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The Skaergaard Layered Series, Part VII: Sr and Nd Isotopes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The initial isotopic ratios of strontium and neodymium in theSkaergaard Layered Series vary both vertically and laterally,on every scale from the intrusion as a whole down to coexistingminerals in a single rock. The magma that filled the Skaergaardchamber was contaminated to various degrees with the metamorphicrocks through which it rose and was never completely homogenizedafter being intruded. The contamination was most pronouncedin contact zones and aureoles around rare xenoliths. The greaterconcentrations of lithophile trace elements in the Upper BorderSeries was previously attributed to assimilation of buoyantfragments of gneiss that collected under the roof, but mostof the rocks of the Upper Border Series are isotopically indistinguishablefrom those of the Layered Series. It is doubtful, therefore,that this part of the intrusion assimilated much more of themetamorphic basement than did the rest of the magma. Similarly,the marked increase in the concentrations of excluded elementsin the upper part of the Layered Series is not matched by achange in the isotopic character of the rocks and cannot beattributed to a later influx of new magma. Analyses of mineralsseparated from rocks with exceptionally mafic or felsic modalcompositions revealed marked inhomogeneities in the isotopiccompositions of their constituent minerals. For example, coexistingplagioclase and pyroxene from closely associated anorthositesand pyroxenites have very different initial isotopic ratiosof both strontium and neodymium. The same is true of mafic andfelsic layers in modally graded gabbros. These differences areunrelated to the low-temperature alteration shown by oxygenisotopes. They must have been introduced when the original gabbrowas largely crystallized and underwent local metasomatic replacementby nearly mono-mineralic mafic and felsic assemblages. KEY WORDS: Nd isotopes; Skaergaard; Sr isotopes  相似文献   

The Skaergaard Layered Series: I. Structure and Average Compositions   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
Re-examination of the Skaergaard Layered Series in the lightof more extensive field work and sampling shows that the lithologiczones vary laterally as well as vertically, in both their bulkchemical composition and their mineralogical assemblages. Themargins of the zones differ from both the central part of theLayered Series and Marginal Border Series in being richer inFeO*, TiO2, K2, P2O2, and most excluded elements. Mafic mineralstend to be more abundant and more iron-rich, plagioclase ismore albitic and more strongly zoned, and apatite and biotiteare more abundant near the margins. When the average compositions of successive zones are compared,the abundances of most excluded components are seen to declineupward as far as Middle Zone then reverse their trends and increasethrough Upper Zone. P2O5 and K2O are negatively correlated inUpper Zones B and C, owing, perhaps, to separation of immisciblefelsic liquids from the iron-rich magma. No evidence has beenfound for introduction of a new batch of less differentiatedmagma. Layered rocks have an average composition that is more maficthan that of homogenous rocks at the same level. Blocks thatfell from the roof have the opposite relation; they are greatlyenriched in felsic components compared to the original compositionsof the Upper Border Series from which they came. Although some of the compositional variations may be consistentwith differing degrees of fractionation of trapped liquids,no consistent relation has been found between the degree offractionation and rates of crystal accumulation or cooling atthe walls. Contamination with the metamorphic wall rocks, eitherby assimilation or by hydrothermal fluids, seems to have hadonly local effects and cannot account for the large-scale variations.At least some of the compositional differences must have resultedfrom late-stage processes that redistributed certain componentsafter the intrusion reached advanced stages of solidification.  相似文献   

WAGER  L. R. 《Journal of Petrology》1960,1(3):364-398
Using variation diagrams for the major elements in the layeredrocks, estimates are made of the average amounts of the variouselements in the total rock separating at successive stages.From the analyses of the chilled marginal gabbro, taken to representthe composition of the initial magma, and with the further likelyassumption that the Skaergaard intrusion is a closed system,at any rate for most of the elements, various hypotheses onthe relative volumes of the different parts of the intrusionare tested to find the one best fitting the known distributionof the elements in the observable rocks. Estimates are thenmade of (1) the overall composition of the hidden part of theintrusion by subtracting the amounts of an element in the observedrocks from the total in the initial magma, and (2) the compositionof the successive residual magmas formed as a result of thecrystal fractionation.  相似文献   

