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Although marine lagoons are ubiquitous features along coastal margins, studies investigating the dynamics of metal, organic matter, and nutrient concentrations in such systems are rare. Here we present a comprehensive examination of the temporal and spatial gradients in dissolved trace metals (Ag, Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb), organic and inorganic nutrients (POC, PON, DOC, N03 , NH4 +, H4SiO4, PO4 −3, and urea), and algal biomass in a lagoon estuary, Great South Bay (GSB), New York, USA. While this estuary has experienced a series of environmental problems during recent decades (urbanization, loss of fisheries, harmful algal blooms), root causes are largely unknown, in part because levels of bioactive substances, such as trace metals, have never been measured. Sampling was undertaken within multiple estuarine, riverine, and groundwater sites during spring, summer, and fall. Trace metal tracers (e.g., Ag, Mn) and statistical analyses were used to differentiate the influences of natural and anthropogenic processes on the chemical composition of the lagoon. Our analyses revealed three clusters of biogeochemical constituents that behaved similarly in GSB: constituents under strong biological control such as POC, PON, DOC and chlorophyll,a; elements indicative of benthic remobilization processes such as Mn, Cd, and Cu; and constituents strongly influence by anthropogenic processes such as Ag, Pb, PO4 −3, NO3 , and NH4 +. Although GSB is surrounded by a densely populated watershed (c. 1 million people), it does not appear to be significantly contaminated by trace metals compared to other urban estuaries. Levels of DOC (up to 760 μM) in GSB were well correlated with phytoplankton biomass and exceeded at least 98% of values reported in similar mid Atlantic estuaries at the same salinities. These high levels of DOC are likely to be an important source of carbon export to the coastal ocean and likely promote mixotrophic harmful algal blooms in this system.  相似文献   

Net annual productivity of tall and medium form cordgrass,Spartina alterniflora, was estimated by a new clip sampling method in a sloping foreshore salt marsh at Wallops Island, Virginia. This method measured live standing crops only, to avoid problems of measuring dead biomass inherent in other methods. Losses from live standing crops by shoot mortality and by leaf shedding were estimated from these measurements and added separately to production of live tillers and of live culms. This allowed quantification of various components of production.Spartina tillering in different zones of the marsh produced 62 to 211 g dry weight per m2 per yr. Tiller mortality removed 37 to 106 g per m2 per yr from live standing crops. Culms produced 348 to 1,132 g per m2 before flowering and die-back. Culm mortality removed 28 to 246 g per m2 before flowering. Leaf shedding removed an additional 83 g per m2 in tall formSpartina. Altogether, net annual productivity These estimates are much higher than previous estimates of productivity and standing crops inSpartina marshes nearby.  相似文献   

Carbon entering the food web originating from microalgal productivity may be as important to salt marsh consumers as carbon originating from vascular plant production. The objective of this study was to further our understanding of the role played by microalgae in salt marshes. We focused on microalgal productivity, community dynamics, and pelagic food web linkages. Across three consecutive springs (2001–2003), we sampled the upper Nueces Delta in southeast Texas, United States; a shallow, turbid system of ponds and elevated vegetated areas stressed by low freshwater inflow and salinities ranging from brackish (11) to hypersaline (300). Despite high turbidity and low external nutrient loadings, microalgal productivity was on the order of that reported for vascular plants. Primary productivity in surface waters ranged from 0 to 2.02 g C m−2 d−1 and was usually higher than primary productivity associated with the benthos, which ranged from 0 to 1.14 g C m−2 d−1. This was likely due to high amounts of wind-driven resuspended sediment limiting production at greater depths. Most of the water column microalgal biovolume seemed to originate from the benthos and was comprised mostly of pennate diatoms. But true phytoplankton taxa were also observed, which included cryptomonads, chlorophyhtes dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria. Succession from r-selected to K-selected taxa with the progression of spring, a common phenomena in aquatic systems, was not observed. Codominance by both potentially edible and less edible taxa was found. This was likely due to decreased grazing pressure on r-selected taxa as salinity conditions became unfavorable for grazers. In addition to a decoupled food web, reduced primary and net productivity, community respiration, and microalgal and zooplankton population densities were all observed at extreme salinities. Our findings suggest that a more accurate paradigm of salt marsh functioning within the landscape must account for microalgal productivity as well as production by vascular plants. Because the value of microalgal productivity to higher trophic levels is taxa specific, the factors that govern microalgal community structure and dynamics must also be accounted for. In the case for the Nueces Delta, these factors included wind mixing and increasing salinities.  相似文献   

