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New major and trace element analyses and Sr-isotope determinations of rocks from Mt. Somma–Vesuvius volcano produced from 25 ky BP to 1944 AD are part of an extensive database documenting the geochemical evolution of this classic region. Volcanic rocks include silica undersaturated, potassic and ultrapotassic lavas and tephras characterized by variable mineralogy and different crystal abundance, as well as by wide ranges of trace element contents and a wide span of initial Sr-isotopic compositions. Both the degree of undersaturation in silica and the crystal content increase through time, being higher in rocks produced after the eruption at 472 AD (Pollena eruption). Compositional variations have been generally thought to reflect contributions from diverse types of mantle and crust. Magma mixing is commonly invoked as a fundamental process affecting the magmas, in addition to crystal fractionation. Our assessment of geochemical and Sr-isotopic data indicates that compositional variability also reflects the influence of crustal contamination during magma evolution during upward migration to shallow crustal levels and/or by entrapment of crystal mush generated during previous magma storage in the crust. Using a variant of the assimilation fractional crystallization model (Energy Conservation–Assimilation Fractional Crystallization; [Spera and Bohrson, 2001. Energy-constrained open-system magmatic processes I: General model and energy-constrained assimilation and fractional crystallization (EC–AFC) formulation. J. Petrol. 999–1018]; [Bohrson, W.A. and Spera, F.J., 2001. Energy-constrained open-system magmatic process II: application of energy-constrained assimilation–fractional crystallization (EC–AFC) model to magmatic systems. J. Petrol. 1019–1041]) we estimated the contributions from the crust and suggest that contamination by carbonate rocks that underlie the volcano (2 km down to 9–10 km) is a fundamental process controlling magma compositions at Mt. Somma–Vesuvius in the last 8 ky BP. Contamination in the mid- to upper crust occurred repeatedly, after the magma chamber waxed with influx of new mantle- and crustal-derived magmas and fluids, and waned as a result of magma withdrawal and production of large and energetic plinian and subplinian eruptions.  相似文献   

通过对江陵剖面沉积物的高密度采样和有机碳同位素分析,重建了江汉平原江陵地区近9.0kaB.P.以来的古气候古环境演化。江汉平原江陵地区9.0~6.31kaB.P.属相对温暖湿润的气候环境,晚期向干旱方向发展;6.31~4.97kaB.P.为冷干气候环境,在5.78kaB.P.达到极盛;4.97~2.50kaB.P.为暖湿气候时期,其间3.44~2.50kaB.P.湖沼泥炭发育,3360aB.P.、3110aB.P.、2935aB.P.和2710aB.P.为明显的降温期,尤以2710aB.P.的降温幅度最大;2.50kaB.P.以来温度相对较低,为冷期。江陵地区近9kaB.P.以来的气候变化与国内相邻区域的研究资料相一致,但又有区域的差异性。  相似文献   

Analysis of stacked Permo‐Pennsylvanian palaeosols from north‐central Texas documents the influence of palaeolandscape position on pedogenesis in aggradational depositional settings. Palaeosols of the Eastern shelf of the Midland basin exhibit stratigraphic trends in the distribution of soil horizons, structure, rooting density, clay mineralogy and colour that record long‐term changes in soil‐forming conditions driven by both local processes and regional climate. Palaeosols similar to modern histosols, ultisols, vertisols, inceptisols and entisols, all bearing morphological, mineralogical and chemical characteristics consistent with a tropical, humid climate, represent the Late Pennsylvanian suite of palaeosol orders. Palaeosols similar to modern alfisols, vertisols, inceptisols, aridisols and entisols preserve characteristics indicative of a drier and seasonal tropical climate throughout the Lower Permian strata. The changes in palaeosol morphology are interpreted as being a result of an overall climatic trend from relatively humid and tropical, moist conditions characterized by high rainfall in the Late Pennsylvanian to progressively drier, semi‐arid to arid tropical climate characterized by seasonal rainfall in Early Permian time. Based on known Late Palaeozoic palaeogeography and current hypotheses for atmospheric circulation over western equatorial Pangea, the Pennsylvanian palaeosols in this study may be recording a climate that is the result of an orographic control over regional‐scale atmospheric circulation. The trend towards a drier climate interpreted from the Permian palaeosols may be recording the breakdown of this pre‐existing orographic effect and the onset of a monsoonal atmospheric circulation system over this region.  相似文献   

