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《Basin Research》2018,30(Z1):437-451
Many prospective sedimentary basins contain a variety of extrusive volcanic products that are ultimately sourced from volcanoes. However, seismic reflection‐based studies of magmatic rift basins have tended to focus on the underlying magma plumbing system, meaning that the seismic characteristics of volcanoes are not well understood. Additionally, volcanoes have similar morphologies to hydrothermal vents, which are also linked to underlying magmatic intrusions. In this study, we use high resolution 3D seismic and well data from the Bass Basin, offshore southern Australia, to document 34 cone‐ and crater‐type vents of Miocene age. The vents overlie magmatic intrusions and have seismic properties indicative of a volcanic origin: their moderate–high amplitude upper reflections and zones of “wash‐out” and velocity pull‐up beneath. The internal reflections of the vents are similar to those found in lava deltas, suggesting they are composed of volcaniclastic material. This interpretation is corroborated by data from exploration wells which penetrated the flanks of several vents. We infer that the vents we describe are composed of hyaloclastite and pyroclasts produced during submarine volcanic eruptions. The morphology of the vents is typical of monogenetic volcanoes, consistent with the onshore record of volcanism on the southern Australian margin. Based on temporal, spatial and volumetric relationships, we propose that submarine volcanoes can evolve from maars to tuff cones as a result of varying magma‐water interaction efficiency. The morphologies of the volcanoes and their links to the underlying feeder systems are superficially similar to hydrothermal vents. This highlights the need for careful seismic interpretation and characterization of vent structures linked to magmatic intrusions within sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

The Helmstedt‐Staßfurt salt wall is 70 km long, 6–8 km wide and one of the most important diapiric structures in northern Germany, based on the economically significant lignite‐bearing rim synclines. The analysed Schöningen rim syncline, located on the southwestern side of the Helmstedt‐Staßfurt structure, is 8 km long and 3 km wide. The basin‐fill is up to 366 m thick and characterized by 13 major lignite seams with thicknesses between 0.1 and 30 m. The key objectives of this article were to expand on the classical cross‐section based rim syncline analysis by the use of 3D models and basin simulations. Cross‐sections perpendicular to the basin axis indicate that the basin‐fill has a pronounced lenticular shape. This shape varies from more symmetric in the NW to clearly asymmetric in the SE. Isopach maps imply a two‐fold depocentre evolution. The depocentre migrated over time towards the salt wall and also showed some distinct shifts parallel to the salt wall. The basin modelling part of the study was carried out with the software PetroMod®, which focused on the burial history of the rim syncline. Modelling results also show the progressive migration of the rim syncline depocentre towards the salt wall. The present‐day asymmetry of the basin‐fill was already developed in the early phases of rim syncline evolution. The extracted geohistory curve shows initial rapid subsidence between 57 and 50 Ma and more moderate subsidence from 50 to 34 Ma. This pattern is interpreted to reflect salt evacuation from the source layer into the salt wall. The initial salt‐withdrawal rate was rapid, but later decreased probably due to depletion of the source layer.  相似文献   

This paper uses three‐dimensional (3D) seismic data from the continental margin of Israel (Eastern Mediterranean) to describe a series of slump deposits within the Pliocene and Holocene succession. These slumps are linked to the dynamics of subsidence and deformation of the transform margin of the eastern Mediterranean. Repeated slope failure occurred during the post‐Messinian, when a clay‐dominated progradational succession was forming. This resulted in large‐scale slump deposits accumulating in the mid‐lower slope region of the basin at different stratigraphic levels. It is probable that the slumps were triggered by a combination of slope oversteepening, seismic activity and gas migration. The high spatial resolution provided by the 3D seismic data has been used to define a spectrum of internal and external geometries within slump deposits. Importantly, we recognise two main zones for many of the slumps on this margin: a depletion zone and an accumulation zone. The former is characterised by extension and translation, and the latter by complex imbricate thrusts and fold systems. Volume‐based seismic attribute analysis reveals transport directions within the slump deposits, which are predominately downslope, but with subtle variations particularly at the lateral margins. Basal shear surfaces are observed to ramp both up and down stratigraphy. Slump evolution occurs both by retrogressive upslope failure, and by downslope propagation (out‐of‐sequence) failure. Slump anatomy and the combination of factors responsible for slump failure and transport are relatively poorly understood, mainly because of the limited 3D of outcrop control; hence, this subsurface study is an example of how improved understanding of the mechanisms and products can be obtained using this 3D seismic methodology in unstable margin areas.  相似文献   

