during a transgressive–regressive cycle. The evolution of the Holocene wave-dominated depositional system along the Sendai coast is reconstructed using 76 AMS (accelerator mass spectrometers) 14C ages and the origin of bed thickness variations in the inner-shelf storm deposits is explored. The Holocene succession is <30 m thick and overlies latest Pleistocene to early Holocene non-marine deposits above a transgressive ravinement surface. It comprises transgressive ravinement and inner-shelf deposits, and regressive inner shelf, shoreface, and coastal plain deposits. The inner-shelf deposits comprise alternating sand and mud layers interpreted as stacked storm beds. The average preservation interval of a single storm bed is shortest during the transgression (5·7–20·6 years), and then increases to a maximum during the early regression (83·3–250·0 years), decreasing to 7·7–31·3 years with shoreline progradation. Average accumulation rates decreased during the transgression and then increased during the regression, but the sand/mud ratio varies little, reflecting inefficient sediment segregation downdip on the inner shelf. The vertical pattern of sand-layer thicknesses also shows no relationship to position within the cycle, although small-scale intervals of upward thickening and thinning probably relate to lateral switching of river mouths and/or random storm processes. The average thickness of storm beds is the highest in the interval deposited during the period from maximum flooding to early regression. This is probably because of the low preservation potential of thin beds associated with frequent, low-magnitude storms during this period of low accumulation rates and extensive reworking. This preservation bias and the nature of the Sendai inner shelf resulted in an absence of characteristic bed thickness trends in the preserved storm deposits.  相似文献   

A consistent pattern for the silica sources, depositional environments and timing of chertification was observed in a diverse suite of five Late Mesozoic and Middle Palaeozoic carbonate sequences; the (1) Upper Greensand (Cretaceous) and (2) Portland Limestone (Jurassic) of southern England, (3) the Ramp Creek Formation (Mississippian) of southern Indiana, and the (4) lower Helderberg Group (Devonian) and (5) Onondaga Limestone (Devonian) of New York State. Nodular chert formation in all five limestone sequences occurred in sediments that were largely uncemented. Ghosts of pre-chertification carbonate cements are present in some chert nodules but are volumetrically minor. In every limestone sequence except the Upper Greensand, chertification occurred after burial to a depth sufficient for intergranular pressure solution and mechanical grain deformation of carbonate sand. Nodular chert is most abundant in subtidal, normal marine wackestones and mudstones that were deposited at or below fair-weather wave base, and is absent or rare in supratidal, intertidal and high-energy subtidal limestones and dolomites. An intraformational sponge spicule silica source for chert nodules is suggested by direct evidence, such as calcitized sponge spicules in the host limestone, and circumstantial evidence, such as ghosts of sponge spicules in chert nodules and a correlation of chert abundance with depositional environment. Most molds of siliceous sponge spicules were apparently obliterated by post-chertification intergranular compaction. We propose that these general trends for the depositional environments, silica sources and timing of chertification are representative of most Mesozoic to Middle Palaeozoic platform limestones.  相似文献   

The Mesoproterozoic Pandikunta Limestone, a shallow water carbonate platform succession in the Pranhita-Godavari Valley, south India, displays well developed climbing ripple lamination and storm deposited structures, such as HCS, wave ripple-lamination, combined-flow ripple-lamination and low angle trough cross-stratification. Different types of stratification developed in calcisiltite with minor amounts of very fine quartz sand and silt. The climbing ripple structures exhibit a complex pattern of superposition of different types (type A, B and S) within cosets pointing to a fluctuating rate of suspension depositionversus bedform migration, and an unsteady character of the flow. Close association of climbing ripple structures, HCS with anisotropic geometry, wavy lamination and combined-flow ripple-lamination suggest that the structures were formed by storm generated combined-flow in a mid-shelf area above the storm wave base. The combined-flow that deposited the climbing ripple structures had a strong unidirectional flow component of variable magnitude. The climbing ripple structure occurs as a constituent of graded stratified beds with an ordered vertical sequence of different types of lamination, reflecting flow deceleration and increased rate of suspension deposition. It is inferred that the beds were deposited from high-density waning flows in the relatively deeper part of the ancient shelf. The structures indicate that the Pandikunta platform was subjected to open marine circulation and intense storm activities. The storm deposited beds, intercalated with beds of lime-mudstone, consist primarily of fine sand and silt size carbonate particles that were hydrodynamically similar to quartz silt. Detrital carbonate particles are structureless and are of variable roundness. The particles were generated as primary carbonate clasts in coastal areas by mechanical disintegration of rapidly lithified beds, stromatolites or laminites, and the finest grade was transported to the offshore areas by storm-generated currents.  相似文献   

