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通过对不同几何结构和护面材质的海堤开展大量组次物理模型试验,得出越浪水体强烈的剪切力导致的后坡侵蚀和护面块体滑动被证明是海堤失稳的主要触发因素。建议工程标准和规范中考虑越浪流速和剪切力,将有利于溃堤风险的评估和预判。然而实验数据显示,海堤在越浪强度递增过程中的受压达到峰值的先后顺序为堤顶-挡浪墙-后坡。因此,瞬时水动力冲击导致的疲劳性破坏可能是另一种溃堤机理,虽没有在试验中出现,但需要时刻警惕。不同于广泛使用的允许越浪量,本项工作提出了针对我国沿海典型海堤类型的溃堤越浪量阈值建议值。这使得通过经验公式计算和预测溃堤风险变成可能。溃堤越浪量很大程度上受护面材质、后坡坡度和挡浪墙高度影响,但在试验中没有体现对堤顶宽度的敏感性。试验结果表明,对于相同的海堤结构和堤顶高程,相对于没有挡浪墙的海堤增设挡浪墙有可能是对海堤稳定性的一种降低。但这还需要进一步被其他研究者和工程师讨论验证。  相似文献   

海堤是沿海地区抵御潮水、防御台风的重要基础设施,海堤变形监测对于维护海堤安全至关重要.随着技术的进步,海堤变形监测技术在自动化、精细化及实时化的方向上,还有发展的空间,本文针对目前海堤变形监测技术手段,从空间、地面和水下三个方面入手,简述各技术手段的特性及其在海堤监测中的应用,客观分析各技术手段的特点、优势和不足;在对...  相似文献   

我国现行规范体系中,关于堤防工程安全标准的确定,主要根据工程级别确定设计重现期,从而选定工程设计参数。文中提出了依据安全风险评估的结果确定海堤安全风险等级方法。首先,通过对海堤灾害进行风险识别和分析,将洪水灾害和海堤结构自身安全失效作为海堤灾害两种主要形式,建立了海堤灾害故障树。然后,将水文动力条件作为随机变量,从频率分布角度定量计算海堤洪水灾害风险程度和结构安全失效风险,提出了海堤安全风险评价方法。最后,依据规范中关于海堤等级和重现期标准的规定,结合海堤洪灾安全风险和结构自身安全风险的评价结果,确定海堤安全风险等级。文中提出的海堤安全评价技术依据海堤风险定量计算结果,从海堤现状条件满足其设计功能目标有效程度,判定海堤安全等级的级别,是一种相对较新且更科学的方法。该海堤安全风险评估技术为海堤管理和建设提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

漫堤是天文潮、风暴潮与海浪等物理要素作用于海堤后海水翻越海堤的物理过程。本文利用天文潮-风暴潮-台风浪耦合模式(ADCIRC+SWAN)、基于非结构三角形网格和高分辨率地理数据(海堤位置和高程、岸线和水深等)构建福建沿海精细化漫堤风险等级评估系统。该系统在近岸网格分辨率最高达50m,可精确刻画福建沿海复杂地形。利用模拟的水位与海浪参数,采用波浪爬高公式计算得到各海堤堤前波浪爬高。按照总水位与波浪爬高之和与海堤高程的对比,将漫堤风险分为五个等级。对2013年的超强台风天兔过程进行后报检验。结果显示,该系统计算的漫堤情况与灾后调查的漫堤实况基本一致,结果准确,说明本研究中采用的漫堤风险评估标准和方法是可行的。在此基础上,设计了4种不同的台风强度等级,对福建沿海206条海堤进行了漫堤风险等级评估,探究台风强度对漫堤风险的影响。结果表明:波浪爬高对漫堤风险的影响高于单纯的风暴潮增水;风暴潮增水随台风强度的增强增量较小,对于漫堤的风险影响较小;福建沿海波浪爬高普遍较高,随着台风强度的增强,波浪爬高会显著增加漫堤的风险等级,且应重视台风浪对海堤造成的冲击所导致的溃堤灾害。本研究可为沿海防灾减灾提供科学依据。  相似文献   