WAGER  L. R. 《Journal of Petrology》1960,1(1):364-398
Using variation diagrams for the major elements in the layeredrocks, estimates are made of the average amounts of the variouselements in the total rock separating at successive stages.From the analyses of the chilled marginal gabbro, taken to representthe composition of the initial magma, and with the further likelyassumption that the Skaergaard intrusion is a closed system,at any rate for most of the elements, various hypotheses onthe relative volumes of the different parts of the intrusionare tested to find the one best fitting the known distributionof the elements in the observable rocks. Estimates are thenmade of (1) the overall composition of the hidden part of theintrusion by subtracting the amounts of an element in the observedrocks from the total in the initial magma, and (2) the compositionof the successive residual magmas formed as a result of thecrystal fractionation.  相似文献   

Fifty scapolites have been analysed spectrographically for numerouselements. Average concentrations (p.p.m.) were as follows: B25, Be 9-3, Ga 33, Ti 82, Li 56, Cu 4-4, Zr 59, Mn 57, Sr 1,800,Pb 45, Ba 120, Rb 20. The following were seldom or never detected:Cr, Ni, Co, Mo, Sn, V, Sc, Ag, Y, La. The major elements Ca,Na, K were also determined. The distribution of the trace elementscan be explained by isomorphous substitution, but no detailedcorrelation of trace elements with each other or with majorelements was found. Refractive indices were determined and the relation betweenaverage index and per cent Me was examined: correlation waspoor, which may in part be attributed to analytical error. Examination of scapolite parageneses shows that scapolite characteristicallyoccurs in the upper amphibolite facies or the pyroxene hornfelsfacies: it is not restricted to these and may occur in any faciesfrom zeolitic to granulitic and in any hornfels facies. Theelements generally concentrated in scapolite include Ca, Na,C, Cl, S, H, B, Be, Li, Sr, Pb. The presence of C, Cl, S, Htestify to genesis in the presence of high partial pressureof CO2, Cl2, SO3, H2O (or related compounds), that is in pneumatolytic,pegmatitic, or hydrothermal environments. The concentrationof B, Be, Li can also be attributed to these conditions. The source of the elements concentrated in scapolite must inpart be common rocks. In a limited contact zone, the nearbymagma supplied some elements, but where regional scapolitizationhas taken place the presence of magma is less clear. Many commonrocks or rock series contain all the necessary constituents,but some particular conjunction of conditions is necessary forscapolite to form, or it would be more common.  相似文献   

Fifty scapolites have been analysed spectrographically for numerouselements. Average concentrations (p.p.m.) were as follows: B25, Be 9–3, Ga 33, Ti 82, Li 56, Cu 4–4, Zr 59,Mn 57, Sr 1,800, Pb 45, Ba 120, Rb 20. The following were seldomor never detected: Cr, Ni, Co, Mo, Sn, V, Sc, Ag, Y, La. Themajor elements Ca, Na, K were also determined. The distributionof the trace elements can be explained by isomorphous substitution,but no detailed correlation of trace elements with each otheror with major elements was found. Refractive indices were determined and the relation betweenaverage index and per cent Me was examined: correlation waspoor, which may in part be attributed to analytical error. Examination of scapolite parageneses shows that scapolite characteristicallyoccurs in the upper amphibolite facies or the pyroxene hornfelsfacies: it is not restricted to these and may occur in any faciesfrom zeolitic to granulitic and in any hornfels facies. Theelements generally concentrated in scapolite include Ca, Na,C, Cl, S, H, B, Be, Li, Sr, Pb. The presence of C, Cl, S, Htestify to genesis in the presence of high partial pressureof CO2, Cl2, SO3, H2O (or related compounds), that is in pneumatolytic,pegmatitic, or hydrothermal environments. The concentrationof B, Be, Li can also be attributed to these conditions. The source of the elements concentrated in scapolite must inpart be common rocks. In a limited contact zone, the nearbymagma supplied some elements, but where regional scapolitizationhas taken place the presence of magma is less clear. Many commonrocks or rock series contain all the necessary constituents,but some particular conjunction of conditions is necessary forscapolite to form, or it would be more common.  相似文献   

