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地震数据的反射波动方程最小二乘偏移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



叠前逆时深度偏移中的激发时间成像条件   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
与其他偏移方法相比,逆时偏移基于精确的波动方程而不是对其近似,用时间外推来代替深度外推.因此,它具有良好的精度,不受地下构造倾角和介质横向速度变化的限制.激发时间成像条件的求取是叠前逆时偏移的难点之一,本文采用求解程函方程的方法得到地下各点的初至波走时,以此作为叠前逆时偏移的成像条件.基于任意矩形网格和局部平面波前近似的有限差分初至波走时计算方法精度较高并适用于强纵横向变速的复杂介质.试算结果表明,在复杂介质模型中利用叠前逆时深度偏移收到了很好的成像效果.  相似文献   

Reverse-time migration (RTM) is based on seismic numerical modeling algorithms, and the accuracy and efficiency of RTM strongly depend on the algorithm used for numerical solution of wave equations. Finite-difference (FD) methods have been widely used to solve the wave equation in seismic numerical modeling and RTM. In this paper, we derive a series of time–space domain staggered-grid FD coefficients for acoustic vertical transversely isotropic (VTI) equations, and adopt these difference coefficients to solve the equations, then analyze the numerical dispersion and stability, and compare the time–space domain staggered-grid FD method with the conventional method. The numerical analysis results demonstrate that the time–space domain staggered-grid FD method has greater accuracy and better stability than the conventional method under the same discretizations. Moreover, we implement the pre-stack acoustic VTI RTM by the conventional and time–space domain high-order staggered-grid FD methods, respectively. The migration results reveal that the time–space domain staggered-grid FD method can provide clearer and more accurate image with little influence on computational efficiency, and the new FD method can adopt a larger time step to reduce the computation time and preserve the imaging accuracy as well in RTM. Meanwhile, when considering the anisotropy in RTM for the VTI model, the imaging quality of the acoustic VTI RTM is better than that of the acoustic isotropic RTM.  相似文献   

格子法在起伏地表叠前逆时深度偏移中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
基于全程波波动方程的逆时偏移(Reverse Time Migration)可以对回转波、多次反射波成像,不受横向速度变化影响,没有倾角限制,随着计算机软硬件技术的进步,再次成为偏移方法研究热点.本文将格子法用于叠前逆时深度偏移成像.格子法作为波场延拓方法,处理起伏地表边界条件容易,可用于含起伏地表边界条件的逆时波场延拓;可利用变尺度非规则对计算域进行离散,因此可根据速度模型调整网格尺度来降低存储量,放大时间步长,降低计算量.采用光滑的曲人工边界,也可避免常规的PML吸收边界存在的角点区域需特别处理的麻烦.本方法通过事先计算和存储边界单元的局部几何参数,与直边界PML方法相比不增加任何计算量.格子法还具有容易实现并行计算的特点,非常适用于叠前逆时偏移.本文给出了二维问题算例.  相似文献   

逆时偏移是基于双程波波动方程进行波场逆时外推,再利用成像条件提取成像值,进而实现偏移成像的一种方法.目前,RTM已经由各向同性介质推广到了TI介质,包括VTI介质和TTI介质.考虑了各向异性因素的逆时偏移技术能更好地满足日益增长的勘探精度的要求,进一步提高和改善成像效果.在回顾各向异性介质逆时偏移发展历史的基础之上,本文针对于国内外TTI介质逆时偏移当前的研究现状进行了概述,并对目前TTI介质逆时偏移方法中所存在的特有的数值稳定性和qSV波人为干扰压制问题的解决方法进行了归纳总结.最后对逆时偏移未来的发展方向和研究重点进行了展望.  相似文献   

康玮  程玖兵 《地球物理学报》2012,55(3):1033-1045
地下岩石的速度各向异性影响地震波的传播与成像.横向各向同性(TI)介质为最普遍的等效各向异性模型.引入TI介质拟声波方程可以避免复杂的弹性波方程求解以及各向异性介质波场分离,以满足对纵波成像的实际需要.本文从垂直横向各向同性(VTI)介质弹性波方程出发,推导出正应力表达的拟声波方程以及相应的纵波分量的表达式,进而分析从频散关系得到的拟声波方程的物理意义,而后将拟声波方程扩展到更一般的倾斜横向各向同性(TTI)介质中.波前快照与群速度平面的对比验证了拟声波方程可以很好地近似描述qP波的运动学特征.在此基础上,将拟声波方程应用在逆时偏移中并与其特例声波近似方程进行对比,讨论了计算效率、稳定性等实际问题.数值试验表明VTI介质情况下采用声波近似方程可以提高计算效率,而TTI介质qP-qSV波方程则在效率相当的情况下可以保证稳定性.SEG/HESS模型和逆冲模型逆时偏移试验验证了本文TI介质拟声波方程的实用性.  相似文献   

