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Sediment samples from the Mid-Atlantic Reykjanes Ridge (59°N) were taken to get information about sediment genesis and to identify different sources during the late Quaternary. Samples were investigated by X-ray diffraction and grain-size analyses. The clay mineral assemblages in sediments of the Reykjanes Ridge reflect paleoceanographic changes during the late Quaternary. Holocene sediments are characterized by high contents of smectite, mainly of less developed crystallinity. In the spatial distribution of clay minerals high smectite concentrations on the eastern flank and slightly decreasing concentrations on the western flank of the Reykjanes Ridge indicate the action of bottom-water transport. The smectite originates mainly from the volcanogenous Icelandic shelf and reflects the influence of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water (ISOW). Stratigraphic variability in the clay mineral composition reflects predominantly the influence of different sources, resulting from oceanographic and glacial transport processes. During glacial time sediment transport is due mainly to input by icebergs. Increasing amounts of illite, chlorite, and kaolinite characterize ice-rafted sediments of the “Heinrich layers”. In these sediments smectite crystallinity is well developed. In contrast, several other ice-rafted layers contain smectite with low crystallographic order, similar to smectites of Holocene age. The icelandic source was proved by distinct amounts of basaltic glass in the coarse-grained sediment. At approximately 55 ka increasing amounts of chlorite and kaolinite suggest an enhanced influx of warm North Atlantic surface waters. This hypothesis is supported by a high carbonate shell production at this time. Relative low concentrations and the well-developed crystallinity of smectite minerals characterize the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 18–16 ka), indicating a reduced supply of fine icelandic material. Shortly after the LGM, at the beginning of termination IA, a distinct increase in fine-grained quartz (<2μm) and smectite are visible, which are proposed to reflect a supply of fine-grained ice-rafted material. At 13 ka linear increasing smectite concentrations of lower crystallographic order indicate increasing supply of fine-grained material from Iceland, linked to reinitiation of bottom currents of the ISOW. Full reinitiation is indicated at around 10 ka, where a strong increase in smectite of low crystallographic order is detected.  相似文献   

A. MURAT  H. GOT† 《Sedimentology》1987,34(5):885-899
Although most of the Quaternary sediments of the eastern Mediterranean appear reworked, extensive areas of hemipelagic sediments occur, mainly in the central part of the basin (Mediterranean Ridge). The most obvious character of these muddy sediments is the numerous changes in colour. They result from the organic carbon content as well as from concentration and chemical form of metallic elements (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn). The succession of coloured layers is arranged into sequences developed between two sharp contacts; a complete sequence involves five lithofacies, from an oxidized layer at the base to a reduced sapropel at the top, and displays progressive internal changes of colour from ochre, beige, greyish-beige, grey and black layers: several sequence-variants (top-truncated, base-truncated, recurrent) are identified. These sequences are a consequence of changes in oceanographic conditions, i.e. from oxidizing to reduced environments, resulting in different organic and mineral contents. Based on detailed studies of Quaternary sediments collected by coring, a synthesized standard succession representative of the ordered sequences in the eastern Mediterranean is proposed, from about 650 000 yr as deduced from the calculated rate of sedimentation of 1·7 mm 1000yr?1. This succession appears modulated by cyclic events: large-scale periods (200 000 yr) of reduced and oxidized sequences correlate with major alternate phases of flooding and reduced flow of the Nile River during the Quaternary. Subsequent sequences of shorter time-scale (20 000–50 000 yr) results from two factors: heaviest monsoons leading to an increase of the influx of the Nile River and global climatic changes (Eurasian ice sheet meltwater); these two factors act synchronously or independently along the studied time-span. These interplaying factors result in periodic stages of increasingly restricted conditions in the basin and explain the complexity of the eastern Mediterranean succession, at least since 650 000 yr ago.  相似文献   