The Great Xing′an and Lesser Xing′an ranges are characterized by immense volumes of Mesozoic granitoids. In this study, we present major and trace element geochemistry, U–Pb geochronology and systematic Sr–Nd–Hf isotopes for the representative samples, in order to constrain their petrogenesis and the tectonic evolution in NE China. The granitoids generally have high SiO2 (66.5–78.8 wt.%) and Na2O + K2O (7.0–8.9 wt.%) contents and belong to high‐K calc‐alkaline to shoshonitic series. All of them show enrichment in Rb, Th, U, Pb and light rare earth elements (LREE), and depletion in Nb, Ta, P and Ti. Zircon U–Pb dating suggests that there was continuous magmatism in both the Great Xing′an Range and the Lesser Xing′an Range during the Jurassic–Early Cretaceous interval. Seven Jurassic granitoids have (87Sr/86Sr)i values of 0.704351 to 0.707374, with ϵNd(t) values of −3.4 to 2.4 and ϵHf(t) values of 0.8 to 11.3, indicating that they originated from mixed sources involving depleted mantle and pre‐existing crustal components. One Early Cretaceous sample yields (87Sr/86Sr)i value of 0.706184, ϵNd(t) value of 0.6, and ϵHf(t) values of 7.0 to 8.2, which is in accordance with previous studies and indicates a major juvenile mantle source for the granitoids in this period. In the Jurassic, the magmatism in the Great Xing′an Range was induced by the subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean, while the contemporaneous magmatism in the Lesser Xing′an Range was related to the subduction of the Palaeo‐Pacific Ocean. In the Early Cretaceous, extensive magmatism in NE China was probably attributed to large‐scale lithospheric delamination. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sedimentary succession of Gallocanta lake, a closed saline lake located in the Iberian Range (NE Spain), documents two successive lacustrine stages: (1) brackish lake stage and (2) shallow saline lake stage. The saline stage corresponds to the present-day situation in which the lake water properties are mainly controlled by a strongly negative annual water balance. The carbonates of the brackish lake stage have relatively constant δ18O values, however, they are rather high (δ18ODo = 2.4‰ and δ18OCc = 4.5‰ mean values) suggesting a hydrologically closed lake with a long residence time of the waters. δ18O values of carbonates from the saline stage vary greatly, and are lighter than in the previous stage (δ18ODo = 0.5‰, δ18OCc = −0.7‰, δ18OMgs = −2.3‰ mean values). These carbonates also precipitated in a hydrologically closed lake, but in equilibrium with a lake water of more variable isotopic composition. The δ13C values for carbonates of both stages reflect a mixing of different pools of carbon, but during saline stage δ13C values have been more controlled by the equilibrium of the lake waters with atmospheric CO2. During the current stage, calcite and dolomite precipitate in Gallocanta lake mainly during spring and summer, although dolomite precipitation is more favoured towards the summer. Magnesite precipitates at the beginning of autumn, when the first rainfall re-dissolves the saline surface crust, producing saline waters with a high Mg2+ content. The isotopic composition of lake waters sampled in 2005 are far higher than those calculated from the carbonates. It is considered that this could be due to two factors: either because there have not been many extremely dry years (like the year 2005) during the development of the lake, or because the physical and chemical characteristics of the lake waters in such conditions are not appropriate for the development of these minerals.  相似文献   

