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海洋一号C卫星(HY-1C)搭载的海岸带成像仪(coastal zone imager,CZI)为满足大幅宽成像需求,采用双相机组合成像,每台相间使用2片4色电荷耦合光敏元器件(charge-coupled device,CCD)拼接。从严密几何成像模型出发,对相机成像过程中存在的系统误差进行分析,采用一种基于探元指向角的几何定标模型,并结合CZI相机设计特点与几何特性,设计出一套针对HY-1C/CZI的几何定标方案。首先利用CZI参考基准波段影像与高精度参考影像进行绝对几何定标,采用分步迭代的方法对参考基准波段影像内外定标参数进行解算,其次进行波段间相对几何定标,最后得到所有波段影像的几何定标结果。实验结果表明,经在轨几何定标后,平面无控定位精度优于5个像元,影像几何质量得到明显改善,说明所采用的定标模型和方案合理有效。  相似文献   

以国产天绘一号01星多光谱4波段影像为数据源,针对大范围水体提取难度大的问题,提出基于归一化水体指数(NDWI)和单波段阈值法的匹配生长算法。采用NDWI水体指数法提取完整的海洋水体和内陆部分水体,将内陆部分水体与单波段阈值对应位置完整的水体做匹配,再通过连通区提取、掩膜运算获得完整的水体分割二值图。采用两景遥感影像(大连和芝罘)进行实验,并与经典水体提取算法进行对比分析。实验结果表明:该法总体精度在90%左右,Kappa系数在0.8左右,对经典提取算法有了显著改善。在大范围提取水体信息时效果较好,提取水体的同时能有效减少陆地阴影造成的干扰,在海陆边界处,陆地轮廓清晰,较好的将陆地和海洋分割开来。  相似文献   

海洋一号卫星离线数据长期归档方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋一号卫星数据具有数据量大、保存时间长、唯一性强的突出特点.如何将大量卫星遥感离线数据长期有效地进行数据的归档已成为一项重要的关键性问题.结合海洋一号卫星离线数据的特点,对离线数据的归档介质的特点趋势进行了介绍和分析,并就存储介质外部存放环境要求进行了分析.  相似文献   

以覆盖黄河三角洲和连云港区域的两景高分一号卫星遥感影像1A级产品为例,利用现场采集的地面控制点和1∶50 000的DEM产品,开展了影像自主定位和正射校正实验,制作了控制点偏移矢量图,并对影像的定位精度进行了分析。结果表明:高分一号卫星影像具有较好的自主定位精度,黄河三角洲区域影像定位精度在27.8m左右,连云港区域影像定位精度在53.8m左右;在单控制点的情况下,影像的定位精度在3m左右,最大偏移量约为6m;在多控制点下正射校正,影像的定位精度为1m左右,最大偏移量为1个像元;对比控制点偏移矢量图,检查点较影像同名点的偏移方向与大小基本一致,表明高分一号卫星影像内部刚性较好。  相似文献   

利用“北京一号”小卫星全色和多光谱影像对冬季渤海海冰进行了监测。根据多光谱谱段特征和现场测试的海冰光谱之间的对应关系, 建立了卫星影像冰水识别、渤海海冰外缘线的模型, 估算了海冰面积及判别海冰发展趋势;对卫星影像数据进行监督分类, 建立了相应的分类模型;根据海冰类型的不同将海冰区域进行了划分, 并作为对海冰灾害严重程度的判别依据;以2007年度冬季为例, 对渤海海冰的分布面积进行了统计, 与海冰监测业务中使用的MODIS数据反演结果进行了对比, 对比结果显示“北京一号”卫星可以为海洋监测和预报服务部门提供高分辨率海冰遥感信息, 并为我国海冰灾害的防范提供可靠有效的资料。  相似文献   

