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目的地居民对旅游业的感知态度因旅游发展阶段不同而不同。以丹江口水库南部东岸及南岸——南水北调中线工程渠首核心区为研究区域,通过构建居民潜在旅游影响感知评价指标体系,采用实地调查和统计分析方法,分析了研究区居民对潜在旅游影响的一般感知态度,并就居民社会人口统计学特征与潜在旅游影响感知的内在关系进行了探索,揭示了不同居民群体对研究区旅游开发潜在影响的感知态度差异,为研究区旅游业可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Urban geographers increasingly incorporate the potential of so‐called informal livelihood activities to provide resources that can be creatively managed in the transformation of urban space, particularly to the benefit of less well off and marginalized residents. This paper reports a case study in Rustenburg, North West Province, South Africa, where city managers began to promote inclusive development in the early 1990s, just prior to the formal dismantling of the apartheid system. The findings reveal that Rustenburg's urban transformation process, over a decade later, continued to reproduce repressive practices that limit the informal livelihood activities of the urban majority. Apparently efforts of well‐meaning city managers to implement a sustainable and inclusive development process are often rendered futile at the point of actually defining the constituents of urban socioeconomic transformation.  相似文献   

The Richtersveld is situated in an arid environment and its inhabitants are confronted with various hazards. Based on data collected during 22 months of ethnographic fieldwork, the livelihood strategies of Richtersvelders are explored. Besides a thorough examination of the diversified economy, the internal institutional arrangements for pooling and redistributing resources within households are analysed in this paper. Encouraging household members to engage in different activities and to share their income—as well as skills to manage the household budget properly—are integral to diversification and reducing the vulnerability of households. This study has shown that even in a community marked by considerable dependence on wage labour, almost three-quarters of the households are directly involved in stock farming. Although pastoralism still plays an important role for households, it has shifted from being the core economic activity to being an insurance against unemployment and contributing to subsistence. Stock farming serves to build up resilience through the diversification of economic activities inside the household. In the South African context, the relevance of activities dependent on land has implications not only for rural development, but also for post-apartheid land and agrarian reform.  相似文献   

RADARSAT-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images from the western Great Basin, North America are used to map geomorphic features using environmental data (increased soil moisture), differences in incidence angles and ascending/descending satellite passes. These attributes are shown to increase the ability to delineate subtle geomorphic features along old shorelines. The change in moisture and the temporal resolution of the images provides a unique opportunity to use moisture as a geomorphic mapping tool in addition to traditional techniques such as image texture and the size and shape of the image features.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In a government search for uranium in 1944–1946, uneconomic deposits of radioactive minerals were found concentrated in dredge tailings on the West Coast. In 1954 a new search was initiated, leading to the 1955 discovery of uranium in the Buller Gorge. In the 25-year investigation programme that followed, prospectors were assisted by staff from the Mines Department and the Geological Survey and were funded by grants from the New Zealand and UK governments. The prospecting continued unchallenged by the media or peace or environmental movements until 1979 when it ended for economic rather than philosophical reasons.  相似文献   

We assessed the geographic distribution of Tillandsia lomas in northern Chile, from Arica (18°20′S) to the Loa river (21°25′S) and discussed the factors that might potentially underlie the observed patterns. We carried out extensive field survey complemented with aerial surveys and analysis of specimens deposited in herbaria. We detected over 30 Tillandsia stands most of which corresponded to the species Tillandsia landbeckii and can be grouped in 10 large systems. Other two species were also detected Tillandsia marconae and Tillandsia virescens, both of which show a restricted distribution in the area. Our results provide evidence on the wide distribution of Tillandsia lomas in northern Chile and its association with fog corridors.  相似文献   