The Maastrichtian–Danian limestones of the Yacoraite Formation (northwestern Argentina) show carbon and oxygen isotopic values consistent with shallow marine conditions. The members of the formation respond to different sedimentary environments and are characterised by distinctive stable isotopes and geochemistry. The basal Amblayo Member is composed of high-energy dolomitic limestones and limestones with positive isotopic values (+2‰ δ13C, +2‰ δ18O). The top of the member reveals an isotopic shift of δ13C (−5‰) and δ18O (−10‰), probably related to a descent in the sea level. The sandy Güemes Member has isotopically negative (−2‰ δ13C, −1‰ δ18O) limestones, principally controlled by water mixing, decreased organic productivity, and compositional changes in the carbonates. The isotopically lighter limestones are calcitic, with a greater terrigenous contribution and different geochemical composition (high Si–Mn–Fe–Na, low Ca–Mg–Sr). These isotopic and lithological changes relate to the Cretaceous–Palaeogene transition. The Alemanía Member, composed of dolomitic limestones and pelites, represents a return to marine conditions and shows a gradual increase in isotopic values, reaching values similar to those of the Amblayo Member. The Juramento Member, composed of stromatolite limestones, shows isotopic variations that can be correlated with the two well-defined, shallowing-upward sequences of the member.  相似文献   

A combined pollen, charcoal and climatic record is presented from Cranes Moor, southern England, covering the period c. 10 500–5850 cal a BP. It is shown that the occurrence of burning is closely related to natural processes, including prevailing climatic conditions and vegetation composition. These burning events are often linked to an increase in the summer moisture deficit, implying that the timing of burning events is linked to periods of warmer/drier climate during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (c. 11 000–5000 cal a BP). These events play an important role in the vegetation composition and succession around the site. The nature of the burning recorded at the site shows strong similarities with other records from northern Europe. This study throws caution on suggestions that fire in the Holocene record from areas such as the British Isles is linked only to human activity, and enhances the possibility that natural fire incidence played an important role in natural woodland structure dynamics.  相似文献   

We report geochronologic, whole‐rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses of the granites that are exposed to both the north and the inside of the Bangong–Nujiang Suture (BNS) zone as well as the implications for the Mesozoic history of Tibet. To the north of the BNS, the Larelaxin pluton consists of I‐type quartz diorite and highly fractionated I‐type biotite granite. The Larelaxin pluton is enriched in large‐ion lithophile elements (LILE) but depleted in high‐field‐strength elements (HFSE); therefore, it exhibits the features of volcanic arc rocks. The initial Sr (0.7102 to 0.7215) and negative εNd (t) (−2.91 to −5.20) values imply a mixture of depleted mantle and continental crust. The mean 206Pb/238U zircon age is 168 Ma; we therefore propose that the Bangong–Nujiang Ocean (BNO) had already been subducted beneath the Qiangtang terrain by the middle Jurassic. Inside the BNS, the Rutog granites intruded into the Lagongtang and Duoren formations, which show a continental margin and a forearc basin sedimentary facies, respectively. The mean 206Pb/238U zircon age is 101 Ma. The Rutog granites are monzogranites with a high Na/K ratio (Na2O/K2O > 1) and a high LILE/HFSE ratio, and A/CNK < 1.1. The high Sr/Y ratio (22 to 56) implies that these granites are adakitic. The low initial Sr (0.7044 to 0.7055) and positive εNd (t) (+1.46 to +2.70) values indicate that the protolith of the Rutog granites originated mainly from a depleted source. We attribute the Rutog plutonism to the development of an oceanic arc during the continuing northward subduction of the BNO and propose that the Rutog adakitic granites were formed by melting of the subducted BNO crust with limited crustal contamination. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(3):275-286
The volcanic‐hosted Xiangshan uranium orefield is the largest uranium deposit in South China. Recent exploration has discovered extensive Pb–Zn mineralization beneath the uranium orebodies. Detailed geological investigation reveals that the major metallic minerals include pyrite, sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite, whilst the major non‐metallic minerals include quartz, sericite, and calcite. New δ18Ofluid and δDfluid data indicate that the ore‐forming fluids were mainly derived from magmatic, and the sulfide δ34S values (2.2–6.9‰) suggest a dominantly magmatic sulfur source. The Pb isotope compositions are homogeneous (206Pb/204Pb = 18.120–18.233, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.575–15.698, and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.047–38.446). The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of sulfide minerals range from 0.7197 to 0.7204, which is much higher than volcanic rocks and fall into the range of metamorphic basement. Lead and strontium isotopic compositions indicate that the metallogenic materials probably were derived from metamorphic basement. Pyrite Rb–Sr dating of the ores yielded 131.3 ± 4.0 Ma, indicating that the Pb–Zn mineralization occurred in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Pseudoemiliana lacunosa, Gephyrocapsa oceanica and Emiliania huxleyi (Ionian) (Pleistocene–Holocene) calcareous nannoplankton zones were identified from 82 samples of 14 cores taken from 8 locations in the northeastern Sea of Marmara. The investigation indicates that the identified biozones have been alternated by tectonic activity in the 1, 5 and 6 core locations. The study area has been affected three times by tectonic activity during the Pleistocene–Holocene time interval. The first activity occured during the Early Pleistocene and the others during Holocene.  相似文献   