The spatial arrangement of seagrass beds varies from scales of centimeters to meters (rhizomes, shoot groups), meters to tens of meters (patches), to tens of meters to kilometers (seagrass landscapes). In this study we examine the role of patch scale (patch size, seagrass % cover, seagrass biomass), landscape scale (fractal geometry, patch isolation) and wave exposure (mean wind velocity and exceedance) variables in influencing benthic community composition in seagrass beds at three intertidal sites in northern New Zealand (two sites in Manukau Harbour and one site in Whangapoua Harbour). Analysis of univariate community measures (numbers of individuals and species, species richness, diversity and evenness) and multivariate analyses indicated that there were significant differences in community composition inside and outside of seagrass patches at each of the three sites. Partialling out the spatial and temporal components of the ecological variation indicated that seagrass patch variables explained only 3–4% of the patch scale variation in benthic community composition at each of the sites. The temporal component was more important, explaining 12–14% of the variation. The unexplained variation was high (about 75%) at all three sites, indicating that other factors were influencing variation in community composition at the scale of the patches, or that there was a large amount of stochastic variation. Landscape and wave exposure variables explained 62.5% of the variation in the species abundance data, and the unexplained variation at the landscape level was correspondingly low (12%). Canonical correspondence analysis produced an ordination that suggests that, while mean wind velocity and exceedance were important in explaining the differences between the communities in the two harbours, spatial patterning of the habitat, primarily fractal dimension, and secondarily patch isolation (or some factors that were similarly correlated), were important in contributing to variability in community composition at the two sites in Manukau Harbour. This study suggests that spatial patterning of seagrass habitat at landscape scales, independent of the patch scale characteristics of the seagrass beds, can affect benthic community composition. Community composition inside and outside seagrass habitats involves responses to seagrass bed structure at a series of hierarchical levels, and we need to consider more than one spatial scale if we are to understand community dynamics in seagrass habitats.  相似文献   

Epiphytic microbial biomass (as chlorophylla) was measured monthly in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, for 16 months on spatially distinct stem sections (bottom and middle) of dead and livingSpartina alterniflora growth forms (tall, medium, and short) exposed at low tide. The highest biomass was located on the bottom section of tall plants, presumably due to their relatively longer contact with creek water and associated phytoplankton, and their closer proximity to marsh sediments with associated benthic microalgae, both recruitment sources for epiphytes. Dead plants left standing from the previous year’s growth cycle had higher epiphytic biomass than living plants, which occurred mostly in late spring through fall. Epiphytic biomass was highest in the winter (mean of 1.77 mg chla (m2 marsh)−1) and lowest in the summer (mean of 0.34 mg chla (m2 marsh)−1). Because phytoplankton andSpartina production are lowest in the winter, the results emphasize the relative importance of epiphytes to growth of herbivores in this season.  相似文献   

Structural equivalence between seagrass restoration sites and adjacent natural seagrass beds on the mid Texas coast was assessed six times between April 1995 and May 1997. Throw traps and corers were used for quantitative sampling. Restoration sites were 2.7 to 6.6 yr old when first sampled and 3.7 to 8.2 yr old when last sampled. There were few significant differences in water column, seagrass, or sediment characteristics, in fish and decapod (nekton) densities, or in nekton and benthos community compositions between restored and natural seagrass habitats at any time during the study period. Differences in densities of dominant benthic invertebrates were regularly observed, with greater densities of more taxa observed in natural seagrasses than in restored beds. Densities of Class Oligochaeta and the polychaetePrionospio heterobranchiata are proposed as potential indicators of structural equivalence in restored seagrasses. This study indicates that seagrass restorations in the vicinity of Corpus Christi, Texas, exhibit minimal quantitative differences in community structure (except for benthos) relative to adjacent natural seagrass beds after 3 to 5 yr.  相似文献   