对河北平原中部保定西伯章厚20.74 m的剖面进行实测,系统采集粒度和光释光(OSL)样品进行分析,以期获得其沉积特征及环境演变信息。光释光测年显示该剖面为102~8.69 ka的沉积,时代属于晚更新世到早全新世。岩性和粒度分析表明该剖面为曲流河冲积沉积,可以进一步划分为河道沉积和河漫滩沉积。河道沉积以含云母碎片的中粗砂为主,发育斜层理,频率曲线以正偏双峰频率曲线为主,分选中等到较差,概率累积曲线以跳跃组分为主的两段式为主。河漫滩沉积以黏土质粉砂为主,含保存良好的腹足类化石和钙质结核,频率曲线以负偏双峰为主,分选差,概率累积曲线以悬浮组分占比大的两段式为主。C-M图显示该剖面以均匀悬浮沉积为主,属典型曲流河沉积。实测剖面与黄土剖面对比分析显示西伯章剖面可以分为三个阶段,下部20.74~16.14 m为末次间冰期晚期沉积,气候温暖湿润,以粉砂质沉积为主;中部16.14~3.18 m为末次冰期沉积,气候干冷,沉积物显示细—粗—细的特征,与末次冰期早冰阶—间冰阶—盛冰阶一一对应;上部3.18~0.2 m为冰后期沉积,与末次间冰期晚期沉积环境类似,以黏土和黏土质粉砂沉积为主。粒度成因分析揭示了河北平原中部保定凹陷区晚第四纪沉积环境主要为河流冲积环境,粒度阶段性分布特征是晚第四纪以来冰期-间冰期气候的物质响应。   相似文献   

The Late Triassic (Carnian-Rhaetian) Callide Coal Measures are preserved in a partly fault-bounded basin remnant in east-central Queensland, Australia. The sequence comprises up to 150 m of interbedded clastic sedimentary rocks and at least four major coal seams, including one coal body up to 23 m thick. The sequence was deposited initially in high-gradient alluvial fan systems which gave way through time to sandy, low-sinuosity rivers. The restricted, intermontane and entirely alluvial nature of sediment accumulation is here considered to have influence the petrographic characteristics of Callide coals, and their external geometry.The main coal seam from the Callide Measures shows variation in the predominance of some macerals, indicating successions of environmental changes. The application of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to the study of the Callide coal has enabled a better understanding of the nature and origin of some of the less understood macerals such as micrinite and vitrinite B. Two forms of vitrinite have been observed, each with a distinct reflectance range. The wood-sourced vitrinite A displays an average reflectance of 0.56%, implying a higher rank than the 0.49% Ro total vitrinite reflectance recorded in previous publications. Vitrinite B and A together represent the most commonly occurring macerals in the Callide coal samples of the present study. The lower-reflecting vitrinite B which forms bands, often several hundred μm in thickness, in TEM shows sub-micron electron transparent laminae of lipid-rich material alternating with a more conventional vitrinite material. The vitrinite B is interpreted to represent accumulations of leaves.The Callide coal has entered the oil window, and oil has been generated from some exinite, cutinite, and resinite, as evident from change in fluorescence and the presence of exsudatinite in cell cavities and cleats. Vitrinite B is seen under the microscope to also be generating oil. Micrinite, the origin of which has been much debated, occurs in selected horizons only, as lenticular bodies suggesting cell filling or filling of spaces between laminations in vitrinite B. TEM shows micrinite to consist predominantly of sub-micron pyrite and possibly other mineral particles adsorbed on humic acids.  相似文献   