Garnet amphibolites can provide valuable insights into geological processes of orogenic belts, but their metamorphic evolution is still poorly constrained. Garnet amphibolites from the Wutai–Hengshan area of the North China Craton mainly consist of garnet, hornblende, plagioclase, quartz, rutile and ilmenite, with or without titanite and epidote. Four samples selected in a south–north profile were studied by the pseudosection approach in order to elucidate the characteristics of their metamorphic evolution, and to better reveal the northwards prograde change in P–T conditions as established previously. For the sample from the lower Wutai Subgroup, garnet exhibits obvious two‐substage growth zoning characteristic of pyrope (Xpy) increasing but grossular (Xgr) decreasing outwards in the core, and both Xpy and Xgr increasing outwards in the rim. Phase modelling using thermocalc suggests that the garnet cores were formed by chlorite breakdown over 7–9 kbar at 530–600 °C, and rims grew from hornblende and epidote breakdown over 9.5–11.5 kbar at 600–670 °C. The isopleths of the minimum An in plagioclase and maximum Xpy in garnet were used to constrain the peak P–T conditions of ~11.5 kbar/670 °C. The modelled peak assemblage garnet + hornblende + epidote+ plagioclase + rutile + quartz matches well the observed one. Plagioclase–hornblende coronae around garnet indicate post‐peak decompression and fluid ingress. For the samples from the south Hengshan Complex, the garnet zoning weaken gradually, reflecting modifications during decompression of the rocks. Using the same approach, the rocks are inferred to have suprasolidus peak conditions, increasing northwards from 11.5 kbar/745 °C, 12.5 kbar/780 °C to 13 kbar/800 °C. Their modelled peak assemblages involve diopside, garnet, hornblende, plagioclase, rutile and quartz, yet diopside is not observed petrographically. The post‐peak decompression is characterized by diopside + garnet + quartz + melt = hornblende + plagioclase, causing the diopside consumption and garnet compositions to be largely modified. Thus, the pesudosection approach is expected to provide better pressure results than conventional thermobarometry, because the later approach cannot be applied with confidence to rocks with multi‐generation assemblages. U–Pb dating of zircon in the Wutai sample records a protolith age of c. 2.50 Ga, and a metamorphic age of c. 1.95 Ga, while zircon in the Hengshan samples records metamorphic ages of c. 1.92 Ga. The c. 1.95 Ga is interpreted to represent the pre‐peak or peak metamorphic stages, and the ages of c. 1.92 Ga are assigned to represent the cooling stages. All rocks in the Wutai–Hengshan area share similar clockwise P–T morphologies. They may represent metamorphic products at different crustal depths in one orogenic event, which included a main thickening stage at c. 1.95 Ga followed by a prolonged uplift and cooling after 1.92 Ga.  相似文献   