利用中国"海洋一号(HY-1B)"卫星海洋水色水温扫描仪(COCTS)和美国Terra卫星中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)等观测数据对2011年3月2日济州岛东南海域的冯·卡门(von Kármán)大气涡街现象进行了观测和动力分析。COCTS和MODIS观测得到大气涡街涡列距离和涡旋间距比(h/a)均值分别为0.32和0.35;在大气涡街发生海域存在低风速海面风涡旋和海面温度暖舌;济州岛的大气垂直结构存在一逆温层。利用COCTS和MODIS伪彩色合成图观测时间差异,计算得到涡旋移动速率为12.2 m/s,而分别利用它们各自的几何观测参数(h/a),结合涡街动力模型计算得到涡旋移动速率分别为12.8 m/s和12.3 m/s。利用上述观测结果计算得到大气涡街个例的脱落频率为1.24×10-4 s-1,脱落周期为134 min,其中雷诺数范围为60~75,涡街运动学黏性系数范围为2 200~2 750,弗劳德数为0.10,罗斯比数为0.43。分析结果表明中国"海洋一号"卫星数据可用于冯·卡门大气涡街等海洋大气现象的定量化研究。  相似文献   

MODIS辅助的北京一号卫星影像近海Ⅱ类水体大气校正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用空间分辨率为500 m的MODIS 1B数据及有关MODIS数据产品计算其近红外波段的气溶胶辐亮度,由此外推北京一号卫星多光谱影像各波段的气溶胶辐亮度,以实现对该影像的大气校正,取得了良好的效果.该方法克服了传统大气校正方法依赖于现场测量大气参数的缺陷,拓展了非水色传感器在水体监测领域的应用前景.  相似文献   

依据不同围填海类型在高分三号(GF-3)合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)卫星遥感影像上可分性,建立围填海遥感分类体系及相应的围填海类型解译标志,进而分析SAR图像岸线提取方法,构建GF-3围填海监测技术流程。采用几何主动轮廓模型进行GF-3 SAR影像自动提取海岸线,获得围填海专题图。通过外业精度调查验证GF-3 SAR卫星遥感影像可以有效获取围填海信息。  相似文献   

利用环境一号卫星热红外影像反演渤海海表温度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对环境卫星热红外遥感影像,结合美国环境预报中心(NCEP)再分析数据,运用覃志豪单窗算法(MW),修订了该算法的主要参数计算公式,建立了反演海洋表面温度的流程.利用2009年10月4日渤海上空的热红外遥感影像进行反演试验,同时对比反演结果和美国中等分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)的海表温度产品(MOD28)之间的差异....  相似文献   

针对常规人工海岸线测量方法耗费人力物力、效率低、工作环境相对危险,难以快速反映海岸线动态变化的问题,提出一种基于天绘一号卫星多光谱影像的海岸线自动提取与分类方法。所提方法首先结合NDWI指数和水平集模型实现全自动水边线提取,然后采用面向对象分割技术和空间拓扑关系提取临海地物基元,最后结合遥感影像海岸线解译标志建立决策树完成临海基元的分类与海岸线提取。实验表明,海岸线提取结果能够作为1∶2.5万海图测制与更新的参考数据。  相似文献   

介绍了卫星遥感仪器可见光星上定标的各种方案,提出了"月球恒星定标"、"内置灯定标"和"太阳定标"3种方式,比较了其优缺点和可行性,提出了合适的和可用于下一代中国地球同步气象卫星的星上定标方案以及为此而应该采取的实验和研究.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the geopositioning accuracy achievable from integrating IKONOS and QuickBird satellite stereo image pairs with aerial images acquired over a region at Tampa Bay, Florida. The results showed that the accuracy is related to a few factors of imaging geometry. For example, the geopositioning accuracy of a stereo pair of IKONOS or QuickBird images can be improved by integrating a set of aerial images, even just a single aerial image or a stereo pair of aerial images. Shorelines derived from the IKONOS and QuickBird stereo images, particularly the vertical positions, are compared with the corresponding observations of water-penetrating LiDAR and water gauge stations and proved that differences are within the limit of the geopositioning uncertainty of the satellite images.  相似文献   