海堤是海岸带地区社会经济活动的重要保护屏障。海岸侵蚀的加剧将导致海堤稳定性和安全性降低, 增加海岸带地 区遭受极端风暴洪水的风险, 进而影响到海岸带地区的安全。本文选择上海石化这一遭受海岸侵蚀较为严重的区域作为研究 区, 利用 GIS 分析了 1972—2020 年近岸海床侵蚀特征, 并基于 2000—2020 年-5 m 等深线变化评估了上海石化近岸海堤的 稳定性。结果表明: 1972—2020 年间上海石化前沿海床整体以侵蚀为主, 石化近岸东侧以及西侧局部的浅滩侵蚀明显, 城 市沙滩中段、第 6 次围堤处以及码头东岸海堤稳定性最低。基于上述研究结果, 考虑海堤稳定性薄弱段出现极端风暴洪水漫 堤或溃堤情景, 模拟并分析了上海石化 2010 年 、2030 年和2050 年遭受千年一遇极端风暴洪水的风险。结果显示: 在 2010 年基准年情景下, 受海岸侵蚀作用最明显的城市沙滩和第6 次围堤区域遭遇极端风暴洪水的风险最高, 到 2050 年, 当前稳 定性较好的海堤安全性也将大大降低, 与 2010 年相比, 上海石化近岸地区的直接经济损失将会增加近 3 倍。  相似文献   

围填海溃堤洪水演进数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围填海工程建于软土地基上,海堤易产生不规则沉降甚至坍塌,而在高水位期间可能发生溃堤灾害。本文采用HLL逼近Riemann解格式计算界面通量和有限体积法离散控制方程建立了数学模型,对围填海工程溃堤洪水运动进行模拟研究。针对浙南某围填海工程,成功模拟了海塘不同位置发生溃堤时的洪水演进过程:溃堤初始时刻,围区内淹没面积和淹没水深增长迅速,其后洪水推进速度放缓,平均水深则经历下降、快速增长、缓慢增长3个阶段变化;并且南堤溃决事故下同时刻平均水深较东堤溃决时高0.3~0.5m,其洪水灾害性和风险性更高。进一步分析双溃口条件下淹没水深的空间分布及其变化规律可知,洪水完全淹没围填海区仅需要60min,溃堤4h后淹没水深可达1.7m,围区东、南部两股水流迅速交汇将会造成较大的人员伤亡,其他区域居民可有15min以上逃生时间。另外,糙率参数在±15%区间变化下,计算平均水深最大变幅为20%,淹没面积最大变幅为14%。研究成果对于减少溃堤突发事故损失,提高工程建设管理水平具有重要现实意义,可为今后围填海工程的安全设计和风险评估提供技术依据。  相似文献   

台风会引起风暴增水和强浪。围填海工程建于软土地基上,海堤易产生不规则沉降,在台风引起的强浪作用下有可能发生溃堤,海水在高水位下大量涌入围区,引发灾难。针对溃坝的急变流特性,基于Delft3D Open Source,采用一种基于经典交错网格的改进型数值方法(其水流扩展流动数值近似算法符合动量守恒,而水流收缩流动数值近似则满足伯努利方程),建立了舟山东港新城溃堤洪水演进模型,并计算了最大可能风暴增水条件下溃堤洪水在东港新城的演进过程。结果表明,围区内的地形形势对洪水的演进及最终分布起了决定性作用,当溃口出现在不同位置时,影响范围和程度不一样。东港南部由于地势较低,且没有大型的吸纳洪水的人工湖,当附近出现50 m宽的溃口时,近乎整个南部区域都会受到海水的影响;而北部由于地势相对较高,影响有限。  相似文献   

