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Phillips (1966)指出,Brunt-V?is?l? 频率的分布是海洋中最重要的动力学特征之一。它是研究海水内部运动的一个重要参数,特别是关于海洋内波的研究。Brunt-V?is?l? 频率又称静态稳定性频率,更确切地应称作浮力频率,因为它与分层流体中作绝热移动的流体元的浮力变化相联系。Brunt-V?is?l? 频率(以下缩写成B. V. f.) 记作N。 根据B. V. f. 分布特征研究海水结构及动力学特性的论述颇多,但绝大多数侧重于深海大洋的研究,且时常将其上层撇开,从而可求得一个比较简单的解析式,这显然是由于海洋上层较其下层复杂的缘故。对于浅海陆架的情形,研究得比较少。前田明夫(1974)曾根据日本近岸(5公里以内)三个观测站上1-3天的观测资料,分析研究了日本近海上层海洋短周期海水温度起伏的动力学特性。本文试图对我国东海陆架浅海B.V.f.的空间分布和时间变化特征作一探讨。  相似文献   

海洋沉积物中的植物信息具有重要的生态学和古环境意义,但传统方法只能通过研究沉积物中的孢粉获取植物信息。随着分子生物学的进步,探索利用海洋沉积物中的植物分子多样性解释全球变化成为了一种新的尝试。文章首次尝试了对海洋沉积物中的植物DNA进行提取与PCR扩增,通过使用不同的DNA提取方法(DNA提取试剂盒)和PCR扩增条件[2倍浓缩的PCR扩增预混合溶液(Mix)退火温度、循环数、DNA模板量以及引物],探索海洋沉积物中植物DNA提取和PCR扩增的方法,并在采自黄海潮间带以及浅海表层的沉积物中进行了检验。共尝试了32种方法,结果表明:强力土壤微生物DNA提取试剂盒(DNeasy PowerSoil)以及2×TransTaq HiFi PCR SuperMixⅠ是较好的DNA提取与扩增条件;对于潮间带表层沉积物样品,最佳退火温度为55°C,最佳循环数为55个循环;而对于浅海表层沉积物样品,最佳退火温度为59°C,最佳循环数为45个循环;此外,相对于rbcL引物, gh引物的扩增结果更好。这项研究首次成功提取并扩增了海洋沉积物中的植物DNA,以期应用于海洋沉积物中植物分子多样性的分析,为研究全球...  相似文献   

B.T.波戈罗夫曾径在“海洋与湖沼”1卷1期上发表的“海洋浮游生物调查方法的标准化”这篇文章中,主要地介绍了一些浮游生物分布的研究方法。这些方法,适用于远离海岸的深水地区。因此,对于沿海地区和浅海(渤海、黄海和北部湾等)说来,波戈罗夫所提出的方法是不适用的。所以,中国科学院海洋研究所曾对上述方法提出了许多宝贵的修改,这些修改的内容是在浅海以及用小船进行浮游生物调查工作时必须考虑的。1958年8月  相似文献   

渤海湾西北部沿海平原分布众多牡蛎礁体,通过对岭头和大吴庄牡蛎礁体的详细研究,岭头埋藏牡蛎礁体及礁体上覆泥质沉积物剖面中共发现硅藻18属32种,自下而上划分了3个硅藻带(I—III),显示礁体在向上建礁至被掩埋的过程中受海水作用逐渐减弱。对相距约20km的大吴庄礁体硅藻结果(不含上覆泥层)的再研究,及与岭头硅藻结果(不含上覆泥层)的对比显示:大吴庄礁体硅藻种相对丰富,潮间带河口种和沿岸种含量多,说明礁体生长在潮间带或浅海区靠近河口的位置,建礁过程中受河流与海洋的双重影响,潮间带河口种C.stylorum和C.striata在礁体中垂向含量的波动变化,指示了建礁过程中河流影响强弱的变化。相反,岭头礁体硅藻种相对单一,浅海与浮游种含量大,生长位置可能远离河口或为逐渐封闭的泻湖或海湾环境,建礁过程中主要受海洋影响,浅海种P.sulcata和浮游种T.nitzschioides垂向含量的波动变化反映了礁体受海洋影响强弱的变化。  相似文献   