《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):335-354
This article describes absolute calibration results for both JASON-1 and TOPEX Side B (TSB) altimeters obtained at the Lake Erie calibration site, Marblehead, Ohio, USA. Using 15 overflights, the estimated JASON altimeter bias at Marblehead is 58 ± 38 mm, with an uncertainty of 19 mm based on detailed error analysis. Assuming that the TSB bias is negligible, relative bias estimates using both data from the TSB-JASON formation flight period and data from 48 water level gauges around the entire Great Lakes confirmed the Marblehead results. Global analyses using both the formation flight data and dual-satellite (TSB and JASON) crossovers yield a similar relative bias estimate of 146 ± 59 mm, which agrees well with open ocean absolute calibration results obtained at Harvest, Corsica, and Bass Strait (e.g., Watson et al. 2003). We find that there is a strong dependence of bias estimates on the choice of sea state bias (SSB) models. Results indicate that the invariant JASON instrument bias estimated oceanwide is 71 mm, with additional biases of 76 mm or 28 mm contributed by the choice of Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS) SSB or Center for Space Research (CSR) SSB model, respectively. Similar analysis in the Great Lakes yields the invariant JASON instrument bias at 19 mm, with the SSB contributed biases at 58 mm or 13 mm, respectively. The reason for the discrepancy is currently unknown and warrants further investigation. Finally, comparison of the TOPEX/POSEIDON mission (1992–2002) data with the Great Lakes water level gauge measurements yields a negligible TOPEX altimeter drift of 0.1 mm/yr.  相似文献   

This paper explores the geometric performance of integration of aerial and QuickBird images. Different integration scenarios with different bias compensation schemes in the image space were studied, and the results showed that the introduction of the aerial images can improve the geopositioning accuracy of the QuickBird images to close to the aerial pixel level. In addition, methods of correcting biases in the object space were tested, and the results revealed the disadvantage of the bias compensation in the object space. An experiment was conducted for mapping ground objects such as inland rivers, buildings, and roads using the proposed integration method.  相似文献   

将HY-1BL1B产品中已有的经纬度数据抽样作为控制点,根据控制点的图像坐标和经纬度坐标间的对应关系,基于薄板样条函数的坐标变换关系对HY-1BL1B数据进行了几何校正,并与陆地矢量边界进行了比较,结果表明该方法能较好地完成HY-1B卫星L1B数据的几何校正。  相似文献   

《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):261-284
The double geodetic Corsica site, which includes Ajaccio-Aspretto and Cape Senetosa (40 km south Ajaccio) in the western Mediterranean area, has been chosen to permit the absolute calibration of radar altimeters. It has been developed since 1998 at Cape Senetosa and, in addition to the use of classical tide gauges, a GPS buoy is deployed every 10 days under the satellites ground track (10 km off shore) since 2000. The 2002 absolute calibration campaign made from January to September in Corsica revealed the necessity of deploying different geodetic techniques on a dedicated site to reach an accuracy level of a few mm: in particular, the French Transportable Laser Ranging System (FTLRS) for accurate orbit determination, and various geodetic equipment as well as a local marine geoid, for monitoring the local sea level and mean sea level. TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter calibration has been performed from cycle 208 to 365 using M-GDR products, whereas Jason-1 altimeter calibration used cycles from 1 to 45 using I-GDR products. For Jason-1, improved estimates of sea-state bias and columnar atmospheric wet path delay as well as the most precise orbits available have been used. The goal of this article is to give synthetic results of the analysis of the different error sources for the tandem phase and for the whole studied period, as geophysical corrections, orbits and reference frame, sea level, and finally altimeter biases. Results are at the millimeter level when considering one year of continuous monitoring; they show a great consistency between both satellites with biases of 6 ± 3 mm (ALT-B) and 120 ± 7 mm, respectively, for TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1.  相似文献   