The Cow Head Group is an Early Palaeozoic base-of-slope sediment apron composed of carbonate and shale. Whereas coarse-grained conglomerate and calcarenite are readily interpreted as debris-flow and turbidite deposits, calcilutite (lime mudstone), calcisiltite, and shale combine to form three distinct lithofacies whose present attributes are a function of both sedimentation and early diagenesis. Shale is the most common lithology. Black, green, and red shale colour variations reflect the abundance of organic matter in the source area and oxygenation conditions of the sea bottom. In black and green shale, millimetre- to centimetre-thick, alternating dark and light laminations represent terrigenous mud turbidites and hemipelagites, respectively. The calcisiltite/shale facies is uncommon and is composed of numerous graded carbonate-shale sequences (GCSS) deposited from waning carbonate turbidites and fall-out of terrigenous muds. Some of the characteristics of ribbon and parted lime mudstones in the calcilutite/shale facies can be explained by deposition of carbonate mud from dilute turbidity currents or hemipelagic settling. Other features are diagenetic in origin. The lack of micrite in GCSS and in the interbedded shales of the calcilutite/shale facies is interpreted to reflect early dissolution of the finer carbonate from these sediments. This remobilized carbonate was precipitated locally to: lithify lime mudstone turbidites or hemipelagites; form diagenetic lime mudstone beds and nodules; cement calcisiltites; and form dolomite. Many of the calcisiltites and calcilutites were, therefore, carbonate enriched at the expense of adjacent argillaceous sediments. These attributes characterize not only fine-grained sediments of the Cow Head Group but many other Early Palaeozoic slope carbonates as well, suggesting that the model proposed here for depositionl diagenesis has wider application.  相似文献   

Sedimentation on the open-coast tidal flats of south-western Korea is controlled by seasonal variation in the intensity of onshore-directed winds and waves. As a result, an environmental oscillation takes place between tide-dominated conditions in summer and wave-dominated conditions in winter. In summer, thick muddy deposits, including sporadic storm deposits, accumulate in response to low wave energy, weak currents, and intense solar insolation that promotes consolidation of the mud at low tide. Bioturbation is minimal because of rapid sedimentation and soft substrate. During the autumn, the summer mud deposits experience erosion due to increasingly strong onshore winds and waves, until only small mud patches and mud pebbles remain. The concentration of ebb runoff between the mud patches produces small, ephemeral tidal creeks. In winter, storm waves occur frequently (ca 10 days a month) and dominate sedimentation in the intertidal zone, producing extensive wave-generated parallel lamination and short-wavelength (0·3–2 m) hummocky cross-stratification. The prevalence of strong onshore winds decreases in spring, allowing longer and more frequent intervals of calm weather, during which time muddy sediments are deposited by tidal processes. Over the long term, winter storm waves dominate sedimentation and the preserved deposits consist of amalgamated storm beds that resemble those generally associated with shorefaces. This raises the question of how many ancient ‘shorefaces’ are, in fact, open-coast tidal flats.  相似文献   

