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周广庆  季仲贞  苗波 《大气科学》1994,18(3):274-283
本文用四系数的低阶谱模式研究了一个可移动风应力强迫作用下的海流方程多态解的问题。定常解的分布特征及其稳定性对风应力强迫的移动速度有很强的依赖性并且在ε较小时有同时存在三组解的情况。对方程各项大小的计算表明,当风应力强迫主要用来平衡摩擦项或β项时,解是稳定的;其他情况下解一般不稳定。另外,本文还从能量关系讨论了解的稳定性,表明当海洋响应的能量主要集中在低阶谱上时,解一般是稳定的,这时能量平衡关系主要表现为风应力强迫项与摩擦项的平衡。  相似文献   

乌元康 《大气科学》1989,13(3):273-279
本文描述了一个全球原始方程谱模式及其方程组。模式在垂直方向取σ坐标,水平方向用球面勒尚得函数表示,并用三角形截差法取21个波,模式中包含有各种非绝热物理过程的参数化方案。时间积分采用半隐式方案,并考虑了地形的影响。模式的数值试验结果表明,该模式有能力模拟出人气环流中的许多基本特征。例如,纬向平均风场、温度场、径向环流、南北方向上物理量的交换和输送等等。模式在北京气象中心M-170机上积分一天,时间步长取45min,需要20min CPU时间,内存62k字节。因此该模式可以在国内大部份中型机上运行。  相似文献   

本文建立了一个34层包括牛顿冷却、Rayleigh摩擦和非绝热加热线性原始方程谱模式。用此模式对地形强迫为下边界条件进行时间积分。结果表明,此模式计算稳定,有较好的精度及计算时间节省的特点模式的积分结果还表明,此模式对球面大气准定常行星波的形成和传播有较好的描写能力。  相似文献   

在T63L1 6谱模式中 ,初始输入的水汽场 ,经展谱后 ,垂直各层一般出现 2 %~8%的负水汽点。为了克服这一负水汽现象 ,我们采用了“逐步循环订正法”对初值进行了一些特别处理。经实例计算表明 ,其效果明显 ,不仅负水汽现象得以克服 ,而且各层水汽场的水平分布不会带来明显的变化  相似文献   

黄荣辉  严邦良 《大气科学》1993,17(3):257-267
本文用线性化全球原始方程谱模式来研究地形强迫行星波的垂直传播过程及演变特征.模式的积分结果表明:行星波的能量沿两支波导进行传播,在波从对流层向平流层传播中,极地波导起着主要作用.由于重力波破碎的阻尼作用,地形强迫的行星波无论它的波作用量或振幅都呈现振荡状态.  相似文献   

长时效的正压原始方程能量完全守恒(拟)谱模式   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
钟青 《气象学报》1994,52(4):385-396
遵循误差反演补偿新计算原理,对正压原始方程传统气象全球拟谱模式方案进行了改造,构造了正压原始方程能量完全守恒全球拟增模式新计算方案,解决了正压原始方程的(非线性)计算稳定性问题和能量守恒整体性质保持问题,改进了相应正压原始方程传统气象全球拟谱模式方案的计算效能。新方案的数值试验表明:在计算实践上,新方案在解决能量守恒问题的同时,可解决(非线性)计算稳定性问题,并在一定条件下可解决非线性计算收敛性问题。进一步的比较数值试验还表明:在计算实践上,新方案具有在提高相应传统气象方案的计算精度,减少其计算量的同时,延长其计算时效,解决其中一类特定“气候漂移”问题方面的效用。本工作原理也适用于斜压原始方程情形。  相似文献   

大气谱模式中质量守恒格式的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
陈嘉滨  舒静君 《大气科学》1996,20(2):169-180
当前在世界上广泛采用的谱模式,是以地面气压ps取对数作为展谱变量,模式大气总质量不守恒。本文研究这样的问题,提出了以热力学变量比容α代替温度变量T的方法,并以地面气压ps本身作为展谱变量,这样可以保持大气总质量守恒。同时,由于以α作展谱变量,可使重要项气压梯度项为二阶变量组成,截谱后,不会出现混淆误差。计算结果表明,这样改变后,大气总质量保持守恒。同时消除了混淆误差的出现。  相似文献   

一类双曲-抛物型方程的广义解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了一类奇摄动双曲-抛物型方程广义初边值问题,在适当的条件下,用Galerkin方法研究了广义解的存在性、唯一性,同时得到了解的渐近估计式。  相似文献   