Fluid migration pathways in the subsurface are heavily influenced by pre‐existing faults. Although studies of active fluid‐escape structures can provide insights into the relationships between faults and fluid flow, they cannot fully constrain the geometry of and controls on the contemporaneous subsurface fluid flow pathways. We use 3D seismic reflection data from offshore NW Australia to map 121 ancient hydrothermal vents, likely related to magmatic activity, and a normal fault array considered to form fluid pathways. The buried vents consist of craters up to 264 m deep, which host a mound of disaggregated sedimentary material up to 518 m thick. There is a correlation between vent alignment and underlying fault traces. Seismic‐stratigraphic observations and fault kinematic analyses reveal that the vents were emplaced on an intra‐Tithonian seabed in response to the explosive release of fluids hosted within the fault array. We speculate that during the Late Jurassic the convex‐upwards morphology of the upper tip‐lines of individual faults acted to channelize ascending fluids and control where fluid expulsion and vent formation occurred. This contribution highlights the usefulness of 3D seismic reflection data to constraining normal fault‐controlled subsurface fluid flow.  相似文献   

Analysis of three‐dimensional (3D) seismic data from the headwall area of the Storegga Slide on the mid‐Norwegian margin provides new insights into buried mass movements and their failure mechanisms. These mass movements are located above the Ormen Lange dome, a Tertiary dome structure, which hosts a large gas reservoir. Slope instabilities occurred as early as the start of the Plio‐Pleistocene glacial–interglacial cycles. The 3D seismic data provide geophysical evidence for gas that leaks from the reservoir and migrates upward into the shallow geosphere. Sediments with increased gas content might have liquefied during mobilization of the sliding and show different flow mechanisms than sediments containing less gas. In areas where there is no evidence for gas, the sediments remained intact. This stability is inherited by overlying strata. The distribution of gas in the shallow subsurface (<600 m) may explain the shape of the lower Storegga headwall in the Ormen Lange area.  相似文献   