Wager's more general assumptions about the relations betweenthe layered series of Skaergaard and its parent magma form thebasis for a simple procedure by which, from the compositionof the proposed initial magma and the compositions and amountsof the exposed zones, the amount and composition of the hiddenzone and the compositions of liquids remaining after the consolidationof each zone are readily computed. Application of the procedure to the Skaergaard data—moreproperly, to the relevant summary statistics presented by Wager(1960) and by Wager & Brown (1968)—suggests that currentlyaccepted graphical solutions materially overestimate the extentof end-stage alkali enrichment and may materially understatethe magnitude of the hidden zone; the data are quite as compatiblewith numerical solutions yielding a considerably larger hiddenzone and virtually no perceptible end-stage alkali enrichment.Differences between numerical and graphical solutions seem tobe generated primarily by the zone weights used in the latter.  相似文献   

Trace and minor element concentrations in alkali feldspars fromthe layered syenite series in the Klokken gabbro-syenite complex,South Greenland have been measured using an ion microprobe.The technique has high precision, avoids problems of mineralseparation, and has allowed investigation of zoning and theeffects of deuteric alteration. Li, Be, B, Cs and Pb occur at< 1 p.p.m. levels, but Ba, Sr, Rb, Mg, Fe, Ti and P are presentin the 1–7000 p.p.m. range. Provided unaltered strain-controlledcrypto- or microperthitic feldspar is sampled and deutericallycoarsened material is avoided, all of the latter elements exceptMg show systematic variation. This confirms the evidence forin situ fractionation of a single syenitic magma-pulse affordedby major element variation in coexisting mafic minerals, particularlypyroxenes and olivines. The distinction between granular andlaminated syenites in the series is supported by the trace elements,which confirms the view that the granular syenites are a condensedroof-chill series with inverted cryptic variation, while thelaminated syenites are a bottom accumulated sequence. Using mainly experimentally determined partition coefficientsfrom the literature and a simple Rayleigh fractionation modelbased on the variation in Ba, Sr and Rb (elements whose concentrationin the melt is largely controlled by feldspar) we calculategeologically reasonable minimum thicknesses for the entire layeredseries of 1370–3260 m. Ti variation in the feldspars wascontrolled by Fe-Ti oxide fractionation, and Fe contents alsowere controlled by mafic phases. Controls of Mg, and particularlythe irregular P levels, are not clear. Behaviour of Ca, whichis present at < 6000 p.p.m. levels in the feldspars, is qualitativelyexplained in terms of the ternary feldspar phase diagram.  相似文献   

The upper layered series of the Jimberlana Intrusion rests unconformablyon the lower layered series and has resulted from a major newpulse of magma which entered the magma chamber during the finalstages of crystallization of the lower series. All parameterswhich vary systematically with fractionation are sharply reversedat the contact between the two layered series. The lower portion of the ultramafic zone of the upper layeredseries is composed of a repeated macro-rhythmic succession ofolivine cumulates, bronzite-olivine cumulates, and bronzitecumulates. A detailed investigation was made of this sequenceso that the contacts between the units could be compared withthe contact between the upper and lower layered series. Cu,Ni, Cr, P, and U were measured on a whole rock basis; the Mg/Mg?Feratios of the pyroxenes and olivines, the Cr content of pyroxenesand the Ni content of olivines were determined by the electronmicroprobe. Each of the macro-rhythmic units is associated witha reversal in mineral variation and in the Ni-Cr trends andhas a zone of high sulphide values at its base. These featuresare also found at the contact between the upper and lower layeredseries and, if the upper series is due to a new influx of magma,it follows that the macro-units are also due to multiple injection.This conclusion is strongly supported by the size of the reversalswhich are too large to be explained by the alternative hypothesesto multiple injection suggested by Jackson (1961) and Wager(1959). The anomalous sulphide-rich zones at the contacts between theupper and lower layered series and between the macro-rhythmicunits are thought to have formed from a narrow supercooled zonewhich developed for a brief period at the bottom of the magmachamber following each new magma pulse. The olivines from thesesulphide-rich zones are depleted in Ni, suggesting that Ni hasbeen scavenged by the sulphides. This is only possible if theolivine grains crystallized with the sulphides in the restrictedsupercooled zone at the bottom of the magma chamber.  相似文献   

