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甘肃寨上金矿是我国重要的卡林型金矿床,发育多种特征的黄铁矿、毒砂、黝铜矿、黄铜矿等金属硫化物。黄铁矿贯穿整个地质过程,对其进行研究可深入理解成矿作用。观察发现,黄铁矿可分为3个世代。第1世代黄铁矿为莓球状黄铁矿(Py1A)和多孔海绵状黄铁矿(Py1B)2类;第2世代中粗粒自形黄铁矿(Py2);第3世代粗粒黄铁矿(Py3)。Py1A呈莓球状,直径介于10~50μm,w(Co)/w(Ni)小于1,w(S+As)/w(Fe)大于2,部分黄铁矿因受到热液改造,莓球中w(Co)/w(Ni)大于1,w(S+As)/w(Fe)小于2;Py1B呈多孔海绵状,w(Co)/w(Ni)大于1,w(S+As)/w(Fe)小于2。Py2呈中粗粒五角十二面体,w(Co)/w(Ni)介于1.41~3.78,w(S+As)/w(Fe)由内向外逐渐升高,介于1.93~2.02,w(Au)/w(As)介于0.023~0.108。Py3呈粗粒立方体晶,周围发育石英压力影,w(Co)/w(Ni)介于1.36~1.39,w(S+As)/w(Fe)介于1.98~2.00。结合地质背景分析认为,黄铁矿微晶直接聚集形成Py1A(莓球状),或在松散状态下经胶结作用形成Py1B(多孔海绵状),并遭受热液叠加改造。Py2(中粗粒五角十二面体)由含矿热液环绕多孔海绵状核部直接结晶形成,Py3(粗粒自形立方体)由晚期热液结晶形成,并同时遭受构造变形活动。该区黄铁矿的特征对于判别地质环境有标型意义。  相似文献   

甘肃北山造山带经历漫长而复杂的增生造山作用并于二叠纪发生碰撞造山,引发广泛的花岗质岩浆活动及相应的钨成矿作用。前人已对这些矿床的地质地球化学特征进行大量的研究,但在成矿动力学背景、成矿时代等方面仍存在着争议。基于此,本文在前人对甘肃北山钨矿床研究的基础上,通过详细的野外调研和室内综合研究,对该区钨矿床时空分布及地质、地球化学特征进行总结,并提出成矿动力学模型。甘肃北山钨矿床集中分布于星星峡—明水古微陆块周缘及双鹰山—花牛山岛弧,可以进一步厘定为两期成矿作用,即早期早志留世—中石炭世(439~362 Ma,322~314 Ma)岛弧碰撞拼贴引发古陆壳重熔,形成携带大量钨锡成矿元素的花岗质岩浆流体,最终上升至构造有利位置成矿,是北山钨锡多金属成矿的主成矿期,矿化类型多为石英脉型黑钨矿;晚期为早二叠世—中三叠世(286~226 Ma)后碰撞伸展诱发中酸性岩浆的大规模上侵及相关的钨钼矿化,矿化类型为矽卡岩型白钨矿及斑岩型钼(钨)矿,其中钨作为钼的伴生矿种出现。  相似文献   

Conifers are common in the Lower Cretaceous Zhonggou Formation of Jiuquan Basin, Gansu Province, NW China. The excellent preservation of plant fossils allows detailed investigations of the leaf epidermis by light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Based on the leaf morphology and epidermal features, two Brachyphyllum species, B. ningshiaense and B. obtusum are described. They closely resemble one another in foliar morphology and epidermal features, but have different leaf apices, cuticle features, stomatal shape and the number of subsidiary cells. The specimens consist of leafy axes with imbricate, spirally arranged, scale-like leaves. Epidermal analysis shows rectangular, pentagonal or rhomboidal unspecialized epidermal cells and abaxially longitudinally arranged stomatal rows except for the marginal areas, as well as well-developed papillae, sunken stomata and Florin rings of subsidiary cells with papillae on the inner surfaces. The imbricate and spirally arranged leaves with rather thick cuticle in both species indicate an Araucariaceae (Araucaria) or Cheirolepidiaceae affinity. However, epidermal features and the presence of Classopollis pollen in the sediments indicate a cheirolepidiaceous affinity. The morphological and anatomical characters of both taxa are interpreted as adaptations to a warm seasonally and temporarily dry palaeoclimate.  相似文献   