The growth, interaction and controls on normal fault systems developed within stacked delta systems at extensional delta‐top settings have not been extensively examined. We aim to analyse the kinematic, spatial and temporal growth of a Cretaceous aged, thin‐skinned, listric fault system in order to further the understanding of how gravity‐driven fault segments and fault systems develop and interact at an extensional delta‐top setting. Furthermore, we aim to explore the influence of a pre‐existing structural framework on the development of gravity‐driven normal faults through the examination of two overlapping, spatially and temporally distinct delta systems. To do this, we use three‐dimensional (3D) seismic reflection data from the central Ceduna Sub‐basin, offshore southern Australia. The seismic reflection data images a Cenomanian‐Santonian fault system, and a post‐Santonian fault system, which are dip‐linked through an intervening Turonian‐early Campanian section. Both of these fault systems contain four hard‐linked strike assemblages oriented NW–SE (127–307), each composed of 13 major fault segments. The Cenomanian‐Santonian fault system detaches at the base of a shale interval of late Albian age, and is characterised by kilometre‐scale growth faults in the Cenomanian‐Sanontian interval. The post‐Santonian fault system nucleated in vertical isolation from the Cenomanian‐Santonian fault system. This is evident through displacement minima observed at Turonian‐early Campanian levels, which is indicative of vertical segmentation and eventual hard dip‐linkage. Our analysis constrains fault growth into four major evolutionary stages: (1) early Cenomanian nucleation and growth of fault segments, resulting from gravitational instability, and with faults detaching on the lower Albian interval; (2) Santonian cessation of growth for the majority of faults; (3) erosional truncation of fault upper tips coincident with the continental breakup of Australia and Antarctica (ca. 83 Ma); (4) Campanian‐Maastrichtian reactivation of the underlying Cenomanian‐Santonian fault system, inducing the nucleation, growth and consequential dip‐linkage of the post‐Santonian fault system with the underlying fault system. Our results highlight the along‐strike linkage of fault segments and the interaction through dip‐linkage and fault reactivation, between two overlapping, spatially and temporally independent delta systems of Cenomanian and late Santonian‐Maastrichtian age in the frontier Ceduna Sub‐Basin. This study has implications regarding the growth of normal fault assemblages, through vertical and lateral segment linkage, for other stacked delta systems (such as the Gulf of Mexico) where upper delta systems develop over a pre‐existing structural framework.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic, paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the intracratonic Congo Basin in Central Africa has been revised on the basis of an integrated interpretation of gravity, magnetic and reflection seismic data, together with a literature review of papers sometimes old and difficult to access, map compilation and partial reexamination of outcrop and core samples stored in the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA). The Congo Basin has a long and complex evolution starting in the Neoproterozoic and governed by the interplay of tectonic and climatic factors, in a variety of depositional environments.This multidisciplinary study involving 2D gravity and magnetic modeling as additional constraints for the interpretation of seismic profiles appears to be a powerful tool to investigate sedimentary basins where seismic data alone may be difficult to interpret. The tectonic deformations detected in the Congo Basin after the 1970–1984 hydrocarbon exploration campaign in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have been attributed to crustal contraction and basement uplift at the center of the basin, following a transpressional inversion of earlier graben structures. Two‐dimensional gravity and magnetic models run along key seismic lines suggest the presence of evaporite sequences in some of the deeper units of the stratigraphic succession, in the lateral continuity with those observed in the Mbandaka and Gilson exploration wells. The poorly defined seismic facies that led to the previous basement uplift interpretation of the crystalline basement is shown to correspond to salt‐rich formations that have been tectonically de‐stabilized. These features may be related to vertical salt‐tectonics connected to the near/far‐field effects of the late Pan‐African and the Permo‐Triassic compressive tectonic events that affected this African part of Gondwana.  相似文献   

We use three‐dimensional (3D) seismic reflection data to analyse the architecture of the footwall of a listric fault, in a gravitationally driven extensional system, in the north‐western Niger Delta. In contrast to conventional listric normal fault models with a single master listric fault plane the level of detachment switches from a deeper to shallower level. The footwall evolves through the generation of new master detachment faults and detachments, which transfers hanging wall rocks into the footwall. New detachments form by branching off pre‐existing detachment levels, cutting‐up through stratigraphy to the next mechanical weakness, separating discrete sections of extended strata. As a consequence a deeper, older array of seaward‐dipping, tilted extensional fault blocks is now located in the footwall beneath the master listric detachment fault. The structural complexity located below the master detachment fault highlights extensional episodes on separate detachment faults that are not captured in conventional listric models. We speculate that changes in the level of the detachment are caused by mechanical weaknesses controlled by lithology, pore pressure and episodes of sediment loading related to deltaic progradation.  相似文献   

J. Bulat 《Basin Research》2005,17(1):21-42
Commercial three‐dimensional (3D) seismic surveys now cover much of the continental slope and basin floor areas of the Faroe‐Shetland Channel. A mosaic of the seabed picks derived from these data sets and enhancement with visualisation techniques has resulted in detailed relief images of the seabed that testify to the action of a number of sedimentary processes such as glaciation, downslope and alongslope processes. The wealth of detail in these images is remarkable and extremely valuable for the identification and interpretation of seabed features. However, the level of detail can seduce the interpreter into treating the image purely as an aerial photograph. The interpreter needs to understand the limitations and artefacts inherent in such images to use them appropriately. This paper will present the major artefacts observed in the images and how certain aspects of 3D seismic survey acquisition and processing have contributed to their presence. The vertical and horizontal resolution of the images will also be discussed. Although primarily focused on seabed imagery these comments are equally pertinent to the application of 3D seismic surveys for shallower objectives than for which they were primarily designed.  相似文献   