Norian crinoidal/brachiopod limestones and cephalopod limestones of the Hallstatt-type occur as blocks in a Hettangian(?) calcareous breccia of the Haliw Formation in the Oman Mountains. Crinoidal and brachiopod packstones, up to 12 m thick, prevail in the lower part of the sequence and were deposited on a substrate of Norian forereef breccia. The overlying cephalopod wackestones, up to 4.9 m thick, have a basal white bed followed by red limestones with abundant planar and scalloped, corroded surfaces and local stromatolites. Upward, red, nodular wackestones and, finally, slumped grey wackestones follow. The analysis of geopetal fabrics in orientated samples shows that bedding of these facies is, in fact, inclined bedding. Inclinations varied between 15 and 29°. In addition, the restored dip directions demonstrate rotation, indicating deposition on a gliding block. The preferred orientation of orthoconic cephalopods and imbrication of discoidal ammonoids coincide with the dip direction measured from geopetal fabrics. Such features, generally interpreted as current-induced, are here interpreted as gravity-induced. The overall mud-supported rock fabric thus indicates deposition under very low-energy conditions. The common mud-supported texture of the rocks contrasts with evidence for current activity found in the scalloped surfaces and shell lags, particularly in the crinoidal/brachiopod facies and the lower, stratigraphically condensed, cephalopod limestones. This indicates that deposition of lime mud alternated with periods of elevated current strength. A comparison of the Hallstatt-type limestones and current-influenced sediments on the northern slope of the Little Bahama Bank suggests that condensed sequences of the Hallstatt-type are restricted to relatively shallow depths with strong fluctuation of contour-following currents undersaturated with respect to aragonite along carbonate shelf margins facing the open ocean. On steep slopes, sediment bypassing may be an additional factor for stratigraphic condensation.  相似文献   

The sedimentary succession of a Late Jurassic (Oxfordian to basal Kimmeridgian) carbonate ramp is described and interpreted. The study area is located in the central part of the Lower Saxony Basin in NW Germany, which forms part of the Central European Basin. Eight well-exposed and undeformed sections of the study area (Süntel area, Wesergebirge and eastern part of the Wiehengebirge) provide detailed information about lithofacies and lateral thickness variations. Biostratigraphically, the age of these sediments is poorly constrained. Twenty microfacies types are recognized that can be grouped into seven facies associations: (a) strongly bioturbated marlstones deposited near storm wave base (SWB), (b) foraminifera-rich wackestones, (c) wackestones and floatstones with biostromes and (d) bioclastic limestones deposited between SWB and fair-weather wave base (FWWB), (e) oolitic and iron-oolitic limestones and (f) siliciclastic sediments deposited above FWWB, and (g) lagoonal deposits. These facies associations characterize a storm dominated shallow mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp. Based on facies changes, quartz content, and gamma ray logs, the Korallenoolith Formation can be subdivided into a lower carbonate-dominated and an upper siliciclastic-dominated part, build up by different scales of small- to large-scale deepening- and shallowing-upward cycles. A preliminary correlation of measured outcrops of this formation is presented.  相似文献   

In the Getic of the Carpatho-Balcanides (eastern Serbia) and the Tirgan Formation of the Kopet-Dagh Basin (northeast Iran), platform carbonates were deposited during the Barremian/Early Aptian in environments in the domain of the northern Alpine Tethys and deformed during the Alpine orogeny. In this study, Urgonian carbonate platform deposits are discussed in detail with regard to depositional facies, microfacies, biostratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and palaeoecology. Detailed sedimentological and palaeontological investigations have been carried out on five sections in eastern Serbia and three sections in northeast Iran supported by an analysis of 392 thin-sections. Petrographic analysis of thin-sections led to the recognition of eight microfacies types grouped into four facies zones. A supratidal–intertidal (restricted)–intertidal (open-lagoon)–platform-margin sand-shoal transition was recorded in both areas. Supratidal facies are characterized by bioclastic mudstones and fenestral and peloidal wackestones and packstones; intertidal (restricted) facies are represented by bioclastic wackestones, whereas intertidal (open-lagoon) facies are indicated by bioclastic packstones/grainstones and oncoid grainstones. High-energy sand-shoal facies are dominated by ooid grainstones/rudstones followed by orbitolinid packstones. Benthic foraminifera are especially abundant and along with calcareous algae are the most important fossils used for age determination of shallow-marine carbonate deposits. Thirty-two benthic foraminiferal genera were identified from eastern Serbia with an additional 38 genera from northeast Iran dominated by agglutinated forms. Identified calcareous algae provide significant data for depositional environments and palaeoecology. The microfossil associations in the two regions are very similar and share a number of common characteristics, but also some differences and show a strong affinity to those of the northern margins of Tethys. In both study areas shallow-marine environments of the Barremian/Early Aptian were replaced by deep-marine conditions during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