The Sanyangzhuang site, Henan Province, China, has a 12‐m‐deep stratigraphic sequence with remains from the Tang (A.D. 618–907), late Western Han (ca. 140 B.C.–A.D. 23), Warring States (475–221 B.C.), Late Neolithic or Early Bronze Age (ca. 5000–1500 B.C.), Middle Holocene, and Early Holocene times. All of the paleosols are deeply buried. We investigate four issues relevant to the archaeology of the lower Yellow River Valley. First, we confirm that the Yellow River flowed north toward Bohai Bay throughout most of the Holocene. Second, we expand understanding of Holocene paleoenvironments. Long episodes of landscape stability punctuated by brief periods of Yellow River flooding represent the dominant environmental pattern. Third, we investigate how the complex relationships between climate, culture, and the environment affect Yellow River flooding, which in turn shapes Chinese civilization and history. Flooding in late Western Han times affected a vast area of north‐central China; this catastrophe contributed to the downfall of the late Western Han Dynasty. Finally, this research sheds light on the role of Yellow River alluviation in site burial and preservation. Rapid alluviation in the region has buried many archaeological sites. Settlement pattern research needs to take seriously the limitations placed on site visibility in quickly aggrading floodplains. However, gentle alluviation has also preserved settlements and entire landscapes providing unparalleled opportunities to explore the archaeological and historical record of the lower Yellow River Valley.  相似文献   

Early bronze in two Holocene archaeological sites in Gansu, NW China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding of the origin and development of bronze technology in eastern Asia remains unresolved. Here we report on the distribution of copper and associated cations in sediments from Huoshiliang in northwestern Gansu, China, strontium and lead isotope analyses of ore and slag samples, and some artifact fragments at archaeological sites at Ganggangwa and Huoshiliang in the Black River valley.We conclude that bronze production began perhaps as early as 2135 BC and that the Baishantang modern mine site at Dingxin was a possible source of copper ore. There was at least one other, but currently unidentified, source of ore. The Bronze Age people were also farmers and planted cereals such as wheat, and they may have abandoned the region when wood was exhausted and desertification took over.  相似文献   

The Yusishan deposit is a newly found leptynite-type niobium and tantalum (Nb-Ta) deposit, which is located in the Eastern Altun of Gansu Province. The leptynite of the Neoproterozoic Aoyougou Formation occurs more than 10 km long and 3 km wide. In this paper, we carried out a detailed study of the leptynite and related mineralization. The U-Pb dating of zircon reveals ages of 831 ± 5 Ma and 790 ± 5 Ma for the unmineralized leptynite and 491 ± 4 Ma and 455 ± 4 Ma for the mineralized leptynite. The petrographic and geochemical evidence identified the protolith of the leptynite as alkaline volcanic rocks that erupted during Neoproterozoic at ca. 830 Ma. At ca. 490 Ma, the tectono-magmatic and metamorphic event triggered remobilization and enrichment of Nb-Ta as well as other critical metals (REE, Zr, Hf etc) with the formation of industry orebodies in the leptynite strata. The Yushishan deposit presents many similarities with the alkaline volcanic rocks related rare metal deposits in the south Qinling of China and the Brochman, Toogni and Southern Peak Range deposits in Australian. We therefore propose that the Yushishan deposit is a new type (sub-type) of Nb-Ta deposit and termed as leptynite type that represents the metamorphic counterpart of the alkaline volcanic rocks related rare metal deposits.  相似文献   

黑山铜镍硫化物含矿岩体位于中亚造山带南缘北山褶皱带东部,对该岩体的研究有助于正确理解造山带型铜镍硫化物的成矿作用。详细的野外基础地质特征表明黑山矿区仅出露单一的新元古代青白口系地层,无寒武纪地层出露。黑山含矿岩体由早期的方辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩和橄榄辉长苏长岩,以及稍晚期的辉长岩脉组成。黑山岩体位于黑山背斜南翼,其初始产状应为一水平或近水平的岩床状岩体,因后期褶皱作用,岩体发生了倾斜形成现今的产状。黑山岩体中橄榄石Fo值为80.5~87.0,其Ni含量为1070×10-6~3461×10-6。借助"MELTS"软件,我们进一步厘定了黑山母岩浆为高镁玄武岩浆 (12.81% MgO, 10.84% FeO, 430×10-6 Ni)。研究表明,黑山橄榄石的主要控制因素为:1)母岩浆的成分;2)后续新鲜岩浆的补充混合作用;3)硫化物熔离作用;4)晶间硅酸盐熔浆作用;5)橄榄石与硫化物之间发生的Fe-Ni交换。模拟计算表明,硫化物熔离与橄榄石结晶几乎同时发生,橄榄石与硫化物的最小质量比约为20:1。1号矿体及矿化体的橄榄石比4号矿体更富Mg和Ni,并且还呈现非常好的负相关关系,表明这些橄榄石与硫化物发生了不同程度的Fe-Ni交换,而与其发生Fe-Ni交换的硫化物更富Ni以及共生的岩浆更为原始。这很可能是因为黑山岩体形成于开放的岩浆通道系统,早期融离的硫化物与后续的新鲜的硫不饱和岩浆发生反应,使得该类硫化物含量减少但硫化物中的金属元素含量增高从而形成1号矿体及矿化体。  相似文献   