We present new 3D seismic and well data from the Ebro Margin, NW Mediterranean Sea, to shed new light on the processes that formed the Messinian Erosion Surfaces (MES) of the Valencia Trough (Mediterranean Sea). We combine these data with backstripping techniques to provide a minimum estimate of the Messinian sea level fall in the EBRO Margin, as well as coupled isostasy and river incision and transport modeling to offer new constraints on the evolution of the adjacent subaerial Ebro Basin. Four major seismic units are identified on the Cenozoic Ebro Margin, based on the seismic data, including two major prograding megasequences that are separated by a major unconfirmity: the MES. The 3D seismic data provide an unprecedented view of the MES and display characteristic features of subaerial incision, including a drainage network with tributaries of at least five different orders, terraces and meandering rivers. The Messinian landscape presents a characteristic stepped‐like profile that allows the margin to be subdivided in three different regions roughly parallel to the coastline. No major tectonic control exists on the boundaries between these regions. The boundary between the two most distal regions marks the location of a relatively stable base level, and this is used in backstripping analysis to estimate the magnitude of sea level drop associated with the Messinian Salinity Crisis on the Ebro Margin. The MES on the Ebro Margin is dominated by a major fluvial system, that we identify here as the Messinian Ebro River. The 3D seismic data, onshore geology and modeling results indicate that the Ebro River drained the Ebro Basin well in advance of the Messinian.  相似文献   

The southern South African continental margin documents a complex margin system that has undergone both continental rifting and transform processes in a manner that its present‐day architecture and geodynamic evolution can only be better understood through the application of a multidisciplinary and multi‐scale geo‐modelling procedure. In this study, we focus on the proximal section of the larger Bredasdorp sub‐basin (the westernmost of the five southern South African offshore Mesozoic sub‐basins), which is hereto referred as the Western Bredasdorp Basin. Integration of 1200 km of 2D seismic‐reflection profiles, well‐logs and cores yields a consistent 3D structural model of the Upper Jurassic‐Cenozoic sedimentary megasequence comprising six stratigraphic layers that represent the syn‐rift to post‐rift successions with geometric information and lithology‐depth‐dependent properties (porosities and densities). We subsequently applied a combined approach based on Airy's isostatic concept and 3D gravity modelling to predict the depth to the crust‐mantle boundary (Moho) as well as the density structure of the deep crust. The best‐fit 3D model with the measured gravity field is only achievable by considering a heterogeneous deep crustal domain, consisting of an uppermost less dense prerift meta‐sedimentary layer [ρ = 2600 kg m?3] with a series of structural domains. To reproduce the observed density variations for the Upper Cenomanian–Cenozoic sequence, our model predicts a cumulative eroded thickness of ca. 800–1200 m of Tertiary sediments, which may be related to the Late Miocene margin uplift. Analyses of the key features of the first crust‐scale 3D model of the basin, ranging from thickness distribution pattern, Moho shallowing trend, sub‐crustal thinning to shallow and deep crustal extensional regimes, suggest that basin initiation is typical of a mantle involvement deep‐seated pull‐apart setting that is associated with the development of the Agulhas‐Falkland dextral shear zone, and that the system is not in isostatic equilibrium at present day due to a mass excess in the eastern domain of the basin that may be linked to a compensating rise of the asthenospheric mantle during crustal extension. Further corroborating the strike‐slip setting is the variations of sedimentation rates through time. The estimated syn‐rift sedimentation rates are three to four times higher than the post‐rift sedimentation, thereby indicating that a rather fast and short‐lived subsidence during the syn‐rift phase is succeeded by a significantly poor passive margin development in the post‐rift phase. Moreover, the derived lithospheric stretching factors [β = 1.5–1.75] for the main basin axis do not conform to the weak post‐rift subsidence. This therefore suggests that a differential thinning of the crust and the mantle‐lithosphere typical for strike‐slip basins, rather than the classical uniform stretching model, may be applicable to the Western Bredasdorp Basin.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) seismic, well and biostratigraphic data are integrated to determine the timing of inversion on the hangingwall of the South Viking Graben, offshore Norway. Within the study area two, NW–SE to NE–SW trending normal faults are developed which were active during a Late Jurassic rift event. In the hangingwall of these faults asymmetric, 2–5 km wide anticlines are developed which trend parallel to the adjacent faults and are interpreted as growth folds formed in response to compressional shortening (inversion) of the syn-rift basin-fill. Marked thickness variations are observed in Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous growth strata with respect to the inversion-related folds, with seismic data indicating onlap and thinning of these units across the folds. In addition, well data suggests that not only are erosional surfaces only locally developed towards the crests of the folds, but these surfaces may also truncate underlying flooding surfaces towards the fold crests. Taken together, these observations indicate that inversion and growth of inversion-related structures initiated in the late Early Volgian and continued until the Late Albian. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that individual folds amplified and propagated laterally through time, and that fold growth was not synchronous across the study area. This study demonstrates that the temporal evolution of structures associated with the inversion of sedimentary basins can be accurately determined through the integration of 3D seismic, well and biostratigraphic data. Furthermore, this study has local implications for constraining the timing of inversion within the South Viking Graben during the Late Mesozoic.  相似文献   