Groundwater irrigation is the most predominant method used across India and about 50% of the total irrigated area is dependent on it. The state of Haryana has witnessed a spectacular increase in agricultural production in the last few decades, and is largely dependent on groundwater for irrigation. Groundwater mining for irrigation has become a reality in the state over the years as the number of tube wells has increased from 0.02 million in 1966 to 0.73 million in 2012, showing alarming signs of over-exploitation. The impact of increased groundwater irrigation on groundwater levels has not been studied both spatially and temporally. Therefore, this study has been undertaken to investigate the groundwater level fluctuations in the state using geographical information system (GIS) from the groundwater level data of 893 observation wells obtained from Groundwater Cell, Department of Agriculture, Government of Haryana, Panchkula, for the period 2004-12. Many researchers have applied GIS to reveal the spatial and temporal structure of groundwater level fluctuation and as a management and decision tool. The analysis of results indicated a mix of negative and positive trends in the groundwater levels. However, the negative trends were much more pronounced than positive ones. Groundwater level in the state ranged between 0.16 to 65.97 m from the ground surface and per cent area with groundwater level depth more than 10 meter (critical category) was about 56% in 2004 and has increased to 64% by 2012. The average annual decline in groundwater level was observed to be above 32 cm/year, with the strongest decline (108.9 cm/year) in Kurukshetra district.  相似文献   

Ten years (1985–1994) of data were analyzed to investigate general patterns of phytoplankton and nutrient dynamics, and to identify major factors controlling those dynamics in the York River Estuary, Virginia. Algal blooms were observed during winter-spring followed by smaller summer blooms. Peak phytoplankton biomass during the winter-spring blooms occurred in the mid reach of the mesohaline zone whereas peak phytoplankton biomass during the summer bloom occurred in the tidal fresh-mesohaline transition zone. River discharge appears to be the major factor controlling the location and timing of the winter-spring blooms and the relative degree of potential N and P limitation. Phytoplankton biomass in tidal fresh water regions was limited by high flushing rates. Water residence time was less than cell doubling time during high flow seasons. Positive correlations between PAR at 1 m depth and chlorophylla suggested light limitation of phytoplankton in the tidal fresh-mesohaline transition zone. Relationships of salinity difference between surface and bottom water with chlorophylla distribution suggested the importance of tidal mixing for phytoplankton dynamics in the mesohaline zone. Accumulation of phytoplankton biomass in the mesohaline zone was generally controlled by N with the nutrient supply provided by benthic or bottom water remineralization.  相似文献   

Aquatic primary productivity, mangrove ecology, and fish community dynamics were investigated in the Teacapán-Agua Brava lagoon-estuarine system, the most extensive mangrove ecosystem on the Pacific coast of Mexico with three species of mangroves distributed heterogeneously (Laguncularia racemosa, Rhizophora mangle, andAvicennia germinans). Tree density was 3,203 trees ha?1 and basal area was 14.0 m2 ha?1. Litterfall was 1,417 g m?2 yr?1, characteristic of a productive riverine forest. The degradation constant forLaguncularia racemosa leaves varied from 1.71 to 4.7 yr?1 and mean annual net aquatic productivity was 0.41 g C m?3 d?1. There were high concentrations of humic substances (up to 150 mg l?1) early in the wet season. Seasonal variations of the above parameters seemed closely related to the ecology of fish populations. There were 75 fish species distributed in two principal assemblages associated with wet and dry seasons. Diversity and biomass analysis indicated 18 dominant species. Total biomass of the community in this coastal system was estimated at 10 g wet wt m?2. The highest biomass occurred in the wet season. The most common fish species wereMugil curema, Achirus mazatlanus, Galeichthys caerulescens, Arius liropus, Diapterus peruvianus, Lile stolifera, Centropomus robalito, andEucinostomus sp., all of which have fishery importance. Primary productivity and fish community ecology are controlled by habitat characteristics, river discharge, and climatic seasonality.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this paper is to compare the optical behaviour of three uniaxial opaque minerals containing nickel as the sole necessary cation, namely, nickeline (NiAs), breithauptite (NiSb), and millerite (-NiS). Their reflectances have been measured in air and in oil between 400 and 700 nm. Since all three sets of curves indicate that calculations of refraction indices and absorption indices may be made with small errors only, these calculations have been made. It is found that within a great part of the visible spectrum the maximum absorption indices occur for vibrations perpendicular to the shortest Ni–Ni distance.
Auflichtuntersuchungen von Nickelin, Breithauptit und Millerit
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die optischen Eigenschaften dreier einachsiger opaker Minerale, die Nickel als einziges Kation enthalten, verglichen—nämlich Nickelin (NiAs), Breithauptit (NiSb) und Millerit (-NiS). Ihr Reflexionsvermögen wurde in Luft und in Öl zwischen 400 und 700 nm gemessen. Die ermittelten Reflexionskurven dieser drei Minerale erlauben die Berechnung der Brechungsindizes und der Absorptionskonstanten mit relativ kleinen Fehlern. Es zeigt sich, daß innerhalb eines Großteils des sichtbaren Spektrums die maximalen Absorptionskonstanten für Schwingungsrichtungen senkrecht zu den kürzesten Ni–Ni Abständen auftreten.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   