柳金峰  欧国强  游勇  吕娟 《山地学报》2005,23(6):719-724
南水北调西线一期工程区位于青藏高原的东北缘,具有复杂的地形地貌、岩性和区域构造背景,受自然因素控制和人类活动影响,尤其是工程建设对山地表层大规模的扰动,泥石流将成为工程施工和运行期间的重要灾害。通过野外考察和调查,查明了达曲流域的泥石流分布情况,得出达曲流域泥石流具有规模中等,危害严重;以冲为主,冲淤强烈;泥石流固体物质粒径粗;泥石流活动频率较低等特点。并在此基础上,分析了达曲流域泥石流的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Several studies in arid ecosystems have demonstrated that seedling establishment and survival were greater underneath the canopies of shrubs than in the open spaces between shrubs. These results led to the formulation of the hypothesis that seedling recruitment and survival were dependent on the shelter provided by shrub species (nurse-plant hypothesis). Seedling emergence and survival beneath and between the canopies of selected perennial shrub species were investigated at five localities in the Strandveld Succulent Karoo, each dominated by a different shrub species. Seedling emergence and survival were also examined at three localities dominated by annual species. In general, species richness and seedling densities were significantly higher in open areas than underneath shrubs, while seedling survival percentages did not differ significantly between microsites. Therefore, no evidence could be found to support the hypothesis that seedling recruitment and survival were facilitated by the presence of shrub species. Although most species will be able to establish in the absence of shrubs, the presence of woody species may have other advantages when restoring vegetation in mined areas.  相似文献   

Abiotic conditions and interactions among plants are important factors determining plant geographical distributions. With the aim of analyzing the distribution of a perennial grass species in a semiarid mountain range, we experimentally tested above- and belowground effects of shrubs on the grass along a gradient of aridity. We measured growth, physiology and reproductive output of Stipa tenacissima tussocks surrounded by intact or manipulated neighbour shrubs. Performance of Stipa improved under mesic conditions, but the net effect of shrubs on Stipa did not change along the gradient. Belowground, we did not find significant effects, suggesting belowground resource partitioning between tussocks and shrubs. Aboveground net effects of shrubs on Stipa were generally positive and independent from abiotic conditions. The improved performance of Stipa at the mesic end of gradient suggests that its absolute physiological optimum lies out of its realized range. Overall, the arid end of the geographical distribution of Stipa in this mountain range may be determined by environmental severity. The coincidence of the upper limit of Stipa with the lower tree limit suggests that the more mesic end of Stipa distribution may depend on other factors; most likely competition with trees, which, unlike shrubs, could be excluding Stipa tenacissima from forests.  相似文献   

The relationships between the spatial distribution of gully erosion and topographic thresholds in the form of slope angle, position and configuration, as well as land use change in the form of abandoned lands were examined in several affected catchments of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Land use and permanent gullies were mapped, digitized from orthophoto maps in Arc/info 3.5.2 GIS and converted to shapefiles using ArcView 3.2 GIS. Relationships between the mapped phenomena and topographic variables were sought using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in Idrisi Kilimanjaro GIS. A comparison between areas with a high potential for gullying and actual gully erosion was made using the Stream Power Index (SPI) as a surrogate for critical flow shear stress. Field surveys were also conducted to assess the present condition of the gullied sites as well as to validate DEM derivations.Seventy five percent of the gullied area was noted to lie on abandoned lands. A predominance of gullying in concave bottom lands was also identified. The SPI values highlighted a distinct preferential topographic zone for gully location. A conceptual model depicting the interaction between land use and topographic parameters to induce gully erosion was developed. This should assist local authorities to develop a policy regarding management of abandoned lands.  相似文献   

中国商业银行贷款地理分布对银行利润效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
商业银行的区域发展研究一直是金融地理研究中关注的重点。目前,对于商业银行贷款投放地理分散化程度能否为银行绩效带来正面的影响仍存在着一定的争议。本文在利用2007-2013年中国13家上市商业银行向各省投放的贷款数据,分析了大型商业银行和中小型商业银行的贷款投放地理分布特征及不良贷款的地理变化趋势的基础上,利用随机前沿分析方法(SFA)及Battese和Collie的基础模型构建超越对数利润函数模型,对商业银行贷款地理投放分散程度对银行利润效率的影响进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:1商业银行提高贷款的地理投放程度有助于提升商业银行经营过程中的盈利和利润效率。2大型商业银行由于受国家政策干预影响较大,贷款投放区域覆盖面更广,尤其是对中西部地区的贷款投放比例明显高于中小型商业银行,其平均利润效率一直高于中小型商业银行。但近年来,随着中小型商业银行贷款地理分散程度逐步提高,两者利润效率的差距逐渐缩小。3目前,中国部分中小型商业银行贷款业务依然以关系型为主,提高贷款的地理投放分散程度会降低其利润效率,应谨慎面对多元化经营问题,不可盲目随从。  相似文献   