This study discusses the representation of the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) in three simulations with the ECHAM4 atmosphere general circulation model (GCM). First, the model is forced by AMIP sea surface temperatures (SST), then coupled to the OPYC3 global ocean GCM and third forced by OPYC3 SSTs to clarify possible air-sea interactions and connections of the ISO and the ENSO cycle. The simulations are compared to ECMWF reanalysis data and NOAA outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) observations. Although previous studies have shown that the ECHAM4 GCM simulates an ISO-like oscillation, the main deficits are an overly fast eastward propagation and an eastward displacement of the main ISO activity, which is shown with a composite analysis of daily data between 1984 to 1988 for the reanalysis and the AMIP simulation, 25 years of the coupled integration, and a five year subset of the coupled SST output used for the OPYC3 forced atmosphere GCM experiment. These deficits are common to many atmospheric GCMs. The composites are obtained by principal oscillation pattern (POP). The POPs are also used to investigate the propagation speed and the interannual variability of the main ISO activity. The present coupled model version reveals no clear improvements in the ISO simulation compared to the uncoupled version forced with OPYC3 SSTs, although it is shown that the modeled ISO influences the simulated high-frequency SST variability in the coupled GCM. Within the current analysis, ECHAM4 forced by AMIP SSTs provides the most reasonable ISO simulation. However, it is shown that the maximum amplitudes of the annual cycle of the ISO variability in all analyzed model versions are reached too late in the year (spring and summer) compared to the observations (winter and spring). Additionally, the ENSO cycle influences the interannual variability of the ISO, which is revealed by 20 years of daily reanalysis data and 100 years of the coupled integration. The ENSO cycle is simulated by the coupled model, although there is a roughly 1 K cold bias in the East Pacific in the coupled model. This leads to a diminished influence of the ENSO cycle on the spatial variability of the modeled ISO activity compared to observations. This points out the strong sensitivity of the SST on the ISO activity. Small biases in the SST appear to cause large deterioration in the modeled ISO.  相似文献   

 To understand the influence of the Bering Strait on the World Ocean’s circulation, a model sensitivity analysis is conducted. The numerical experiments are carried out with a global, coupled ice–ocean model. The water transport through the Bering Strait is parametrized according to the geostrophic control theory. The model is driven by surface fluxes derived from bulk formulae assuming a prescribed atmospheric seasonal cycle. In addition, a weak restoring to observed surface salinities is applied to compensate for the global imbalance of the imposed surface freshwater fluxes. The freshwater flux from the North Pacific to the North Atlantic associated with the Bering Strait throughflow seems to be an important element in the freshwater budget of the Greenland and Norwegian seas and of the Atlantic. This flux induces a freshening of the North Atlantic surface waters, which reduces the convective activity and leads to a noticeable (6%) weakening of the thermohaline conveyor belt. It is argued that the contrasting results obtained by Reason and Power are due to the type of surface boundary conditions they used. Received: 27 October 1995/Accepted: 20 November 1996  相似文献   

An investigation of properties of the solutions of the steady state inviscid barotropic vorticity equation in a rectangular basin was performed for various functional relationships between potential vorticity and the streamfunction. All computed solutions which have slow interior flow and satisfy Arnol'd-Blumen condition are qualitatively similar to Fofonoff's inertial gyre. A new class of solutions with a small vortex near the boundary current is described. Such solutions are not stable under finite amplitude perturbations and instability is manifested in the drift of the vortex. It is shown that the vortex is robust and decays only after collision with the boundary or under the influence of very large perturbations. We also show that the inertial boundary current may be much wider than in Fofonoff's model due to the appearance of a countercurrent on its seaward side.  相似文献   