Strontium (Sr), neodymium (Nd), and hafnium (Hf) isotopic analyses of different size-fractions of sediments collected from the Heihe River in the North Qilian Orogen (NQO) were carried out to trace the sediment sources and to determine the relationships between the Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic behaviors, and the grain-size and hydraulic sorting effects during fluvial transport. Our results demonstrate that the sand and suspended load samples collected from the same site have different Nd isotopic compositions, while their 87Sr/86Sr ratios are only slightly different. These features indicate that contributions to the sediments from different sources with different grain sizes vary greatly. Coarse-grained sand may more intuitively reflect the variations in local sources than the suspended load. The suspended load samples are distributed along the Clay Array on the ԐHf vs. ԐNd diagram due to zircon sorting. A similar NdHf decoupling phenomenon is widespread in the global oceans and large river systems, indicating that the NdHf isotopic behavior depends on the hydrodynamic sorting of minerals during fluvial transport. Moreover, the crustal accretion of the NQO from the depleted mantle occurred in the Proterozoic based on the constraints provided by the TDM values of the river sediments. The Nd isotopic compositional characteristics of the river sediments indicate that the NQO has an affinity with the Yangtze Craton. The determination of the basement tectonic affinity of the NQO significantly contributes to our understanding of the Neoproterozoic evolution of the Gondwana continental margin.  相似文献   

依据甘肃北山拾金坡—南金滩地区1∶5万水系沉积物测量成果,研究了区内元素分布、单元素异常及异常元素组合特征,共圈出11处综合地球化学异常,结合异常所处的地质特征,划分为4类11处成矿远景区。第一类综合异常处于中酸性侵入岩区,与断裂构造密切相关,以Au为主成矿元素,是寻找蚀变岩型和石英脉型金矿的有利地区;第二类综合异常处于蓟县系平头山组地层区,是寻找喷流沉积型铅锌矿、铁矿及矽卡岩型多金属矿的有利地区;第三类综合异常处于敦煌群地层出露区,是寻找变质热液型金矿的有利地区;第四类综合异常与基性—超基性杂岩体有关,是寻找铜镍矿的有利地区。  相似文献   

Soluble organic matter had been separated from several palygorskite and bentonite samples in the Ji-angsu-Anhui border area(across Jiangsu Province and Anhui Province) and Linze County in Gansu Province of China and was analyzed with the techniques and methods of organic geochemistry.The composition and distribution of hydrocarbons were analyzed by gas chromatography(GC).Organic stable carbon isotopic ratios(δ13C) in typical samples were determined.The abundance of soluble organic matter in all clay samples analyzed was low.In Ji-angsu-Anhui samples,the preservation states of organic matter are different;hydrocarbons in organic matter have some features of aquatic plankton but are short of the input of terrigenous higher plants;organic δ13C in a palygor-skite of Yongxiaoshan in Xuyi County,Jiangsu Province,is-6.72‰.These features may be typical of a sedimentary environment of closed or semi-closed and relatively isolated different waters near coast or seashore.On the contrary,in samples from Gansu,the preservation states of organic matter are good;the GC graphs of hydrocarbons show that the precursors of the organic matter are from a mixed source of aquatic organisms and land-sourced higher plants;organic δ13C of a palygorskite from Yangtai of Gansu is-15.62‰.It indicated that the sedimentary environment may be an inland salty lake.Preliminary results suggest that palygorskite minerals in the Jiangsu-Anhui area may be evolved from rapidly accumulated fine material or volcanic ash,but clays in Gansu Province may be transformed from terrigenous inorganic clastic components carried to the lake through river and then deposited.The generation process of the samples studied in the paper seems to be related to salty water.  相似文献   