本文介绍了浅海海洋质子磁力仪在胶州湾中的试验结果,解决了浅海海洋质子磁力仪在实验室中未能解决的几个问题,已成功地应用于整个胶州湾的浅海海洋磁场测量中,首次获得了近岸浅海湾的完整海洋磁场资料。  相似文献   

一、引言我国海域辽阔,漫长的海岸线长达一万八千多公里.在这辽阔的海洋中,存在着各种各样的波动,蕴藏着丰富的能量资源,而这种能源取之不尽,用之不竭.象高频波动的海浪,潮频的潮位和潮流,它们的能量有的已经被利用,有的正在被利用.而在海洋中还存在一系列其它波动,如低频水位的波动,它仍含有自己的能量,这也有待于我们去研究.本文用能量谱分析的方法给出该海区低频水位能量的分布并分析能量的来源.因为"谱"系指能量相对于各组成波的频率的分布,水位具有的能量是由各组成波动贡献而得.所以谱是于整个频率范围内实行积分的结果,是水位变化总能量的量度.而  相似文献   

高志一  文凡  李洁 《海洋科学》2011,35(9):96-106
对波群内单个波的波陡分布和波破碎进行了实验研究。研究结果是,波群中波动的最大振幅出现在波群前部而不是出现在波群中央,这种不对称性导致波群前部单个波出现大波陡的概率大于后部单个波出现大波陡的概率;进一步的波破碎统计发现波群前部单个波破碎的频率是后部单个波破碎频率的4倍。因此认为,波群结构的不对称性能够导致单个波发生破碎的...  相似文献   

2005年夏末、秋初在黄海南部进行一次多家联合海洋声学实验研究,主要目的是研究浅海内波(线形、非线性)及其海洋温度峰面对远距离声传播的起伏效应及其声学方法监测海洋新方法研究。文章综述这几年实验数据处理的一些结果。  相似文献   

采用海洋再分析结果,研究了海洋涡旋和锋面波动对台湾以东黑潮锋的影响,结果表明,Rossby波第一斜压模态形成的冷涡(暖涡),减弱(增强)台湾以东黑潮温度锋强度,减小(加大)锋的宽度.在再分析结果中,捕获到1991年1-2月台湾以东的一次黑潮锋面波动.锋面波动的波槽(波脊)到达时,该温度锋强度减弱(增强),宽度和厚度减小...  相似文献   

采用海洋再分析结果,研究了海洋涡旋和锋面波动对台湾以东黑潮锋的影响,结果表明,Rossby波第一斜压模态形成的冷涡(暖涡),减弱(增强)台湾以东黑潮温度锋强度,减小(加大)锋的宽度.在再分析结果中,捕获到1991年1-2月台湾以东的一次黑潮锋面波动.锋面波动的波槽(波脊)到达时,该温度锋强度减弱(增强),宽度和厚度减小...  相似文献   

The measurements by using ADCP (500 KH) and CTD were made during August 2000 in the south (37°55''N, 120°25''E) of the Bohai Sea, where the water depth was about 16.5m. The data of horizontal velocity with sampling interval of 2 min in 7 layers were obtained. The power spec-trum analysis of these data indicates that there are very energetic infragrvity waves with a period of about 6 min. The coherence spetrum analysis and the analysis of temporal variation of shear show that these infragravity waves are mainly the free wave model (properties of edge waves), in the meantimethey possess some characteristics of internal waves, which are likely due to the distinctive marine environment in this area. It is speculated on that the instability processes (chiefly shear instability) of sheared stratified tidal flow owing to the effect of sea-floor slope in the coastal area might be the main mechanism generating these infragravity waves.  相似文献   