白云鄂博群黑色岩系微量元素地球化学特征及地质意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
白云鄂博群位于华北地台北缘,是一套中—新元古代裂谷沉积的产物。尖山组和比鲁特组是其中主要的黑色岩系。对以上两组中的碳质页岩和板岩的Au、Ag、As、Ba、Co、Cu、Hg、Mn、Mo、Ni、P、Pb、V、Zn、U、B、Sb等微量元素和稀土元素进行了较为详细的研究。通过元素含量特征、w(V)/w(V+Ni)、w(Zn)-w(Co)-w(Ni)三元图、稀土配分曲线、w(Ce)/w(La)、Ce和Eu异常、w(La)/w(Yb)-w(Ce)/w(La)和w(La)/w(Yb)-w(ΣREE)图解等方法对其沉积环境特征进行了探讨。微量元素含量分析显示白云鄂博群黑色岩系以富亲铜元素和亲石元素、贫亲铁元素为特征,其中富集Hg、B、As、Mn、Sb、Au、Ag、Pb、P、Ba、U、Mo等多种元素;较高的w(B)反映了黑色岩系沉积于盐度较高的水体中;高的w(V)/w(V+Ni)、w(Ce)/w(La)反映了黑色岩系形成于缺氧的沉积环境中;黑色岩系中Hg、Sb、Ba的富集和w(Zn)-w(Co)-w(Ni)图解中投点大部分靠近热水沉积区域指示了黑色岩系中有热水沉积物的参与;稀土元素配分模式、Ce和Eu异常及w(La)/w(Yb)-w(ΣREE)和w(La)/w(Yb)-w(Ce)/w(La)图解投点在两岩组中的不同特点表明尖山组沉积物以陆源沉积为主,有少量热水沉积物参与;而比鲁特组中热水沉积组分所占比例较大,形成时海水较深。  相似文献   

The anorthite content of plagioclase grains (XAn) in 12 rocks from the layered series of the Skaergaard intrusion has been studied by electron microprobe (typically ∼30 core and ∼70 rim analyses per thin section). Mean core compositions vary continuously from An66 at the base of the layered series (LZa) to An32–30 at the top. On the other hand, crystal rims are of approximately constant composition (An50 ± 1) from the LZa to the lower Middle Zone (MZ). Above the MZ, core and rim compositions generally overlap. Profiles across individual plagioclase grains from the lower zone show that most crystals have an external zone buffered at XAn ∼50 ± 1. The simplest explanation for these features is that during postcumulus crystallization in the lower zone, interstitial liquids passed through a density maximum. This interpretation is consistent with proposed liquid lines of descent that predict silica enrichment of the liquid associated with the appearance of cumulus magnetite.  相似文献   

华南寒武系武陵统的沉积分布,由西北往东南,依次为碳酸盐台地、碳酸盐台地边缘、上斜坡、下斜坡、盆地,水体逐渐变深,沉积相带近于北东—南西向展布。研究样品来自华南的鄂西、湘中和湘南—赣南三个区域。岩样中微量元素和稀土元素的地球化学特征分析表明,华南武陵世整体为海相贫氧—厌氧环境,鄂西地区局部为氧化环境。湘南—赣南地区水体深度可能局部变浅,反映了华南地区东南侧可能存在古陆。研究区武陵统的物源相对稳定,主要来自西北方,为上地壳物质,物源区构造背景可能为大陆岛弧或活动大陆边缘。  相似文献   

煤中微量元素研究现状   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
煤中微量元素是世界洁净煤研究的热点;煤中微量元素的研究对于正确评价微量元素,预防煤中有毒有害元素对环境的影响,保护生态和人类生存的环境具有重要的理论指导意义和现实意义。本详细介绍了国内外煤中微量元素的研究进展,微量元素的分布规律、赋存状态及研究方法,并将其研究内容概括为基础理论研究和应用研究两个方面,详细介绍了研究方法(直接方法和间接方法),提出了今后研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

黔中—渝南成矿带石炭纪铝土矿含矿岩系,分别形成于修文、息烽—遵义和黔北—渝南三个沉积区,大多数铝土矿属产于碳酸盐岩侵蚀面上的、少数为产于泥页岩侵蚀面上的硬水铝石沉积型铝土矿床。修文沉积区铝土矿中Zr、RE2O3含量最多,息烽—遵义沉积区铝土矿中Ga含量最多,黔北—渝南沉积区Li含量最多,各有特色。修文沉积区铝土矿含矿岩系的母岩,是其下伏寒武系碳酸盐岩与下奥陶统页岩、灰岩、白云岩;息烽—遵义沉积区含矿岩系的母岩为下伏下奥陶统页岩、灰岩及白云岩;黔北—渝南沉积区含矿岩系的母岩,是下伏下志留统泥、页岩和上石炭统石灰岩。碳酸盐岩中Al2O3与稳定的微量元素含量甚少,要演变成大面积铝土矿,必须要配以足够的含Al2O3和微量元素较多的泥、页岩,才可能满足形成大规模铝土矿的物质需求。  相似文献   