中韩第五次《东北亚地壳演化》学术研讨会在北京举行   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆天山东部广泛发育晚石炭世碳酸盐岩隆。这些岩隆主要为生物丘,少数为生物滩及与岩隆有关的生物层,其中生物丘含大量灰泥和内碎屑。基本岩石类型为泥粒状灰岩、粒泥状灰岩、粒泥状-泥粒状灰岩,少量岩石类型包括颗粒岩、骨架岩和障积岩。成岩作用是碳酸盐岩隆发展演化的重要阶段和过程,在生物丘内,已经识别出四种重要的胶结物,即球粒泥晶、纤状方解石、放射轴状方解石和粒状方解石。尽管缺失典型的造礁生物,但通过岩石类型研究和微相分析,认为碳酸盐岩隆的形成主要取决于生物作用及古环境格局。本区碳酸盐岩隆可以同欧洲瓦尔索坦的岩隆对比  相似文献   

ANNA BREDA  NEREO PRETO 《Sedimentology》2011,58(6):1613-1647
The Travenanzes Formation is a terrestrial to shallow‐marine, siliciclastic–carbonate succession (200 m thick) that was deposited in the eastern Southern Alps during the Late Triassic. Sedimentary environments and depositional architecture have been reconstructed in the Dolomites, along a 60 km south–north transect. Facies alternations in the field suggest interfingering between alluvial‐plain, flood‐basin and shallow‐lagoon deposits, with a transition from terrestrial to marine facies belts from south to north. The terrestrial portion of the Travenanzes Formation consists of a dryland river system, characterized by multicoloured floodplain mudstones with scattered conglomeratic fluvial channels, merging downslope into small ephemeral streams and sheet‐flood sandstones, and losing their entire discharge subaerially before the shoreline. Calcic and vertic palaeosols indicate an arid/semi‐arid climate with strong seasonality and intermittent discharge. The terrestrial/marine transition shows a coastal mudflat, the flood basin, which is usually exposed, but at times is inundated by both major river floods and sea‐water storm surges. Locally coastal sabkha deposits occur. The marine portion of the Travenanzes Formation comprises carbonate tidal‐flat and shallow‐lagoon deposits, characterized by metre‐scale shallowing‐upward peritidal cycles and subordinate intercalations of dark clays from the continent. The depositional architecture of the Travenanzes Formation suggests an overall transgressive pattern organized in three carbonate–siliciclastic cycles, corresponding to transgressive–regressive sequences with internal higher‐frequency sedimentary cycles. The metre‐scale sedimentary cyclicity of the Travenanzes Formation continues without a break in sedimentation into the overlying Dolomia Principale. The onset of the Dolomia Principale epicontinental platform is marked by the exhaustion of continental sediment supply.  相似文献   

Uppermost Jurassic limestones of the South‐East Basin (France) are organized into four facies associations that were deposited in four distinct zones: (1) peritidal lagoonal limestones; (2) bioclastic and reefal limestones; (3) pelagic lime mudstones; (4) lime mudstones/calcarenites/coarse breccias. Calcarenite deposits of zone 4 exhibit sedimentary structures that are diagnostic of deposition under wave‐induced combined flow. In subzone 4a, both vertical and lateral transitions from lime mudstone/calcarenite to breccia indicate in situ brecciation under wave‐cyclic loading. Breccias were produced by heterogeneous liquefaction of material previously deposited on the sea floor. Deposits in subzone 4a record relatively long periods (>400 kyr) of sedimentation below wave base, alternating with periods of deposition under wave‐induced currents and periods of in situ deformation. In this zone, storm waves were attenuated by wave–sediment interaction, and wave energy was absorbed by the deformation of soft sediment. With reference to present‐day wave attenuation, water depths in this zone ranged between 50 and 80 m. Landwards of the attenuation zone, in zone 3, storm waves were reduced to fair‐weather wave heights. Storm wave base was not horizontal and became shallower landwards. As a consequence, water depth and wave energy were not linearly related. On a small area of the seaward edge of subzone 4a, cobbles were removed by traction currents and redeposited in subzone 4b. There, they formed a 100‐m‐thick wedge, which prograded over 3 km and was built up by the stacking of 5‐ to 20‐m‐thick cross‐stratified sets of coarse breccia. This wedge records the transport and redeposition of cobbles by a high‐velocity unidirectional component of a combined flow. The increase in flow velocity in a restricted area is proposed to result from flow concentration in a channel‐like structure of the downwelling in the gulf formed by the basin. In more distal subzone 4c, the hydrodynamic effect of wave‐induced currents was quasi‐permanent, and brecciation by wave–sediment interaction occurred only episodically. This indicates that, seawards of the attenuation zone, hydrodynamic storm wave base was deeper than mechanical storm wave base. Uppermost Jurassic carbonates were deposited and soft‐sediment deformed on a hurricane‐dominated ramp of very gentle slope and characterized by a zone of storm wave degeneration, located seawards of a zone of sedimentation below wave base.  相似文献   