The mechanisms underpinning local host specificity in mistletoes remain elusive. We determined the degree of host specificity in the mistletoe Viscum rotundifolium at Pniel Estates, near Kimberley, South Africa. We found that V. rotundifolium parasitises only Ehretia rigida and Ziziphus mucronata at this site. Both commonly parasitised host species were not the most abundant trees, were not the tallest trees, and did not have the highest water or nutrient content of trees in the area, although these factors are good predictors for mistletoe parasitism. Mistletoe seeds deposited on branches of E. rigida and Z. mucronata have a greater chance of attachment and subsequent survival, compared with those seeds deposited on co-occurring Acacia and other potential host species. The mistletoes had higher water potential than their host trees and by doing so they can passively maintain the flow of nutrients. In addition, the mistletoes had a N:Ca ratio >1, indicating active uptake from host phloem. Thus, this mistletoe species uses both passive and active uptake, which may be a selective advantage in a nutrient-poor environment or on a nutrient-deficient host species.  相似文献   

A traversing micro-erosion meter (TMEM) was used to measure micro-scale surface changes in a 45 cm2 area of an intertidal mudstone shore platform on Kaikoura Peninsula, New Zealand, with hourly readings taken over 5 days for two seasons, within 4 h either side of low tide. For all monitoring events, the relative height of a total of 120 co-ordinates were obtained, resulting in 4200 and 4800 measurements for the summer and winter seasons respectively. Within seasons, samples were grouped according to the presence of rain or no rain. Significant changes were found in the micro-topography with variations in temperature and among rain and no rain sample groups. For both seasons, in the absence of rain, there were positive linear relationships between rock surface temperatures and rock surface elevations, and regression analysis explained 42.3% and 46.5% of this variation for the summer (y = 0.098 + 0.004x; p-value = 0.007) and winter (y = 0.007 + 0.012x; p-value < 0.001) seasons respectively. It is suggested that incorporating weather readings alongside measurements of surface change could not only improve extrapolations of shore platform erosion from short-term studies, but also differentiate fluctuations in rock surfaces due to changes in rock surface temperatures from other processes involved in shore platform erosion.  相似文献   

This study explored the impacts of sustained heavy grazing in six vegetation types across an altitudinal and rainfall gradient in the Kamiesberg mountain range in Namaqualand. The study was carried out across the fence separating the Leliefontein communal area and surrounding privately owned farms. The communal area has been stocked over decades at approximately twice the government recommended stocking rate, while adjacent privately owned farms have generally adhered to recommended rates. Plant community data were collected from 66, 0.1 ha modified Whittaker plots and analysed for diversity and compositional changes. Consideration of community-wide responses through NMDS ordination showed that heavy grazing did not result in the dominance of a few wide-spread, weedy species in communal areas. Species richness at the 0.1 ha scale was also not affected by different land use practices. However, there was a significant compositional shift away from large woody and succulent shrubs, and an associated increase in dwarf shrubs and herbaceous perennial plants on the communal areas. This shift was only evident on the sandy lowland habitats, while a reduction in perennial grass was recorded in the rocky upland habitats on the communal areas. Compositional shifts towards smaller and more ephemeral species in the communal area are indicative of a system more closely dependent on rainfall. This has implications for people's livelihoods in the region, particularly in light of predicted climate change.  相似文献   