阳山金矿产于勉阳-略阳板块缝合带中,经历了以逆冲推覆构造为主的复杂构造改造。通过构造研究把阳山金矿内的构造分出四期。第一期构造变形表现为由北向南逆冲,为韧性变形,构造置换明显、完全,形成透入性面理,剪切褶皱、无根褶皱、S-C组构、压力影、旋转碎斑、多米诺骨牌、石香肠等构造发育,构造岩为糜棱岩、超糜棱岩、构造片岩,并伴随有大规模的花岗岩岩浆活动,形成于三叠纪末-早侏罗世。第二期构造变形为由南向北的伸展构造,主要表现对第一期面理的改造和再利用,多为韧性变形,可见剪切褶皱、旋转碎斑等构造,构造岩为糜棱岩,顺层张性石英脉的发育,并伴随有大规模的岩浆活动,形成于侏罗纪末-早白垩世早期。第三期构造为脆韧性变形,为由南向的北逆冲推覆构造,主要表现为对先期构造的改造,使阳山金矿区南部面理产状发生倒转,形成膝折构造,构造岩为糜棱岩、初糜棱岩,形成于早白垩世晚期。第四期构造为表层次脆性的由南向北的伸展构造,形成构造角砾岩、碎裂岩等脆性构造岩,同时有石英脉和方解石脉顺断层侵入,本期构造形成于古近纪。  相似文献   

贵州纳雍枝铅锌矿床地质、地球化学及矿床成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
纳雍枝铅锌矿床位于扬子陆块西南缘,是黔西北地区五指山背斜内近年来取得勘查突破的大型铅锌矿床(1.30Mt),也是川滇黔矿集区贵州境内目前发现的最大规模的铅锌矿床。矿体受层位和构造控制明显,呈似层状、脉状及透镜状产于五指山背斜南东翼穿层和顺层构造带内,赋矿围岩为下寒武统清虚洞组和上震旦统灯影组白云岩。无论是缓倾斜的似层状矿体,还是陡倾斜的脉状矿体,矿石中普遍发育角砾状、脉状、网脉状和浸染状构造,金属矿物主要为闪锌矿,次为方铅矿和黄铁矿,脉石矿物以白云石、方解石为主,次为石英和重晶石。研究结果显示,该矿床硫化物δ~(34)SV-CDT值变化范围较宽,介于4.7‰~22.8‰之间,平均16.68‰,多数集中在18‰~22.5‰之间,远高于赋矿白云岩的δ~(34)S_(V-CDT)值(7.3‰)。硫化物总体呈现δ~(34)S_(闪锌矿)δ~(34)S_(方铅矿)δ~(34)S_(黄铁矿),暗示S同位素分馏未达到平衡,成矿流体的δ~(34)S_(∑S)值应高于硫化物的平均δ~(34)S值(16.68‰)。因此,成矿流体中的硫主要来源于赋矿海相碳酸盐岩中的蒸发膏岩,是蒸发硫酸盐矿物热化学还原(TSR)作用的产物。硫化物具有正常Pb的组成特征,~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb、~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb及~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb变化范围分别为17.8240~17.9701、15.6364~15.7651和37.8956~38.3230,与赋矿白云岩Pb同位素组成略有不同,但壳源特征明显,很可能来源于区域基底岩石。综上认为,纳雍枝铅锌矿床兼具层控和断控成矿特征,成矿物质主要由壳源岩石提供,硫化物沉淀受控于富金属流体与富还原硫流体的混合作用,其形成是区域构造与大规模成矿流体耦合作用的结果,属于MVT矿床。  相似文献   

河西走廊西段南北向左行逆冲活动断裂的发现及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈柏林 《地质学报》2009,83(7):937-945
在河西走廊西段酒西盆地中心偏北部的阴洼山西侧发现了南北走向的阴洼山西缘左行逆冲断裂。该断裂长约4km,近南北走向,倾向东,倾角中等,是发育于北西向阴洼山右行逆冲断裂近北西端部附近的一条次级活动断裂。沿该断裂奥陶系灰绿色浅变质砂岩逆冲于白垩系紫红色砂砾岩、新近系桔红色泥岩和晚第四纪上更新世末期松散坡积层(热释光年龄10,3ka)之上。在剖面上断裂表现为自东向西的逆冲作用,其最新一次新构造活动时间在全新世中晚期(距今3~5ka)。在平面上该断裂断错自东向西从阴洼山山体流向西侧低丘斜坡戈壁地带的小冲沟致使冲沟呈“S”形拐折,反映出断裂具有明显的左行走滑。该断裂沿断层面的左行斜冲总位移达3000m,其中垂向位移为1800m左右,与阴洼山断裂垂向位移及阴洼山隆升幅度相当。该断裂的形成是阴洼山断裂右行逆冲活动所引起的局部构造应力场作用的结果,也对阴洼山断裂右行逆冲所形成的巨大位移在短距离内起到了消减和平衡作用。  相似文献   