杨华臣  张建中 《地球物理学报》2022,65(10):4099-4110






Imaging the PP- and PS-wave for the elastic vector wave reverse-time migration requires separating the P- and S-waves during the wave field extrapolation. The amplitude and phase of the P- and S-waves are distorted when divergence and curl operators are used to separate the P- and S-waves. We present a P- and S-wave amplitude-preserving separation algorithm for the elastic wavefield extrapolation. First, we add the P-wave pressure and P-wave vibration velocity equation to the conventional elastic wave equation to decompose the P- and S-wave vectors. Then, we synthesize the scalar P- and S-wave from the vector Pand S-wave to obtain the scalar P- and S-wave. The amplitude-preserved separated P- and S-waves are imaged based on the vector wave reverse-time migration (RTM). This method ensures that the amplitude and phase of the separated P- and S-wave remain unchanged compared with the divergence and curl operators. In addition, after decomposition, the P-wave pressure and vibration velocity can be used to suppress the interlayer reflection noise and to correct the S-wave polarity. This improves the image quality of P- and S-wave in multicomponent seismic data and the true-amplitude elastic reverse time migration used in prestack inversion.  相似文献   

逆时偏移计算中的边界处理分析及应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
在地震资料的处理中,逆时偏移方法可以实现复杂构造高精度成像,但计算量和存储量两大问题影响了该方法的实际应用.逆时偏移算法中的边界处理方式的优化可以大大减少存储量,本文讨论了记录波场边界信息的吸收边界和随机边界这两种方法的计算效率和成像效果,提出了吸收边界中只记录边界范围内未衰减单层波场的方法并通过数值实验验证了其可行性,选择了不同的边界策略应用于模型数据和实际资料的处理.结果表明:记录单层波场边界信息的吸收边界的成像效果同传统存储波场历史的方式几乎无差别,但要额外存储每个时刻的波场边界信息;随机边界不需要额外存储波场信息,但会带来边界漫反射影响和计算区域的增加;记录单层波场边界可以明显减少存储量,并且不影响成像效果.  相似文献   

显式分形插值在有限元叠前逆时偏移成像中的应用   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以分形理论为基础,借助于压缩映射原理和不动点理论及实变函数理论,给出了分形插值函数的显式表达形式,同时给出了垂直比例因子的局部显式表达式.利用该显式分形插值方法对稀疏采样的地震记录进行了插值加密处理,并对原始记录和分形插值重建记录进行了叠前逆时偏移处理.数值重建实验表明,显式分形插值重建的剖面与原始地震剖面非常类似,单道地震记录则表明显式分形插值重建的地震道是原始地震道的良好近似,缺失道的振幅和相位都得到了很好的估计.叠前偏移结果则表明,分形插值叠前偏移剖面是原始记录偏移剖面的良好近似,二者的分辨率几乎一样.  相似文献   

VTI介质中准P波方程叠前逆时深度偏移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性(VTI)介质中的一阶准P波方程,导出了该方程在交错网格中逆时延拓的高阶有限差分格式,给出了其稳定性条件,采用完全匹配层吸收边界条件解决边界反射问题,分别应用下行波最大能量法和归一化互相关成像条件, 实现了VTI介质中准P波方程的叠前逆时深度偏移.各向异性Marmousi模型的试算结果表明,VTI介质准P波方程叠前逆时深度偏移算法不受地下构造倾角和介质横向速度变化的限制,对复杂模型具有良好的成像能力;应用归一化互相关成像条件能得到更好的成像效果.对比该模型的各向异性和各向同性逆时偏移剖面表明,在各向异性地区采集的纵波数据用各向异性偏移算法理论上能得到更好的成像结果.   相似文献   