互花米草引种对苏北潮滩湿地TOC、TN和TP分布的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了TOC、TN和TP在苏北潮滩湿地不同生态带沉积物和植被中的分布状况,结果表明:TOC和TN的水平和垂向平均含量以互花米草滩为最高,其次分别为盐蒿滩、芦苇滩和光滩。TP的平均含量以光滩为最高,依次由海向陆逐渐减小。在生物量最大期间(秋季),单位面积上互花米草体内TOC、TN和TP的累积量远大于盐蒿和芦苇。互花米草主要通过以下4个方面对研究区潮滩湿地TOC、TN和TP的分布产生影响:(1)互花米草滩面较高的沉积速率;(2)互花米草对整个潮滩湿地不同植被分布格局的改变;(3)互花米草有着高生产力以及巨大的地下生物量;(4)互花米草的生长特性使其在生长过程中对磷的需求量很大。  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) on the structure and composition of Acacia tortilis woodland in northern Gonarezhou National Park, southeast Zimbabwe. A. tortilis woodland was stratified into high, medium and low elephant utilisation categories based on evidence of elephant habitat use as determined through dung-count surveys in relation to distance of woodland patches from perennial and natural surface water sources. The following variables were recorded in each study plot: tree height, species name, number of species, plant damage, basal circumference and number of stems per plant. A total of 824 woody plants and 26 woody species were recorded from the sampled A. tortilis woodland patches. Mean tree densities, basal areas, tree heights and species diversity were lower in areas with medium and high elephant utilisation as compared to low elephant utilisation areas. Plants damaged by elephants increased with increasing elephant utilisation. The study findings suggest that A. tortilis woodland is gradually being transformed into an open woodland. We recommended that protected area management in arid and semi-arid areas should consider (i) formulating clear thresholds of potential concern to allow for the conservation of sensitive woodlands such as A. tortilis woodlands and (ii) establishing long-term vegetation monitoring programmes.  相似文献   


The Charleston Estuarine System Stock (CESS) of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) has been the focus of population monitoring for the past 20 years. Photo-id studies have determined abundance and survival estimates for this population, which exhibits high site fidelity in this area. However, fine-scale distribution, utilization patterns, and the driving forces behind these patterns are lacking. Using historical photo-id data and a novel application of geographic information system (GIS) analysis, the present study identified core use areas within Charleston Harbor, as well as patterns specific to sexes and seasons. Photo-id data of 319 dolphins sighted 11 times or more during 2004–2009 were analyzed. Heat maps were developed to examine spatial distributions using kernel density estimates (KDE) and were compared between sexes and seasons. Multiple high-density core use areas were identified for this population, with the most noteworthy near the mouth of the harbor toward the Atlantic Ocean. Fine-scale distribution varied across sexes, as well as seasons. Some areas were identified as more specifically inhabited by one sex, while other areas overlapped between sexes. Females were more tightly concentrated within their distribution while males were more dispersed. Although population distribution varied across seasons, sex distributions remained.  相似文献   

We quantified soil nutrients and biological crust cover (bryophytes and lichens) under the canopies of three species of Mojave Desert shrubs and in interspaces between shrubs at three elevations to determine the effects of shrub species, soil crust, and elevation on islands of soil fertility. Means of pH, organic matter, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrogen mineralization, and gravimetric soil moisture are significantly greater in soils under Ambrosia dumosa (Gray) Payne, Larrea tridentata Cov., and Coleogyne ramosissima Torr. than soils from adjacent interspace microhabitats. Although soil moisture and soil organic matter increase by a factor of 1.5 from the low elevation to the high elevation site, the ratio of shrub to interspace concentrations, or the difference in mean soil variables between shrubs and interspaces, is effectively constant and independent of elevation. Total bryophyte and lichen cover is relatively low (24.5%), however, there are 11 species of bryophytes and two species of lichens distributed across three elevations with the highest species richness and cover at the low-elevation site. Bryophyte and lichen cover is correlated with silt but is not related, consistently, to soil nutrients. Overall, the balance of processes controlling spatial aggregation of soil nutrients under shrubs is remarkably insensitive to potential differences in organic inputs among elevations, shrub species, and soil crust surfaces.  相似文献   

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