陈杰 《地质与勘探》2021,57(1):94-109
1∶5万水系沉积物测量作为一种重要的地球化学普查手段,现已被广泛应用。此次在祁连西段德勒诺尔-石板墩地区开展1∶5万水系沉积物测量,旨在圈定异常,通过对异常的检查和评价,圈定找矿靶区,进而划分成矿远景区,并作出成矿预测。本次1∶5万水系沉积物测量,采样粒级选择-10~80目,分析项目为Au、Ag、As、Sb、Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn、W、Sn、Mo、Bi、Cr、Ni、Co、Ti、Mn、Ba等18种元素。根据样品分析测试结果,圈定了1115个单元素异常、3类组合异常、26处综合异常。笔者对圈定的单元素异常特征和组合异常特征进行了研究,对26处综合异常进行了检查评价,根据查证结果对异常进行了分类与排序。在综合分析异常特征和区域成矿地质条件的基础上,划分了7个成矿远景区,优选出以W、Pb、Ag、Cu、Ni为主的成矿远景区5处,初步评价了其成矿潜力,并对其找矿远景进行预测,指出了在德勒诺尔-石板墩地区寻找矽卡岩型钨矿床、岩浆型铜、镍硫化物矿床、沉积型铅锌银矿床的优势区域。  相似文献   

甘肃省文县阳山特大型金矿床地质特征及控矿因素分析   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
阳山金矿位于川陕甘交界地带,为近年发现的一特大微细浸染型金矿床,该矿目前已发现4个矿段,均赋存于泥盆系中,矿体在平面上呈舒缓波状,在剖面上为脉冲,似层状,矿石中金属矿物主要为黄铁矿和毒砂,金主要以微细粒金(2~3μm)包裹于毒砂,黄铁矿等矿物之中,矿石中As、Sb及有机碳含量较高,矿带受安昌河一观音坝断裂带控制,矿体产于断裂带内的次级断裂中,泥盆系三河口群粉砂质千枚岩渗透性较好,且碳质含量,金丰度值较高,是矿区最有利的赋矿层位;矿体在时间、时间上与侏罗纪早期岩浆活动密切相关,稳定同位素分析了表明成矿作用与岩浆活动有关,所以,该矿为受构造直接控制的,与沉积作用和岩浆活动有成因联系的金矿床。  相似文献   

甘肃阳山金矿带构造岩浆演化与金矿成矿   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
甘肃阳山金矿带位于西秦岭南部,结合同位素测年资料发现阳山金矿区在侏罗纪早期、白垩纪早期及第三纪早期曾发生3期岩浆活动;稳定同位素分析结果显示,矿石中石英的流体包裹体δD值为-75‰~-56‰,δ18OH2O为3.7‰~12.2‰,矿脉中黄铁矿及辉锑矿的δ34S为-2.2‰~-0.7‰,表明阳山金矿成矿热液及成矿物质主要来自于岩浆作用;构造变形分析显示该区在三叠纪曾发生韧性变形,在侏罗纪早期产生韧-脆性变形;侏罗纪晚期以后区内构造转为脆性,早期以逆冲推覆构造为主,晚期主要为脆性伸展活动。结合该区地质构造演化史认为本区的3期岩浆活动与区域伸展作用有关,而与岩浆侵入有关的多期岩浆热液活动是促成阳山金矿床形成的主要因素。  相似文献   

A new basal hadrosauriform dinosaur, Xuwulong yueluni gen. et sp. nov., is reported based on an articulated specimen including a complete cranium, almost complete axial skeleton, and complete left pelvic girdle. The specimen is recovered from the Early Cretaceous Yujingzi Basin in the Jiuquan area, Gansu Province of northwestern China. Xuwulong is among the most basal members of hadrosauriform dinosaurs, and distinguished by its unique lower jaw in having a V-shaped rostral end of the dentary in lateral view and a mandibular articular surface which levels with mid-height of the dentary ramus, as well as an enlarged and downturned prepubic process. Including Xuwulong, three basal hadrosauriforms have been discovered from the Early Cretaceous Xinminpu Group in the Mazongshan area, making it an important area to study the origin and early evolution of duck-billed dinosaurs.  相似文献   