文章介绍了国外海堤生态化建设技术的研究进展,包括海堤结构改造和绿植化研究,其中,海堤结构改造包括建造阶梯式海堤、海堤表面微栖息地改造、建造栖息地长凳、模拟岩石栖息地和海堤绿植化等。国外主要对海堤表面生境进行修复,国内研究则集中在海堤生态化建设的工程技术和采用生态护坡材料对传统海堤进行改造上。在结合海堤生态化相关研究的基础上,对我国海堤生态化建设提出了完善海堤生态化建设技术规范体系、加强海堤生态化关键技术研究、开展海堤生态化适宜性分析和生态化后监管系统等建议。  相似文献   

海堤损毁严重威胁着沿海地区人民生命财产安全和油气田正常运行。台风风暴潮期间有越浪时,海堤损毁发生迅速,海堤致损初始机制和破坏过程难以掌握。本文依据“利奇马”台风风暴潮期间损毁的东营胜利油田桩12海堤,建立室内物理模型,对海堤破坏的致损初始机制和破坏过程进行研究。结果表明:在堤顶路面发生破坏和不发生破坏两种工况下,堤内掏蚀空洞的发育情况是台风风暴潮使海堤损毁的重要因素,波浪经空洞对斜坡护面的浮托和推动,使得下部堆积散体暴露并被波浪冲走。通过本次室内模型试验,明确海堤致损初始机制,直观展示海堤破坏过程,为后续油气田海堤修复、修建工作提供数据支撑和理论依据。  相似文献   

海堤的稳定关乎到其保护范围内的生命财产安全,渗压是评判海堤安全的重要指标,潮水位长期作用于海堤,是影响其渗压分布的主要因素,而降雨是影响渗压的重要因素。在潮位和降雨作用下,海堤长期处于饱和—非饱和非稳定渗流状态,易导致海堤失稳和滑坡。为及时掌握海堤渗流场分布,有效监控、分析特殊工作环境下海堤的安全稳定,采用合理的降雨入渗模式,输入实际的动态潮位,利用ANSYS热分析模块,模拟计算海堤渗流场分布。根据前次有限元迭代计算结果调整自由面、溢出点,并由基质吸力修正非饱和区渗透系数,使用ANSYS参数化设计语言编写海堤非稳定渗流场分析程序。先不考虑研究时段内降雨入渗对渗压分布的影响,而后进行潮位和降雨共同作用下海堤渗流场的模拟分析,结果与实测数据吻合度良好,为进一步分析海堤稳定性提供依据。  相似文献   

杭州湾北岸漕径-柘林岸段的海堤预警分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析杭州湾北岸漕径一柘林岸段海堤实测断面资料的基础上,利用剖面冲淤对比统计和非参数Mann-Kendall检验对不同岸段的断面稳定性进行研究,以揭示海堤潜在的危险程度。结果表明,海堤安全警戒线可分为三级:第1级:0m等深线,水平距离大堤约为50m;第2级:-3m等深线,水平距离大堤约为150m;第3级:-8m等深线,水平距离大堤约为400m。3级警戒线应视不同岸段而分别评价。  相似文献   

A semi-implicit shallow-water and Boussinesq model has been developed to account for random wave breaking, impact and overtopping of steep sea walls including recurves. At a given time breaking is said to occur if the wave height to water depth ratio for each individual wave exceeds a critical value of 0.6 and the Boussinesq terms are simply switched off. The example is presented of waves breaking over an offshore reef and then ceasing to break as they propagate inshore into deeper water and finally break as they run up a slope. This is not possible with the conventional criterion of a single onset of breaking based on rate of change of surface elevation which was also found to be less effective generally. The runup distribution on the slope inshore of the reef was well predicted. The model is tested against field data for overtopping available for Anchorsholme, Blackpool and corresponding 1:15 scale wave flume tests. Reflection of breaking waves impacting a steep sea wall is represented as a partial reversal of momentum flux with an empirically defined coefficient. Offshore to nearshore significant wave height variation was reasonably predicted although nearshore model spectra showed distinct differences from the experiments. The breaking wave shape described by a shape parameter was also not well represented as might be expected for such a simple model. Overtopping agreement between model, field and flume was generally good although repeatability of two nominally identical flume experiments was only within 25%. Different distributions of random phase between spectral components can cause overall overtopping rates to differ by up to a factor of two. Predictions of mean discharge by EurOtop methods were within a factor of two of experimental measurements.  相似文献   

