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The effects of uncertainty in the specification of surface characteristics on simulated atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) processes and structure were investigated using a one-dimensional soil-vegetation-boundary layer model. Observational data from the First International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project Field Experiment were selected to quantify prediction errors in simulated boundary-layer parameters. Several numerical 12-hour simulations were performed to simulate the convective boundary-layer structure, starting at 0700 LT 6 June 1987.In the control simulation, measured surface parameters and atmospheric data were used to simulate observed boundary-layer processes. In the remaining simulations, five surface parameters – soil texture, initial soil moisture, minimum stomatal resistance, leaf area index, and vegetation cover – were varied systematically to study how uncertainty in the specification of these surface parameters affects simulated boundary-layer processes.The simulated uncertainty in the specification of these five surface parameters resulted in a wide range of errors in the prediction of turbulent fluxes, mean thermodynamic structure, and the depth of the ABL. Under certain conditions uncertainty in the specifications of soil texture and minimum stomatal resistance had the greatest influence on the boundary-layer structure. A lesser but still moderately strong effect on the simulated ABL resulted from (1) a small decrease (4%) in the observed initial soil moisture (although a large increase [40%] had only a marginal effect), and (2) a large reduction (66%) in the observed vegetation cover. High uncertainty in the specification of leaf area index had only a marginal impact on the simulated ABL. It was also found that the variations in these five surface parameters had a negligible effect on the simulated horizontal wind fields. On the other hand, these variations had a significant effect on the vertical distribution of turbulent heat fluxes, and on the predicted maximum boundary-layer depth, which varied from about 1400–2300 m across the 11 simulations. Thus, uncertainties in the specification of surface parameters can significantly affect the simulated boundary-layer structure in terms of meteorological and air quality model predictions.  相似文献   

The differences and similarities in atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) characteristics, in particular the ABL height, evolution and wind field, between two contrasting episodes of the Indian summer monsoon have been studied using measurements from wind profilers and an instrumented 50-m tower at Gadanki in India. The observed differences are discussed in light of various forcing mechanisms, in particular the effect of soil moisture on the surface energy balance and ABL. The differences in ABL height, its evolution and the wind field between episodes are quite pronounced. Wet episodes not only have a shallower ABL but also the growth is delayed by 1–4 h when compared with that for dry episodes. Abundant soil moisture during the wet episodes (a factor of two greater than during the dry episodes) reduces the buoyancy flux, and thereby not only limits the ABL height but also delays the commencement of ABL growth. The low-level jet (LLJ) is stronger during the dry episodes and has a larger diurnal range than during the wet episodes. The highest occurrence and magnitude of LLJ apparent at a height of 1.5 km during early morning hours shift progressively with height and time till the afternoon, following ABL evolution. The weaker LLJ during the wet episodes is attributed to its southward migration from its mean position (15 \(^{\circ }\) N). Larger signal-to-noise ratio and spectral width values are observed during the early night to midnight, compared to noon-time, when the ABL is buoyantly turbulent.  相似文献   

Tracer transport in the atmosphere is controlled not only by synoptic-scale to mesoscale weather disturbances but also by microscale boundary-layer processes especially under fair-weather conditions. The present study investigates numerically the diurnal variation of boundary-layer convection and cumulus clouds and their role in transporting tracers by conducting high-resolution simulations that explicitly resolve turbulent eddies. The transport of dust aerosols in a desert area under two distinct stability conditions is specifically examined. Convection plays a significant role in transporting dust upward; in other words, the vertical depth of the dust transport is critically determined by the depth of convection. Deep convection is effective in transporting dust into the free atmosphere. The early morning stratification strongly regulates the temporal evolution and the vertical growth of convection and therefore the amount of tracer emission and transport. A sensitivity to model resolution of O (1 km) in a cloud-resolving simulation range is also examined. A proper parameterization for activating microscale convection is required for representing the diurnal variation of convection and tracer transport.  相似文献   

The atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) depth was observed by airborne lidar and balloon soundings during the Southern Great Plains 1997 field study (SGP97). This paper is Part I of a two-part case study examining the relationship of surface heterogeneity to observed ABL structure. Part I focuses on observations. During two days (12–13 July 1997) following rain, midday convective ABL depth varied by as much as 1.5 km across 400 km, even with moderate winds. Variability in ABL depth was driven primarily by the spatial variation in surface buoyancy flux as measured from short towers and aircraft within the SGP97 domain. Strong correlation was found between time-integrated buoyancy flux and airborne remotely sensed surface soil moisture for the two case-study days, but only a weak correlation was found between surface energy fluxes and vegetation greenness as measured by satellite. A simple prognostic one-dimensional ABL model was applied to test to what extent the soil moisture spatial heterogeneity explained the variation in north–south ABL depth across the SGP97 domain. The model was able to better predict mean ABL depth and variations on horizontal scales of approximately 100 km using observed soil moisture instead of constant soil moisture. Subsidence, advection, convergence/divergence and spatial variability of temperature inversion strength also contributed to ABL depth variations. In Part II, assimilation of high-resolution soil moisture into a three-dimensional mesoscale model (MM5) is discussed and shown to improve predictions of ABL structure. These results have implications for ABL models and the influence of soil moisture on mesoscale meteorology  相似文献   