原油似甲基二苯并噻吩含量与沉积环境及次生变化的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如果把芳烃TIC(总离子色谱图)上所有芳烃峰的峰面积之和作分母,以m/z198质量色谱图上三个甲基二苯并噻吩异构体峰面积之和作分子,计算出来的比值本文称为似甲基二苯并噻吩含量。它既是甲基二苯并噻吩化合物在原油中的丰度参数,也是苯并噻吩类化合物总和的含量参数。根据对中国含油气盆地112个原油样品中似甲基二苯并噻吩含量统计发现,当原油无TSR作用时,海相原油的似甲基二苯并噻吩含量要大于陆相原油;陆相原油中,盐湖相原油的似甲基二苯并噻吩含量又大于淡水湖相。当有TSR经历时,无论是海相或陆相原油,其似甲基二苯并噻吩含量都急剧增加,而且与伴生天然气中H2S的含量呈正相关。分析数据也表明,虽然原油的生物降解也可以使似甲基二苯并噻吩含量增加,但与TSR和烃源岩的沉积环境相比,生物降解的贡献可能并不大。似甲基二苯并噻吩含量可以作为沉积环境、TSR和原油的生物降解研究的地球化学参数。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to better understand the depositional setting of Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene oil shales from southeast and central-east Jordan. One core from both the Jafr and the Azraq-Hamza Basins was logged, and their lithology, texture, and ichnofabrics were recorded. A total of 79 thin sections were analyzed petrographically, and eight microfacies types recognized. Both cores show lithologic and petrographic similarities. The oil shales are Maastrichtian to Danian in age and can be described as organic matter and calcite-rich mudrocks. The most abundant granular components are foraminifera and various types of phosphatic bio- and lithoclasts. Macrofossils (bivalves, ostracods, echinoderms) were recorded in some intervals. The current results were compared with data from a previous publication on Maastrichtian oil shales from the Jafr Basin. A new model explaining the deposition of the oil shales of the Jafr and Azraq-Hamza Basins is proposed. The onset of the Maastrichtian oil shale deposition in both basins coincides with the early Maastrichtian transgression in this region. The organic matter-rich sediments were deposited in a mid to outer ramp setting below the storm wave base. Younger oil shales of Late Maastrichtian to Danian age were deposited in a shallower environment, below the fair weather wave base. The Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary is marked by a hiatus in both cores. The Danian oil shales show relatively lower “total organic carbon” content than the Maastrichtian ones. The former are believed to have been deposited in more oxygenated bottom waters of a mid-ramp zone.  相似文献   

中国第四纪晚期环境与文化两大事件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
周昆叔 《第四纪研究》1998,18(2):191-191
约11000aB.P.中国第四纪晚期发生了由晚更新世末次冰期转变为全新世冰后期,由于该期冷暖环境的剧变,促使人类文化由旧石器时代转变为新石器时代,这是晚近环境和文化的两大事件,它们各自发生、形成,以及彼此间关系的研究,因涉及到认识自然环境和人类演变规律的关键,故是人们既感到迷惑又必须重视的问题。近年间在地球科学领域内,季风对环境变化的驱动和效应,以及海陆对比等环境变迁研究的长足进展,对我国第四纪晚期发生冷暖环境变化过程和状况有了许多新的认识。例如,华北约30000~23000aB.P,我国北方海侵发生,云杉(Picea)、冷杉(Ables)植被发育和多技毛犀(Coelodontaantiqui  相似文献   

Experimental investigations on pyrite synthesis indicate that before pyrite can be produced by a reaction involving ferrous iron, the disulphide ion must be formed; in experiments described the ion was obtained by the action of H2S in aqueous solution on elemental sulphur. Conditions under which the experiments were conducted indicate that pyrite will not form above pH 6.0. The reaction to produce pyrite is fastest when oxygen is excluded and elemental sulphur is produced from the oxidation of H2S by ferric iron. A reaction between FeS and elemental sulphur will yield pyrite at a much slower rate, although the same basic reaction is involved. An attempt has been made to relate the occurrence of pyrite in different sedimentary environments to this basic chemistry.
Zusammenfassung Wie Versuche zeigen, ist die Voraussetzung der Pyrit-Bildung das Vorliegen von S 2 2– -Ionen, die dann mit FeII reagieren. Die S 2 2– -Ionen wurden durch Einwirken einer verdünnten H2S-Lösung auf elementaren Schwefel erhalten. Pyrite entstehen in diesen Experimenten somit nur unterhalb pH 6. Pyrit erhält man am schnellsten, wenn Sauerstoff abwesend ist und der H2S durch FeIII oxidiert wird. Die Umsetzung von FeS mit elementarem Schwefel liefert Pyrit wesentlich langsamer, wenn auch die zugrunde liegenden Reaktionen sich entsprechen. Es wird versucht, sedimentäre Pyrit-Vorkommen entsprechend diesen Reaktionsabläufen zu deuten.