东海PN断面夏季温盐及化学要素的分布特征   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
刘兴泉 《海洋与湖沼》2001,32(2):204-212
由东海PN断面夏季温鼻度及化学要素CTD资料分析表明,东海夏季的温跃层和盐跃层在次表层生成,其强度随着跃层自陆架坡折区至近岸和外海的上移逐渐减弱。陆架区近表层的温度和盐度呈垂直均匀分布,冲绳海槽次表层呈高温、高盐,近表层呈高温,近表层呈高温、低盐,底层呈低温、次高盐特征。溶解氧浓度自近岸到外海由低变高,表层至底层溶解氧浓度在陆架区由高变低,冲绳海槽区则先由低变高然后又由变低。总二氧化碳浓度自表层至底层和自陆架坡折区到近岸和外海由低变高。磷酸盐和硅酸盐浓度自近岸至外海由高变低,而自表层至底层由低变高。陆架区的近表层和陆架坡折区分别有一个高碱度区。温盐及化学要素的分布特征与夏季海区垂直环流的反气旋运动、长江冲淡水及黑潮水入侵和海面强热辐射有关。此外,化学要素分布还与夏季海区的温盐结构、表混合层与大气间二氧化碳气体交换及表混合层中碳和营养盐光合作用的利用有关。  相似文献   

结合南沙群岛海域出现的内潮现象 ,利用一个两层数值模式 ,通过数值试验来探讨潮汐性质、水体的层结程度、跃层所在的深度、风应力等因子对陆架坡折处内潮特性的影响 ,结果表明 :内潮的波动周期只与海区的潮汐性质有关 ;风应力、非线性效应以及正压潮源地的深度等都可改变内潮的波动振幅 ;内潮的波动振幅随海区的水体层结程度及温跃层所在的深度不同而改变  相似文献   

This paper considers wave impacts on baffles, on baffles or decks adjacent to a vertical wall, and on porous seawalls and/or sea beds. For seawalls and vertical baffles, impacts can occur in steep waves, whilst a deck can be struck from below by a rising wave crest either in open sea or in a tank with standing waves (sloshing). A simple analytical model for the pressure impulse, P, due to a wave of idealized geometry and dynamics is developed and applied to the following geometries with impermeable surfaces:
  • •horizontal wave impact onto a vertical wall with a deck at the waterline,
  • •vertical wave impact under a deck in the same configuration (equivalent to vertical water impact of a horizontal plate),
  • •horizontal wave impact onto a surface-piercing vertical baffle in open sea,
  • •as for 3. but with the baffle in front of a wall,
  • •as for 4. but with a deck extending from the vertical wall to the baffle,
  • •bottom-mounted baffle in front of a wall with impact occurring on the wall.
We also consider cases that complement part 1 of this paper to include the effect on impacts on a seawall with a porous sea bed and/or sea wall with/without a berm. Finally we reconsider case 3) above but with a porous baffle.The method uses eigenfunction expansions in each of the rectangular regions that satisfy some of the impermeable or porous surface conditions, and a simplified free-surface condition. Their unknown coefficients are determined from the impact boundary condition, impermeable or porous boundary conditions and by matching the solutions, in any two neighbouring rectangles, along their common boundary. Although the fluid motion is treated rather crudely, the method yields the pressure impulse throughout the entire region. Impulses, I, and moment impulses, M, on all or parts of the structure are also presented.  相似文献   

H.N Siddiquie 《Marine Geology》1975,18(1):M95-M101
The Laccadive atolls have recently been surveyed in detail (1:5,000 and 1:10,000). These surveys indicated the occurrence of a number of terraces on the seaward reefs of these islands at 7–12, 15, 21–36 (prominent) and 43–47 m depths. The first break in the profile of the seaward reefs occurs at depths of 3–5 m and on the windward side this extends down to about 12 m, the break at this shallow depth represents a wave-cut platform. The deeper terraces (>12 m) appear to have been formed during periods of lowered sea level. The most prominent terrace at 21–36 m is correlable with similar terraces recorded on other atolls. The terraces at Bangaram Island are covered by sediment while those at Kadmat do not have any sediment. In some of the atolls, surfaces at depths comparable to the seaward terraces are found in the lagoons also indicating extensive effects of lowered sea levels.  相似文献   