Over arid regions in north-west China, the atmospheric boundary layer can be extremely high during daytime in late spring and summer. For instance, the depth of the observed convective boundary layer can exceed 3,000 m or even be up to 4,000 m at some stations. In order to characterize the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) conditions and to understand the mechanisms that produce such an extreme boundary-layer height, an advanced research version of the community weather research and forecasting numerical model (WRF) is employed to simulate observed extreme boundary-layer heights in May 2000. The ability of the WRF model in simulating the atmospheric boundary layer over arid areas is evaluated. Several key parameters that contribute to the extremely deep boundary layer are identified through sensitivity experiments, and it is found that the WRF model is able to capture characteristics of the observed deep atmospheric boundary layer. Results demonstrate the influence of soil moisture and surface albedo on the simulation of the extremely deep boundary layer. In addition, the choice of land-surface model and forecast lead times also plays a role in the accurate numerical simulation of the ABL height.  相似文献   

Motivated by the observation that the diurnal evolution of sensible and latent heat fluxes tends to maintain a constant Bowen ratio, we derive approximate solutions of the ordinary differential equations of a simplified atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) model. Neglecting the early morning transition, the potential temperature and specific humidity of the mixed layer are found to be linearly related to the ABL height. Similar behaviour is followed by the inversion strengths of temperature and humidity at the top of the ABL. The potential temperature of the mixed layer depends on the entrainment parameter and the free-atmosphere temperature lapse rate, while the specific humidity also depends on the free-atmosphere humidity lapse rate and the Bowen ratio. The temporal dynamics appear only implicitly in the evolution of the height of the boundary layer, which in turn depends on the time-integrated surface sensible heat flux. Studying the limiting behaviour of the Bowen ratio for very low and very large values of net available energy, we also show how the tendency to maintain constant Bowen ratio during midday hours stems from its relative insensitivity to the atmospheric conditions for large values of net available energy. The analytical expression for the diurnal evolution of the ABL obtained with constant Bowen ratio is simple and provides a benchmark for the results of more complex models.  相似文献   

Over complex terrain, convection and thermally-driven circulations simultaneously occur under fair weather conditions during the day. To investigate these processes on the basis of observations, simultaneous measurements on different scales are necessary. Comprehensive measurements with the mobile observation platform KITcube were performed on the mountainous island of Corsica during the HYdrological cycle in Mediterranean EXperiment (HyMeX) field campaign in late summer and autumn 2012. Using a case study, the benefit of integrated measurement systems and coordinated scan strategies was demonstrated, and experimental evidence of, and new insights into, convective and advective transport processes in a valley were obtained. Convection, thermally-driven circulations and topographic and advective venting led to the diurnal cycle of temperature, humidity and wind over complex terrain in the mountain atmospheric boundary layer (mountain ABL), which was deeper than an ABL over homogeneous terrain under equal surface forcing. Due to the combined transport processes on different scales, the mountain ABL in a valley also extended beyond the convection layer, which was characterized by surface-based, buoyancy-driven turbulent mixing. Strong subsidence, with a vertical velocity of about 1 m s \(^{-1}\) , was present within the mountain ABL for several hours around noon and suppressed the convection-layer growth. Above the layer with subsidence, elevated vertical motions, consisting of alternating updrafts and downdrafts, occurred. Once the convection layer grew to the bottom of the layer with elevated vertical motions, surface-based convective cells occasionally coupled to the elevated updrafts, as a result of which the convection layer rapidly deepened.  相似文献   