The present study deals with the geochemistry of Late Quaternary ironstones in the subsurface in Rajshahi and Bogra districts, Bangladesh with the lithological study of the boreholes sediments. Major lithofacies of the studied boreholes are clay, silty clay, sandy clay, fine to coarse grained sand, gravels and sands with (fragmentary) ironstones. The ironstones contain major oxides, Fe2O3* (* total Fe) (avg. 66.6 wt%), SiO2 (avg. 15.3 wt%), Al2O3 (avg. 4.0 wt%), MnO (avg. 7.7 wt%), and CaO (avg. 3.4 wt%). These geochemical data imply that the higher percentage of Fe2O3* along with Al2O3 and MnO indicate the ironstone as goethite and siderite, which is also validated by XRD data. A comparatively higher percentage of SiO2 indicates the presence of relative amounts of clastic quartz and manganese-rich silicate or clay in these rocks. These ironstones also have significant amounts of MnO (avg. 7.7 wt%) suggesting their depositional environments under oxygenated condition. Chemical data of these ironstones suggest that the source rock suffered deep chemical weathering and iron was mostly carried in association with the clay fraction and organic matter. Iron concretion was mostly formed by bacterial build up in swamps and marshes, and was subsequently embedded in clayey mud. Within the coastal environments, the water table fluctuates and goethite and siderite with mud and quartz became dry and compacted to form ironstone.


原型盆地恢复有助于盆地构造—岩相古地理的研究和揭示盆山耦合,对油气勘探与开发具有重要的指导意义。本文利用最新的钻井、测井及露头资料,以沉积相为研究实体,运用盆—山结合的思路,由点—线—面进行分析,重建了鄂尔多斯盆地晚石炭世本溪组沉积时期的构造—沉积环境,研究了原型盆地特征及性质。本溪组沉积期,鄂尔多斯盆地沉积具有东西分异的特征:淳化—庆阳—吴起地区及北部伊盟地区为暴露剥蚀区,东部为克拉通内坳陷盆地,西部为克拉通边缘裂陷盆地。乌达—呼鲁斯台及鄂尔多斯—神木地区发育三角洲相,并向南逐渐推进;鄂西石嘴山、环县及鄂东府谷、延安地区以环带状潮坪—泻湖相为主,受间歇性海侵影响;吴忠、柳林—吉县地区发育低能的泻湖相;中卫—中宁、韩城及以东地区发育不同深度的陆棚及开阔台地。该时期盆地构造环境表现为南北向双向俯冲、贺兰拗拉槽再活化,格局经历了南隆北倾向北隆南倾的转变。受此影响,鄂尔多斯盆地构造古地理格局开始由东西分异逐渐向南北分异转变,受东西两侧海侵影响沉积相带呈环带状展布,但在盆地北部发育潮控三角洲,表现出近缘特征。晚石炭世鄂尔多斯盆地构造—沉积环境与原型盆地特征与其对周缘大地构造运动的响应。  相似文献   

李小强  王嘉伟 《地质通报》2016,35(9):1497-1505
对塔里木盆地西南缘皮亚曼—布雅一带阿孜干组和塔哈奇组的岩性组合特征及其中的腕足类化石进行了研究。共鉴定出腕足类化石11属15种,分属于石燕贝目、长身贝目、扭月贝目和小嘴贝目。基于岩性组合和腕足类化石的特征,推测皮亚曼—布雅一带在晚石炭世中晚期的环境比较温暖,水体动荡、较浅,属于碳酸盐台地沉积环境;期间发生2次海退,其沉积记录分别位于阿孜干组上部与塔哈奇组顶部。  相似文献   

A detailed record of late Quaternary sea-level oscillations is preserved within the upper 45 m of deposits along an eight km transect across Croatan Sound, a drowned tributary of the Roanoke/Albemarle drainage system, northeastern North Carolina. Drill-hole and seismic data reveal nine relatively complete sequences filling an antecedent valley comprised of discontinuous middle and early Pleistocene deposits. On interfluves, lithologically similar marine deposits of different sequences occur stacked in vertical succession and separated by ravinement surfaces. Within the paleo-drainage, marine deposits are separated by fluvial and/or estuarine sediments deposited during periods of lowered sea level. Foraminiferal and molluscan fossil assemblages indicate that marine facies were deposited in a shallow-marine embayment with open connection to shelf waters. Each sequence modifies or truncates portions of the preceding sequence or sequences. Sequence boundaries are the product of a combination of fluvial, estuarine, and marine erosional processes. Stratigraphic and age analyses constrain the ages of sequences to late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 and younger (∼ 140 ka to present), indicating multiple sea-level oscillations during this interval. Elevations of highstand deposits associated with late MIS 5 and MIS 3 imply that sea level was either similar to present during those times, or that the region may have been influenced by glacio-isostatic uplift and subsidence.  相似文献   