横向各向同性介质弹性波多分量叠前逆时偏移   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
随着油气勘探程度的提高,隐蔽油气藏在增储上产方面起到了重要作用,因此发展基于各向异性介质的多分量偏移方法是非常必要的.本文基于横向各向同性(VTI)介质,从二维弹性波速度\|应力方程出发,通过在时间上的二阶差分和空间上的交错网格高阶差分对方程进行离散,得到弹性波交错网格高阶差分的多分量逆时偏移算子.在激发时间成像条件的应用过程中引入Poynting矢量进行成像并消除逆时偏移所引起的低频干扰,在此基础上实现了VTI介质中二维弹性波叠前多分量逆时深度偏移.理论模型的偏移处理表明,该方法能够对地层进行准确成像,并可以消除逆时偏移所引起的低频噪声.  相似文献   

与地面地震资料相比,VSP资料具有分辨率高、环境噪声小及能更好地反映井旁信息等优点.常规VSP偏移主要对上行反射波进行成像,存在照明度低、成像范围受限等问题.为了增加照明度、拓宽成像范围、提高成像精度,本文采用直达波除外的所有声波波场数据(全波),包括一次反射波、多次反射波等进行叠前逆时偏移成像.针对逆时偏移中的四个关键问题,即波场延拓、吸收边界条件、成像条件及低频噪声的压制,本文分别采用自适应变空间差分算子长度的优化有限差分方法(自适应优化有限差分方法)求解二维声波波动方程以实现高精度、高效率的波场延拓,采用混合吸收边界条件压制因计算区域有限所引起的人工边界反射,采用震源归一化零延迟互相关成像条件进行成像,采用拉普拉斯滤波方法压制逆时偏移中产生的低频噪声.本文对VSP模型数据的逆时偏移成像进行了分析,结果表明:自适应优化有限差分方法比传统有限差分方法具有更高的模拟精度与计算效率,适用于VSP逆时偏移成像;全波场VSP逆时偏移成像比上行波VSP逆时偏移的成像范围大、成像效果好;相对于反褶积成像条件,震源归一化零延迟互相关成像条件具有稳定性好、计算效率高等优点.将本文方法应用于某实际VSP资料的逆时偏移成像,进一步验证了本文方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

Angle-domain common-image gathers are an important tool in the post-processing of seismic images and for reservoir characterization. The generation of angle gathers is a very important issue when dealing with angle-domain images. Efficiency and robustness are the main concerns in the generation of angle gathers. In this paper, we propose two methods for producing angle gathers based on the implementation of a reverse-time migration. In the hybrid method, we adopt the local-plane-wave decomposition method to extract the local plane waves and obtain two possible opposite propagation directions in the time-wavenumber domain. Then, Poynting vectors are used to determine the correct propagation direction. The hybrid method achieves a satisfactory balance between robustness and computational efficiency. Furthermore, in the improved hybrid method, additional computational acceleration is obtained by separating the overlapping and non-overlapping wavefield areas. The hybrid method is only applied in these areas with overlapping wave fronts, and the Poynting-vector-based method is adopted in the other areas. The location of the overlapping events is determined using the eigenvalues of the structural tensor. Finally, the two-dimensional synthetic and field examples demonstrate the effectiveness of both methods.  相似文献   