《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):305-317
It is demonstrated that the Jason-1 measurements of sea surface height (SSH), wet path delay, and ionosphere path delay are within required accuracies, via a global cross-calibration with similar measurements made by TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) over a 6-month period. Since the two satellites were on the same groundtrack separated in time by only 70 s, measurements were recorded at approximately the same location and time. The variations in the wet path delay measured by Jason-1 compared to T/P are only 5 mm RMS, well within the required performance of 1.2 cm RMS. The RMS of the ionosphere differences is also well within the expected values, with a mean RMS of 1.2 cm. The largest difference is that the Jason-1 SSH is biased high relative to T/P SSH by 144 mm after the T/P and Jason-1 data are both corrected with improved sea state bias (SSB) models. However, the bias will change if a different SSB model is used, so the user should be cautious that the bias used matches the SSB models. The bias is generally constant within ± 10 mm in the open ocean, but appears to be higher or lower in some regions. Additionally, the SSH has been verified by comparison with 36 island tide gauges over the same period. After removing the global relative bias, the Jason-1 SSH data agree with tide gauges within 3.7 cm RMS and with T/P data within about 3.5 cm RMS on average for 1-s measurements, meeting the required accuracy of 4.2 cm RMS.  相似文献   

This article describes absolute calibration results for both JASON-1 and TOPEX Side B (TSB) altimeters obtained at the Lake Erie calibration site, Marblehead, Ohio, USA. Using 15 overflights, the estimated JASON altimeter bias at Marblehead is 58 ± 38 mm, with an uncertainty of 19 mm based on detailed error analysis. Assuming that the TSB bias is negligible, relative bias estimates using both data from the TSB-JASON formation flight period and data from 48 water level gauges around the entire Great Lakes confirmed the Marblehead results. Global analyses using both the formation flight data and dual-satellite (TSB and JASON) crossovers yield a similar relative bias estimate of 146 ± 59 mm, which agrees well with open ocean absolute calibration results obtained at Harvest, Corsica, and Bass Strait (e.g., Watson et al. 2003). We find that there is a strong dependence of bias estimates on the choice of sea state bias (SSB) models. Results indicate that the invariant JASON instrument bias estimated oceanwide is 71 mm, with additional biases of 76 mm or 28 mm contributed by the choice of Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS) SSB or Center for Space Research (CSR) SSB model, respectively. Similar analysis in the Great Lakes yields the invariant JASON instrument bias at 19 mm, with the SSB contributed biases at 58 mm or 13 mm, respectively. The reason for the discrepancy is currently unknown and warrants further investigation. Finally, comparison of the TOPEX/POSEIDON mission (1992-2002) data with the Great Lakes water level gauge measurements yields a negligible TOPEX altimeter drift of 0.1 mm/yr.  相似文献   

《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):131-146
On December 7, 2001, the Jason-1 satellite was successfully launched by a Boeing Delta II rocket from the Vandenberg site in California, USA. Its main mission was to maintain the high accuracy altimeter measurements, provided since 1992 by TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P), ensuring continuity in observing and monitoring the ocean for intraseasonal to interannual changes, mean sea level, tides, and so forth. Despite four times less mass and power, the Jason-1 system has been designed to have the same performances as T/P, measuring sea surface topography at the centimeter level. This new Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales/National Aeronautics and Space Administration (CNES/NASA) mission also provides near real-time data for sea state and ocean forecast. The first 10 months of the Jason mission were dedicated to the verification of the system performance and cross-calibration with T/P measurements. A complete CALVAL plan was conducted by the Science and Project Teams of the mission based on in situ and regional experiments, global statistical approaches, and multisatellite comparisons, taking advantage of the T/P-Jason overlap during the first months of the mission. CALVAL and first science results showed that the Jason-1 performances were compliant with prelaunch specifications. This was a needed preamble before starting the routine phase of the mission in July 2003 with generation and distribution of validated geophysical data records to the whole user community.  相似文献   

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