原型盆地恢复有助于盆地构造—岩相古地理的研究和揭示盆山耦合,对油气勘探与开发具有重要的指导意义。本文利用最新的钻井、测井及露头资料,以沉积相为研究实体,运用盆—山结合的思路,由点—线—面进行分析,重建了鄂尔多斯盆地晚石炭世本溪组沉积时期的构造—沉积环境,研究了原型盆地特征及性质。本溪组沉积期,鄂尔多斯盆地沉积具有东西分异的特征:淳化—庆阳—吴起地区及北部伊盟地区为暴露剥蚀区,东部为克拉通内坳陷盆地,西部为克拉通边缘裂陷盆地。乌达—呼鲁斯台及鄂尔多斯—神木地区发育三角洲相,并向南逐渐推进;鄂西石嘴山、环县及鄂东府谷、延安地区以环带状潮坪—泻湖相为主,受间歇性海侵影响;吴忠、柳林—吉县地区发育低能的泻湖相;中卫—中宁、韩城及以东地区发育不同深度的陆棚及开阔台地。该时期盆地构造环境表现为南北向双向俯冲、贺兰拗拉槽再活化,格局经历了南隆北倾向北隆南倾的转变。受此影响,鄂尔多斯盆地构造古地理格局开始由东西分异逐渐向南北分异转变,受东西两侧海侵影响沉积相带呈环带状展布,但在盆地北部发育潮控三角洲,表现出近缘特征。晚石炭世鄂尔多斯盆地构造—沉积环境与原型盆地特征与其对周缘大地构造运动的响应。  相似文献   

Easter Island occupies an exceptionally isolated position in the south Pacific Ocean. It is entirely volcanic, and is famous for its giant statues. Late Quaternary sediments have been investigated in three craters: Rano Raraku, Rano Aroi and Rano Kao, giving a continuous record over the past 30 Ka. Pollen records indicate that the island was formerly forested. Palynological and sedimentological evidence suggests a Late Pleistocene climate slightly cooler and drier than the present. Deforestation by people occurred mainly between 1200 and 800 yr BP. This may have led to an ecological disaster and to the decline of the megalithic civilization. The depauperation of the present native flora owes more to human activity than to isolation.  相似文献   

Lake Chungará (18°15′S, 69°09′W, 4520 m above sea‐level) is the largest (22·5 km2) and deepest (40 m) lacustrine ecosystem in the Chilean Altiplano and its location in an active volcanic setting, provides an opportunity to evaluate environmental (volcanic vs. climatic) controls on lacustrine sedimentation. The Late Quaternary depositional history of the lake is reconstructed by means of a multiproxy study of 15 Kullenberg cores and seismic data. The chronological framework is supported by 10 14C AMS dates and one 230Th/234U dates. Lake Chungará was formed prior to 12·8 cal kyr bp as a result of the partial collapse of the Parinacota volcano that impounded the Lauca river. The sedimentary architecture of the lacustrine succession has been controlled by (i) the strong inherited palaeo‐relief and (ii) changes in the accommodation space, caused by lake‐level fluctuations and tectonic subsidence. The first factor determined the location of the depocentre in the NW of the central plain. The second factor caused the area of deposition to extend towards the eastern and southern basin margins with accumulation of high‐stand sediments on the elevated marginal platforms. Synsedimentary normal faulting also increased accommodation and increased the rate of sedimentation in the northern part of the basin. Six sedimentary units were identified and correlated in the basin mainly using tephra keybeds. Unit 1 (Late Pleistocene–Early Holocene) is made up of laminated diatomite with some carbonate‐rich (calcite and aragonite) laminae. Unit 2 (Mid‐Holocene–Recent) is composed of massive to bedded diatomite with abundant tephra (lapilli and ash) layers. Some carbonate‐rich layers (calcite and aragonite) occur. Unit 3 consists of macrophyte‐rich diatomite deposited in nearshore environments. Unit 4 is composed of littoral sediments dominated by alternating charophyte‐rich and other aquatic macrophyte‐rich facies. Littoral carbonate productivity peaked when suitable shallow platforms were available for charophyte colonization. Clastic deposits in the lake are restricted to lake margins (Units 5 and 6). Diatom productivity peaked during a lowstand period (Unit 1 and subunit 2a), and was probably favoured by photic conditions affecting larger areas of the lake bottom. Offshore carbonate precipitation reached its maximum during the Early to Mid‐Holocene (ca 7·8 and 6·4 cal kyr bp ). This may have been favoured by increases in lake solute concentrations resulting from evaporation and calcium input because of the compositional changes in pyroclastic supply. Diatom and pollen data from offshore cores suggest a number of lake‐level fluctuations: a Late Pleistocene deepening episode (ca 12·6 cal kyr BP), four shallowing episodes during the Early to Mid‐Holocene (ca 10·5, 9·8, 7·8 and 6·7 cal kyr BP) and higher lake levels since the Mid‐Holocene (ca 5·7 cal kyr BP) until the present. Explosive activity at Parinacota volcano was very limited between c. >12·8 and 7·8 cal kyr bp . Mafic‐rich explosive eruptions from the Ajata satellite cones increased after ca 5·7 cal kyr bp until the present.  相似文献   