Mantle-induced dynamic topography (i.e., subsidence and uplift) has been increasingly recognized as an important process in foreland basin development. However, characterizing and distinguishing the effects (i.e., location, extent and magnitude) of dynamic topography in ancient foreland basins remains challenging because the spatio-temporal footprint of dynamic topography and flexural topography (i.e., generated by topographic loading) can overlap. This study employs 3D flexural backstripping of Upper Cretaceous strata in the central part of the North American Cordilleran foreland basin (CFB) to better quantify the effects of dynamic topography. The extensive stratigraphic database and good age control of the CFB permit the regional application of 3D flexural backstripping in this basin for the first time. Dynamic topography started to influence the development of the CFB during the late Turonian to middle Campanian (90.2–80.2 Ma) and became the dominant subsidence mechanism during the middle to late Campanian (80.2–74.6 Ma). The area influenced by >100 m dynamic subsidence is approximately 400 by 500 km, within which significant (>200 m) dynamic subsidence occurs in an irregular-shaped (i.e., lunate) subregion. The maximum magnitude of dynamic subsidence is 300 ± 100 m based on the 80.2–74.6 Ma tectonic subsidence maps. With the maximum magnitude of dynamic uplift being constrained to be 200–300 m, the gross amount of dynamic topography in the Late Cretaceous CFB is 500–600 m. Although the location of dynamic subsidence revealed by tectonic subsidence maps is generally consistent with isopach map trends, tectonic subsidence maps developed through 3D flexural backstripping provide more accurate constraints of the areal extent, magnitude and rate of dynamic topography (as well as flexural topography) in the CFB through the Late Cretaceous. This improved understanding of dynamic topography in the CFB is critical for refining current geodynamic models of foreland basins and understanding the surface expression of mantle processes.  相似文献   