A complex marine experiment was conducted in autumn 1991 on the research vessel Dmitry Mendelev in association with the Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX). A three-axis Doppler sodar designed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Moscow, was used in this experiment. Total observation time was about 770 hours from 6 October to 23 November. Besides facsimile records illustrating spatial and temporal structure of the turbulence distribution in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), routine quantitative measurements of profiles of wind and echo-signal strength were taken. Some main characteristics of the ABL behavior over the ocean were revealed through an analysis of these data as well as the results of other kinds of measurements. An important peculiarity of the ABL observed between the Canary Islands and the Azores was the presence of diurnal variation of convective turbulence strength having a maximum between 04:00 and 07:00 LT. A similar diurnal variation was observed for low-level cloud cover. Occurrence of various types of thermal stratification and their diurnal variation were obtained. Comparison of elevated stable layers and low-level cumulus showed that the lower boundary of clouds correlates well with the height of the bottom of elevated inversion layers (at heights of 200–600 m). Canary and Cabo Verde observations showed that islands strongly affect the ABL structure. The strong effect of a surface water temperature gradient on the ABL stability was observed when crossing the Canary, Azores, and Labrador currents and the Gulf Stream.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt is made to assess the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) depth over an urban area, as derived from different ABL schemes employed by the mesoscale model MM5. Furthermore, the relationship of the mixing height, as depicted by the measurements, to the calculated ABL depth or other features of the ABL structure, is also examined. In particular, the diurnal evolution of ABL depth is examined over the greater Athens area, employing four different ABL schemes plus a modified version, whereby urban features are considered. Measurements for two selected days, when convective conditions prevailed and a strong sea-breeze cell developed, were used for comparison. It was found that the calculated eddy viscosity profile seems to better indicate the mixing height in both cases, where either a deep convective boundary layer develops, or a more confined internal boundary layer is formed. For the urban scheme, the incorporation of both anthropogenic and storage heat release provides promising results for urban applications.  相似文献   

Summary ?A time-dependent semi-geostrophic Ekman boundary-layer model (SG), including slowly varying eddy diffusivity with height and inertial term effects, is developed to investigate the diurnal wind variation in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). An approximate analytical solution of this model is derived by using the WKB method, which extends the Tan and Farahani (1998)’s solution by including the vertical variable eddy viscosity. The features of the diurnal wind variation in the PBL mainly depend on three factors: the latitude, horizontal momentum advection and eddy viscosity. The vertical variable eddy viscosity has little influence on diurnal wind variation in the PBL at the low latitude, however its effect may be exacerbated in the mid- and high latitudes. In comparing with the constant eddy viscosity case, the decreasing (increasing) with height eddy viscosity produces a large (small) maximum wind speed (MWS) in the PBL, however, the eddy viscosity that has a mid-layer peak in the vertical gives rise to a higher height of occurrence of MWS. For the boundary-layer wind structure, there is a singular point when the modified SG inertial oscillation frequency η equals the forcing frequency ω. The isotachs of boundary-layer wind speed have almost no tilt to left or right relative to time evolution and the occurrence time of the MWS is the earliest at the singular point. The feature will be enhanced in the decreasing with height eddy viscosity case and weakened in the eddy viscosity initially increasing with height case. Received April 6, 2001; accepted December 27, 2001  相似文献   

A coupling model between the canopy layer (CL) and atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) for the study of dry deposition velocity is developed. The model consists of six parts: chemical species conservation equation including absorptive factor; the species uptake action including detailed vertical variation of absorptive element in CL; momen-tum exchange in CL which is represented by a first-order closure momentum equation with an additional larger-scale diffusive term; momentum exchange in ABL which is described by a complete set of the ABL turbulent statistic parameters; absorptivity (or solubility or reflection) at the surface including effects of the physical and chemi-cal characters of the species, land type, seasonal and diurnal variations of the meteorological variables; and deposition velocity derived by distributions of the species with height in CL. Variational rules of the concentration and deposi-tion velocity with both height and time are simulated with the model for both corn and forest canopies. Results pre-dicted with the bulk deposition velocity derived in the paper consist well with experimental data.  相似文献   

Summary As revealed from the interannual variation of outgoing longwave radiation in the western Pacific, deep cumulus convection along the Meiyü-Baiu front and ITCZ is modulated by the anomalous summer circulation in the following manner: when the sea surface temperatures on the eastern tropical Pacific are anomalously warm (cold), cumulus convection is enhanced (suppressed) along the equator east of 150° E and along the Meiyü-Baiu front, but is suppressed (enhanced) along the equator west of 150° E and along a longitudinal zone (10° N–30° N) extending from the northern section of the South China Sea to the International Dateline. Since tropical deep cumulus convection exhibits a pronounced diurnal variation, the diurnal convection cycle in the western Pacific may undergo an interannual variation coherent with that of deep tropical cumulus convection. This inference is substantiated by our analysis of the diurnal convection cycle for 1980–1993 with 3-hour equivalent black-body temperature observed by the Japanese Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS). As expected, the diurnal convection cycle in the western Pacific is subjected to an interannual variation in accordance with deep cumulus convection along the Meiyü-Baiu front and ITCZ. Except along the equator east of 150° E, the diurnal convection cycle does not exhibit a drastic interannual change in phase.  相似文献   