Examined in this paper is the tentative history of the depositional flux of230Thxs (the unsupported fraction of230Th scavenged from the overlying water column), for the Late Quaternary period from a sediment core of the Central Indian Basin (CIB). The measured depositional flux of230Thxs is found substantially higher than that of the possible theoretical flux from the overlying water column. Historical records, reconstructed from the230Thxs chronology suggests that the depositional flux has varied considerably with time, reflecting an enhanced scavenging during the Holocene and the preceding interglacial periods whereas, comparatively lower flux than the predicted one occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) period. The average ratio of the measured depositional flux to that of the predicted flux from the overlying water column, indicates that the core site acts as a sink for230Thxs and based on the existence of bottom current activity; the230Thxs could be the result of focusing of younger sediments. The depositional index (Di) has also been calculated to quantify the extent of lateral supply throughout the core with time. The estimated (Di) suggests that bottom focusing and feeble deposition and/or winnowing processes had occurred and that the former was most prevalent during the Holocene and the preceding interglacials, whereas the latter was observed at the LGM period.  相似文献   

Glacial erosion has caused overdeepening of many alpine valleys. After retreat of the ice, they were filled with heterogeneous deposits of glacial, lacustrine and fluvial sediments. A typical example of such a valley segment and its infill is the Reuss delta on the southern shore of Lake Lucerne in Switzerland. To obtain a detailed three‐dimensional image of this valley segment, the ETH Institute of Geophysics has acquired several two‐dimensional, high‐resolution seismic and georadar profiles, and conducted a three‐dimensional georadar survey. Interpretations of these geophysical data were constrained by a geological core extracted from a borehole 300 m deep near the investigation site. The seismic profiles imaged ca. 600 m of sediment infill above bedrock. Based on their reflection characteristics, five different deposition units were distinguished. These units were interpreted as a succession of clay/silt at the base, followed by different sand units with variable but generally increasing amounts of gravel. This succession represented a prograding delta that filled the southern part of Lake Lucerne. The latest fluvial development of the region is best represented by the georadar data. In particular, the three‐dimensional georadar data set provides a detailed view of an ancient braided river channel Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

江西玉山祝宅晚奥陶世地层、沉积特征及环境初探   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
<正> 江西玉山县城东南约15km处的祝宅,出露着富含壳相化石、以碳酸盐岩相为主的奥陶纪地层。这一地层最早为张利民等于1977年发现,1980年韩乃仁、李罗照等测制剖面,写了“江西玉山祝宅奥陶系剖面”初稿。1985年,陈旭、戎嘉余、李守军在前人工作的基础上进行野外调查,室内研究后草成本文。 本文珊瑚、藻类和层孔虫由邓占球、穆西南和董得源鉴定。刘云做了红外曲线分析,杨荣庆清绘插图,毛继良摄制沉积岩薄片,李懋摄制高岭石的扫描电镜照片,均一并致谢。  相似文献   

A review of the braided-river depositional environment   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Andrew D. Miall 《Earth》1977,13(1):1-62

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