On the basis of the theoretical research results by the author and the literature published up to date, the analysis and the justification presented in this paper show that the breaking products of oceanic internal waves are not only turbulence, but also the fine-scale near-inertial internal waves (the oceanic reversible finestructure) for inertial waves and the internal solitary waves for internal tides respectively. It was found that the oceanic reversible finestructure may be induced by the effect of the horizontal component f (f = 2Ωcosφ) of the rotation vector on inertial waves. And a new instability of the theoretical shear and strain spectra due to the effect of f occurs at critical vertical wavenumber β c ≈ 0.1 cpm. It happens when the levels of shear and strain of the reversible finestructure are higher than those of inertial waves, which is induced by the effect of f along an "iso-potential-pycnal" of internal wave. If all breaking products of internal waves are taken into account, the average kinetic energy dissipation rate is an order of magnitude larger than the values of turbulence observed by microstructure measurements. The author’s theoretical research results are basically in agreement with those observed in IWEX, DRIFTER and PATCHEX experiments. An important impersonal fact is that on the mean temporal scale of thermohaline circulation these breaking products of internal waves exist simultaneously with turbulence. Because inertial waves are generated by winds at the surface, and internal tides are generated by strong tide-topography interactions, the analysis and justification in this paper support in principle the abyssal recipes Ⅱ:energetics of tidal and wind mixing by Munk & Wunsch in 1998, in despite of the results of microstructure measurements for the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate and the diapycnal turbulent eddy diffusivity.  相似文献   

声速剖面时空分布的获取是利用声学方法监测内波的核心问题。在反演算法中,声速剖面通常是采用展开的方式用若干个参数来表示的。这就导致了有时很难从反演结果中直接获得内波的相关信息。本文的目标是找到一种通过展开系数直接获取内波特性的方法。通过推导内波水动力方程,可以从较少的声速剖面样本中提取出水动力简正模态(Hydrodynamic Normal Modes,HNMs)作为声速剖面展开的正交基。较之广泛采用的正交经验函数(Empirical Orthogonal Functions, EOFs),HNMs直接与内波活动相关,具有更明确的物理含义。然后,基于HNMs对声速剖面的时间序列进行展开,获得展开系数。最后,从前两阶展开系数的时间导数中可以获取内波活动的信息。将方法应用于受内波影响而具有明显时空扰动的南海北陆架区温度链数据,结果表明:只用前两节模态就可以在较好的精度范围内重构声速剖面。前两阶系数的时间导数具有独特的双震荡结构可以用于探测内孤立波。从展开系数也可以获得幅度以及波长信息。理论推导和实验分析证明了本文方法在内波监测中的有效性。HNMs方法使用便利且对样本的依赖性较小,可以在内波活跃海域作为EOFs的有效补充用于声速剖面的展开。  相似文献   

考虑旋转向量水平分量的大洋内波方程的一个渐近解   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对于考虑旋转向量水平分量的大洋内波方程,本文求出了满足该方程的波函数的一个渐近解.该渐近波函数的振荡特性得到研究,结果表明旋转向量水平分量对高模态(高波数)内波的影响是不可忽略的.  相似文献   

Recent numerical studies (Hibiya et al., 1996, 1998, 2002) showed that the energy cascade across the internal wave spectrum down to small dissipation scales was under strong control of parametric subharmonic instabilities (PSI) which transfer energy from low vertical mode double-inertial frequency internal waves to high vertical mode near-inertial internal waves. To see whether or not the numerically-predicted energy cascade process is actually dominant in the real deep ocean, we examine the temporal variability of vertical profiles of horizontal velocity observed by deploying a number of expendable current profilers (XCPs) at one location near the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge. By calculating EOFs, we find the observed velocity profiles are dominated by low mode semidiurnal (∼double-inertial frequency) internal tides and high mode near-inertial internal waves. Furthermore, we find that the WKB-stretched vertical scales of the near-inertial current shear are about 250 sm and 100 sm. The observed features are reasonably explained if the energy cascade down to small dissipation scales is dominated by PSI.  相似文献   

南海西北陆坡区内潮与近惯性内波观测研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
梁辉  郑洁  田纪伟 《海洋学报》2016,38(11):32-42
通过对2006年南海西北部海域近3个月的全水深流速观测资料的分析,研究了该海区正压潮、内潮及近惯性内波的时空分布特征。结果表明,全日内潮明显强于半日内潮,且最大潮流均出现在海洋上层;内潮的主轴方向基本沿东南-西北方向,近似与局地等深线垂直;内潮能量显示出明显的时间长度约为半月的大小潮调制周期;全日内潮的coherent部分占全日内潮能量的70%,而半日内潮的coherent部分占半日内潮能量的53%;进一步研究发现半日内潮主要由第一模态主导,而全日内潮第三模态能量占总能量的比例仅次于第一模态且量值上与之相当;强风过程可激发出强的近惯性运动,暖涡使得近惯性内波能量更有效地向海洋深层传播,冷涡则不利于近惯性内波能量向下传播。  相似文献   