The Weiquan Ag-polymetallic deposit is located on the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and in the western segment of the Aqishan-Yamansu arc belt in East Tianshan,northwestern China. Its orebodies, controlled by faults, occur in the lower Carboniferous volcanosedimentary rocks of the Yamansu Formation as irregular veins and lenses. Four stages of mineralization have been recognized on the basis of mineral assemblages, ore fabrics, and crosscutting relationships among the ore veins. Stage I is the skarn stage(garnet + pyroxene), Stage Ⅱ is the retrograde alteration stage(epidote + chlorite + magnetite ± hematite 士 actinolite ± quartz),Stage Ⅲ is the sulfide stage(Ag and Bi minerals + pyrite + chalcopyrite + galena + sphalerite + quartz ± calcite ± tetrahedrite),and Stage IV is the carbonate stage(quartz + calcite ± pyrite). Skarnization,silicification, carbonatization,epidotization,chloritization, sericitization, and actinolitization are the principal types of hydrothermal alteration. LAICP-MS U-Pb dating yielded ages of 326.5±4.5 and 298.5±1.5 Ma for zircons from the tuff and diorite porphyry, respectively. Given that the tuff is wall rock and that the orebodies are cut by a late diorite porphyry dike, the ages of the tuff and the diorite porphyry provide lower and upper time limits on the age of ore formation. The δ~(13)C values of the calcite samples range from-2.5‰ to 2.3‰, the δ~(18)O_(H2 O) and δD_(VSMOW) values of the sulfide stage(Stage Ⅲ) vary from 1.1‰ to 5.2‰ and-111.7‰ to-66.1‰, respectively,and the δ~(13)C, δ~(18)O_(H2 O) and δD_(V-SMOW) values of calcite in one Stage IV sample are 1.5‰,-0.3‰, and-115.6‰, respectively. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen isotopic compositions indicate that the ore-forming fluids evolved gradually from magmatic to meteoric sources. The δ~(34)S_(V-CDT) values of the sulfides have a large range from-6.9‰ to 1.4‰, with an average of-2.2‰, indicating a magmatic source, possibly with sedimentary contributions. The ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb, and ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb ratios of the sulfides are 17.9848-18.2785,15.5188-15.6536, and 37.8125-38.4650, respectively, and one whole-rock sample at Weiquan yields~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb, and ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb ratios of 18.2060, 15.5674, and 38.0511,respectively. Lead isotopic systems suggest that the ore-forming materials of the Weiquan deposit were derived from a mixed source involving mantle and crustal components. Based on geological features, zircon U-Pb dating, and C-H-OS-Pb isotopic data, it can be concluded that the Weiquan polymetallic deposit is a skarn type that formed in a tectonic setting spanning a period from subduction to post-collision. The ore materials were sourced from magmatic ore-forming fluids that mixed with components derived from host rocks during their ascent, and a gradual mixing with meteoric water took place in the later stages.  相似文献   

We present major and trace element data for eighteen 1.71–1.66 Ga granitoid samples, and Sm–Nd whole‐rock isotope data for eleven of these samples, in a transect across the border between the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB) and the Eastern Segment in central southern Sweden. The geochemistry of the granitoids varies from alkalic to alkali‐calcic and peraluminous in the east to predominantly calc‐alkaline and metaluminous in the west. Rocks in the west also have lower SiO2 contents. Trace element signatures favour formation in an active continental margin setting. Nd isotope data are completely overlapping along the transect and initial εNd values are mildly depleted in the range +0.3 to +2.6. The combined data suggest that the magmas were derived mainly from juvenile, pre‐existing crust, increasingly mafic and less alkaline towards the west. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

盛叶子  沈吉  孙伟伟 《第四纪研究》2022,42(6):1624-1632

20世纪80年代以来气候变暖加剧,青藏高原冰川物质负平衡趋势增强,导致众多湖泊水位上升,但位于藏南地区的羊卓雍错,湖泊水位近年来却呈现出显著的波动下降趋势。本研究通过对羊卓雍错YZYC2沉积岩芯(长23 cm)进行210Pb活度测定,建立沉积物的年代序列;分析公元1989年以来沉积物全样碳酸盐含量及其氧同位素组成,并结合现代气象及水文观测数据,揭示羊卓雍错沉积物碳酸盐氧同位素(δ18O)的环境意义及其对气候变化的响应过程与机制。结果表明,YZYC2岩芯碳酸盐矿物以自生成因的文石为主,其含量变化范围为23.3 % ~39.7 %,δ18O值变化范围为-4.7 ‰ ~-3.2 ‰。沉积物碳酸盐δ18O值总体呈波动上升趋势,较好地记录了近30年来羊卓雍错湖泊水位变化。1989~2019年羊卓雍错水位变化总体由降水与蒸发共同作用下的湖区有效湿度变化主导,同时也可能受到羊湖电站运行的影响。