Diurnal Variation of Tropical Convection during TOGA COARE IOP   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diurnal variation of tropical convection and kinematic and thermodynamic conditions was investigated for different large-scale environments of the convectively active and inactive periods by using satellite observations and surface measurements during the Intensive Observation Period (IOP) of the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere/Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA/COARE). During the convectively active period, the features of nocturnal convection appear in vertical profiles of convergence, vertical velocity, heat source, and moisture sink. The specific humidity increases remarkably in the middle troposphere at dawn. On the other hand, the altitude of maximum convergence and that of the upward motion is lower during the convectively inactive period. The specific humidity peaks in the lower troposphere in the daytime and decreases in the middle troposphere. Spectral analyses of the time series of the infrared (IR) brightness temperature (TBB) and amounts of rainfall suggest multiscale temporal variation with a prominent diurnal cycle over land and oceanic regions such as the Intensive Flux Array (IFA) and the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ). Over land, the daily maximum of deep convection associated with cloud top temperature less than 208 K appears at midnight due to the daytime radiative heating and the sea-land breeze. Over the ocean, convection usually tends to occur at dawn for the convectively active period while in the afternoon during the inactive period. Comparing the diurnal variation of convection with large-scale variables, the authors inferred that moisture in the middle troposphere contributes mostly to the development of nocturnal convection over the ocean during the convectively active period.  相似文献   

High frequency measurements of near-surface meteorological data acquired in north Benin during the 2006 West African monsoon seasonal cycle, in the context of the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) experiment, offer insight into the characteristics of surface turbulence in relation to planetary boundary-layer (PBL) processes. A wide range of conditions is encountered at the lower and upper limits of the PBL: (i) from water-stressed to well-fed vegetation, and (ii) from small to large humidity and temperature jumps at the PBL top inversion, due to the Saharan air layer overlying the monsoonal flow. As a result, buoyant convection at the surface and entrainment at the PBL top play very different roles according to the considered scalar. We show that, when the boundary-layer height reaches the shear level between the monsoonal and Harmattan flows, the temperature source and humidity sink at the boundary-layer top are sufficient to allow the entrainment to affect the entire boundary layer down to the surface. This situation occurs mainly during the drying and moistening periods of the monsoon cycle and affects the humidity statistics in particular. In this case, the humidity turbulent characteristics at the surface are no longer driven solely by buoyant convection, but also by entrainment at the boundary-layer top. Consequently, the Monin–Obukhov similarity theory appears to fail for the parameterisation of humidity-related moments.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of summertime diurnal precipitation in the US Great Plains were examined with the two-dimensional (2D) Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE) cloud-resolving model (CRM). The model was constrained by the observed large-scale background state and surface flux derived from the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program’s Intensive Observing Period (IOP) data at the Southern Great Plains (SGP). The model, when continuously-forced by realistic surface flux and large-scale advection, simulates reasonably well the temporal evolution of the observed rainfall episodes, particularly for the strongly forced precipitation events. However, the model exhibits a deficiency for the weakly forced events driven by diurnal convection. Additional tests were run with the GCE model in order to discriminate between the mechanisms that determine daytime and nighttime convection. In these tests, the model was constrained with the same repeating diurnal variation in the large-scale advection and/or surface flux. The results indicate that it is primarily the surface heat and moisture flux that is responsible for the development of deep convection in the afternoon, whereas the large-scale upward motion and associated moisture advection play an important role in preconditioning nocturnal convection. In the nighttime, high clouds are continuously built up through their interaction and feedback with long-wave radiation, eventually initiating deep convection from the boundary layer. Without these upper-level destabilization processes, the model tends to produce only daytime convection in response to boundary layer heating. This study suggests that the correct simulation of the diurnal variation in precipitation requires that the free-atmospheric destabilization mechanisms resolved in the CRM simulation must be adequately parameterized in current general circulation models (GCMs) many of which are overly sensitive to the parameterized boundary layer heating.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of an isolated meso-\(\gamma \)-scale surface heterogeneity for roughness and albedo on the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) height, with a case study at a semi-arid forest surrounded by sparse shrubland (forest area: \(28~\text{ km }^2\), forest length in the main wind direction: 7 km). Doppler lidar and ceilometer measurements at this semi-arid forest show an increase in the ABL height over the forest compared with the shrubland on four out of eight days. The differences in the ABL height between shrubland and forest are explained for all days with a model that assumes a linear growth of the internal boundary layer of the forest through the convective ABL upwind of the forest followed by a square-root growth into the stable free atmosphere. For the environmental conditions that existed during our measurements, the increase in ABL height due to large sensible heat fluxes from the forest (\(600~\text {W~m}^{-2}\) in summer) is subdued by stable stratification in the free atmosphere above the ABL, or reduced by high wind speeds in the mixed layer.  相似文献   