A key question in studies of the potential for reducing uncertainty in climate change projections is how additional observations may be used to constrain models. We examine the case of ocean carbon cycle models. The reliability of ocean models in projecting oceanic CO2 uptake is fundamentally dependent on their skills in simulating ocean circulation and air–sea gas exchange. In this study we demonstrate how a model simulation of multiple tracers and utilization of a variety of observational data help us to obtain additional information about the parameterization of ocean circulation and air–sea gas exchange, relative to approaches that use only a single tracer. The benefit of using multiple tracers is based on the fact that individual tracer holds unique information with regard to ocean mixing, circulation, and air–sea gas exchange. In a previous modeling study, we have shown that the simulation of radiocarbon enables us to identify the importance of parameterizing sub-grid scale ocean mixing processes in terms of diffusive mixing along constant density surface (isopycnal mixing) and the inclusion of the effect of mesoscale eddies. In this study we show that the simulation of phosphate, a major macronutrient in the ocean, helps us to detect a weak isopycnal mixing in the upper ocean that does not show up in the radiocarbon simulation. We also show that the simulation of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) reveals excessive upwelling in the Southern Ocean, which is also not apparent in radiocarbon simulations. Furthermore, the updated ocean inventory data of man-made radiocarbon produced by nuclear tests (bomb 14C) enable us to recalibrate the rate of air–sea gas exchange. The progressive modifications made in the model based on the simulation of additional tracers and utilization of updated observational data overall improve the model’s ability to simulate ocean circulation and air–sea gas exchange, particularly in the Southern Ocean, and has great consequence for projected CO2 uptake. Simulated global ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO2 from pre-industrial time to the present day by both previous and updated models are within the range of observational-based estimates, but with substantial regional difference, especially in the Southern Ocean. By year 2100, the updated model estimated CO2 uptake are 531 and 133 PgC (1PgC?=?1015 gram carbon) for the global and Southern Ocean respectively, whereas the previous version model estimated values are 540 and 190 PgC.  相似文献   

As the accuracy of ocean models improves, determination of the solar irradiance within the ocean may become important to simulate precisely the seasonal evolution of the SST. As ocean optical properties are not well documented in space and time, we have undertaken a sensitivity study to measure the corresponding SST uncertainties at a global scale using a model coupling the LMD AGCM with an integral mixed layer model and a thermodynamic sea ice representation. The downwelling irradiance formulation is that of Paulson and Simpson which has been tuned for the five water types of the Jerlov classification. Two sensitivity, and academic, experiments corresponding to a uniformly clear ocean or turbid ocean are carried out. Turbid waters exhibit, in general, a stronger seasonal cycle of the SST of about 2°C. The sensitivity is far from uniform, with a maximum in the subtropics and the mid-latitudes of the summer hemisphere. It corresponds precisely to the area in which the observed optical properties present a large temporal variability which is therefore likely to have an action on the seasonal cycle of the ocean surface temperatures. We perform a decomposition of the model sensitivity in four terms, corresponding to the direct impact of the water type change, feedback due to the mixed layer change, feedback due to the surface solar irradiance change, and feedback due to the non solar heat fluxes change. The first two terms dominate the SST change. The direct effect tends to increase the warming of the mixed layer. In addition, the mixed layer depth diminishes because of a higher stabilizing effect of solar radiation on the TKE budget. This tends to increase further summer warming of the SST as well as their winter cooling.  相似文献   

Coastal ocean numerical modeling is basically the representation of the dynamics of the coastal ocean in a chosen range of length scales and over an associated frequency band, including the modeling of both coherent processes and associated transient processes. The ocean dynamical features can be individually identified by combining wavelet analysis for time and frequency localization and principal component analysis to “decorrelate” physically consistent structures. In the present paper, the so-called WEof analysis is applied for the extraction of external gravity waves and internal gravity wave lower modes in a simple case of a flat bottom, constant Brunt-Väisälä ocean. It is shown that, with some well known restrictive assumptions, WEof analysis is an efficient candidate for the recognition of frequency localized dynamical processes.  相似文献   

ResponseProcessofOceantoAtmosphericForcingandOptimalResponseFrequencyintheCZOceanModelNiYunqi(倪允琪),ZouLi(邹力)andWuAiming(吴爱明)(...  相似文献   

Coastal ocean numerical modeling is basically the representation of the dynamics of the coastal ocean in a chosen range of length scales and over an associated frequency band, including the modeling of both coherent processes and associated transient processes. The ocean dynamical features can be individually identified by combining wavelet analysis for time and frequency localization and principal component analysis to “decorrelate” physically consistent structures. In the present paper, the so-called WEof analysis is applied for the extraction of external gravity waves and internal gravity wave lower modes in a simple case of a flat bottom, constant Brunt-Väisälä ocean. It is shown that, with some well known restrictive assumptions, WEof analysis is an efficient candidate for the recognition of frequency localized dynamical processes.  相似文献   

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