The Xuebaoding crystal deposit, located in northern Longmenshan, Sichuan Province, China, is well known for producing coarse‐grained crystals of scheelite, beryl, cassiterite, fluorite and other minerals. The orebody occurs between the Pankou and Pukouling granites, and a typical ore vein is divided into three parts: muscovite and beryl within granite (Part I); beryl, cassiterite and muscovite in the host transition from granite to marble (Part II); and the main mineralization part, an assemblage of beryl, cassiterite, scheelite, fluorite, apatite and needle‐like tourmaline within marble (Part III). No evidence of crosscutting or overlapping of these ore veins by others suggests that the orebody was formed by single fluid activity. The contents of Be, W, Sn, Li, Cs, Rb, B, and F in the Pankou and Pukouling granites are similar to those of the granites that host Nanling W–Sn deposits. The calculated isotopic compositions of beryl, scheelite and cassiterite (δD, ?69.3‰ to ?107.2‰ and δ18OH2O, 8.2‰ to 15.0‰) indicate that the ore‐forming fluids were mainly composed of magmatic water with minor meteoric water and CO2 derived from decarbonation of marble. Primary fluid inclusions are CO2? CH4+ H2O ± CO2 (vapor), with or without clathrates and halites. We estimate the fluid trapping condition at T = 220 to 360°C and P > 0.9 kbar. Fluid inclusions are rich in H2O, F and Cl. Evidence for fluid‐phase immiscibility during mineralization includes variable L/V ratios in the inclusions and inclusions containing different phase proportions. Fluid immiscibility may have been induced by the pressure released by extension joints, thereby facilitating the mineralization found in Part III. Based on the geochemical data, geological occurrence, and fluid inclusion studies, we hypothesize that the coarse‐grained crystals were formed by: (i) the high content of ore elements and volatile elements such as F in ore‐forming fluids; (ii) occurrence of fluid immiscibility and Ca‐bearing minerals after wall rock transition from granite to marble making the ore elements deposit completely; (iii) pure host marble as host rock without impure elements such as Fe; and (iv) sufficient space in ore veins to allow growth.  相似文献   

In the Mersin area, Quaternary calcretes are widespread, and occurred in a variety of forms, as namely powdery, nodular, tubular, fracture-infill, laminar crust, hard laminated crust (hardpan), pisolithic crust. They are predominantly calcite, and small amount of palygorskite associated with them as a minor component. Calcite δ18O and δ13C values of the calcretes vary from −4.31 to −6.82 and from −6.03 to −9.65‰ PDB, respectively. These values are consistent with values of pedogenic calcretes reported in literature from worldwide sites. The oxygen isotope values indicate formation under the influence of meteoric water at estimated temperatures from 25 to 32 °C. The carbon isotope values are typical for pedogenic calcretes, reflecting development under the C3-dominated vegetation cover and semiarid or seasonally arid climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The Suguti volcanic rocks of the southern Musoma-Mara greenstone belt in northern Tanzania comprise mainly of a bimodal suite of tholeiitic basalts-basaltic andesites and calc-alkaline rhyolites with a subordinate amount of intermediate rocks. Zircon U–Pb and whole rock Sm–Nd geochronology suggests that the two suites are cogenetic and were emplaced at 2755 ± 1 Ma with a common initial Nd value of 2.1.The tholeiitic basalts are characterised by relatively flat chondrite-normalised REE patterns with La/YbCN ratios of 0.8–1.6 (mean = 1.0). The basalts also exhibit negative Ti and Nb anomalies in primitive mantle-normalised multi-element diagrams. The flat REE patterns, the presence of prominent negative Nb anomalies and the positive initial Nd value of 2.1 suggest that the basalts were formed by low pressure melting of a mantle wedge in an active continental margin setting.Compared to the tholeiitic basalts, the calc-alkaline rhyolites are characterised by low abundances of the transition elements (Cr < 20 ppm, Ni < 20 ppm) and moderately high HFSE (e.g. Zr = 111–250 ppm) abundances. The rhyolites display strongly fractionated, slightly concave upward chondrite normalised REE patterns that are characterised by a slight depletion of the MREE relative to the HREE and minor to large negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.3–0.9) and their epsilon Nd values range from +2.05 to +2.33. The depletion of the MREE relative to the HREE is an indication of fractionation of clinopyroxene and hornblende during petrogenesis whereas the negative Eu anomalies indicate plagioclase fractionation. The rhyolites are interpreted to have formed from the parental magma of the basalts by fractional crystallization and/or partial melting of a relatively young basaltic crust.  相似文献   