Seagrass both disappeared and recovered within 4 yr in one region of northern Indian River Lagoon (IRL). For the specific area referred to as Turnbull Bay, a relatively pristine area of the IRL, over 100 ha of seagrass completely disappeared from 1996 to 1997 and then recovered by 2000. Based on lagoon-wide mapping from aerial photographs taken every 2–3 years since 1986, coverage of seagrass in Turnbull Bay declined from 124 ha in 1989 to 34 ha by 1999 and increased to 58 ha in 2003. Bi-annual monitoring of fixed seagrass transects tells a more detailed story. Species composition along the Turnbull transect shifted fromHalodule wrightii toRuppia maritima beginning in 1995, and macroalgal abundance increased. By the summer of 1997, seagrass completely disappeared along the transect, as well as in most of the surrounding areas in Turnbull Bay; macroalgae covered much of the sediment surface. No significant water quality changes were detected. Light attenuation and suspended solid values did increase after the seagrass disappeared. Porewater sulfide concentrations, taken after all the grass was gone in 1997, were high (2,000 μM), but did improve by 1998 (1,200 μM). Seagrass recovery was rapid and occurred in the reverse sequence of species loss. Seedlings ofR. maritima were the first colonizers, then patches ofH. wrightii appeared. In 2000,Halophila engelmannii returned in the deeper water (>0.6m). By the summer of 2000, the beds had completely recovered. We conclude that this demise was a natural event caused by a long-term buildup of seagrass biomass and a thick (10–15 cm) layer of organic detritus and ooze. We surmise that such a crash and subsequent recovery may be a natural cycle of decline and recovery within this semirestricted, poorly-flushed area. The frequency of this cycle remains uncertain.  相似文献   

1IntroductionUp to now,eutrophication is still a problem af-fecting water quality in many developing countries.Themost important nutrients causing eutrophication arephosphates,nitrates and ammonia(Lijklema,1995;Horne and Goldman,1994).Eutrophic waters are…  相似文献   

The Bar Hill-Whitchurch-Wrexham Morainic Complex is a large-scale glacial landform thought to represent either the maximum extent or the re-advance of the British-Irish Ice Sheet during the Late Devensian. The origin of the moraine remains uncertain as its key characteristics have not been studied in detail due to a lack of exposures from which its large-scale structure can be determined. The development of new technologies has enabled detailed examination of the topography and internal structure of such large-scale landforms. This paper describes a multi-disciplinary approach involving digital geomorphological mapping using enhanced resolution NextMAP™ digital surface models, geophysical imaging (electrical resistivity tomography) and conventional sedimentological analyses. This combination of techniques is useful for elucidating the origin of a large glacial landform in a region of poor exposure. Digital elevation models such as NextMAP™ offer an efficient and accurate method for landform-mapping, whilst electrical resistivity tomography was able to map the major constituent sediments of the moraine, which had in turn been identified in the single exposure available. Additional geophysical techniques should however be applied to provide further structural data and thereby enable a more detailed interpretation of the moraine's internal structure. Preliminary findings indicate that the moraine is a glaciotectonic landform composed of diamicton and glaciofluvial sediments, an origin consistent with recent suggestions that the Cheshire Plain contained an active ice lobe during the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