The Otway Basin in the south of Victoria, Australia underwent three phases of deformation during breakup of the southern Australian margin. We assess the geometry and kinematics of faulting in the basin by analysing a 3‐D reflection seismic volume. Eight stratigraphic horizons and 24 SW‐dipping normal faults as well as subordinate antithetic faults were interpreted. This resulted in a high‐resolution geological 3‐D model (ca. 8 km × 7 km × 4 km depth) that we present as a supplementary 3‐D PDF (Data S1). We identified hard‐ and soft‐linking fault connections over the entire area, such as antithetic faults and relay ramps, respectively. Most major faults were continuously active from Early to Late Cretaceous, with two faults in the northern part of the study area active until at least the Oligocene. Allan maps of faults show tectonic activity continuously waned over this time period. Isopach maps of stratigraphic volumes quantify the amount of syn‐sedimentary movement that is characteristic of passive margins, such as the Otway Basin. We show that the faults possess strong corrugations (with amplitudes above the seismic resolution), which we illustrated by novel techniques, such as cylindricity and curvature. We argue that the corrugations are produced by sutures between sub‐vertical fault segments and this morphology was maintained during fault growth. Thus, they can be used to indicate the kinematics vector of the fault movement. This evidences, together with left‐stepping relay ramps, that 40% of the faults had a small component (up to 25°) of dextral oblique slip as well as normal (dip‐slip) movement.  相似文献   

Interpretation of seismic reflection data have led to a new model of the development of the Queen Charlotte Basin. New multi-channel data collected in 1988 and an extensive network of unpublished older single- and multi-channel profiles from industry image a complex network of sub-basins. Structural styles vary along the axis of the basin from broadly spaced mainly N-trending sub-basins in Queen Charlotte Sound, to closely spaced NW-trending sub-basins in Hecate Strait, to an E-W en echelon belt of sub-basins in Dixon Entrance. Transtensional tectonics dominated in the Miocene and transpression dominated in the Pliocene except in Queen Charlotte Sound. The data we present prove that the origin of the basin is extensional and its most recent deformation is compressive. Evidence for the strike-slip origin of tectonism includes along-axis variations in structures, simultaneous extension and compression in adjacent sub-basins, lack of correlations across faults, and mixed normal and reverse faults within structures. We infer that the Pacific-North America plate boundary has been west of the Queen Charlotte Islands since the Miocene when relative plate motions have been dominantly strike-slip. The formation and development of the Queen Charlotte Basin is the result of distributed shear; by which a small percentage of the plate motion has been taken up in a network of faults across the continental margin. As this region of crust deforms it interacts with neighbouring rigid crust resulting in extension dominating in the south of the basin and compression in the north. Continental crust adjacent to some transform plate boundaries can be sheared over a wide region; the network of basins in southwestern California is a good analogue for the Queen Charlotte Basin.  相似文献   

Array techniques are particularly well‐suited for detecting and quantifying the complex seismic wavefields associated with volcanic activity such as volcanic tremor and long‐period events. The methods based on the analysis of the signal in the frequency domain, or spectral methods, have the main advantages of both resolving closely spaced sources and reducing the necessary computer time, but may severely fail in the analysis of monochromatic, non‐stationary signals. Conversely, the time‐domain methods, based on the maximization of a multichannel coherence estimate, can be applied even for short‐duration pulses. However, for both the time and the frequency domain approaches, an exhaustive definition of the errors associated with the slowness vector estimate is not yet available. Such a definition become crucial once the slowness vector estimates are used to infer source location and extent. In this work we develop a method based on a probabilistic formalism, which allows for a complete definition of the uncertainties associated with the estimate of frequency–slowness power spectra from measurement of the zero‐lag cross‐correlation. The method is based on the estimate of the theoretical frequency–slowness power spectrum, which is expressed as the convolution of the true signal slowness with the array response pattern. Using a Bayesian formalism, the a posteriori probability density function for signal slowness is expressed as the difference, in the least‐squares sense, between the model spectrum and that derived from application of the zero‐lag cross‐correlation technique. The method is tested using synthetic waveforms resembling the quasi‐monochromatic signals often associated with the volcanic activity. Examples of application to data from Stromboli volcano, Italy, allow for the estimate of source location and extent of the explosive activity.  相似文献   

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