黔南坳陷油苗来源:碳、硫同位素及生物标志物证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确黔南坳陷不同层位油苗来源,在广泛采集不同层位烃源岩、油苗样品的基础上,采用GC、GC-MS及GC-IRMS等方法对其碳、硫同位素及生物标志物特征进行系统分析,进而开展了油源对比.结果表明:油苗的δ13C值为-33.04‰~-31.63‰,平均-32.26‰(n=18);δ34S值为+16.06‰~+23.06‰,平均+18.99‰(n=4);油苗遭受不同程度生物降解,常规甾、萜烷面貌特征差异较大,但普遍含有较丰富的三环萜烷、伽玛蜡烷、三芳甾烷、芳基类异戊二烯烃、惹烯和硫芴;C25三环萜烷/C24四环萜烷值、二苯并噻吩/菲与Pr/Ph相关图表明油苗为典型海相原油;Ts/(Ts +Tm)、C29甾烷20S/(20S+ 20R)及甲基菲指数等均表明油苗为成熟-高熟原油.研究区下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色泥岩干酪根δ13C值为-35.79‰~-29.88‰,平均-32.85‰(n=35),与油苗相关性良好,而泥盆系、石炭系和二叠系烃源岩δ13C值显著偏重,均大于-29‰;下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色泥岩干酪根δ34S值为+ 14.78‰~+ 17.60‰,平均+16.32‰(n=4),与油苗具有很好的可比性,而下、中泥盆统黑色泥岩干酪根δ34S值分别为-9.10‰~-6.78‰和+0.63‰~ +7.93‰,二叠系煤系地层有机质δ34S值为-7.40‰~+4.00‰,均显著偏轻.此外,下寒武统黑色泥岩普遍含有较丰富的伽玛蜡烷、三芳甾烷、芳基类异戊二烯烃和惹烯,三芴系列中硫芴含量极高,其它几套黑色泥岩则不合或贫含三芳甾烷和惹烯,伽玛蜡烷和硫芴含量亦较低.综合认为油苗具相同来源,且均与研究区下寒武统黑色泥岩具有较好亲缘关系.  相似文献   

The spinel–quartz-bearing Al–Fe granulites from Ihouhaouene (In Ouzzal, West Hoggar) have a migmatitic appearance with quartzo-feldspathic layers intercalated with restitic layers. These granulites are characterized by a hercynitic spinel–quartz assemblage typical of high grade terranes. The stability of the spinel–quartz assemblage is attributed to an elevation of temperature (from 800 to >1100 °C) at high pressures (10–11 kbar), followed by an isothermal decompression from 9 to 5 kbar, an evolution typical of the In Ouzzal clockwise PT path. The Al–Fe granulites’ history can be subdivided into different successive crystallisation stages. During the first stage, the spinel–quartz assemblage formed, probably following a prograde event that also produced partial melting. During a second stage, the primary spinel–garnet–sillimanite–quartz paragenesis broke-down to give rise to the secondary assemblage. The metamorphic evolution and phase relations during this stage are shown in PTX pseudosections calculated for the simple FMASH system. These pseudosections show that the orthopyroxene–cordierite–spinel symplectite appeared during a high temperature decompression, as a product of destabilisation of garnet in sillimanite-free microdomains with high XMg values. At the same time, the spinel–quartz association broke-down into cordierite in Fe-rich microdomains. Average pressure and temperature estimates for the orthopyroxene–spinel–garnet–cordierite–quartz association are close to the thermal peak of metamorphism (1000 ± 116 °C at 6.3 ± 0.5 kbar). With decreasing temperatures garnet–sillimanite corona developed from the breakdown of the primary spinel–quartz assemblage in the Fe-rich microdomains, whereas cordierite–spinel formed at the expense of primary sillimanite and garnet in the Mg-rich microdomains.  相似文献   

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