通过在会泽县地区开展的区矿调工作,发现该地区的飞仙关组地层中植物化石丰富,赋存多金属矿产。通过实测剖面观察,四条飞仙关组剖面的岩性总体上变化不大,横向上从西到东,岩石粒度变小,成熟度增高,并出现海相沉积。通过对资料分析、地层对比、实地观察,结合构造特征,初步认为会泽地区在早三叠时期为一相对稳定的陆棚环境,地台有一定的下降,沉积环境从陆相渐变为海相。  相似文献   

Gravity and magnetic analysis provide an opportunity to deduce and understand to a large extent the stratigraphy, structure and shape of the substructure. Euler deconvolution is a useful tool for providing estimates of the localities and depth of magnetic and gravity sources. Wavelet analysis is an interesting tool for filtering and improving geophysical data. The application of these two methods to gravity and magnetic data of the Liberia Basin enable the definition of the geometry and depth of the subsurface geologic structures. The study reveals the basin is sub-divided and the depth to basement of the basin structure ranges from about 5 km at its North West end to 10 km at its broadest section eastward. Magnetic data analysis indicates shallow intrusives ranging from a depth of 0.09 km to 0.42 km with an average depth of 0.25 km along the margin. Other intrusives can be found at average depths of 0.6 km and 1.7 km respectively within the confines of the basin. An analysis of the gravity data indicated deep faults intersecting the transform zone.  相似文献   

Palaeoseismological and morphotectonic analyses enable us to define a 400-m-wide actively deformed zone associated with the active Eliki normal fault, central Greece, bounded on the south by a second-order fault and on the north by a composite and prominent fault scarp. This scarp is further analysed by trenching. Based on colluvium stratigraphy, displacement of distinct horizons and deposition of sedimentary layers, three faulting events have been identified along four fault strands affecting unconsolidated sediments in the trench. The two younger events, with throws of 0.93 and 1.37 m, respectively, the third event, with a throw of 0.44 m, and the penultimate 373 BC event suggest a variable seismic history.The entire alluvial plain of the Kerynitis and Vouraikos rivers, which cross the Eliki fault, has subsided at a rate of 1.4 mm/year, resulting in the burial of the Late Hellenistic–Roman occupation horizons under 3 m of fluvial and colluvial sediments in places.Extension in the broader area is accommodated by the seismically active Eliki and Egion faults. Structural and palaeoseismological analysis of those two faults indicates that they accommodate 1.5 mm/year, or about 10% of the geodetically estimated extension of up to 13 mm/year.  相似文献   

The distribution and dynamics of water molecules and monovalent cations (Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+, and H3O+) on muscovite surfaces were investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The direct comparison of calculated X-ray reflectivity profiles and electron density profiles with experiments revealed the precise structure at the aqueous monovalent electrolyte solutions/muscovite interface. To explain the experimentally observed electron density profiles for the CsCl solution-muscovite interface, the co-adsorption of Cs+ and Cl ion pairs would be necessary. Two types of inner-sphere complexes and one type of outer-sphere complex were observed for hydrated Li+ ions near the muscovite surface. For Na+, K+, Cs+, and H3O+ ions, the inner-sphere complexes were stable on the muscovite surface. The density oscillation of water molecules was observed to approximately 1.5 nm from the muscovite surface. The number of peaks and the locations for the density of water oxygen atoms were almost similar among the water molecules coordinated to Li+, Na+, K+, and H3O+ ions adsorbed on the muscovite surfaces. The water molecules around Cs+ ions that were adsorbed to muscovite surfaces seemed to avoid coordinating with Cs+ ions on the surface, and the density of water oxygen near the muscovite surface decreased relative to that in a bulk state. There was no significant difference in self-diffusion, viscosity, retention time, and reorientation time of water molecules among different cations adsorbed to muscovite surfaces. These translational and rotational motions of water molecules located at less than 1 nm from the muscovite surfaces were slower than those in a bulk state. A significant difference was observed for the exchange times of water molecules around monovalent cations. The exchange time of water molecules was long around Li+ ions and decreased with an increase in the ionic radius.  相似文献   