MARK QUINE  DAN BOSENCE 《Sedimentology》1991,38(6):1113-1152
Unusual lenticular stratal geometries and facies of the Upper Cretaceous Chalk of coastal Haute Normandie, France, are described and interpreted. Thirteen facies within these chalks are described and illustrated on the basis of field, thin-section and SEM investigations: nannofossil mudstones, nannofossil hardgrounds, echinoderm wackestones and packstones, echinoderm hardgrounds, bryozoan mudstones and wackestones, bryozoan hardgrounds, bryozoan packstones and wackestones, inoceramid wackestones, inoceramid hardgrounds, sponge hardgrounds, marly chalks, conglomeratic chalks and debris flow chalks. These facies occur within lenticular bedded structures with both concave-up and concave-down geometries which have been previously interpreted as megaripples, mud mounds or tectonic structures. Detailed examination of the structures and the associated facies indicates that the concave-up geometries were formed from submarine erosion, and redeposition in NW-SE longitudinal channels. The concave-down geometries developed between adjacent channels. Assessment of the regional and temporal setting indicates that the erosion occurred in the Armorican-Cornubian straits of the Anglo-Paris Basin during sea-level lowstands. Within these straits channelling is preferentially developed on the positive, south-western block to the Lillebonne-Fécamp-Cotentin Fault.  相似文献   

Accumulations of cephalopods in the Late Ordovician (Katian [Ka4]) Troutbeck Siltstone Member of the Ash Gill Mudstone Formation at Skelghyll Beck in the Lake District and in the Keisley Limestone Formation of the Cross Fell Inlier contribute toward an understanding of their respective depositional environments as well as the palaeogeography of the southeastern margins of the Lakesman Terrane. The accumulation present in the Troutbeck Siltstone Member is interpreted as having been deposited in a shallow, near-shore lagoon that supported stromatolite growth. The shore lay to the north of this site. Geopetals infilling cephalopods forming concentrations in the Keisley Limestone Formation indicate that the conchs came to rest on angles of 30–40° to horizontal. The lithologies of the matrix suggest that they were deposited in cavities or fissures from which fine-grained carbonate was either excluded or winnowed away. Both observations accord with hypotheses that the Keisley Limestone Formation represents the remnants of a carbonate mud mound, and facilitate comparison with the contemporaneous Boda mounds of Siljan, Sweden. Comparison with local late Katian – Hirnantian successions indicate that the Keisley mound would have formed a prominent feature on the sea floor, becoming largely buried by argillaceous sediments during the Hirnantian.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部地区(简称“柴西地区”)新近系主要为陆源沉积岩,湖相碳酸盐岩亦广泛发育,其中藻灰岩的储集性和含油性最好。为进一步探究柴西地区新近系藻灰岩沉积特征及形成机制,主要通过详细的岩心和岩石薄片观察分析,对油泉子、黄瓜峁、南翼山、大风山等地新近系的藻灰岩进行研究。研究表明:1)柴西地区新近系藻灰岩主要有层纹石灰岩、叠层石灰岩和凝块石灰岩3种类型,以凝块石灰岩最发育。层纹石灰岩中纹层呈较连续且相互平行的水平纹层状,单个纹层最大厚度一般不超过0.5 m;叠层石灰岩主要有柱状叠层石灰岩和锥状叠层石灰岩2种类型,柱状叠层石在岩心上呈高宽比较小的灌木状,锥状叠层石则呈倾斜于地层面的指型密集簇状,叠层石最大单层厚度仅为0.25 m;凝块石灰岩在岩心上表现为表面粗糙的团块状,显微镜下藻凝块内部显微组构为不均匀的云雾状和海绵状。此外,有较多叠层石灰岩和凝块石灰岩呈不规则的砾屑状产出,且发育有明显的同生变形沉积构造。2)柴西地区新近系层纹石灰岩均为原地沉积,而叠层石灰岩和凝块石灰岩除原地沉积外,以原地垮塌沉积为主,以近原地滑塌沉积为次。3)柴西地区新近系藻灰岩同生改造有2个主要控制因素,一是藻灰岩与其基底灰质泥岩岩性硬度的差异,二是以底流为主、波浪为辅的水动力,次要因素为地震的振动、浅湖斜坡的坡度以及叠层石和藻凝块的倾斜生长等。  相似文献   