The present work analyzes the effect of aerosols on the evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) over Shangdianzi in Beijing.A one-dimensional ABL model and a radiative transfer scheme are incorporated to develop the structure of the ABL.The diurnal variation of the atmospheric radiative budget,atmospheric heating rate,sensible and latent heat fluxes,surface and the 2 m air temperatures as well as the ABL height,and its perturbations due to the aerosols with different single-scattering albedo (SSA) are studied by comparing the aerosol-laden atmosphere to the clean atmosphere.The results show that the absorbing aerosols cause less reduction in surface evaporation relative to that by scatting aerosols,and both surface temperature and 2 m temperature decrease from the clean atmosphere to the aerosol-laden atmosphere.The greater the aerosol absorption,the more stable the surface layer.After 12:00 am,the 2 m temperature increases for strong absorption aerosols.In the meantime,there is a slight decrease in the 2 m temperature for purely scattering aerosols due to radiative cooling.The purely scattering aerosols decrease the ABL temperature and enhance the capping inversion,further reducing the ABL height.  相似文献   

The various similarity theories proposed for the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) are critically examined in the light of some recent atmospheric observations as well as the results of numerical modeling experiments. For the surface layer, the theory proposed by Monin and Obukhov (1954) is still the best, although by no means perfect. For the whole ABL, the older Kazanski-Monin (1961) similarity theory is found to be less satisfactory, and must be replaced by the generalized version of Deardorff's (1972a) hypothesis, which considers the effects of varying boundary-layer height, latitude, stability, and baroclinicity. The latter presents no conceptual or mathematical difficulties when applied to low latitudes. The free convection similarity scaling is valid only for certain turbulent quantities, under well-developed convection. The shear convection hypothesis of Zilitinkevich (1973) for the surface layer, as well as its extension for the whole ABL, are found wanting on both theoretical and physical grounds, and lead to unrealistic predictions about the turbulence structure.Contribution No. 350, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington.  相似文献   

A time-dependent semi-geostrophic Ekman boundary-layer model based on the geostrophic momentum approximation is used to study the diurnal wind variation in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and the evolution of the low-level nocturnal jet (LLJ). The coefficient of eddy viscosity varies periodically with time, varies linearly with height in the surface layer and is constant above the surface layer. The influence of horizontal advection of momentum on the diurnal wind variation in the PBL, the development of inertial oscillations (IOs) and the formation of the LLJ are examined.In comparison with the Ekman solutions, the diurnal wind variation in semi-geostrophic Ekman boundary-layer dynamics has the following features: (1) the phase angle of the diurnal wind wave shifts with height, the rate of shifting is increased in anticyclonic regions and decreased in cyclonic regions, (2) the time of occurrence of the low-level maximum wind speed is later in anticyclonic regions and earlier in cyclonic regions, (3) the height of occurrence of the maximum wind speed is higher in the anticyclonic and lower in cyclonic regions, (4) the wind speed maximum and the amplitude of the diurnal wind variation are larger in anticyclonic and smaller in cyclonic regions, (5) the period of IOs is larger in anticyclonic regions and smaller in cyclonic regions, (6) anticyclonic vorticity is conducive to the generation of LLJ in the PBL. These features are interpreted by means of the physical properties of semi-geostrophic Ekman boundary-layer dynamics and inertial oscillation dynamics.  相似文献   

The Moist Boundary Layer under a Mid-latitude Weather System   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Mid-latitude weather systems are key contributors to the transport of atmospheric water vapour, but less is known about the role of the boundary layer in this transport. We expand a conceptual model of dry boundary-layer structure under synoptic systems to include moist processes, using idealised simulations of cyclone waves to investigate the three-way interaction between the boundary layer, atmospheric moisture and large-scale dynamics. Forced by large-scale thermal advection, boundary-layer structures develop over large areas, analogous to the daytime convective boundary layer, the nocturnal stable boundary layer and transitional regimes between these extremes. A budgeting technique demonstrates the key role of boundary-layer processes in the transport of moisture. Moisture is evaporated from the ocean behind the cold front and in the high-pressure part of the wave, and transported large distances within the boundary layer into the footprint of the warm-conveyor belt. The warm-conveyor belt forms one of the two main processes of boundary-layer ventilation, with shallow cumulus convection being of similar importance.  相似文献   

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