The Sudbury offsets are a series of dike-like structures that appear either to radiate out from, or parallel the main Sudbury irruptive. In an attempt to establish the tectonic and magmatic relationship of these offsets to the main irruptive over 50 sites from 8 offsets were sampled for a paleomagnetic survey. From the over 10,000 measurements it is possible to derive a number of conclusions. First, the offsets are the end product of at least four separate intrusive pulses exactly the same as the main irruptive. The initial formation of the offsets coincides with the intrusion of the norite in the main irruptive. Second, the oldest remanence direction from the offsets exhibits the same directional differences between the north and south ranges as is seen in the norite component of the main irruptive. The offsets must therefore have suffered the same magnitude and sense of tectonic rotations as the immediately adjacent sector of the main irruptive. Three remanence components appear to be intimately associated with the distribution of sulfide rich zones. Of these three, one undoubtedly records a period of magmatic sulphide deposition. The other two appear to be recording mineralization events which require longer periods of remanence blocking and possible models include remobilization and redeposition of pre-existing deposits, and secondary hydrothermal introduction of a new generation of sulphides.  相似文献   

We evaluate if the distribution and abundance ofThalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme, andHalodule wrightii within Biscayne Bay, Florida, are influenced by salinity regimes using, a combination of field surveys, salinity exposure experiments, and a seagrass simulation model. Surveys conducted in June 2001 revealed that whileT. testudinum is found throughout Biscayne Bay (84% of sites surveyed),S. filiforme andH wrightii have distributions limited mainly to the Key Biscayne area.H. wrightii can also be found in areas influenced by canal discharge. The exposure of seagrasses to short-term salinity pulses (14 d, 5–45‰) within microcosms showed species-specific susceptibility to the salinity treatments. Maximum growth rates forT testudinum were observed near oceanic salinity values (30–40‰) and lowest growth rates at extreme values (5‰ and 45‰).S. filiforme was the most susceptible seagrass species; maximum growth rates for this species were observed at 25‰ and dropped dramatically at higher and lower salinity.H. wrightii was the most tolerant, growing well at all salinity levels. Establishing the relationship between seagrass abundance and distribution and salinity is especially relevant in South Florida where freshwater deliveries into coastal bays are influenced by water management practices. The seagrass model developed by Fong and Harwell (1994) and modified here to include a shortterm salinity response function suggests that freshwater inputs and associated decreases in salinity in nearshore areas influence the distribution and growth of single species as well as modify competitive interactions so that species replacements may occur. Our simulations indicate that although growth rates ofT. testudinum decrease when salinity is lowered, this species can still be a dominant component of nearshore communities as confirmed by our surveys. Only when mean salinity values are drastically lowered in a hypothetical restoration scenario isH. wrightii able to outcompeteT. testudinum.  相似文献   

Large-scale molecular simulation of proton accumulations were carried out on (i) (110) and (021) slabs immersed in aqueous solution and (ii) a series of model goethite nanoparticles of dimension 2 to 8 nm with systematically varying acicularity and (110)/(021) surface areas. In the slab systems, the (021) surface exhibits 15% more proton charge per unit area than the (110) surface. In the particulate systems, the acicular particles having the highest (110)/(021) ratio accumulate the most charge, opposite to the trend expected from the slab simulations, indicating that, at length scales on the order of 10 nm, the slab results are not a good indicator of the overall charging behavior of the particles. The primary reason for the discrepancy between the particulate systems and slab systems is the preferential accumulation of protons at acute (110)-(110) intersections. Charge accumulates preferentially in this region because excess proton charge at an asperity is more effectively solvated than at a flat interface.  相似文献   

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