Based on the moored current and temperature observations during the summer of 2005, the vertical structure of the internal tides on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea (SCS) is studied. The vertical structure of the internal tides was found to differ greatly between semidiurnal and diurnal constituents. Generally, the diurnal constituents are dominated by the first-mode motions, which are consistent with the overwhelming first-mode signals in the northeastern SCS. In contrast, the semidiurnal internal tides, unlike the predomination of the first-mode variations in the northeastern area, exhibit a higher modal structure with dominate second-mode signals in the observational region. Moreover, although the diurnal internal tides are much stronger than the semidiurnal component, the shear caused by the latter over various scales was found to be significant compared to that induced by the diurnal tides, probably due to the superposition of the first-mode and higher-mode (smaller scale) semidiurnal variations. Further analysis demonstrates that the shear induced by the diurnal internal tides is larger than that induced by the semidiurnal variations around 45 m depth, where the first-mode current reversal in the vertical happens, while below 45 m depth higher-mode semidiurnal internal tides generally produce larger shear than that by the diurnal component. The northwest-propagating semidiurnal internal tides of higher-mode with small vertical scale, probably do not originate from a distant source like Luzon Strait, but were likely generated near the experiment site.  相似文献   

Ocean Waves: Half-a-Century of Discovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the nature of most ocean waves has long been known and their basic physics understood since the nineteenth century, intense study of ocean waves during the second half of the twentieth century has taken the subject from the realm of mathematical exercises to that of practical engineering. Modern understanding of the generation, propagation and interactions of ocean waves with each other and with oceanic features has advanced to a quantitative level offering predictive capacity. This paper presents a brief qualitative review of advances in knowledge of sound waves, wind waves, tsunamis, tides, internal waves and long-period vorticity waves. The review is aimed at non-specialists who may benefit from an overview of the current state of the subject and access to a bibliography of general-interest references. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

基于X 波段雷达获取东沙群岛附近内波的传播速度   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吕海滨  何宜军  申辉 《海洋科学》2012,36(11):98-102
根据2009年6月24日15时40分至25日16时40分“科学一号”考察船在东沙岛东北部陆架上K106站进行的长达25 h的X波段雷达、温度链、声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)同步观测数据,在该海域利用 Radon 变换技术获取了本次观测到的内孤立波的传播速度.利用该孤立波到达前30 min 的ADCP 流速值,计算得到内波传播方向上的背景流流速为0.04 m/s.最终得出该孤立波的传播速度为3.04 m/s,传播方向约为297°.基于同样的处理方法,求解了本航次中获取的南海东北部陆架处其他站点部分内波的波速信息.南海东北部陆架处内波,主要向西或西北方向传播.本研究对增进东沙群岛附近内孤立波传播特征的认识,具有重要意义.  相似文献   

On the basis of the time series observations from a temperature chain and an acoustic Doppler current profiler on the continental shelf of the northern South China Sea, a sequence of internal solitary waves (ISWs) and background waves (BWs, including internal tides and near-inertial waves) on the continental shelf were captured simultaneously after the transit of Typhoon Neast in October 2011. These measurementsprovided a unique opportunity to explore the influence of BWs on the ISWs. The BWs appeared a conversion on the current strength and vertical mode structure during the observational period. The BWs were dominated by weak and mode-one waves before October 2 and then turned to strong and high-mode waves after that time. Meanwhile, the ISWs displayed different wave structures before and after October 2, which was closely related to BWs' changes. According to the current profiles of BWs, the high-mode wave structure with strong current could significantly strengthen the vertical shear of ISWs in the near-surface layer and promote the breaking of ISWs, and thus it may play an important role in affecting the background current condition.  相似文献   

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