四川江油-广元地区上石炭统碳酸盐岩发育良好,厚度不大,化石丰富,含多层紫红色砾屑生物碎屑灰岩和泥岩韵律层,在整个华南同期沉积中颇具特色。根据野外观察和室内显微分析,共识别出15种微相类型。根据这些微相类型在纵向和横向上的组合与分布特点,参考Wilson的标准微相和镶边碳酸盐岩台地沉积模式,利用微相组合分析将这些微相组合划分到4个相带,即蒸发台地、局限台地、开阔台地和台地边缘浅滩。沉积相带的变化特征表明研究区晚石炭世存在着多期海侵-海退旋回,其中在黄龙组上段沉积中期海侵达到最大值,使得川西北大部分地区和川东地区广泛接受碳酸盐岩沉积。江油-广元地区上石炭统特殊岩层的研究表明:黄龙组下部4套红层具有浅海陆棚上部近积风暴岩的特征;船山组核形石灰岩粒序层及其地球化学特征表明核形石的形成可能与晚石炭世晚期全球冰期事件有密切的关系。  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》1999,123(3-4):199-218
Gravelly shoreline deposits of the latest Pleistocene highstand of Lake Lahontan occur in pristine depositional morphology, and are exposed in gravel pits along Churchill Butte in west-central Nevada. Four environments differentiated at this site are alluvial fan/colluvium, lakeshore barrier spit, lake lower-shoreface spit platform, and lake bottom. Lakeshore deposits abut, along erosional wave headcuts, either unsorted muddy to bouldery colluvium fringing Churchill Butte bedrock, or matrix-supported, cobbly and pebbly debris-flow deposits of the Silver Springs fan. The lakeshore barrier spit is dominated by granule pebble gravel concentrated by wave erosion of the colluvial and alluvial-fan facies. The lakeward side of the barrier consists of beachface deposits of well-sorted granules or pebbles in broad, planar beds 1–10 cm thick and sloping 10–15°. They interfinger downslope with thicker (10–25 cm) and less steep (5–10°) lakeward-dipping beds of fine to medium pebble gravel of the lake upper shoreface. Interstratified with the latter are 10–40-cm-thick sets of high-angle cross-beds that dip southward, alongshore. Higher-angle (15–20°), landward-dipping foresets of similar texture but poorer sorting comprise the proximal backshore on the landward side of the barrier. They were deposited during storm surges that overtopped the barrier berm. Gastropod-rich sand and mud, also deposited by storm-induced washover, are found landward of the gravel foresets in a 15-m-wide backshore pond. Algal stromatolites, ostracodes, and diatoms accumulated in this pond between storm events. The lake lower shoreface, extending from water depths of 2 to 8 m, consists of a southward-prograding spit platform built by longshore drift. The key component of this platform is large-scale sandy pebble gravel in 16° southward-dipping `Gilbert' foresets that grade at a water depth of about 6–7 m to 4°-dipping sandy toesets. A shift from bioturbated lower-shoreface sand and silt, to flat and laminated lake-bottom silt and mud, occurs between water depths of 10–40 m and over a shore-normal distance of ≥250 m. This lake-bottom mud facies, unlike the others, is areally expansive.  相似文献   

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