The Pb-Zn metallogenic district in NW Guizhou Province is an important part of the Yun-nan-Sichuan-Guizhou Pb-Zn metallogenic province, and also is one of the most important Pb-Zn producers in China. The hosting rocks of the Pb-Zn deposits are Devonian to Permian carbonate rocks, and the basement rocks are meta-sedimentary and igneous rocks of the Proterozoic Kunyang and Huili groups. The ore minerals are composed of sphalerite, galena and pyrite, and the gangue minerals are include calcite and dolomite. Geology and C-O isotope of these deposits were studied in this paper. The results show that δ13C and δ18O values of hydrothermal calcite, altered wall rocks-dolostone, sedimentary calcite and hosting carbonate rocks range from -5.3‰ to -0.6 ‰ (mean -3.4‰) and +11.3‰ to +20.9 ‰ (mean +17.2‰), -3.0‰ to +0.9 ‰ (mean -1.3‰) and +17.0‰ to +20.8‰ (mean +19.7‰), +0.6‰ to +2.5 ‰ (mean +1.4‰) and +23.4‰ to +26.5 ‰ (mean +24.6‰), and -1.8‰ to +3.9‰ (mean +0.7‰) and +21.0‰ to +26.8‰ (mean +22.9‰), respectively, implying that CO2 in the ore-forming fluids was mainly a result of dissolution of Devonian and Carboniferous carbonate rocks. However, it is difficult to evaluate the contribution of sediment de-hydroxylation. Based on the integrated analysis of geology, C and O isotopes, it is believed that the ore-forming fluids of these carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits in this area were derived from multiple sources, including hosting carbonate rocks, Devonian to Permian sedimentary rocks and basement rocks (the Kun-yang and Huili groups). Therefore, the fluids mixing is the main precipitation mechanism of the Pb-Zn deposit in this province.  相似文献   

The Mazaertag layered intrusion is located in the northwestern part of the Tarim large igneous province where several early Permian layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions host important Fe-Ti oxide deposits. The intrusion covers an area of ~0.13 km~2 and has a vertical stratigraphic thickness of at least300 m. It consists chiefly of olivine clinopyroxenite, and is cut through by the nearby mafic-ultramafic dykes. In this paper, we report new mineral chemistry data and whole-rock chemical and isotopic compositions for the Mazaertag intrusion along with whole-rock isotopic compositions for the nearby mafic dykes. The averaged compositions of cumulus olivine, clinopyroxene and intercumulus plagioclase within individual samples range from Fo_(71-73),Mg~# = 76 to 79 and An_(65-75) but they do not define sustained reversals. The observed mineral compositions are consistent with the differentiation of a single batch of magma in a closed system. Rocks of the Mazaertag intrusion are characterized by enrichment in light REE relative to heavy REE, positive Nb and Ta anomalies and a small range of age-corrected ε_(Nd)(t)(-0.1 to +0.9) and initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr values(0.7044 to 0.7068). The slightly lower ε_(Nd)(t), initial ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb and higher initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr values of the intrusion compared to those of the least contaminated dykes[ε_(Nd)(t) =+2.8 to +3.4;(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb)_i = 18.516-18.521;(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i = 0.7038-0.7041] imply that the Mazaertag magma was subjected to small to modest degrees of contamination by the upper crust. The Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the least contaminated dykes are consistent with derivation from a FOZO-like mantle source. The parental magma of the Mazaertag intrusion, estimated from clinopyroxene compositions using mineral-melt partition coefficients, has trace element compositions similar to some of the most primitive mafic dykes in the same area. This suggests that the Mazaertag intrusion and mafic dykes shared a similar mantle source. Therefore, the parental magma of the Mazaertag intrusion was interpreted to have originated from a mantle plume. Based on the Cr_2 O_3 contents in titanomagnetite and less-evolved characteristics of the Mazaertag intrusion compared to the Wajilitag Fe-Ti oxide deposit in Bachu, it is speculated that there might not be a potential to find economic Fe-Ti oxide mineralization in the intrusion.  相似文献   

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