张岩  吴国忱 《地球物理学报》2013,56(6):2065-2076
在对地下复杂构造介质,特别是盐丘侧翼及岩下区域进行成像时,相对于传统的各向同性逆时偏移和VTI逆时偏移,具有倾斜对称轴的TTI逆时偏移成像效果最优.不仅反射同相轴更加的连续,而且能量得到了更好的聚焦.传统的各向异性介质全弹性波RTM的计算量大且计算效率低.由于目前仍以纵波勘探为主,因此TTI逆时偏移qP波波动方程的选取显得尤为重要.为了提高计算效率,采用将沿着对称轴方向的横波速度设为零的方法,简化得到qP波波动方程.然而,这样会引入一种严重影响成像效果的低速度、低振幅的qSV波人为干扰.本文建立了qP波方程的完全匹配层控制方程,而后借助于辅助波场采用一种高效的压制伪横波噪声传播的方法,通过模型测试验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Least squares migration uses the assumption that, if we have an operator that can create data from a reflectivity function, the optimal image will predict the actual recorded data with minimum square error. For this assumption to be true, it is also required that: (a) the prediction operator must be error-free, (b) model elements not seen by the operator should be constrained by other means and (c) data weakly predicted by the operator should make limited contribution to the solution. Under these conditions, least squares migration has the advantage over simple migration of being able to remove interference between different model components. Least squares migration does that by de-convolving or inverting the so-called Hessian operator. The Hessian is the cascade of forward modelling and migration; for each image point, it computes the effects of interference from other image points (point-spread function) given the actual recording geometry and the subsurface velocity model. Because the Hessian contains illumination information (along its diagonal), and information about the model cross-correlation produced by non-orthogonality of basis functions, its inversion produces illumination compensation and increases resolution. In addition, sampling deficiencies in the recording geometry map to the Hessian (both diagonal and non-diagonal elements), so least squares migration has the potential to remove sampling artefacts as well. These (illumination compensation, resolution and mitigating recording deficiencies) are the three main goals of least squares migration, although the first one can be achieved by cheaper techniques. To invert the Hessian, least squares migration relies on the residual errors during iterations. Iterative algorithms, like conjugate gradient and others, use the residuals to calculate the direction and amplitudes (gradient and step size) of the necessary corrections to the reflectivity function or model. Failure of conditions (a), (b) or (c) leads the inversion to calculate incorrect model updates, which translate to noise in the final image. In this paper, we will discuss these conditions for Kirchhoff migration and reverse time migration.  相似文献   

叠前逆时偏移将是应用前景最为广泛的地震偏移技术,但存在计算量大和存储单元要求多的瓶颈问题.随机边界条件思想的提出较好地解决了其中的存储问题,但同时也大大增加了计算成本.为了减小边界宽度,降低宽边界带来的计算负担,同时又不影响随机边界的随机效果,本文首先提出了一种多形式随机边界函数,并从随机介质散射理论出发,研究了随机边界的散射特性,并将随机边界归纳为增强模式和衰减模式两类,深入分析推导了不同模式边界的随机函数形式选择的最优判据,最后形成了一套能够使得在边界宽度有限情况下获得最佳散射效果的随机边界构建算法.理论分析和数值模拟实验结果表明:在边界宽度较窄的情况下,利用本文提出的随机边界构建策略,能够最大程度地发挥有限宽随机边界散射性能,压制相干能量的产生.这为提高随机边界的随机性能,减小随机边界的宽度,提高逆时偏移的计算效率提供了一种有效的方法.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):310-315
In this paper, we use superconducting gravimeter (SG) data recorded at three stations of the global geodynamics project (GGP) network, with good geographical distribution, to search for possible significant peaks in the gravity spectrum that are in the assumed period range of the Slichter triplet. Seven-year long series from Cantley (Canada), and four-year long series from both Canberra (Australia) and Moxa (Germany) stations are used. First, a solid Earth and ocean tide model is subtracted from the data, followed by a local atmospheric pressure correction based on a frequency-, and location-dependent admittance estimated by the least squares response method. Subsequently, the residual series are filtered with a Parzen-based bandpass filter with a passband (12 h–78 s). A sub-nGal detection level is confirmed by injecting an artificial sine wave of different amplitudes. The Least Squares Self-Coherency spectrum shows the existence of many apparently statistically significant peaks at the 95% confidence level in the band (3–8 h). Although a few peaks are close to the claimed Slichter periods in previous research, the large number of candidate peaks may be related to other mechanisms such as global pressure variations, or hydrology.  相似文献   

Spherical harmonic coefficients (SHCs) for the daily magnetic variation fields (solar and lunar) and the main field of the earth are usually estimated by the method of least squares applied to a truncated spherical harmonic series. In this paper, an integral method for computing the SHCs for the solar quiet daily magnetic variation fieldSq is described and applied toSq data for May and June 1965. TheSq SHCs thus derived are then compared with the results obtained using both unweighted and weighted versions of the least squares method. The weighting used tends to orthogonalize the least squares terms. The integral and weighted least squares results agree closely for terms up to order 4 and degree 30, but both disagree considerably for the higher degree terms with the results of the unweighted least squares. Errors introduced by the numerical integration can be shown to be small, hence the disagreement between integral and unweighted least squares coefficient sets arises from improper weighting. Also, it is concluded that discrepancies between the geomagnetic northward and eastward component-derived coefficient sets arise from either time-dependent external sources that produce non-local-time, based fields or nonpotential sources and not from truncation of the spherical harmonic series as has previously been suggested.Deceased.  相似文献   

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