对经5种不同加工工艺加工的刺参(Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)体壁的氨基酸和脂肪酸的组成及含量进行了对比分析。结果表明,不同加工工艺加工的刺参体壁中,氨基酸和脂肪酸含量存在显著差异(P<0.05)。恒温干燥的刺参体壁中的氨基酸和脂肪酸含量是最高的,是5种加工工艺中最好的加工工艺,然后依次是真空冷冻干燥、双蒸水煮沸+自然风干、自然风干,3.5%NaCl溶液煮沸+自然风干的最差。  相似文献   

利用海底粘滞性条件,首先导出了海底摩擦与海面坡度之间的简单关系式,在此基础上导出了水平流通量与海面坡度的关系式。然后利用连续性方程进一步得到了海面升高即潮位所满足的二阶椭圆型方程,进而导出了以潮位形式给出的半封闭海区岸壁不可穿透条件。最终在给定半封闭海区开边界水位分布的条件下构建了完整的关于潮位分布函数的微分方程边值问题。初步讨论表明,海底摩擦矢量与水平流通量矢量并不在相反的方向上。  相似文献   

Sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus(Selenka), is a commercially important marine species in China. Among the differently colored varieties sold in China, white and purple sea cucumbers have the greatest appeal to consumers. Identification of the pigments that may contribute to the formation of different color morphs of sea cucumbers will provide a scientific basis for improving the cultivability of desirable color morphs. In this study,sea cucumbers were divided into four categories according to their body color: white, light green, dark green, and purple. The pigment composition and contents in the four groups were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). The results show that the pigment contents differed significantly among the white, lightgreen, dark-green, and purple sea cucumbers, and there were fewer types of pigments in white sea cucumber than in the other color morphs. The only pigments detected in white sea cucumbers were guanine and pteroic acid.Guanine and pteroic acid are structural colors, and they were also detected in light-green, dark-green, and purple sea cucumbers. Every pigment detected, except for pteroic acid, was present at a higher concentration in purple morphs than in the other color morphs. The biological color pigments melanin, astaxanthin, β-carotene, and lutein were detected in light-green, dark-green, and purple sea cucumbers. While progesterone and lycopene,which are also biological color pigments, were not detected in any of the color morphs. Melanin was the major pigment contributing to body color, and its concentration increased with deepening color of the sea cucumber body. Transmission electron microscopy analyses revealed that white sea cucumbers had the fewest epidermal melanocytes in the body wall, and their melanocytes contained fewer melanosomes as well as non-pigmented pre-melanosomes. Sea cucumbers with deeper body colors contained more melanin granules. In the body wall of dark-green and purple sea cucumbers, melanin granules were secreted out of the cell. The results of this study provide evidence for the main factors responsible for differences in coloration among white, light-green, darkgreen, and purple sea cucumbers, and also provide the foundation for further research on the formation of body color in sea cucumber, A. japonicus.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2001,42(3):241-256
When a wave breaks against a sea wall containing a crack, such as might exist within the blockwork, pressure pulses can travel through the fluid and propagate into the crack. This can cause high stresses to act on the sides and roof of the crack and may even cause the constituent blocks to move. The Pressure Impulse, P, is used to model the effect of wave impact against a wall in which there is a fluid filled crack. A two-dimensional field equation is derived for P that is applicable in plane cracks of non-uniform, narrow width. This is solved for several geometries relating to cracks between constituent blocks of sea walls, in order to compare the impulsive forces with the gravitational force on a block. It is shown that a large block can be lifted due to the impulse exerted by the fluid in a crack beneath it.  相似文献   

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