西安市街道灰尘中铬、镉、铅赋存状态及环境效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
田晖 《城市地质》2002,14(2):34-39
本文通过对街道灰尘中铬、镉、铅三种元素赋存状态研究、铬、铅在街道灰尘中以残渣态为主,镉以有机质结合态为主。虽然铬、铅、镉存在形式稍有差异,但其在街道灰尘中主要以矿物质的形态存在,说明其比较稳定,不易迁移转化,对环境的危害比较持久。在治理措施上应有早遏止微量元素向环境中排放,以免其与灰尘发生相互作用对环境造成长期的危害。  相似文献   

杨瑞东 《地质论评》2008,54(3):409-418
碳酸盐岩风化形成的红粘土保存着喀斯特发展演化历史证据,同时也是喀斯特地区土壤研究重要对象。通过对西南喀斯特发育中心部位的贵阳市碳酸盐岩风化形成的红粘土剖面的结构、稀土、微量元素分布特征研究,提出红粘土层可划分为:下层为暗褐色—褐色粘土层,上层为黄色、黄褐色、紫红色粘土层。下层暗褐色—褐色粘土层具有较高的稀土、微量元素含量;上层黄色、黄褐色、紫红色粘土层稀土、微量元素含量较低。下部暗褐色—褐色粘土层中,特别是红粘土层最底部,Be、 Sr、 Nd、 Sm 等元素超常富集,表明上部元素大量向底部迁移富集,元素发生广泛的混合。因此,利用Be、 Sr、 Nd、 Sm、Pb等同位素研究红粘土年代学是非常困难的。同时,提出下部暗褐色—褐色粘土层超富集重金属、放射性元素U、 Th、Rn等,其对环境有一定的污染,在城市建设时应该加强处理。  相似文献   

鲁西下寒武统层状金矿成矿地质特征及找矿方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下寒武统层状金矿是鲁西地区继归来庄隐爆角砾岩型金矿以后,近年来所发现的又一新类型金矿.该类金矿赋存于寒武纪朱砂洞组灰质白云岩和白云质灰岩中.矿体产出层位稳定,矿石类型单一,矿化连续,具有广阔找矿前景和较大的资源潜力.矿床形成与中偏碱性次火山杂岩及其次火山热液作用密切相关,表现为“二长斑岩—断裂裂隙—碳酸盐岩层”三位一体的控矿机制.该类金矿最早在磨坊沟被发现和评价,因此,笔者将其称为“磨坊沟式”金矿.  相似文献   

下寒武统层状金矿是鲁西地区继归来庄隐爆角砾岩型金矿以后,近年来所发现的又一新类型金矿.该类金矿赋存于寒武纪朱砂洞组灰质白云岩和白云质灰岩中.矿体产出层位稳定,矿石类型单一,矿化连续,具有广阔找矿前景和较大的资源潜力.矿床形成与中偏碱性次火山杂岩及其次火山热液作用密切相关,表现为“二长斑岩—断裂裂隙—碳酸盐岩层”三位一体的控矿机制.该类金矿最早在磨坊沟被发现和评价,因此,笔者将其称为“磨坊沟式”金矿.  相似文献   

下寒武统层状金矿是鲁西地区继归来庄隐爆角砾岩型金矿以后 ,近年来所发现的又一新类型金矿。该类金矿赋存于寒武纪朱砂洞组灰质白云岩和白云质灰岩中。矿体产出层位稳定 ,矿石类型单一 ,矿化连续 ,具有广阔找矿前景和较大的资源潜力。矿床形成与中偏碱性次火山杂岩及其次火山热液作用密切相关 ,表现为“二长斑岩—断裂裂隙—碳酸盐岩层”三位一体的控矿机制。该类金矿最早在磨坊沟被发现和评价 ,因此 ,笔者将其称为“磨坊沟式”金矿。  相似文献   

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